FORMAL REQUIREMENTS AND ADMINISTRATION OF DOCTORAL STUDIES Version: Released and applicable since 1st August 2019 (last update: December 2020) PhD programme: Mathematics and Statistics (Matematika a statistika) Guarantor/Doctoral Board head contact: Martin Kolář, General requirements for all students in the programme (please see detailed requirements for the Individual Study Plan in the detailed table below). Mandatory courses: checked by Dean’s Office XD100 Ph.D. thesis / Příprava dizertační práce each semester (25 ECTS for semesters 1-4, 30 ECTS for semesters 5-8, 20 ECTS for semesters 9+) Programme seminar enroll a research seminar according to the specialization for all 8 semesters of standard study duration (with exception of stay abroad) XD106 Lecture in the foreign language   / Odborná přednáška v cizím jazyce   Minimum one-time (2 ECTS) XD102 Teaching Assistance / Pomoc při výuce   2 teaching hours per week during semesters 1-4. 4-times (2 ECTS per semester) during semesters 1- 4. Placement Abroad / Zahraniční pracovní pobyt   Minimum 1 month stay, min. once during studies (usually 5 ECTS/month), requirement given by law Instructions for recognition of Placement Abroad: (the recognition is done via IS application Internship and Stays, by creating record of the stay and request for recognition; the course is then registered by Dean’s Office) Theoretical courses and all other requirements: checked by the Head of Doctoral Board / Head of Doctoral Committee  Theoretical courses – minimum 4 during semesters 1-6 (*) Requirements for theoretical SDE: Theoretical preparation for SDE The time (semester) for SDE will be specified individually in the ISP, reflecting previous study history of the student. The 4 obligatory theoretical courses have to be passed before taki ng the SDE. Elements of the ISP Milestones and their check Enrolment to studies (Befor End of Sem End of End of S End of Se End of Semester 8 e semester 1) ester 2 Semest emester mester 8 (Preparation for PhD defence) er 4 6 (Theoreti cal State Doctoral Exam, SDE *) (A) research and development act ivities (ca 75 % of workload) 1. Research, dissertation project, liter ature search of the actual state of the topic, planning and the scientific activi ty itself 60%). Define framework topic of y our PhD project with your s upervisor for enrolment. CHECK: Dean’s office [enrolment] XD100 for each semester (2 5 ECTS for semesters 1-4, 30 ECTS for semesters 5-8, 20 ECTS for semesters 9+] CHECK: Dean’s office Present “re search proj ect” for you r PhD study in front of the Doctoral Board. CHECK: Doc toral Board No for mal ch eck ne eded No form al check needed Submit PhD thesis according to instructions of Doct oral Board, format according to SCI MUNI requirements CHECK: Doctoral Board, Dean’s office 2. Publications No formal check needed No formal c No for No form The dissertation should be based on or (thesis should be based on at least on heck neede mal ch al check iginal results, published or accepted fo e original paper demonstrating qualit d eck ne needed r publication. y and independence of the student eded It is expected that IF of the journals is a (10%) bove the median in the given field. Pos sible exceptions have to be approved b y the Doctoral Board CHECK: Doctoral Board [Thesis]. 3. Presentation of results on scientific seminars, symposia, conferences etc., including preparation of talks and/or poster pre sentations (5%) No formal check needed No formal c heck neede d No for mal ch eck ne eded No form al check needed At minimum one documented oral presen tation in English to appropriate scienti fic audience, preferentially internation al conference. CHECK: Dean’s office [XD106] (B) Specialized c ourses and theor etical preparatio n (15%) 4. Theoretical courses, preparation to the state doctoral exam – SDE (10%) Identify student’s knowledg e gaps and what should be l earned for SDE. Plan corresponding courses, trainings for the first two ye ars. Consider courses at MU or outside. Minimum 4 credited courses are requi red. Selection can be change d/updated for each semeste r. CHECK: Supervisor No formal c heck neede d No for mal ch eck ne eded Successf ully pass at minim um 4 credite d theore tical cour ses. CHECK: Doctoral Board Successfu lly pass at minimum 4 credited theoretic al courses . CHECK: Doctoral Board 5. Doctoral seminars (5%) Enrol the specialization department seminar in each semester 1-8 No formal c heck neede d No for mal ch eck ne eded No form al check needed Get credits for the specialization semin ar for all semesters when student work s at MU in Brno. Semesters when student is at int ernational stay abroad are excluded. CHECK: Dean’s office [IS.MUNI] (C) International exp erience and com petitiveness 6. Further improving of English comp etences (attending courses, seminars, conferences, writing publications, all i n English). No formal check needed No formal c heck neede d No for mal ch eck ne eded No form al check needed No formal check needed CHECK: Dean’s office [XD106] 7. Stay or internship abroad - mandat ory participation in international coop eration. No formal check needed No formal c heck neede d No for mal ch eck ne eded No form al check needed Minimum is 1 month stay abroad CHECK: Dean’s office [stay abroad in IS; XD110] (D) Pedagogical c ompetences 8. Teaching assistance - classrooms, e xercises, advising undergrad students and comparable. 2 teaching hours (or equival ent teaching assistence load ) per week during semesters 1-4. No formal c heck neede d CHECK: Dean’s office [IS; XD102 for 4 se mester s] No form al check needed (E) Other transfe 9. Career development No formal check needed No formal c No for No form No formal check needed rrable skills. - preparation and heck neede mal ch al check management of projects, scientific wri Check offers of PHD d eck ne needed ting, communication, other soft-skills. TRAINING SCHOOL eded and outside of MU Mathematics and Statistics - Recommended regular theoretical courses Autumn semester: M7111 Topics on mathematical modelling M7150 Category theory M7180 Functional analysis II M7250 Semigroups and formal languages M7300 Global analysis M7350 Algebra III M7986 Statistical inference I M9140 Theoretical numerical analysis MA750 Probability theory MA850 Statistical Inference for multivariate data M9901 Theory and practice of spline smoothing M7777 Applied functional data analysis M7PNM1 Advanced numerical methods I M9121 Time series I M8130 Algebraic topology M8140 Algebraic geometry Spring semester: M0150 Difference equations M0170 Cryptography M6800 Variational calculus M7110 Differential geometry M7160 Ordinary differential equations M7230 Galois theory M81B0 Mathematical models in biology M8986 Statistical inference II M9211 Bayesian methods MF002 Stochastic analysis M8PNM2 Advanced numerical methods II M7960 Dynamical Systems MF004 Mathematical models in finance M8300 Partial differential equations M8350 Algebra IV Other recommended one-time courses will be announced for individual semesters.