1 SWUES, Eva Punčochářová, 2017 The spoken word is excellent for conveying emotions and stories, but is a poor medium for helping people retain large amounts of facts. Visual projections on a screen are wonderful for conveying images that stick in a viewer’s mind and make abstract concepts more concrete and understandable, but slides are a poor and inefficient method for getting people to retain large amounts of facts. 2 SWUES, Eva Punčochářová, 2017 The printed page is great for conveying large amounts of data. It is the most accessible and flexible of all media because your audience can underline interesting points, reread sections, file it away, and pull it out three months later. However, print does not convey the emotion or passion a speaker may have for a subject. 3 SWUES, Eva Punčochářová, 2017 „There is actually no such thing as a „PowerPoint Presentation“. There are some people who give presentations and use PowerPoint slides to make a better and more memorable impression on an audience, although this is an extremely rare phenomenon. Then, there are people who use PowerPoint slides to make a bad or unmemorable impression on their audiences. Is this you?“ Source: TJ Walker, Jess Todtfeld: Presentation Training A-Z, Media Training Worldwide, 2008 4 SWUES, Eva Punčochářová, 2017 I hate to tell you, but chances are your PowerPoint slides are lousy. But don’t také my word for it, let’s do a little test. Show your slides to someone who does not speak your language. Now, you are saying ‘What’s he talking about? Of course, they can’t read them.’ Ahah! If you’re expecting your audience to read your PowerPoint, you are already in big trouble. PowerPoint is a visual medium. Whether it is a chart, a graph, a picture or a cartoon, your audience should be able to understand your message just by looking at the images. Source: TJ Walker, Jess Todtfeld: Presentation Training A-Z, Media Training Worldwide, 2008 5 SWUES, Eva Punčochářová, 2017 3d-cinema-audience 200 million 6 SWUES, Eva Punčochářová, 2017 7 SWUES, Eva Punčochářová, 2017 SWUES, Eva Punčochářová, 2017 8 Manuel Lima: A visual history of human knowledge SWUES, Eva Punčochářová, 2017 9 Hans Rosling: The best stats you have ever seen SWUES, Eva Punčochářová, 2017 10 Hans Rosling: Don’t panic 11 Define footer - Name of the presentation / Your name / Unit, Office Jamie Oliver: Teach every child about food 12 SWUES, Eva Punčochářová, 2017 No more than six words on a slide – ever! Seth Godin, marketing guru 13 SWUES, Eva Punčochářová, 2017 The 666 Rule and 10-20-30 Rule refer to the bullet points, font sizes and number of slides you should use in your presentation. What do you think these rules might be? 14 SWUES, Eva Punčochářová, 2017 15 SWUES, Eva Punčochářová, 2017 16 SWUES, Eva Punčochářová, 2017 17 SWUES, Eva Punčochářová, 2017 18 Define footer - Name of the presentation / Your name / Unit, Office 19 Define footer - Name of the presentation / Your name / Unit, Office 20 SWUES, Eva Punčochářová, 2017 17 interesting graphs that define the life of an introvert http://www.lifehack.org/325085/17-interesting-graphs-that-define-the-life-introvert