1) Eva Frankova Title: Economic Localisation and Degrowth Key words: economic localisation, economic degrowth Abstract This paper looks at two concepts within the current ecological economic debate[INS: ; :INS] [DEL: – :DEL] those of economic localisation and [DEL: of :DEL] economic degrowth. After introducing the context and definitions, the authors [jm1] explore the interlinkages, common assumptions and arguments[INS: , :INS] as well as the joint weaknesses and inconsistencies of the two streams of thinking. Both localisation and degrowth share similar values[jm2] and also on the practical level, both are proponents of similar policy and on-the-ground solutions. However, both also share unclear points. Definitions are not settled yet and the position (or opposition) vis a vis mainstream economics is variable. Also, writings on these issues tend to be normative and idealistic rather than analytical and realistic. [INS: :INS] Whereas within the localisation texts degrowth is not explicitly mentioned at all, from the other side connections exist and localisation is a usual item among the degrowth principles and/or policy suggestions. However, a detailed analysis of its prerequisites and consequences is lacking and hence problematic issues remain unresolved. These include the question of how to limit the international flow of goods and services and yet retain the flow of innovations and ideas at the same time[jm3] , how to achieve this democratically, or how the difference in approaches towards global North and global South should be conceived. [INS: :INS] It is argued [jm4] that both localisation and degrowth argumentation could benefit from exploiting each others’ [jm5] intellectual attainments and that the remaining uncertainties and inconsistencies need to be addressed rather than sidestepped. Some suggestions for further dialogue between the two approaches are provided. 2) Peter Pavlovic An abstract of an intended paper for a[DEL: n :DEL] forthcoming conference (without finished research). In 2006, the International Law Commission adopted the Draft Articles on Diplomatic Protection[INS: , :INS] codifying existing customary rules and progressively developing new rules of international law [INS: that :INS] deal[jm6] [DEL: ing :DEL] with [DEL: the :DEL] diplomatic protection. By analysing annual reports of Special Reporter of the International Law Commission on this topic and the final results embodied in the Draft Articles, there is no doubt about the intention of its[jm7] authors to adopt a multilateral treaty on the diplomatic protection in the future. [INS: :INS] [INS: :INS] This paper analyses the will of the states for this step in [INS: the :INS] context of newly developed rules contained in Article 8 of the Draft Articles[INS: . This :INS] [jm8] grant[INS: s :INS] [DEL: ing :DEL] the state a right to exercise diplomatic protection in favour of refugees and stateless persons. Following the customary rules [DEL: :DEL] based on inadmissibility of claims lacking in a genuine link [jm9] (generally expressed by the nationality of a natural person) [jm10] between them and a protecting state, [DEL: the :DEL] states us[INS: ally :INS] [DEL: ed :DEL] [INS: refuse :INS] [DEL: to decline :DEL] to grant [DEL: the :DEL] protection to such persons[jm11] . [INS: :INS] [INS: :INS] The Draft Articles create a link [jm12] of a new quality between these subjects expressed by the "lawful and habitual residency" of refugees and stateless persons, thus extending their protection in international law. However, incorporation of Article 8 in a multilateral treaty may become a serious impediment to successful adoption of such [INS: a :INS] legally binding instrument[INS: , :INS] due to missing interest of states in enlarging [DEL: the :DEL] protection to [DEL: the :DEL] politically exposed persons[INS: , :INS] without any relevant link[jm13] to the protecting state. This example shows that a progressive development of law may foil a codification attempt. 3) Petra Sachova Restorative Justice represents an important approach to the criminal justice systems worldwide[jm14] . Being its main perspective [jm15] the central role of the victim and assumed responsibility for loss and damage of the offender are th[INS: e :INS] [DEL: ose :DEL] [INS: issues :INS] [DEL: goals :DEL] confront[INS: ing :INS] [DEL: ed with :DEL] the current criminal justice system in [INS: the :INS] Czech Republic. Thus, the two main points of this study [INS: are :INS] [DEL: represent :DEL] the meaning and the purpose of the punishment imposed and the extent of satisfaction awarded in [DEL: the :DEL] Czech [jm16] criminal proceedings. [DEL: The :DEL] Czech legislation on criminal law and the Czech criminal justice system itself are compared to the legislations and systems of countries that [INS: have :INS] attemp[INS: t :INS] ed to incorporate the Restorative Justice framework in [INS: a :INS] [DEL: more :DEL] wider and [INS: more :INS] open manner than [INS: its :INS] [INS: more limited incorporation in :INS] the Czech [INS: system :INS] [DEL: one has done :DEL] . [DEL: A :DEL] [INS: S :INS] [DEL: s :DEL] pecial attention is given to the countries governed by [DEL: the :DEL] continental law[jm17] . It is [DEL: if :DEL] of[INS: t :INS] [DEL: f :DEL] en argued that Restorative Justice might function well solely within the scope of Anglo-American law, where it has its orig[INS: ins :INS] [DEL: en :DEL] . The study claims that too little attention is paid to [INS: the :INS] potential [jm18] that Restorative Justice offers in the indicated way to European countries, particularly to [INS: the :INS] Czech Republic and its criminal justice system. 4) Hana Surmova (Abstract for a conference) Unemployment is relevant [INS: phenomenon :INS] [INS: throughout :INS] [DEL: all- :DEL] society [DEL: phenomenon :DEL] which [INS: has a :INS] [DEL: brings :DEL] specific impact not only for unemployed people, but also for their families. Th[INS: is :INS] [DEL: e :DEL] research is concerned with families affected by unemployment, especi[DEL: e :DEL] a[INS: l :INS] ly families with unemployed women. [INS: The a :INS] [DEL: A :DEL] im of this qualitative research is [INS: to provide a :INS] description of components of the marital relationship which are more affected by unemployment than others and finding coping strategies used by these families[jm19] . Semi-structured interview and some methods of family assessment (Family Crisis Oriented Personal Evaluation Scales, Family Hardiness Index, Family Environment Scale) w[INS: ere :INS] [DEL: as :DEL] conducted with eight families[jm20] . The possible change of marital relationship in the context of unemployment is suggested[jm21] to be perceived negatively. Preliminary results show [DEL: :DEL] that the families which performed well [jm22] prior to the episode of unemployment have less problems [INS: in :INS] [DEL: with :DEL] coping [INS: with :INS] their situation than[INS: more :INS] [INS: dysfunctional :INS] families[DEL: dysfunctional :DEL] . 5) Fedor Tirsel The paper deals with the text entry strategies designed for touchscreen devices. [jm23] We[jm24] argue that there is a need for a universal eyes-free text input method[INS: , through which :INS] [DEL: . Afterwards, :DEL] the user is able to transfer his or her writing skill without device-specific training. We[jm25] propose Orthographic Text Entry Strategy (OTES), an eyes-free text entry method based on orthographic symbol system input, and speech or non-speech output[jm26] . The OTES aims to improve the entry rates and to reduce error occurrences. We also discuss various design combinations that may yield to a user’s experience improvement[jm27] . With the online questionnaire we found out how are the blind users familiar with Morse code and Braille.[jm28] 6) Jana Zelinkova Theory of mind [jm29] deals with the ability [jm30] to understand [DEL: :DEL] mental states of [DEL: the :DEL] other people. In the last decade, many studies have been conducted to determine how the human brain mediates these processes. Up to now published studies [jm31] [INS: have :INS] suggested significant increase in neuronal activity[INS: , which has been :INS] congruently observed mainly in [INS: the :INS] right and left temporo-parietal junction[INS: s :INS] , superior temporal sulcus and medial prefrontal cortex. The aim of this study is to use spots from national traffic educational campaign to the research of this ability[jm32] .[INS: :INS] Functional magnetic resonance imaging data were acquired in fifteen health[INS: y :INS] 18-25 year old male volunteer drivers. During fMRI scanning, a series of twelve 30 second[DEL: s :DEL] long videos [jm33] representing various types of traffic situations were presented to participants. Half of [INS: the :INS] clips from the campaign [INS: had :INS] [DEL: with a :DEL] catastrophic end[INS: ings and they :INS] w[INS: ere :INS] [DEL: as :DEL] presented together with six control videos without dramatic ending[INS: s :INS] . [INS: The g :INS] [DEL: G :DEL] eneral linear model implemented in SPM5 software was used for analysis. We[jm34] obtained the statistical parametric map depicting differences between two conditions. [INS: :INS] [INS: A s :INS] [DEL: S :DEL] ignificant increase in neuronal activity was observed mainly in both-sided superior temporal sulci without asymmetry. These brain areas were activated more strongly [INS: whilst :INS] [DEL: during :DEL] watching videos from the campaign in contrast to [INS: the :INS] control clips. The next [jm35] differences were observed in [INS: the :INS] left supramarginal gyrus, cerebelum and midbrain.[INS: :INS] STS is often mentioned in connection with theory of mind and social perception. In a parallel way, STS activation [DEL: also :DEL] might [INS: also :INS] be related to emotional processes and situation evaluation[jm36] . ________________________________ [jm1]Is this a team written paper? If not you could also use a passive construct, such as “after the context and definitions have been introduced, the … will be explored”. [jm2]In terms of…? This would add a brief example for better contextualization. [jm3]At this point a sentence break may be a good idea. “At the same time” can refer beackwards to retaining the flow of ideas while limiting the flow of goods and services. It can also refer as a consequence of both to achieving this democratically. As this presents a possible ambiguity in a fairly long sentence, a sentence break would resolve this. [jm4]As you have used passive constructions in a number of places, it would reinforce the use of it in the first comment above. [jm5]Who are the parties here? I would say something like “exploiting the intellectual attainments of + named parties”, e.g. North and South. It is removed enough from the previous sentence to be well supported by a full form repetition. [jm6]The relative clause is used here as an outcome of the parallel “…ing” forms of codifying and developing [jm7]One document or many? [jm8]I’m not suggesting you use “this” here, but this is a placemarker for either “Their will (states)”, “The new rules”, or “Article 8”. I had originally continued editing beyond this point, but had to come back to this stage to avoid further complications later. At this stage it begins to get complex in the same way as the text we did by video conference on “incidence and continuity of statehood”. As such you need to start opening it out a little for clarity of focus. [jm9]What does the link refer to? Can you be more critical with the concept? Is this right to abode in a country, right to immunity, or something else? [jm10]Maybe this can be part of an explaining sentence on the previous comment and not a brief comment in parentheses (see also comment on “incidence and continuity of statehood” text) [jm11]At this point, if we create a paragraph break here, “The Draft Articles” would form a new layer in the argument of fact. We can now see in the previous paragraph how the sub-arguments need to be edited to make the concept clearer. [jm12]This also is not critically specific enough. It could be something like “set the framework” or “propose a new policy” (or something else) , which are conceptually different in the way things will be implemented. The importance of this is stated in the next sentence. [jm13]Refer to comment [jm9] above. [jm14]I would suggest adding a reason to contextualize this and bridge the gap to the next sentence. [jm15]What exactly is the main perspective here? The central role of the victim or the important approach to criminal justice systems? [jm16]A note on the use of articles with countries/nationalities: Czech as an adjective (nationality) = no article, The Czech Republic as noun = Definite article, Czech legislation as a generic concept and first reference = no article, The Czech criminal justice system as noun compound = definite article [jm17]Is this a specific law? If so use capital letters as a proper noun. If not does it need greater geographical definition? [jm18]Add a critical noun here, e.g. the potential benefits [jm19]Are the coping strategies recommended as an outcome of the qualitative description or are they part of it, i.e. strategies already employed by the families. I think it is the latter, but it would be good to put this in a separate sentence. Aims are best expressed with the infinitive “to + verb”. [jm20]Over what time period? [jm21]By whom? Families, society, as an outcome of research? I wouold say “is perceived negatively by…” [jm22]This suggests specific ways in which families should behave in a kind of human resource management terminology used in companies. Perhaps “functioned” would be more family oriented (especially with the dysfunctional opposite indicated afterwards). [jm23]In what context? Mobile phones, tablet computers or others? [jm24]Is this a team written document or part of a project development group? If so it needs to establish the focus. If not you could use a passive construction “it is argued”, to avoid use of “I”. [jm25]Same as previous comment [jm26]Either here or at the end of the next sentence m(or split across both), give a brief indication of how OTES works and how it would reduce errors. [jm27]Ambiguity of process: improvement in using the system through experience (gradual) or a more immediate improved experience from first impression? Give an example of how this could work. [jm28]This needs a more detailed description as a method as it is left to the end and more importantly it brings in blind users for the first time. Is this the main context of the study? If so it should be in the first sentence (see comment [jm23] above). [jm29]As a specific theory, this would commonly include a citation. Some advise against using citations in abstracts, but where something is so specifically titled, it would be clearer as to whether this is an established theory or something new (or comparative) that is presented here [jm30]Of whom? Is this a general ability of one that specialists employ? [jm31]As with comment 29 above, would citations help here? It depends on the requirements of those receiving the abstract. [jm32]This appears to be an activity, not an aim. The aim is the goal or outcome, whereas the use of spots sounds like a method that will lead to the identification of something in the mind (this is the aim). [jm33]In noun compounds we remove plurals from all but the last word. [jm34]Is this a team report? If not use a passive construction “the statistical… + passive verb. Also can a map be “obtained” in this sense? Developed, defined or created would be more likely. [jm35]“The next is not grammatically correct here, but what is the process? “Subsequent” would suggest an outcome of watching that was not there before. “Additional” would suggest differences occurring at the same time. [jm36]This is fairly short as a statement of implications or relevance and you could add more at this stage.