Approach to Migration in Europe & V4 countries

2. Securitisation of migration and importance of discourses, 7. 3. 2018, 15:00-18:00

The session will explain the concept of securitisation, its basic components, its various forms and problematic aspects of framing migration in security terms. We will discuss the importance and the role of political and media discourses. We will work with the actual qualitative research data and findings from the Czech and Slovak environments.

Suggested reading:
Balzacq, T. “A theory of securitization: origins, core assumptions, and variants.” Pp. 1-30 in T. Balzacq (ed.). Securitization Theory: How security problems emerge and dissolve. London, New York: Routledge.
Van Dijk, A. T. 1993. “Introduction.” Elite Discourse and Racism. London: Sage Publications, pp. 1-17.