CONTENTS Kubíček F., Opravilová V.& Gaisler J. The 75th Birthday of Dr. Bohumil Losos ..................................................... 1 Opravilová V.& Kubíček F. Bibliography of Publications by Dr. Bohumil Losos ....................................... 7 Degma P. & Opravilová V. Synopsis of Tardigrada for the Czech Republic ........................................... 13 Horsák M. Contribution to our Knowledge of Macroin vertebrate Fauna of the Dyje River downstream of the Nové Mlýny Reservoirs (Czech Republic) ......................... 41 Komzák P. The Spatio-temporal Diversity in Caddisfly Communities (Trichoptera, Insecta) of the Oslava and Chvojnice Streams (Czech Republic) ....................... 63 Kopecký J. New Records of Freshwater Ostracoda (Crustacea) from Southern Moravia (Czech Republic) ................................................................................... 87 Němcová J. Macrozoobenthos of the Jihlava River downstream the Dalešice-Mohelno Reservoirs) ....................................................................................... 99 Pořízková Y. Macrozoobenthos of the Říčka River in the Moravian Karst ........................... 129 Sedlák E. Trichoptera from Crenal and Epirhithral of the Moravice in Velká Kotlina Cirque and Others Sites of the Jeseníky Mountains ................................................ 159 Schenková J., Komárek, O. & Zahrádková S. The Plausibility of Using Oligochaeta to Evaluate Running Waters in the Czech Republic ........................................................................ 173 ISBN 80 - 210 - 2786 - X 55-998B-2001 02/58-22/Př