[1] Jana Z. Inhibition of Chk1 kinase sensitizes leukemia and lymphoma cells with p53 mutations to chemotherapy Zemanova J. Šebejová L. Paruch K., S. Pospíšilová, Trbušek M. Central Institute of Technology (CEITEC, Masaryk University, Brno) and Internal Department of Internal Medicine – Hematooncology (University Hospital Brno IHOK) Mutations in the TP53 gene are found in hematological malignancies less frequently than in solid tumors, but their presence is associated with very poor prognosis, including strong resistance to therapy. [DEL: One of the :DEL] [INS: A :INS] promising option[DEL: s :DEL] [INS: in the :INS] elimination of aggressive tumor cells is the concept of synthetic lethality, which is based on the inhibition of Chk1 kinase. After this inhibition the block all three cell cycle checkpoints [SB1] is presumed - the G1 / S (p53 mutation), S and G2 / M (both Chk1 inhibition). This should lead to unregulated cell proliferation followed by mitotic catastrophe and cell death. The possibility of this synthetic lethality was tested in 14 cell lines of which 10 had a mutation and / or deletion of TP53. All lines were derived from the B-cell malignancies (9 x lymphoma, leukemia 5 x). The lines were cultured in 96-hole plates (50 000 cells / well) and half of the plate were pre-treated (2 h) an inhibitor of Chk1 (SCH900776) (200 nmol / l). Subsequently[INS: , :INS] [INS: a :INS] [DEL: was applied :DEL] concentration range of fludarabine, cytarabine and gemcitabine[INS: was applied :INS] . The nucleoside analogues were applied in four concentrations. [INS: These :INS] [DEL: C :DEL] [INS: c :INS] ells were cultured[INS: in a :INS] 72 h range of concentrations of all three chemotherapeutic agents, which has been [SB2] optimized for each line separately according to its sensitivity. Fludarabine was applied in the range of 20-0,125 mg / ml, cytarabine 1.6 mg / ml - 0.4 ng / ml and gemcitabine 25-0,25 ng / ml. [INS: The :INS] [DEL: V :DEL] [INS: v :INS] iability of cell[DEL: s of :DEL] cultivation was determined using WST-1 reagent at the end (Roche). Inhibitor itself served to cells minimally (decreased viability to 90%) or at all. [SB3] [INS: The v :INS] [DEL: V :DEL] isible sensitization of inhibition of Chk1 ([INS: which is :INS] always at least two adjacent cytostatic concentrations) was observed as follows: fludarabine and cytarabine for each of[INS: the :INS] three lines (all with mutations in p53), and gemcitabine in five lines (four of which carry a mutation in p53). In line with expectations[INS: , :INS] the best [SB4] results were achieved for gemcitabine, since this is a cytostatic agent currently in clinical trials with the inhibitor SCH900776 just [SB5] for B-cell lymphomas[INS: alone :INS] . [INS: A :INS] [DEL: C :DEL] [INS: c :INS] [DEL: l :DEL] ear sensitization effect was [DEL: overall :DEL] observed [INS: overall :INS] in 50% (7/14) lines, with 86% (6/7) carried a mutation in p53. Our results indicate that inhibition of Chk1 kinase may indeed lead to [INS: the :INS] sensitization of cells of highly aggressive lymphoma and leukemia with p53 mutations to cytostatics. The concept of synthetic lethality is interesting and [INS: offers a :INS] promising approach for [INS: the :INS] [DEL: a :DEL] possible future treatment of haematological patients with p53 mutations. Th[INS: is :INS] [DEL: e :DEL] work was supported by the project and MUNI/A/0784/2011 CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0045 [2] Zuzana Abstract The European Court of Human Rights stated in case Ternovszki v. Hungary in 2010 that women have the right to respect for the decision to give birth at home and [DEL: the :DEL] legislation must not dissuade health professionals from providing them the requisite assistance. In the Czech Republic, the right of women is violated as well[SB6] . Healthcare [INS: is not available to women who opt for :INS] [DEL: during child :DEL] [INS: home :INS] birth[INS: s :INS] [DEL: at home is not available :DEL] , as the authorities refuse to grant permission [DEL: to the :DEL] [INS: for :INS] private midwives. Thus, women are forced to either seek illegal midwifery care or to give birth without [DEL: any :DEL] professional assistance. As a method of implementation of the decision and in order to enforce the right of a woman to assisted home birth, an application for inju[INS: n :INS] ction through a local court was chosen.[SB7] [INS: In January 2012, t :INS] [DEL: T :DEL] he Metropolitan Court in Prague recognised the right of women to [DEL: a :DEL] professional assistance provided by [DEL: a :DEL] hospital staff[DEL: in January 2012 :DEL] . In the near future[INS: , :INS] it is expected that other [SB8] women will exercise their rights through the courts and apply for a midwife [INS: at home :INS] or for compensation. [3] Barbara Theme: Standardization of TP53 mutation analysis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia Introduction Chronic l[SB9] ymphocytic leukemia (CLL) represents the most frequently diagnosed hematologic malignancy in Western countries. CLL is characterized by considerable clinical and biological heterogeneity, which results in [INS: the :INS] problematic determination of disease prognosis and subsequent patient[DEL: s’ :DEL] therapy. Corresponding to that, the routinely investigated prognostic factors as staging, cytogenetic aberrations and immunoglobulin heavy variable (IgVH) gene mutation status have been recently complemented with additional clinical important markers. Significantly relevant are mainly[INS: the :INS] TP53 mutations, which [DEL: were :DEL] repeatedly correlated with shortened overall survival, short time to treatment and poor response [DEL: CLL patients :DEL] to chemotherapy[INS: for CLL patients :INS] . T[INS: he t :INS] umor supressor gene TP53 encodes key transcriptional factor[INS: s :INS] acting in response to varied genotoxic stress. Defects in p53 signalling pathway limit correct DNA reparation or apoptosis and generally result in [INS: an :INS] increase of genome instability and abnormal cell proliferation. Protein p53 is frequently inactivated through monoallelic deletion at locus 17p13.1 accompanied with mutations on the second gene allele. These aberrations occur in [INS: the case of :INS] 10-15 % [INS: o :INS] [INS: f :INS] newly diagnosed CLL patients and are associated with successive disease progression and resistance to conventional chemotherapy and/or immunotherapy. Additionally, [INS: the :INS] presence of prognostic unfavourable monoallelic TP53 gene mutations (in absence of 17p-) has [INS: lately :INS] been [DEL: lately :DEL] observed in significant proportion of CLL patients. It [INS: particularly :INS] involved [DEL: especially :DEL] missense mutations localized in DNA-binding domain, which is indispensable for proper protein transcriptional function. Besides the transactivation impairment, some of these p53 mutants could gain new oncogenic features, which are connected to extremely poor CLL prognosis. In relation to these facts, recent studies suggest [INS: potential benefits of :INS] [DEL: to :DEL] supplement[INS: ing :INS] TP53 cytogenetic examination[INS: s :INS] with mutational testing. Current methodology and [INS: the :INS] timing of TP53 investigation[INS: s :INS] [DEL: are :DEL] [INS: vary :INS] greatly [DEL: variable :DEL] and therefore some contradictory results could be [DEL: received :DEL] [INS: achieved :INS] . Because of [DEL: that :DEL] [INS: this, :INS] the European Research Initiative on CLL (ERIC) has presently recommended [DEL: to :DEL] [INS: an :INS] examin[INS: ation of :INS] [DEL: e :DEL] TP53 mutation status before each treatment [DEL: by :DEL] [INS: using :INS] one of the following methods: direct Sanger sequencing, functional analysis, chip-based arrays, pre-screening techniques[INS: :INS] [DEL: , :DEL] [INS: or :INS] next-generation sequencing. However, a comprehensive study specifies applicability of these approaches in routine practice and determinate the most suitable approach for TP53 mutation analysis wasn’t [SB10] performed up to now. In accordance with this, we examined [INS: a :INS] cohort of 185 CLL patients [DEL: by :DEL] [INS: using a :INS] combination of currently available methodology to standardize detection of TP53 gene mutations. [4] Stanislav In th[INS: is :INS] [DEL: e :DEL] paper[INS: , :INS] [DEL: will be discussed :DEL] [INS: the :INS] morfosyntactical status of Old-Russian participles[INS: will be discussed :INS] . Among Russian both Czech historians of language[SB11] it is commonly accepted[DEL: , :DEL] that Old-Russian participles have evolved from indoeuropean nouns. Using some viewpoints of the GG[SB12] and typological parallels from nostratic languages we will disprove this hypothesis and show, that Old-Russian participles are in fact derived f[DEL: o :DEL] r[INS: o :INS] m verbs, but in [DEL: contrary :DEL] [INS: contrast :INS] to the verbum finitum they are not able to express neither [SB13] grammatical verbal time nor voice (in terms of contemporary slavonic languages) as is usually claimed. On that account we will contend[DEL: , :DEL] that the Old-Russian participles are syntactic derivatives built from verbal stems using the lexical suffix[DEL: , :DEL] which plays [DEL: a :DEL] [INS: the :INS] role of an inhibitor of the temporal verbal head (T). [5] Hana KNOWLEDGE and aesthetical conception OF LITERARY EDUCATION The emphasis of the Czech literary education system has[INS: , :INS] until recently[INS: , :INS] been in [DEL: the contrast between :DEL] [INS: opposition to :INS] the aesthetical approach and the knowledge-based approach. We therefore compared these different concepts in the Framework Educational Program for Basic Education (current curriculum) and the textbooks for [DEL: the :DEL] primary school[INS: s :INS] . The curriculum is regarded as the standard default frame of literacy education. The textbooks are currently the only tool that implements the curricular vision into educational practice. Content analysis and the creation of categorical system[INS: s :INS] were used as a main methodological design. [DEL: Through c :DEL] [INS: C :INS] ontent analysis of [INS: the :INS] curriculum [DEL: has been allocated :DEL] [INS: led to the allocation of :INS] a categorical system. [DEL: In the same way was devolved a :DEL] [INS: Similarly, a :INS] categorical system of 20 textbook[DEL: ´s :DEL] [INS: :INS] [DEL: :DEL] series[INS: was :INS] [INS: devolved :INS] . The different approach to literary education was precisely defined individual categories. [SB14] The results of this content analysis were [INS: then :INS] compared. The results of[INS: the :INS] investigation provide[INS: d the :INS] following data: (1): [DEL: In the curriculum has been proven :DEL] [INS: A :INS] balance between the aesthetical approach (53%) and the knowledge-based approach (47%)[DEL: . :DEL] [INS: in the curriculum :INS] [INS: was :INS] [INS: proven. :INS] (2): In contrast, [DEL: in :DEL] the textbooks [DEL: has been :DEL] demonstrated[INS: a :INS] marked preference [INS: for the :INS] knowledge-based approach (69%). (3): The aesthetic concept [DEL: has been :DEL] [INS: was :INS] rarely represented in the textbooks (31%). Thus, it is clear that there is a significant difference between the concept of literary education and its implementation. On the one hand, the current curriculum [DEL: is balance :DEL] present[INS: s :INS] [DEL: ed :DEL] [INS: a balance :INS] [INS: between :INS] the knowledge-based approach and the aesthetic approach[INS: , whereas :INS] [DEL: . O :DEL] [INS: o :INS] n the other hand, the concept[INS: s :INS] [DEL: of the :DEL] [INS: within the :INS] [DEL: :DEL] textbooks [INS: doe :INS] [DEL: i :DEL] s not conform[DEL: ed :DEL] to the requirements of the curriculum. [6] Simon This paper describes the usage of concgramming as a method to identify the aboutness[SB15] of a text. Congrams of a given length were applied on selected theses from within the Information System of Masaryk University. ConcGrams are similar to n-grams, in addition they are buil[INS: t :INS] [DEL: d :DEL] from cooccurring words allowing constituency variations (i.e. A*B where * represents any intervening words) and sequence variations (i.e. AB, BA stands for a single concgram). Analyses were performed using concGrams consisting of 2 and 3 words respectively. Aboutgrams were compared with human [SB16] assigned key words. [7] Jaroslav Geography and Arts: The Site-specific Art in Kateřina Šedá’s Events In recent years[INS: , :INS] many artists have started exploring [SB17] and us[INS: e :INS] [DEL: ing :DEL] geographic perspectives [DEL: through :DEL] [INS: in :INS] their work[INS: , :INS] and at the same time[INS: , :INS] an increasing number of geographers have begun to study the artistic visions and expressions investigating [DEL: a :DEL] [INS: the :INS] space around them. The tendencies to work with place and space in the art called site-specific[SB18] have also emerged in the Czech Republic. The purpose of this study is to show how Czech artist Kateřina Šedá created “social projects” [INS: i :INS] [DEL: o :DEL] n the background of different sites [SB19] or, in other words, how she worked with place and people. In order to analyze the whole process of the site-specific event we reconstructed some of Kateřina Šedá’s projects by studying [DEL: her :DEL] [INS: the :INS] documents [INS: she produced :INS] about them and by interviewing [DEL: with :DEL] her. We also used methods of humanistic geography and the ethnomethodology to assess socio-spatial impacts of the events on the participants. The outcomes of this research acknowledged that site-specific art can unveil many unapparent aspects of a human spatial behaviour[INS: . In fact :INS] , [DEL: even :DEL] the art piece[INS: itself :INS] may effectively destroy[DEL: ed :DEL] the socio-spatial barriers as, for instance, Kateřina Šedá did in project Furt dokola. [INS: By contrast, :INS] [DEL: On the other side :DEL] it is shown that the impacts of such events are temporally limited. [8] Krystyna K. [INS: A c :INS] [DEL: C :DEL] omparison of five decontamination methods for the isolation of nontuberculous mycobacteria from sediments Nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) are important for human health. NTM cause illnesses in immunocompromised individuals, which are very difficult to treat[SB20] . Water is a natural environment for nontuberculous mycobacteria and can be a source for human infection. The first step of the isolation of mycobacteria is inactivation of rapidly growing microorganisms [DEL: whose :DEL] [INS: which :INS] can[INS: cause an :INS] overgrowth [INS: in :INS] mycobacterial colonies. Some chemicals (acids, bases, detergents) are used for this purpose. Decontamination methods are [DEL: good :DEL] [SB21] [INS: well :INS] described and widely used in [DEL: the :DEL] clinical laboratories for mycobacteria. But these procedures are not adapted for environmental samples.[SB22] For this reason five different decontamination methods for[INS: the :INS] isolation of NTM from sediments of [DEL: the :DEL] drinking water reservoirs were compared in this study. The following decontamination treatments were used: oxalic acid, NaOH, N-acetyl-L-cysteine-NaOH (NaLC-NaOH), HCl-NaOH and CPC (cetylpyridinium chloride). Simultaneously[INS: , :INS] three egg-based media were [INS: also :INS] compared: Herold’s medium with and without PANTA and Lowenstein-Jensen medium. Our result showed that decontamination by oxalic acid in the combination with Lowenstein-Jensen medium had the highest positivity rate. This decontamination procedure in the combination with Herold’s PANTA medium obtained the smallest contamination rate. Other decontamination methods had lower, but very similar positivity rates. [INS: The :INS] [DEL: C :DEL] [INS: c :INS] ontamination rates of all methods didn’t [SB23] exceed 4 % with the exception of CPC, which was higher. We recommend the us[INS: e :INS] [DEL: ing :DEL] of oxalic acid for the isolation of NTM from aquatic sediments. [9] Vit MUSE: A multisensor framework for touchbased interaction ABSTRACT The problem of continuous association of users to input events in group collaborative environm[DEL: n :DEL] e[INS: n :INS] ts such as tabletops and interactive display walls [DEL: is still :DEL] [INS: continues to be a :INS] very challenging task. In this paper, we present an architecture [SB24] and proof-of-concept evaluation of MUSE – a multi-sensor framework, which provides [INS: a :INS] scalable coupling method for sensors of the same kind to represent them seamlessly like a single device. It also enables association of users to actions they performed in an environment where multiple [DEL: kinds :DEL] [INS: types :INS] of sensor devices are used (e.g., multi-touch sensor and camera tracking). The MUSE framework will allow further research in gesture extraction and multi-user control in group collaborative environments based on large[INS: , :INS] high-resolution tiled-screens, both vertical (tiled display walls) and horizontal (tiled tabletops). Thus, the MUSE framework could become a base for [INS: the :INS] design of multi-modal interfaces of next generation group collaborative environments, where [INS: a :INS] combination of touch-based, touch-less and device[INS: - :INS] based interaction is involved[SB25] . [10] Lucia Several paragraphs of the article on mobile augmented reality: Recent expansion of [INS: the :INS] mobile industry caused a significant change in the area of augmented reality (AR). Few years ago[SB26] , [INS: the :INS] development and usage of AR systems [DEL: were :DEL] [INS: was :INS] limited by [DEL: the :DEL] access to [DEL: an :DEL] expensive hardware. Most applications were highly specialized, [INS: and :INS] used by experts in the fields such as military and engineering. By contrast, the increase in sales of smart phones and tablets renewed the interest in AR systems among the general public. [INS: The :INS] [DEL: F :DEL] [INS: f :INS] irst applications were designed and developed for [INS: the :INS] commercial sector – the[DEL: r :DEL] [INS: s :INS] e were mostly [INS: for :INS] e-commerce applications, marketing campaigns and games. The largest increase in the number of published AR applications emerged in 2009. The common goal of the [DEL: most :DEL] [INS: majority :INS] of these applications was to attract the attention of potential customers. [8] Only in [DEL: the last few :DEL] [INS: recent :INS] months [DEL: there emerged :DEL] [INS: has :INS] a new trend towards designing applications [INS: emerged :INS] with a potential benefit for [DEL: the :DEL] end users. This category of applications includes browsers of information about users´ surroundings (Wikitude, Layar) and image recognition tools allowing users to search for information based on visual queries (Google Goggles). At the same time, the boundaries concerning displayed content are changing. There is a clear tendency to reinforce the social aspects of AR applications, for example sharing information [DEL: among :DEL] [INS: with :INS] users, or relying on users´ [SB27] data inputs. Also[INS: , :INS] the area of mobile AR development is improving, which is reflected [DEL: by :DEL] [INS: in :INS] the increase[DEL: d :DEL] [INS: in the :INS] number of software platforms and libraries. However, the use of most applications [INS: is :INS] still [DEL: remains on the :DEL] [INS: at an :INS] experimental level[INS: , as :INS] [DEL: ; :DEL] they have not[INS: yet :INS] reached [DEL: a :DEL] mass popularity [INS: heights :INS] [DEL: yet :DEL] . The most important reason [INS: for this :INS] is that applications often fail to meet user’[SB28] s expectations. There are two explanations: First, technological limitations lead to performance issues – extensive data processing is computationally demanding, causes latency and shortens the battery life. [INS: T :INS] [INS: he :INS] [DEL: M :DEL] [INS: m :INS] ajority of applications also require [INS: an :INS] Internet connection. Second, applications´ [SB29] logic often does not meet real user’s[SB30] needs. Most applications [DEL: are :DEL] focus[DEL: ed :DEL] on the technology rather than on [DEL: user’s :DEL] [INS: the :INS] requirements[INS: of users :INS] , real use cases [DEL: and :DEL] [INS: or :INS] mobile usage patterns. [11] Kristýna V. Molecular detection of selected tick-borne pathogens The aim of this study was [SB31] to determine the minimal prevalence rate of bacterium Rickettsia spp. and protosoan organism Babesia spp. in host-seeking Ixodes ricinus ticks in two different ecosystems: natural (Proskovice- [INS: wh :INS] [INS: ere :INS] a total of 1197 ticks were examined) and urban (municipal park Bělský les- [INS: here, :INS] a total of 276 ticks were examined), using molecular biology methods (single-step PCR and sequencing). This information can help to complete the scheme of locations where these organisms are endemic and [DEL: therefore :DEL] where the infection could [INS: therefore :INS] be acquired. [INS: The :INS] [DEL: M :DEL] [INS: m :INS] inimal prevalence rate for Rickettsia spp. was 3.33% in total. The prevalence in [SB32] natural ecosystem (Proskovice) was 3.43%, most frequently infected were nymphs (3.5 %), followed by females (2.86 %) and the lowest prevalence was determined in males (2.08 %). The minimal prevalence in urban ecosystem was found to be lower[SB33] : 2.90 %. [INS: The :INS] [DEL: M :DEL] [INS: m :INS] ost [DEL: often :DEL] [INS: frequently :INS] [DEL: were :DEL] infected [INS: were :INS] females (4.44 %), followed by males (3.90 %) and nymphs (2.22 %). Bacterial species determined by sequencing were Rickettsia helvetica and Rickettsia monacensis. Only nymphs were examined for Babesia spp. In total[INS: , :INS] 0.54 % nymphs were infected, 0.63 % nymphs in natural site, none in urban ecosystem. [INS: The :INS] [DEL: S :DEL] [INS: s :INS] pecies determined by sequencing were Babesia sp. EU1 and Babesia divergens. For all four Rickettsia and Babesia species identified by sequencing[SB34] , this is the first time isolation from questing ticks in the Czech Republic.[SB35] These results contribute to the surveillance of tick-borne pathogens in the Czech Republic. [12] Varga The epidemic community-associated methicillin-resistant clone Staphylococcus aureus USA300 is a major source of skin and soft tissue infections and involves strains with a diverse set of resistance genes. In this study, we report the efficient transduction of penicillinase and tetracycline resistance plasmids by bacteriophages 80 and JB between clinical isolates belonging to the USA300 clone. High transduction frequencies (10^-5 to 10^-6 CFU/PFU) were observed using phages propagated on donor strains as well as [SB36] prophages induced from donors by ultraviolet light. Quantitative real-time PCR was employed to detect penicillinase plasmids in transducing phage particles and [INS: t :INS] [INS: o :INS] determine the ratio of transducing particles in phage lysates to infectious phage particles (determined as approximately 1:1700). [INS: The :INS] [DEL: S :DEL] [INS: s :INS] uccessful transfer of plasmids between strains in USA300 clone proves [SB37] transduction is an effective mechanism for spreading plasmids within the clone. Such events contribute to its evolution and to emergence of new multiple drug-resistant strains of this successful clone. [13] Hana Madrova Development of a prognostic kit for chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients [DEL: The p :DEL] [INS: P :INS] atients with chronic lymphocytis leukemia could be divided into two groups with different prognosis. An easy way [SB38] [DEL: how to :DEL] [INS: of :INS] distinguish[INS: ing between :INS] these groups would improve the patients´ therapeutic strategy. The initial phase of a qRT-PCR kit development for [INS: the :INS] detection of LAG3, LPL and ZAP70 expression in CLL patients was performed. These genes are differentially expressed between patients with indolent and progressive disease[INS: s :INS] . Housekeeping genes for relative expression quantification (B2M, HPRT, GUSB) were selected based on a statistical analysis. The amount of passive flourophor ROX in [INS: [the?] :INS] master mix was optimized (500nM). Gene expression detected by different probes and different cyclers were [INS: then :INS] compared[INS: , when :INS] [DEL: . T :DEL] [INS: t :INS] he correlation ability of LAG3, LPL and ZAP70 expression for distinguishing of prognostic important groups was confirmed with both probes series. Further, the T-cells contamination impact on the prognostic genes expression was evaluated. The level [INS: was found to have :INS] changed mainly in patients with low ZAP70 or high LPL expression. The kit will be modified according to these findings. It will be necessary to confirm the T- -cells impact on a larger patient’s[SB39] cohort[INS: ; to :INS] [DEL: , :DEL] [INS: :INS] evaluate [INS: the :INS] stability of the selected genes expression during the disease course and design an algorithm for [INS: the :INS] [DEL: classif :DEL] [INS: classification :INS] [DEL: ying :DEL] of patients into two prognostic groups. At last[SB40] , the final kit will be validated [DEL: on :DEL] [INS: with a :INS] larger cohort of patients. Development of the kit should result into a fast and reliable method for prognostication of CLL patients. ________________________________ [SB1]Is this a specific term? [SB2]Tense inconsistency (past used in line above) [SB3]Meaning unclear [SB4]Semi-formal and somewhat vague: in what way were the results the best? (i.e. swift, non-ambiguous, or simply in line with expectations...?) [SB5]colloquial [SB6]two points worth noting here: 1) this is colloquial and should be replaced with ‚also‘ before the verb, and 2) this suggests that the CZ is ALSO violating women’s rights – yet another country has not been mentioned... [SB7]this sentence is a little convoluted, and therefore difficult to follow... [SB8]? many? [SB9]Capitalise key terms before providing an acroynm/initialism [SB10]Do not use contractions in academic writing [SB11]unclear [SB12]present the full form first, then use abbreviations [SB13]double negative [SB14]unclear [SB15]? [SB16]Researcher(?) [SB17]The ‚ing‘ form is less formal than the infinitive in academic writing, therefore, use the latter wherever possible [SB18]unclear [SB19]unclear [SB20]the bacteria or humans? If it’s the latter, use ‚who are very difficult to treat‘... [SB21]too vague [SB22]a semi-colon could be used here [SB23]do not used contractions in academic writing [SB24]unclear [SB25]commonplace (?) [SB26]a little colloquial...‘several years ago‘ is slightly less informal [SB27]where possible, avoid the use of the possessive apostrophe in academic writing [SB28]see above [SB29]see above [SB30]see above [SB31]the present tense is usually used [SB32]minimise repetitive grammatical structure [SB33]unclear [SB34]investigated in this study [SB35]this whole sentence could be rephrased as: For all four Rickettsia and Babesia species examined in this study, this is the first time they have been isolated from questing ticks in the Czeck Republic for the purpose of sequencing. (Does this capture your point accurately??) [SB36]semi-formal...use ‚in addition to...‘ instead [SB37]tense inconsistency (you use the past tense earlier) [SB38]colloquial [SB39]avoid the use of the possessiv eapostrophe in academic writing [SB40]colloquial; use Lastly or Finally