The sense of historical injustice and the symbolic power of resentment Rogers Brubaker, Nationalism Reframed. (Cambridge University Press, 1996) pp. 79-147. Brubaker: the nation and nationality The principle of nationality: the conception of states as the states of and for particular nation. The category of nation as a main principle of vision and division of the social world. Nation as a category of practice A nationalist rhetoric: nations as collective individuals capable of purposive action Nation as constituted by shared objective characteristics Nation as an object of historical development A conception of state-transcending nation Nationhood as a category of analysis I. The category of nation as an elementary form of political understanding, rhetoric, interest and identity ˇMobilizing myths of nationhood Nationhood as a category of analysis II. The organization of political space along nation-state borders ˇNational identity as a statistical category vs. obligatory ascribed identity Political space The idea of nation became a main political instrument for reimagining and reorganizing political space in conditions of modernity Post-imperial condition Loosely integrated, polyethnic, polyreligious and polylinguistic imperial realms were in the second half of 19th century perceived, experienced and criticized as multinational. ˇ The ,,national" as a means of imagining the society as distinct from the state Budapest 1956 Prague 1968 Resentment bitter indignation at having been treated unfairly ORIGIN early 17th cent.: from Italian risentimento or French ressentiment , from obsolete French resentir