MUSEJNÍ ZLOMLk. Rubínu* accurent dicit ricmum1 l W.raiBfe,»d\ib.fctuWbiBn! Smdsitiihe^obfthoíu. Víi.n.niilí- Idonecmi! Dive luden: dosti smiechu 5 Po*5* "U.fcak li pisvl un£ dejfi. aťsiobůcřícsdcju. Rubims diai Mistře, jswn li dvořily" holomek, díjůt' mi Kubín / Ucnátek.1 Mewtor dlcil ritwtum Kov& mi lo. Kubíne. 10 CO chceí «teti »ic mne'1 Rubinusdidi MiMře, Od tebe cheu vzieUhirncc kyi-f a k tomu tfi nové lžíce M''? li mi In «rj lebcpfijíil. cheu jiz ovfcm tvój lid býti. Mer&tM dicit 15 Rubíne, to u vfc jtř rSd dfirn. oo jsi potřeboval síni Jedno im to vidy ptaj j techmiest pýtaj, kde bychom mohli sv6j krám vyklásti 20 g své masti draho prodali AvofiWSd Mistře, hin isň miesta sdravá a v ruch jol krÍMií oprava. Tu ni wŕ sedení« jmieti a své drahé masti vynutí Item Rubinus 2: MiMfe, vsiopř na tuto stolkr.i . posadiž k sobi *vfi Xenu hoUcsu.4 Afet* Í32 ill! MUSEUM IRACMĽNT ■i rum up and says 1 Here, master, herc. I ant running lo you. maybe I »111 suit you well. Mercimttt Welcome, dear Klonech' We lwo will give the people luls of Jaughtcr. 5 Tell me what yoor real name :* so thai Imay deal vfth Mil properly. Rubin says Master. 1 am a fine lad fn< you. they call me Rubin of VcßKC. Merchant says Telíme thts.Ruhln, 10 what do you want to gel from me? Rubin says Master, 1 wart lu gel from you a pnt of barley porridge and also three new .tponrn. If 1 can obtain that from you I will gladly be aE your*. Merchant soys 15 Rubin, I will gladly give you all ihis that ynu have asked for. Just you always keep nuporinc. a»d ltK>king out for places whore we might «t up our Hall 30 und KÜ our ointments dear. Rubin myf Master, yonder there ai« iierllh> places and they are beautifully disposed. Ilcasc take up your quarters there and unpack your precious ointments Rubin again 25 Music:, mount up on this bench and seat be*ide you your chick of a wife Stiett «t OeutJe cmui iHUttteMtm cum ľurtrpšiko *c Seď, vempřitci .iii-.ii T*pofcnu de grácia divui.1 Nemci'hürfwtoo * lent■■ 30 in arte medicína- Komu ktti ! ' škodí Hfl by rád ?iV býti. Oll jefcä du:« ugdniviii, ícťmuií duä? zbýti. Rubittus dici! rt&num 35 Koslúcha.w.dňbřílVi^, lbe vím radosti pňbude. iřch n.ivii., ,éř vln pv*ždř, jéí »eirni úŕiiciné vSdS. A vy, Iwliy. své Sepiíbúe 40 poste i víc klcvciiniř. VÍM | R .í ■■!) uríkudí. ľo>;úi:hajtcí. dobre von hodí. Priíclťje hov. ovíťtu xiiivn>. Iťkaí iijfidrv - chytrý, divný. 45 vám bolidú nu va útechu. Nenieť nic podobno k vn&chul Coí praviti. vifte mi iisí?, ptk/torožeírtttieiitsit.' Ni v Čo, tiívh. ni u Morave'. 50 jak'Zto uČcm mi«Ji piavie, □I v RakGffcch. m v Uhüech. m u Bavofíeeti jiu V Růstech. ni m ľolaniech. ni v Korutamech - pfívíťveíile jCTtO hi ŕ Nťř(K( 55 kľíl<:5 Rcúce. po viem světí- - * nikdie? j«nu nenič rovní. kioiní Žíť pwdí ívcskrovn? Í jmáť takí drahá masti. je? i' jest přinesl t daleké vUsii. 60 Jlmt£ nemoci vfeakf. rany kikoí koti vdikc. z*:élíbe/ pomeSUnw. Boh |ŕho pOttt kloí )!»< (unjp' Ktof je boden nebo ifitt, 65 Bfb Whd pllft -nu mířen. neb mild jjiiá-Ii v ivíiu uiß zpary, pfídť-iik ľ.n'iM nlttfisdafy, ľ '- rnistr jeho tak naucl- tu Ihrn ttc n i.> ti/u;aiong wiift PuaicrpaSk ;ma; Hr I come Master Hippocrates by the grave of God. There u none worse at this now M Hb ilte ail of medic h c i' diu r* :ioni any sickness >:juketostay*li*e, he fai ready íOťun-liirn, so ss to make him (řve up the gho« Äirôrn says ÍS Imrn. good people, you will receive much joy from tlw news that I will teil you. which I know »'ill be very profitable. And you, tiag>. stop your whuperbig 46 ,n:ij all your goBüpmg. h will do you no harm to keep quiet frr;i ■ ttAtj I u time. Lwicn. ii wi!l eund you in good %lcud There has come a vuliu: ot the pnttMl rcnuwn. a wiw. o j t ŕu i. venerable physician. 45 to bring you, God wslhng, every solace. There ü nothing to lautíi íí I Whit I say. believe it auicly; I (he liitlehom. i hff ich. Neáthtt m bNyhentia not in Moravu, 50 »s learned muter* siy. neither in Austria noi in Hungary. neither in Bavaria wot in Kussia. neither in Poland nor in Or ra lína - indeed his nam« is hallowed every where. 5S to put k briefly, thrnughoui Ihe world - nowhere is there anyone to equal him. except that he tart» iimnoderateiy And he also has p,-n-ions ointments lh;i( he ha* brnugbt trom a far country. u0 with which HcJutessôs of ail kir.ds and wound* however great be will heal without delay. God strike him down who speaks ill of I. Whoever has been stabbed or »Luxhed. 65 ur maybe baltered with tlubs. or maybe has fetiers in his ear. řfhe «mi» lonty master with gifts, my inattcf will teach ham rjiux. 335 pomale »í. jako p«s vskuíí 70 * polom sř nlhle vxpruíl7 lldobflbyu, môifit- íc| kyßbfU. Silctc Quo finilo airtit inter homines. Mereator, non respondit Rubinu^ Rubíne' Rubíne! &CVndu clamet Rubíne, vo pistu8 /par rrsfx>ndeat 75 Sed\mistře, du**» rit n»iu. /pip ilerum mercator clamat dtcem Kubíne, v« p»tu k*e«? Ipse respondeat Seď. mistr«, chlupalfi tutu n pc/d Mercator ittrum bis clamat Ruhme! Rubíne: IRubtnusl Co kfiirf, mistře Severíne? ift rcatitrad cum :. M,.' lí.it-.'^.kdciítakdl'ihoika, že o svém mistľí nifse nerbaT Rubmm divit Mistře, v onomno buch počal ľudí !Äiii. tu mi poířchu narr baby pod no* prdien Idem Mistře, v unomno kuti bsoch. S5 iu nu iř sta dvorný smiech ■* rozedřřchu mi * puBtami mech- ľutout «m k tobl bžHti uchvitil, abych po tobž veíken 1'uil i>br4u-'■/«• Mercator dornet bit divem1 ü Rubfr.c1 ipse nun respond* r Seeundo dicir Ipse respondeat ut prius Tercí» clamet K) Rubíne Ipse veniens dicit ut prňií Mertaturiiktt M.KRuhine! Ut prtus IV» hf will tdniini tunu ke a d*»g. i' 4m) ilwii MiiMrnly |p> Into convuluimi Ar >u want lo be so good. you can beat him with cudgels m When thn A finished he rum among the people Merchant Rubin dots not reply Rubin! Robini //c is to call a xecufd time Rubtn. where arc you? He is to reply 75 Here, master. I'm holding a bitch by the rump. Merchant calls attain, nsyine Rubin, where have ynu been11 He is ííí reply Here, mailer,» hairy bitch by the ass. Merchant again calls rwictt Rubin 1 Rubin* (Rubin/ What are your orders, MhMfei Srvrnn ' Merchant says lo him SO My dear Rubin, where luve ynii been wandering so long. paying no heed >u your master'' Ruhin tayt Master. I was over there, tu heal people, when old gap HvM farting under my nose. The Atme Master, I was over tn (hut corner. 85 then a fine joke happened to me: my sack with ihi 00**5 ■ . to shreds. After thai I nude haste to run to ) w that 1 might (urn ill the people towards you SQetc Merchant is to call twice laying Rubin! He/Rubin/ does not reply He I Merchant I speak* a second tunc He /Rubin/ is to reply as be/ore He (Merchant/ is to call a third time **> Rubin' He /Rubin/ comes ami speaks as before Merchant lays My ilenr Ku but as before vt-i /pie respondit dkens Milí mistic. ly vidy na mí krUÜ isvym hnevmi n* mř kdýkflf U velikřm m mistrovství zniJ. 95 >i«k proto i hovna ju2 r.cprtC Mercolor dicií Tut" je ot staiýth slýcháno i u písmŽ také* kat 10 psáno. AÍ co s Wfenan kdy ulovil, ale ncrovni s nfm ro/dflS.11 Rubínu j dicit 100 Tak *ř ftMsf veídy rtíti. řct" si ziob/Jobf obrátí a dobři dobrým ď opbií, taož tle myslí, ten vidy *tral*.12 Rubíne, pustvi tento hnív ni stranu' 105 HňvějŽ lépe vvprna ;■ ( Bu Jí*'ť v ten čas bohatá, mine rujú vff /Já /tritt. Rubinu! dici: Tnkoí.milí ffiisift, uko-, -ncvE obi za jednako! i 10 Vie po najS vúlu bude, potom nimi ďábel shude. Sikte Memator dornet ter Rubíne' Ipse imntens respondeat dkens Co kfi>cí, mistře Severíne? Mercaior ad eum Rubíne, ic/prustfi tn6j krůt», 115 ať rf jáz t* ľudem znali Jím. Rubínu? respondet Prav to koídý juí vfo uruh k druhu, le ke víelifcťmu neduhu i ke *selikě*j nemoci mého mistra masti mohu spomoci. J J0 Kto* jniS kterú riídchu v moř. od mho? * pni mlíko kofic. A kto? jmi rimnici v tylu. neb snad ncikiovnfi kýlu. neb snad pnu dno lámi uía, 125 w* jmi snad žirvy vduii. ÜK Itr/Rufitnj replies sayuix My dear muter, you arc aiway* Kreml« it me and in your anger squawking at me! You luve achieved great aaaitW 95 yet for all thai right now you don't own no much as a turd. Merciumi tayt This haj been heard trom the ancients audit is also written in scripture: With a foul jppa may sometimes catiľl. lOKMllriQg, but you will share with him unequally. Rubin lays I0Q Thusil must always happen, lhat evil is countered with evil. and good is repaid with good, he who trunk* iH always fotu Merchant says Rubin, let us put atlOe tftdSOMK! 105 Sau*fy yuur master better! We shall both iuimedlulcly be rft*, every bud loo wJI p&ss us by. Rubin my» Just to, dear master, just to. let's both pull ingeiher as one! 110 BWfythtng will go accordiny lo uw will. then the devil will play his ume for us S9m Merchant ä to call three times Rafaní He /Rubin/ is to come and reply saying What arc your orders. Master Severin? Mtrckant lo him Rutun, lay oul my store, 1*5 so lhat 1 may make myself known to the people here. Rubin replies All oľ you now tell each other thai for every kind of ailment and for every kind of sickness my masrei '> ointments can bring help. 110 If anyone has a rheum in his foot he has coat 's roflk f« ti, And If anyone ha» an ague in his hack. or maybe an Inordinate rupture, or maybe gout is racking his cart, 125 t* maybe he ha» worms in his soul, no to vie moj mistr usdravf i viie nemoci zbaví. Metcatardkü Ruh: htj mfmulibu Jpicdkil Jednak, mistře, pftd tobú budu, 130 uf. jKh / pytlíka dobudu Mtnvror dielt .Rubíne, juí t'je počal ma/anec fcv&ti. Rač mi matt) iím mí vyčísti. tpMdictJ Kto chcete rady «lySHi. m&íeie sřm řídi hleděti' 195 ťoíchJujmř.lloK synu i svatý IMc. ať mne ďábel nepukö&e. /rem oVcir Tuto U je. mistře. ptrvá pudu. od leť s« pocuiS vol* jako hnifta: rwjpirvcV bude jako dyn? 140 a potťim bude jako skfímV Tiiin je, tinsiře, puska dru' .1 «1 téť /pleskajů vole tuhá; coťoui pírvi neduh a zapudí. * tatut'viece neduh* zbudí. 145 A toto ti jest půlka třetic, pro tur" baby skřtarkem k řertu oktal ' Ťfd? iiepokuüe: lei? M'jedno k rnüotti ftl ú A til«',mistře.najlrpc vonie. Zaamcnuj.coje d» b jie komu v zuby podal. fc byeh to vfim viděti dal, 170 vidy by »ř .1«ve zatočil. ncí by jedná nohí kxocuV A luto niMl činil mnich v chyfcí. mnich seoč ni |c[ptií]ci. KtoXiie' *ás okusí k^li, P5 vsune jmu isko p&J zcbriřie holi. A to je n i**! nade *Sr mušli, .íle itfi.|Ľi-|ie v icitovlisti. TkikiVju ?áii nu íkolném praJe, k£ buii v tofle. !e! na maši, IM) aJcnemAžujttřv.l'.. jrjliii ubit V ŽjVOÍ cpitl Aic 10 i vás kaÍĽJ ví?. Žn'VH-M^léríliczpcnfz: pakli nepekná pfídr s daty, 185 tcii'UcniťjdadicpBry. buď íid čirta, buď od chlap«. iposlednwj dadie kvap».1* A pakli je v ktcríj nemoci. kaStcjicjpřijilir.iti: M 190 budet' iddva ^ko ryba. neb tíl mast u nebylí Ji> '■-- A jiných inaití jmí? dosti. prodávají |c. a?ť níkto «cpe t*c kusu Säet* Ruhutui ad Poszrpoicum Birzo masti natluc J 195 po 2as budem roicti hosti1 * Dřcveamijiebyldjlnu: aí *e jie mnohým nedostalo. Pf)lcydni2 mi jic sem VfeCB, «'rwčakajústcjiece. 200 iir.ých, mwite, půlek (mS piln krJm a z rich utintl. co chcel tiSm Starim currat inter popukám Hot diclo Menvior his dornet dum* Rubíne! Rubíne" ■ ■ i M> that everybody doe« not try it: 16? it pertains only to love. And ihn line,» the best smell. Tike nute what there is to it It 1 were to put it between somebody's ueth. so as loiel you all see it, 170 be would always spin rour d before he would step out with one fool. And lh:s otntlPtnt was made by a monk in u pnvy, a monk sitting una imn. Any ono of you who tries u 175 »til pi.» hafd f>n hke half s beggar's staff And that is an ointment above »II mntiiwots but üieie is none of it in this country. The students pound it un Ihe schoul (lueshold, whether in ihe heat or In the frost. ISO but it cannot be chewed. only slutted whole iniu the belly. But all of you women be advised that the pretly on« :i cures without money, if an ugly o»w uůo&í with gifts !S5 she will be dealt with more cursorily, «Mhei by a devil oi by a man, and even the last one will be given ■ quickie. And if any woman has a sickness, tell her to come for three nights; 190 she will be as fit as a fiddle. tor this ointment seldom falls. -Süd you have plenty of other ointments. carry on selling them unsii somebody thrashes your bone*. SHete Hubin to Pusterpalk Quickly pound plenty of ointment, we shall soon have visitors. UarUcr you gave me too little of it «0 that many had to do without. Lei me have more of íl here. so that they do not stand and wait. 200 Ofolh« boxes, masler. you have a full slall and with those you will do whatever you want. At once he fa tô run among the people-When this has been said, the Merchant ii to eaii rwice saying Rubin' Rubin! .W AferwWŕoV« Hi, Rubíne' teľ vran oka ncvyklim. řc mfij inti cný pto ti hynal :u5 Ru»)íne.m6>ci prudkým./(ým.iwvřmf.fynembřU. fckdy ten« vulajiu.aty n«hccZkemi^ pl0 Rubtnus liicil É*. íldný iTiisftc. nemluv mi na hanbu mnoho. neb sens nedost« wi slova toho;14 Mb kdež ji/ síojiu B*boelio?u. 210 tut" ve&y trf řest ptiv'u Aŕmw&rdaei' Rubíac.moj verný sluhu, tutohýiinemäcm ... úloho.n Nechce k nana i jeden kupce přijíti. ní musf»5 odsud pd£ jíti. RubinuS dkit fc. žádný mistře, imc vesel býti chce Ic náma d»">hr J kupec přijíti Vizut' ondeno dobrého druha syna. a n neho /est V*6fcJ ly iina. Bude nidu zaplacena tohoto postu »yzina. 220 jeJ lepši bude iMÍ s W*ky noci kozina. Mcrcator dkit 3yaal atm. Rubróe./vřsá. 2c jsa «Je in panic u raestí, j tyl'. Rubíne, dobrých nuslí ptaju. A zdať ty mne. Rubme, necMju? : S Zdil * mi ti, «í i' oodeno stojle, eJh"worňchl^débfojie. DcWhni um. Rubíne, k mm a cistu uka? ke mní jim. Rubirmt dlclt mJ persona* Dobitijtru van, krásní paní' 230 Vy leplrv jdete *ej »pinie a nesúce hlavy |ako Unie? Sy&l jwfii. ít drahých mastf ptáte. Ilvn jfch u iního mhtra ptin klím Jtraftt. Stele Statím prima Maria Mnut Ctoimpmetii paler aJiiasimc, 235 anfclorurn rector muioime. quid facieroux nos mlscrrtnw? lie«, quantuj est nosttr dolyr' 3X1 Mm huni Ah. Kubín' I wonder a raven doesn't packoui your eye fur Jetting my honorable trade perish. Rubin, how can you he «ich a reckless, wveked. laithies* son that »ten I call you. you will not come to mef RubUllUti liey, beloved master, do not uy » much in »home me, fur 1 do not deserve such woids; for wherever I stand or walk. 210 1 a!ways pi opagatc your honor. Merchant toys Rubin, my íaitbíul servant, we cannot stay here long. Not a single customer will come to Uf, It i) tunc for us both to go away. Rubin toys 215 Hey, beloved master, please b* joyful. u good cuiiftmtr wu3 come to «a. 1 sec over there the good fellow's son and tie has a big bald pate We will pay fur tins Lent's sturgeon-flesh, 220 which will be better than the Easter goat'flesh. Mertnantmys 1 have heard, Rubin, fůr sure. that there arc three ladies hc/e in town. and they, Rabin, are seeking good ointments, And do they not. Rubin, know me? 225 h seems to me that they are "standing over there. that people are thronging around them Run Is*», Rubin. 10 them and show them (he way x« me! Rubin tay$ to the per&nt Cood morning to you, lovely ladies.' 230 Yuu ha« o»!y just woken from your steep, have you, and (,-tasc canytng your head* like hinds? Ihave heard that you ůic seeking precious ointments. There at my master'i you have a full stall of them. £fc» A t once the fint Mary is to sing Almighty, most exalted father. 235 most gracious ruler of the angel*. what shall we most unhappy ones do? Oh. how great is ou( surruwl 14« Prima diett rumům Hospodin« vfcmofci'i am>!sfcý kióiu IfcJúví' 240 loojpplmubíidk h: nen'ó?cm tebe videu SccutKÍu Mafia camel Amisimus cnira »laciura. thesum CftfWm, Mane ftUuitl Ipse «ii nostra redemprio JA5 Heu. qua n tu* e« níKtti dolor! /Wurfe J/c// rtťmum Zlnilil? vtiy Mltfiaj fVfito, Jew Kfiila nebcsfc/Jio. utratily any sv6 útechu, jeŠtu nim íidk udjeťhu. 250 Jew Krista Uskavího, přictclc ovícm vfrného. ni «vím třic ľutné" ríny. ľerdff «Marta Mnrer Sed cumin ungucntum cmere, 23 S cum quo bene posaumus ungere corpus Dnmmi sacf.v Dvmde dicit riemum Juko s2 ovfifky ro/fech/ujiú. kdyžto pastu&> itirjmajň, takö my be? mistr» svého. 260 lesu Kfttt« nebttAfiw», jefig ní> Často 'itčSbval a mnoho nemocných usdiavovai Hue pfophis tleme* accedite. hoc ungucnlum si vultis «nere, 265 cum quo bene polest* -ihx*re corp»* Ltomim ncranrm. CdRfni Merc*inr*m Mane content Die tu nobis, mcrcatoi luve-tus. hoc unguentunt si tu vendideris. die preciuin, quod tibi dabtmus Mercůtfw dicit riemum 270 Sřmo blSc pristúpite a u mne nuslí kupíte. item merest*? dleít ad Rubínům Vstaň. Rubíne. voluj na ní' i ■ 71w first one ■«.. tutá ^mighty, beloved ton$ o' !jw angels! 240 What aic we to do with ouinüvei wow (hat we cannot sec you? the second Mary is to ang Fot wt have lost cut solace. Jesus Chán, Mary's son. He was out redemption. 245 Oh, how great H ixw Know! Then she says We hav« k>M out numer, heavenly JMUI CI. |. We luve lost our solace. wh>>"i ilif few took awuv from us. 250 land Jesus Cluut fnend ever faithful. who suffered for ill ořu* cm*i wounds on his body. The third Mary is to sing, Bui lei us go und buy ointment 255 with which we might well anuini Th- Lord's sacred body. Then she says Just j* nilr *lt«p stíny when (hey haw no shepherd so do we. too, without our mottf, 2A0 heavenly Jews Cfafe i. »ho often solaced us .ind healed many sick people. Merchant it to xtnx Approach closer here, you weeping wumen, if'you want (o buy ihu oinuncnt 265 wiih whK'h you may well mo Q the U»id's wtrcd body. Ftclm> ihc Merchant the Marys gre to sing Toll us. young merchant, u will «II [Ins ointment, tell us the price that we arc to give you. Merchant says 270 Step up closer Iictc and buv ointments from iVew Merchant says to Rubui Rise. Ruhm, I am calling you! Vil umUliiř bez pomcAlnie"1 tímto parnem ru pokuSruiv 275 a mýin nusitmi nu pocbvikaie. Deinde Abraham procedil portans fijjum cum Rubino. Qui dici t tie Bych mořil vzvřdéti od mistra Severina. by mi mohl ulfítti m&n syna. chtíl bych jemu [diu] tři hítby a pol týra." /lem veniens ante mercatorem diu: Vjlaj, mistře cný i slovutný! Z&O Jiz »m přííd h Kibř wnulný. hoirin sám necujiu icbc) PioíoŽ snalne pruiau tebe. hy rííii mérnu synu i mirtvych Icízatj VI ChtŽlťbych mnohu zlata dáli 285 Pnbynulo rtcboZitko! PfZdivnŕ bicíc džťítfco-.břclýciilíh,ecl,eíc a o runám nerudicie, A kvd* na kampni «odtaje, 290 tehdy vidleíe. :- Abraham, I warn to toll you i'h.-. that I will heal your son. ii you give me ttucc talents of gold and also your daughter Meřa ■ Abraham say t to the Merchant Master. I WH gladly give you all this 300 that you luve uaked for. Merchant lays lfclprms.SunofGod, w that I may not perish in rny righteous purpose! In the name of God 1 anoini you, now by my art I bid you rise! .X)5 Well, why do you tie the«, laaae, carving your father such gi >cf Rjsc, give praise to the Lord, to holy Mary '•, own son. When thl% a finished they pour feces over His backside. Iptt vtKi /saw nurgens Jicit rumům Avěch.atneeh.avoch,ach! 310 Kuk tú, mistře, dosii spath. aviak jako / minvých vjtach. k tomu t8 bezmtl ncoarteh.24 uřkupu tub*, nuxďe.z ty).v. bŽ tni uiinil cti pridll mnoho. 315 iinfnuatíí po svém právu maří »v; ,. n j hlavu: ale ty»mi,mi*t?c. dobje* xhodjl, cž mi vilcimu řit masťú obU. Mcrcator ad Marter Jicit rkmum Milí panic, tím vítajíc' 320 Co vem třeba, toho plujte. SJyíaJ wm, e2 lUibryeh mastí ptlte. Teď (ich u mne pln fcrim jmitc! I:f rum mmator dicir Lrtca, tea will Mafir, přinesl sem tuto mast Z zámyfie. 325 Nyme, ü Veilký pilek, přin«fil umí min SUM z Benittk. Taťmí mast vdíkíl moc, Zet* usdrivu)e vieuJcu nemoc. Jesi-ó v uunorano kulí která Mat* hana, 330 a |«st na |cj:c břiic kóJČ sínba. jak* iž tlilo nusií pomaže, tak sobe třetí lira zvoniti káže. Uifte^i sŽ. pame. rády. túto nm "u pomažete Ißka i braily; tat' sé* mast k tomu dobre hodí, akurát'velmi ško& Mařit dieunt Milý se mladým IVdem ďflbitl neÜflniy, prolil uké main nehlůLiiniy. KiomS níš smutek veliký zjevujem lubř, 340 Ze nii Jew* Krůtu» pohřeben y hrobř. Proto bychom chiíjy umaíati jeho třlo. aby se tiem BochctnČjic onžlo. MáŽ-u oiut smyrrů a b lymijnem. s kadidle«» a s balonem. dobrý druže, tu prodaj nem Mtrcštordkit 345 Zapite, panic, kdy? u mne ti masti ptita, i«U'jw u mot velikú půlku jmáte »VI /Kwr himulfríves and say t Ala», alack, alas, ah! I I How very long, master. I have slept, but I have risen ai from the dead; also. I nearly befouled myself. I thank you, muter for this, that you have done me loo much honoi i Other masters, according to their rule. use their ointment* to aiunnl the head; but you, master, have sur.ed me well by pouring obit men i *U over my backside. Silite Merchant myi to the Marys Dear ladt«, welcome here! 320 Whatever you need, ask for it. I have heard that you arc seeking good oinoncr.y. Heie at rny place you have a lull siall oi thent! Again the Merchant toys This year, on the day erf St. MaryT Ihr. i oirttmem fromc««wa4. 125 Now. on Good Friday, 1 brought lhi» oiniment from Venice, This ointment has great powci. so that it cures e>ery kmd vf sickness If over in that corner theio Is an aid hag, 330 and the skin on her belly it weak. ai aoon ai she anoints hericlf with this ointment, die iiuiy yt ii-! the bell to tall for her on the third day. It" you. ladies, like to make up, you will us* tins nlnimefll it! nwM your cheeks and chins: 335 liic oiniment is weil suited ior that but it doca jp-eat hatm to rhaaoul. Marys uy Dear master, we do not aim to please young me», and thai 1« not why wr are looking lor ointment*. We only reveal to you our great toirnw, 340 that nur lesu* Chrt« rs buneti m the grave. That n why we would like lu anoint his body, so that its state might be the nobler for It, If you have an ointment with myrrh and with thyme. with incense and with baJwrn. good fellow, sell us that one. Merchant says 345 Indeed, ladies, since that b the ointment you seek from me, here at my place you have a great hi • 551 Ulm. deľ, mifhO I find »čtu tuto must /. niyrry a i tytniína. ^ilwrmktomurMlK vn», 350 vnřnif je»i nl.ií It tab . ii ktcrí tnmvv I U je dtňho v hrobe" híWto. hude-íi lů mail ti mazánu, třem bude fíccherjii|ic zseho?ino. Maria iíkii 355 Milý misífe, rai ncm w z|fv 1f, U& nem j«l tu mást jrnieti neb pňjlcil.25 Mircatot dšeti Zi(is:í. panic, když «m hnýro ] ladem nuw pnul Sval, ''.iil a vemjudáVai. ale pro »cítký snratek vlm advéhřlvořzUtídím. Ľxtw mercarom rf&cŕr nww euw namtrn I kam. míly muri, hMít*. íe sé mladým ncv&tkám sľúbiti ?idaV6 & takú mast za dví hRwjl zlata vykĺiWÄ? I co piwÄ *&n nad »obfi 365 i nade mnö. chudů 2enú? Pmio i> KfcffcefciuéQl ajflUké\hiibená.5lobú" Nebo je torní vleůsi!' a ji sem vydala na niej are* obilé. I '■' A to jie neponesu fy paf ne dlfievc. nel mi hř>n> tři Statt dsdlc. Mcrcator dici: Mu.«lir íeii.v len ob.vcěj jmajú. kdy sř zipífi, tehdy mnoho hajl I akr* tatu bkdokČ ncävarna* 375 mluvíveídy slova práVp.á. Zapivii ař mtu*R mnohn a fivl éym uSivrí tóno' Nti)0 D l. iiMMdfíohu. Ic mc" ůpr:mi»eí n ':<>? 380 ÍU,li Hmh^by přěstato. mni s pokojem býlí dab. Pakli toíio nepffiauneí, snad uie mne s platem vstaneš Kalilo ttpiávřj wů přeslictl, JS5 nebť dim písťG po rvÉm Ifcul .i'"' ymi.on the day of St John. I and« Ihia ointment of myrrh and of thyme. I added 10 U varum» »pice» 350 in which God'» creative power b »(rung. If any dead body »inch ha» long been buried in (he grave a anointed with thi» ointment. R will be the mure nobly preserved for il Mary says 5S> l)wr irwstei, p'-naw irv«al 10 u* for how much we may havo or receive this ointment. Merchant lays Indeed, ladles, when I «old such AfcUTftent to other people, 1 gave it tor three talents of gold, but to you, because uf yuui great sorrow. I wül glvr il for iw« lalenls of ffM Merchant's Wife, facing turn, \ays Why. my dear huiband. what do you mean by aiming lu pleaie vuung iurJois by offering such an ointment for two raJrnts uf gold'' Why. what are you doinj to yourself. M S and to me, poor woman Ihiil I am*1 That is why you are groaning with poverty, and so aw I. mberaWe weoch, wilh you! For it is all my work, and I laid out my wealth for it. And sothose ladies will not take it away before they give me three talents of gold. Merchant lays Mfiny women have thii habit: when they get drunk they hold fotili a Jul. So tiii» uncomely wretch, too, 375 is always talking empty words. SUM« you go» drunk you talk loo much. And now you wül suffer for It! For what buaneja la it of your: lo keep correcting m ti> much? 380 1 would advise you to stop. to let me be in peace. And if you do nor nap it maybe you will rise and go away from me in tear»!. Busy yourself with yaw dut* f f at once, 385 or I will punch you in the face! Í53 ľx.» etomai To-U )c mí k hodom wvř rúcho, U mí lepcí ta mi i Pii tni dohíí divní dínic diváimi políčky u odente. 390 Pro mů veWy dobru «du ibúi mi hlavu j«ko h*üu A DD äé iiui chcú s robil ro/dcliti nebo ro/lteiU, lě »'Am čcrlótn pacu&] httrrpalk dicit ricnium Vfta|tc. vy panic dxahnč' J95 Vy pit mljdýin ifík&m vidťti hodní! RuifiMux dicit Poitrpeiku.mohi fay mluvili tí3. až by rf uboriiy shýíc řoitrpaik dicit Rubíne, by ty môj rod znal, snad by na tni lépe lhal. Rublnus ad cum 400 Postrpalk«, dí5-h mi >vťtj nul znáti, Chen );í na '.*■ lípě tbiti. Pusrrpaik dicit Rubíne, chceí-ll n mfim rodŽ tíyšeti, to wbř cheu pověděti: Máařfcěoba, 40i lakeKoha, píodáváu, hřiby. hW i ukí hlusicř, *lňry. ráno ehvoCÖKi prodav áu. ptOlUl' Vclik" če\| JHi.'t.i Rubom i dicit 410 I co? W, febrfóe chudý, . mu Ně «idy 1 onudy prav E mi o svfj rodině' JÍzloIÍIepl*povřdř lo.jciio ícpSe védí 41S Má if ta Vavrena byl* v Module Zjvfôiu sjcdruaiiniiiii.Kcii) ku"teriil.*iem" •Miz půd jeho dvorem. A mfi ítrýrw Hudava J20 Ea >t c i kyiřlicu pf odiv*. Dncvcťjcstkiůpy dřela. protoť jeti velikú Česr jmeta 354 MfibMoNfi I thli "iy new gown fur lbe fcasl that you thump me bebind thr «->rJ P« my long-Handing goödneü you give me baowi iii»ieadorcloihe-390 For my evtr-flood counsel you haw beaten my head like a snake's. And sú now I »ill icpante or part from you, and COBHntfld you to all the devil». ľuncrpalk layi 1 you fan ladies! 3*5 You sic a proper sight fur young students! Rubin ays Ptuterpiilk. you might talk more quietly, nr you will make the tulUg» tome tumbling down ľusterpalk says Rubin. if youAnew WJ hncagc maybe you »Quid pay more heed In inc. Rubin re him CO Pusterpalk. if you ict me know yuut lineage I am wilting IQ pay m.-ic heed to you. httivtpalk «ryj Rubin, iľyou are willing lu hear abuui my lineup, i nt. willing to tell you this out h my uncle», 405 Soba an« also Kobe. «II mushrooms and fungi. and ,\\w darnumt jnd plums Often they sell brooms. lhal ts why ifo) arc held in great honor. /?(/A//ľ says 410 Ikiw come Ihji you. pot» beggar, hIki wander hithc: and thither, talk to roe about your fiuuliy* I vI.jII itll yiiu twltei what 1 know is better. 415 My aunl Vavrena was shut in a barn with a «nata numk below his estate. And my aunt Hod**» 420 often sella barley porridge. Earliei she used io hull pcaa, that is why she wai held in great honor. ■«s bych tobř *rf av&j rod vypru. II TebťbychrBeťUííuvjl. a sebe bych u pánu ptanŮ hruücu nr popravil Nlíilí prViifi. KvoUj mnoho, rwbo ilýra uZjvcf U lYeuaA. nebo tí pffvrfcu, ifly.koMitJciniokyjemv tobťzmllcu. srnu Mercaíor dktt Cní partie, ni io >y mJS aelbsi'.r W Bah! Where would if grif I described «U my uncage to yo*! I would deprive you of all bom and I wouldn't beiier my «11 K i atttgfl t^uaahy wild pear Stop if at once, don'i rfioui too much, or you w0 suffer for M. Siup n.yrl will knock you down. 1 will thrash ih« vein* und bone* Irmdc you with f Mi l Siléte Merrhgrtr mys BotoDraWl aldltM, don't you pay any heed lo lkať ■»ŕ™ NOT! s 1. The earn rkmui which appears in *e*«ai of the Latin rubric t li aat traits-kKú. bc-cautc V. u i/i the »tut« uf a lec-kfifcal term with ao »tbíactoiy hrnthtb ctiuiralcm. &BÜ be-taus* h» present use does nor reflect (u tpecjřic AcaRuif. W lhat it gratrmuus hrxle to the lense of ihe rubne it * whole. It I» employed Is a aumbet oi šnhnjual play«, i .ermaMaitn a* well m C*ech--LatJit. [wunarib to dodpn» the pai-«jM which arc ipokcu In the vcio*«iU.-. u dia-.dii.: from those aur^: at Latin, cha WaivJud a*' a cAtnnplifsed lab» in the present te.vt, when esch of the Miry*' tune Latin taraenu b followed hy * «pokert Oerh 0907* which the rJtMtc eeJÜ a rtcrmti ryv. 234-262) In those plari wharfi a Ulla ebmnt b "paraphrased" in s *erna..ular chant u weB u a vvrnaiular speech, a-mui ú used 10 distinguish sne iprvfctn puinte, example* can he Mund in :fto Ooch-Uttn (M/w '«Wm pertonarum (SSDPL i 06) a:cO Id the huiib;uck Eilt« play ff». 1119-1I J-li. rtownrr, this pract»« it nnt aineether iviteoan:, in the i-rttii 111 Ut y, Pureipalfctfi'i upeniw: German speech (»V ;*.iJ/S> b inixuUiK«! at i flctmu though it b not coupled with tnv thanr. in -he CMch-Larin Ordo Mum oťmmara« the term U applied to ■ apoKwi UUn »»uicisce in tvuK (SSDPL 1651 at wtU i* in a latin chant, which u Introduced by the rühr»; StonxSi IXMOm rent! rkmum (SSDPL ISO), aü alumsi wlioĽy Carch rraarnmit uf a Paiuon play end* wrth the rubric f r reccduit cum corpore *d sepulťkrum cintunn/i riemun; Kmtail pastor \ And they depart with the tody to the *epul;h;e bngwr the riCmur Thv riiťphud ha* depart«) SSDPL 157 (Aereuil pastor » ui fact 2 rwpon-wir) of Holy Saturday Matins)) Since )■ mi^ht f ha» he »pnUcd to* pa»*«* spoken 01 «mt, Id the vernaculai w b Latín, aod In vase 01 in pro*», rkmta rodmtly came lu meto little more than "utieranee." Severthckw i: «em* in be associated particularly with utllnxual .-vliiiiuut pkya uul tbia makes its appearance id the fini extuurubrk of the .V&ifiřbJ?. a» well a* before r. 55 where n irttrndocei J tpeech which foBowi a chant, Uitcmun* M y« «ooUast imSíťalot tint Uw toiw m lull) inienated bt ita* »IkfEKiuipUy. 2. Omítly h ibo Clech na niv I« Vau« and tUi u undouötcdly th* prtfMcy meuninj It evnk« here ßut it w not trrearrant tu Rubin'.* tuusnent thai Benátky W4* alfti the name of icvenl small town» and Tillage* in Kahemta and. more an pwiaiiüy. of a lujtoik-ui Piapw btolhcl a» the fowiccjith ccotmy. It wcrnsto h»ve Iwvooie a cvitunun du no meaning 'IhuIíkI" it 'nati by íík luli\jri: Kvvlvtf, whui a manuscript define* fxnirky a* ßai'ftikf Jutyn |wboie-buii»«.' in Cl«Ji and KVrrorium (brothel; in [jtin (SSh 3. ly&fkl b dcÚiwd si "tsnley ľunidiie" w mate enattly "porridce aade of bailey flour" in the MS.1. which rfKttnjjuHht* rt frnm kystlo. rnouilnf "aoop made of teavea"; Gvbauci (in SS) and atfetod (in SSDPL 222) lixnilariy dinňiguiih the two words. Hrahfic and řcrnf rcf ard th*m a* n-ňňnymona, and Omf add» that *>*wrV» 1* Tiad* r>l ijt-barť al «ett tí ka'tu Id laicc i*ütx the words weeo loinoliine» UKd ■auTchanfaably and wimetimec dir^erentaited. Ai a rale both desQEMte a cheap and ! HBbh L'/;!. ultNB WlffrCUUi 10 L- i.i-;l-i--''':'"-(*. JWf* :' ;-11' arOlliflaaTiaW -I Lent, or pa the pno,- m-hn e#nnoi »Trof« «nythifw, bette/. Hut »eentl to h* the hcic. a» w«U u at ». 420. and the e*act coeopotitkin of the food b relatively unim-pori m 4 The» leminii» noun to/tiefdaim from 1 root which mean* "bare," "hadd," "harte«" or ment gem/alty "without *n* «tcrcAoeihoe^OaflMauocd twikt U "hald qx-l on the bead" or luhl pate." bul it » obftooity lbe other, "gal" or "younjt wotran." thai m perttofin ncte (S5). Whit u aot alrc^řtfi« cicaj 11 its pioctKccrmo' tatkffi. Dafthefta tuotoient* tbat il a pťýonlrve, and his gU>w put&t unmštun *oat peai that the inualt Iim tn intplvunr tfiat the 11 wtuaUy Iminalute (Haniaefc and UK Hrtbifc adl., ľ>*<ľ-----260) but ih«e ur otlvo i«w«dbJliUei:Aoi/^b cojmate with *wfA*. w|ii.-fi may alv» hcai the Kftte /wťJiU l/-i/«oiíuni f SSI. but which oftM tmph«i a daapoa «ť liwcnttouiewn iratbrr Ute Um fctmllih wrwA which n-iy ütalfy «JttMi "Vitun* woman, ejr]" or "lewd woman, prostitutr"). S íiifii. h-cj.ltv Tiiich," hoe and la w. 75 ami 77 alpUfka lewd 01 omnotal "JOaa" (alio one of the »cniei of "bcteli" recorded in Webiier'* dictionary I and raid, literally "Tittle born»." u used here in defnjnJTŕ hej biWitt ihYantifck Obffrpfalcer ed., SffSiařK Zelki Art tiireJeiní "Hltí OUcH Cietli rU>t." -J 1*4-1.21). 6. íhe «xt fxtwoon yi r íefAfrA ahú po viem i»<Ä«*(r.. 4?-JÍ) apnou» lyfilaCKully intoheiect. perhap* becauie a »erxe drnpped out after v. S 3; Ťl h*i been oiajntsted That the pMOec wftl UUfiaUy Coiupotoú In an older form oi (-'Keď* and Uul by Jbtf lone- the ptaient text came '.a be lesirded the nranral «ate of v. S3 wai pet-^tved as arehMc and ««tec modlöcd, wiíh the malt um ;l nj lorac« rhyjDfd »Mb Hie verse whkb was meant to inflow it and complete the tenfc ŕľľvblIF. "0 KtíOÍcÄycJi urauuUwii «aonoíriídi." 34). 7. The exact rncanlnt oř OK taA rzprulttt t? appear* unccrOua and me pteflcat uaoiUliua. "to jo otto ccerralsiowji." b de*arned to cover a* maory of the pror>o*ed mcsí-lnfi» «i poHibie. TlK KOI« "to lUalcJitrti tap" "» "*** uw" rwpff"«''« «; ia pnen by Máchal (SSDPL 23 J), Oberpfaloey (V^noHT &aW hry dmioVtaí 20), nrxhfe (SwccViit* aVwnw. 256) and D»£iML. (HaviioeL ami llfabSX. «U.. Křůw .... 260). Bat rhu dna pot »nem cpiŕtc avntractr»ry in the prcient wwtaxT, and n> dlffvmit arhoiaji offer iliffvrval rwadbtv alttxrulivci. ObvrpfalĽ« rclat*« It 00 the one hand to dialect word* aacd of a reartne hor« r,i of íjwrtinj m jutfitna water. and on UK Othci W pakl ť*idcm:e uf lb* raaannui "to beirane rwntecL «rrithr. or coil op" izkKjuitti mi; thb laat b the only mennbtf cited by íertiý iStofofetÁf >fcv?fi?^o7. 5). DaftheUca nrofwiu "to rtřřwho«!"or "» fall fitf Ic^th" (mtth.-. SaV. i*n ialtobcc i&fflnj Ili«**iun KmM "Hd»km> uf C»tb Litup'ui«-" 1. Ptauuc 1929, 125) o/Ten "to topple trrn.LoLlapsE'7«f«T7/{ie/ The uncertamty 01 the esa*.I napanina; a confirmed by the onnoderahle difference neiweer. the interpreutioin provided in the o-rtfliu-J Eoxtjili vcjcioa or fekobtvai aitWc ("Mcdicnl Mttck Mypery . . 255), 'doubt» ov«." unl ba tba ťiandi Uanilalioa CLť Jii>ß?ic Vuitaauu» du Mo>wi Ap>. VVrque*tanus »ieux lchÔque."t>t(/owe. XXX/42Z. WW, \c rcidii. *at b, *VÜflBM**ai "in« r»^d.,"iV ttS8t«MÖt njafa tbeautítori-«ca niet iiuoii'd 11 not iionwjnvd ipoolkaliy with Ihw Mtttffkff, pye». bvtiůct YspUmxti ae |to jiraichten upj. uoly rzepfft « \lo oppoie. resist or Kl onetrif •jaUbi! atul sprostot ar ltd icabt. 10 uppoao w tu däieuat;. Kuhrn ewoamly eaeaai lu promi*e 1 catn.itrnphic and ptobiVy fgfit oot^ííme; whethej the victim writhe«, »t rcaii up. w lallt ;tcii3 u wi-ondai> B. Ilete and m hb next tpeech Serenn ntei corrupt i.eifnjn *v* pnru for wo Acir du and woptn* hrss fot hv f>ů/dWwwr»en'-.Í. Sc3ü.w.9e>anil 7si 9. Some indication where tb-s humor of lb» "fine jote" lies may he found m the InntOiuc*. tasla pky, wciuc Kubüi says: k* habe my* ncA rvrkvenj den habt» nor dy ordVn wie fenonm,' [I have tort my a*ck j* the old women «nie il from me' t»v, 01413)] UM Beile, mířiti rbtí pAuifc*:/ syn dt w0>/at mir mynacktbč fcdrwifxn- t***1. |Ve had a mbToifti«./ An old »»min l»a» pinched my toclc! tw. S**l-892)| In hú note to ihr pastap: Meser expfcuiw: "One mu« mmpne ihut previoudy. dutina tui butuiea, Rubin bad an opportunity to ruak« u>mr of the Merchant'i jjooda dHappear in» hi» own uck-to ;ht £T«I joy of th< ipecator»" ifVr /nntbrucker Ottefipttt . . . , 159). The* Czech Rubb* doe» aot actually attribut-: the loia ot .-*!.* .■» bc-xen to the hap* he mentioned a moOMtlt before, lh< rerie /WťďřířVu mi 1 pUkemi mfvh (». 86) utrraHy mean* "they tore to *Jucd* my bav i SU with the boxe»" Out j* i» Iv top«»»«! (wm |hc leítien« to ilW hui mi I only Iry TW* »tím» blit bv »»ha! aioecti ilaejf a* the «aľ or j n,-« ikUor of the tpeech 0 ducvd by /rf.'w and -oř icpcutiun ul Mii:f. fce-otc inieifljíneiYTlřfiydtffrieni coniK.IIw Utcfiiii tptcdi jih! lhe .«ten« which MwMl il are repeal«! li Icyoni doubl, tne te*l specific» Úurl the McKltam a lo call RuhirA nun« twice anil Rabin t« no' io teply. wnjtft b fan •»■hu: happened it the fe^ning of the pjcvio»» section. What com» next » »orae-aanag lets ccsiajr. Tim rubric which Kconpaniei r. R9 e,oct on tr direct thu bovct.n »oukl acuiri reptat Rubin'» namr and Hubm anwcj '»! U'luic". then Severn* in iu .ill Rubin1» iiair.e tot Uw Uatd tiinr. and Ruhm to come tnd answer, "« bclon." Tit t kcíiu lo nxlacute lhát Ruhin repeat* hú fat two speech« tat tbc pKvloui reclaim (w. '5 «m* 77). (Tlie V*Íy ulh»r poíwbiuij ň that Rubin repbcet onp of these b>' the thru! of tu» wbec speeches, *. 79, and thli n ten likely because the fit« two nunifoiü« form a pat.) If hedoei repe*: ftea ;i iia> be «upyawd thai whit Sntjtn (ays to ptntrotf th«e ptiUC-ki tCpBtt i> aol only Rubin» rum» hJ- (hfl whole mnemonic »ví»*» »iih wMdl ihev rhymf- Kiibf'ir. w pilluľ and Rutins, vo pUta kmtf Tli* fail thai the uxih nnd icveruh «pvcrh a« repealed uiimediatelí afterward» i-..:ui r..-_-, .!•: ■!-.--Li Hnthutt «Bnwti fl» Mgrint to>«3 Wff faftÜiH '■< Mfiw I». '^11 aad iter only ftmgotng iperch that «film Willi tlrcw wyrds ii Severin* Ofüt in tlie prevtoui >eaion m &U-*(I i 11. Sc»MÍa*i řítím ubKurv woverb seemi to m**n tömetnt«t l*C "l*HMC^ tiHH-uuaa with a fool may aomenm« bin« you a pioG:. y«l be wiB olwa»i «t imireoutoM- Thai. >oj »1Ľ" (CÍ. 5«iiL n-.90-91). 12. iUbto'i iruuxn ia adapted from one of the marry piomte mpku .'ound M ifae AUxandrJU. m C^ech gyle poem abwui Ale.\jiulw tlir Great whrcb Am** from c. 12V0. The «usual to i|iio:e4 m SSDPl. 4 i i rc*dt: /Jobu ítptí if ňtif ubrali, dobři a? dobrým jímpiinkd by ttuncthlrií; Okť U* *iUh\ "fjir.irút " | «s « not lint'Lu-iible bul it tlu«řard* the ÍP>t ;íut in CZKh the (Mt/Onioiilai ca» («ich a» nt/wrivwt) an be PKd to m«u '1ier" or "in li« itunner of."-The term «AAť'tfA oilüualiy sôpuTwd a pafan god »!m> protecied ihe hnutrhuhj. bul the raining of Omstttmry »■-! the t'hui\-h"» aTr«t» oi litb a» on other elemetK» ot paMrUBO GimSually iranrfarmed whal hid been a nmred)*e dctty üllu an mil and deium« being, vtiiouity i«JitlUaied lo the •tCti (Ccnft Zftfl. S&frtk v Hdovfm potítfn/ Sisruíexkém: "Tne GoVtm in OM Cí«h PopuUř Atort=nt»."Pr*sue I(f9l>. 14. TTťí phiaiei dadi* and awř*jr AnrfW a« rodemly «lang »nd tlwt pit l) «loiwi oo lax "for a Ions lid*" (tAmho), but Michal*» UmpHttfluw iSSDPL 2171 "mk»" {U medlouhitj *#enu to grrea ptefenbk terno. MO 16 Th* marruifrtpi ISWU /<*« Inmrad ot Kite, IT. Michal indtť*!** lhal ihet» hui «rawn lo the inaDunjipt aftsr rzemtätm , the befBWWg of m»t 2S7 aolto iuegjbk becauac the manuKftpt u duoigcd. IB Vti. from rldtli. literacy meint "tťc." UiuurIi it can have a wider mtwn-Inf (for lcitanc«, ndin o »W, lltnralry "To i*e aboul oneaetf." K uted rn the ww "lu remember ooe#Crf. think about OHeartf. kiut jJier anevetf." \I$S). iv j«C here appear« to echo WW |I aee (*. 217)J; the tranjlatwn "See tbout" attcrCPU lo preicrvc th« ero>»i«feience. The fact that EngOth rsqatiL* titba lb» defini-.« ot the iod/Cm:* anide before "corpse" (or -\3cxu v>x" m urvtx could also be rendered I ubtigM the traniiatot to opi between two ait«rutř\« which are preient simult»neoii*-ty in the OilpliwI. »od »u to limit the pouible mctmngl. It J clear Ilia. Rubin b to fiŕlCh a curpse to that Severin c*n dcmoniüatc hi» ututmeuit lo the Mar>% and he does m fact bring the dead laaav: on the other hand it I» geo-riKy egieM that till Ctuilťr ajaoo-JDoetnenl: **A good nutomc; *1il conic |y waV l*»u>fl there lbe good feikrw'i tnn" (rr. 216-217) refui to liaai: and hat father. Hut rt li no-1 known wtaOOMx ihn ipKUtun would have «een them at tlui poinl anil would iherefutc ha*e undefftood urnrkt u icfnulag lo Iohl, ";fcr corpie,'' ot whether they wouJd «■*■« (bought Se»erin wa* Asking far *« Oäfptc": >'« aawtber powbihty n lhal öl kaň »me of Ibfiot. faith* lo connect the word with I«mc, "lafiht h»*v wonder«! if it did not refer to Chrln. »řní»»* death lh« Uaryi ha« juvl been bunenting 19, T1m word fJihy. plural at hr)ö, teret« ro tftc puUctiba kbnj of inuataoom which a called txdtfut eduSH La LaUri and a known to torn« li-ngtiih *peaka» by (he heath ruaie cřpo. but teem* to have 00 COflUHOn uaiov in tiifhih. '.ha! u why the pttaefit truwtatrort <*M the generic term. In Bohemii nftr)> have lor» heen familur a» a common řoodsíoff. Howevcx, n Jidojbivttf'MKbsralMücii M>K«y------"2511 p«"'iT:ed ceíft íiaumc-íil. ai well a» in U« Inlingual Imubruck Faster play (». 5611. and ifanply *» auri talentům [a talent of gold! in the Latin pbiy iw« the Codex ßurattut. Jahn Has wrote In |4l*: Ji ?tt*y neumicm lipe Téci tatoiM«* «*í ftÄríM [I knrw no bftWi way to uy urtenaim is Ciach than AflWaj" SS. s». khw**\. Z \. The nami Mefca occuri a» a »uaqrhtfarward c^uivilent \o McdiUuhk. bul it often beaut dcflnlhdy daparaging connotatloní; it wai uwd In medieval Czech as «a ^VUraieni to the Urin prwsOdtntUMx, kpniiYing Temale juggler" but abo ■V-tMui" (SS. sv. mthh In t^onaaj J« .Heize, derived from Mecinhiidc. ■»mc lo connote a rroUop Oi ptuatitute (Pavel ÍMner. Oirsfm J lirz. "The Temple ai»d :he Hjrtrtss.-ftague 19W. J18). 22. Accotdlot iu Kunalmann (ftenkmoTtr dtr aUnchechôctien Utcmw. 429J, ihyttiMtl = ckytfe - rychk. "quickly." But Cebauer |SS> shasva that In Ott Caecfc. ai now. rh/trvtt meant "de*wneu. skill, cunning, crall" and »as u»ed to tranniatc the Laiia an; he quote» Seveiln,i uk of ibo word bare among hh exampte*-aaimdaann"» mterprCtalaon evidotiUy derive» from the mc of Cfiytrt ui lhe waw •Vjnick. iguo." tthiďt Vfclav Machck ttiymoioxicky thmtk jgtyk* č*eMMo a tfrni*ntJ-/Ao. "Ľiymotogical Dictionary of Ihe C>*ii and Stunk LaDcuas»." harue 1957) iceanl» a» Slovak (and also ř\>lMi,Swbu-Croat and Sto*voe) rather thanC'ecft. and -which he llrmty duUracutuei &om the usual ("Sech ien*e. "clava * 361 JJ. Um« Kcwt :o be win doubt about Ibt mu ní ihfct rubric and particu-kwly of liic »Lid few» Recant Oech editori hat« UamUtcd tt m "yea«" ifaww. a* Ofeerprok-et, KwaxrW tmk0 toy dn*d*M í 01: Ibjfaek. SwtXoM dramo. 26: Ôtní. SHxuíetki MmiŮbf. 13) or m "ikipi" (AfVto,. Danhalki U) Havrfnek and HrnhCk cd». 1'í'ftrtř .... 25?). h b by bo meant unthinkable ttul idiuJ at IcMl »oaiclUUiB tpsdfkaUy deiitiKd lo tepicicnr them, were meant to be med. Medieval rolioxiui diari did not hetiuie u> include «ttrauidinaril» KcalokwLťal nice bvtcwi» "Hue 0*u S*t** IHittt. fCH example, tfwnsi the dead St. Anthonin ttnpped raked and thrown inlo a o*«*-p4t, giaphkaBy dcKiuxO at filthy, nlrifclnj 'nd filled with dun* tnd manure: d rubric which directi the odor lo tme« hi» fate with "niutl" ladxalea ibal mud ins what K'ituiU> RückI sliv pK, but tlie Je»c:li>llo(i » ffemly «nthlnhc* in dramatic matnmg. "ordure." that when Aothomn u reiutciiaittl by St Serxlln uii «narpM »ílii hit mud-timeaicd !ecc tin- err«: man be pofeiquety dioefcTfu;; Sertctin emphadzc* rt by imbitiruj. that Anthunins faca needv K thoruurdi wadi and h-nvclf *ípíiut it cfcan ÍSeubezt ed . Lr G'ru Seirtl IfvrAl W. 1314-M ON tr*l»l> mor*lity ptay wiled Mmtanai n lea« one and poanbly iwo g Vice« xppaieml> defecate un tuunr (MdntimJ. n 7JJJ-7S6 and palupi 730-731. In L. Am Od Tkt MecfO Ptgys). KTcaemoHl si« featured in tome of íhe ceremonial connected with lb* Feat! of Fooh. which was niMo:uab)> ensn if uacudaitlcaUy finked wilit ihr cfturch Jiiw«}1 (BaíhUň. KsMau-------147), Manor*, tht u« of excrement, dung or manure, mhrht be »egurded at appropriate lo a tprüui-tiiac tcptt-aentatiua «T a iwwwsl ul life. The id«* of dclteatlori U, in my event, evoked st the ifepth Iiadc «ayt irornedieteiy after undergoing the tr-aöntmt. 24. Tin- present feait&Uuu lather ťowdlcíOřs trie ontfrul Tnearang of «ř bf:m£t ntroaw^i which could be lendvrcd mure procítal)' tí ühj MUdk bncUih vejh To betehyie" were itHl current: I«acactiii.Uvtavt "1 neatly beibat m>wU." 25. TlK' «OH 0) -i:l%»1 flmODym «i tlremfciivet, which findi a parallel in v. 392. «u retarded b> Gabaixx ai oldcaicr Kat the (ť*l ws* ■ imrabttton; hecon-jectmed that ;he ridndatot put down th* tVai wind, liieo UujUftlll oi atl ImprowjTieiií mú «dtfůd K «i an alteinarive rather thin amply c«j«i«g out the Urn. Hit view was dfaputcd by Truhla?, who tfiouphl il more Ľkeb to be law iia/k Of i carekit copier wAo wiott Iňc flftt word by mfaaake and added the cormt use at an altcuuttre ("OmiTrtíetkťch diBiutech vctikoaodnÄi." 34). 20. K'jrucmtnn (DenhmStv .... *26> i'jeU'» lliil ntvhfkd hcte doc«not hear IW fflodcin f^*cft tcrtK r "pifMrinite") hm támply mean« "younj wwrnu*; Machck (Ftymnlopck} ihnnik .. jafOiiu» thai teiěVlA« 111 Hie tente "Mwf" date» from the «Utocnlh «j>!Ľjy. Hut the OW Czech dictMiury pablitlted fay Un: CživlioJloraJi Academy fSS. vol 6) thowj tluii lliii Ik j ntliukc; fcmortt 'he exsmpte* it diet are fcaineentr) Did trfTeenth slat« Üut vv. 364-347 i.)i>i: uíúuJUillí Imw Ifkd: / oo pfi/í tihn ted tnhC Í rnrtfe mnů, cfmUÚ rabů" A ptoio ly ItoBettváobO. JStakfi.kvktni.siofá' «Od raduriLs au: Ihii ux of i iiionOfhyraBd tetra«W~ii foBovtns (he nc-norhymed CHth-h wliirft of««» tne tpeccb .-ontiibut« to in jocuW effect 28. PuMetcuIL tpecdres two klndi of mudtioomk much raote famlna: to Ceocb Uian to fcwdlah ipoeket». tne boUiui rduitt alrekdy menboaed by Abrahmt f. 27R) knd the pint/oat* mmeHmwcallKl "ojitet íiľJkIuuom"or "oysta fimpu*," t*-\ which u "no edible afAíb* . . . growing ta thuWöip natwi on UrtiJ wood" (VebSfť í TktnttMirmttomtDicttomry. SprtRirtold, Mam.. 1 Wl '*). 2». Il to not khofeuw elm what kind ůí foam b mam by win** htm**** In yveienl, komtmiar meant "coenmander" or "adniinituatuE of a aim-meetd," and lúmenáů |coewrn*ndl to **1. la* Bfljoroient oik Chutch ftenefx*wttbos* the oMkjpttton tt> perform the coneipnnding dutiet:2 a liitinvt »\ a reliejiMto military «da adirUntoteted by ■ cornmendaux or oofftmendaiory'* tfibv*"! *!<>**& i*:yt* íeikiko: "Cttnate Dictlunary af the Cwea Larneuaee." Ciiki AkAdctnle vití a umecď. IT, říkguí. I93?-I938y It Keňu that ikomendor ťan alto be utod oioic hMtdyto ■entfv 'Sdrntuminor" ot '^dminmrftme offtctal," once the Luäut de tsurr-ctionc Domini fcpadu of "Cauphaj' eonunendator" \j#*t kotfShvfm fawwitdiwr». v. 251. SSDPL 194). So ŮK mnith komendor nuy be dfJm i rnoiat who adnilnaticn k ccm-mend held by hat monattery. or a ranking roembe« of o rt^doui iniiilary otdct Ctíflý 0»B rot th* »teoftd interpetation, poimlng out that the reföea.* to tlw onrotnend* held in Bohemia by ihe order of Si. John of Jcraaakei!, abo kacnrQ ■ ■ the otdct or tbc Kii,: tatlcti, would no*r nad i partoculariy topkal derdßcan».* a: the time the Maiiíítff wa Ibrai pwformod. boiy"t* in 1*23 fbe pope granied King lohn tt» ne*t to levy e tithe for three year» on all Church revaouea uxvept UfeOM bekiqeiru; tu lbe mdar of Bt John and Ihcteby alOUacd Beat indiaTiaíWB fn the vUwiUiy i'\M bonJfMHI k oMiivartfÜm." 12« 139) But ht the reference h to a mem bet of j military order it i» m;pririns that he- it caDed "Inwik"; the- moteuankl kfoo would be fÄhCí "KJÜebl" Oi posawy 'tuother," The coitjanction of mmkh andi fconvndor tuate«» that Rubin to referrinte to a« BuUiilnUtraOvt ofliciil »ho it» nveciifaer of b munaauV raUitr Uun a miiiur- CMdM, UK) aUudin£ to n kind of «boa* which w»i Uabfe ro atitn whererc monoRenet grew rich und held «tat» nut diicciiy attjcknnui the» central ikiinaJn. Ttue wJdciv »cattcisd onMfl kCcumuUied by many medům- noaajtcrcs were wmetrm« «Jminwered by lay ajteem. bill often by apacBiHy appointed oieuibut ul Un? iuoluMlO COUuUWUty lvielf, thete in ih*0 lurn nutili c.vciclfc thdt nfrVe etther by oving mure or le" pernaanrntiy un tbc cftatci wtiäch tt»y bald in chatee. Hke Osrtaln moak-vraidta (l>om i»v« Knowle*. TTte Ke/i-toui Ordert (t k'*tknU. I, Cambridge 1948, 39). or ttawllia« at Uiey aw ill from one manor or ertru:- tu aoolliec. Like thw "uuuidu" wlalrcd by Chaucer in it* ronraif of (Re Mot* tn the Piofogtic to the Canrtrbury Tale» The praĽLice cľ *u-pnmtinf mar*« at buabieat adjnüitotxatori. and to in tdXWt fClMune ihem from itx-iHiU.: dtoťhjlljk'. peiilitcd deiptte tepea'cd eifom tc. íboíith ti in :'j«j: of weubu RewBfdi and bailiffs, though it eat« riw !u ounictou» Lric-iitarKlea and tcndall (Kiaowlci. Ibid \. Chkucer detcrlbed hll monk'l love of rřne dnthoo. hoitu». Iiwntlne and food, and fau amteir.pi for both ph y ileal aral Intellectual »Ol* i Rubin allude» to (be Biavet »&*/>**I of roe wviul licente hit monk could indulge in w&le odiuiototdine hto »ia;e or nujior. 1Í.Í