Jana Hrabcova ž1789 – the French Revolution broke out ž1792–1815 – anti-French wars ž1792–1802 – the wars against the French Revolution žSeveral coaliations against France (Austria + Prussia + Great Britain + Russia + several smaller German states against France), several military campaigns ž1803–1805 – Napoleon’s Invasion of Great Britain - unsuccesfull ž1804 – Napoleon Bonaparte crowned the Emperor of France žMarch 1805 – Napoleon proclaimed King of Italy žThan he marched via Bavaria towards Austria žThe French army occupied Vienna ž žNapoleon by Jacqoues-Louis David 504px-Jacques-Louis_David_008.jpg • •http://www.ceskatelevize.cz/ivysilani/10099029347/ •http://www.austerlitz.org/ •http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdd1a90CFio •http://www.zamek-slavkov.cz/en/ ž žNapoleon continued to South Moravia where the Russian troops supporting the Austrians were situated žNapoleon occupied Brno žDecember 2, 1805 – the Battle of Three Emperors near the Moravian town of Slavkov (Austerlitz) – a great victory of Napoleon – he defeated Austrian Emperor Francis I and Russian Tzar Alexandr žNapoleon had 73 000 men, austro-russian coalition had 85 000 men žPeace Treaty of Pressburg between Napoleon and Francis II of Austria (Austrian withdrawal from the Third Coalition) žAustria had lost terriotories in Italy, Istria and Dalmacia (Iliric Kingdom was formed) and some German terriories – ceded to Napoleon’s allies (Bavaria) žThe effective end of the Holy Roman Empire ž1806 – Austrian Empire – Francis I žRhineland Confederation was formed in German territory ž ž ž ž žChateau Austerlitz žCairn of Peace slavkov_let.jpg slavkov_mohyla.jpg žOctober 14, 1806 – Napoleon defeated Prussia at Jena and Auerstad ž1806 – Berlin was occupied by Napoleon žNapoleon invaded Polish territory – wars with Russians ž1807 – the Treaty of Tilsit with Russians – žThe Grand Duchy of Warsaw was established in Poland (Duke – Napoleon’s ally the King of Saxony) – big impact – legal code, abolition of serfdom, modernization ž1809 – Austro-British Coalition against France – uncuccesfull ž1809 – Napoleon entered Vienna again ž1809 – Napoleon married Austrian Archduchess Marie Luisa - with the aim of ensuring a more stable alliance with Austria and of providing the Emperor with an heir ž ž1812 – Napoleon controlled: the French Empire, the Swiss Confederation, the Confederation of the Rhine, the Duchy of Warsaw and the Kingdom of Italy žTerritories allied with the French included: Kingdom of Spain (Joseph Bonaparte – N. brother), Kingdom of Westphalia (Jerome Bonaparte – N. brother, Kingdom of Naples (Joachim Murat – N.sister’s Caroline husband), Principality of Lucca (N.sister Elisa and her husband) ž1812 – Napoleon launched an invasion of Russia – 650, 000 men, but unsuccesful – Russians – the Patriotic War, Scorched Earth tactics, severe winter žSeptember 7, 1812 – Battle of Borodino žNapoleon entered Moscow – mas burnt by Russians before that žNovember 1812 – Napoleon crossed the Berezina River, but his army weak (380,000 men dead or missing, 100,000 captured during the campain) žNapoleon left his army and escaped to Paris ž1813 – the Battle of Leipzig – the Battle of the Nations – Austria, Prussia, Russia, Sweden against France – Napoleon defeated and forced to abdicate ž1814–1815 – the Peace Congres in Vienna žinterrupted by Napoleon – June 1815 – the Battle of Waterloo – Napoleon finaly defeated žThe Napoleonic wars changed the map of Central Europe ž 800px-Europe_1812_map_en.png žReadings: ž žLefebvre, Georges (1971). The French Revolution: From Its Origins to 1793. Columbia University Press. žFuret, Francois (1995). Revolutionary France, 1770–1880. Blackwell Publishing. žEnglund, Steven (2004): Napoleon: A political Life. ž žFrancis II (1792 – 1836), since 1804 ruled as the Austrian Emperor Francis I žthe era of absolutism žthe first minister – Prince Klemens Wenzel von Metternich – convinced conservative monarchist – The Metternich absolutism ž1811 – General Civil Code (ABGB)– compromis between old and new ideologies ž1811 – devastating collpase of the state finances in February (paper currency was devalued to one fifth of its original value) ž ž žEmperor Francis and his Family, a portrait by Jozef Kreutzinger Josef_Kreutzinger_-_Kaiserliche_Familie.jpg žCongress of Vienna ža conference of ambassadors of European states chaired by Klemens Wenzel von Metternich, and held in Vienna from September, 1814 to June, 1815 žthe aim – finishing the wars with France and restauration of old principles – the situation before the revolution (no revolutions, no republicanism, lesser civil rights etc.) ž4 Great Powers: Russia (Tzar Alexandr I, Foreign Minister Count Carl Robert Nesselrode), Prussia (King Frederick William III, Chancellor Karl August von Hardenberg) , Austria (Emperor Francis I., the Foreign Minister Prince Metternich) and Great Britain (Foreign Secretary Viscount Castelreagh, later Duke of Wellington) žsurprisingly important role of defeated France – thanks to Ministre of Foreign Affairs Maurice de Talleyrand – a very good diplomat ž žClement Wenceslas Nepomuk Lothar von Metternich-Winneburg-Beilstein (1773 – 1859) Portrait-of-Klemens-Lothar-Wenzel-von-Metternich.jpg žThe Final Act – June 1815: žRussia was given most of the Duchy of Warsaw (so called Congress Poland was formed) and was allowed to keep Finland (annexed from Sweden in 1809) žPrussia was given two fifths of Saxony, parts of the Duchy of Warsaw, Danzig, and the Rhineland/Westphalia. žA German Confederation of 38 states was created from the previous 360 of the Holy Roman Empire, under the presidency of the Austrian Emperor žthe United Kingdom of the Netherlands was established žThe neutrality of Switzerland was guaranteed. žThe Bourbon Ferdinand IV, King of Sicily was restored to control of the Kingdom of Naples žThe slave trade was condemned ž Map_congress_of_vienna.jpg žso called The Concert of Europe, also known as the Congress System or Vienna System – it was the network of treaties, institutions and practices that should ensure the balance of power that existed in Europe from the end of the Napoleonic Wars (1815) to the outbreak of World War I (1914) ž1815 – the Quadruplle Aliance was established – the winners over Napoleon (United Kingdom, Austria, Prussia, Russia) ž1815 – the Holy Alliance was signed by Russian Tzar, Austrian Emperor and Prussian King – the aim of this document was to implement the Christian values and principles into the political life, the moral principles were emphasized, the main goal was again the cooperation against revolutionary, liberal and democratic movements žlater it was signed by almost all European rulers, except those from Skandinavia, Osman Sultan and the Pope, the Great Britain left the systém of the Holy Alliance in 1822 ž1818 – the occupation of France was finished – France acceded the Quadrupple Alliance → the Quintupple Alliance was established žthe meetings of the Great Powers during this period: Aachen (1818), Carlsbad (1819), Verona (1822), London (1832), Berlin (1878) žThe first wave of the national movements – 1820s: •German states •Italian states ž žThe second wave of national movements in 1830s: •almost in the whole Europe •started in France (against extremly conservative king Charles X) , then spread to Belgium, to Italy and to other states ž žafter Napoleonic wars and the Congress of Vienna there were three states in Poland: •the semi-autonomous so-called Congress Poland controlled by Russia – it was united with Russia through a personal union •the semi-autonomous Grand Duchy of Poznań controlled by Prussia •the semi-autonomous Kingdom of Galicia and Sandomer controlled by Austria ž 605px-Congress_Poland_in_1815.PNG žthe outbreak of the uprising – November 29, 1830 in Warsaw žOn 25 January 1831, the Sejm passed the Act of Dethronization of Tsar Nicolas I and ended the personal union with Russia žon 29 January 1831 Prince Adam Czartoryzski became President of the new Polish National Government žthe Russians formed very strong army and defeated Polish army at the Battle of Ostrolenka in May 1831 žthe Polish Uprising was supressed žcruel persecution succeded, the leaders of the uprising were sentenced to death so they emigrated žthe cosequence of the vawe of national movements during the 1830s – the collapse of the Holy Alliance ž žgeneral economical crisis spread from England to the rest of Europe in mid-1840s žbad harvest, potato blight and drought in 1846 → famine žstrong influence of industrial revolution on politics žbourgeouisie (owners of factories, businessmen) had money but only small political influence žbad living conditions of working classes ž žthe revolution started in January 1848 in Italy (Sicily) – against the Bourbons žFebruary 1848 – revolution in France – ended constitutional monarchy of Louis Phillipe of Orleans ž žthe March Revolution, southern and western parts žit was led by well educated students and intellectuals, but there were also many mass demonstrations žthere were 39 states – demand of German national unity žwanted civil rights žtwo conceptions: •"greater German solution" (including German-speaking areas of Austria) •"smaller German solution" žMarch 1849 - the new German constitution was proclaimed žthey decided to proclaim constitutional monarchy – the crown was offered to Prussian king Frederick William IV – refused to accept the crown from the hands of revolutionary parliament žthe new constituion was refused by most of the German rulers žthe revolution was unsuccesful žFerdinand I (1836–1848) žweak ruler, mentally challenged, the real ruler of the monarchy was the konservative Chief Minister Klemens Wenzel von Metternich žso called pre-March period - restricted freedom of the press, of the speech, of association žlimited many university activities, strong censorship, police control žthe empire, ruled from Vienna, included Austrian Germans, Hungarians, Slovenes, Poles, Czechs, Croats, Slovaks, Ukrainians, Romanians, Serbs and Italians, žall of them wanted to either achieve autonomy, independence, or even hegemony over other nationalities ž ž žthe first unrests in Prague in March 1848 žthe conception of austroslavism žJune 1848 – the Pan-Slav Congress was held in Prague župrising in June – supressed by an Austrian army led by Alfred I, Prince of Windisch-Grätz žMarch 1848 – revolution in Vienna žMetternich was removed from the office and escaped from Vienna žin September 1848 – the Emperor´s decree – the serfdom was completely cancelled (citizens got civil rights but the suffrage was not general) žOctober – new uprising in Vienna - supressed žDecember 1848 – Ferdinad I resigned, lived in Prague till 1875 žFranz Joseph I žof Austria ž(1848–1916) žabsolutism again žso called Stadion´s constitution – was not accepted by an assembly ž ž 439px-Franz_Joseph_1865.jpg žMarch 1848 – revolution also in Hungary ž12 Demands – among others: authonomy, control over its foreign policy, budget and army, general taxes žHungary was multinational (Slovaks, Croats, Rumanians, Ruthenians, Serbs, Germans etc.) but no politic nor national rights – their demands were refused so they fought against Hungarians žApril 1849 – proclaimed independent Hungarian state žFranz Joseph asked Russian Tzar for a help ž13 August 1849 – the Battle of Villágos – Hungarians defeated žRepressions ž žReadings: žEvans, R. J. W. (ed.) (2000): The Revolutions in Europe 1848–1849. From Reform to Reaction. Oxford. žOkey, Robin (2001): The Habsburg Monarchy c. 1976–1918: From Enlightenment to Eclipse. London: Macmillan Press LTD. ž