UNI SCI RECORD of training for external researchers about Ensuring occupational safety and health Date: Workplace (laboratory) 1. Familiarization with the operating rules of the laboratories. 2. Familiarization with the risks and measures taken to eliminate these risks in a comprehensible way. 3. Familiarization with the workplace, prohibitions, orders and instructions for safe stay and movement in the workplace. 4. Obligations • Adhere to the principles of safe behavior at all MUNI's premises, laboratories, workshops, corridors, stairs, etc. • Follow safety rules and instructions they were introduced to. • Follow instructions on safety signs placed around the faculty. • Agree to have their knowledge tested in the scope of the regulatiopn or certain activity, if it is required by safety regulations or justified by risks related to the activity. • Report any faults that might pose a risk to OSH to managerial workers and help removing them, within reasonable means. • Not use alcohol or other substances or attend workplace under the influence of such substances. • Report any injuries that happened during performance of work duties, or in direct connection with these, to a responsible supervisor. • Not use, turn off, turn on, or handle any machines, devices or tools that were not assigned to them over the course of their work and on the use of which they did not receive any instructions. 5. Familiarization with the alarm directive, fire regulations of the laboratory and its annexes, safety data sheets for hazardous chemicals and mixtures, operating instructions for the machines and equipment used. 6. Familiarization with fire hazards in the workplace, possible causes of fire and measures to prevent them. 7. Familiarization with escape routes and exits (they are properly marked and well-visible). 8. Familiarization with location of fire extinguishers, emergency stop button for laboratory. The external researcher may not manipulate, turn on, turn off or operate any machines, devices and equipment that were not assigned to him as part of the work and whose operation he was not familiar with. Name and surname . . supervisor of laboratory UC0 signature I confirm that I have been duly acquainted with the above-mentioned principles for ensuring occupational health and safety and fire safety. I understood that and I undertake to comply with these principles and obligations. Name and surname , , signature external researcher a Masarykova univerzita, Přírodovědecká fakulta Kotlářská 2, 611 77 Brno, IČ: 00216224, DIČ: CZ00216224 Masaryk University, Faculty of Science