1 MU Campus Library Results of the questionnaire survey in 2024 In the period 24 May - 30 June 2024, a survey of user satisfaction with the services of the University Campus Library (UCL) was conducted. 7,880 students of Czech and English study programmes at the Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Arts and Faculty of Arts were contacted by e-mail. In addition, potential respondents were contacted via the MU Information System bulletin board, the UCLUCL website and UCLUCL profiles on Facebook and Instagram. The data collection tool was the Surveys platform in the MU Information System, through which 475 users answered an online questionnaire. The questions in the questionnaire were optional and therefore some questions were not answered by all respondents. And what did we learn from the answers? These are the library's strengths and weaknesses: + Offer of provided services - Temperature in study rooms + Opening hours - Removal of beanbags + Employee friendliness - Uncomfortable new seats + Availability of information resources + Customer loyalty On the following pages you can read the detailed results of our survey. Library users 4% 5% 82% 4% 0% 3% 2% You are a student of: (n=475) Faculty of Pharmacy Faculty of Sports Studies Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Science - on-campus Faculty of Science - off-campus Other MU faculty Others/Didn't respond 2 Two thirds of respondents (66%) visit the library daily or several times a week, one fifth (20%) several times a month and 11% only occasionally/several times a semester. According to their statements, 14 respondents do not use the UCLUCL mainly because of the inconvenient location of the library or they have no reason to visit. 20% 77% 2% 1% You are a student of: (n = 475) bachelor's programme (Bc.) master's programme (Mgr., MUDr., MDDr., Ing., etc.) doctoral programme (Ph.D., Th.D.) Others never rarely/several times per semester several times a month several times a week daily 0,0% 10,0% 20,0% 30,0% 40,0% 50,0% How often did you visit the University Campus Library (UCL) in the spring 2024 semester? 3 Library services 0,0% 20,0% 40,0% 60,0% 80,0% 100,0% borrowing and returning books (n=459) lending learning aids (n=455) information services (n=457) printing from a desktop PC (n=454) printing from a laptop (n=450) printing from a mobile phone (n=451) copying (n=448) scanning (n=449) wifi (n=455) returning books to the book drop… number of seats (n=457) number of seats with computer (n=452) Library services very satisfied rather satisfied rather dissatisfied very dissatisfied I don't know/can't say 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Are you satisfied with the location of the book drop container in the lobby of the campus (building B22)?(n=457) satisfied rather satisfied rather dissatisfied very dissatisfied I didn't know the box was available I don't know/can't say 4 Satisfaction with UCL services is generally prevalent, as is the case with the return box location. Some dissatisfaction was noted when assessing the number of study spaces and the Wi-Fi signal, but this was not specified by respondents. On the issue of lacking a service outside of borrowing hours, most students did not report lacking anything. In their comments, 86 respondents (18.1%) commented on the services, pointing in particular to the inadequate microclimatic conditions in the study rooms (21 respondents), uncomfortable new sofas and chairs (18) or the lack of beanbags (7). On the question of what is lacking in the UCLUCL, 56 respondents (11.7%) commented, mentioning in particular the lack of beanbags (10 respondents), the lack of sofas and space to prepare small snacks (7) or the lack of whiteboards and individual or group study rooms (5). Opening hours ¨ Almost all respondents (90.0%) expressed satisfaction with the current opening hours of UCLUCL (Mon-Fri 8- 21, Sat+Sun 9-17). Opening hours were commented on by 105 respondents (22.1%), of whom 54 would like to see longer opening hours, especially at weekends, 24 would like to see the study rooms open earlier and 5 would like to see UCLUCL open 24 hours a day. 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Are you satisfied with the current opening hours of the UCL (Mon-Fri 8 am - 9 pm, Sat+Sun 9 am - 5 pm)? (n=455) completely satisfied rather satisfied rather dissatisfied completely dissatisfied I don't know/can't say Others I don't know/can't say I didn't miss anything the possibility of payment purchase of office supplies loan of learning aids borrowing books 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 In the evenings (Mon-Fri 6-9 pm) and on Sundays (9 am -5 pm) the UCL operates as a study room with limited services. Did you miss any services during these times? 5 Library staff Almost all respondents (437) are satisfied with UCL staff. Some dissatisfaction was expressed by 6 respondents. 43 respondents commented on the staff, 26 of whom praised the library staff. The rest expressed dissatisfaction particularly with the loud conversations between staff at the desk and in other areas of the UCL (10 respondents). Offer of UCL funds Unlike our previous surveys, this time we focused on finding out how users want to be informed about new literature and whether they miss any titles in the UCL collection. Respondents would like to be informed mainly through the UCL website (155), they would also like to see books on display in the library (113) and they would like to learn about new books on Instagram (102). 134 respondents are not interested in the service. 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Were you satisfied with the UCL staff? (n=456) completely satisfied rather satisfied rather dissatisfied completely dissatisfied I don't know/can't say Others: Others: I'm not interested in this service display books on a separate… flyers in the UCL subscription to the e-mail newsletter Instagram Facebook UCL website 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 You would like to be informed about new books from the UCL via: 6 On the issue of missing literature in the UCL, 24 respondents commented, of which 14 mentioned a specific missing title, while the rest (10) mentioned the lack of required literature without specifying it. The specific title suggestions were forwarded to our acquisitions department to check the availability of books in the market and the possibility to purchase them. In terms of satisfaction with the E-loan and the need for any additional online or software-based study aids, half (54%) of the respondents expressed satisfaction with the E-loan, while 41% did not know or could not assess the service. 19 respondents commented on the e-booklet, 10 of whom found it lacking a title, 8 found it user-unfriendly and 2 found the system dysfunctional. Conditions for studying Almost all respondents (94.0%) positively evaluated UCL conditions for study. There were 79 respondents who commented on the conditions, 37 of whom complained about the Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) setup. Individuals expressed dissatisfaction with the noise caused by 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% How were you satisfied with the availability of scientific literature in the E-loan?(n=443) completely satisfied rather satisfied rather dissatisfied completely dissatisfied službu neznám I don't know/can't say 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% How would you rate the overall level of study environment? (n=457) completely satisfactory rather satisfactory rather unsatisfactory completely unsatisfactory I don't know/can't say 7 other users and librarians (9 respondents), the removal of bags (6) or the lack of desk drawers, and the lack of individual and group study rooms (both 4 respondents). The UCL educational activities In the case of educational activities, respondents' interest in the topics that UCL should offer was surveyed. While 167 respondents were not interested in a specific topic, 117 would be interested in the topic of expert information retrieval, 116 in citation and 114 in expert writing. Of the topics not yet offered, 95 respondents would welcome training on critical thinking and 71 on fake news. In terms of learning method, 159 respondents prefer online training, 99 prefer face-to-face and 64 prefer blended learning. Of the training not yet offered, some respondents expressed interest in consulting with a librarian (36) or live online chat (18). 176 respondents had no particular preference. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Others: I'm not interested in a particular topic fake news critical thinking predatory journals citation metrics reference managers citing scholarly writing (e.g. structure, linguistic… publication ethics (e.g. how to avoid… searching scientific information I would like the UCL to offer the following topics as part of its educational activities: 0 50 100 150 200 Others: I have no particular preferences consultations with a librarian in the… live chat with a librarian blended learning online face-to-face I would like the UCL to offer these topics in the form of: 8 Information source for news about UCL services More than a third of respondents prefer the library's website (40.4%) and an email sent by the library (35.2%) as a source of news about UCL. Almost a quarter (22.9%) of respondents want to be informed about news on UCL's Instagram profile. 16.6% of respondents are not interested in UCL news. Final questions At the end of the questionnaire, we asked respondents about their recommendation of UCL to their friends or colleagues. The question asked for a Net Promoter Score to measure visitor loyalty, and based on 427 respondents (89.9%), UCL received a very good score of 69. Others: I'm not interested in news from the UCL flyers in the UCL email sent from the UCL Instagram Facebook the UCL website 0 50 100 150 200 You would like to be informed about news from the UCL via: 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Now, based on your experience with the UCL, please indicate whether you would recommend the UCL to your friends or colleagues. (n=427) 1 (definitely not recommend) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (definitely recommend) 9 In the final comments on the questionnaire as a whole, 30 respondents commented, half of whom were complimentary about UCL, while the others repeated the criticisms mentioned in the previous questions, most often dissatisfaction with the HVAC setup and the lack of bags and sofas. Answers to recurring or important comments Below, we respond to selected comments made by other respondents in a similar vein or to which we ourselves feel it desirable to respond. We have therefore also paid attention to comments not listed here and see them as suggestions for improving our services. We present user comments without language correction. Yes, there are certainly a lot of things that could be improved. For example, why did the seat bags disappear ??? They were so great, after 4 hours of sitting you could take them and relax a bit, whoever I talk to says that the bags are missing, could you please return them + increase the number of chairs and seats, it would help us a lot. The new smaller seats are terribly uncomfortable, even the Ikea chairs were great, I don't know why you gave them away either. Again could you please explain and return them ? Thank you. I would definitely introduce a feedback system on the running of the library, for example the library at FF muni have them and it's great. I'm glad to see interest in feedback for the first time, but at least so. The seating bags and chairs have been removed for operational safety reasons. Following the UCL building refurbishment in 2022, the removal of some of the shelving meant that passage between other shelving was more frequently blocked and the number of people moving around the study rooms increased as the number of study spaces increased. As UCL is a through fire assembly point and clear routes to escape routes must be provided as much as possible in the event of a fire or other emergency, we decided to move the seating bags to the student room in B9/324 and replace the easy to move chairs with more stable ones. Not least contributing to this decision was the condition of the bags and chairs, with the bags having been damaged with unremovable dirt and the chairs having been variously damaged after twelve years. We are sorry that some of you find the new seats and chairs uncomfortable. We will try to select a more comfortable type when purchasing furniture in the future. One of the things that has been driving me incredibly mad lately is the way the air conditioning works, which I feel does whatever it wants. I don't understand why it randomly turns on and off for stretches of time that are also random. I would appreciate it if it would turn on for a longer period of time and then turn off. Also, and I don't know if this is the purpose, I feel like there is more heat in the (away from the stairs) front of the library than in the back. We appreciate all comments about the microclimate in the building and assure you that this is our most frequently addressed operational issue with the UCB Administration. However, given the architectural design of the building and the legislative conditions, it is not easy to find a setting that suits everyone. We have forwarded all comments on the microclimate to the Director of UCB Management. Possibility to reserve group study rooms (similar to the FSS library). In the autumn semester 2024, we plan to launch a trial run of the reservation system for selected study rooms in UCL, especially those behind the medical funds. Hello I would really like to see an extension of an hour earlier at 7:00 and on weekdays at least until 22:00, if this would be a problem, could this be extended only in a certain month e.g. now May/June when there are most exams and students need a quiet place to study. Even if this is not possible, could you please give a reason why this is not possible? Thank you .Otherwise of course thank you for extending the opening hours, it has helped us tremendously, I hope the new opening hours will stay. 10 The opening hours of the UCL have been adjusted based on the results of a student survey sent to students of the campus faculties and Faculty of Pharmacy so that the Saturday opening hours are now 9.00-17.00. The library is now open on Sundays at the same time, albeit only in study room mode. The survey did not reveal a need to change the current weekday opening hours. To improve accessibility to print services, we placed a photocopier outside the library entrance in the spring, so that it is possible to copy and print outside of opening hours from your own device. As a reminder, there is also a faculty-established 24/7 student lounge in B09 Hall, where our library is located. In the afternoon I would appreciate quieter conversations between staff at the entrance, it is distracting for students sitting near the entrance. Unfortunately, Hall B09, which houses our library, has such acoustics that even normal conversation in the 3NP in the user and staff areas can be heard in the study rooms. All staff have been made aware of the need to keep quiet.