— Table of Contents — List of Abbreviations xxxi Introduction 'During My Long Studies I Have Come to Admire': Penetrating Intimate Victorian Passages Chapter One 25 That World in Which Others Had Moved with So Much Embarrassment': Victorianists and the Taxonomies of Desire Chapter Two 101 'Problems So Beautifully Ingenious': Hopkins and Uranian Problematics Chapter Three 161 'Beautiful Dripping Fragments': A Whitmanesque Reading of Hopkins's 'Epithalamion' Chapter Four 207 'A Sort of Chivalrous Conscience': Pater's Marius the Epicurean and Paederastic Pedagogy Chapter Five 297 'Paedobaptistry': Wilde as Priapic Educationalist Conclusion 373 'The Daring of Poets Later Born': The Uranian Continuum, 1858-2005 Appendices, Bibliography, Use of Images, About the Author 423