TASK FULFILMENT Does the essay answer the question? Are there any irrelevant points/sections? Is it long enough? Is it too descriptive? ORGANIZATION Is the overall organization clear? Is there a clear thesis statement? Are arguments supported? Is there any consideration of counter arguments and are these evaluated? Is there a justified conclusion? USE OF SOURCE MATERIALS Are the sources used appropriately to support arguments? Are any sources irrelevant to the argument? Are the sources properly acknowledged? Is there any plagiarism? LANGUAGE Are errors very frequent? Do they make reading essay difficult? Is there a wide range of vocabulary and structures? Are cohesive devices used clearly? GENERAL COMMENTS TASK FULFILMENT Does the essay answer the question? Are there any irrelevant points/sections? Is it long enough? Is it too descriptive? ORGANIZATION Is the overall organization clear? Is there a clear thesis statement? Are arguments supported? Is there any consideration of counter arguments and are these evaluated? Is there a justified conclusion? USE OF SOURCE MATERIALS Are the sources used appropriately to support arguments? Are any sources irrelevant to the argument? Are the sources properly acknowledged? Is there any plagiarism? LANGUAGE Are errors very frequent? Do they make reading essay difficult? Is there a wide range of vocabulary and structures? Are cohesive devices used clearly? GENERAL COMMENTS