2. The Holocaust theme in Czech cinema I – Alfréd Radok: Distant Journey (Daleká cesta, 1949) 19 February Screenplay: Mojmír Drvota, Erik Kolár, Alfréd Radok. Director of photography: Josef Střecha. Art director: Jan Pacák. Music: Jiří Sternwald. Cast: Blanka Waleská (MUDr. Hana Kaufmannová), Otomar Krejča (MUDr. Antoín Bureš), Viktor Očásek (ing. Oskar Kaufmann), Zdeňka Baldová (Hedvika Kaufmannová). Eduard Kohout prof. Reiter). After the separation of the Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia, there are signs of agression towards the Jewish people beginning to appear in Czechoslovakia. The German occupation and the formation of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia the drastic discriminatory sanctions deepen even further. Jews are deprived of all of their civil rights, and, moreover, forced to wear a sign of their Jewish origin on their clothes – the yellow star. The Kaufmann family, like other Jewish families, is living in permanent fear... Assigned reading: Jiří Cieslar: Living with the long journey: Alfréd Radok‘s Daleká cesta