FORMAL REQUIREMENTS AND ADMINISTRATION OF DOCTORAL STUDIES PhD programme: Social Geography and Regional Development (Sociální geografie a regionální rozvoj) Guarantor/Programme Board head contact: Milan Jeřábek; Version: Released and applicable since 1st of August 2019 (fully applicable to students enrolled to academic year 2019-20 and following; applied partially/adequate! to previously enrolled students). Detailed requirements for the Individual Study Plan (ISP) are described in Table. Here in brief: • Semestral activities recorded as ZD10#SG - each semester 15 ECTS (120 ECTS during the standard time) • Publication of 3 scientific papers - min. 1 first-author IF-journal paper, 1 first-author SCOPUS-journal paper, 1 co-authored reviewed paper (30 ECTS) • Baseline of PhD thesis - defended before the end of Semester 6 (10 ECTS) • Theoretical courses - minimum 5 courses in semesters 1-4 (36 ECTS) • Programme seminar - enrol course ZD361 (3 times) in spring semesters and course ZD371 (3 times) in autumn semesters (12 ECTS) • Scientific presentation at conference in English - minimum one time ZD024 (5 ECTS) and one time ZD025 (3 ECTS) • Stay abroad - minimum 2-months stay or 2-years collaboration in international project (ZD026,12 ECTS) Instructions for recognition of Placement Abroad: (the recognition is done via IS application Internship and Stays, by creating record of the stay and request for recognition; the course is then registered by Dean's Office) • Teaching assistance - maximum 150 hours total for all studies during the first 4 semesters - ZD001-ZD004 (12 ECTS) (*) Requirements fortheoreticalSDE: Theoretical preparation for SDE (after semester 5). A student at theSDE demonstrates that he/she has mastered an in depth knowledge of Physical Geography, including appropriate techniques and skills. The aim is to examine both the level of knowledge and the ability to actively solve the specific scientific problem, including their complex understanding and application of corresponding analytical methods and synthesis. The defence of the Baselines of the Ph.D. thesis by an independent reviewer is a part of the state doctoral examination. The oral exam includes questionsfrom the three testing areas: General Social Geography (components, processes, phenomena, holisticunderstanding of the Social-geographical sphere) Methods of Social-geographic research (data acquisition and evaluation, methods of their processing) Specific disciplinefrom which the Ph.D. thesis is presented (methods, general knowledge, regional aspects, perspectives, scenarios, impacts) Elements of the ISP Milestones and their check Enrolment to studies (Before semester 1) End of Semester 1 End of Semester 4 End of Semester 6 (Theoretical State Doctoral Exam, SDE *) End of Semester 8 (Preparation for PhD defence) (A) research and development activities (70 % of workload) 1. Research, dissertation project, literature search of the actual state of the topic, planning and the scientific activities itself (~55%) Define framework topic of your PhD project with your supervisor for enrolment CHECK: Dean's office [enrolment] ZD011SG-ZD018SG (15 ECTS each semester) CHECK: Dean's office Submit detailed "research project" for your PhD work to the Programme Board. Max. 4 pages containing Background, Research hypothesis and objectives, Approach-methods, Timeline of foreseen activities, Expected publications. CHECK: Programme board [Submitted project] No formal check needed Prepare "Baselines of the PhD thesis" ZD010SG (Max. 20 pages) with literature review (text may later be used as Introduction-Summary to final PhD thesis), state of the PhD project, results and planned publications. "Baselines" are reviewed by an independent reviewer (possibly one of the final PhD thesis reviewer). CHECK: Programme board [ZD010SG, SDE assessment] Submit PhD thesis according to instructions of Programme Board, format according to SCI MUNI requirements CHECK: Programme board, Dean's office 2. Publications (thesis should be based on 3 papers demonstrating quality and independence of the student (~12%) No formal check needed No formal check needed No formal check needed No formal check needed Publications of the student may be included in "Baselines" for SDE (if relevant) Three papers -minimum criteria: One student's first-author paper published in IF-journal; one student's first-author paper published in Scopus-journal; one co-authored reviewed paper. All papers at least in the state "accepted". CHECK: Programme board [Thesis] 3. Presentation of results on scientific seminars, symposia, conferences etc., including preparation of talks and/or poster presentations (~3%) No formal check needed No formal check needed No formal check needed No formal check needed List of presentations may be included in "Baselines" for SDE (if relevant) At minimum one oral presentation in English at international conference and at least one poster presentation at international conference CHECK: Programme board [ZD024, ZD025] (B) Specialized courses and theoretical preparation (20%) 4. Theoretical courses, preparation to the state doctoral exam - SDE (15%) Enroll ZD350 Enroll 2 of the 6 Social-geographical study areas (ZD351-ZD 356) Identify student's knowledge gaps and what should be learned in 2 optional courses for the first four semesters. Consider courses at MU or outside. CHECK: Student, Supervisor No formal check needed Successfully pass 5 theoretical courses. CHECK: Dean's office [IS.MUNI] Have all other requirements fulfilled (see this column) and submit the application to SDE (programme board organizes SDE further) Not relevant anymore, all requirements fulfilled before 5. Doctoral seminars (5%) Enroll ZD361 (obligatory seminar for 3 semesters) Enroll ZD371 No formal check needed No formal check needed Get credits for ZD361 (obligatory seminar for 3 semesters) and ZD371 (obligatory Not relevant anymore, all requirements fulfilled before (obligatory presentation seminar for 3 semesters) CHECK: Student presentation seminar for 3 semesters) CHECK: Dean's office [3 semesters of ZD361, 3 semesters of ZD371] (C) International experience and competitiveness (5%) 6. Further improving of English competences (attending courses, seminars, conferences, writing publications, all in English). No formal check needed No formal check needed No formal check needed No formal check needed At minimum one oral presentation in English at international conference and at least one poster presentation at international conference CHECK: Dean's office [ZD024, ZD025] 7. Stay or internship abroad -mandatory participation in international cooperation (5%) No formal check needed No formal check needed No formal check needed No formal check needed Minimum 2-months foreign stay, or 2-years collaboration on international project [ZD026] CHECK: Dean's office [ZD026] (D) Pedagogical competences 8. Teaching assistance -classrooms, exercises, advising undergrad students and comparable. Development of pedagogical experiences - max. 150 hours through the first 4 semesters CHECK: Student No formal check needed Completed 4 semesters of "Development of pedagogical experiences" CHECK: Dean's office [ZD001 -ZD004] Not relevant anymore, all requirements fulfilled before Not relevant anymore, all requirements fulfilled before (E) Other transferable skills. 9. Career development -preparation and management of projects, scientific No formal check needed No formal check needed No formal check needed No formal check needed No formal check needed writing, communication, other soft-skills. Mandatory course ZD350 Fundamentals of scientific work and preparation of scientific publications Recommended theoretical courses ZD351 Theoretical and methodological approaches in SGRD ZD352 Demographic and settlement structures ZD353 Geography of production and consumption ZD354 Mobility, transport, technology ZD355 Countryside, periphery, borderland ZD356 Regional development and regional policy