# Criterion name Method of criterion verification Parameters for criterion Scoring system Points awarded Verified at the website/Description of verification 1 Unambiguous determination of article processing charges Does the journal website give the exact amount of article processing charges? The journal states that it does not collect any article processing charges. 1 "Yes, the journal gives a specific final amount of the charges." 1 "The amount of charges is unclear (for example, the journal states the price per article, adding that any additional pages will be subject to extra charge without specifying the charge)." 0 The journal does not state the amount of article processing charges. 0 2 Affiliations of editorial board members "Does the journal website include complete affiliations for all editorial board members, i.e. the name of the institution and the city/country?" The affiliation is complete and includes the institution and the city/country. 1 "The affiliation is incomplete, with either the name of the institution or the city/country missing." 0 No affiliation is given. 0 3 Description of the review process Does the journal website include a detailed description of the review process – whether it is a double-blind peer review or open peer review and how many reviewers assess the articles? "Yes, a description of the review process is included." 1 The website only says “peer-reviewed” without giving further information about the process. 0 "No, a description of the review process is not included." 0 4 Free and open access to full text Does the journal website allow users to freely download or view full-text articles from the current volume? "Yes, articles can be freely downloaded or viewed." 1 "No, some or all of the articles cannot be downloaded or viewed." 0 5 Name of the editor-in-chief is included Does the journal website give the name of the editor-in-chief? "Yes, it does." 1 "No, it does not." 0 6 Unambiguous identification of the publisher "Does the journal website clearly identify the publisher (usually in the website footer in the copyright information), rather than just giving the title of the journal?" "Yes, it does." 1 "No, it does not." 0 7 Journal states its ISSN on its website and the ISSN is valid Does the journal or publisher website include the journal’s ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) and is the ISSN verifiable via https://portal.issn.org/? "Yes, it is stated on the journal's website and it is verifiable via ISSN Portal" 1 "Yes, it is stated on the journal's website, but it is not verifiable via ISSN Portal" 0 "No, it does not." 0 8 Accurate information about the journal’s citation metrics in Journal Citation Reports and Scopus "If the journal website gives information about any of the citation metrics in JCR or in Scopus, this information is verified in the databases to see whether the journal gives the most up-to-date information." The journal does not give any citation metrics. 1 The metrics given by the journal are the most up-to-date ones in JCR/Scopus. 1 "The journal gives metrics from both databases, but some of them are not the most up-to-date ones in one of the databases." 0 "The journal gives metrics from both databases, but none of them is the most up-to-date in either of the databases." 0 "The journal only gives metrics from one database, but none of them is the most up-to-date one." 0 9 Accurate information about the journal’s indexing in Web of Science and Scopus "If the journal website gives information about indexing in Web of Science or Scopus, this information is verified in the databases to see whether they include the current or previous volume of the journal." The journal does not give any information about indexing. 1 The journal gives accurate information about indexing in both databases. 1 The journal gives information about indexing in one of the databases and the information is accurate. 1 "The journal gives information about indexing in both databases, but the information is false in the case of one of the databases." 0 The journal gives information about indexing in one of the databases and the information is false. 0 10 Referring to a questionable citation metric or database Does the journal website include information about any questionable citation metrics or databases? The journal website does not refer to any questionable metric or database. 1 The journal website refers to a questionable metric or database. 0 NUMBER OF POINTS NEEDED TO MEET ALL EVALUATION CRITERIA 10 TOTAL NUMBER OF POINTS