1 INTERNATIONAL FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES of Research, Development and Innovation Schedule 1) Introduction to international funding 2) Career path towards independent research 3) International collaboration support 4) Support at Masaryk University 2 INDIVIDUAL COLLABORATIONS Did you do your homework? 3 I. INTRODUCTION: INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH FUNDING 4 Definitions  Research and development = the basis for the new technological developments  Research funding = financing the development of new ideas and technologies  Funding of projects in a wide spectrum of research areas 5 Why International Research Funding?  to keep abreast of the latest development in the field and ensure the relevance of research  higher citations of publications published by an international team of authors  a sign of prestige and proof of competitiveness in the international field  significant source of funding - grants from hundreds of thousands to millions EUR  the National Programme for Sustainability - the need to obtain 30% of the total funding from international sources 6 National v. International Research Funding at MU* * deadline for application in 2014 - total budged of accepted proposals; without Structural Funds 7 international 12% national 88%  very prestigious  confirmation of the quality of research  all research areas  permanent rules  oportunity to "keep up" with the global science (information and know-how)  similar rules for national grants (in the future) big competition low success the need to cooperate with a foreign partner language barrier and different rules IPR issues 8 Pros and Cons Funding Lanscapes 9 International research funding - sources  90 % of grants – European Commission  10 % other (private foundations, international collaboration support - national grants) 10 European Commission – research funding  Framework Programs (FP7/H2020) o FP7 (last calls in 2013, some of FP7 projects at MU will run until 2019) o HORIZON 2020 (1. 1. 2014)  3 main pillars  2 specific objectives  Public-private, public-public partnerships, H2020 Contests for Prizes, H2020 calls for tenders  Research Fund for Coal & Steel  3rd Health Programme  Promotion of Agricultural Products  Consumer Programme  COSME  Justice Programme  Other o Open calls for proposal - Directorate General (DG) – JUSTICE, HOME, SANCO, … o Creative Europe o Central Europe o … 11 H2020 structure 12 Industrial LeadershipExcellent Science Future and Emerging Technologies Research Infrastructures, including e-Infrastructures Marie Skłodowska-Curie action European Research Council Societal Challenges Health, Demographic Change and Wellbeing Food Security, Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry, Marine, Maritime and Inland Water Research and the Bioeconomy Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy Smart, Green and Integrated Transport Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials Europe in a changing world Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies Secure societies – Protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens Access to risk finance Leadership in Enabling and Industrial Technologies o Information and Communication Technologies o Space o Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Advanced Manufacturing and Processing, and Biotechnology Innovation in SMEs Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation Science with and for Society Cross-cutting activities (focus areas) o Industry 2020 in the Circular Economy  Factories of the Future (FoF)  Sustainable Process Industries (SPIRE) o Internet of Things, o Smart and Sustainable Cities Fast Track to Innovation Pilot Euratom European Institute of Innovation and Technology Joint Research Centre (JRC) Smart Cyber-Physical Systems Joint Programming P2P Joint Technology Initiatives (JTIs) Key strategic document - Europe 2020 o Institute for Environment and Sustainability (IES) o Institute for Energy and Transport (IET) o Institute for Health and Consumer Protection (IHCP) o Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS) o Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements (IRMM) o Institute for Transuranium Elements (ITU) o Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen (IPSC) 13 Joint Research Centre (JRC) o Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 (IMI2) o Clean Sky (Aeronautics) 2 (CS2) o Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 (FCH2) o Bio-based Industries (BBI) o Electronic components & systems (ECSEL) o Shift2Rail o Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR) o Fusion for Energy (F4E) Masarykova univerzita - univerzita s budoucností 14 Joint Technology Initiatives (JTIs) Masarykova univerzita - univerzita s budoucností 15 o Joint Programming Initiatives (JPIs) - Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND) - Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change (FACCE JPI) - Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life (HDHL) - Cultural Heritage & Global Change (JPICH) - Urban Europe (UE JPI) - Connecting Climate Knowledge for Europe (JPI Climate) - More Years, Better Lives – The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change (JPI MYBL) - Antimicrobial Resistance: The Microbial Challenge – An Emerging Threat to Human Health (JPIAMR) - Water Challenges for a Changing World (Water JPI) - Healthy & Productive Seas and Oceans (Oceans JPI) Joint Programming P2P Masarykova univerzita - univerzita s budoucností 16 o Public-public partnership - Joint Research Programme (article 185) - Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) - Baltic Sea Research Programme (BONUS) - European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP) - European Metrology Programme for Research and innovation (EMPIR) - Eurostars Programme (EUROSTARS) o ERA-nets Joint Programming P2P Masarykova univerzita - univerzita s budoucností 17 o European Innovation Partnerships (EIPs) - Active & Healthy Ageing - Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability - Smart Cities and Communities - Water - Raw Materials Other activities H2020 structure – main pillars 18 Industrial LeadershipExcellent Science Future and Emerging Technologies Research Infrastructures, including e-Infrastructures Marie Skłodowska-Curie action European Research Council Societal Challenges Health, Demographic Change and Wellbeing Food Security, Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry, Marine, Maritime and Inland Water Research and the Bioeconomy Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy Smart, Green and Integrated Transport Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials Europe in a changing world Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies Secure societies – Protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens Access to risk finance Leadership in Enabling and Industrial Technologies o Information and Communication Technologies o Space o Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Advanced Manufacturing and Processing, and Biotechnology Innovation in SMEs individual cooperative bottom-up top-down 19 II. CAREER PATH TOWARDS INDEPENDENT RESEARCH PhD career: MSCA ITN  ITN = Innovative Training Networks  Networks created by international consortia of academic and nonacademic institutions.  Each network runs a research programme.  Training/doctoral programmes for Early Stage Researchers (ESR)  Each ESR has an individual research project  Strong mobility element including short-term „secondments“  Lenght of employment – up to 36 months  Usually lead to a PhD degree award 20 PhD career: MSCA ITN 3 types of ITN programmes:  ETN – European Training Networks  EID – European Industrial Doctorates  EJD – European Joint Doctorates How can I join an existing network? → EURAXESS → CORDIS 21 Definujte zápatí - název prezentace / pracoviště 22 THE MOUNTAIN: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA), Individual Fellowships The ascent to the mountain is long and demanding, many do not make it to the top! MSCA INDIVIDUAL FELLOWSHIPS: KEY PRINCIPLES Picture: http://thebestyoumagazine.co/ 23 MOBILITY FREE CHOICE OF TOPIC RESEARCH & TRAINING CAREER DEVELOPMENT EXPERIENCED RESEARCHERS WORK/LIFE BALANCE NO AGE LIMIT MSCA: Individual Fellowships – types of grants 24 EUROPEAN FELLOWSHIPS  Standard European Fellowships (mobility across Europe or into Europe)  Career Restart Panel (Europe, after at least 12 months’ break)  Reintegration Panel (from a 3rd country to Europe) GLOBAL FELLOWSHIPS  3rd country + a mandatory return phase in Europe MSCA: Individual Fellowships – how it works 25  A researcher applies jointly with a host institution (and a supervisor)  12–24 months full-time (GF 24–36 months)  Possible additional secondments (3–6 months)  Deadline once a year (September) MSCA: Individual Fellowships – proposal preparation 26  Success rate 2014: 11% GF, 19% EF  Many fellows succeed only after re-submission.  Success requires excellent project, excellent CV, excellent motivation, excellent match with the supervisor/host.  However, expectations from young PhDs and expectations from more senior researchers differ.  Mutual enrichment between the fellow and the host is expected.  The fellowship shall represent a significant step forward in the researcher‘s career. Masarykova univerzita - univerzita s budoucností 27 max. 10 pages weight 50% weight 30% weight 20% MSCA IF – proposal structure applicants often underestimate SoMoPro: South Moravian alternative to IF  From MSCA family  EU + South Moravian Region  Nearly same structure of the proposal as IF  For researchers coming from abroad (including MU PhDs returning from postdoc stays)  2015 success rate 16%  12–36 months’ projects 28 Supported domains: Material Research ICT Electronics and Photonics Advanced Manufacturing Technologies Biotechnology and Biomedicine MSCA IF, ITN, SoMoPro – indicative budget Researcher unit cost in EUR (person/month) Institutional unit cost in EUR (person/month) Living allowance Mobility allowance Family allowance Research, training, networking Management + overheads Optional contribution IF 4 650*) 600 500 800 650 ITN 3 110*) 600 500 1 800 1 200 SoMoPro 3 750 500 500 1 000 29 *) Living allowance subject to a country correction coefficient (CZ 83,3 %, UK 120,3 %) 30 FELLOWSHIPS • 2015-2016 - Fellow at the Imre Kertész Kolleg, Jena, Germany • 2012-2013 - Visiting Scholar at the Institute for Research on Women and Gender at Columbia University, New York, USA • 2010 (spring) - Visiting Scholar at the Center for the Study of Gender and Sexuality at New York University, USA • 2003-2004 - Fulbright Visiting Scholar, New School for Social Research, New York, USA • 2000 (fall) - SOCRATES/ERASMUS, Tilburg University, Netherlands „Constructing Sexuality and Gender in Czechoslovak Sexological Discourses during Communism (1948–1989)“ SEXOCOM 1 year → University of Columbia 1 year → MU Source: http://sexocom.fss.muni.cz/ Marie Curie at MU: Kateřina Lišková (FSS) Fulbright Commission  Provides fellowships for studies, teaching or research in the USA  At MU level administered by Centre for International Cooperation 31 EMBO EMBO Short-term fellowships  Exchanges between 2 laboratories in different countries; up to 3 months  For PhD holders and PhD students EMBO Long-term fellowships  Post-doctoral research visists for up to 2 years Installation Grants  Support for talented researchers in the Czech Rep., Poland, Estonia, Croatia, Portugal and Turkey.  Annual support of 50,000 euro for 3 years (possible extension for 2 more years).  Grantees integrated into the EMBO Young Investigators network (number of benefits) 32 33 EMBO INSTALLATION GRANTS 10 out of 16 Installation Grantees in the Czech Republic are from MU. Picture: http://www.online.muni.cz/ THE SUMMIT: European Research Council (ERC) 34 ERC: KEY PRINCIPLES FRONTIER RESEARCH HIGH RISK/HIGH GAIN FREE CHOICE OF TOPIC ANY FIELD OF RESEARCH NO POLITICS SCIENTIFIC EXCELLENCE 35 ERC – How it works 36  Individual grant (Principal Investigator + his team)  Researcher‘s nationality: any  Host institution: member or associated country  Typical duration: 5 years  Portability of the grant  High competitiveness – low score = restriction for next call(s)  Often considered as the most prestigious grant available.  Junior researchers can become part of the ERC team (EURAXESS).  MU runs an ERC Support Scheme for the applicants. ERC – types of grants Starting Consolidator Advanced 2–7 years from Ph.D. 7–12 years from Ph.D. (a track record of significant research achievements in the last 10 years) €1,5 M + €0,5 extra €2+ €0,75 extra €2,5 M + €1 M extra success rate 2014: 11,7 % success rate 2014: 15 % success rate 2013: 12,3 % 37 proposal onlyproposal + interview ERC – proposal structure  B1: Extended Synopsis: 5 pages Curriculum Vitae: 2 pages Track Record („a list of achievements“): 2 pages  B2: Scientific Proposal: 15 pages (Host Institution Binding Statement of Support; Ethics Review Table) 38 Step 1 Step 2 ERC grants at MU 39 ERC Starting 2016 David Kosař, Faculty of Law „The Rise of Judicial Self-Government: Changing the Architecture of Separation of Powers without an Architect“ JUDI-ARCH ERC Starting 2013 Pavel Plevka Ceitec MU „Structural studies of human picornaviruse“ PicoStructure ERC Consolidator 2015 Richard Štefl Ceitec MU „Dynamic assembly and exchange of RNA polymerase II CTD factors“ DECOR 40 II. INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION SUPPORT 41 THE SWAMP: KONTAKT, COST CZ, MOBILITY Formalism and culture of irresponsibility has turned local Czech landscape into a swamp where the bureaucrats chomp over tons of papers requested from the beneficiaries receiving their meager support. COST  Aims at coordination of research activities financed from national sources.  Support of networking activities (not research).  COST actions – large consortia formed around concrete topics (bottom-up principle – free choice of topic)  Duration of action: 4 years  Participants: at least 5 member states  Average budget: 130 000 EUR/year (average no. of participating countries – 22) 42 MŠMT – COST CZ  Research projects for CZ participants in COST actions  Call once a year  Basic research (applied research since 2016)  Up to100% of eligible costs covered  Max. length – 3 years  Max. 300,000 CZK/year – Individuals, Societies, Cultures and Health (ISCH) domain  Max. 750,000 CZK/year – other domains  Principal Investigator: typically PhD/doc.  PhD students: typically participate as team members  Since 2016 – under „Inter-Excellence“ programme (new rules) 43 MŠMT – KONTAKT II  Call once a year  Basic and applied research  Basic research = up to 100 % eligible costs covered  All research fields  Max. length – 3 years  Cooperation limited to particular non-EU countries (specified in the call, previously USA, Russia, China, Japan, India, Israel, South Korea)  Approx. 1,500,000–2,000,000 CZK per project  Principal Investigator: typically PhD/doc.  PhD students: typically participate as team members  Since 2016 – under „Inter-Excellence“ programme (new rules) 44 MŠMT – MOBILITY  Small bilateral projects (co-financed by 2 participating countries)  All fields of basic research  Typically 2 years‘ projects  Only travel costs are eligible  MŠMT contribution: max. 100 000 CZK/year (depending on the call)  2016: Expected calls for proposals – France, Austria and Germany, possibly also Poland and Argentina 45 The International Visegrad Fund Projects in cultural cooperation, scientific exchange and research, education, youth exchange, cross-border cooperation or promotion of tourism 46 Small Grants • < 6 000 € • 1 Mar., 1 June, 1 Sept., 1 Dec. • project duration: max. 6 months • co-financing 20% Standard Grants • > 6 001 € (typically around 13 000 €) • 15 Mar., 15 Sept. • project duration: max. 12 months • co-financing 20%  Participants from at least 3 Visegrad countries  „Applicant“ (coordinator) + Partners Visegrad projects at MU Faculty of Arts: Visegrad Conference of Information Literacy and Education „The purpose of this project is to realize the international conference…“ FSS: New Public Governance in the Visegrád Group (V4) The main aim of the project is to initiate the international research concerning the issue of New Public Governance in the countries of the Visegrad Group. The project consists in organising the conference… and publishing a scientific publication. → „Visegrad added value“ → Communication/support activities rather than research 47 Definujte zápatí - název prezentace / pracoviště 48 THE HORIZON: H2020 collaborations H2020: Collaborative projects 49 Industrial LeadershipExcellent Science Future and Emerging Technologies Research Infrastructures, including e-Infrastructures Societal Challenges Health, Demographic Change and Wellbeing Food Security, Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry, Marine, Maritime and Inland Water Research and the Bioeconomy Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy Smart, Green and Integrated Transport Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials Europe in a changing world Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies Secure societies – Protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens Access to risk finance Leadership in Enabling and Industrial Technologies o Information and Communication Technologies o Space o Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Advanced Manufacturing and Processing, and Biotechnology Innovation in SMEs 50 How it works o All calls published in WORK PROGRAMMES (WP) at Participant Portal o List of problems EU wants to solve – CALLS o Each call diveded into TOPICS  Deadlines defined in WP  Basic and applied research - specified in description  100% funding, 25% overheads  Maximum amount - specified in description (recommendation) (projects at MU: overall budget 250 000 – 50 mil. EUR, MU share: 70 000 – 2 mil EUR)  All research fields  Principal Investigator: experienced researcher  PhD students: can participate as team members, task managers o EXAMPLE - seminars 51 Main rules o 3 from 3 (minimum 3 partners from 3 different countries - defined in WP) o Different „actions“ (mostly „research and innovation action“ – RIA, „coordination and support action“ – CSA) o New in H2020 – Open Access to all publications and to data (pilot for defined calls) 52 III. PILLAR - Societal Challenges Societal Challenges 1. Health, Demographic Change and Wellbeing 2. Food Security, Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry, Marine, Maritime and Inland Water Research and the Bioeconomy 3. Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy 4. Smart, Green and Integrated Transport 5. Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials 6. Europe in a changing world - Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies 7. Secure societies – Protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens 53 SC1 - Health, demographic change and wellbeing o Project: Advanced bioinformatics platform for PERsonalised cancer IMmunotherapy o Acronym: APERIM o Duration: 36 months o Budget: 3 mil EUR (135 000 EUR for MU) o Consortium: 11 partners (coordinator - Medical University of Innsbruck, Austria) o PI at MU: Dmitriy Chudakov (CEITEC) Project focus: o practical implementation of immunotherapies targeting unique tumor mutations o development of user-friendly software modules as well as analytical standard operating procedures for clinical use, and application of the bioinformatics platform in clinical settings o maximization of the accessibility and utility of biomedical data in research and medicine www.aperim.eu 54 SC5 - Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials (1) o Project: Guiding European Policy towards a low-carbon economy. Modelling Energy system Development under Environmental And Socioeconomic constraints o Acronym: MEDEAS o Duration: 48 months o Budget: 3,7 mil EUR (300 000 EUR for MU) o Consortium: 12 partners (coordinator - Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Spain) o PI at MU: Christian Kerschner (FSS) Project focus: o implementation of a policy oriented tool for policymaking in the energy sector to evaluate socio-economic impacts of selected policies in their future investments within a low-carbon economy 55 SC5 - Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials (2) o Project: Integrated Climate forcing and Air pollution Reduction in Urban Systems o Acronym: ICARUS o Duration: 48 months o Budget: 6,8 mil EUR (390 000 EUR for MU) o Consortium: 18 partners (coordinator - ARISTOTELIO PANEPISTIMIO THESSALONIKIS, Greece) o PI at MU: Jana Klánová (PřF – RECETOX) Project focus: o development of an innovative tools for urban impact assessment of the impact of current and alternative national and local policies on reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions o air quality improvement through a full chain approach and evaluate the future public health and well-being impacts of these policies in European cities 56 SC6 - Europe in a changing world - inclusive, innovative and reflective societies (1) o Project: Negotiating early job-insecurity and labour market exclusion in Europe o Acronym: NEGOTIATE o Duration: 36 months o Budget: 3 mil EUR (170 000 EUR for MU) o Consortium: 10 partners (coordinator - HiOA-NOVA Norwegian Social Research, Norway) o PI at MU: Tomáš Sirovátka (FSS) Project focus: o to deliver gender-sensitive comparative knowledge about consequences of early job insecurity o investigation of the linkages across macro, meso and micro levels as mechanisms of early job insecurity o core question: how young people’s scope for agency interacts with different layers of structural conditions in a multi-level governance system www.negotiate-research.eu 57 SC6 - Europe in a changing world - inclusive, innovative and reflective societies (2) o Project: Constructing Active Citizenship with European Youth: Policies, practices, challenges and solutions o Acronym: CATCH-EyoU o Duration: 36 months o Budget: 2,5 mil EUR (230 000 EUR for MU) o Consortium: 9 partners (coordinator - Universita di Bologna, Italy) o PI at MU: Petr Macek (FSS) Project focus: o identification of the factors, located at different levels (psychological, developmental, macro social and contextual) influencing the different forms of youth active engagement in Europe www.catcheyou.eu 58 II. PILLAR - Industrial Leadership The goal: to make Europe a more attractive location to invest in research and innovation Industrial Leadership Access to risk finance Leadership in Enabling and Industrial Technologies o Information and Communication Technologies o Space o Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Advanced Manufacturing and Processing, and Biotechnology Innovation in SMEs 59 THE CLOUDS: Future and emerging technologies When your ideas are too crazy to be followed by the operators in the forest or on the horizon… 60 FET actions - expected to initiate radically new lines of technology through unexplored collaborations between advanced multidisciplinary science and cutting-edge engineering 3 complementary lines o FET OPEN – on new ideas for radically new future technologies, at an early stage when there are few researchers working on a project topic o FET PROACTIVE – further exploratory of promising research topics, with the aim of building up and structuring new interdisciplinary research communities o FET FLAGSHIPS – 1-billion, 10-years initiatives where hundreds of excellent European researchers unite forces to focus on solving an ambitious scientific and technological challenge - Human Brain - Graphene Future and Emerging Technologies I. PILLAR – EXCELLENT SCIENCE 61 THE FACTORY: Research Infrastructures 62 State-of-the-art research infrastructures becomes increasingly complex and costly, often requiring integration of different equipment, services and data sources, as well as extensive transnational collaboration. EU approach in H2020: o developing and financing research infrastructures (INFRADEV) o integrating and opening research infrastructures of European interest (INFRAIA) o e-Infrastructures (EINFRA) o fostering the innovation potential (INFRAINNOV) o support to policy and international cooperation (INFRASUPP) I. PILLAR – EXCELLENT SCIENCE Research Infrastructures, including e-Infrastructures 63 Research infrastructure - INFRADEV (1) o Project: ELIXIR-EXCELERATE: Fast-track ELIXIR implementation and drive early user exploitation across the life-sciences o Acronym: ELIXIR-EXCELERATE o Duration: 48 months o Budget: 19 mil EUR (500 000 EUR for MU) o Consortium: 41 partners (coordinator - EUROPEAN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY LABORATORY, Germany) o PI at MU: Jaroslav Koča (CEITEC) Project focus: o implementation of ELIXIR infrastructure to support the management, analysis and re-use of data across life science o enabling of the easy access to validated workflows and tools to deposit and analyse data www.elixir-europe.org 64 Research infrastructure - INFRADEV (2) o Project: Euro-BioImaging Preparatory Phase II - Project o Acronym: EuBI PPII o Duration: 48 months o Budget: 1,5 mil EUR (no money for MU) o Consortium: 22 partners (coordinator - EUROPEAN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY LABORATORY, Germany) o PI at MU: Jaroslav Koča (CEITEC) Project focus: o the submission and approval procedure of ERIC statutes with the EC o obtain commitments for the sustainable funding for the EuBI-ERIC by its Member States o implement the operational EuBI Hub and recruit its staff to provide user access and services o define and sign the service level agreements between EuBI-ERIC and the 1st generation of EuBI Nodes www.eurobioimaging.eu 65 Research infrastructure - INFRAIA o Project: Infrastructure for NMR, EM and X-ray crystallography for translational research o Acronym: iNEXT o Duration: 48 months o Budget: 10 mil EUR (470 000 EUR for MU) o Consortium: 23 partners (coordinator – University of Utrecht, Netherlands) o PI at MU: Vladimír Sklenář (CEITEC) Project focus: o providing the full range of infrastructures necessary to translate technical excellence and scientific leadership of Structural Biology in Europe to impact modern biomedicine www.inext-eu.org 66 Research infrastructure - EINFRA o Project: World-wide E-infrastructure for structural biology o Acronym: West-Life o Duration: 36 months o Budget: 4 mil EUR (400 000 EUR for MU) o Consortium: 10 partners (coordinator – SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FACILITIES COUNCIL, United Kingdom) o PI at MU: Aleš Křenek (ÚVT) Project focus: o pilot an infrastructure for storing and processing data that supports the growing use of combined techniques www.west-life.eu 67 IV. SUPPORT AT MASARYK UNIVERSITY 68 International Grant Support  Project support at faculties – first contact  Research Office (Rectorate)  Technology Transfer Office (IPR) 69 Research Office: International Grant Support  Information service: web, newsletter & e-mail news, workshops  Individual support: consultations of project proposals/ grant opportunities  Financial support: for preparation of project proposals (prestigious schemes) 70 Scheduled Events  H2020: MSCA – 30 March 2016  H2020: Consortium agreements – 3 May 2016  H2020: IPR a Open Access – 22 June 2016  H2020 for social sciences and humanities – June 2016  ERC grant-writing workshop – ca. October 2016  Grants Week – 12–14 October 2016 71 4 days 17 lectures 600 attendees 26 speakers Grants Week 2016: 12–14 October Grants Week: „All you need to know about the research funding“ Links  Horizon 2020  EMBO  ERC  MŠMT  COST  International Visegrad Fund  Fullbright Commission *If not mentioned otherwise, pictures taken from wikipedia.org 72 73 Collaborative projects: Ida Součková Olšová i.souckova@rect.muni.cz Eva Ptáčková ptackova@rect.muni.cz Thank you for your attention Individual projects: Radka Martincová martincova@rect.muni.cz