Barbora: Name [SB1] of my Abstract: In vitro evaluation of endocrine disrupting potential of waste water in the Czech Republic Although Waste Water Treatment Plants (WWTP) are known to be the main sources of endocrine disrupting compounds, up to [INS: the point at which :INS] this study[INS: was conducted, :INS] there had been no evaluation of endocrine potential of waste waters in the Czech Republic. We [SB2] used in vitro bioassays to determine the levels of endocrine disrupting compounds in influent and effluent of waste water from a modern Municipal WWTP in Brno Modřice, Czech Republic. Composed samples were taken monthly during whole year. Significant levels of both xenoestrogenic and xenoandrogenic activity were determined in waste water influent. Efficiency of degradation of xenoandrogenic compounds [DEL: was :DEL] [INS: ranged from :INS] 96 to more than 99 %. The efficiency of xenoestrogenic compounds degradation varied from 81 to over 99 % and the measured xenoestrogenic activity in effluent varied from 0,01 to 4 ng EEQ/l. [INS: [try to avoid/minimise use of repetition, re grammatical structures; see your reference to % for examples) :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: :INS] Despite the great efficiency [SB3] of degradation[INS: , :INS] the potential of measured concentrations of xenoestrogens in effluent to cause effect on [SB4] aquatic biota remains a [INS: key :INS] question. During research[INS: , :INS] the parameter of waste water cytotoxicity has been shown to be extremely important for [INS: the :INS] evaluation of endocrine potential and the results suggest that it could play an important role in aquatic ecosystems. Since WWTP in Brno Modřice is one of the most efficient WWTPs in the Czech Republic further research is being done to evaluate situation in other waste waters in the Czech Republic. This research was supported by ENVISCREEN 2B08036. Lucie: GEOMORPHOSITES: AN APPLICATION OF THE CONCEPTION IN THE PODYJÍ NATIONAL PARK The conception [SB5] of geomorphosites is used for an evaluation of the[SB6] geomorphologically interesting and valuable sites. This article presents the basic[DEL: s :DEL] fact[INS: s :INS] about this conception (definitions and methodology) and offers an example from the Podyjí National Park where some geomorphologic phenomena (e.g. block accumulations, segments of Dyje valley) can be evaluated as the geomorphosites. BLOCK ACCUMULATIONS IN THE WESTERN PART OF THE PODYJÍ NATIONAL PARK (CZECH REPUBLIC): PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS OF THEIR DISTRIBUTION The National Park Podyjí in [DEL: the :DEL] southern Moravia is one of [INS: the :INS] areas where block accumulations can be found. In this article, the author analyzes [SB7] some basic facts about the distribution of block accumulations and deals further with some aspects of the distribution (for example exposure, position within the slope etc.). The research forms a part of the author’s thesis.[SB8] The data obtained together with the information about architecture and sedimentological characteristics can be used in a detailed analysis of block accumulations, and the work as a whole can [SB9] contribute to the protection of this unique ambient.[INS: [this paragraph is somewhat stinted and has repetitive grammatical structures... :INS] Radim: Title: Dynamic cartographic methods for visualization of health statistics Abstract: The presented article [SB10] deals with an interdisciplinary research of health status data analysis and so called “health cartography” mapping approaches. In the first part[INS: , :INS] [DEL: the :DEL] existing cognitive studies and recommendations [SB11] on map design are discussed. [INS: The second :INS] [DEL: Following :DEL] part describes current trends in cartographic visualization and non traditional methods for exploratory cartography. Examples and possibilities of modern cartographic tools for dynamic presentation, publication, and analysis of health data are mentioned[SB12] . T[INS: he t :INS] erms “dynamic presentation and publication” describe the possibility to select required scale, to allow interactive creative communication of users and map authors, and also presence of active statistical tools. [SB13] [INS: A :INS] [DEL: P :DEL] [INS: p :INS] roject of medical web portal for presentation of health data with [INS: a :INS] special focus on cancer prevalence is described in the last section. The portal should be used for educational and informational purposes[INS: ; :INS] [DEL: and :DEL] exploratory tools will be [INS: a :INS] part of it. Attention is given to suggest[DEL: ion :DEL] [INS: :INS] which tools would be appropriate to [INS: meet :INS] these demands.[INS: [i find this abstract a little unclear” i.e. the aims and objectives of the research are not totally clear to me. Similarly, :INS] [INS: which country do the health statistics refer to?] :INS] Lenka: I wrote this summary a few months ago into the application form for short-term fellowship. The aplication contained the description of my current work and of my proposed work in the host laboratory. TITLE OF THE PROPOSED RESEARCH: Integrative high-resolution profiling in lymphomas SUMMARY (196 words): [DEL: The n :DEL] [INS: N :INS] on-Hodgkin's Lymphomas (NHLs) are malignant tumors of[INS: the :IN S] immune system. [DEL: It :DEL] [INS: [DEL: t :DEL] :INS] [INS: T :INS] [INS: hey :INS] [DEL: is :DEL] [INS: are :INS] a very heterogeneous group of tumors with different biology and [SB14] prognosis of patients among diagnosis but also even within one diagnostic entity[SB15] . In the laboratory of Dr. Smardova[SB16] we currently anal[SB17] yse several important markers of development and progression in two types of NHLs. But [SB18] we do not concern[SB19] ourselves in other genetic abnormalities which could influence patients' outcome. In the laboratory of Dr. Campo they provide genome-wide analysis of genomic aberrations by DNA array technology which allows simultaneous genotyping of the tumours, the analysis of copy number alterations and the identification of uniparental disomies. [DEL: By combination of :DEL] [INS: Through combining the :INS] acquired results with [INS: the :INS] information[INS: gained :INS] from expression array analysis[INS: , :INS] [INS: investigation of the :INS] [DEL: they investiga te :DEL] candidate genes involved in the pathogenesis of NHLs[INS: takes place :INS] . By pharmacological treatment of cell line models fol lowed by gene expression analysis they also detect genes inactivated by premature stop codons, possible tumor suppressor genes. [INS: :INS] [INS: :INS] The aim of my work in the laboratory of[INS: :INS] [DEL: :DEL] Dr. Campo is to learn more about specific genes involved in tumorigenesis or[INS: :INS] [DEL: :D EL] [INS: in the :INS] progression of lymphomas. This information could be extrapolated to other methodical approaches which are or will be available in my current laboratory. Eva: Hsp90a and Hsp90b: Diverse players in chaperone machinery The Heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) is evolutionary conserved essential stress protein that is highly expressed in all eukaryotic cells. Hsp90 is an important component of [INS: the :INS] cytoplasmic chaperone system, where it is involved in the stress response and in normal homeostatic mechanisms. Human cytoplasmic Hsp90 exists in two major isoforms, Hsp90a and Hsp90b. These two isoforms were not discriminated[SB20] in most of studies[INS: , :INS] until recently. However, nowadays distinguishing between the Hsp90 isoforms seem to have considerable importance. [SB21] Differential expression pattern[INS: s :INS] , distinct induction after stress conditions, isoform specific functions and also unequal sensitivity to some Hsp90 inhibitors were observed. This review summarizes new facts about Hsp90 isoforms and is predominantly focussed on [INS: the :INS] functional point of view.[INS: :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: Generally well formulated with clear and succinct descriptions leading to your aim. :INS] Karla: What do small oligochaetes like? – Distribution and habitat preferences of oligochaetes within the hydrologically dynamic lowland river. Petrivalska K., Brabec K., Syrovatka V. & Hajek O. [DEL: The r :DEL] [INS: R :INS] ivers and streams could be seen as a hierarchical system of patches that differ in size and environmental conditions. This patchiness and spatial heterogeneity [DEL: in :DEL] [INS: in the :INS] distribution of stream organisms is driven by a wide range of environmental factors, [INS: including :INS] food availability and biological interactions, but depends also on the age of locality and its succession phase. [INS: In our/this study, :INS] [DEL: W :DEL] [INS: w :INS] e have focused on the lowland Bečva river in the Moravian part of Czech [INS: R :INS] [DEL: r :DEL] epublic. The geological and hydrological characteristics of the catchment cause frequent periodical floods commonly alternated with periods of low discharges. At [INS: the sites :INS] studied[INS: , :INS] [DEL: sites :DEL] t[DEL: he :DEL] [INS: an :INS] exceptionally large flood brought destabilization of the river longitudinal section[INS: ; it :INS] [DEL: , :DEL] created more space for the river, destroyed old embankments and changed the structure of ecotones. These parts are still under dynamic development. The main aim of our work was [INS: to conduct a :INS] detailed study of two channel reaches with unstable stony bottom. These two stretches differ in the shape of floodplain[INS: s :INS] , character of riparian zone, surrounding land-use parameters and also in different position[INS: s :INS] in the longitudinal river continuum. Oligochaeta (sensu oligochaetous Clitellata) were chosen, because they are common[INS: , :INS] and together with chironomid larvae[INS: , :INS] the most abundant taxonomic group in lowland rivers. However, their habitat preferences are not well known due to difficulties associated with their identification. We focused our attention on the distribution patterns of oligochaete communities inhabiting particular mesohabitats characterized by different substrate and hydraulic conditions. We have identified four main types of habitat – pool, run, riffle and marginal pool (isolated or connected with main channel only at downstream end). We also compared their distribution between two seasons – autumn with low and stable discharge[DEL: , :DEL] when the habitats are better differentiated, and spring, when the particular patches are obviously more uniform, modificated after period of spring high flows.[SB22] This study was supported by the international project Euro-limpacs (EU Contract No. GOCE-CT-2003-505540) and [INS: a :INS] grant from the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic (MSM 0021622416). [INS: Well constructed, though a somewhat lengthy and descriptive abstract. :INS] Sylvie: Abstract for a grant proposal The proposed project aims [DEL: at :DEL] [INS: to :INS] determin[INS: e :INS] [DEL: ing :DEL] the interplay between different types of intergroup contact and intergroup attitudes in the border regions of the Czech Republic and four neighboring countries (Austria, Germany, Poland and Slovakia). We [INS: will :INS] focus on border regions because of their high potential of intergroup contact and functional intergroup attitudes. In our project, intergroup attitudes are conceptualized as comprising three distinct components: stereotypes (cognitive component), prejudice (affective component), and discrimination (behavioral component). [INS: :INS] [INS: By :INS] [DEL: E :DEL] [INS: e :INS] mploying qualitative analysis [DEL: of :DEL] [INS: containing :INS] open statements where participants described their experience with outgroup members[INS: , :INS] we want to determine the three components of intergroup attitudes and [INS: the :INS] nature of intergroup contact. Furthermore, we add other methods to be combined and analysed together with the open statements outcomes[INS: , :INS] e.g. a feeling thermometer for relevant outgroups; self-, ingroup- and outgroup-ratings on bipolar scales of psychological characteristics; ingroup identification measure[INS: s :INS] [DEL: ; :DEL] and manipulated level of linguistic abstractness for nationality labels. Combining different theoretical and methodological perspectives, we attempt to gain a thorough insight in[INS: to :INS] the complex nature of intergroup phenomena. [INS: [very clear] :INS] [DEL: :DEL] [DEL: :DEL] ________________________________ [SB1]title [SB2]perhaps this would be better phrased in the passive...? (more reflective of academic papers) [SB3]speed (?) [SB4]rephrase [SB5]odd choice of word [SB6]use once you have introduced ‚the‘ sites in question [SB7]by this, i take it you are referring to yourself...? this method of writing is a little archaic now; if you would prefer to avoid the use of the first person, the passive form may be a more appropriate alternative [SB8]a somewhat redundant statement [SB9]use of this modal here expresses a degree of uncertainty; what are your aims and objectives for this research?? [SB10]Odd; ‚This article...‘ [SB11]This seems to be misplaced recommendations tend to be highlighted/discussed near the end of the work [SB12]also explored [SB13]why does this appear here...?? [SB14]? [SB15]This clause is somewhat unclear as it appears to contain contradictions [SB16]Who is this? And where is this lab? [SB17]Check the tense [SB18]Avoid starting the sentence with ‚But‘ [SB19]But we are not concerned with other egenetic abnormalities... [SB20]Check choice of word here [SB21] Collocational patterns: have collocates with significance, while the other one would be: seems to be of considerable importance [SB22]Check meaning: uniform v mdoificated (sic) modified...?