1 FORMAL REQUIREMENTS AND ADMINISTRATION OF DOCTORAL STUDIES Version: Released and applicable since 17th February 2025 PhD program: Life Sciences Guarantor/Doctoral Board head contact: prof. Michaela Wimmerová, 549 49 8166, michaela.wimmerova@ceitec.muni.cz Standard study period: 4 years Maximum length of study: 8 years I. Requirements for Courses  achieving 240 ECTS  Core courses ca 65 % of workload, all core courses are mandatory (see Tab. A)  Hard-skill courses ca 20 % of workload, a minimum of four courses completed during the 1st and 2nd year  Soft-skill courses ca 15 % of workload, a minimum of three courses The list of courses is available on the CEITEC PhD School webpage: portal.muni.cz/ceitec/ceitec-phd-school/student/life-sciences/courses-training Tab. A. Core courses S5007 Ph.D. Thesis obligatory each semester1 S5050 Field Seminar obligatory each semester C7777/C777en Handling Chemical Substances obligatory each autumn semester1 S5012 CEITEC PhD School Conference obligatory each spring semester1,2 S5010 CEITEC Friday Seminar obligatory in the autumn semester of the 1st and 2nd year2 S5013 TAC Meeting according to the mandatory schedule (minimum three times)1 S5006 Lecture for the scientific community once during the study XD110 Stay abroad once during the study3 S5008 Scientific publication once during the study II. Requirements for Publications  The student has to be the first author of at least one publication in a journal with IF Q1. If this journal has not IF Q1 in the given field of study, there should be two more publications in journals with IF Q1 or Q2 of which the student should be a co-author.  For projects on which more scientific teams collaborate (and each is, for example, responsible for a different part of the expertise), shared first-authorship is eligible. In such a case, the student should clearly declare his/her contribution to the work and the results included. 1 obligatory also after 4th year of study 2 except during stay abroad 3 Exemptions only upon approval of doctoral board - participation in international creative project with results published or presented abroad, or direct participation in international cooperation. 2  In case a student plans to publish an article in an open-access journal without an impact factor, immediate consultation with the members of the Executive Committee of the Life Sciences Doctoral Board is required. The committee will review the specific situation and quality of the journal and decide whether such output will meet the requirements for completing studies.  The affiliation with both institutes must be listed: 1) National Centre for Biomolecular Research, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University; 2) Central European Institute of Technology, Masaryk University. III. Requirements for Internship Abroad  Obligatory a minimum one-month stay abroad in total during the study (ECTS according to faculty rules);  Alternatively (after approval of the doctoral board) participation in an international creative project with results published or presented abroad or direct participation in international cooperation. IV. Requirements for Doctoral State Exam (DSE)  Performed in English;  The Executive Committee, in collaboration with the supervisor, designs two specific exam topics for the state doctoral exam: the first one focusing either on biological aspects (with an emphasis on function) or molecular aspects (with a focus on structure), and the second on the methodology that is commonly used in the given field and relevant to the PhD candidate's dissertation. The topics are designed based on the list of general topics (see Tab. B), completed hard skills courses and in relation to the dissertation thesis topic.  The doctoral candidate gives a presentation on 1 of the 2 topics (10 minutes) followed by discussion and further questions covering the remaining 2 topics and the area of the given discipline. Tab. B. List of General Topics for DSE Biological aspects  general cellular and organismal functions of bio(macro) molecules  proteins – cellular structure, metabolism, transport, signalling  nucleic acids – genetic information, protein biosynthesis and its regulation, non-coding RNA, chromosomes, and telomeres  glycans – signalling, protein stabilisation, intra- & inter-cellular communication and interactions  lipids – membranes, lipid rafts Molecular aspects  composition and structure of proteins, nucleic acids, glycans, and lipids Bioanalytical aspects  sequencing of biopolymers  determining the structure of bio(macro)molecules, its hierarchical aspects (primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary, modifications, suprastructures)  determining and quantifying interbiomolecular interactions (protein-protein interactions,protein-nucleic acid, protein-ligand)  bioinformatics – molecular property predictions, experimental data analysis, gene ontology  molecular modelling (basics of quantum mechanics, molecular mechanics) V. Requirements for Dissertation Thesis Defence  Performed in English (as well as the Thesis itself) 3  Oral presentation (20 min) of the doctoral project results, followed by a discussion clarifying the opponents' comments and questions, further questions from the Examination Committee members, and questions from the audience. VI. Requirements for Individual Study Plan Tab. C. Description of study elements Study element Description PhD Project/ Doctoral thesis Research, a dissertation project, a literature search of the actual state of the topic, planning, and the scientific activities itself. A student with the supervisor defines the framework topic of the PhD project as the proposal for the entire study period. Publication activities Described in II. Requirements for Publications (above) Conferences and academic forums Presentation of results on scientific seminars, symposia, conferences, etc., including preparation of talks. At least one documented oral presentation in English to an appropriate scientific audience, preferentially international conference. Theoretical training Theoretical courses, preparation for the doctoral state exam. Recommendation: plan courses and training for the first two years; consider courses at MU/outside; identify student’s knowledge gaps and what should be learned for SDE. Internships and international cooperation Described in III. Requirements for Internships Abroad (above) Pedagogical competencies Optional – included in the limit of Soft-skills courses, up to 150 hours through the entire doctoral studies. Recommendation: pass during the first three years. Language competencies Further improving English language competences, attending courses, seminars, conferences, writing publications, all in English. Transferable skills and career development Career development, preparation and management of projects, scientific writing, communication, other soft-skills. A minimum of three credited courses is required. Consider courses at MU/outside. 4 Tab. D. Study Plan by Semesters year semester PhD Project/Doctoral thesis Publication activities Conferences and academic forums Theoretical training Internships and international cooperation Pedagogical competen- cies Language competen- cies Transferable skills and career development 1 1 (autumn) S5007 (recommended 25 ECTS) • Submit TAC Members Proposal S5050 C7777 S5010 Hard-skill course - optional Soft-skill course - optional 2 (spring) S5007 (recommended 25 ECTS) S5013 1st TAC meeting S5012 attendance S5050 Hard-skill course - optional Soft-skill course - optional 2 3 (autumn) S5007 (recommended 25 ECTS) S5050 C7777 S5010 Hard-skill course - optional Soft-skill course - optional 4 (spring) S5007 (recommended 25 ECTS) S5013 2nd TAC meeting 4th or 5th semester S5012 attendance S5050 Hard-skill course - optional . 4 hard-skill courses completed Soft-skill course - optional 3 5 (autumn) S5007 (recommended 30 ECTS) S5013 2nd TAC meeting 4th or 5th semester S5050 C7777 • Application for DSE • Doctoral State Exam Soft-skill course - optional 6 (spring) S5007 (recommended 30 ECTS) S5012 poster S5050 4 7 (autumn) S5007 (recommended 30 ECTS) S5013 3rd TAC meeting S5050 C7777 8 (spring) S5007 (recommended 30 ECTS) . • Submit PhD Thesis • PhD Thesis Defence S5008 completed S5012 oral presentation S5006 completed S5050 XD110 completed S5009 completed (optional) S5006 completed 3 soft-skill courses completed 4+ 9+ S5007 (recommended 20 ECTS) S5013 TAC meetings in 9th,11th, ... semester S5012 poster S5050 optional C7777