Contents Preface (Ludmila Urbanová) 3 Conference opening speech (Jan Pavlík) 7 Part One - Linguistics 1 Jaroslav Peprník English and the Czechs - Plenary lecture 11 2 Libuše Dušková A side view of syntactic constancy of adverbials between English and Czech 19 3 Ludmila Urbanová Some thoughts on the phatic communion and small talk in fictional dialogues 35 4 AlešKlégr The Czech conditional by and its correlates in English. A parallel corpus study 43 5 Naděžda Kudrnáčová External temporal specification in English verbs of motion 53 6 Jan Čermák A typological and quantitative perspective on consonant groups in late Old and early Middle English 59 7 Jaroslav Peprník The semantics of food in Czech and English 65 8 Renata Povolná Comment clauses in English face-to-face conversation 71 9 Jan Chovanec The uses of the present tense in headlines 83 10 Renata Pípalová Towards paragraph typology 93 11 Renata Kamenická Between tentativeness and certainty: Research into one aspect of translator behaviour 103 12 Vladislav Šmolka Subject clauses and related structures 111 13 Martin Adam Some problems of FSP of a religious text 117 14 Jana Hejlková Some sociolinguistic aspects of professional dialogues 125 15 Jan Vomlela Gender and animal nouns in selected web pages devoted to animal keeping and breeding 137 Part Two - Methodology 16 Eva Tandlichová EFT coursebook in learner-centred learning and teaching 145 17 Zuzana Horaničová The influence of cognitive psychology in a second language Instruction 153 18 Radka Perdová Primary and lower-secondary learners' beliefs about foreign language learning 157 19 Lucie Betáková Teaching practice as a motivational factor 165 20 Světlana Hanušova Students' and graduates' views on ELTE study programmes in the Czech Republic 171 21 Natalie Orlova Teaching American little-c culture to prospective teachers of English 179 22 Petra Lexová The difficulties of evaluating English courses for the public 185 23 Anna Hlavňová He who hesitates will be lost 189