CONTENTS 1. Introduction. Instant history of Czech Theatre, main features of Czech theatre culture 2. Maryša – from realistic drama to post-modern performance 3. Czech Avantgarde Theatre - Liberated theatre, Voskovec & Werich. 4. E. F. Burian. Theatre as synthesis and rythm. Voiceband. Theatergraph. 5. Karel Čapek in context 6. Alfréd Radok – director between film and theatre 7. Václav Havel in performance (Garden Party. Largo Desolato. The Leaving). 8. Playwrighting in 60ties Josef Topol and Milan Kundera 9. Director/Stage Designer Collaborations (Hilar/Hofman, Frejka/Troster ) 10. projection of film document Theatre Svoboda 11. Josef Svoboda. Laterna magika. 12. "Action stage design" (in the context of small studio theatres) 13. Trends in contemporary Czech Theatre - Staging of Ibsen's Heda Gabler