11. Martina Jetmarova The Welfare State and Services for Elderly Immigrants Ageing in a foreign country is a global topic concerning all industrial nations. The combination of processes of ageing and international migration over the past few decades ha[INS: s :INS] [JM1] [DEL: ve :DEL] given rise to significant changes in the age and ethnic composition of national populations, causing an increase of [DEL: the :DEL] elderly immigrants[JM2] in Europe. It is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore these processes[JM3] in the policymaking process. Are these trends of ageing and international migration adequately reflected by policymakers in the implementation of social policy instruments? This issue has grown in importance[INS: :INS] [DEL: :DEL] in light of recent debates about strong immigration flows to Europe. One of the most significant current discussions is multicultural[INS: ism :INS] and [INS: the :INS] ageing societ[INS: ies :INS] [DEL: y :DEL] of European countries. However, there is still [INS: a :INS] lack of theory concerning the situation of the elderly immigrants and it has become the reason for the interest of this essay. The aim is to answer the question[INS: of whether :INS] [DEL: : How does :DEL] the implementation of social policy instruments influence[INS: s :INS] [INS: the :INS] social inclusion of[INS: :INS] [DEL: the :DEL] elderly immigrants in countries with different conception[INS: s :INS] of the welfare state[INS: . :INS] [DEL: ? :DEL] The analysis shows that there are several characteristics [INS: that :INS] [DEL: which :DEL] may influence the process of social inclusion. Countries of origin with similar background [INS: to :INS] [DEL: with :DEL] the host country may positively influence social inclusion of the immigrants. Analysis also showed that countries of origin of the elderly immigrants are completely different from countries of origin of refugees and therefore the social instruments targeted at the main groups of origin of the elderly immigrants in the country [INS: do :INS] not necessar[INS: ily :INS] [DEL: y :DEL] meet the needs of the refugees. [INS: The f :INS] [DEL: F :DEL] indings also support the premise of influence of diversity and ageing on politics and public policy. The elderly immigrants are entitled to certain social services in all compared countries which decreases the risk of their social exclusion. [INS: F :INS] [DEL: And f :DEL] inally, the high level of public social expenditure does not automatically lead to social inclusion. ________________________________ [JM1]The combination... has [JM2]plural = no article [JM3]process is repeated in this sentence. Change one of the uses: probably this one as „policymaking process“ makes immediate sense as a concept. Trends is used in the next sentence, so perhaps you could replace simply with „...ignore this in the...“