CONTENTS Kubíček F. The 70th Birthday of Associate Professor RNDr. Věra Opravilová, CSc.................... 1 Kubíček F. Bibliography of Publications by Associate Professor RNDr. Věra Opravilová, CSc..... 5 Žákova Z., Opravilová V., Schenková J. & Mlejnková H. Occurrence of Freshwater Sponges (Porifera, Spongillidae) and Sponge-associated Organisms in the Dalešice and Mohelno Reservoirs (Czech Republic).................... 9 Tajmrová L. & Uvíra L. Testing the Differences between Caddisfly Communities Inhabiting Moss and Gravel Substrates .......................................................................................... 43 Omesová M. & Helešic J. On the Processing of Freeze-core Samples with Notes on the Impact of Sample Size.. 59 Instructions to Authors........................................................................... 67 ISBN 80-210-3554-4 55-960B-2004 02/58 9/Př