Adobe Systems Masarykova univerzita Žerotínovo nám. 9, 601 77 Brno, Czech Republic CONFIRMATION – CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRY FOR VALUE-ADDED TAX Please confirm that your firm is a registered VAT trader in an EU member state and notify us about your VAT number. Without this information we are not able to order any goods. Please note that Masaryk University is a VAT registered trader with VAT number CZ00216224. Because goods supplied between taxable persons within the European Community are exempted from the need to deduct the input VAT on dispatch if they are sent to another member state, we expect to receive a zero-rated invoice. Thank you for your cooperation Prosím potvrďte, že Vaše firma je ve Vašem členském státě EU registrována jako plátce DPH a sdělte nám prosím číslo registrace. Bez této informace nemůže být naše objednávka zpracována. Naše DIČ: CZ 00216224 Žádáme o vystavení faktury bez DPH. Děkujeme