an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes the results of scientific research, original methods, essays, reviews and notices from the field of general (biological-socio-cultural) anthropology and related disciplines.$ **Editor-in-chief**$ Prof. PhDr. Jaroslav Malina, DrSc., Ústav antropologie Přírodovědecké fakulty Masarykovy $univerzity$ **Managing Editor**$ Mgr. Tomáš Mořkovský, Ústav antropologie Přírodovědecké fakulty Masarykovy univerzity$ **Editors**$ Stáňa Bártová, Anatomický ústav Lékařské fakulty Masarykovy univerzity$ Mgr. Martin Čuta, Ph.D., Ústav antropologie Přírodovědecké fakulty Masarykovy univerzity$ Mgr. Robin Pěnička, Ústav antropologie Přírodovědecké fakulty Masarykovy univerzity$ RNDr. Petra Urbanová, Ph.D., Ústav antropologie Přírodovědecké fakulty Masarykovy univerzity$ **Address of editor’s office**$ Anthropologia integra, Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, $Vinařská 5, 603 00 Brno, Czech Republic, e-mail:;$ **Editorial Board**$ Prof. RNDr. Ivan Bernasovský, DrSc., Fakulta humanitných a prírodných vied Prešovskej univerzity $v Prešove, Slovenská republika$ Prof. Dr. H. James Birx, Ph.D., Dr.Sc. hc, Department of Anthropology, Canisius College, Buffalo, $New York, USA; Distinguished Visiting Professor, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade$ Prof. RNDr. Ivo Budil, Ph.D., DSc., Katedra historických věd Fakulty filozofické Západočeské $univerzity v Plzni$ Prof. Vittorio Pesce Delfino, Dipartimento di Anatomia Patologica, Universita degli studi di Bari; $head of Consorzio di ricerca DIGAMMA, Bari, Italie$ RNDr. Hana Eliášová, Ph.D., Kriminalistický ústav Praha$ PhDr. Eva Ferrarová, Ph.D., Ministerstvo vnitra České republiky$ PhDr. Jan Filipský, CSc., Orientální ústav Akademie věd České republiky$ Doc. Ing. Petr Hlaváček, CSc., Fakulta technologická Univerzity Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně$ Prof. Dr. Bruce Jackson, Department of Anthropology, State University of New York, Buffalo, USA$ Prof. PhDr. Josef Kolmaš, DrSc., Orientální ústav Akademie věd České republiky$ Prof. Dr. Janusz Piontek, Ph.D., DSc., Institute of Anthropology, Adam Mickiewicz University, $Poznaň, Polská republika$ Dr. Stefan Lorenz Sorgner, Ph.D., Friedrich-Alexander Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg, Spolková $republika Německo$ Prof. PhDr. Jiří Svoboda, DrSc., Ústav antropologie Přírodovědecké fakulty Masarykovy univerzity $a Archeologický ustav AV ČR Brno$ Doc. Ing. Jan Sýkora, Ph.D., Ústav Dálného východu Filozofické fakulty Univerzity Karlovy v Praze$ Prof. Erik Trinkaus, Washington University, Saint Louis, USA, member of National Academy of $Science of USA$ Prof. PhDr. Břetislav Vachala, CSc., Český egyptologický ústav Univerzity Karlovy v Praze$ Doc. RNDr. Vaclav Vančata, CSc., Oddělení antropologie Katedry biologie a ekologické výchovy $Pedagogické fakulty Univerzity Karlovy v Praze$ RNDr. Daniel Vaněk, Ph.D., Forenzní DNA servis, Fakultní nemocnice Na Bulovce, Praha$ Doc. MUDr. Jaroslav Zvěřina, CSc., Sexuologický ústav 1. lékařské fakulty Univerzity Karlovy a $Všeobecné fakultní nemocnice Univerzity Karlovy v Praze$ **Published by**$ Masarykova univerzita, Žerotínovo náměstí 9, 601 77 Brno, IČ 00216224$ Akademické nakladatelství CERM, Purkyňova 95a., 612 00 Brno, IČ 60733411$ Reviewed scientific journal issued twice a year on the internet and in print with a circulation of 200 $copies. $ Price of one printed issue is 250 Kč (10 EURO). $ Orders for the journal are accepted by the publisher. $ More information and content of the journal are available on the website:$ {{|}}$ The journal welcomes submissions in Czech, English, French, German, Slovak and Spanish, $relating to the field of anthropology (broadly conceived as an integral branch of science with interdisciplinary orientation). The editor’s office accepts electronic contributions sent via e-mail with an accompanying letter, including complete contact information (telephone number included). $ Contributions should be sent to both e-mail accounts: and $ Graphic and typographic design: Stáňa Bártova, Jan Jordán, Tomáš Mořkovský. $ Typesetting: Tomáš Mořkovský. $ Illustration on cover (Adam and Eve, 1998, oil, fibreboard, 66x50 cm) and at the head (Logotype of the Anthropological Institute, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, 1999, Indian ink, paper, 16x9,7 cm) Alois Mikulka. $ Print: FINAL TISK s. r. o. Olomučany. $ Registered by Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic: MK ČR E 19852$ ISSN 1804-6657 (printed version) $ ISSN 1804-6665 (on-line version) $ **Guidelines for contributors to the Anthropologia integra journal**$ The journal //Anthropologia integra// publishes scholarly texts (in the Czech, English, French, German, Slovak and Spanish languages) which correspond to its interdisciplinary orientation. $ **Peer review process**$ Contributions published in the //Anthropologia integra// journal are subjected to a peer review process. International peers will expertly review all submissions, with potential author revisions as recommended by reviewers, in order to publish papers that represent new, previously unpublished work, advance the state of knowledge of the field, and conform to a high standard of scholarly presentation. $ The editor’s office accepts electronic contributions sent via e-mail with an accompanying letter, including complete contact information (telephone number included). Please send your contributions to both e-mail accounts: and $ **Formal guidelines**$ In the journal, original papers, essays, notices, book-reviews and contributions popularizing science and art are published. The contributions’ length shouldn’t exceed 40 standardized text-pages (for original articles), 20 pages (essays) and 10 pages in case of other contributions (a text-page is understood to contain 1800 characters including spaces). $ //Content and structure of contributions//$ 1. Contribution’s title$ 2. Author’s name, full designation and affiliation (including contact and e-mail addresses). $ 2.1. Contributions submitted in the Czech or Slovak language should include a title and a short abstract in English in the range of 100–200 words (maximum 1500 characters), the abstract is preceded by the above-mentioned data – author’s name and contact information; the abstract is followed by 5–8 keywords in English. The abstract and English keywords are followed by a Czech abstract and keywords (similar range). $ 2.2. Contributions submitted in a foreign language should include a title and a short abstract in Czech in the range of 100–200 words (maximum 1500 characters), the abstract is preceded by the author’s name and contact information; the abstract is followed by 5–8 keywords in Czech. The abstract and Czech keywords are followed by an English abstract and keywords (similar range). $ 3. A short curriculum vitae is included at the end of the contribution in the range of 20–30 words (in the language of the contribution). $ 4. Notes to the text referring to bibliographical entries in the literature list are in round brackets – text references consist of the last name of the author/s or editor/s and the year of publication of the work, with no punctuation between them, followed by a coma, and a specific page, section, or other division of the cited work in the following form: … (Boas 1908, 25–28). $ 5. Examples of basic bibliographical entries in the reference list: $ 5.1. book monographs$ Aldred, Cyril (1971): //Jewels of the Pharaohs. Egyptian Jewellery of the Dynastic Period//. London: Thames and Hudson. $ Vachala, Břetislav (2009): //Staroegyptská Kniha mrtvých. Překlad//. Praha: Dokořán. $ 5.2. proceedings papers$ Störk, Lothar (1984): Rabe. In: Helck, Wolfgang – Westendorf, Wolfhart, eds., //Lexikon der Ägyptologie//, V. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 74–75. $ 5.3. journal articles$ Borofski, Robert (2002): The Four Subfields: Anthropologists as Mythmakers. //American Anthropologist//, 104(2), 463–480. $ 5.4. electronic documents$ Hoder, James (1999): The Development of Anthropology in the Sciences and Humanities. (online). http:///// $ 6. Footnotes placed on the same text-page should be numbered consecutively using the upper index and their text should contain references to respective sources (cited in the same manner as text references to the bibliographic entries). $ 7. Citations are to be quoted literally, word for word (including eventual mistakes in the original text followed by sic written in brackets) and always between quotation marks. If a part of the citation is to be omitted, insert round brackets with three dots inside. $ **Technical guidelines**$ 1. The manuscripts have to be created in the MS Word text editor or other compatible one and should have the file format denoted by file extension .doc or .rtf. The authors should use font size 12 (points), 1,5 size vertical spacing and 2,5 cm offset on both sides. The pages are to be be numbered at the bottom, in the centre. $ 2. Words at the end of the line should not be divided and aligned. “Hard-set” line ending (using the ENTER key) is to be used only to end a paragraph or title and subtitle. $ 3. To emphasize a particular text segment italic font should be used, bold or underlined types are to be avoided. $ 4. Internet links should not be copied off the web browser but rewritten as text. $ 5. Illustrations – all documentary material (photographs, diagrams, drawings, sketches, maps) have to be submitted electronically. Each illustration should form a separate file with an appropriate identifier: (fig. 1). Acceptable image / bitmap file illustration formats are as follows: TIFF, JPEG, BMP, GIF, EPS, PSD (minimum resolution of color illustrations is 300dpi while image width is at least 9 cm, in black and white or shades-of-gray illustrations the advisable resolution is up to 600dpi while image width is at least 9 cm). Acceptable vector graphics formats: AI, EPS, PDF, WMF, CDR. The editor’s office does not accept illustrations pasted in the MS Word application. If the author wishes to include illustrations with insufficient resolution (no better resolution key images are available), he/she is advised to do so only after consulting the editor’s office. The illustrations should be sent electronically (by e-mail, online e-disk electronic package delivery etc.) or on a CD together with the text part, in the above-mentioned resolution and format. References to all illustrative documentary material have to be inserted in the text in the following format: (fig. 1, fig. 2 etc.). File names of the individual image files on the CD have to correspond to the respective reference in the text (fig1.tiff). Illustration captions and legends are to be submitted in a separate file. $ 6. Tables and graphs should be submitted in an electronic form as separate files. Ideally they are to be submitted in the form of vector graphics files (AI, EPS, PDF, CDR), or possibly as bitmap graphics files (tiff, jpeg) with high resolution. Tables in the form of separate MS Excel and MS Word program files are also acceptable. References to tables and graphs in the text have to be in the following format: (tab. 1), (graph 1). File-names of the appropriate files on the CD have to bear the same marking as is given in the text (tab1.xls). Table and graph captions are to be submitted in a separate file. $ 7. In the case of illustrations, tables and graphs whose authorship is different from the author of the contribution, the name of the author of the graphics, or if need be the original source should be duly acknowledged (in the form of full citation reference listed as a full bibliographic entry in the literature list; in the captions accompanying the photographs and/or drawings, due credit to the author is mandatory): … Source: Boas 2010, 12. ... Photograph: George Snell. ... Illustration: Jane Black. (Jaroslav Malina)