Guidelines Office for Doctoral Studies, Quality, Academic Affairs and Internationalization, Faculty of Science, MU PROCEDURES AND RULES FOR GRANTING SCHOLARSHIPS WITHIN THE SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMME IN SUPPORT OF THE DOCTORAL STUDENTS MOBILITIES (in the version effective from 1 January 2025) Section 1 Introductory Provisions (1) The PhD Student Mobility Scholarship Programme (hereinafter referred to as the "Scholarship Programme") is announced by the Dean of the Faculty of Science, Masaryk University (hereinafter referred to as "SCI MU") in accordance with the provision of Section 3(1)(b) of the Masaryk University Scholarship and Bursary Regulations. (2) The main purpose of the Scholarship Programme is to support the long-term international mobility of SCI MU doctoral students, such as study stays and internships. The scholarship is not claimable; its final amount is decided by the Vice-Dean for Doctoral Studies. The scholarship aims to cover the costs of doctoral students' foreign stays, taking into account the total amount available, and to satisfy as many applicants as possible. Emphasis is placed on the PhD student's efforts to obtain preferable multi-source funding and the length of stay. (3) The guidelines shall be valid since the effective date of the Dean's Measure No. 7/2019 for an indefinite period (4) The source of funding is primarily the Masaryk University Strategic Plan, or, as the case may be, the Operating Resource Fund, contribution for educational activities, or long-term conceptual development of a research organisation. Section 2 Purpose of the Scholarship Programme and Eligibility Requirements (1) There is no statutory entitlement to the scholarship, and the application may not be fully granted. (2) With regard to doctoral students' obligations and the Faculty's strategy, primarily foreign stays abroad as follows are supported: (a) with a duration of 1 month (30 days) or longer, b) which have received relevant co-financing from other sources, (3) The prerequisite referred to in Section 2(2)(a) is also met, in justified cases, by stays of a minimum duration of 14 days, as long as the student provides evidence of a plan for fulfilling the placement obligation abroad so that he or she stays abroad for a total of at least 30 days over the period of study. In justified cases, it is not necessary to fulfil the condition set out in Section 2(2)(b) and stays without co-financing may also be supported. (4) Exceptionally, a one-off call subject to individual rules may be announced to support the participation of doctoral students in international conferences. Section 3 Conditions for Awarding the Scholarship (1) The scholarship is intended for students of full-time and combined studies of doctoral degree programmes at SCI MU. (2) Students must be enrolled in the standard duration of study or the standard duration of study increased by 1 year. (3) A condition for granting the scholarship is submitting a study agreement (e.g., Learning Agreement/ Learning Agreement for Traineeship), or a letter of invitation/a similar document (e.g., an Acceptance Letter, Cotutelle Agreement) issued by the relevant workplace abroad for the student concerned. (4) Students must participate in the stay abroad on predefined dates and must maintain the planned period. The stay abroad shall be duly recorded in the IS MU. (5) Students going abroad within the Erasmus+ Programme and outside the Programme may apply for the scholarship. Stays abroad in the applicant's country of origin are not recommended and can only be supported after a successful application for an exemption. (6) Students whose mobility is funded from another source may be granted the scholarship to cover the difference between their funding and the maximum amount admissible under this Scholarship Programme. This amount does not include a bonus under Section 6(7). If the student has received other funding for mobility, the reduction under Section 6(6) does not apply. (7) In case a student has more stays abroad, their respective durations shall be considered separately for the purpose of the scholarship. Section 4 Form of Application (1) The application is filed in electronic form through the IS MU Document Office to the vicedean for doctoral studies (Application for scholarship in support of the Doctoral Student Mobilities). (2) The application shall contain the following requisites: a. A study agreement (Learning Agreement/Learning Agreement for Traineeship) with all relevant signatures; in other cases, a letter of invitation or an Acceptance Letter etc. b. Financial plan of costs for the entire stay abroad, including travel and living expenses. (3) The application shall be checked by the person in charge at the Dean's Office of the SCI MU and approved by the supervisor and vice-dean for doctoral studies. (4) After arrival at the destination, the confirmation of the host institution must be obtained (Confirmation of Arrival – PhD student mobility under the Dean's Measure No. 7/2019) so that the whole sum of the scholarship may be paid. The student shall send the Confirmation to the person in charge at the Dean's Office of the SCI MU. Section 5 Amount and Payment of Scholarship (1) The scholarship typically amounts to CZK 1,000–100,000. A higher amount than the upper limit may be awarded only in cases worthy of special consideration. Its final amount is decided by the Vice-Dean for Doctoral Studies. (2) The final scholarship amount shall be determined according to estimated costs, price levels in the destination, and state of funds in the order from which the scholarship is paid. (3) The approved scholarship is usually paid in one instalment after the start of the student's stay abroad. To receive the scholarship, the student must prove that the foreign placement has been successfully started with a confirmation from the host institution ("Confirmation of Arrival – PhD student mobility"). In exceptional cases, the scholarship can be paid in two payments, with the first (20 % of the approved scholarship) being paid prior to the start of the student's stay abroad. For the full amount to be paid, confirmation from the host institution (see above) must be provided upon arrival in the destination country. (4) If the mobility does not occur or is significantly shorter than planned in the approved application, the student shall return a proportionate part of the scholarship. If that happens due to objective reasons independent of the student's will, the relevant vice-dean may be asked for a waiver of the refund. (5) The scholarship shall be paid in Czech crowns to the bank account specified by the student in the IS MU. Section 6 Rules for Financial Plan and Other Requisites (1) Expected costs may include travel and placement expenses in direct relation to the purpose of the mobility, as the case may be. In all categories, maximum economic use of funds is expected (e.g., travelling in economy class). SCI MU recommends that students actively seek other sources of co-financing for the stay, as available funds may not cover all costs associated with the stay. (2) Travel expenses are costs of travel by any means of transport, including local transport from the starting point to the destination and back. Travel expenses may also include trip cancellation insurance (covering the costs of air tickets and other tickets); it should be part of the ticket invoice. a. The contribution toward travel expenses depends on the distance between the home institution and the place of stay abroad (up to the amount according to the real distance, see EU Distance Calculator). Distance from home institution Amount in CZK 100–499 km 4,700 500–1,999 km 7,200 2,000–2,999 km 9,400 3,000–3,999 km 13,900 4,000–7,999 km 21,500 8,000 km and more 39,000 (3) Placement expenses are costs of accommodation (incl. cancellation fees, if applicable), food, travel insurance etc. a. Daily limits for different groups of countries are displayed in the table "Maximum daily limits of living costs" below. The daily rate shall only apply to the days on which the mobility occurs. Maximum daily limits of living costs Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland CZK 1,000 Belgium, France, Italy, Cyprus, Malta, Germany, the Netherlands, Portugal, Austria, Greece, Spain CZK 900 Bulgaria, Estonia, Croatia, Lithuania, Latvia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Northern Macedonia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey CZK 600 Other countries – the maximum amount CZK 800 (4) Travel tickets, accommodation receipts, etc., must be kept and handed over to the person in charge at the Dean's Office of the SCI MU after the end of the mobility (may be sent by email as scans) together with a brief report of the mobility. (5) In exceptional cases, e.g., in the event of loss of original receipts that cannot be obtained again from the payee, the amount of costs may be evidenced with a statutory declaration. (6) The SCI MU emphasises a sufficient length of stay abroad for the acquisition of experience of doctoral students, and for this reason, the calculated amount according to Article 6 will be reduced by 5 % for stays shorter than 30 days. (7) The SCI MU emphasises the importance of the student's efforts to investigate and obtain another source of co-financing for the stay. For this reason, it is necessary to indicate the allocated co-financing from other sources in the application. The relevant co-financing documented may be awarded a bonus of up to CZK 5,000. Section 7 Combination of More Sources of Funding (1) If the student simultaneously applies for financial support of mobility from a different source (or from more sources), he/she shall inform the person in charge of the Scholarship Programme thereof and mention the fact in the application. (2) Various sources of mobility funding, e.g., Erasmus+, may be combined to reach the required amount. (3) Other sources of funding include travel orders. The student is required to report and include it on the financial plan in all cases – whether it is a travel order from an MU department, or another institution. (4) In the case of a travel order to the SCI MU or CEITEC MU, it can be co-financed up to a maximum of 50 % of the total amount, and at the same time, the amount provided from this scholarship source will not exceed CZK 50,000. (5) The financial plan of costs which is part of the application in the IS MU must specify the amounts obtained from other sources and the amount requested from the Scholarship Programme (e.g., "Total requested amount is CZK 70, 000, of which 30, 000 is covered by Erasmus+; therefore, I request CZK 40, 000 from the A.6. Programme. ") Section 8 Final Provisions (1) The student shall be solely responsible for the correctness and completeness of the information stated in the application. (2) The scholarship award is contingent on the sufficient availability of funds. Applications are collected throughout the calendar year until the allocated sum is exhausted. (3) Applications for the scholarship are processed in the order in which they were submitted. These Guidelines are administered by the Office for Doctoral Studies, Quality, Academic Affairs and Internationalization, SCI MU. Ing. Lucie Janíčková 9 December 2024