11. Vojtěch Jasný: All My Good Countrymen (Všichni dobří rodáci, 1969). 23 April Screenplay: Vojtěch Jasný. Director of photography: Jaroslav Kučera. Costume designer: Ester Krumbachová. Editor: Miroslav Hájek. Music: Svatopluk Havelka. Cast: Radoslav Brzobohatý (František), Vlastimil Brodský (Očenáš), Vladimír Menšík (Pyřk), Waldemar Matuška (Zášinek), Drahomíra Hofmanová (Merry Widow), Pavel Pavlovský (Bertin), Václav Babka, Josef Hlinomaz, Karel Augusta, Ilja Prachař, Václav Lohniský, Jiří Tomek. 115 min. Vojtěch Jasný is older than the “the new wave generation”, but he made his best movies in the sixties: Cassandra Cat – Až přijde kocour (1963) and All My Good Countrymen, a big epic chronicle, based on true stories, about the bitter period of the collectivization of agriculture and the force used by the Communists against farmers in Moravia. Jasný won the prize for best direction at Cannes but the film was only shown for ten weeks – with great success – in Czechoslovakia before being banned. Twenty years were to pass before it was again shown publicly. Assigned reading: Hames, Peter. The Czechoslovak New Wave: “Desire – Vojtěch Jasný”