Faculty of Science Masaryk University Directive No. 3/2019
Recruitment Procedure at the Faculty of Science MU
Part One
General Provisions
Section 1
General Provisions
(1) This directive on
a Recruitment Procedure at the Faculty of Science Masaryk University
(hereinafter referred to as the directive) is being issued to refine the
internal Masaryk University Selection Procedure Regulations and specifies rules
for recruitment of employees at the Faculty of Science Masaryk University
(hereinafter referred to as the
(2) Part Two
of this directive deals with academic employee recruitment at the Faculty in
accordance with section 77 of the Act, Part Three covers the recruitment of
other employees of the Faculty.
(3) For the
purposes of this directive, a recruitment procedure constitutes a procedure
which focuses on the selection of job applicants for a particular position
according to a set of predefined conditions which correspond to the System of
Positions and Job Titles at the Faculty.
Part Two
Academic Employees
Section 2
Academic Employee Recruitment
(1) The
positions of a professor, associate professor, assistant professor, lecturer I
Il, and academic researcher Il to IV/ as defined in the Ml-J
Internal Wage
Regulations, and the
System of Positions and Job Titles at the Faculty, are filled by following the
Faculty's academic employee recruitment procedure.
(2) For the
appointment of an adjunct professor, the Masaryk University Selection Procedure
Regulations are used i
Section 3
Posting of Open Academic Positions
(1) Open
academic positions are posted/announced by the Faculty Dean (hereinafter
referred to as the %nnouncer").
(2) Open
academic positions are posted/announced on the public section of the MU website
in both Czech and English languages. Open academic positions of an associate
professor or professor must be simultaneously published internationally in
accordance with practices commonly employed in the given field.
It is recommended to publish open positions also on the
Euraxess job site (euraxess.ec.europa.eu) in English, in the Faculty
Organisation Profile.
( 1) The list of qualifications and
prerequisites an applicant must meet for his or her application to be accepted
are specified in the text. These correspond to the System of Positions and Job
Titles at the Faculty.
The international relevance of the applicant l s research
profile must always be specified.
(3) An
application submission deadline of 30 days from announcement applies.
(4) Where
justified, the submission deadline may be extended/ put on hold, or cancelled
by the announcer.
Section 4
Academic Empioyee Selection Committee
(1) An
academic employee selection committee (hereinafter referred to as committee")
and its chairperson must be appointed by the announcer by the application
submission deadline. The announcer, i.e., the FacuEty Dean, is always a
committee member. The appropriate Department Head is a committee chairperson.
The announcer may appoint a permanent selection committee with new members appointed
as needed in accordance with subsection 2,
(2) The
committee must consist of no less than five members; the number of committee
members, including the committee chair, must be odd.
(3) The
committee shall bring together diverse expertise and competences and have an
adequate gender balance where feasible. The committee shall include members
from different disciplines, with relevant experience to assess the candidate.
(4) The
committee must include a representative of the unit which the open position js
posted/announced for, usually the head of such a unit. This does not apply
where the open position is to fill the position of the head of such a unite
(5) A member
of the Faculty HR department participates in a support role, and is not a
member of the selection committee.
(6) The
committee must include a foreign expert for an associate professor, professor,
academic researcher Ill and IV, and adjunct professor open posittons.
(7) A foreign
expert as a committee member is a person of foreign nationa'ity not permanently
employed in the Czech Republic. In exceptional cases, a Czech citizen not
employed in the Czech Republic may also be considered as a foreign expert.
(8) The
committee may not include a person who has a close personal relationship with
the applicant or a person who is also applying for the position. Should this
situation occur, he or she must immediately inform the announcer.
(9) Committee
members shall be adequately trained in the recruitment rules and procedures
that are described in the handbook of the Faculty Recruitment Process
(10) Committee
members must maintain confidentiality at all times.
Section 5
Academic Employee Selection Procedure
(1) The
selection must be initiated and completed without undue delay.
(2) The
committee chair has the right to exclude applicants that clearly fail to meet
open position requirements. The committee members are informed of the exclusion
after the fact. Questionable applications shall be evaluated by the entire
(3) Whenever
possible, a wide range of selection practices shall be used, such as external
expert assessment, and face-to-face interviews.
(4) An
interview, either in person or using electronic communication tools designed to
facilitate an interview, must take place at last round of the selection process
at the latest.
(5) The
committee takes into account submitted materials as well as interviews
conducted with the applicants when making decisions about applicants who have
met the position's requirements. The committee may request the submission of
additional materials or documents other than those initially required to
further assess the qualifications of applicants.
(6) The
committee adheres to the principles of the European Code of Conduct for the
Recruitment of Researchers, namely recognition of mobility experience,
respecting variations in chronological order of CVs, and when judging merit
(i.e., merit should be judged qualitatively as welt as quantitatively),
(7) For
academic positions, the committee may invite the applicant to give a public
(8) The
committee decides by a public vote unless otherwise agreed. The outcome of the
vote is included in written minutes.
(9) The
committee does not lose its ability to have a quorum in case an absence renders
the number of present members even.
(10) The committee
has a quorum if at least three of its members are present, including the
chairperson; overall majority of the committee r s members must be present.
(11) The outcome
of the vote divides applicants into those who are to be further considered and
those who are excluded from further consideration.
(12) An overall
majority of all present members is needed for the committee to reach a decision
regarding each applicant.
(13) The order of
applicants is also determined by a committee vote, with the most suitable
applicant ranked in the first place. In case of an equality of votes, the
committee chair decides. The committee may decide that none of the applicants
are suitable for the position in question,
(14) The committee
session is recorded in written minutes and signed by all present committee
members. The minutes are not public.
(15) In justified
cases, the committee chair may decide to hold a correspondence vote. In such
cases, the committee chair provides committee members with materials in
electronic form and specifies a deadline for the submission of a written
statement specifying qualified and unqualified applicants as well as the order
of the qualified applicants. A decision regarding an applicant must be
confirmed by at least three committee members, and must simultaneously
constitute a majority of all votes. The outcome of the vote is announced by the
committee chair and subsequently recorded in written minutes, signed by the
committee chair. Statements made by the committee members are also included in
the minutes. The chair is responsible for communicating the minutes to ali
other committee members.
(16) The selection
is concluded once the announcer decides whether or not an applicant has been
selected for a given position. In case no applicant is deemed suitable, the
announcer may either decide to repeat the posting or seek an alternative
(17) Any decision
made by the announcer is bound by the committee's conclusions regarding the
selection of qualified and unqualified applicants. The announcer is not bound
by the order of the successful applicants provided by the committee.
(18) The outcome
of the selection panel is announced to applicants without delay.
(19) The announcer
is required to publish the selection outcome on the effective day of the
decision at the earliest but no later than 10 days after the effective day of
the decision. The fjiled position and the name of the selected applicant is
posted on the public section of the MU website.
(20) In justified
cases, the selection may be carried out in an alternative mode using online
communication technologies. The realisation and specific course of an
alternative selection are decided by the committee chair.
Section 6
Academic Employee Selection Procedure Waiver The academic
employee selection procedure may be waived:
a) in case an
employment relationship is repeatedly estabEished with an employee currently
holding the position in question,
b) in case a
position is filled by a directly recruited applicant, especially from abroad.
In such case, the MU Scientific Board must approve this procedure for the
positions of associate professor, professor, academic researcher Ill and IV, or
adjunct professor. Additional conditions for filling a position using this
format are determined by the Rector or the head of MU constituent part,
c) in case an academic
employee position is filled by an applicant who qualified for a similar
position at the Faculty no more than 12 months before,
d) in other
cases, in particular when filling a position in line with the Faculty Career
Code under the circumstances that employee 's duties are changing, correspond
to a higher level position, and an employee has achieved required academic rank
at the same time. Further on, in case of moving from the position of an
Professor to the position of a Lecturer Il or an Academic
e) in the case
the Academic Researcher Ill and IV positions are filled in line with this
provision, the requirement of achieving an academic rank is substituted by
criteria such as length of experience, long-term work performance and
fulfitment of given duties at an excellent level, and level of scientific and
research activity similar to standards required for habilitation and professor
appointment procedures.
Part Three
Other Employees
Section 7
Other Employee Recruitment
(1) The
recruitment of other employees is carried out in accordance with the other
employee recruitment procedure.
Section 8
Other Employee Open Positions Announcement
(2) Other
employee open positions are, In accordance with section 7, announced by the
Faculty Dean or Bursar,
(3) Positions
are posted/announced on the public section of the MU website.
it is recommended to pubiish postings for non-academic
researchers on the Euraxess job site (euraxess.ec.europa.eu) in the Faculty
Organisation Profile, eventually also on other research-oriented job portals jn
For other employees - superiors at
the Faculty or support staff, it is recommended to publish the open positions
on a public job portal, e.g. jobsscz.
(4) The text
of other employee position announcement lists the requirements an applicant
must meet for his or her application to be accepted, which correspond to the
System of Positions and Job Titles at the Faculty.
(5) An
application submission deadline of 14 days from announcement applies.
(6) In justified
cases, the posting may be extended, halted* or cancelled by the announcer.
Section 9
Other Employee Selection Committee
(1) A
non-academic employee selection committee (hereinafter referred to as
committee") and its chairperson must be appointed by the announcer by the
application submission deadline. The related unit head is a committee
(2) The
committee must consist of no less than three members; the number of committee members - including the committee chair - must be odd.
(3) The
committee shall bring together diverse expertise and competences and have an
adequate gender balance where feasible. The committee shall include members
from different disciplines, with relevant experience to assess the candidate.
(4) Other
employee selection committee always includes the immediate superior of the
position in question.
(5) A member
of a Faculty HR department participates at the additional employee selection
panel in a support role, and can be a member of a selection committee in
relevant cases.
(6) The
committee may not include a person who has a close personal relationship with
the applicant or a person who is also applying for the position. Should this
situation occur, he or she must immediately inform the announcer.
(7) Committee
members shall be adequately trained in the recruitment rules and procedures
that are described in the handbook of the Faculty Recruitment Process
(8) Committee
members must maintain confidentiality at all times.
Section 10
Other Employee Selection Procedure
Section 5, subsections 1 to 6/ and subsections 8 to 20 are
used proportionally for the selection process of other employees.
Section 1 1
Other Employee Seiection Process Waiver Other employee
selection process may be waived :
a) in case an
employment relationship is repeatedly established with an employee currently
holding the position in question,
b) in case a
position is filled by an applicant who has completed other employee selection
procedure for a similar position at the Faculty no more than 12 months before,
c) in case a
position js filled by a directly recruited applicant, especially from abroad.
Additional conditions for filling a position using this way
are determined by the
Faculty Dean,
d) for
non-academic positions tn case that filling of the position is determined by a
project needs (in line with a project/grant staffing plan),
e) in other
cases, in particular when filling a position in line with the Faculty Career
Code by moving to a Researcher 11/111 position after the end of a Post Doc
assignment; tn case of transfer from an academic position to a non-academic one
in accordance with the research needs of the department; and also in case of
nonacademic research positions provided that the employee shall perform advanced
research tasks within a given research project corresponding to a higher level
position; or based on the project/grant staffing needs.
Part Four
Common, Temporary and
Concluding Provisions
Section 12
Common Provisions
Administrative activities associated with recruitment of academic as
well as other employee positions - superiors and the dean's office support
staff — are carried out
by the Faculty HR department.
Administrative activities associated with other employee positions - non-academic research employees and Faculty
departments and other units support staff — are carried out by the support
staff of the department/unit in question with methodical guidance of the
Faculty HR department, which can conduct the administrative activities fully in
case of need.
(2) The
academic employee and other employee recruitment procedure is conducted in
accordance with these Regulations and are carried out while respecting equal
opportunities, specifically including the particular requirements of individual
social groups as well as the requirements of persons with sensory or physical
(3) The
implementation of this directive must not lead to any discrimination, unequal
treatment, or unauthorized usage of personal data provided by applicants,
(4) All the
selection committee members must shred respectively remove all the materials
intended explicitly for the purpose of the selection panel, immediately after
the selection procedure concludes, and must not use these materials in any way any further.
Section 13
Temporary Provisions
All posted open positions announced prior to this directive
entering into force are
governed only by the Masaryk University Regulations on
Competitive Selection Procedures for Filling Academic and Other Positions.
Section 14
Concluding Provisions
Interpretation of this directive and its updates are the responsibility
of the Head of the HR department.
Verification of compliance with this directive is the responsibility of
the Faculty Bursar.
(3) This Directive is
valid from the day of its publishing and enters into force on January 1, 2020.
Brno, June 25/ 2019
Assoc. Prof. Mgr. Tomáš Kašparovský Ph.D.