SBORNÍK PRACÍ FILOZOFICKÉ FAKULTY BRNĚNSKÉ UNIVERZITY STUDIA MINORA FACULTATIS PHILOSOPHICAL UNIVERSITATIS BRUNENSIS S 8, 2002 — BRNO STUDIES IN ENGLISH 28 CONTENTS Jana CHAMONIKOLASOVÁ, The seventieth birthday of Professor Josef Hladký........................9 LINGUISTICS Martin ADAM, Some Special Aspects within the Th- and the Rh-layers......................................11 Jan ČERMÁK, A Diachronie Perspective on Old English Deadjectival Nouns Ending m -t>(u)/-t(u).................................................................................................................19 Libuše DUŠKOVÁ and Tomáš KLÉGR, Coordination as a factor in article usage.......................27 NadězdaKUDRNÁČOVÁ, The Internal Semantic Stucture Of Nod And Shrug..........................57 Milan RŮŽIČKA, Temporalisation of Eventualities......................................................................65 Jitka VLČKOVÁ, Social Values, Their Linguistic Coding and Changes Through Time..............91 LITERATURE Zdeňka BRANDEJSKÁ, Devising Consolation: The Mental Landscapes of Stoppard's Arcadia......................................................................................................................103 Pavel DRÁBEK, The Prophetess and Life is a Dream.................................................................119 Milada FRANKOVÁ, The Loving Gaze of the Everyday in the Words of Michěle Roberts's Prose..........................................................................................................................127 Lidia KYZLINKOVÁ, Ruth Rendell/Barbara Vine: Social Thriller On The Crocodile Bird Siná Asia's Book.........................................................................................................137 Kateřina PRAJZNEROVÁ, Testing The Psychological And Social Limits Of Female Im/Potency: Transgressive Elements In Elizabeth Inchbald's/4 Simple Story...........147 CULTURAL STUDIES Lucie JANOUŠOVÁ, A Cultural Approach to Understanding Northern Ireland.........................161 REVIEWS Milada FRANKOVÁ, Maureen Duffy: England. The Making of the Myth. From Stonehenge to Albert Square. London: Fourth Estate 2001, 274 p...............................................171 Naděžda KUDRNÁČOVÁ, Pamela B. Faber and Ricardo Mairal Usón: Constructing a lexicon of English verbs. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 1999, 335 p......172