5. ethnicity and modern citizenship in the Czech Republic, March 22 - modern citizenship and politics of inclusion - core and terminal groups in post-industrial world - citizenship policies in the Czech Republic and the EU in general readings: · Alexander J. C., 1980, Core solidarity, ethnic out-group and social differentiation: a multidimensional model of inclusion in modern societies, in J. Dofny e A. Akiwowo (eds.), National and ethnic movements, Sage, London, 1980, pp.5-28. · Joppke, Ch. 2004: Citizenship without Identity. In: Canadian Diversity, Vol. 3:2. Montreal: Association for Canadian Studies. * Rex, J. 1994: The nature of ethnicity in the project of migration. In: Guibernau, M. - Rex, J.(eds): The Ethnicity Leader. Nationalism, Multiculturalism and Migration. Cambridge: Polity Press. * Kurti, László and Juliet Langman (eds) 1997, Beyond Borders: Remaking Cultural Identities in the New East and Central Europe. Boulder.