Overview of the PhD student activities in the Chemistry program in the field of Environmental Chemistry: 2015/16 Student (given name and surname) Marie Daniƫlle Mulder Supervisor (given name and surname) Gerhard Lammel Consultant (given name and surname) Gerhard Wotawa (ZAMG, Wien) Beginning of the study (month/year) 09/2012 Form of study (delete where appropriate) Present (internal) Summary of yearly research results (15 lines maximum) - applied the Lagrangian atmospheric models FLEXPART and HYSPLIT related to field studies, including development of scripts for batch runs - Analysed atmospheric transports of a field campaign (Aegean 2012) dataset using an innovative sophistication of then Lagrangian particle dispersion model FLEXPART - Analysed local processes of POPs cycling related to a field study using multimedia box modeling, including development of scripts Internship abroad (place, start date, duration) Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany, 7.12.15, 3 days Publication activities 2015/16 (accumulated since 2012) Number of peer-reviewed articles in impacted journals 3 (8) Number of conference (oral/poster) presentations 2 (7) Number of other publishing activities (non peer-reviewed articles, books, book chapters, patents etc.) 0 (2) Public lecture in English (delete where appropriate) yes The most important results (5 maximum, show the impact factor of the journal): 1 Co-author publication in Environ. Sci. Technol., IF 5.39 2 Co-author publication in Atmos. Chem. Phys., IF 5.11 3 Co-author publication in Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res., IF 2.76 4 5