\ THE FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-1935 llY FELIX JOHN VONDRACEK, A. :M. A11sooiate Pt·ofUMW" of History Uni~ty of North Dakota SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILME~'T OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCl'OR OF PHILOSOPHY IN THE FACULTY OF POUTICAL SciENCE CoLUMBIA UNIVERsnv NEW VORK 1937 THE FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-1935 BY FELIX JOHN VONDRACEK, A. M• .A880t:i.ate ProfuBOr of History Unit.oemty ofNortl Dakota SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILME!I.'T OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILf?SOPHY IN THE FACULTY OF POUTICAL SCIENCE CoLUMBIA UNIVERSITY NEW \'ORK 1937 CoPYRIGHT, 1937 BY COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Puss l'lliNTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA lto MY WIFE OLGA MARIE VONDRACEK. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ALTHOUGH it is not possible to mention individually all who have assisted in the preparation of this work, the writer wishes to express his gratitude particularly to certain members of the Faculty of Political Science of Columbia University, to Professor Carlton J. H. Hayes, to the late Professor Parker Thomas Moon, under whose direction the work was begun, and to Professor Walter Consuelo Langsam, under whom the work was completed. In addition, the writer desires to thank also the various members of the Czechoslovak Consulates-General at New York and Chicago~ and of the Legation at Washington, D. C., who, periodically for over a decade, have generously placed at his disposal materials not readily accessible to the general reader. Similar appreciation is felt for many favors received from the Svornost (Chicago) and from the Congressional Library, the library of Columbia University, and those of the Universities of Chicago, Iowa, and North Dakota. TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS •• CHAPTER I THE PROBLEMS OF INDEPENDENCE General Considerations • • • • • The New Government ••.••••• Peace Conference Preliminaries . The Territorial Settlement . . Other Peace Conference Problems • • • CHAPTER II DOMESTIC STABILIZATION Interdependence of Foreign and Domestic Policies • • • Financial Policy • • • Economic Policy • • Social Reform • Religious Policy • CHAPrER III THE GREAT PowERS, 1918-1923 Objectives of Foreign Policy Germany. • . ••• The Western Powers . • The League of Nations . rhe Russian Problem . • The Sib~rian Campaign •. Intra-Slav Cooperation 'liS. a" Western Orientation" The Genoa Conference The Rapprochement with Russia • • . . • • . . . . CHAPTER IV THE RECONSTRUCTION OF CENTRAL EUROPE, 1918-1923 PACK 7 13 14 24 27 43 6o 6o 76 8g 9I !)8 98 100 105 113 114 129 139 144 Benes' Central European Objectives . 147 Boundary Disputes with Poland • . . 148 The Formation of the Little Entente 162 9 10 TABLE OF CONTENTS The Problem of Austria • . . . . • • The Attempted Rapprochement with Poland • • • Friction with Hungary • • • • • . • . • • Central European Economic Cooperation The Reconstruction of Austria • • • Early Little Entente Conferences . • . • The Reconstruction of Hungary • . . . . CHAPTER V THE SEARCH FOR SECURITY, 1924-1926 " The Treaty of Mutual Assistance " • The French Alliance . . . · France, Italy and the Little Entente •. The ltalo-Czechoslovak Treaty . . . • The Praha and Ljubljana Conferences . The Geneva Protocol Locarno . Security to the East •. CHAPTER VI EFFORTS TO MAINTAIN THE NEW STATUS Quo Commercial Treaties . • . . . . . . The Debt Settlement with the United States •. The Catholic Question • Fascism ......••...•••. Minority Reconciliations • • • Better Relations with the Soviet Union Friendship with Poland • • . Franco-Italian Rivalry ••.. "Irreconcilable Hungary" . • The Austrian Problem Again . . + Little Entente Conferences, 1925-1929 •• Germany and the League of Nations • • . Peace, Security and Disarmament • • . . CHAPTER VII THE DEPRESSION Economic Conferences • • • • • ·• • • • • • The Proposed Austro-German Customs Union ••• Politics vs. Economics within the Little Entente .• Hungarian Revisionism •.•• Italo-C1:echoslovak Friction . . . . . . . . . . . . ·. PAGE 173 178 181 ISQ 192 197 205 209 2II 220 224 226 227 229 241 247 248 249 257 258 259 263 265 271 2]8 288 297 299 305 312 318 326 330 TABLE OF_ CONTENTS The Ur S. S. R. and Poland Revisionism 11s. the Status Quo . Reparations and Debts • CHAPTER VIII THE NAZI CRISIS The Causes and Importance of Hitlerism. ;_ •• Strengtbenhig the Little Entente • Italy and Poland , • • • • • • • • • • • • 1933 Little Entente Conferences • • • • • • The Franco-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact • Disarmament Negotiations •••••• The Germano-Polish Rapprochement • Debt Default ••••••..••• The Revival of Hungarian Revisionism Austria • • • . . . • •••• Friction with Germany . . . Attempts to Isolate Germany . • The Henlein Movement • . • • • GOring's Balkan Tour~ .•••• Amplification of the Modus Vivendi •• Solidarity of the Status Quo Bloc • • Renewed Friction with Poland Italy vs. Ethiopia •.•. Masaryk's Resignation • BIBLTOGRAPBY INDEX •••• ..... II PAGE 334 336 341 351 356 300 364 368 369 373 376 377 38o 383 J86 407 4Il 412 413 418 420 423 426 445 CHAPTER I THE PROBLEMS OF INDEPENDENCE GENERAL CONSIDERA,TIONS AT the beginning of her independent existence, Czechoslovakia faced numerous problems inherent in her new status and the post-war conditions. The young state would require ,many years of peace in which to consolidate its position and complete the development of its resources. Hence, from the outset, its leaders appreciated that, viewed from the point of self-interest, a policy of preserving the post-war status quo would become a vital necessity. Extreme nationalism* would react, ultimately, against Czechoslovakia, which ought to adopt at least a generous if not an altruistic policy. Her geographic position between the recently-defeated Central Powers, with Germany on the one hand and with Austria and Hungary on the other, together with the close ties, particularly economic, that still bound her to these countries, created for her a precarious situation that could permit stability only when it existed to some degree also within the territories of her immediate neighbors. Nevertheless, a far-sighted foreign policy would be exceedingly difficult to put into effect, for the intense nationalism and hatred engendered by the recent struggle precluded the possibility of the late enemies seeing .eye to eye even on matters of common interest, until bitter experience alone should teach them what measures must be adopted for their mutual advantage. The problems that faced Czechoslovakia were complex, involving almost every aspect of human activity. Not only • The term " nationalism " is used in the American sense, specifica11y as defined in C.]. H. Hayes' Essa3•s on Nationalism (New York, 1926). 13 14 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1956 were there a large number of questions concerning the foreign relations of the new state that de~anded almost immediate solution, but there existed domestic problems,. perhaps even more vital, that brooked still less delay. Thus, while Czechoslovakia was attempting to clarify her relations with different individual friends and foes and to obtain a peace settlement that she deemed indispensable to her existence and safety, she was forced also to set her own house in order, to establish a government and to determine her future policies. These various problems had to be solved by newly elected or appointed officials, most of them with little previous experience in the higher governmental activities. Under such conditions, some mistakes and misunderstandings were inevitable, yet, on the whole, few steps had to be retraced. The New Government The question that demanded foremost attention was the creation of the new government. During the War, two Czechoslovak governments had been created, at Paris and Praha (Prague) respectively. The former, the Czechoslovak National Council, was the work of Czechs and Slovaks residing in Allied countries, led by Masaryk/ Bene5 2 and 1 Thomas Garrigue Masaryk was born of poor parents at Hodonin (GOding) in Slovakia on March 7, x8so:" Obtaining an education after a severe struggle, he became Professor of Philosophy at the University of Praha. For many years he was unpopular because he sought to teach his people to make Bohemia great in the present rather than merely to glorify the past. Shortly after the outbreak of the War he went voluntarily into exile, and from headquarters at Paris directed the Czechoslovak revolutionary struggle. As President of the National Council, he made trips to England, Russia and the United States on behalf of the revolutionary cause. 2 Edward Bend, after obtaining his doctorate at Paris in 1909. became Professor of National Economics at the Czech Business Academy THE PROBLEMS OF INDEPENDENCE 15 Stefanik,28 whereas -the latter was the product of a movement inspired by Kramar.• The Paris government, after receiving de facto recognitions from the Allied Great Powers and the United States, proclaimed Czechoslovak independ~ ence on October 18, 1918.' The revolutionists at Praha, taking advantage of Austria's growing weakness, actually established Czechoslovakia by a· bloodless uprising of October 28!' Many uncertainties that had existed as to the political form of the new state at earlier periods of the revolutionary struggle were dissipated by 1918; even ardent former monarchists had been converted to the idea of a Republic.• The two Czechoslovak governments were merged without friction. The consolidation was effected at Geneva on and was active in the national movement. In 1914, when only thirty years of age, he was entrusted with the leadership of the domestic revolutionary movement after Masaryk's departure. During the following year he came to the conclusion that he, too, could best serve the cause abroad. Hence he also went to Paris where he became General Secretary of the National Council. and, with Masaryk, a co-founder of the Czechoslovak Republic. 2B Before the War, Milan R. Stefanik left his native Slovakia to become an explorer for France. Subsequently, as a French general, be played an influential part in obtaining the wpport of the Western Powers for the revolutionary eause. a Karel Kramar, the most prominent Czech leader who was not an exile, led the domestic movement against the Dual Monarchy, and, during the early years of the War, eclipsed Masaryk in popularity. The growing conviction that independence had been won through Masaryk's conversion of the Western Powers to the Czechoslovak cause brought about an eventual decline in the inftuence of Kramar. "Benes, E., My War Memoirs {New York, 1!)28), pp. 415-427. o Opoeenskj, J., The Collapse of the Austro-Hungaritm Monarchy and the Rise of the Czechoslovak State (Prague, 1!)28), pp. 93-147. • On the question of republic vs. monarchy, cf. Masaryk's memorandum to the Allies of February, 1916, in Masaryk, T. G., Svltova rewluce 64 valky o ve vdlce, 1914-1918 (Praha, 1933, hereafter referred to as Svitov4 Revol11ce), pp. 476-478; Benes, op. cit., pp. 444-445; Bielsky, E. (Edward Bend), "Ceskoslovenske zeme republikou", Ceskoslovenska Somostamost, vot iv, p. 25, November 20, 1918. 16 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1936 October JI, by the Declaration of Geneva/ drawn up by delegates representing both groups. Masaryk became President; Kramar, President of the Council of Ministers; Benes, Minister for Foreign Affairs; and Stefanik, Minister for National Defense. On November 14 the first units of the Czechoslovak Legions returned from France and Italy. Masaryk hastened from the United States to assume his new duties, reaching Praha on December 2 I, where he was duly inaugurated.8 The revolutionary leaders had to determine also the composition of the Provisional National Assembly, the body into which the National Council had enlarged itself. It was imperative that the National Assembly organize itself promptly; consequently it was not. the product of elections, but an emergency body summoned hastily to conduct affairs during the period of transition. Therefore, when it met for the first time on November 14, its membership was based, proportionally, upon the number of votes polled by all existing Czech parties during the last elections, those of I9II to the Austrian Abgeordnetenhaus. Its personnel was appointed by the executive committees of the various parties concerned.9 Of the total membership of 270, the 54 Slovaks had to be selected arbitrarily, by the Slovak National Council, for no better method of selection existed, since the Slovaks had had virtually no representation in the Hungarian parliament.10 In his inaugural address, Kramar proclaimed the 'f Declaration of Geneva, in leaflet form (in Czech); reprinted also in Capek, T., Jr., Origins of the Czechoslo'l!(Jk State (New York, 1926); cf. also, OpocenskY, oP. cit., pp. sS-62; Benes, op. cit., pp. 44o-443. s Masaryk, op. cit., pp. 383-384. e C/. Haskins, C. H. and Lord, R. H., Some Problems of the Peace Conference (Cambridge, 1920), pp. 233-236; Graham, M. W., New Governments of Central Europe (New York, 1924), p. 275· to For details of the composition of the Provisional National Assembly, cf. SedivY", K., Sept annees de palitique interietwe tchecoslovaque, I9I8I925 (Prague, 1925), pp. 7-8. THE PROBLEMS OF INDEPENDENCE 17 establishment of the-Czechoslovak Republic and the dissolution of all ties with the House of Habsburg-Lorraine. He also invited the Bohemian Germans to participate in the government, but both they and the Magyars refused to cooperate with the Czechs.11 These refusals were discordant notes in the establishment of the new government: although eipected, they indicated, nevertheless, the dangers to which the new Republic would be .exposed from the hostile minorities that would, in all probability, be incorporated after the Peace Conference had established definitive boundaries. By contrast, they indicated also the necessity to the Czechs of the support of the other Slavic groups within the state. The support of the Slovaks had been pledged as early as October 30,12 thus strengthening the ties already created by the Pittsburgh Agreement.18 Similarly, during November, the Ruthenes organized three National Councils at Presov, Uzhorod and Chust, which soon merged. On May 8, 1919/~ the consolidated Ruthene National Council approved the action '11 Papanek, ]., LtJ TchicoslOfltJquie, histoire politique et juridique de StJ creatiot~ (Prague, 1922), pp. 69-7o; Borovicka. ]., Ten Years of CzechoslOfltJk Politics (Prague, 1929), pp. 29-54u LoubaJ. F., "Slovenski declarace z 30 i-ijna 1918 s hlediska mezinirodniho ", Zahranilnl Politika, vol. ii, pp. 1435-1440; Haskins and Lord. op. cit., pp. 237-238; Capek. op. cit., appendix. C/. also, OpoeenstcY, op. cit., pp. I5J-I68. On October 30, by the Declaration of TurcanstcY S~. Martin, the Slovaks associated themselves with the uprising in Praha two days earlier. 1a On June 30, 1918, Masaryk climaxed his earlier revolutionary activities in America by signing the Agreement of Pittsburgh between. the Czechs and Slovaks, whereby, in the Czechoslovakia-to-be, the latter were guaranteed their own assembly, courts and administration. C/. the Pittsburgh Agreement, reprinted in Palickai-, S. ]. and BroZ, A.. " Czechs and Slovaks at Odds", CuN"em History, vol. xxii, p. 788; Masaryk. oJI. cit., PP. 255-257. 1•Masaryk, op. cit., pp. 295-296; Mercier, M., LfJ Fonnation d~ fltat lchlcoslovaque (Chartres, 1g:a2), pp. 103-104- 18 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 taken in the preceding October by the American Ruthenes during the Philadelphia Congress of the oppressed nationalities of Central Europe, in favor of union with Czechoslovakia.15 During November and December, 1918, Czech forces occupied the German and Magyar areas that Czechoslovakia hoped would be included in her boundaries-to-be. Several skirmishes took place in towns with German majorities,16 and the resulting agitation did not abate until checked by President Masaryk's conciliatory Christmas speech,17 which promised equal treatment to both Czechs and Germans. Similar difficulties were encountered in Slovakia, from which were driven numerous detachments of Hungarian soldiers.18 In an attempted defense of this region in January, 1919, the Magyars established a so-called Eastern Slovak National Council, which soon collapsed when repudiated by the Slovak deputies at Praha. An interesting sidelight was the fact that, throughout the occupation of Slovakia, the Czechs took care to curb anti-Semitic agitation, in spite of the fact that many of the purveyors of anti-Czech propaganda were Hungarian Jews supposedly subsidized by the government of u The Amerik:anska Narodni Rada Ugro-Rusinov plebiscite at Philadelphia ·resulted in seventy percent voting for union with Czechoslovakia, twenty percent for union with the Ukraine, nine percent for complete independence and only one percent for ;'emaining with Hungary. For full details, cf. Svornost, January 12, 1919. · u Cf. Molisch, P., Die Sudetendeutsche Freiheitsbewegung in den ]a/wen 1918-19 (Vienna, 1932), for a complete account of the German agitation in Bohemia during 19I8-I919. 17 Prager Presse, December 26, 1918. 18 On December 4. the Allied Powers authorized the Czech occupation of Slovakia and the expulsion of Hungarian forces. Cf. Le Temps~ DecemberS, 1918; or Street, C. J. C., SlO'VakiG, Past and Present (Lon.don, 1928), p. 33. THE PROBLEMS OF INDEPENDENCE 19 Bela Kun at Budapes£19 The new Slovak provincial government was actually inaugurated on February 1, 1919.20 The dangers to which Czechoslovakia was exposed indicated also the need for a comprehensive military policy. As a temporary measure, the government called ·to the colors on Novemb~r 22, 1918, reservists of the classes of 1895-99,21 and thereby raised many of the forces needed immediately upon the Hungarian frontier. In a newspaper interview of January 12, 1919, Kramar made a fervent plea for a large army to protect the Republic against threats emanating from Germany and Russia.22 Masaryk, ordinarily an anti-militarist, expressed the same opinion to Professor Ernest Denis.28 On January 28, 1920, the Czechoslovak government announced the creation of a peacetime army of 8,000 officers and 141,910 conscripted men.2 • Vaclav Klofac, the Minister of National Defense, was largely instrumental in bringing about the adoption of the Defense Act of March 19, 1920. Upon that date, the National Assembly approved unanimously the second and third readings of the bill. By its provisions, a two-year period of universal military service was made compulsory for the next three years.25 For the lfl Graham, op. cit., p. 276; Sedivj, op. cit., pp. Io-n. 2G For full details, cf. Seton-Watson R. W., The New SIO'UG-kia (Prague, 1924). :Ill Svornost, November 28, 1918. "Le Temps, January 12, 1919; Svornost, January 16, I9I!). :aa Svomost, May 3, 1919a• Ibid., N6rodnt Listy, January 29, 1920. 111 When the bill had been presented for the first time by Klofac to the National Assembly on January 25, 1920. the sole opposition to it had been voiced by the Social Democrats who had desired four months' military service rather than two ~ars'. However, when representatives of the other parties pointed out the inadequacy of so short a period, the Social Democrats withdrew their objections. In time of peace, the ages of service are twenty to fifty years, and in time of war, seventeen to sixty. Cf. N6rodm Polmko and N6rodnl Listy, January 26, 1920; S'l.IOnlOsl, February 1, 1920. 20 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 subsequent three years the period of service was reduced to eighteen months. At the expiration of these six years, if the number of trained militia would be deemed still insufficient, further periods of fourteen months' service each would be instituted. The control of mobilization and the summoning of trainees was vested in the National Assembly. Special additional resolutions of the National Assembly welcomed more publicity regarding military activities and a greater measure of civilian influence at the War Ministry. In this manner was the Republic provided with an adequate army, one which, in a major emergency, would number more than a million men.26 The concluding step requisite to the establishment of the Czechoslovak government was the adoption of a constitution. Wisely, the leaders refrained from attempting to draw a permanent one too hastily; therefore, a provisional constitution was put into effect on November 13, 1918/1 and a permanent one deferred until the general situation of the Republic would become more clarified and the more pressing of its problems solved. Thus it was that the definite constitution was left to be framed and enacted by the first regularly elected National Assembly on February 29, 1920.28 2s Narodn£ Listy, Narodni Polwika, Prager Presse, March 20, 1920; Svornost, March 24. 1920; cf. also, Borevicka, op. cit., pp. ¢-97. 21 For an analysis of the Provisional Constitution, cf. Graham, op. cit., pp. 279-281. as Graham, op. cit., pp. 292-313; Hoetzl, J. and Joachim, V., The Con.stitutitm of the Czechoslovak Republic (Prague, 1920); Broz, A., Three Years of the Czechoslovak Republic (Prague, 1921), pp. r8-z1. It is beyond the scope of this work to attempt more than a superficial analysis of the Czechoslovak constitution, which is one of the most democratic in the world, imbued with the principle that the people are the sole source of authority. Every regulation attempts to express the popular will through the legislative bodies, cabinet and president. Although protecting racial minorities, it seeks foremost the unhindered expression of the will of the majority by permitting a three-fifths majority in parliament THE PROBLEMS OF INDEPENDENCE 2I The method of conducting foreign affairs is a vital matter in any study concerning foreign policy. The provisional constitution of Czechoslovakia provided specifically for the responsibility of the ministry to the National Assembly, a policy continued in the permanent constitution. Thus, to expedite matters, in actual practice, the Foreign Minister is required periodically to give reports of his_activitiesto the Foreign Affairs Committees of the National Assembly. Article 64, Section I, a, states that the President shall represent the State in its relations with other States, shall negotiate and ratify international treaties. Commercial treaties, and treaties which for the Stare or its citizens entail financial or personal burdens, especially military burdens, as well rus treaties affecting the territories of the State require the affirmation of Parliament. The affirmation of Parliament takds the focm of a ·Constitutional Law (article I of the introductory law). Czechoslovakia was particularly fortunate that Masaryk and Bend were President and Foreign Minister, respectively, for so long after the establishment of independence. This assurance of continuity and consistency of policy was further enhanced by the close personal friendship of the two men. The conduct of Czechoslovakia's foreign policy is replete with instances wherein the major decisions were arrived at only after a conference between these founders of the new state.29 . · to accomplish almost anything-a prudent and necessary measure in view of the fact that thereby the Czechs and Slovaks have a sufficient margin of safety whereby they need not fear the obstructionist tactics of hostile Germans or Magyars. While universal suffrage was conceded, the conservative nature of the new regime was also assured by a bicameral parliament -a Senate of ISO members and a Chamber of Deputies of 300 members -and by a seven-year term for the president who is not eligible for more than two terms except for Masaryk, who was made president for life. 211 Cf. N6rodnt Shrorml&den{ Ceskoslownskl v pnm!m roce Re/>ubliky (Praha, 1919): Jolly, E., Le Pouvoir legislatif dans Ia Rlpubliqw Tchlcoslovaque (Paris, 1924). 22 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 Czechoslovakia also faced the problem of obtaining a peace settlement that would guarantee her future stability and safety. Her prestige was high, because of the help afforded the Allies by her legions 30 in France, Italy and Russia, and because her leaders, particularly Masaryk and Benes, had shown, by their actions and predictions, the most accurate understanding of Central European conditions and needs. Perhaps even more to the point was the fact that Czechoslovakia had already obtained the promise of a seat at the coming Peace Conference.31 Thus, certain of a sympathetic audience, she hoped to realize all her major contentions. Before the Peace Conference met, Czechoslovakia was destined to suffer a considerable diminution of prestige because of the inexperience of her government. At the outset, the Provisional National Assembly attempted to direct foreign policy by appointing from its own members a foreign committee of sixteen to whom Bend was required to send regular reports. It took little time to discover that this system was unsatisfactory. Not only was a committee of sixteen too large to work effectively, but it was found that many of the members, in their inexperience, were so naive as to inform foreign diplomats of internal affairs in which they so At the end of the War, the Czechoslovak army included 92,000 men in Russia, 12,000 in France, 24,000 in Italy and 54,000 in the Italian socalled home guard, a total of I&il,ooo men. According to statistics compiled in 1923, these forces had suffered 11 loss of 4,500 men killed (sic) ; Masaryk, op. cit., pp. 331-332. Later revised figures give slightly different totals; cf. Svornost, August 29, 1928. In the course of a trip through Vienna, Praha, Laibach and Trieste, Decem'ber 28, 1918-]anuary 14, 1919. to establish a United States courier service through Central and Southern Europe, Major A. J. Peaslee asked if Allied troops should be sent to Czechoslovakia to curb Bolshevik influences, protect the mines and give tangible evidence of Allied support. Masaryk stated that "be would not oppose it", but preferred rather to have the .Czechoslovak troops sent home from Allied countries. C/. Miller, D. H., My Diary at the Conference of Paris (n. p., 1926), vol. iii, pp. 32o-3'2'I. 81 By the treaty of September :28, 1918, with France. THE PROBLEMS OF INDEPENDENCE 23 should have no concern. As an example, when Father Hlinka 82 organized his anti-Czech campaign in the rural non-partisan organization of the Czechoslovak Catholics in Praha, and was seconded by speeches of Juriga and Kordac,88 information of which leaked out through members of the committee of sixteen, there came to Paris, about the middle of January, 1919, alarming· rumors about the condition of the Republic, which was reputed ready for anarchy. Much was made of the friction between Kramar and other members, several of whom were alleged to be ready to resign. The fact was also brought out that Benes wished to cooperate with the committee, but feared it was too often influenced unduly by party considerations. Things came to such a pass that he was finally compelled to protest that the domestic squabbles were creating an unfavorable foreign situation. His protest was heeded; two smaller units, the Foreign · Affairs Committees of the Senate and of the Chamber of Deputies, which often met as one body (the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly), were created to receive his reports, and he was given a much freer hand in the conduct of foreign affairs!& 82 Father Andrew Hlinka was an able, patriotic and popular Catholic priest who, during the War, was almost invaluable for his work in leading Slovak opposition to Hungary. After the War, neither he nor the other Slovak.leaders were treated by the Czechs with the recognition they deserved. As a result of the neglect which his people suffered, he became embittered and began a campaign to free the Slovaks from the "oppressive" Czech rule. Cf. also, infra, p. 95· as Juriga and Kordac were two Slovak members of parliament. 8& Hru5ovslcy, I., " Pet let zahranicni potitiky ceskoslovenske za vedeni Bene5ova ", Anon., Dr. Ed-var4 Benes, spoluzakladatel rwvl svobody t1 tvurce zahramlm politiky leskoslO'UfflSke (henceforth referred to as Dr. Edvard Benes, Praha, 1924), p. 126. For a comprehensive account of the organization of the foreign service, cf. Anon., Deset let leskoslqwJtSkl zahra~~icnl politiky (Praha, 19z8), pp. 98-u8. 24 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 Peace Conference Preliminaries Benes had not gone to Praha while the new government was in the process of formation, but had re~ained in Paris, maintaining contacts with the leading Allied diplomats. Before the Peace Conference opened, he had already secured important promises from the Great Powers. The exact methods by which the various Allied promises to further Czechoslovak claims were obtained have not been disclosed, but the results speak for themselves. In addition to the French promise of September 28, rgr8, to attempt to obtain for Czechoslovakia her German-inhabited borderlands, and similar British and Italian commitments of January 7, 1919, Bend obtained, by a note of December 20, 1918, a further French promise to support Czechoslovakia's claims on the Austrian frontier.85 Thus fortified, he awaited with confidence the approaching Peace Conference. In the course of the deliberations, questions of procedure became vexatious. One of the earliest problems was the point at which the small states were to enter the negotiations. Immediately after the Armistice, most of the proposals submitted by British and French statesmen regarding the Peace Conference specified that only the Great Powers could participate in the peace negotiations/6 a viewpoint that was opposed by the small Powers and ·by the United States. This dissenting opinion was voi<;ed best by D. H. Miller (November 22, rgr8),81 who recommended the participation of all the victor states in the negotiations. From the view- 85 The best account of these activities of Bend, while still inadequate as to specific details, is to be found in VochoC, V., "Dr. Benes a mirova konference pafizski ", Dr. Edward Benes, pp. 85-92. 86 Cf. Binkley, R. C., "New Light on the Paris Peace Conference", Political Science Quarterly, vol. xlvi, pp. 339-350; Baker, R. S., Woothow Wilson and the World Sett-lement (New York, Ig22), vol. iii, pp. 56-63; Miller, o·p. cit., vol. ii, pp. 14, 22-23, 81, 8+ 81 Miller, op. cit., vol. ii, pp. 32-33. THE PROBLEMS OF INDEPE,ND.ENCE 25 point of the small states, this proposal was generous and fair, but it was open to criticism in that it excluded the defeated states from any voice in the deliberations. The question of representation was finally decided after an exchange of British and French opinions, December II and I3, I9I8, by an agreement that each Great Power would be allowed five delegates; the lesser Allies, three each; the.new states, two; states in the process of formation, one; neutrals, one; and that there would be no enemy representatives.118 Subsequently, during January 12-17, 1919, procedure was modified further by a decision that the states with universal interests were the five Great Powers, and that all others had merely regional interests. The former might attend every session of the Conference, but the latter only those sessions in which their special interests were concerned.119 Objections to this procedure on the part of the small Powers proved to be of no avai1."0 Czechoslovakia was admitted to the first plenary session of January 18, 19I9.41 None of the new states had any better status than she: Yugoslavia was recognized as Serbia only; Albania, the newest pre-war state, was not granted any representation; and even Poland experienced greater initial difficulties because of internal friction between the 8& Ibid., vol. ii, pp. 295-2¢. Cf. ibid., vol. i, pp. 379-446, for a list of all the delegates to the Peace Conference. ·Czechoslovakia sent a dele. gation of forty-six members, which included expert and technical advisors and other staff members. 8o Miller, op. cit., vol. iii, p. 274 Bend requested Ruthenia on the grounds of national selfdetermination. His request was supported by a Ruthenian delegation to which the Czechoslovak promise of the greatest degree of autonomy compatible with the unity of the Republic appeared favorable. What were the alternatives? Subcarpathian Ruthenian independence was out of the question because of numerical weakness. A union with kinsmen in either Poland or the Ukraine, on the opposite side of the Carpathians, would be unnatural geographical1y. The Supreme Council feared particularly a union with Russia, that would not only add to the area controlled by Bolsheviks, but which would expose the small states of Central Europe to a serious strategic danger, if Russia ever obtained a foothold to the west of the Carpathians. Most of the Ruthenian leaders did not desire a union with alien Rumania, and, above all, sought to escape from Hungary. As Slavs, they had already expressed their desire to unite with their Czech and Slovak kinsmen. Hence they not only gladly accepted the liberal concessions promised by Czechoslovakia, but, of their own accord, came to the Peace Conference to add their plea to that of Benes. On the other hand, to Czechoslovakia, Ruthenia would be a welcome economic asset and would establish iinmediate territorial contact with friendly Rumania.$8 In view of ali these factors, the Supreme Council agreed to the union on May 12, 1919. 9 " 115 Baker, op. cit., vol. ii, p. 313; Temperley, op. cit., vol. iv, p. zn; Miller, op. cit., vol. xii, pp. 201-ZI4i vol. xvi, pp. 2IS-2I7, ZZ9-2JI, 274- 275; also cf. ibid., voJ. xvii, p. 134. how Italy and the United States stressed ethnology, and Great Britain and France, geography and military strategy, in drawing the frontiers of Slovakia. es Cf. Chmelar, J., Klima, S. and Neeas, J., Poflkarpatska Ru$ (Praha, 1923). It' Temperley, ~- cit., vol. iv, pp. 272JZ73; Miller, o/1. &it., voL xvi, pp. THE PROBLEMS OF INDEPENDENCE 43 There still remained the question of the boundary with Poland in the districts of Tesin, Orava and Spis, the most difficult of all the boundary disputes and the one that required the longest time for final settlement. The Inter-Allied Commission created by the Peace Conference to solve the problem encountered many unexpected obstacles. For many years, until a compromise satisfactory to both parties could be attained, the friction engendered by this dispute threatened to cause war between Czechoslovakia and Poland.118 Czechoslovakia was successful in realizing her cardinal contentions on boundary questions. Even if some of her minor and more extreme demands had been disallowed, she had met with more than adequate recognition of her territorial needs. Henceforth, a satiated power territ~rially, she became one of the most ardent supporters of the maintenance of the status quo and of the inviolability of the Peace Treaties.119 Other Peace Conference Problems Czechoslovakia had other problems at the Peace Conference besides those connected with her frontiers. In addition to trying to obtain war materials against Hungary, as has already been mentioned, Bend, after the death of Stefanik,100 271-272. Cf. also, ibM., vol. xvi, .pp. 386-387 for drawing of Czeehoslovak-Rumanian boundary on June 12, 1919. us For· full details, cf. infra, pp. 148 et seq. 1111 For the boundaries of Czechoslovakia, cf. Articles 27, 81, 82, 83 and 87 of the Treaty of Versailles; Articles 27, 53 and 91 of the Treaty of St. Germain; Articles 27, 48 and 75 of the Treaty of Trianon; and Articles 1-.2 of the Frontiers Treaty of 5evres; also La Casette tk Prague, August 4. 1920- Poland lost the Silesian plebiscite, hence Czechoslovakia failed to benefit as she had expected from Article 83 of the Treaty of Versailles. 100 Milan StefAnik, Czechoslovakia's first Minister of War, was killed in an aeroplane accident on May 4. 1919, en route from Italy to Czecho- slovakia. # FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1985 negotiated with the Allies, particularly with the United States, for the return of the Czechoslovak forces from Siberia/~1 with France for the training of the Czechoslovak army, and with Hoover for provisions.1 il 2 Then there were ·the questions of disarmament, minorities, the Anschluss, or union between Austria and Germany, reparations, and of obtaining for Czechoslovakia outlets by ri~er and by rail across the territories of her neighbors. The Great Powers feared lest the development of too much " individualism u by the new states injure their own prestige and interests. Thus, the initial plan on disarmament, prepared on May 23, 1919, by a commission of Inter-Allied generals, provided that all the Succession States would have to agree to armaments limited proportionally to those of the defeated states.108 This plan was opposed by all the Succession States, on the grounds that such armaments would not be sufficient and because they believed a distinction should be drawn between vanquished and victor states. There followed the so-called American plan which met these objections in part. This new plan, which was negotiated partially by Bene5 and Wilson in person and which allowed Poland 8o,ooo men and Czechoslovakia 50,000, also failed of general acceptance on June 5, 1919. One of the deplorable aspects of the failure of these initial attempts to limit armaments was the belief prevalent in Paris regarding the ease with which all the evils of the "Balkanization of Europe " were to be avoided. Acceptance of the principle of disarmament combined with· demands for more arms for the time being, because of a general lack of faith in the 1ro. For full details, cf. infra, pp. TI4 ef. seq. "~~2 Cf. Vochoc, loc. cit., p. 99. ·Hoover was Food Relief Administrator. 108 Baker, op. cit., vol. i, pp. 403-404· Germany was. allowed 100,000 men; Austria, 15,000; Hungary, x8,ooo; Bulgaria, xo,ooo; Greece, 12,000; Czechoslovakia, :22,000; Yugoslavia, :zo,ooo; Rumania, 2:8,ooo; and Poland, 44,000. THE PROBLEMS OF INDEPENDENCE 45 immediate efficacy of-the League of Nations, meant nothing of practical value.104 The minorities treaty for Czechoslovakia had been projected as early as May 22, 1919, but was not signed by Benes and Kramar until September 10. Bene5. signed without hesitation, for he realized that the treaty safeguarded the rights of the majority also, whereas Xramif required persuasion to sign, for he preferred to amend certain clauses so they would apply equally to all members of the League of Nations.105 Article 14 of this treaty placed all the preceding Articles under the guarantee of the League, which was thereby made responsible for certain obligations, of which the most important were the following: I. These Articles, not the minorities, were put under the guarantee of the League of Nations. 2. These Articles might not be modified without the consent of a majority of the Council. 3· The United States, Great Britain, France, Italy and Japan agreed not to withhold their assent to modifications approved by a majority of the Council. 4. Any member of the Council might set the machinery in motion by calling attention to an infraction or to danger of infraction, but a minority itself was unable to do so.106 Identical treaties were signed by Poland, Austria and Yugoslavia on the same day. Nevertheless, Yugoslavia and 1o4 Temperley, op. cit., vol. iv, pp. IJ6-IJ7: Vochoc, loc. cit., pp. 87-88; Baker, oJ!. cit., vol. i, p. 406. Cf. also, ibid., vol. iii, pp. 218-224. the confidential report of April n, 1919, of Major General F. J. Kernan to President Wilson on conditions in Central Europe and on the armies of Poland and Czechoslovakia. 105 House and Seymour, o/J. cit., pp. 211-215; Miller, o/J. cit.. vol. ix, pp. 256-26o, 263; vol. xiii, pp. 23-25. us Nouveau recueil gbtbal de traites et autre.s actes rela.tifs au· rapports de droit international (henceforth referred to as Nouveau recwil), iii serie, vol. xiii, pp. 512 el seq. 46 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1936 Rumania, although signing, made almost identical protests against such limitations upon their sovereignty, particularly since Italy was not required to bind herself similarly.101 Even Czechoslovakia was not entirely satisfied, and, in the Third Session of the Assembly, stressed the point that minorities disloyal to the state should lose all right of appeal for protection to the League, regardless of the fact that some other state, friendly to them, might make an appeal in their behalf. She argued that the act of signing a minorities treaty should not bind a state any further, but that any subsequent arrangements that might be adopted should be made to apply equally to all League members without any discrimination whatever.108 In conclusion, to demonstrate her good faith, Czechoslovakia, which had already been questioned in advance by the Peace Conference concerning the measures she intended to adopt towards the Bohemian Germans, submitted in detail a liberal program which conceded far more than had been demanded by the treaty, which, in the last analysis, had been intended merely as a minimum program.109 In most of the Succession States, the agitation on behalf of the Minorities Treaties had been led by the Jews. Within the Republic, they increased in importance from west to east, numbering I .27 percent of the population in 1or Temperley, op. cit., vol. iv, p. 138. , 'los Benes, Problemy no'Ve E'Vf'a/JY, pp. 2oo-201 ; . Hajn, A., " Ochrana narodnostnich mensin-otazkou mezinarodni ", Zahranicni Politika, vol. i, pp. 88-92; cf. also, Kellor, F. A., Security against War (New York, 1924). vol. i, pp. 70-79. 109 Fouques-Duparc, J., La Protecticn des MinoritJs (Paris, 1922), p. 179; Pergler, C., "Minorities in Czechoslovakia", Current History, vol. xvii, pp. J10·JII; Miller, op. cit., vol. xiii, pp. 403-407· Cf. also, Thompson, op. cit., pp. 386-387, for joint protest of May 31, 1919. of Bratianu, Trumbic, Dmowski and Kramar, against minority clauses in the treaty with Austria, alleging unfair discriminations against their countries. THE PROBLEMS OF INDEPENDENCE 47 Bohemia, 1.57 per cent in Moravia, 1.78 per cent in Silesia, 5·3 per cent in Slovakia and 16.2 per cent in Rutheniar Politically, the Jews were divided into three factions: Zionists, Nationalists and Assimilationists, who desired, respectively, an independent Palestine, autonomy and assimilation.110 The Czechoslovaks, although much more tolerant and generous in their treatment of the. Jews than the Poles or Russians, have, nevertheless, been unable to forget that in the past the Jews favored the dominant races. However, to Czechoslovakia the Jews were a secondary problem, not to be compared in importance with her German and Magyar minorities, a fact which was recognized when the Peace Conference did not require any pledge for them, for the minorities treaty would safeguard their rights also. The confidence in the tolerance of Czechoslovakia implied by the Peace Conference in this omission was duly appreciated by Bene5.111 Subsequent events have amply justified this confidence. Most Jews have cooperated harmoniously with the Czechoslovaks. · Another problem of vital concern to Czechoslovakia was Anschluss. Czechoslovakia was opposed to such a union: should it be consummated, her fourteen million people would be surrounded on three sides by sixty-five or seventy million hostile Germans, and her existence would be threatened. The incorporation of Austria would more than make good Germany's losses in the World War, would re-establish direct contact with Hungary, would give Germany control of the Danubian area, would hamper to a still greater degree Czechoslovakia's already indirect access to France and Italy, and would foster irredentism among the Germans of Bohemia and the Magyars of Slovakia. Thereno Mercier, op. cit., p. 18o; House and Seymour, op. cit., pp. 218-219"111 C/. Benes' speech of September 30, 1919. Prager Abendblatt, October I, 1919- 48 FO~EIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1936 fore, from the Czechoslovak viewpoint, an independent Austria had to be maintained at all costs.112 The Czechoslovak contentions concerning Anschluss, supported in toto by France, helped convince the Peace Conference, which, late in April, 1919, determined to prohibit the union of Austria and Germany. The Treaty of Versailles, approved in the plenary session of May 6 and signed on June 28, stated, in Article 8o, that Germany recognized the independence of Austria as inalienable except by the consent of the League Council Article 88 of the Treaty of St. Germain bound Austria to a similar pledge to abstain from any act, direct or indirect, which might compromise her own independence. It may be pointed out that, since the decision of the Council has to be unanimous and since France has permanent representation in that body, these Articles might as well have stated "with the consent of France". One further obstacle had to be removed before Anschluss could be deemed absolutely prohibited. The new Weimar constitution was. distrusted by Czechoslovakia and France inasmuch as Article 6r provided for the admission of Austrian Deputies to the Reich. The Allies applied pressure to Germany which was compelled to eliminate Article 6r as contrary to the Peace Treaty and to reaffirm her adherence '112 C/. Orbach, C. L., "Czechoslovakia's Place in the Sun", Current History, vol. xiv, pp. 944-945; also Miller, op. cit., vol. ~ii, pp. 534-549. for correspondence from the Austrian government concerning the relations of German Austria and Czechoslovakia, March-April, 1919, as transmitted to the Peace Conference by the Swiss Legation at Paris. In contrast, c/. Kleinwaechter, F. F. G., Self-Determinatio~ for Austria (London, 1929), pp. 34-42. Austria deemed Anschluss justifiable politically as a question of life or death to -her 6,soo,ooo people. Mutilated Austria, no longer a self-contained economic unit, did not believe herself capable of sustained independent existence. Vienna, a city of almost 2,ooo,ooo, resembled a head with no body to support it. The loss of statehood entailed by a union with Germany would be easier to endure than the economic misery of continued independence. THE PROBLEMS OF INDEPENDENCE 49 to Article 8o of the Treaty of Versailles.113 ·In this manner were the dangers of Anschluss averted, permanently as Czechoslovakia hoped, but only temporarily, as the sequel was to show.114 Still another problem of the first magnitude was that of reparations, an issue to which the Supreme c·ouncil turned after drawing definitively the Austrian boundaries on May 13, 1919. The Czechoslovak desires were ably presented to Clemenceau, the President of the Peace Conference, by a letter of Bene$, of May 16, which requested decisions on the questions of the pre-war and war debts of Austria-Hungary, on state property within Czechoslovakia, and on the Austro-Hungarian banknotes, that had been rendered almost worthless by reckless inflation.116 The agenda suggested by Bene$ was not adopted by the Peace Conference, with the result that Czechoslovakia was compelled, later, to force a solution of most of these problems on her own initiative. The Great Powers considered the small states of Central Europe as having been at war only with Austria-Hungary, and, hence, as not entitled to share in German reparations. The contention of these small states that bankrupt and ruined Austria-Hungary could pay little, if anything, was not heeded.116 In the belief that the question threatened to develop into a struggle more severe than the territorial one, Czechoslovakia objected because no distinctions were being made bet~een Allied and enemy states.117 In order to enable Czechoslovakia to evade, juridically, the reparations clauses of the Treaty of Versailles, the Comwl Temperley, op. cit., vol. iv, pp. 391-394; The Times, September 3, 1!)19. 1u Cf. infra, pp. 173 et seq. 1111 Miller, op. cit., vol. xviii, pp. 328-329. na Baker, op. cit., vol. ii, p. 386. uT Ceskoslovensk6 KorespondeHCe, May 20 and z;, l!)I!); VochoC. loc. cit., pp. II3-ll4- 50 FOREIGN .POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 mission on Reparations decided that she became independent by her own efforts on October 28, 1918. On that date she was at war with Germany for the first time, and, accordingly, was a belligerent when the War terminated. Her independence had been recognized formally by identical Articles : by Germany in Article 81 of the Treaty of Versailles, by Austria in Article 53 of the Treaty of St. Germain and by Hungary in Article 48 of the Treaty of Trianon. Her status was above question. The Great Powers decided also that the enemy states should not pay for the entire cost of the War, but merely for the damages caused by it. This decision wrecked the plans of certain Czechoslovak circles, led by Dr. Rasin, the Finance Minister, who had understood that Czechoslovakia would assume her proportional share of the Austro-Hungarian pre-war debt, but who had also expected large reparations. In spite of Bend' stressing of the point that the Czechoslovaks had been hostile to the Dual Monarchy throughout the War and had been granted an Allied status, neither Czechoslovakia nor Poland, which was in a similar situation, could obtain any reparations for war claims. The two states bitterly resented this discrimination, which they maintained was owing solely to the fact that they were both new states. On the other hand, Italy maintained that all the Succession States, and not merely the mutilated remnants of Austria and Hungary, should pay the war loans. Austria's entire debt was divide<( adecision which made no substantial distinction between enemy and Succession States. The new states had expected to pay a share of the pre-war debt, but refused to be responsible for the war debts or for the notes issued by the Bank of Austria-Hungary, and objected to turning over to the Allies the crown property within their new boundaries.118 ns Vochoc, loc. cit., pp. II4-IIS. THE PROBLEMS OF INDEPENDENCE 51 Bankruptcy faced ·Austria and Hungary, which could never pay such enormous sums. In recognition of this obvious fact, the Allies pointed out that the Succession States would be better off than the Great Powers, if they were freed from these obligations, and stressed the fact that, since the War had been fought by all, its burdens should be shared by all. In ·reply, Bend stated that Czechoslovakia should not be penalized for having aided the Allies, that she would pay her pre-war share, but no more. If the Great Powers feared that Austria and Hungary could not pay for both war debts and reparations, then,· similarly, the new states could not pay for the war loans that had been floated in their territories. These war loans on Czech property were the greatest internal financial problem of the Republic. The crown property had belonged originally to the Kingdom of Bohemia. Austria, which had taken it, was not entitled to any payment for it. If Czechoslovakia could not collect war damages, she could not help pay Austria's war debts.1111 If this viewpoint of Benes was to be regarded as radical, public opinion in Czechoslovakia was even more so: many of the leaders considered the problem cynically as void of principle, as merely a question of how much each small state could be made to contribute to the Allied international fund.120 In the midst of these differences of opinion, on June 16, 1919, Austria introduced a new and important point into the discussion, namely, that her Republic was new and consequently not responsible for the obligations of the former Dual Monarchy, nor had it ever waged war against the Allies. While Austria expressed her willingness to assume a share of her war debt, she declined to consider herself responsible 1.111 Ibid., pp. u6-rr8; Peace Conference Delegation. I9I9, Memoirs, no. u, " La Republique Tchecoslovaque et son droit ala reparation des dommages de guerre ". ue CeskoslMJenskti Korespomlence, May 27, rgrg; Vochoe, loc. cit., pp. n6-n8. 52 FOREIGN POUCY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 for it alL If her contention were accepted, she would be the least heavily burdene~ of all the Succession States, since her new Republic was the weakest of them all.121 Although the Allies had fought the whole Dual Monarchy, they encountered, at this point, juridical difficulties in identifying it with the new Austrian Republic. The greatest Allied fear was that, as long as any doubt remained regarding the conclusiveness of the abdication of Emperor Charles, he might·retum to rule Austria. Since he would have no rights over a new state, the new contention of Austria as to her existing status would afford security to the new status quo that the Allies were attempting to establish. Therefore, they accepted in part the Austrian contention and regarded her as a state with a new government, dating de facto recognition from May 22, when the credentials of the new Republic were accepted by the Peace Conference, and de jure recognition from September 10, 1919, when the Treaty of St. Germain was signed. To all appearances any waiting for Austrian ratification of this treaty was deemed un- necessary.u% In·the face of the common financial threat, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Rumania and Poland decided on joint action, but their fears failed to materialize. On May 29, 1919, Le Temps announced unofficially that the Succession States would not be compelled to pay the war debts of AustriaHungary. In the definitive treaty with Austria, they assumed merely their proportional shares of the pre-war debt, and were not required to pay for crown property within their borders. Czechoslovakia was permitted, in addition. to recover certain historical articles which, in the past, had been carried off to Vienna.123 1n Temperley, op. cit., vol. iv, pp. 395-397. 12% Ibid., vol. iv, pp. 398-400. 12a VocboC, loc. cit.. pp. II9-I20. THE PROBLEMS OF INDEPENDENCE 53 The .Austrian Reparations Commission was composed of two members each from the United States, Great Britain, France and Italy, and one representing the combined interests of Greece, Poland, Rumania, Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia. The total amount of Austrian reparations was to be determined at some later date.124 Italy was granted a special status. Her contribution was apportioned according to the revenues formerly collected in the Austro-Hungarian provinces she received. In addition, the other Succession States were compelled to pay "costs of liberation", which were :fixed at 1,soo,ooo,ooo gold francs. Of this amount, Czechoslovakia was not to pay more than half.1 u All payments were postponed to 1926, at which date the total amount of these costs, in bonds, was to be turned over to a commission that was to be designated by the four Great Powers. As these bond payments would mature, the states in question might liquidate them by surrendering equal amounts due them in reparations. All debts prior to July 28, 1914, were shared, but all subsequent indebtedness devolved upon Austria and Hungary alone. Similarly, all notes issued by the Bank of Austria-Hungary after October 27, 1918, were declared invalid.128 In this manner the Great Powers solved some of the financial problems of the Danubian area and created others, particularly did they arouse the resentment of the smaller Succession States by their concession to Italy. The incomplete nature of the financial settlement left Central 1:M League of Nations Treaty Series (henceforth referred to as Treaty Series), vol. ii, pp. 22-47; vol. iii, pp. 261-262. 1ll5 The Austrian pre-war debt was finally divided 36 per cent for Austria, 22 percent between Yugoslavia and Italy, and 42 percent for Czechoslovakia. For additional details cf. Piot, A., La CouronKe tchicoslovaque jusqu'au morl de Ra.iin, 1918-1923 (Paris, 1923), p. 236; Pasvolsky, L., Economic Nationalism of the Dantlbian States (New York, 1928), pp. 45-47; or infra, p. 341. lH Ternperley, op. cit.. vol. v, pp. 14-24- 54 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 Europe open to the full play of selfish nationalism which was to retard greatly any return to "normaJcy." Distinct from these primarily financial problems was the final set of Czechoslovakia's Peace Conference questions, those essentially economic in nature. Of particular interest and importance was the establishment of economic outlets for the new state. The large surplus of manufactured goods which began to accumulate after the termination of the War had. to be exported, yet Czechoslovakia's position rendered the problem difficult, since all outlets of any commercial significance lay across the territories of her former enemies. The problem required a series of special agreements. Since the question was of vital concern to all Central Europe, the Peace Conference, at its plenary session of January 25, 1919, created a Commission on the International Regime of Ports, vVaterways and Railways, and granted to it the rights of investigation and recommendation.127 Between February and the end of April, 1919, this Commission formulated a group of agreements, but its Polish and Czechoslovak delegates were not satisfied with the progress that was being made, and, on March 8, inquired with considerable indignation why their states " were not treated on the same moral footing as the other States ".128 Following the bad precedent· established by their colleagues who represented the Great Powers, they also refused,to consider the advantages of reciprocity. Czechoslovakia demanded the internationalization of the Danube, Elbe, Oder and Vistula Rivers, and of the railroads that connected Bratislava with both Trieste and Fiume, and Praha with Strasbourg via Furth and Niirnberg. In defense of these demands, Kramar argued, " When only two States were riparian, it might nevertheless be very desirable to bring about a wide internationaliza- 127 Ibid., vol. ii, p. 94. 12a Baker, op. cit., vol. ii, p. 309. THE PROBLEMS OF INDEPENDENCE 55 tion; for instance, in the case of the Elbe, Oder, or Vistula. If that were not done, newly formed States might find themselves forced to deal alone with a State like Germany." 129 On the next day, March 9, in response to Polish and Czechoslovak complaints of having been ignored, France suggested to the Commission that the former enemy states be compelled to grant Allied traffic over their lines terms and service equal to those granted their ownnationals.130 Belgium and Czechoslovakia demanded that their former enemies be forbidden also to cut rates over lines in areas that were served by shorter lines within Allied territory.181 No immediate action was taken on these requests. On April 26, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia proposed that any Allied states should be given the right, for twenty-five years, to build railways through the former enemy states.182 . This demand was not only unwarrantable, but failed to take into account many practical questions. For instance, how were the enemy states to be compelled to operate such railroads, and who would pay for their costs? The sponsors .of the plan certainly did not intend to finance it themselves, but hoped to place the whole project under the supervision of the League. France, whose assistance to the Succession States might ordinarily be taken almost for granted, failed to show interest in this undertaking, which, in consequence, received no consideration because of a lack of adequate support. On August 13, Benes who had succeeded Kramar on the Commission, was informed that Czechoslovakia was not to run her own trains across Austria and Hungary, because such humiliation of the vanquished states was both "unprecedented" and" unnecessary ".188 1211 Ibid., vol. ii, p. 440- 180 Ibid., vol. ii, pp. 444·445. 181 Ibid., vol. ii, p. 445· 111 Miller, op. cit., vol. ix. pp. 212-213. 1aa Ibid., vol. xi, p. 154- 56 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKJA, 1918-1935 In spite of this rebuff, Czechoslovakia, on the whole, was treated generously by the Commission. Though she was not granted any special privileges for her traffic across Germany to France, because this traffic was regulated by Article 356 of the Treaty of Versailles, she did receive, in Articles 322-324 of the Treaty of St. Germain and in Articles 305- 306 of the Treaty of Trianon, respectively, free railway communications with the Adriatic via Budjovice-Linz-Klagenfurt.o.Trieste and Bratislava-Sopron-Fiume. The support of Italy was influential in obtaining for Czechoslovakia these privileges.134 Despite the objections of Poland, the Oder was internationalized from Opatovic. Czechoslovakia's plea for the Vistula was denied, on the ground that it would lie entirely within Poland after the Tesin decision that then appeared most probable. In July, 1919, the Morava and Dyje were also internationalized. By Article 339 of the Treaty of Versailles, to the great satisfaction of Czechoslovakia, the Elbe, together with the Vltava from Praha, was placed under the jurisdiction of an International Commission. Czechoslovakia received also, on a ninety-nine year lease, the use of certain so-called free zones within the ports of Hamburg and Stettin.18 s There still remained the question of the most important river of Central Europe, the Danube. Prior to the War, there had been six riparian states!:......Germany, Austria-Hungary, Russia, Rumania, Bulgaria and Serbia--of which all, except the last, had had direct access to the sea. Hence, 1841 Temperley, op. cit., vol. ii, p. uo; vol. iv, p. 274; Miller, op. cit., vol. xi, pp. 40-41. 185 Anon., " In the Matter of the Cessions by Germany to Czechoslovakia under Article 339 of the Treaty of Versailles", A,nerican Journal of International Law, vol. xviii, pp. t86-I91); Baker, op. cit., vol. ii, p. 446; Miller, op. cit., vol. xi, pp. 71, 87, 97-98. 138. 147, I7G-I72, 177 and 193-1g8. THE PROBLEMS OF INDEPENDENCE 57 the authority of the-European Commission of the Danube had been restricted to the delta below Galatz. The care of the Iron Gates, where the channel up to Braila is dangerous, was entrusted to Austria-Hungary by Article 57 of the Treaty of Berlin of July 13, 1878. During the War, the membership of the Commission, thanks to the expulsion. of the Allies, had been restricted to Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and Rumania, or, as stated in Article 24 of the Treaty of Bucharest of May 7, 1918, to " States situated on the Danube or the European coasts of the Black Sea". After the Allied triumph in the War, the situation was reversed, and, by Article 346 of the Treaty of Versailles, membership was restricted to Great Britain, France, Italy and Rumania. In the new Europe, there had been created seven riparian states, of which three-Austria, Hungary and Czechoslovakia-had no direct access to the sea. Since none of them was a Great Power, the Supreme Council had insisted upon international control from Galatz to Ulm, the upper limit of navigation, and, below Galatz, the authority of the European Commission of the Danube was reestablished by Articles 346-353 of the Treaty of Versailles. In spite. of the fact that, because of the mutual hostility of the riparian states, international control had worked to their advantage, none of them were satisfied without actual membership in the Commission. However, patience had to be their lot; although the Danubian question was brought up during the Peace Conference, it was not settled definitely until much later; to be exact, on July 23, 1921. On that date the new statute was signed by all the Allied states except Poland and Portugal, and by all the former Central Powers except Turkey. Forty-three articles granted equal rights of navigation to all, apportioned duties, improvements and revenues propor- 58 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 tionally, and sought to cover every possible contingency.1116 On June 30, 1922, when ratified by all, the new regime became effective.1 n · It appears also that the Great Powers were aware of the economic ills to which Central Europe would be exposed as a result of the "Balkanization" of that area by the Peace Treaties. In an effort to create an economic substitute for the Dual Monarchy, the Peace Conference paved the way for a Danubian Confederation.138 Article 222 of the Treaty of St. Germain specified that, for a five year period, Austria might conclude special accords with both Hungary and Czechoslovakia. Because of mutual hostility, no immediate attempt was made to take advantage of this privilege.139 It was evident that Czechoslovakia had succeeded in winning her major contentions at the Peace Conference. Such reverses as had been her lot were, on the whole, to be expected and were received on minor and extreme demands. The 136 Convention Instituting the Definitive Statute of the Danube (British White Paper} Cmd. 1754 of 1922. 181 For detailed accounts of the Danubian question, cf. Chamberlain, J. P., The Regime of the International Rivers: Danube and Rhine (New York, 1923}, or The Danube (Washington, 1918); Avennier, L., "Mezinarodni pravo Heni a reiim na Dunaji ", Zahranicni Politika, vol. i, pp. 1o6-no, 189-1194. 294-300; or Pinon, R., "La Reconstruction de !'Europe danubienne ", Revue des deus nwndes, vi periode, tome li, pp. 557-582. Cf. also, League of Nations Official Journal (henceforth referred to as Official Journal), FebruarY. 1927, pp. 138, 15o-152, for the agreement of Great Britain, France, Italy and Rumania upon the competence of the European Commission of the Danube. On September 8, 1924. Czechoslovakia ratified the convention and statute on the regime of navigable waterways of international concern, cf. Official Journal, November, 1927~ p. 1510. . us Cf. Svornost, January 3, 1919, for rumors that Great Britain, France and the United States had agreed to create a Danubian Confederation led by Czechoslovakia. 18 9 For full details of subsequent attempts to form a Danubian Confederation, cf. infra, pp. 278 et seq. THE PROBLEMS OF INDEPENDENCE 59 broad bases for her-future well-being had been established; there remained to be decided the specific ways and means.uo In common with the other Succession States, Czechoslovakia was to find her chief future obstacle in her own nationalistic attitude. Shortly after his return from the Peace Conference,u1 in his speech of September 30, 1919, before the-Foreign Committee of the Senate, Benes pointed out Czechoslovakia's victory, and showed how she had been left with fewer unsolved international problems than any of the other new states.u2 On November 3, 1919, when the Treaties of St. Germain with Austria and Versailles with Germany were submitted to the National Assembly for ratification, Bend, in the discussions that followed, was asked to explain his actions. Four days later, at the plenary session, he explained the goal of his future foreign policy. His statement-that Czechoslovakia would strive to maintain the status quo as established by the Peace Treaties, and by an extensive system of new agreements would endeavor to establish friendly and cordial relations with all her neighbors-was heartily approved, as the first announcement of a new political system in Central Europe.us · 1..o For further details, cf. Broz, A., The First Year of the Czechoslowk Republic (London, 1920); Butter, 0., and Ruml, B., La Republique tchicoslowque (Prague, 1921); Eisenmann. L., La Tchlcoslowquie (Paris, 1921); Dedecek, V., La Tchicoslowquie et les Tchecoslovaqtu:s (Paris, 1919). u1. Cf. Narodm Politika, Se];)tember zs, 1919, for the ovation received by Benes upon his return to Praha after four years abroad. ua Prager Abendblatt, October 1, 1919. ua Benes, Problemy nove Evropy, pp. 33-34- CHAPTER II DoMESTIC STABILIZATION INTERDEPENDENCE OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC POLICIES THE post-:-war foreign policy of Czechoslovakia, as foreshadowed by Benes' speech of September 30, 1919,1 was, of necessity, to rest upon two bases. As a prelude to a foreign policy of conciliation and peace, the new Republic would be compelled to set its own house in order; before any reconstruction could be hoped for throughout Central Europe, each state would have to complete first the solution of its own internal financial, economic, social and religious problems. Thus, while Czechoslovakia, during the first five years of her ind~pendent existence, 19I8-1923, found that her chief foreign problems revolved around the reconstruction of Central Europe, she discovered also that her own future well-being would depend upon the thoroughness with which she solved her own domestic problems during the same period.2 Financial Policy Czechoslovakia conceived her most vital domestic problem to be that of finance. In order to appreciate the difficulties of the situation, it should be remembered that the territories that comprised Czechoslovakia had formerly been dependent financially upon Vienna, and, to a lesser degree, upon Buda- 1 Cf. Prager Abendblatt, October I, 1919; or supra, p. 59· 2 This chapter makes no pretense of an exhaustive treatment of Czechoslovakia's internal difficulties, but concerns itself only with those phases of the financial, economic, social and religious problems that concern, more or less directly, the f_oreign policy. 6o DOMESTIC STABILIZATION 61 pest. In these two centers had been concentrated the financial and economic activities of the provinces. In view of such a development, it was only natural that the first bank in Praha, established in 1857, had been a branch of the Vienna Austrian Discount Bank and Credit Institute. In 1863 there was established, by German banke~s and manufacturers, the first independent bank in Praha, the Bohemian Discount Bank. In 1867 there followed the Agricultural Credit Bank for Bohemia and Moravia. By the close of 1872, Praha had nineteen joint-stock banks, but the panic of the following year demonstrated their weakness, for only four survived. The next quarter century witnessed the establishment of several branches of Vienna banks throughout Bohemia, but no more joint-stock banks in Praha. However, the immediate pre-war period was marked by a great banking revival; between 1898 and 1914 about twenty new banks were started and the older institutions expanded their capital also. Patriotic Czechs may well have experienced satisfaction from the fact that most of these. new banks were founded by Czechs, with the object of seeking to wrest financial supremacy from the Germans. In ·this financial struggle, the Czechs received no assistance whatever from the Slovaks, who were practically helpless in the grip of Budapest:8 It would, perhaps, have been questionable when, if ever, the Czechs, in the normal course of events, could have become dominant financially over the German minority, which received, directly and indirectly, assistance from the government. In view of this fact, as well as because of their own economic and financial weakness, the Czechs had faced a sera For further details of this financial struggle, cf. Karasek. K., "Banking", in Gruber, J. (ed.), CsechoslOfJakia: A Survey of Ecorwmic mu:l Social Conditions (New York. 1!)24), pp. 166-169; Pasvolsk:y, op. cit., pp. 7-32; or Brailsford, H. N., "Prague and Vienna", New Republic, vol. :xxxi, pp. 223-226. 62 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935. ious struggle. Although they had made marked gains in the decades just prior to 1914, they were still far short of their ultimate goal when the World War broke out. Thus, for them, the War was a blessing in disguise. It brought them independence and ended German financial and economic supremacy. During the course of the War, the Czech banks lost little, and subscribed to the various war loans only under compulsion. On the other hand, deposits continued to increase and the inflation brought about by the War enabled both banks and industries to realize enormous profits. The securities of the various Czech industrial concerns increased rapidly in value and were bought up eagerly.4 In the midst of all this apparent prosperity, the Czechs realized keenly the dangers inherent in the situation because of the reckless inflation of Austrian currency. The disproportion of Austrian revenues and expenditures, which had been notorious at different periods in the past,5 became even greater during the \Var. Beginning in 1892, Austria had attempted to attain financial stability and create a gold reserve by covering the circulation of her banknotes up to forty percent by gold which had been withdrawn from circulation and placed in the reserves of the Bank of AustriaHungary. This policy had been quite successful; on July 23, 1914, the gold reserve had been fifty-eight percent of the paper circulation. During the COl)rse of the War, Austria found it impossible to maintain a sufficient gold reserve: her circulation, which had been, on July 23, 1914, 2,129,ooo,ooo paper crowns, had been increased, by October 26, 1918, to 30,679,000,000 paper crowns.6 In substance, this • Rasin, A., The Fimmcial Policy of Czechoslovakia during the First Year of its History (Oxford, 1923), pp. 16-17; Piot, op. cit., p. 20. 5 Cf. Piot, op. cit., pp. 9-14. for a summary of Austrian finance from t8n to 1914. - 6 Mildschuh, V., "Currency Conditions", in Gruber, op. cit., p. 176. DOMESTIC STABILIZATION paper money no long~r represented notes of the Bank, but, instead~ notes of the government of Austria-Hungary. Attempts of the government to maintain their value proved futile.' The sequel-an inevitable panic-was welcome to the "patriotic" Czechs, who contributed their bit towards making it worse by presenting for immediate p~yment their war loans.8 . Vigorous steps were necessary if Czechoslovakia was to be protected from the evils of Austrian inflation. The earliest suggestion came from Dr. Alois Rasin, the first Minister of Finance.9 Shortlyafter his appointment, Ra5in, in November, 1918, proposed to the Supreme Council, by means of his country's spokesman, Benes, that all the Succession States create International Commissions of Control, patterned on those for the Bank of Austria-Hungary or the German Reichsbank, to represent them until they could develop independent currencies of their own. This plan was a practical method of bridging over the necessary period of transition, while the financial separations from Austria were taking place, but was brought to nought because the Great Powers failed to appreciate adequately the financial dangers that threatened the Succession States.10 After this initial rebuff to his contemplated plan of financial cooperation with the Great Powers, Rasin proceeded on his own initiative, as he thought best. His chief immediate concern was to prevent any possibility that Czechoslovakia be compelled to guarantee a large portion of 7 Cf. Piot, op. cit., p. 14, for a chart of the fluctuations of Austrian exchange, 1914-18; RaSin, op. cit., pp. 13-15; Chanal, E., ManMie ef icon.omie natioMle en Tchicosl()fJ(lquie, 1918-1928 (Paris, 1929), pp. 67-'/I. 8 Piot, 0 p. cit., p. 21. The writer means "patriotic,. to the concept o{ the Czechoslovakia-to-be. 11 For a brief biography of Rasin, cf. Chanal, op. cit., pp. 63-66. to Rasin, op. cit., pp. 16-17; Piot, op. cit., p. 29- 64 FOREIGN POLiCY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1986 the Austro-Hungarian war bonds, which, at the termination of the War, amounted to 50,736,838,soo crowns. His fear was based upon the fact that the holders of these bonds were permitted to present them to the Bank of Austria-Hungary, which was compelled by law to advance seventy-five percent of their nominal value upon such collateral. In addition, the Bank was protected from all possible loss from this source by a guarantee of an indemnity by Austria-Hungary, should it ever become necessary. Rasin's first move was obviousa request that the Bank discontinue the granting of loans based upon war bonds as a security, and, when this request was refused, his second move was to prohibit all branches of the bank in Czechoslovakia to honor war bonds. As a result of this prompt handling of the situation, the banks within Czechoslovakia became obligated only for the relatively small amount of 412,000,000 crowns of the war bonds.11 Thereupon, in December, 1918, while Austria was still following the pathway of inflation, Czechoslovakia resorted to a Liberty Loan of soo,ooo,ooo crowns. This appeal to the patriotism of her people produced startling results: in the course of five days 1,072,000,ooo crowns were subscribed; despite nine disastrous precedents of depreciated Austro-Hungarian war loans, the Czechoslovaks in this manner again demonstrated their faith in the future of their country. In contrast, regardless of the fact that Austria's,. request for a new loan had been rejected J:>y the Bank Commission, the Bank of Austria-Hungary, which still continued to operate despite the dissolution of the Dual Monarchy, on December 31, 1918, loaned Austria 3,soo,ooo,ooo crowns and Hungary I,soo,ooo,ooo crowns. The Bank also issued 200,000,000 crowns of new notes, printed only on one side, which Austria had authorized on the eve of the armistice. 1'1 Rasin, op. cit., p. 17; Piot, op. cit., p. 30; Chanal, op. cit., pp. ?I-74- DOMESTIC STABILIZATION In this emergency, before Czechoslovakia could be flooded with these new notes, Rasin refused to honor them, except for notes of one and two crowns, which were printed at the same time and which were needed especially in view of ·a. temporary scarcity of small change. The resulting financial distress convinced many Czechoslovaks of the need of establishing a new currency as soon as possible.12 Since Czechoslovakia was the first of the Succession States to come to this conclusion, she had no precedent to follow, and had to work out her own method. There existed three p~incipal views as to the best procedure. The first view, that of Dr. Jaroslav Preiss, the head of the Commercial Bank of Praha, was the most radical-that the currency issued by the Bank of Austria-Hungary be repudiated. The second view, that of Professors Brdlik and Kolousek, advocated that the old currency be retained as notes of Czechoslovakia, but that it be devaluated. Still more moderate was the third view, that of Rasin, who maintained that the Czechoslovak crown be established at a value equal to the pre-war parity of the Austro-Hungarian crown by a process of gradual deflation. Rasin did not pretend to be able to foresee the ultimate result of the measure he proposed, but he was convinced that it would involve the least economic dislocation, would attain financial stability in the safest way, and would avoid many obvious difficulties that would be present if either of the other two alternatives were adopted-in short, he felt his method was the sole means of averting immediate disaster.18 n Rasin, op. cit., pp. I!)-ZI; Piot, op. cit., pp. 32-33 >Mildscbub, Zoe. cit., p. 177. u For the details of the rival plans of Preiss, Kolou5ek and Brdlik, and Rasin, cf. Rasin, op. cit., pp. 37-38; Piot, op. cit., pp. S4-SS > Chanal, op. cit., pp. 74-83; Pasvolsky, op. cit., pp. 205-200; or KolouSek, J., Ralinovd reforttUJ meny (Praha, 1921). For technical studies of the whole Czechoslovak currency problem, cf. Rasin, A., Mu.j finanbti Platt (Praha, 1921); InjUJ,ce a de/lace (Praha, 1922); Schmidt-Friedlander, R.. Die Wiihrungspolitik der Tschechoslowakei (Reichenberg, 1929). 66 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 Before putting his project into effect, Rasin introduced a series of preliminary measures intended to curtail the transfer of crowns in either direction across the frontier, in order that the amount of capital within Czechoslovakia might be determined accurately. The branch banks were not permitted to withdraw their current accounts from the Bank of Austria-Hungary, nor to pay for the Bank's reserve bonds without a special permit from the Ministry of Finance. In addition, gold francs were required for the payment of customs duties, tourists could bring out with them only limited amounts of crowns and no capital in crowns might be exported.1 4. By February 25, 1919, Rasin had his plan completed. To ensure success, secrecy was maintained; the National Assembly held a secret session oi half a day's duration in approving the project and .all newspapers were censored. The essential provisions of Rasin's plan required that all notes circulating in Czechoslovakia be stamped, that half of the notes be retired and held as a forced loan bearing one percent interest for which non-transferable certificates were to be issued, and that, within three months, everyone who resided in Czechoslovakia as much as one month a year be compelled to declare all his property, personal or otherwise, at home or abroad. As the process of actual stamping was taking place, March 3-9, 1919, first in the banks, then in the rural communities and finally in fhe cities, troops guarded the frontiers, enforced the suspension of most business and closed the post-offices in order that no more notes be imported. Stamping was restricted to notes of 10, 20, 50, 100 and 1,000 crowns, whereas those of lesser denominations were retained, unstamped, in circulation temporarily. During the last half of 1919, 30o,ooo,ooo new notes which had been printed in the United States replaced the stamped ones which 14 Piot, op. cit., pp. 58~59. DOMESTIC STABILIZATION were permitted to remain in circulation until June 20, 1920, and which lost all value on August 1, 1920. In this manner was the currency of Czechoslovakia separated from that of Austria.16 The secrecy and speed with which Rasin's plan had been carried out produced both at home and abroad reactions which demonstrated the timeliness of ·his measures. Within Czechoslovakia, after the initial feeling of stupor had passed, the peasants began to hoard the notes, particularly the small change, whereas the merchants proceeded to invest their money in valuable and easily salable merchandise whose price began to soar immediately. Abroad, CzechOslovakia's example proved contagious to the other Succession States which proceeded to stamp all Austro-Hungarian notes within their borders also.18 In the meantime, Austria blamed Czechoslovakia as the source of the evils which she, Austria, would be required to face as the result of having to bear alone the brunt of her wartime inflation. As soon as she ascertained the .full import of Rasin's preliminary measures, Austria, . on February 15, 1919, prohibited the importation of crowns from Czechoslovakia in order that the latter would be compelled to retain as many crowns as possible/7 and, on February 26, protested formally against Rasin's measures of the day before as an unwarrantable attack upon the rights and privileges of the Bank of Austria-Hungary. The next day, Austria closed her own frontiers, stamped her own notes, lli Rasin, The Financial Policy of Czechoslovakia during the First Year of its Hfsiory, pp. :26-28; Piot, op. cit., -pp. 66-?I; Chanal, op. cil., pp. 83-89; Pasvolsky, op. cit., p. 206; Mildschuh, loc. cit., p. 178. 1t1Yugoslavia, November IJ, 1919; Poland, March 26, 1919; Rumania in April, 1919 (in Bessarabia), and between June and July, 1919, in the other provinces; and Hungary, March 17, 1920, the delay being caused by Bolshevism.. Even Germany adopted the process during August, 1919. n Piot, op. cit., p. 59- 68 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 and by way of further retaliation, discriminated against her Czechoslovak creditors by paying claims that antedated February 26 in old crowns and claims of a 'tater date in new Austrian crowns.18 Austria's objections were answered ably by a note 19 of Rasin's in which he pointed out that the Bank of AustriaHungary, a mere agent of the Austrian government, had no right to complain against his measures, inasmuch as it had not observed Article 83 of its own statutes, with regard to issues of new notes. By granting loans to the other Succession States, it had violated its own specific promises to Czechoslovakia. It still maintained the practice of advancing seventy-five percent of the nominal value of the war bonds; whose actual value was but sixty percent. Moreover, it was subject to the caprices of the Austrian government, and had demonstrated its incompetence as a regulator of the economic life of the Succession States. Czechoslovakia had been willing to protect the common currency, but had received no cooperation, and therefore, in self-defense, had been compelled to adopt measures against a systematic depreciation of the currency. In spite of the fact that Rasin's note had demolished the Austrian contention, Austria submitted her cause to the Peace Conference, where it was received with little consideration. In substance, Au;;tria was condemned and Czechoslovakia vindicated by Article 206 of the Treaty of St. Germain, which ordered stamping in each Succession State within two months of ratification of the treaty and replacement by new money within a year of ratification. By the same article, the final step in the respective currency separations was to be the sending of the retired notes, within 18 Ibid., pp. 72-73; Rasin, op. cit., pp. 2g, 40· 19 For the actual text of the note, cf. Rasin, op. cit., p. 30; cf. also, Piot, of!. cit., pp. 73-74· DOMESTIC STABILIZATION 69 fourteen months of ratification, to the Reparations Commission, which, in return, would issue certificates that were to represent shares in the division of the resources of the Bank of Austria-Hungary. Despite the approval of her financial program: by the Peace Conference, Czechoslovakia, because .of internal conditions, was unable to put it into full effect immediately. The process of deflation was retarded by many exceptions ·to the retirement of the notes: for instance, amounts below 250 crowns were entirely exempt, as were all public funds and one quarter of all salaries; moreover, Tesin and Ruthenia were not included because, as yet, their exact frontiers remained in doubt. Originally, Rasin had intended to withdraw from circulation eighty percent of the notes, but, in response to fears expressed in the National Assembly, declared himself satisfied with fifty percent.20 Actually, of the total of 7,436,ooo,ooo crowns, only 28.6g percent was withdrawn from circulation immediately, and on June 15, 1919, when the Kramar government fell, and after Rasin lost his post, eighty-five percent of the original amount was restored to circulation.21 Rasin was not permitted to carry through his program personally because his brusqueness had gained him many foes, whereas his integrity and ability were not always apprt>,.;-~TJ----:- _.t, a coalition of Agrarians 22 and · ....... -. . _ speech of February 28, 1919. before the National Assembly, c/..Prager Pre.sse, March I, 1919, or Rist, C., La Deftatio• "" pratique (Paris, 1924), p. 107. s1 Piot, op. cit., p. 79: Pasvolsky, oJI. cit., p. 207; Mildschuh, loc. cit.• pp. I78-I79. Cf. also, Piot, op. cit., pp. 86 and 100; Chanal, op. cit., pp. 89-97; or RaSin, op. cit., pp. 43-47 for the means whereby Czechoslovakia established a gold reserve. 112 The Agrarian party, formed in xgo6. became the most important numerically after 1925· Composed of agriculturists and peasants, it worked effectively for land reform and for the elimination of speculation 70 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 Socialists 23 headed by Tusar, was interested primarily in social questions rather than in finance. Rasin's immediate successors, Horacek and Sonntag, in power respectively for brief periods, failed to follow his policy of economy. On a deficit of 4,905.591,293 crowns in the budget of 1919, Rasin had brought about demobilization and the return of prisoners, the occupation of Slovakia, unemployment relief, a solution of the food shortage crisis and the renewal of operation of the mines and railroads.24 In contrast with this excellent record, his successors had produced, in the I 920 budget, almost as great a deficit-4,851,926,238 crownswhile revenues had increased tremendously. In self-defense, they alleged the great costs of the war with Hungary and the occupation of Ruthenia, but failed to cite the main items of increase-salaries and equipment.26 Nevertheless, they deserved credit for avoiding inflation. Instead, they resorted to new loans 26 which availed little, because both Slovaks and in cereals. It is known also as the Republican party.. Cf. Hoch, C., The Political Parties of CzechoslO'lJ(JkW (Prague, 1936), pp. 17-20. 23 The Social Democratic party, formed in 1896, was the most important numerically until 1925, since which time it has held second place. Composed primarily of laborers, it agitated for social reform. Somewhat similar in composition and program is the National Socialist party which holds third place among Czechoslovak parties. Ibid., pp. 2o-27. ~ Like his successors, Rasin had attempted to meet the deficit by negotiating loans. He had obtained frOJD Hoover $54,000,000 for food supplies, but a second loan had been refused by the United States. On May 24, 1919. a day before the time set for signature, Italy had cancelled a treaty for a 6o,ooo,ooo lire loan for raw materials. Later negotiations of Rasin with Switzerland and of the Bank of Praha for a 25,000,000 franc loan in France also failed. Cf. Piot, op. cit., p. 131; or Chanal, op. cit., pp. 97-99· 25 Excluding the army, salaries increased, between January, 1919, and January, 1920, from 1,939,000,000 crowns to 3.445,000,000 crowns and equipment from I,147,ooo,ooo crowns to 3,336,000,000 crowns. Cf. Rasin, op. cit.,'p. 88; Piot, op. cit., pp. 95-96. as After the first Uberty Loan, they had attempted to meet the deficit by two subsequent loans, late in 1919 and early in 1920, which were only DOMESTIC STABILIZATION 71 Germans failed to subscribe. In the crisis that followed, public confidence could be restored only by a financial expert. In the spring of 1920, a man of the hour was found in the person of Englis, Professor of Economics at the University of Brno (Briinn), whose services in stabilizing the crown have never received the recognition they deserve. The financial situation was desperate : to all appearances both prices and the rates of exchange had failed to respond favorably to either the absence of inflation or the process of deflation, but had been influenced unfavorably by the many uncertainties that still existed in Czechoslovakia's financial situation. The chief difficulty lay in the fact that the total amount of Czechoslovakia's indebtedness had not been, and perhaps, at the time could not be, determined with exactitude. Its chief items included a foreign debt of 9.988,004,000 crowns, a domestic. debt of 4,58o,oso,ooo crowns, reparations costs of 9.750,ooo,ooo crowns and 6,4J3,02o,ooo crowns which represented Czechoslovakia's share of the Austro-Hungarian pre-war debt. The Conference· of Brussels, in October, 1920, estimated Czechoslovakia's debt at thirty-five billion crowns, but EngliS, early in 1921, thought forty billion crowns a closer estimate.27 At the time of the appointment of EngliS to the Ministry of Finance, the two chief financial problems concerned a fourth domestic loan and the war bonds. Public opinion was divided. Rasin opposed the honoring of the war bonds on the ground that the Treaty of St. Germain had absolved the Succession States from such burdens. On the other hand, Englis felt that future domestic loans would obtain no support from the racial minorities, particularly from the wealthy Germans, as their indifference to the recent loan had partially successful in that they produced about half of the total of the first loan. 21 Rasin, ofJ. cit., p. 121; Piot, op. cit., pp. tSJ-184. FOREIGli'POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1936 indicated, unless some concessions were granted to the holders of the war bonds. He considered the two financial problems inextricably linked together, and the only adequate solution a compromise. His compromise measure, adopted on June 24, 1920, provided that, for each war bond of a nominal value of 100 crowns and an additional 75 crowns in cash, the ·.bearer was to receive bonds worth 150 crowns in the new loan.28 Since the Austrian crown was being quoted at about one-fifth of the value of the Czechoslovak crown by the rates of exchange prevalent during the period assigned for .this operation, Augrist 2-December 15, 1920, this measure meant that Czechoslovakia was presenting the holders of the war bonds with a substantial gift. The transaction 'also risked increasing materially the already enormous public indebtedness, since about 4.400,ooo,ooo crowns · of the appro;Ximately 6,ooo,ooo,ooo crowns of war bonds that had been issued originally in Czechoslovak territories were still outstanding. Regardless of the financial merits or demerits of Englis' compromise, which produced a yield of approximately soo,ooo,ooo crowns, a sum greatly needed to finance the Republic until the budget could be balanced, and which resulted in about 2,ooo,ooo,ooo crowns of the war bonds being turned in, its success as a conciliatory measure was questionable : many of the Czechoslovaks resented the granting of concessions of such magn'itude to their former foes, 2 1! Republika Ceskoslovenska, Poslanecka Snemovna, Tisno;isecki spr&ey o schusich Poslanecke SnimD'Vn:y N6rodnfho Shrotndidem Republiky Ceskoslownski, 10 meeting, June 19, 1920, pp. 490 el seq.• I session; Republika Ceskoslovenska, Senat, Tisno;isecki spr/t.vJ o schAskh Seftlitu Ndrodniho Shrom6idin4 Republiky Ceskoslownskl, to meeting, June 24, 1920, pp. 394 et seq., I session. Henceforth, these documents will be referred to as Zpraey (Postanecki Snemovna) and (Senat) respectively. Similarly, another set of documents will be referred to as Tfsky. DOMESTIC STABILIZATION 73 whereas many Germans still remained dissatisfied and refused to consider the question of the war bonds solved.lUI .Czechoslovakia also had Englis to thank for her budget of 1921, the first that was nearly balanced-at appro;amately eighteen billion crowns. In spite of the extraordinary expenses necessitated by the mobilization of October, 1921, against the attempted return to power in ·Hungary of the ex-King Charles,30 this long-sought-for financial equilibrium had been brought about through an increase in taxation and by means of a new and drastic financial law whereby all expenditures of the various ministries above the original budget estimates were to be allowed only by special permission from parliament.111 The status of financial equilibrium was of brief duration. The budget of 1922 produced another deficit, totalling g88,ooo,ooo crowns, which was caused primarily by the inclusion in the budget of the hitherto uncovered deficits of the provincial administrations.42 Still another loan became necessary if the printing of more paper money was to be again avoided. Englis met the emergency, in the spring of 1922, by negotiating a foreign loan for 3,300,000 pounds sterling and $14,000,000 at Amsterdam, London and New York. The fact that a foreign loan could be negotiated was owing to the increased confidence felt abroad because of Czechoslovakia's efficient mobilization and favorable trade balance of 4,877,ooo,ooo crowns in 1921. Nevertheless, the terms were severe: the interest rate was set at 8.3 percent; • Englis, K., "Government Finance", in Gruber, op. cit., p. 195; Piot, op. cit., pp. 185-186; Dumont-Wilden, L., "Les Difficultes interieures de Ia Tchecoslovaquie", Revue politique et Uttlroire, vol. lix, pp. 156-159. ao For full details, cf. infra, pp. 184 el seq. 81 For additional details, c/. Englis, loc. cit., p. 195 or Chanal, op. cit.. pp. 104-118. 811 C/. Englis, loc. cit., p. 1¢. 74 FORElGN POLlCY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1936 as security, Czechoslovakia was compelled to pledge the receipts from her customs and tobacco monopoly; and the League of Nations was entrusted with protecting the interests of her creditors.38 Meanwhile, the exigencies of domestic politics again changed the financial policy of the state. The Petka (Quintumvirate), a coalition of five political parties which had been formed late in 1920 upon the basis of mutual concessions and which had become, subsequently, the dominant political bloc, gained actual power on October 5, 1922. By this move, Rasin became Minister of Finance for the second time, after an interval of more than three years. Immediately there arose rumors that the crown would rise to its par value. In view of Rasin's open hostility to the great industries, he was accused of seeking to bring about their ruin by a policy of speedy deflation.u While protesting against the veracity of such rumors, he refused the chief request of his critics, a reduction of the tariff, for the reason_ that the state could not afford to reduce radically its revenues. He admitted that Czechoslovakia could not thrive upon isolation and deplored the existence of an excessive economic nationalism. Constructively, he advocated a merging of the financial and economic foreign policies, particularly the negotiation of new commercial treaties abroad and the enforcement of strict economy at home. Of these suggestions, he was able to enforce immediately economy in domestic· expenditures; but, despite an increase of 688 percent in 88 Official Journal, August, 1922, pp. IOOO-IOOI; Z[J-r6vy (Poslanecki Snemovna), IJI meeting, March 29, 1922, pp. 25 et seq., S session; Piot, op. cit., pp. 2oo-202; cf. also, Pasvolsky, o/J. cit., p. 264, for Englis' own statement concerning foreign loans and how they should be spent. a~ For full details, cf. the various Praha newspapers during October, 1922, particularly the attacks inspired, to all appearances, by the German industrialists in the German newspapers, such as the Prager Abendblatt, Prager Presse and. Prager Tagblatt. DOMESTIC STABILIZATION 75 revenues since the first year of independence, and in spite of every economy, there still remained, for 1923, a deficit of 566,ooo,ooo crowns. The chief items that contributed to this result were a reduction of 8oo,ooo,ooo crowns of revenue because of a lower duty on coal and because of an ad valorem tariff reduction, concessions which he had granted despite his opposition to a general tariff reduction; and an increase of 711,ooo,ooo crowns in interest payments because of the recent foreign loan. Finally, Rasin recognized the war bonds at the liberal rate of seventy-five percent, on condition that the holders subscribe to the fourth liberty loan which was being quoted at eighty-one at Amsterdam. In this last move, he was bound by the promises of Englis, but, throughout his operations, he fostered a world-wide and ever growing confidence in the financial stability of Czechoslovakia.85 In the actual course of events, it was discovered that Rasin's original plans could not be followed in every detail. Though his successors had continued his policy for a graduated deflation and had avoided inflation, circumstances beyond their control had prevented any deflation sufficiently rapid to permit revaluation of the crown at its pre-war value. Consequently, the immediate restoration of parity had been abandoned tacitly in favor of definite stabilization at a lower figure. During the latter half of 1922, there developed a rapid increase in the value of the crown, owing largely to artificial circumstances, followed by rumors that stabilization could not be maintained. A " flight from the crown " produced abnormal speculation in foreign exchange, but this tendency was halted by drastic measures of the government, before the value of the crown was once more reduced. The Bll Piot, op. cit., pp. 229-236; Chanal, op. cit., pp. lSI-154; for summaries of the discussions in the Chamber of Deputies on October 31, 1922, on Rasin's projected financial measures, r/. Narod"'t Polilika or Narodnl Lists, of November I, 1922 (each twice daily). 76 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-19S5 crown was stabilized at $.03 (.0296375). The time for permanent stabilization and for. parity had not yet arrived. Such a step would necessitate first a " return to normalcy " in Central Europe and a settlement of the debt in notes that Czechoslovakia had inherited. Her claims against the Bank of Austria-Hungary for notes, bonds and current accounts totalled I0,097,000,000 crowns, the actual value of which was doubtful.86 Ciechoslovakia acquired prestige because of her relative financial soundness amid general Central European instability.· As the result of a severe business depression, her success seemed to be obtained at the cost of prosperity, yet even prosperity was destined to return when foreign trade recovered from its temporary decline. The chief credit for the inauguration and successful completion of the program of financial independence and stabilization was owing to Rasin, who, in his hour of triumph, was shot on January 5, 1923, by a young anarchist, Soupal, because he had reduced wages generally. At first hopes were held for his recovery, but he died on February 17.87 Rasin's martyr's death enhanced his already great fame; patriotic Czechoslovaks felt convinced that other states, with equally able leadership, might also have attained financial stability as early as Czechoslovakia.88 Economic Bolicy The second grand division of Czechoslovakia's extensive program of domestic stabilization revolved around the formulation and maintenance of constructive domestic and foreign economic policies. Primarily an industrial country, se Pasvolsky, op. cit., pP. 208-215; Piot, o'fl. cit., pp. 237-241; Englis, loc. cit., p. Ig8. 81 Pasvolsky, op. cit., pp. 215-217; Piot, op. cit., pp. 249-253. 88 For evaluations of Rasin, cf. Le Temps, January II, 1923 and ZtrM/7 (Senat), ISO meeting, February 21, 1923, pp. 1040 ef seq., 6 session. DOMESTIC STABILIZATIOh 77 she realized the vital significance, to her trade, of the economic changes created by the War. Although her territories, except for certain regions in the Carpathians and for Slovakia in 1919, had not been the scenes of actual warfare and had escaped more or less systematic devastation, they had, nevertheless, been greatly impoverished by the repeated requisitions of both Austrians and Magyars. As a result, the end of the War witnessed a great shortage of all raw materials--of leather, textiles, minerals, fuels, fats, foodstuffs, domestic animals and even of natural fertilizers. The scarcity of the last had caused her soil to lose much of its productivity. · Nevertheless, Czechoslovakia was fortunate both in the extent and in the diversity of her resources; within her borders there existed an abundance of the wealth necessary . to establish and maintain a stable and prosperous state. Her territories had produced 16.1 percent of the wheat, 39 percent of the rye, 47.1 percent of the barley, 37·5 percent of the oats, 37·4 percent of the potatoes, 26 percent of the beef and 18 percent of the pork of the defunct Empire-King- dom.89 She had also inherited the lion's share of the Dual Monarchy's industries: 95 percent of the malt factories, 92 percent of the sugar factories, 90 percent of the glass industry, So percent of the building and ceramic industries, 75 percent of the chemical industry, 70 percent of the leather and paper industries, 65 percent of the breweries, 50 percent of the liquor industry and most of the textile industry.40 Her forests (33.16 percent of her area),u her abundance of 89 Piot, ofJ. cit., p. 38; Pasvolsky, ofJ. cit., p. 36; cf. also, Brdlik, V., "Agriculture", in Gruber, op. cit., pp. 12-32. .o Piot, op. cit., p. 38; Pasvolsky, op. cit., p. J6; cf. also, Franzl, K., "Industries" in Gruber, o/1. cit., pp. 89-109. n Cf. Siman, K., "Forestry", in Gruber, op. cit., pp. 33-42. 78 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 water power 42 and her mineral resources, particularly her coal/8 represented other enormous sources of national wealth that awaited only further development. While the Czechoslovaks were duly appreciative of the potential wealth of their country, they were also aware of the economic problems that confronted them because of the fact that their new state comprised only 140,485 square kilometers (54,241 square miles) and contained only 13,613,172 people, according to the census of February 15, 1921, or, respectively, 22 percent of the area and 26 percent of the population of the former Austria-Hungary." Their whole foreign economic policy had to be based upon the fact that such a relatively small proportion of the area and population of the former Empire-Kingdom had inherited the great majority of the industrial plants. The excess of production over domestic consumption would insure an eventual favorable 'balance of trade and an influx of gold which would improve the financial situation, but such results could be accomplished only after all Central Europe had been stabilized and had established commercial contacts with Czechoslovakia. The new international boundaries that had been created by the War within the former Dual-Monarchy represented, to Czechoslovakia, just so many barriers that her trade would have to surmount. If she were to utilize the industrial equipment that the several preceding decades had,. created within her borders, she would have to become an importer of raw materials, an exporter of manufactured goods, and, primarily, an industrial state whose prosperity would be dependent upon foreign trade. Under the stimulus 4ll Cf. Zimmler, E., "Water Power", in Gruber, op. cit., pp. 76-88. 411 Cj. Peters, J., "Coal", in Gruber, op. cit., pp. 67-75. "Cj. Bohac, A., "Population", in Gruber, op. cit., pp. I-II; also, Resultat.s preliminaire.s du recensement de la population du I5 fevrler, I92I (Prague, 1921). DOMESTIC STABILIZATION 79 of such conditions, Czechoslovakia, whether motivated solely by clearly defined self-interest or also by a measure of altruism, felt herself destined to become the balance-wheel that was to stabilize Central Europe. It was no easy task to put into effect so _enlightened a foreign economic policy, one that would dove-tail so perfectly with Benes' conception of what the ~cope of Czechoslovakia's entire foreign policy should be. Since the attainment of independence, many Czechoslovaks had aspired to realize their pre-war dream of a Republic that would be entirely independent in every respect, not only politically, but financially and economically. The same spirit that had won political, and later, financial independence, :was introduced too far into the economic sphere; clear-cut economic facts were obscured by political and racial issues and prejudices. There arose, domestically, a struggle in which the politically dominant but economically weak Czechoslovaks sought to wrest economic supremacy from the Germans. This same struggle was carried over into the question of a foreigneconomic policy: fear of a restoration of the economic power of Vienna demanded a policy of economic nationalism that tended towards isolation. So bitter was the feeling that, as has already been indicated, Rasin himself had been accused, falsely, of deliberate plotting to ruin German industrialists by means of his monetary policy. To all appearances, the majority of the Czechoslovaks failed to appreciate clearly the contradiction between the internationalist policy apparently demanded by Czechoslovakia's economic position and the policy of isolation dictated by economic nationalism.45 The day of the attainment of independence, October 28, 1918, had witnessed the inauguration of a provisional system of strict control of all imports and exports, a step deemed u Cj. Rist, op. cit., p. 109; Chanal, op. cit., pp. 132-138; Pasvolsky, op. cit., pp. 265-266. So FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 necessary because of the scarcity of all the necessities of life. On November 22, 1918, this function was assumed by the Czechoslovak Import and Export Commission, which, as a branch of the Ministry of Commerce, issued special permits regulating foreign trade. Precautions were taken to reduce exports temporarily; for instance, only limited amounts of coal and manufactured goods, and no foodstuffs nor raw materials, were allowed to leave the country. The motive for such drastic procedure was to' assure the Czechoslovaks against any unnecessary hardships caused by insufficient supplies, but, regardless of its justification at the time, it served as a beginning for a policy of economic nationalism.46 Similarly, in order to create the smallest possible adverse trade balance, the Commission forbade the importation of all luxuries and goods that were obtainable in local markets. Further coordination between Czechoslovakia's financial and economic policies was assured by the creation of a Central Exchange Bureau which was to receive from the exporters all their foreign currency which was reassigned, by special permits, to the purchase of other necessities. In this manner not only was foreign trade regulated, but tl;le financial status of the state was rendered more secure.47 The law of February. 20, 1919, established independent customs duties for Czechoslovakia to replace the old AustroHungarian rates which had been effective until that date. In,. view of the indeterminate status of the frontiers at the time, the former customs frontier was retained against Germany, and a new line, based upon the probable territorial decisions of the Peace Conference, was established gradually against Austria, Hungary and Poland. While new customs frontiers were drawn within the former Dual Monarchy, the old 46 Pasvolsky, op. cit., p. 27'5; cf. also, Peroutka, F., " The Commercial Policy and the Tariff", in Gruber, op. cit., p. 128. 4T Peroutka, loc. cit., p. 129. DOMESTIC STABILIZATION 81 organization and mef:hods were preserved. The initial rates were .based on the Austro-Hungarian tariff of 1906, but, in an emergency, the Minister of Finance, with the consent of the Ministers of Agriculture and Commerce, might temporarily reduce or abolish duties on certain necessities. Subsequently, animal products, cattle, fats, flour, grain, seeds and various raw materials were placed upon the free list, but pre-war rates were continued for semi-manufactured goods, whereas surtaxes of 200 and 220 percent were imposed, respectively, upon all other products and luxuries. Because of the fact that the currency was far below par, and because the duties were specific, the tariff was, in reality, lower than the pre-war one.u Procedure was modified further by the law of February 26, 1919, whereby some of the powers of the Commission were assigned to industrial syndicates in order that domestic industry and trade might enjoy a measure of economic independence free from governmental paternalism. In practice, this step led to unfair discriminations. The law of June 24, 1920, deprived the syndicates of these powers which were granted to a Foreign Trade Bureau that resumed the earlier license system by revising the system of permits, by issuing lists of goods that might be exported freely, by liberalizing the regulations for imports and by continuing to cooperate in controlling foreign currency.49 Throughout the year 1919, Czechoslovakia encountered many obstacles to her foreign trade. Trieste was the sole outlet by sea until May, when Germany allowed transit privileges by way of the Elbe, according to Article 339 of the Treaty of Versailles. Until then, the proceeds of the liquidation of Czechoslovakia's war materials in France were applied to the "Ibid., pp. 127-128. 4& Ibid., pp. 129-IJO; Zprlfvy (Poslanecka Snemovna), 8 meeting, June 16, 1920, pp. 372 et seq., 1 session. 82 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 purchase, in Italy, of the first raw materials and semi-manufactured products that were imported into Czechoslovakia to relieve the needs of her textile industry.. Throughout the Republic, trade was hampered by a shortage of freight cars. This shortage was relieved by a more efficient organization and by special privileges on Rumanian and Yugoslav railroads, which, after the ratification of the Treaty of St. Germain, became new outlets for goods that had formerly been exported via Hamburg. The best outlet-the Danube -required development of its facilities. The natural advantages of Czechoslovakia's leading port, Bratislava, could not be utilized until after July, 1920, when 228,5oo,ooo crowns were allowed for the construction of a new harbor. Czechoslovakia's eagerness to develop new commercial contacts was again made manifest by her participation, in August, 1920, in the fair at Lyons. Subsequently, she held her own first fairs at Praha and Bratislava.50 As conditions within Czechoslovakia had begun to change, there evolved gradually a less extreme economic foreign policy. It came to be realized that the newly-won political and financial independence could be maintained without creating a state that was economically self-sufficient. Complete economic independence was an impossibility. Much more advantageous would be a condition of economic interdependence which would enable Czechoslovakia to reap the maximum advantage from her-: highly organized industrial system. In the course of this economic evolution, there came to light psychological as well as purely economic factors. A vital necessity of the political situation was a so-called " Western orientation ", if independence was to be safeguarded.51 At the same time, the financial situation demanded a similar policy-Czechoslovakia felt herself com·u Peroutka, F., "Foreign Trade", in Gruber, op. cit., p. 120. 51 For full details, cf. infra, pp. g8, 100 et seq., 129 et seq. DOMESTIC STABIL!ZATION pelled to seek markets whose purchasing power was based upon a more stable currency than was. that of her own immediate neighbors. As a consequence, her trade had to adapt itself to world conditions and markets, and her competitive position in this trade became a matter of vital concern.5 2 Within Czechoslovakia there had developed two conflicting viewpoints concerning the question of industrialization: whether it would be best to curtail manufacturing and develop agriculture, or maintain and even expand her industrial activities.68 The dense population, particularly in the western portions of the Republic, rendered any curtailment of manufacturing possible only at the cost of aggravating the already pressing problem of unemployment, whereas it was doubtful if agriculture could be expanded considerably. The problem was rendered more acute by the fact that Danubian areas, formerly within the Empire-Kingdom, were now world markets. Because of the great postwar growth of manufacturing in these formerly distinctly agricultural regions, the difficulty of retaining even her former domestic markets was enhanced for Czechoslovakia. Some reorganization of her industrial system became imperative. The ultimate solution was a compromise whereby she reduced those industries which encountered the strongest international rivalry and expanded those in which competition was.less keen.u Up to 1920, Czechoslovakia had followed a negative foreign economic policy: she had not attempted to increase her exports. Her supplies had been so depleted by the War that she desired no further drain upon her resources. The as Cf. Chanal, op. cit., pp. 1,38-I,¢. 68 Cf. Pasvolsky, op. dt., pp. 268-269u Ibid., pp. 271-273. 84 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 resulting near-balance between imports and exports might be maintained by a purely agricultural country, but not by a primarily industrial one; however wise such a policy might have been immediately after the attainment of independence, it could not be continued long without inviting economic disaster. This fact was appreciated by Hotowetz, the Minister of Foreign Trade, again one whose services have not been properly appreciated. Hotowetz wished to remove all restraints upon production and trade and encourage the greatest possible development of industry. To this end, he had helped to create the Foreign Trade Bureau and to publish a free list on July 27, 1920. 55 Thanks to his efforts, Czechoslovakia became converted to a more liberal foreign economic policy. In her system of trade restrictions, Czechoslovakia's initial device-special import and export licenses-had been supplemented by a series of tariffs which became increasingly prohibitive. After several revisions during 1920 and 1921, the tariff law of May 21, 1921, the most drastic to date, created a system of surtaxes after the fashion of the post-war tariff of France. The basic or nominal rate was multiplied by varying coefficients that had been predetermined: for instance, the coefficients for luxuries and specially protected articles ranged from ten to sixteen; for manufactured goods and articles with lower protective rates, seven; and for goods whose importation was favor;d, one to five. Later in the year, because of the rapid depreciation of the German mark, even this tariff was deemed an insufficient protection against German competition. A new tariff, passed on December 18, I921, and enforced from January 1, 1922, increased the 55 Piot, op. cit., pp. 168-.174; cf. also, Cisar, J. and Pokorny, F. (Comps.), The Czechoslovak Republic (London, 1922), pp. 167-171; Caldwell, R. J., The Economic Situation. in. CzechoslO'Uakia in. I920 (Washington, 1921). DOMESTIC STABIUZATION coefficients for manufactured goods between ten to fifteen and for specially protected goods between twenty to thirty. This revision, coupled with the rapid appreciation of the crown during the early part of 1922, doubled, and, in some instances, even trebled the pre-war rates.66 Although the initial motive for Czechoslovakia's elaborate trade restrictions had been the need for a temporary conservation of her essential commodities and for a temporary check upon the importation of non-essentials, later developments demonstrated other possible advantages that might be derived from this system. It became a powerful protector of the currency and was continued because of its valuable services in furthering financial stabilization. By 1921, its value became still more marked as a " bargaining " possibility in the negotiation of commercial treaties. In view of these advantages and because of the intense feeling of economic nationalism then prevalent, Hotowetz appreciated the difficulties that confronted any attempted abolition of such a system, but he realized that, surrounded by unstable currencies, Czechoslovakia dared not rely upon customs duties alone for sufficient economic and financial protection. He deemed a " Western orientation " abnormal economically and considered the· Succession States Czechoslovakia's natural customers. To develop better commercial relations with these neighbors, he invited Austria, Hungary and the other four Succession States to a conference at Bratislava in December, 1920, but the project failed because of a lack of interest in the other states. In spite of this failure, Czechoslovakia, as she came to perfect her tariff system, abandoned gradually some of her restrictions on foreign trade. Although she still retained her license system on some commodities, a practice which caused her considerable u Peroutka, "The Commercial Policy and the Tariff", loc. cit., pp. IJS-IJ6; Pasvolsky, op. cit., p. 277. 86 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 embarrassment in negotiating commercial treaties, by 1921 she had turned definitely towards economic freedom by abolishing the central controlling agencies ·for products such as alcohol, meat, sugar, etc.67 In the meantime, the post-war industrial boom had run its course in Czechoslovakia and was succeeded by a period of depression which enhanced the need for foreign markets.5 8 The industrial situation that resulted was largely responsible for hastening the adoption of the new policy of industrial freedom. When the " Western orientation " failed to produce the anticipated economic results, Czechoslovakia was compelled to turn again to the markets of Central Europe. She could cover her domestic needs with from thirty to thirty-five per cent of her industrial output and the surplus had to be exported. At the same time, little provision had been made for hard times: financial deflation and the heavy taxes necessary to reduce the annual deficits of the early years had created an unhealthy economic situation. There were 329 bankruptcies in 1921 and 26g8 in the following year. This lesson of the evils resulting from a lack of proper economic outlets was costly, but was well remembered, even amid great economic distress. Much consolation was derived from the fact that the larger agricultural industries, particularly sugar, thanks to cheap labor and to raw materials close at hand, continued to thrive.69 ,. 61 ZPraey (Poslanecka Snemovna), 30 meeting, December 3, 1920, pp. 1049 et seq., 3 session; cf. also, Pasvolsky, op. cit., p. 276; Piot, op. cit., p, 18o; Chanal, op. cit., pp. 157-159. 68 It is beyond the scope of this work to furnish statistics on the foreign trade of Czechoslovakia. The best source for such information is Mesicm prehleo zahranilniho obchodu (Monthly survey of foreign trade) published monthly at Praha by the Government Statistical Office. 59 For detailed accounts of the economic trend within Czechoslovakia, I92o-'192J, cf. Lockhart, R. H. B., "Central Europe and Czechoslovakia", Edinburgh Review, vol. ccxxxvii~ pp. 209-229; Mildschuh, loc. cit., pp. 179-191; Chanal, op. cit., pp. 182-216. DOMESTIC STABILIZATION 8] After her conversion to the doctrine of economic freedom through the influence of Hotowetz and of the depression, Czechoslovakia pursued ardently a policy of economic cooperation with her neighbors, and, despite the lack of adequate support for this ideal from the other Succession States,80 continued independently along the course she had charted for ·herself. Although confronted by the conflicting necessities of protecting her domestic industries, of stimulating her exports, and of maintaining some system of trade control as long as it was maintained by her neighbors, she abolished the Foreign Trade Bureau on January 19, 1922, and transferred its powers, which were also greatly reduced, to the Ministry of Commerce. On September 9, 1922, there followed a tariff revision that reduced the coefficients, in many instances by as much as one-fourth. In this manner Czechoslovakia set the example for an economic · foreign policy contrary to the highly nationalistic tendencies that were prevalent throughout Central Europe.61 There remained for Czechoslovakia the necessity of rendering effective her new foreign economic policy by the conclusion of a series of commercial treaties. By this means she hoped not only to recover Bohemia's pre-war position in world markets, but to establish upon a secure and permanent basis a still greater volume of foreign trade. Immediately after the armistice, the artificial barriers to trade seemed insurmountable. There arose on every hand mutual prohibitions and state control of commerce. The trade of Czechoslovakia suffered when Austria applied against her the tariff of 190() and gave Germany a better rate, when Italy prohibited the importation of glass-ware, and Great so For full details of Czechoslovakia's efforts to obtain the cooperation of the other Succession States in stabilizing Central Europe. cf. infra, pp. 18g et seq. 111 Peroutka, we. cit., PP. I35-IJ7. 88 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 Britain prohibited the importation of hops. As a result of such restrictions and because of the unstab~e conditions that prevailed throughout Central Europe, the region where in normal times Czechoslovakia found her chief markets, no one desired any long-term commitments. Therefore, Czechoslovakia's early commercial treaties, particularly those negotiated between 1919 and 1921, were not only temporary in character and binding for brief periods of time, but were characterized by more or less reciprocal " quotas ", based upon the transfer of stated amounts of specified commodities. Although such treaties soon proved inadequate, they only gradually assumed the form of ordinary commercial treaties. Czechoslovakia did not begin to negotiate treaties for the adjustment of tariffs until 1923, until which date her tariff remained autonomous and the most-favored-nation clauses of her early treaties inoperative. The reasons why the negotiations for mutual adjustment of tariff rates were so long delayed were obvious. The tariff rates of Germany, Austria, Hungary and Poland were even less stable than those of Czechoslovakia because of fluctuations in their currencies. France and Italy were interested primarily in import permits. Great Britain, Belgium, Denmark and Holland desired to retain their own respective tariffs, which they saw no reason for surrendering without equal advantages in return.62 The drive for tariff agreements, which was inaugurated during the struggle for domestic stabilization, 1918-1923, became involved also with so many non-economic Central European problems that, at first, it was relatively easier to reach agreements with more remote states. Czechoslovakia realized that time was required to enlarge her commercial horizon and persevered in her efforts to create a comprehensive 63 Ibid., pp. 134-135; Chanal, op. cit., pp. 159-164. DOMESTIC STABILIZATION system of commercial treaties even after her economic stabilization had been attained.88 Social Reform The third major aspect of the struggle for d.omestic stabilization concerned social reform. The abnormal conditions prevalent throughout Europe at the time pf the establishment of the Czechoslovak Republic had been reflected in wages, prices, unemployment and general social distress. The ensuing misery had been aggravated by an inheritance of social evils and inequalities from the defunct EmpireKingdom: of such questions, that of land reform was the most urgent. The general let-down which follows every post-war period became marked: the exhaustion and misery of the masses, the increase in materialism, and the weakening of moral ties had prepared the way for a favorable reception of the revolutionary doctrines emanating from Russia. To Czechoslovakia, the question of furthering her domestic stabilization through a comprehensive policy of social reform became merged with the more elusive problem of combating Bolshevism within her own borders. The intense nationalism of Czechoslovak labor prevented the communist agitators from making much headway in trying.to further their extreme demands. Nevertheless, the influence of the Russian social revolution was felt keenly, even if· it did lack sufficient force to shatter the economic foundations of the Republic. The preaching of Bolshevism BB In a work of this scope it is impossible for the writer to analyze in detail every commercial treaty negotiated by Czechoslovakia. The most important ones, those that played conspicuous parts in Czechoslovakia's general foreign policy, will be discussed in detail subsequently in their proper setting. The best single collection of complete texts of these treaties, up to 1928, is Obchodnf smlouvy mezistatnE, 3 vols., edited by J. Dvoracek and Z. Konecny. A complete series of texts will be found. of course, in the League of Nations Treaty Series. Cf. also, infra, pp. 247-248. 90 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 complicated relations with Russia,64 and, to some extent perhaps, weakened the spirit of domestic enterprise, but failed to check domestic consolidation. · Czechoslovakia adopted a comprehensive scheme of social reform both as a form of domestic insurance against the outbreak of Bolshevism and as a solution for one major phase of her problem of domestic stabilization. Since this program concerned primarily Czechoslovakia's domestic rather than her foreign policy, the scope of this work permits merely a mention of the various laws, such as the eight-hour-day law for labor; state aid to demobilized soldiers, war invalids, unemployed, poor, widows and orphans; sickness and accident insurance; the housing reform; the creation of local miners' and of factory councils; the regulation of work in home industries; a property tax; public works ; and agrarian reform.65 The great majority of these laws were in effect by 1921, but the program they initiated is far from being completely realized even at this writing; however, it was a potent factor in helping bring about the stabilization of the Republic during the early years of its existence, and, added to from time to time, it continued to remain a weapon against the efforts of both Bolsheviks and Fascists. Land reform, one of the major items of the new social policy, assumed an international aspect when it involved the break-up of large estates formerl;r belonging to the Crown. It became a factor in .the general question of the post-war 64 For full details of Czechoslovak-Russian relations, cf. infra, pp. II3 et seq. 65 The best account, in English, of this labor and social legislation is to be found in a compilation of articles by leading Czechoslovak government ministers, professors and business men in Gruber, op. cit., particularly "Land Reform", by A. Pavel, pp. 43-66; "Labor Legislatiolll", by E. Stern, pp. 201-209; "Social Welfare Policy as Shown in the Assistance to the Unemployed, the Care of the War Sufferers and Social Insurance", by J. Brabec, pp. 21o-2I9; "Child Welfare", by J. JanovskY, pp. 22o-226; "The Housing Question", by H. Kubista, pp. 227-238; and "Crime", by A. MiriCka, pp. 239-248. DOMESTIC STABILIZATION 91 financial settlement, ·which has already been discussed: but it .also developed into a religious question when it concerned the property of the Catholic Church. Consequently, the question of land reform became involved in the fourth major phase of Czechoslovakia's domestic stabilization, the adoption of a definite religious policy.88 Religious Policy Within Czechoslovak lands, the Protestant minority had regarded opposition to the Catholic Church as a national heritage from Hussite days. This feeling had been strengthened by the Concordat of 1855 between Emperor Francis Joseph and Pope Pius IX, whereby it had been decreed that the State should preserve the Roman Catholic religion," with all its rights and prerogatives according to God's order and the Church's laws". Thereby the Church had been granted control over all matters pertaining to marriage, morals and education. Such action on the part of the government, at a time when the Czechs were in the midst of their nationalistic revival, was considered by such leaders as Havlicek, Rieger, Safarik, and by the historians, Palacky and Tomek, as a State-Church conspiracy to destroy Czech nationalism.87 During the latter decades of the nineteenth century, the apparent alliance between the Catholic Church and the Austro-Hungarian government continued to grow more and more distasteful even to those Catholics who were also patriotic Czechs. Throughout the lands of the Bohemian Crown 88 C/. Kfovik, R, Vilny uk~zovatel k ztikonu a naiizenim o pozemkovl re/orme (Praha, 1922) ; c/. also, Kueera, B., "Ceskoslovenski pozemkov& reforma s blediska mezinarodniho prava ", Zahranicnl Politika, vol. iii, pp. 444-454- 6'1' It was perhaps natural for the leaders of the nationalistic revival to bold such opinions, since they were Protestants, and since their movement was receiving practically no support from the Catholics. Cf. Liscovi, Mrs. M., The Religious Situatio,. i,. Csechoslovakks (Prague, 1925). p. 32. 92 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 there became more widespread the belief that the Catholic Church, in its desire to strengthen a loyal Great Power, opposed the various nationalistic movements· that sought to disrupt the Dual Monarchy. Masaryk had come to hold such a belief early in life; although born of Catholic parents, he had soon left the Church, and, at one time,.had considered seriously studying for the Protestant ministry. Throughout his whole career, his opposition to Catholicism had never wavered, a fact that had been attested by his consistent attitude in old Austria, and even by his inauguration of the campaign for Czechoslovak independence at Geneva on July 6, 1915, the semi-millennia} anniversary of the death of John Hus.68 During the course of the War, as the Czechoslovaks came to accept Masaryk's viewpoint on the question of independence, an increasingly influential minority also came to accept his religious conclusions. These facts explained Masaryk's lack of popularity with the Clericals even after he became President. Anti-Catholic sentiment became so violent that, in the course of the Czechoslovak revolution, a Praha mob, on November 3, 1918, destroyed many Catholic monuments and forced the prince bishop to take refuge abroad.69 The attempted papal reconciliation of November 8 70 had little effect upon the anti-Clericals. 6!1 Masaryk, T. G., The Making of a State (New York, 1927), pp. 44-46; Svetova Revoluce, pp. 66-67. 69 The New York Times, November 4, 1918. 7o For the Pope's letter of November 8, 1918, to the Nuncio in Vienna, which instructed the latter to enter into friendly relations with the Succession States, cf. Arbeiter Zeitung, November 8, 1918; Loiseau, C., "The Vatican and the New States of Central Europe", New Europe, September 25, 1919, pp. 241-247; or Buell, R L., "The Vatican and the New World", Current History, vol. xvi, pp. 977-984- As a contrast to the Czechoslovak viewpoint concerning the attitude of the Vatican, cf. Ryan, J. H., "The Vatican's World Policy", Current History, vol. xvii. pp. 429-438, which states that the Pope was neutral and suspended judgment during the War; or Ausset, J., La Question Vaticane (Paris, 1!)28). DOMESTIC STABILIZATION 93 Since most of the inhabitants of the Republic were Catholic, and since many of the chief nationalist leaders were Protestant or anti-Clerical, the religious problem centered in the fact that the nationalistic intellectuals who had seized power through the revolution represented the nationalism but not the religion of the masses. After the attainment of independence, there developed in Czechoslovakia strong Catholic and anti-Catholic movements : the former demanding the establishment of formal relations with the Vatican; and the latter, the establishment of a new Czechoslovak National Church which would embody the reform measures advocated by the religious radicals. Friction was engendered between the two groups, but both appeared to hesitate before precipitating hostilities after the initial revolutionary ferment had once subsided. Matters came to a crisis on December 25, 1919, when the radicals insisted that mass be celebrated in Czech.71 In anger, the radical clerics, who had already created a club of reforming priests, voted, on January 9, 1920, by 140 to 66 with 5 not voting, to effect a separation from Rome and to create a Czechoslovak National Church.72 Thereupon, the Pope, on January 15, 1920, issued a bull of excommunication against the radicals, condemning in particular their proposal that Czechoslovak priests be released from the obligation of celibacy.'~ 3 The Papal Bull merely added fuel to theflames. For a time a Hussite revival appeared imminent as the radicals continued to gain ground. They called a national religious meeting at Praha during the week of February 13, for the purpose of either confirming the vote for separation from the Church or for continued adherence conditional upon the acceptance by the Church of specific reforms, such as a n Prager Abendblatt, December 26, 1919. n Ibid., January 9, 1920; Svorrwst, January 10, 1920. 'lB Prager Abendblatt, January 16, 1920; Svorrwst, February 2, 1920. 94 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 national liturgy, the election of bishops by their own clergymen, the abolition of celibacy and the reversal of the sentence upon Hus.74 The action of the radical~ received added impetus from the fact that the government was known to favor a division of the Church lands and the replacement of German and Hungarian bishops and other high Church officials by Czechoslovaks. Of the nearly· fourteen million people in Czechoslovakia, over ten million were Catholics, but, it appeared, many of them only nominally so,"5 hence the radicals had high hopes of success. Although the result failed to justify their anticipations, separation was confirmed. The chief supporters of so radical a step were to be found among the parish priests who had left the Church to accept positions with the new government; from their number, there was selected a committee of twelve to organize the new Czechoslovak National Church. Throughout this agitation, the chief argument of the radicals had been that a separation from Rome would liberate Czechoslovakia from the bonds of a foreign culture.76 The new Czechoslovak National Church, which thus began with about 250,000 adherents, decreed a separation of Church and State and approved both civil marriage and divorce. There remained the question of the status of the new clergy : since the Catholic Church refused to consecrate the new bishops, contacts were established with the Serbian Orthodox bishops, by whom the necessary ceremonies ;ere performed, thus theoretically, according to the Catholic view, at least preserving intact the line of apostolic succession from St. Peter.77 '~• Seton...Watson, R. W., "The Czechoslovak Republic", Contemporary Review, vol. cxix, pp. 31o-321. n The census of 192'1 listed I0,3&4,833 Catholics and 990,319 Protestants. Cf. also, Liscovi, op. cit., pp. 36-6o, for statistics and descriptions of the various religious groups within Czechoslovakia. This work represents the viewpoint of a Protestant who attempts to be impartial. Til Pravo Lidu, February 15, 1920. 'l'l' Stanoyevich, op. cit., p. 291. DOMESTIC STABILIZATION 95 Regardless of whether any agreement upon a thoroughgoing reform would have been possible, the separation from Rome was precipitate. The Free Thinkers, perhaps the most influential of the radical religious groups, prevented any real compromise by alienating the extreme Clericals; and, whatever might have been said in defense of such a policy within Czech lands, its results in Slovakia were unfortunate. There, to the already great problems of administration and reconstruction,78 was added that of religion. Even if the great majority of the Slovak intellectuals were Protestants, and if the verdict of history had been that the Catholic Slovaks had had a Magyar orientation, the Free Thinkers were still in error when they failed to recognize Father Andrew Hlinka,711 whose loyalty, suffering and services on behalf of the cause of independence had merited high rewards. This neglect, added to Hlinka's almost fanatical loyalty to the Catholic Church and to the influence of Father JehliCka, an alleged agent of Hungary, so embittered Hlinka that he undertook a journey to Rome and Paris, under a forged Polish passport, to plead for absolute Slovak" autonomy" from Czech rule.80 After the failure of this mission, Hlinka accepted his fate and reaffirmed his loyalty to the Czechoslovak Republic, but his ill-advised journey had cost him considerable prestige.81 Both the Free Thinkers and the Clericals realized that they had been too hasty: as a result, the moderates became more influential within each group. Nevertheless, after the Hlinka episode, friction between Church and State appeared to increase rather than decrease. The government was n Cf. PalickdJ, S. ]. and Broz, A., "Czechs and Slovaks at Odds", Current History, voL xxii, pp. 784-788. 79 Cf. also .mpro, p. 23. so Cf. Svonwst, October 25, 1919. 11 Young, R. F., "Czechs and Slovaks", Neu~ Statesman, vol. xiv, PP· ISS-156. ')6 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 anxious to sever and the Church to retain that intimate connection that had been their mutual heritage from prewar days. Masaryk's opinion that a separation would strengthen both failed to convince the opponents of such a measure. The religious radicals were anxious to terminate religious instruction in the schools which were still under a large measure of Catholic influence. Similarly, they sought to purge the Church from what they deemed excessive German and Magyar influences. On the other hand the Clericals opposed strenuously the application of agrarian reform to the estates of the Church. Finally; after several minor concessions on the part of the Vatican failed to have any effect, the Pope, on September II, 1920, consented to the separation of Church and State within Czechoslovakia, but requested that the matter be not discussed in the legislature.82 This move of the Pope was timely in averting an immediate religious crisis within Czechoslovakia, but was far from representing a permanent solution of the many issues that were at stake: it merely indicated the general conciliatory trend of papal policy, and the many details still remained to be determined. The government of the Republic was not, at this time, in the mood to meet concession with concession. During 1920, the various elements in the comprehensive scheme of domestic stabilization were making marked progress and the authorities had no intention of interfering with the general program, certainly trot to the degree that would have been necessary to effect a definitive religious compromise. The main Catholic demand at the time-exemption of Church lands from the policy of land reform-would probably not have been granted. The government was aware of the dangers inherent in the religious situation-that it could ill-afford any undue friction with the Slovaks over religion at a time when stabilization was the key to both the 82 The New York Times, September II, 19010. DOMESTIC STABILIZATION 97 domestic and foreign policies of the state. Although the vital points of the policy of domestic stabilization were maintained, moderation became the . keynote of the religious policy.83 During the first five years of the Czechoslovak Republic, less was accomplished religiously than financially, economically and socially.84 Nevertheless, in spite of the absence of any definitive religious settlement,85 the success of the drive for domestic stabilization in other aspects was so successful that, certainly by 1923 if not earlier, Czechoslovakia came to be regarded generally as the most stable state in Central Europe. sa Cf. Ridl, E., La Question religieuse en TcMcoslO'Ilaquie (Prague, Ig22). 8' Cf. Anon., Piehled Cinnosti za prue petileti Republiky CeskoslO'IIenski (Praba, 1923). 8s For full details regarding the religious settlement. cf. infra, pp. 249 et seq. CHAPTER Ill THE GREAT POWERS, 1918-1923 1 OBJECTIVES OF FOREIGN POLICY CzECHOSLOVAKIA's policy of domestic stabilization during thefirst five years of independence, 1918-1923, went hand in hand with her foreign policy which aimed at the reconstruction of Central Europe and the maintenance of friendly relations with the Great Powers, particularly with the victors of the World War. Nevertheless, during these early years, Czechoslovakia hoped to remain free from their domination and their feuds. In other words, she hoped to preserve her diplomatic independence. At the same time, another cornerstone of her foreign policy was a "Western orientation", which, because of Russian instability, she deemed vital to her continued itldependence. Thus, in her contacts with the victorious Western Powers she had to preserve a delicate balance if both friendship and freedom of diplomatic action were to be maintained. Germany Since Czechoslovakia's frontiers with Germany were the longest, and since the Elbe River furnished the best outlet by water for the new Republic, future relations between the two states became a matter of concern to the former. The latter also desired to avoid friction. With both accepting the results of the War, and in view of their close economic ties, it was almost inevitable that their first important 1 The next chapter, "The Reconstruction of Central Europe, xgr&-1923", will explain in detail additional aspects of Czechoslovakia's relations with the Western Powers. THE GREAT POWERS, 1918-19M 99 question should have been that of trade. The traffic that had developed across their mutual frontier after the War had been hampered by many disputes and by the absence of any commercial treaty. This trade was stabilized by the treaty of June 29, 1920, which clarified the ·questions of customs duties, finance, transit, transportation, etc. A special clause provided for mutual termination of ·national control of the exportation and importation of certain specified commodities: by Germany, of chemicals, dyes, pharmaceutical products, iron, steel, toys, machinery, tools, agricultural implements, musical instruments, automobiles and photographic appliances; and by Czechoslovakia, of chemicals, beer, baskets, lumber, mineral waters, furniture, toys, leathergoods, musical instruments, pottery, porcelain, glassware, lace and semi-precious stones. Another clause specifically permitted the exchange of Bohemian lignite and Upper Silesian coal. The most important clause specified reciprocal most-favored-nation treatment. Any third Power might obtain similar advantages. Further clauses provided vaguely for mutual good will. The treaty was declared effective for three months after notice of its cancellation had been given by either state.2 Even a casual perusal of Czechoslovak newspapers during late June and early July, 1920, would reveal the general satisfaction that resulted from this treaty, which was interpreted as indicating conclusively the absence· of any immediate designs on the part of Germany against the integrity of Czechoslovakia.8 Thus, the establishment of cordial relations with the most powerful neighbor proved surprisingly easy. a Treaty Series, vol. xvii, pp. 69-137. a It is interesting to note that the cordial note in Czechoslovak newspapers during the period in question was reflected generally in such German newspapers as Vorwaerts, Vossische Zeitung, Prager Presse. Prager Tagblatt, Pra{Jer Abendblatt, Allgemeine Zeitung and Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung. 100 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 The Western Powers Although the World War solved many questions and terminated several old feuds, it also created new problems. Among the post-war antagonisms, perhaps none was a greater potential threat to the maintenance of European peace than was FrenCh and Italian rivalry. This quarrel between the Latin rivals, which had been bridged temporarily because of common enemies before and during the War, in its revived post-war form had many aspects: psychological, colonial, naval and Continental. In its Continental phase, it threatened to divide Europe again into two armed camps. Czechoslovakia desired to remain friendly with each of the three Western Powers and deplored any friction among them; nevertheless, should she ever be forced to make a definite choice, she probably would choose France. As will be shown subsequently, not only were the ties she had created with Paris closer than those with London or Rome, but almost every other reason would indicate the choice of France. For Continental purposes, France was not only the strongest in view of mere material force, but had shown the greatest interest in the welfare of the Slavs. There existed practically no friction between Slavic and French interests, whereas such was not the case between the Slavs and either Italy or Great Britain! Moreover, France sought compensation for her pre-war Russia~ alliance in friendship with the lesser Slav states, whereas Italy deemed some of them potential rivals. Against Germany, Czechoslovakia would find France a powerful and a willing ally; Great Britain, relatively weak as a Central European force, even if she could be induced to enter into any such conflict; and Italy, a dubious military quantity. Czechoslovakia felt grateful for French assistance in attaining independence; to Great Britain and Italy, both of • For example, Italy vs. Yugoslavia, Great Britain vs. Russia. THE GREAT POWERS, 1918-1923 10I which followed cautiously the trend of French policy, any such feeling of gratitude would be owing only in lesser degree. In view of Great Britain's insularity and traditional aloofness from Continental questions, Czechoslovakia felt correctly that London would have slight interest in and direct influence upon Central European problems. Similarly, while feeling gratitude for the assistance that the United States had so unselfishly granted, Czechoslovakia realized that future American direct inte~ be amended. Tittoni's resolution was amended on June 27, 1921, by the adoption of several Czechoslovak-Polish amendments. which specified that all minority petitions that did not originate with League members were to be communicated immediately to the state concerned; that the state concerned was to have three weeks within which to inform the SecretaryGeneral whether it intended to make any comment upon the subject; that Tittoni's procedure was to be followed if neither answer nor comment was received from the state concerned within three weeks; that two months' time was ta. be granted a state which desired to comment upon the matter, whereupon the Secretary-General would present both petition and comment to the League members; that, in exceptional' and extremely urgent cases, the Secretary-General should inform the state concerned of the petition before informing- THE GREAT POWERS, 1918-1923 III other League members; that these amendments should become effective immediately upon all affairs that concerned Czechoslovakia and Poland; and that other states which had accepted the Minorities Treaties might have the same procedure applied to them if they so desired.28 In spite of a certain success attained by the CzechoslovakPolish amendments, Benes still harbored doubts whether annoyance had been eliminated. On April 5, 1923, he suggested further amendments regarding the procedure with minority petitions. He maintained that the right to address minority petitions or reports to the League was not restricted merely to the minorities themselves, but was held by every.one. He pointed out that the Minorities Treaties had not created organizations to act or speak on behalf of minorities, but had made the members of the Council responsible, and therefore that petitioners had no legal basis for claiming or referring to any authority allegedly derived from the minorities themselves. Minority petitions had been submitted frequently by professional propagandists, not for the benefit of the minority at all, but for the furtherance of political aims far removed from the alleged objective. Therefore, Benes proposed that the Secretary-General be authorized to reject all petitions of a propagandist nature.211 Czechoslovakia had been particularly annoyed by receiving a large number of propagandist petitions, to all of which she had had to reply. After three years of such experiences, the Czechoslovak government reached the limit of its patience, and, again supported by Poland, succeeded, on September 5, 1923, in having the Council adopt a further amendment. Henceforth, it was decreed that the petitions must have in view the terms of the Minorities Treaties, must not 28/biJ., September, 1921, pp. 749-750. llll[bid., July, 1923, pp. 117-718. 112 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1936 seek a severance of political relations with the state in which the minority existed, must emanate from an authentic source, must abstain from violent language, 'and must contain facts or information which had not been recently the subjects of a petition submitted to ordinary procedure. In addition, the President might extend the two months' period for comment if he deemed it reasonable or feasible, governmental communications should be restricted to members of the Council, a special Council resolution was required for communications to non-members, and the special Committee of Examination was granted merely the power to determine how many members were to call the attention of the Council to the matter in question.30 · The various changes of minority procedure that had been adopted at the behest of Czechoslovakia and Poland were open to criticism, particularly to the charge of being reactionary. The new routine did not deprive the minorities of the right of effective appeal to the Council or of recourse to the public opinion of the world. Before one condemns Czechoslovakia for her action, one should remember that her motive was largely defensive. Because of the character of her minorities, some restriction of procedure was necessary in order to protect herself from annoyance. Then, too, the ·minorities within Czechoslovakia had relatively little basis for complaint, for the goyemment, on the whole, did treat them fairly. The policy of tolerance which had been adopted prior to the Minorities Treaty had been confirmed again by the Czechoslovak Constitution. Articles 106-127 branded as a crime any act which discriminated against any nationality or which attempted forcible denationalization, and Articles 128-134, the Bill of Rights for National Minorities, guaranteed absolute equality before the law, and the same so Ibid., November, 1923, pp. 1290-1294. THE GREAT POWERS, 1918-1923 II3 civil and political rig_hts to all Czechoslovak citizens regardless of language, race, or religion.3l. It is always easier for criticism to be destructive than constructive. In view of the misuse to which the letter of Tittoni's proposals had been subjected, Czechoslovakia's amendments were perhaps more constructive than reactionary. Regardless of their characterization, what else remained to be done? In choosing what he· regarded as the lesser of two evils, Bend had demonstrated one of his card:inal virtues, an ability to compromise. Throughout his career, he has rarely been unbending; only in the gravest emergencies has he found it necessary to employ an outright negative; usually, even from the most adverse alternatives, he has managed to extract some benefit for his country. Czechoslovakia's election in 1923 to the League Council was a great triumph for Benes personally. In the discussions that took place at Geneva in September, 1923, he deplored the pessimism prevalent as a result of the Greco-Italian crisis over the Corfu incident: he favored neither party, but was interested primarily in preventing the small states from·losing faith in the League, whose basic principles he sought to save as the sole defense of the small states against fait accompli tactics and a return to the former system of alliances.82 The Russian Problem The trend of events within Russia seemed to Benes additional justification for a "Western orientation". To Czechoslovakia, as to the rest of Europe, the rise of Bolshe- 81 For detailed discussions of minorities procedure, cf. Macartney, C. A., Natiofllll States anti Natiofllll Minorities (London, 1934); Stone, J.• Intentatiofllll Guarantees of Minority Rights (London, 193:a); Kellor, op. cit., vol. i, pp. 70-79- For further details regarding Czechoslovakia's treabnent of her minorities, cf. Broi, A., Three Y eors of the CBecho.slovak Re'public, pp. 21-30; Graham, op. ci.t., pp. 292-299•• Bend, Problemy novl EwoP,, pp. 199. 26s. I 14 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 vism presented many new problems, the chief of which was the question of future relations with Russia. In Czechoslovakia the idea of intra-Slav cooperation was yet strong, and, in spite of the collapse of Russia, there still existed, after 1918, a strong minority that continued to regard her as the natural friend, protector and leader of the smaller Slav nations. The almost universal sympathy for Russia took many diverse forms : the rank and file, which deemed Bolshevism as just one more evil that Russia was compelled to endure,33 advocated a " hands off " policy; a few extreme radicals sought to follow her into Bolshevism; whereas a larger minority, which sought to save Russia from herself, demanded armed intervention. Amidst these diverse opinions stood out the fact that the basic principles of Bolshevism were repugnant to most Czechoslovaks, who viewed communism with distaste. As the Bolsheviks sought to carry out their avowed purpose of overthrowing the established social order throughout Europe, Benes found himself on the horns of a dilemma: how was he to combat the spread of Bolshevism within Czechoslovakia and yet remain friendly with Russia whom he still considered as a natural friend and ally, and what was perhaps of even greater importance, as one of the largest potential future markets for Czechoslovakia's surplus of manufactured goods? The Siberian Campaign,. Before Benes dared even contemplate. the future, he had to solve the immediate problem of extricating the Czechoslovak army in Russia, lest it become enmeshed and perhaps overwhelmed in the Russian domestic chaos. The friendship that had been engendered originally between the Czechoslovaks and the Bolsheviks because of mutual cooperation ~a Ibid., ·PP· 28, 123-126. r6o-162; Gibbons, H. A., Europe since I9II1 (New York, 1923), p. 270- THE GREAT POWERS, 1918-19!3 IIS against the Central Powers," soon gave way to friction as the agreements of March 26, 1918, whereby the Czechoslovaks had been guaranteed every assistance in their long journey across Siberia in return for Masaryk's promise to disarm, were not being carried out. Czechoslovak reluctance to disarm, Bolshevik apathy, and the deterioration of the railroads were perhaps equally to blame for the delay. Seemingly endless halts were being made at station after station, with the result that, by May, 1918, only three regiments had reached Vladivostok.811 At the same time, the official attitude of the Bolsheviks also became less favorable; in fact, as early as March 30, 1918, the Czechoslovaks had intercepted a telegram from the Omsk Soviet to Moscow which had requested their complete disarming and routing via Archangel.88 After receiving many similar requests from other local Soviets, the authorities at Moscow finally acquiesced. The Czechoslovaks, against their better judgment, agreed to disarm partially and to return the equipment they had received from the Russians.117 However, the Czechoslovaks distrusted the· Russians to the extent of hiding at least one rifle, and other weapons, apiece, as the Bolsheviks, to their dismay, were to discover later. At this time, the attitude of the Czechoslovaks was motivated largely by fear that they would be expected to abide by Article 5 of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk u Cf. Kratochvil, J., Cesta revoluce (Praha, 1922), pp. 42-46, or Baerlein, H., The Ma,.ch of the Sevmty Thousand (London, 192()), pp. 99-103, for Czechoslovak-Bolshevik military cooperation against the Central Powers at Kiev bridge, February 20, 1918, and at BachmaC, March 2, 1918. u Cf. Fischer, L., The Soviets in World Affairs (New York, 1930), vol. i, p. uo. ae Baerlein, op. cit., p. x6o; Stewart, G., The White A,.mies of Russia (New York, 1933), p. 106. ar Ceskoslovenska Samostalnost, vol. iii, p. S, February 27, 1918; Fischer, op. cit., vol. i, p. NJ. 116 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 of March 3, 1918, which had promised the Central Powers that "Russia will without delay carry out the complete demobilization of her army, inclusive of the forces newly formed by the present government ".88 Partial disarming was followed by a demand for complete disarming and for a surrender of control over part of the Trans-Siberian railroad. In refusing this new demand of the Soviets, the Czechoslovaks became convinced of the wisdom of remaining armed on the eve of a five-thousandmile-march through a region teeming with German and Hungarian prisoners of war and with possibly hostile Russians.5 9 On April 21, the Bolsheviks promised the Germans that all German prisoners in Russia would be sent westward to be incorporated in the German army.40 In comparison, the eastward movement of the Czechoslovaks was regarded as unimportant, and the Germans were granted priority in the use of the railroad. The former resented such treatment as fresh evidence of the powerful influence of Count Mirbach, the German Ambassador at Moscow. The months of waiting had produced further tension between Czechoslovaks and Bolsheviks. Although many of the former were Socialists, they were also nationalists. On the other hand, the latter deemed them fools to wish to go to France to become involved again in a capitalistic war rather than demand peace at any price. The Russians also distrusted the maintenance of discipline as an indication of counter-revolutionary tendencies, whereas the Czechoslovaks considered Russian desertion of the Allied cause treasonable. Consequently, the outbreak of hostilities awaited merely some overt act.u as Translation from the German, The Times, March 3, 1918. 89 Kratochvil, op. cit., p. 59· 40 Ibid., p. 6o. 41 Zmrhal, K., Vlada Sovetu a Ceskoslovaci (Praha, 1919) ; or Williams, M. 0., "The Fighting Czechoslovaks", Asia, vol. xviii, pp. 722-728. Cf. Fischer, op. cit., vol. i, p. III, for the statement that no documentary THE GREAT POWERS, 1918-1923 As the Czechoslovak Legions proceeded eastward by detachments via Kursk, Tambov (where they were delayed a whole month), Penza and Samara, they became more convinced that the Bolsheviks were conspiring with the Germans to destroy their army.42 The Legions eventually reached Celjabinsk (Tcheliabinsk), where, on.May 14, 1918, there ensued the celebrated incident that precipitated hostilities. At this station a Czechoslovak detachment met a trainload of Magyar ex-prisoners that was moving westward. A Czechoslovak was injured by a missile thrown from the train. In the riot that was precipitated, the offending Magyar was put to death. When the Czechoslovaks would not permit the local authorities to investigate, the Bolsheviks retorted three days later by imprisoning the Czechoslovak guard that should have intervened. After a Czechoslovak delegation that had been sent to protest was also imprisoned, the Legions seized the town, disarmed the Bolsheviks and freed their comrades.•• The attempt of the local Soviet to enforce its authority was supported by Trotsky, the Bolshevik Commissar of War, who, by a telegram relayed from station to station along the line of th<; railroad, ordered once more the complete disarming of the Czechoslovaks. On May 21, he ordered also the arrest of Maxa and Cermak, the leaders of the Russian branch of the Czechoslovak National Council at Moscow.44 The Legions replied a week later at a congress held at Celjabinsk, where they decided to surrender .no more arms or ammunition, but to continue to Vladivostok, proof exists regarding German pressure on the Bolsheviks to disarm the Czechoslovaks. •• Nosek, V., Indt!pendent Bohemia (London, 1918), pp. 97-98. •aJbid., p. 98; Kratochvil, op. cit., p. 68. u Masaryk, Svitot.'li ,.evoluu, p. 317. I 18 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 by force if necessary.45 They deemed such a course their only alternative, inasmuch as they were still determined to try to abide by the advice that Masaryk had given them at the time of his departure from Russia-that they abstain from all interference in Russia's internal affairs.46 Initially, the sole objective of the Czechoslovaks was to get out of Russia as soon as possible. Because of the danger of further hostilities with the Reds, General Sokorov, the commander in the Volga region, went so far as to forbid specifically any aggressive (westward) movement. The various detachments, often incompletely armed and equipped, and scattered over enormous distances, experienced difficulties in maintaining contact. On May 2 5, the Czechoslovaks were diverted from this passive policy and committed to an entirely new course. Captain Gajda seized Novonikolajevsk, thereby changing the war from a purely defensive journey out of the country to an active offensive-occupation and the holding of the region against the Bolsheviks. In this manner, this hitherto unknown captain, on his own responsibility, caused international complications of a serious nature.4 '~' As will be shown subsequently, Gajda played into the hands of Great Britain and France, with the result that 45 Nosek, op. cit., p. 98; for contrasting Czechoslovak and Bolshevik versions of the affair, cf. Papers Relating ,f!o the Foreign Relations of the United States, I9I7-I9I8, 1918 (Rus~a), vol. ii, pp. 248-26o, for letter of July 4 1918, of Thompson (United States Col.l5ul at Omsk) to Lansing (Secretary of State). 46 Masaryk, op. cit., p. 216. 41 Kratochvil, op. cit., p. 82. Radula Gajda (Rudolf Geidl) had a spectacular career. At the outbreak of war, he served in the Austrian army (for conflicting accounts of his career in the Austrian army, cf. Kratochvil, op. cit., p. 8z; Stewart, op. cit., pp. 104-105; Baerlein, op. cit., pp. 131-133). After being taken prisoner by the Russians, he enlisted in the Czechoslovak forces where he attracted much attention and was rewarded by rapid promotion because of his ability, daring and love of the spectacular. For his later career, cf. infra, pp. 257-258. THE GREAT POWERS, 1918-1923 II9 the C~echoslovak authorities at Paris were forced into ac-. ceptance of a situation entirely beyond their control The Legionaires numbered about 70,000 men;'8 the only disciplined force within Russia. Consequently, the seizure of much of the railroad, together with a wide area on both sides, became surprisingly easy. Before the end of May, they captured Penza after a three ruiys' struggle, and then in tum seized Sysran, Kazan, where their efforts were rewarded by the arms within a well-stocked arsenal, and Simbirsk, important strategically as the junction of the railroads to Celjabinsk and Petrograd. The Czechoslovaks were not content merely with control of th.e railroad, but occupied the best part of the Volga region, the granary of Russia. In Siberia, they seized Udinsk and ·won two victories, at Krasnojarsk and Omsk, over a large force of GermanMagyar ex-prisoners. On June 25, General Diderichs, at the head of 15,000 inen, seized Vladivostok after a perfunctory resistance. The eastern Legions, with the help of Allied troops, forced the Bolsheviks and German ex-prisoners to retreat to Charbarovsk, and, by September, completed the junction with other Legions from Irkutsk and western Siberia, thereby ensuring control over the whole railway.•• The Czechoslovak offensive threatened the existence of the Soviet government by wresting from its control the Volga 4B Estimates vary from 50,000 to 70,000. 411 Kratochvil, op. cit., pt). 83-105; O'Higgins, H. J., March of the CzechoslOflakl across Siberia (New York, 1918); Bend, My War Memoirs, pp. 364-372; Chopin, J., "Les Tchecoslovaques en Russie ", Revue de Paris, vol. xxv, pt. iv, pp. 777-icfi. Cf. also, Graves, W. S. (the officer commanding the Expeditionary Force of the United States in Siberia), America's Siberitm Ad-venture (New York, '1931), p. 66, for his cable of September 8 to the War Department, "Practically all organized resistance, in Siberia, has disappeared". For further details of Czechoslovak-Bolshevik early clashes, c/. Papers Relating Ito the Foreig11 RelaJicm.t of the United States, 1917-1918, 1918 (Russia), vol. ii, MI. 177-224 and 227-323. 120 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1936 region, the Urals and the whole of Siberia, areas which became the centers of various White or anti-Bolshevik movements. Germany was dealt a severe blow by being denied access to the raw materials and foodstuffs of Russia and to the thousands of her prisoners of war interned in Siberia. It remained to be seen whether the Czechoslovaks could maintain successfully the advantageous position that they had won. Czechoslovak need of Allied assistance became increasingly apparent. An army of seventy thousand men, no matter how efficient, could not hope to control the Trans-Siberian railroad indefinitely. At best, such a force could remain in temporary possession until the Bolsheviks could muster an army sufficient to overwhelm it. The Allied Great Powers would have to decide whether they wished the Czechoslovak exodus to continue or if, in view of the recent developments, the Czechoslovaks were to be requested to remain as the backbone for an attempted Allied resurrection of the Eastern Front against both the Bolsheviks and the Central Powers. In either event, prompt Allied assistance was imperative if the Czechoslovaks were to extricate themselves from the toils of the Russian Revolution. Initially, the United States opposed Allied intervention in Russia. Two notes of President Wilson to the Allied Ambassadors at Paris, of February 28 50 and March s,n 1918, opposed Japanese intervention 1n Siberia, but expressed, diplomatically, confidence that Japan would act only for the best interests of Russia. On February 2 and March 3, Colonel House stated further his belief that Japanese intervention would throw Russia into the arms of Germany.52 On 50 Seymour, C. (ed.), The Intimate Papers of Colonel House (New York, 1!)26), vol. iii, p. 419. 51 Ibid., vol. iii, pp. 419-420. 5lll Ibid., vol. iii, pP. 391 and 392. THE GREAT POWERS, 1918-1923 121 March 11, Wilson expressed the sympathy of the United States with the misfortunes of Russia, and four days later received in return the appreciation of the Congress of Soviets,68 but such amenities decided nothing. On March 26, Great Britain suggested a compromise which called for inter-Allied, rather than solely Japanese, intervention.5 6 The British viewpoint was ably presented to Colonel House on May I by Sir William Wiseman, the Chief of the British Secret Service, who pointed out to the Allies four alternative lines of action: ( 1) to take no action, which would be almost unthinkable since it would leave the Germans free to act as they wished in Russia; (2) Allied intervention as the result of a Bolshevik invitation, which would be the best course, but which would be almost impossible to obtain; (3) an invitation to intervene from the exiled Kerensky; and (4) intervention without any invitation.65 Before the exchange of Anglo-American viewpoints had resulted in any definite decision, and before France and Italy, both of which were vitally interested in the crises on their own fronts during the 1918 German offensive, could join in any common line of action, these four Powers, on June 4, agreed, as an initial step, to protest to the Bolsheviks that the disarming of the Czechoslovaks would be considered by their governments as a hostile act, since the latter were Allied troops under the protection and care of the Entente.1111 In reply, ·Chicherin, the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs, denied the right of the Entente thus to interpret the act, which he maintained was only what any neutral nation would do to armed foreign troops within her territories. He requested the Entente to censure the Czechoslovaks " for 58 Cj. ibid., vol. iii, p. 420, for both Wilson's note and the Soviet reply. H Ibid., vol. iii, p. 402. u Ibid., vot. iii, pp. 42o-422. &e Russian-AmericaN Relations, March, 1917-l.!arch, 1920, pp. 224-226. 122 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 their brazen and unmistakable interference in the internal affairs of Russia".57 When no satisfaction could be obtained from Moscow upon the question of the disarming of the Czechoslovaks, the United States concurred in active inter-Allied intervention in Siberia.5 8 On August 3, the United States and Japan agreed to send troops to Siberia to help the Czechoslovaks. President Wilson granted them $7,ooo,ooo credit, whereas France had already loaned them I I ,ooo,ooo rubles and Great Britain, 3,6oo,ooo rubles.59 The reason for the American attitude was stated, officially, to be the necessity for helping the Czechoslovaks extricate themselves from a dangerous situation which had been created as the result of a change in the attitude of the Russian government. Intervention for the purpose of interfering in Russian internal affairs was specifically disclaimed. Both Japan and the United States promised to withdraw their forces immediately upon the realization of the limited objectives of the intervention. When Chicherin protested that Russia never intended to deliver the Czechoslovaks to the Austrian and German prisoners of war or to their governments, but that the measures against the Czechoslovaks were legitimate measures of defense against the counter-revolutionary movements within Russia, and stated that the Czechoslovak conspiracy had been organized by France and supported by her financially, and that the United States failed to realize tlie gravity of its action upon 57 Izvestia, June 13, 1918. os Cf. Seymour, op. cit., vol. iii, p. 4o8, for Masaryk's luncheon of June I3 with Colonel House to discuss Russian affairs; and ibid., vol. iii, P. 415, for Wilson's letter of July 8 to Colonel House in which he stated his fears tha.t the Japanese might not leave Siberia if allowed to intervene alone. Cf. also, Papers relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, I9I7-I9I8, 1918, (Russia), vol. ii, pp. 241 et seq. and 262 et seq. for proposal of Supreme War Council and United States' acceptance. 119 Fischer, op. cit., vol. i, p. IIO. THE GREAT POWERS, 1918-1923 123 its future relations with Russia, President Wilson remained unmoved.60 The Powers were delighted at the prospect of having created a new Eastern Front. Thanks to Czechoslovak distrust of the Bolsheviks and to Gajda, they. now obtained easily what Masaryk had formerly refused-the use of the Czechoslovak army in Russia. Masaryk and Benes seem to make out a good case that, except for a somewhat noisy minority led by Kramar, most Czechoslovaks were opposed to intervention in Russia at any time.61 However, the appeals of Kramar for intervention and the temporary enthusiasm of the Legionaires for Gajda, before they sobered sufficiently to realize how they had been dazzled and led to the brink of ruin, coupled with the more or less enforced silence on the part of the responsible Czechoslovak leaders, had led to many misunderstandings. The motives · of Gajda were attributed erroneously to the Czechoslovaks as a whole, a general misapprehension that did Czechoslovakia much damage and which was perhaps encouraged by the stories that were sedulously but unofficially circulated 60 Seymour, op. cit., vol. iii, pp. 416-418; "Reply of President Wilson to a Senate Resolution concerning the American Troops in Siberia, June 26, 1919 ", State Department, Russian Series, number iv, p. 5; United States Congress, Senate, 65 Congress, 1919. "Hearings on Bolshevik Propaganda before a Sub-committee of ·the Judiciary", p. 24; Russia,.,_ Americmt Relations, March, 1917-March, 1920, pp. 235-240, 258-270, 343- 346; Papers Relating to the Foreig,. Relations of the United States, 1917- 1918, 1918, vol. ii, pp. 67-68, Polk (Acting Secretary of State) to Morris (American Ambassador to Japan), March 5, against intervention; pp. 324-325, Ishii (Japanese Ambassador to the United States) to Polk, August 2, on the motives of Japanese intervention in Siberia; pp. 328-329, Polk to Morris, August 3, on American motives for intervention; Scott, J. B., Official Stateme114s of War Aims aJJd Peace Proposals, December, 1916 to November, 1918 (Washington, 1921),pp. 359-,362; Vinacke, H. M., History of the Far East i,. Modem Times (New York, 1928), pp. 411- 414; BeneS, My War Memoirs, pp. 390-397. 61 Benes, op. cit., pp. 352-364; Masaryk, op. cit., pp. 215-218; Kratochvil, cp. cit., p. 109. 124 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 by the Allies throughout their newspapers during the months of June and July, 1918; 62 Even Masaryk was accused falsely of desiring a war against both the Germans and the Bolshe- viks,63 whereas, in reality, the Czechoslovaks were merely tools of Allied militarism, and-, at first, unconscious tools at that.64 ea For a summary of such stories, cf. Ross, E. A., The Russian. Soviet Republic (New York, 1923), pp. 127..,136. 63 Fischer, op. cit., vol. i, pp. 1()9-IIO, quotes Masaryk as having stated (October 9, 1917} that ·he had" explicitly agreed with Dukhonin that our army would be used only against the foreign enemy ", i. e. the Central Powers. After another quotation pointing out Czechoslovak financial dependence upon the Allies, Fischer again quotes Masaryk " I had thought of the war against the Bolsheviks and against Russia. I would have attached myself and our corps to an army which would have been strong enough for a struggle against the Bolsheviks and the Germans, and which would have defended democracy.•.. There was only one possibility for the fight against the Bolsheviks.-the mobilization of the Japanese". 6 "lbid., vol. i, p. II2. Fischer, vol. i, p. IU, also mentions the presence of Russian " White " officers in Czechoslovak ranks as an evidence of the counter-revolutionary tendencies of the latter. To prove that the motives of the Czechoslovaks were misinterpreted, the writer, in addition to referring to the actions and statements of Masaryk and Benes, wishes also to call attention to the following statements: Ross, op. cit., .p. 126, states, " There is no question but that to get to France was the sincere desire of the Czechs and there was no suggestion .that the force could be or desired to be used in Siberia". Cf. Graves, op. cit., p. 66, for the belated information contained in his cable of September I!), 1918, to the United States War Department, ''The French and English are, undoubtedly, trying to get the Allied forces committed to some act which wilt result in the establishment of an Eastern Front". The fact that the Czechoslovaks were not acting entirely upon their own initiative, but largely in response to orders received from the Powers .that were financing them, was indicated by the cipher message received by Gray (American Consul at Omsk} on July 22, 1918, from the American Consulate at Samara. Gray was directed to inform the Czechoslovaks "confidentially'• that " pending further notice, the Allies will be glad, from a political point of view, to have them hold their present position. On the other hand, they should not be hampered in meeting the militazy exigencies of the situation. It is desirable, first of all, that they should secure control THE GREAT POWERS, 1918-1923 125 The Czechoslovak- authorities at Paris, confronted with a fait aecompli, were forced to acquiesce reluctantly to a condition of affairs beyond their control For their own best interests, while the recognition of Czechoslovakia and its future boundaries hung in the balance, they were compelled to abstain from any adverse criticism of the use that the Great Powers contemplated for their eastern army. Being practical diplomats, they sought to wrest future advantages from their present distress by. simulating acquiescence or even enthusiasm regarding recent Russian developments. Above all, the Czechoslovaks could not afford to leave, in the minds of influential Allied statesmen, any doubts whatever regarding the sincerity with which they entered into the Russian venture. Therefore Gajda was promoted and the seizure of the whole Trans-Siberian railroad was ordered. Speedy indeed was the reward of the Czechoslovaks. Their national objectives· received the endorsement of the United States at the end of May/5 and of Great Britain, France and Italy on June 3.86 Thus, at a price, was Czechoslovakia's future assured, but the skill with which Czechosiovak of the Trans-Siberian Railway, and second, if this is assured, at the same time possibly retain control over the territory which they now dominate. Inform the French representative that the French Consul-General joins in these instructions." Cf. Stewart, op. cit., pp. II4-II5. Stewart also points out, ibid., p. 135, that " The ~s whose whole future national existence depended upon an AIIied victory were willing to perform any service ·for the Allies even to risking their lives in the Siberian melee". On p. :zg6 he states that the Czechoslovaks "rigorously abstained from all participation in Russian internal affairs, save to protect themselves ". Finally, cf. Papers Relation to the Foreign Relatims.s of the United States, I9I7-I9I8, 1918 (Russia), vol. ii, pp. 265-267, for Caldwell (American Consul at Vladivostok) to Lansing, July 8, 1918, on Czeohoslovak communication of June 25 as to their official motives. 85 Cf. Papers Relating to the ForeigK RelatioM of the United States, I9I8, supplement i, vol. i, pp. 795-8o9, for the actual diplomatic correspondence on the subject between Lansing and American representatives abroad. 88 The New York Times, June 6-7, 1918. 126 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 diplomats fell in with Allied wishes disguised their distaste for the whole Russian imbroglio to such an extent that their reluctance to participate has not· been adequately appreciated. In view of his oft-repeated advice to abstain from interfering in the internal affairs of Russia, there can be no doubt that Masaryk deplored greatly the new turn of affairs. Although Bend made no direct statement regarding the matter, there can be little doubt that he felt similarly, but could gain nothing by any outright condemnation of Allied objectives. However, it may safely be assumed that the object lession of being a cat's-paw was not lost upon Benes and had a marked influence in causing him to advocate a policy whereby Czechoslovakia could maintain her diplomatic independence, free from the orbit of any of the Great Powers. Meanwhile, in the regions held by the Czechoslovaks, there sprang up several counter-revolutionary movements, the most formidable of which was led by Admiral Kolchak in Siberia. In this movement, Japan saw an opportunity to further her own interests and occupied positions as far west as Lake Baikal. At first the Czechoslovaks fought well against the gradually increasing strength of the Bolsheviks, but soon awoke to the realization that they were being employed to fight the battles of others and that continued hostilities would profit them nothing. They became dissatisfied to remain mere pawns in the game of inte£national politics, with the result that their discipline relaxed and mutinies took place. As soon as the news of the armistice reached Russia, the Legionaires demanded to be sent home as soon as possible, for they no longer had any reason for going to France. In their distress, they requested the guiding hand of some safe politicalleader.67 Consequently, during the winter of 1918- 1919, Stefanik visited Siberia together with General Janin, 6'1 Kratochvil, op. cit., p. xog. THE GREAT POWERS, 1918-1923 127 whom France had se~t to command all the Allied forces in Siberia, but his trip resulted in no improvement in the condition of the war-weary troops.88 The dangerous situation of the Legions did not escape the watchfulness of Bend, who exerted himself to the best of his ability to try to extricate them without open friction with the Allies. As early as April I, 1918, he had been the recipient of a memorandum from the British-War Ministry, which had applied pressure to induce him to retain the troops in Russia. In response, as soon as he could leave temporarily his pressing duties in Paris, he made a flying trip to London, where, on May 10 he had a conference with Balfour and another, five days later, with Lord Robert Cecil, the British Minister of Blockade.89 In all probability, Bend agreed to let the Czechoslovaks fight the Bolsheviks, or at least remain in Russia. The results of two conferences have not, as yet, been made public. Judging from the fact that the question was left in abeyance for over a year by both BeneS and the British, there must have existed a wide divergence of viewpoints. On June 25, 1919, Great Britain reopened the discussion by suggesting that the Czechoslovaks cooperate with the right wing of Kolchak. Benes agreed to order 30,000 men to 3:dvance via Viatka and Kotlas to Archangel, and that the remainder should go to Vladivostok. Both detachments were to be repatriated as soon as possible, by the fall of the year at the latest. The contemplated plan was deemed to produce a four-fold advantage: to effect a Czechoslovak junction with Kolchak and with the British in the north, to establish Kolchak's "Government of Northern 88 For details of the remainder of the campaign, cf. Jani11; General M.. "Fragments demon Journal Siberien ", I.e Monde slav, December, 1934. pp. :UI-2140; March, 1925, pp. 339-JSS; April, 1925, pp. 19-24; "Au G. Q. G. Russe", I.e Monde slav, January, 1926. pp. 1-24; May, 1926. pp. 16I-185. 89 Cf. Fischer, op. cit., vol. i, pp. I14"'1IS. 128 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 Russia .. upon a self-supporting basis after the Allied with"drawal, to relieve the dangerous situation in central Siberia which was caused by the presence of discontented Czechoslovaks, and to strengthen the Praha government by a return of the eastern army.70 Thereupon, in August, Benes ordered General Syrovy to concentrate the Legions at Vladivostok, preparatory to evacuation, but nothing was done at the time. The Allies still continued to plead that the Czechoslovaks were needed as the core of the forces in Russia, but Czechoslovak discipline was lax, cooperation with Kolchak proved impossible because of divergent objectives, Bolshevik strength was increasing, and Allied transports failed to appear at either Archangel or Vladivostok.n After all, the Czechoslovaks were a mere handful in comparison with the Bolsheviks, and it was a bitter realization that most of their heroic efforts had been in vain. The Legions did not desire to fight against the Reds; in fact, they sympathized with the peasants, who were brother Slavs, rather than with foreign Allies or with the counter-revolutionists who ravaged the country.72 As the Reds continued to increase in strength and sweep eastward, Czechoslovak dissatisfaction mounted correspondingly. When the Reds captured Omsk,73 thus threatening the whole position of the Czechoslovaks, there remained only evacuation or destruc- . tion. With the eastward retreat of the Czechoslovaks, the counter-revolutionary movement fell, in spite of all the 70 Cf. Miller, op. cit., vol. xvi, pp. 458 and 47o-473 for letters exchanged between Lloyd George and Winston Churchill that relate the story of the pourparlers with BeneS. '11 Kratochvil, op. cit., p. 489; Chamberlin, W. H., The Russian Re~lution., I9I'l-I92I (New York, 1935), vol. ii, p. 182; cf. also, Graves, op. cit., 277-278, for Czechoslovak announcement of November 16, 1919. of their desire to return home. n C/. Ross, op. cit., pp. 2'Io-zn, how on November 24. I9I9, five Czechoslovak regiments refused to obey Gajda's order to advance on Perm. n The Times, November 18, 1919. THE GREAT POWERS, 1918-1923 129 efforts of Kolchak and Gajda, for it had no real support from the Russian people. Kolchak was killed by the Reds at the capture of Irkutsk, February 7, 1920, soon after the Czechoslovak evacuation.74 The trend of events convinced the United States that continued military interv~tion would lead to exactly the opposite result from what had been intended.16 Benes took advantage of this turn.of sentiment to negotiate with the United States and Great Britain for the transports that the Legions needed.76 On the day of Kolchak's death, February 7, 1920, at the small railway station at Kujtun, a definitive peace was signed by the Czechoslovaks and Bolsheviks, whereby prisoners were to be exchanged, evacuation was to proceed unhindered, and all equipment was to be returned by the Czechoslovaks, who promised to observe the strictest neutrality among the various Russian factions." The first Czechoslovak transport left Vladivostok as early as December 9, 1919, the General Staff arrived in Praha on June 17, 1920, and the evacuation was completed on November 30, 1920.n Intra-Slav Cooperation vs. a" Western Orientation" While the Czechoslovak troops were still in Russia, Bend' diplomatic ability was taxed severely as he attempted to maintain a happy balance between two policies that threatened to clash-intra-Slav cooperation and a" Western orientation". After the armistice, French interest in the· Czechoslovak n Kratochvil, ofJ. cit., p. 657. n The New York Times, January 17, 1920 (statement of Secretary of State regarding the withdrawal of American troops from Siberia. January 16, 1920). T6 RussitJ~~J-AmericaJt RelatioM, March, I9I7-March, 1920, pp. 356-357. "Steidter, F. V., Ceskos'towMkl hJt.uti Ha Rusi (Praha, 1921), pp. I07-1o8• .,a Ibid., pp. 96-99, 1 u. Cf. Cizmar, J., Ruskl a rwle vojsko " revolwci (Brno, 1926) ; Beaumont, A., Heroic Story of the Csechoslowk LegiOIIS (Prague, 1919); Htinky, J., RrtskNII a Sibiri ( Praha, 1922). 130 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 Legions increased rather than decreased: France hoped to use them against the Bolsheviks after the War as much as against the .Germans prior to the termination of that conflict. Furthermore, she desired to create in Central Europe a " cordon sanitaire " of small states to prevent the westward spread of Bolshevism. On March 28, 1919, Marshal Foch proposed armed intervention in Russia, which was to be carried out, under a French commander, by a general Central European mobilization, but his project, thanks to the efforts of President Wilson and Lloyd George, was rejected by the Peace Conference.79 Within Czechoslovakia, all the leaders of the various political parties were agreed upon the necessity of insuring the state against domestic Bolshevism by the adoption of a comprehensive policy of social reform 80 prior to the adoption of a definite foreign policy concerning Russia, and as the Republic grew more and more stable, with one exception, took a definite stand against a policy of armed intervention. Kramar alone continued to importune Benes to become an active member of the contemplated " cordon sanitaire " by continued intervention in Russia, if for no other reason than to prevent Poland, which was posing as the guardian in the East, from obtaining an advantage at the Peace Conference over Czechoslovakia in the boundary disputes 81 then rife between the two countries. However, war-weariness was so acute within Czechoslovakia tha.t Kramar could muster little support for his project.82 79Baker, R. S., What Wilson Did at Paris (New York, 1920), p. 4ii Thompson, C. T., The Peace Conference Day by Day (New York, 1920), pp. 272-273; cf. also, Svorno.rt, June 20, I9I!). 80 Cf. supra, pp. 8g-gr. 8 1 For a detailed account of the boundary disputes between Czechoslovakia and Poland, cf. infra, pp. 148 eb seq. u HrusovskY, loc. cit., p. 126. For Kramar on Russia, cf. Kramar, K., Die russische Krisis; Geschichte und Kritik des Bolschewismus (Miinchen, 1925). THE GREAT POWERS, 1918-1923 IJI The Russian questien was vital to Czechoslovakia, which, because.of Russia's unsettled internal condition, had to adopt a policy of reserve. The internal affairs were no concern of Czechoslovakia, but the general trend of Russian policy had to be ascertained and established before she.could adopt any decided attitude. Czechoslovakia asked nothing better than to remain on good terms with the Russian people, for the time being she preferred a united democratic federated Russia with Slavophil ideals. Praha, as another Slav center, hoped above all that it would never be necessary to take up arms against Russia,88 and it was regrettable that Bolshevik Russia failed to understand Czechoslovak desires any better than Czarist Russia had done earlier.Bl Because of this fact, the Russian question tended to occupy in Czechoslovakia a position similar to that of Pan-Slavism before the War, and, just as the course of the War had destroyed the pre-war Slav policy and had demonstrated that Pan-Slavism was a premature ideal, so was any new policy threatened similarly with destruction by Russian intninsigeance because of a lack of understanding!15 The official attitude of the Czechoslovak government was perhaps best eminciated in a book of Masaryk's, 0 BolJevictv£,86 wherein he regarded Bolshevism, and particularly the program of Lenin,· as trade unionism in a form which violated Karl Marx's basic principles, inasmuch as the latter had sought a high de- 81 Cf. Mowrer, P. S., Balkanized Europe (New York, 1921), pp. 204•• Cf. Anon., "La Russie tsariste et la question tchicoslovaque ", Le llfonde slaTJ, November, 1924. pp. 124-138. 8G BeneS, Problemy twvi Ewopy, p. 28. 88 Masaryk, T. G., 0 Bo/SevictvA (Praha, 1921), is perhaps best known in its French translation, Sur le Bolchevisme, Geneva, Sonor, 1921. Masarrk expressed the same beliefs in an address commemorating the first anniversary of the Czechoslovak Republic, c/. Narodn& Listy, October 29, 1919. 132 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 gree of economic and social development, whereas the former envisaged a primitive development upon the level of the illiterate Russian peasant. Masaryk held 'that Russia should help herself and that Bolshevism could not be overthrown by military intervention, but only by a comprehensive system of social reform and political education. He felt convinced that Bolshevism was a temporary condition in the evolution of Russia, but warned against using such a belief as a justification for reaction. To him, Bolshevism represented merely an abortive form of socialism. Thus, Czechoslovakia's foreign policy, after November 30, 1920, eschewed intervention in Russia. Bend personally had a strong conviction that armed intervention would have meant a continuation of the World War and another subversion of the status quo, rather than the reconstruction of Europe upon which his heart was set. An invasion of Russia would be a greater undertaking than the Allies cared to attempt, and history had shown repeatedly the difficulty of carrying out successfully such a project. The expeditions to Archangel, Siberia and the Caucasus had given an indication of the vast expenditure of effort that would be necessary. To Benes, therefore, it was not a problem of Kolchak, W rangel, Denikin, Yudenich or any other "White" reactionary: he had no faith in any of them, whom he considered all as militarists of the old regime, incapable of creating a new state. Consequently, he adopted a distinctly negative foreign policy with regard to Russia, and became more concerned in what Czechoslovakia would not do, rather than in what she would do.81 Although Bend sought to prove conclusively that Czechoslovakia would not intervene in Russia, he wished also to leave no doubt as to his fervent hope that conditions there 81' Bend, E., Problemy no.;,e Evropy, p. 292; Five Years of Czechoslovak Foreign Policy, p. 21. THE GREAT POWERS; 1918-1923 133 would soon become stabilized sufficiently to permit the reestablishment of normal relations with the rest of the world. Without Russia, he deemed European peace and politics alike impossible, and maintained that a blockade and the ensuing prohibition of all intercourse would tend to prolong hard times within Russia, to aggravate the suffering of her people, postpone her participation in European politics, and result in further injury to all concerned. He hoped to prevent war between Russia and any other Slav state. Apart from its own merits, this policy of Benes was also motivated in part by his desire to save the lives of the prisoners of war, which included not only the Legions, but also many others scattered throughout Siberia who had been unable to join this force. As a result, nearly all were eventually repatriated. In fact, Benes went so far as to state that, initially, his Russian policy was guided more by his desire to rescue these prisoners than by Czechoslovakia's economic interests, which, at the time, were limited as far as Russia was concerned.88 Since severe fighting during the later phases of the Russian campaign had led to the capture of many Czechoslovaks, this problem of repatriation became important and led to discussions of other problems. As early as January, 1919, there took place, between Moscow and Praha, an exchange of notes whereby Czechoslovakia's independence was recognized by Russia, but, at the same time, the latter protested against the arrest of certain of her agents within the territories of the former.811 A Russian Red Cross mission, in charge of Hillerson, was sent to Praha to cope with the problem of repatriation, but, from the moment of its arrival, sa Benes, Five Years of CBeclwslO'llak ForeigrJ Policy, p. 22: Problemy nove Ewopy, pp. 292-293. •• Cf. Dennis, A. L. P., The ForeigrJ Policies of Soviet Russia (New York, 1924), p. 398. 134 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 propaganda among local communists became so violent as greatly to alarm Czechoslovak leaders.90 On January 31, 1920, Benes announced formally his Russian policy to the foreign committee of the Senate. He deplored the fact that there still remained two marked instances of friction between Slav states: Bulgaria-Yugoslavia and Russia-Poland. Czechoslovakia hoped to draw all the Slav states into friendship with one another and with herself, but did not seek to be involved in their internal affairs. She did not concern herself with Magyar propaganda regarding eastern Galicia, and felt that Poland should similarly disregard Hungarian agitation over Slovakia. Likewise, she did not wish to intervene in Russia, and asked merely that Russia cease agitation within Czechoslovakia. Benes promised to continue his policy of non-intervention even if there should be any truth in current rumors of Russian designs upon Estonia and Latvia.91 Having all faith in Russia's future, he believed that Russia should be left to the Russians. Nevertheless, Russia would have to terminate her reign of terror, cease her threats of foreign intervention and of a world-wide social revolution, and establish economic contacts with the Western Powers before she could hope for recognition.112 The salient feature of this new Slav policy of Benes was its restraint. In spite of Czechoslovak-Polish friction over boundaries,118 Benes refused to increase the existing intra-Slav tension by taking advantage of Poland's distress oo For the fears expressed by Masaryk, cf. Naro~£ Listy and Narodnf Politika, October 13, 1920. Ill Benes, E., The Foreign. Policy of Czechoslovakia (speech of January z;, 1921, before the Czechoslovak Chamber of Deputies), p. zg. oa N arodm Listy, February I, 1920; Benes, Problemy nove Evropy, pp. 43-51, 123-126; cf. also, Benes, E., '' Les Slaves et l'idee slave pendant et apres laguerre", Le Mom:Je slav, March, 1!)26, pp. JZI-381. 118 Cf. infra, pp. x·48 et seq. THE GREAT POWERS, 1918-1923 135 during the summer of 1920, when the Russian armies were at the gates of Warsaw. He continued to remain neutral despite pressure exerted by an Allied military mission which visited Praha on July 22, 1920, on its way from Paris to Warsaw. His policy received the support of President Masaryk, who also sympathized with Russia, but who likewise agreed to decline France's request to aid Poland.11 "' Perhaps BeneS could best be interpreted as a· middleman who desired to bridge the gap between Russia and the Western Powers, but whose services were desired by neither.115 Nothing came of an appeal, on December 24, 1919, of the Czechoslovak Social Democratic Women to the " Women of all Nations " against the blockade which was bringing misery and starvation to millions of Russian women and children.118 None the less, Bend' statement of policy of January 31, 1920, helped bring about a renewal of negotiations with Russia. On February 8, the Social Democrats in the Czechoslovak National Assembly drafted a resolution which called for political and commercial recognition of Soviet Russia,117 but again no rapprochement resulted. . Chicherin hoped to utilize these advances by a note of February 25, 1920, to Bene5, of which extracts are as follows: . . . Deceived by worthless intriguers, the Czech soldiers turned their sw01rds against their Russian brothers; they did not know that the Russia of the workman and tlie pearsant is the only state that desires to be a true friend of small natio.n&nations who until 1110w were subservient to the leadership and supervision of the mighty • • . The war with the Czecho" D'Abernon, E. V., The Diary of an AmhassaJo,. (New York. 1929), vol. i, p. i'4; cf. also, any Praha newspaper of July 23, 1920. 95 Cf. Fischer, ot. cit., vol. ii, p. sos. ee Soviet Russia, vol. ii, p. 181. 91 The New Yo,.k Times, Svornost, February g. 1920- 136 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 Slovaks was a murderous tragedy. After untold sacrifices and sufferings the Czecho-Slovak sdldiers, those who were fortunate enough to escape death in Siberia, recognized the ga-eat error of which they had been victims, and closed an aga-eement 98 with the Soviets, which guarnnteed them a free pa!Ssage-a thing they, of course, could have had long before. . . . The Rll'SISian G<>vernment is fully convinced that there exists no !Serious obstla.cle in the way of renewing peaceable and f:riendly relations with both Republics, and send, therefore, today to the Government of all the nrutioll!S of the Czechoslovak Republic a formaJl proposal to begin negotiatioos for the pw-pose of esta!hlishing peaceable relations and a peace agreement between both countries. We are convinced that commercial relations between the two cou!lltlries would result in the greatest mutual benefit f.or both States, and that permanent friendship will come to life, beneficial to bo:th countries. We would request the Czech01Slovak G<>vernment to inform us regarding their wishes as to the place where our delegates could meet the delegates of Czecho-Slovakia.911 A second note from Chicherin two days later expressed the hope that the working masses of Czechoslovakia would prevent a war with Russia.100 On March II, in reply to a parliamentary interpellation before the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly, Benes stated the goal of his subsequent Russian policy. It appears that an e*planation was demanded of Benes because the governments of France and Italy had requested a clarification of his intentions. Benes expressed a conviction that Czechoslovakia must neither anticipate events nor lag behind other Powers. His policy regarding Russia must await the action of the Great Powers with whose 98 The Treaty of Kujtun, February 7, 1920, already discussed. 99 Soviet Russia, vol. ii, pp. 615-616. '1oo Ibid., vol. ii, p. 4'1.2. THE GREAT POWERS, 1918-19ZS 137 foreign policies his own was associated.101 On April 2, he stated, further, that the Czechoslovak government was ready to open negotiations with Russia " along with other Allied Powers ''.102 In this manner, while expressing a willingness to subordinate his Russian policy to a " Western orientation ", BeneS made clear to the Great Powers the fact that Czechoslovakia's cooperation did not ·inean subservience or the loss of diplomatic independence. BeneS replied to Chicherin by a note of April 14 that he was ready to negotiate, and that only the resumption of normal relations between Western and Eastern Europe could relieve the unbearable situation in which Europe found itself. He was delighted because of the safe return of the Legions and because of the prospects for future friendship.108 Bene5' optimism was premature, for no advantage was taken of Chicherin's offer; in fact, direct negotiations were abruptly discontinued. Except for Benes' statements of March I 1 and April 2, there is no direct evidence that Bene5 was compelled to make a choice between his eastern and western policies; however, if such were the case, it would he to the best interests of Czechoslovakia to attempt to conceal the fact. There were many anti-Russian influences that might have brought.pressure on Benes. . In Czechoslovakia public opinion in general, as well as the Kramar and Agrarian blocs, opposed too hasty a rapprochement with Russia, particularly after the Legionaires arrived to relate their experiences. Then, too, there should be remembered, in addition to the ever-powerful influence of France, the fact that Czechoslovakia was on the eve of the formation of the Little 101 N6rodnl PolitikG, Narotlni Listy, March n, 1920; Svonwst, March IS, 1920. 102 N4rodnf Politika, N6rodni Listy, April 2, t92(); Svornost, April 3. 1920. 1oa Stntiet Russia, vol. iii, pp. 52-53; Pr6vo Lidu, May n, 1920- 138 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 Entente/04 the other members of which, Yugoslavia and Rumania, particularly the latter, were on bad terms with Russia, and that, in view of this fact, Czechoslovakia could hardly afford to risk their distrust by appearing too friendly with the Bolsheviks.105 Neverili;eless, certain Czechoslovak individuals and organizations still attempted to draw the two countries closer together. Representatives of the Czech Consumers' League left for Russia in order to open relations with the Russian economic organizations.106 On March 22, 1920, an official Czechoslovak mission had a long session with Lenin regarding prisoners of war and the establishment of agricultural relations, but, although the immediate objectives of the mission were attained and although mutual expressions of good will were plentiful, the incident did little to better relations generally.107 Another futile gesture of Czechoslovak good-will was the telegram of greeting from committees of the Social Democrat party and from the trade unions of Praha to a mass meeting of English workers, scheduled for August 22, which declared their solidarity with the latter in their refusal to participate in any act hostile to Soviet Russia.108 This act was followed by a Czechoslovak delegation of trade unionists which visited Petrograd and Moscow October 15 and 17.109 In response, a delegation of Russian laborers visited Bmo to examine Czech methods of 104 Cf. infra, pp. 16z et seq. 1 05 The writer is aware that the inference that Benes was faced with a choice is more or less speculative; but in view of the general methods of Benes, and particularly the unusual generalities in his speech of January 27, 1921, to the Czechoslovak Chamber of Deputies, The Foreign Policy of Czechos&ovakia (pp. 2&-32 on Russia), bhe theory of a choice appears the best explanation for the abrupt termination of negotiations. '106Prage:r Tagblatt, February 29, ·1920; Soviet Russia, vol. ii, p. 342· · 107 Soviet Russia, vol. ii, p. 6zz. 1os Pravo Lidu, August 20, 1920. '1119 Soviet Russia, vol. iii, p. 493· THE GREAT POWERS, 1918-1923 139 organization and welfare of the working dasses.110 Yet, relations between the two countries grew more and more strained, for, as soon as Russia realized that a rapprochement was impossible, she resumed her former tactics of spreading propaganda by accusing Benes falsely of favoring reaction in Russia and by urging the Czechoslovak proletariat to attack hiin.111 In spite of this renewal of agitation within Czechoslovakia, the Bolsheviks came to realize gradually that such tactics were doing their cause more harm than good. During 1920 and 1921, they turned gradually to a policy which they hoped would terminate their isolation. Czechoslovakia felt some of its effects. Despite the allotment of large sums of money to Hillerson, the campaign for world revolution fell off rapidly within the Republic, a fact which could not be accounted for solely by the effect of the Russian famine upon the minds of Czechoslovak radicals. In July, telegraphic communication was opened with Soviet Russia, but, during the summer, there followed also an exchange of unofficial missions between Czechoslovakia and the Ukraine.112 . The Genoa Conference As early as the latter part of 1919 there had been indications of a change in European viewpoints and policies towards Russia. The successive collapses of the various counter-revolutionary movements had demonstrated that the Bolsheviks could neither be beaten nor starved; yet, on the other hand, how was trade to be resumed? Could the world continue to remain part communist and part capitalist? Could the Bolsheviks be trusted? The French policy of the " cordon sanitaire ", except for Poland, was weakening gradually, and the British were averse to the continuation of no Ibid., vol. iii, p. 6o6. '111 "Burtsev and Benes ", ibid., vol. iii, pp. 48.2-483. 1111 Dennis, ot. cit., p. 399· 140 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1995 expensive and useless armed intervention. By 1920 all concerned were seeking some other solution of the problem.ns The Russian leaders, realizing the necessity of relieving the famine and general distress that was then prevalent in Russia, proclaimed the New Economic Policy. The resulting abandonment of strict communistic practices was confirmed by the trade agreement of March 16, 1921, with Great Britain, the first of the Allies to recognize Russia de facto.m The general economic crisis of 1921 gave birth to the idea of an international economic conference to settle definitively the problems of Europe as a whole. At the reparations conference of December 10, 1921, Briand and Lloyd George discussed the project and the conference of the Supreme Council at Cannes on January 6, 1922, was called primarily with this object in view. ·At this latter meeting, Lloyd George succeeded in arranging for a conference at Genoa, which was to meet from April 10 to May 16, 1922, to attempt to solve in particular the problem of Russia. There arose marked differences of opinion as to the provisional agenda, and Poincare, who had succeeded Briand as the spokesman of France, insisted that the Peace Treaties and the question of reparations be excluded specifically from any discussion. Consequently, the agenda was composed of the questions of peace, prosperity, order, credit, exchange and transportation for all Europe, Russia induded.111 ; Although the Little Entente cmd Poland were directly concerned in the questions that were to be discussed at Genoa, the problem of Russia was regarded quite differently by 1u Ibid., pp. 377-378; Buell, R. L., Europe: a History of Ten Ye3', p. 29. ISO FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 National Councils, as early as November 5, I918, had divided the Duchy, and had granted to Poland Tesin, Bilsko (Bielitz) and the Polish-speaking portions of Frystat. For the time being, the Duchy was to be governed by a central committee of seven Czechs, seven Poles and five Germans.4 ', ·,Jp. spite of this amicable settlement, which was understood by both patties to be merely temporary until such a time as the Peace Conference would apportion the territory in question, Poland, on December IO, 19I8, attempted to draft men from the Duchy into her army and announced that, in January, I9I9, the Duchy would hold elections for deputies to be sent to the Diet at Warsaw. After a Czech representative had been arrested for protesting against such procedure, Czechoslovakia, on January 22, I919, demanded Polish evacuation of the Duchy.5 A week later, in defense of this move, Benes stressed the danger of basing hasty conclusions upon Austrian statistics which were notoriously inaccurate.6 Meanwhile, after the demand for evacuation had been rejected by Poland, frontier skirmishing ensued for a few days. Tesin was claimed at the Peace Conference by both Czechoslovakia and Poland. Since the Duchy was an economic unit and had not been divided in the past, Czechoslovakia claimed it in its entirety for the following reasons: {I) Tesin had formed part of the Kingdom of Bohemia; (2) most of the Poles were either Silesians or other immigrants; (3) the coal fields should not be separated from the industries outside the Duchy that were dependent upon them ; (4) the railway from Oderburg to Jablunka was indispensable both economically and strategically because, on the main line from Berlin to Budapest, it connected Slovakia with . 4 Temperley, op. cit., vol. iv, p. 356. 5 Prager Presse, January 23, 1919. e Miller, op. cit., vol. iv, pp. 68-70. RECONSTRUCTION OF CENTRAL EUROPE 151 Bohemia and Moravia; (5) since a portion of the undeveloped Karvin basin lay within Poland, the latter would not be deprived entirely of the coal of the region; and (6) Czechoslovakia had to obtain complete possession of the railways and mines in order to maintain the economic unity of the Duchy, which she felt could not be guaranteed adequately otherwise, not even by subsequent special treaties.7 Poland, on the other hand, though she conceded to Czechoslovakia the one district to Frydek, which contained the best coal deposits, continued to insist upon retaining the other three--Tesin, Frystat and Bilsko--for linguistic reasons. She demanded, further, the Oderburg-Jablunka railway. Poland contended that the econpmic considerations advanced by Czechoslovakia did not justify the latter's demands for ownership. In the estimation of Poland, Czechoslovakia's major difficulty-a shortage of coal--could be easily surmounted by special conventions permitting coal imports from the Karvin mines.8 On January 27, the Peace Conference opened its deliber;ttions upon the question of Tesin, and, on February 3, reached a decision whereby both disputants were warned against attempting to create any fait accompli within a territory that was to be assigned by the Conference. It then relegated the dispute to an Inter-Allied Commission which recommended that Czechoslovakia hold provisionally the northern, and Poland the southern part of the Duchy. In the interim, the local administration which had been created during the preceding November was to remain in control." r Peace Conference Delegation, 1919, Menwirs, no. 4. "Le probleme de Ia Silesie de Teschen "; cf. also, Kellor, of'. cit., vol. i, pp. 343-346; Temperley, of'. cit., vol. iv, pp. 349, 3'53-354• Temperley, op. cit., vol. iv, pp. 354-355. • Ibid., p. 357; :Miller, op. cit., vol. iv, pp. 423-424; vol. xiv, pp. IS5·ts7. 152 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 Bend accepted this temporary arrangement on the same day, but wrote also to Clemenceau, invoking anew the doctrine of historical boundaries, a plea that received no response. Bene$ was aware that France remained in doubt as to which of her two friends she should favor, and that Poland, because of her greater population might easily carry more weight. Paris felt that Poland must not be weakened in any way, not only in view of a possible conflict with Germany, but because, with Rumania,. she formed a bulwark against Russia.10 At this stage of the controversy, Bend' hand seemed to be forced by the. clamor of Czechoslovak public opinion, which demanded action.11 The Czechoslovaks apparently failed to appreciate that the friendship of Poland was more valuable than the small area in dispute, and, elated by the relatively easy territorial victories that were being won on the other frontiers at the Peace Conference, could not understand the delay over Tesin. They did not realize that the good impression which Czechoslovakia had created with her reserve and moderation might be jeopardized if too forward a policy regarding Tesin should be adopted. In this dispute, however, neither country had the unreserved support of France, which deemed the friendship of both essential to her. France toyed temporarily with the idea of replacing Austria-Hungary by Poland and Czechoslovakia. She sought to evade the necessity of'1Ilaking a choice by suggesting either arbitration or a plebiscite.12 To prevent another outbreak of hostilities and avert the possibility that the Peace Conference might award the entire ~o Benes, op. cit., pp. 62-64; Vochoc, loc. cit., pp. 1o8-rog. u Benes and Kramar made a private agreement that the latter would defend the demand for Tesin obstinately, while Benes would remain amenable to compromise. Cf. Benes, op. cit., p. 66. However, this move, which was originally considered good tactics, became a boomerang. 1 2 Benes, op. cit., pp. 64-65; House and Seymour, op. cit., p. 70. RECONSTRUCTION OF CENTRAL EUROPE 153 Duchy to Poland, Benes felt it necessary to end the dispute, even at the cost of concessions. Consequently, he suggested that Bilsko be awarded to Poland, and the remainder of the Duchy to Czechoslovakia, a proposal which was accepted by the territorial commission on April 14, 1919, but which was rejected by Poland. At the request of the United States, Benes opened direct negotiations with Paderewski, the Polish Foreign Minister, but could reach no agreement except to continue negotiations.18 On April 20, the Tesin Commission presented a new plan whereby Poland would receive Bohumin, Karvin and Tesin, and Czechoslovakia the remaining regions in which she might construct new connections from Frydek to Jablunka, but this project was ruined also by delays in agreement between the two states.14 Three days later Czechoslovakia refused to yield Orava for strategic reasons, lest Poland obtain a footing in the upper valleys on the Czechoslovak side of the Carpath:ians.111 As a sign of moderation, Benes offered to cede Tesin up to the Vistula, but refused to yield further. The deadlock was apparently broken by a Czechoslovak-Polish Conference at Cracow at the end of July, but, after an auspicious opening, differences once more arose when Czechoslovakia again offered the area up to the Vi~tula, whereas Poland insisted upon a plebiscite which she hoped would be more favorable to her.18 When no decision had been reached by August 5, 1919, the last day which had been set by the Powers, the whole dispute was referred to the Supreme Council. On August 22 Czechoslovakia rejected the territorial commission's proposal to divide the Karvin coal fields. Early in the following month, Bend and Dmowski presented their final argu- 18 C/. Miller, op. cit., vol. xvii, pp. 35-39, for the telegraphic correspondence among Benes, Svehla and Paderewski concerning Tesin. ,.. Benes, op. cit., pp. 66-67. u Miller, op. cit., vol. xvi, pp. 107-115. u Vochoc, loc cit., p. I'IO. I 54 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 ments to the Supreme Council, which, from all indications, was moved primarily by the plea that the coal of Tesin was vital to Czechoslovakia. At the same time the representatives from Tesin agreed with Benes and Kramar that the Olsa River represented the limit of Czechoslovakia's vital needs. France attempted to save Karvin and the railroad from Kosice to Bohumin for Czechoslovakia, but, when the Powers failed to agree, accepted the plebiscite on September 27, 1919.17 All men and women over the age of twenty and residents since August I, 1914, might vote. The Plebiscite Commission finally arrived on January 30, 1920, to encounter propaganda and racial friction which culminated in riots in May when II,6oo Tesin miners struck in the Karvin area. Consequently, a fair plebiscite was deemed hopeless by the Commission itsel£.18 By the summer of 1920, it seemed as if Poland would be ruined by the Bolshevik invasion. Her war with Russia had been the direct result of her policy of expansion. In spite of the advice of the Allies and of offers of peace from Chicherin, Poland had sought to revive her frontiers of I 772. For a time she was successful, even to the capture of Kiev, but her ambition proved superior to her resources. A Russian counter-offensive reached the gates of Warsaw by July, 1920. Poland was saved only after desperate efforts on her part, and because of the help of France, which sent munitions and a staff of officers, led by General Weygand, who assumed supreme command.19 Subsequently, the Russians were driven to the east. The Treaty of Riga,20 11 Ibid., p. III. 18 Temperley, op. cit., vol. iv, pp. 358-36o. 111 Cf. D'Abernon, op cit., vol. i, p. 75. oo Treaty Series, vol. iv, p. 32; for full details of Poland's boundary struggles, 1918-2o, cf. Przybylski, A., La Pologne ~ lutte pour ses /rontieres (Paris, 1929). RECONSTRUCTION OF CENTRAL EUROPE 1 55 of October 12, 1920r which terminated the war, resulted in ethnographically unwarrantable Polish gains. In the hour of Poland's greatest distress, BeneS had to make one of the major decisions of his diplomatic career. Public opinion in Czechoslovakia demanded a .strong stand against Poland, or even military cooperation with Russia against her. Benes, with the support ·of President Masaryk, determined to be strictly neutral: he wisely refused to heed either the domestic clamor or the rumor of a French request to help Poland. Allegedly, French pressure was exerted upon Czechoslovakia by the Allied military mission, which visited Praha on July 22, 1920, on its way from Paris to Warsaw.'~1 According to another rumor emanating from Warsaw,22 even the State Department of the United States was reported to have informed Czechoslovakia that the route must be kept open for ammunition and supplies to Poland! Without exception, the Praha newspapers of July 28 discussed at length what the action of the government should be if the Allies should actually make such a demand. Czechoslovak labor organizations were particularly active in. demanding a prohibition of arms shipments to Poland across Czechoslovak territories. There can be no doubt that the action of Germany, which, on July 25, proclaimed neutrality and forbade transportation of all war materials to either belligerent,28 had great influence upon the actions of Czechoslovakia, which on August 7, issued a similar declaration of neutrality.2 ' Apart from the dislike of becoming involved in a foreign quarrel, Benes' policy was dictated by his desire to promote intra-Slavic solidarity, an ideal which had already M Cas, Narodn4 Listy, Narodn£ Politika, July 23. 1920. 32 Gazeta Warsaawska, July 24. ·1920; SwNUJst, July 26, 1920. 38 Deutscher Reichsa.nzeiger uttd PreussiscMr Staatsanzeiger, July 28, 1920. u Prcivo Lidu, August 8, 1920; SvoNUJst, August 9. 1920. 156 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1996 been dealt a cruel blow by the Russo-Polish war and which he felt would be further injured by Czechoslovakia's participation on either side. He hoped that Russia would recover her former position as a Great Power, whereas Poland feared that such an event might subvert the new status quo which had been established by the Treaty of Riga.25 Benes' moderation became more praiseworthy in view of the fact that Czechoslovakia and Poland had other sources of friction besides boundary disputes. They differed also in their policies concerning their Ukrainian minorities. Poland ruled sternly in Galicia which she had seized by force in 1919, and which, except for a temporary Russian occupation during the summer of 1920, remained hers de facto until March 15, 1923, when the.Allies awarded it to her de jure. In contrast, Czechoslovakia had promised Ruthenia concessions almost tantamount to national autonomy. Then, too, Poland flirted with Hungary, with which she had no quarrel, and which, according to generally prevalent rumors, offered during July, 1920, her aid against Russia, in return for Polish support in recovering territory from Czechoslovakia, Rumania and Yugoslavia. In any event, such rumors retarded the rapprochement between Czechoslovakia and Poland.26 Czechoslovak-Polish relations became still further complicated by an apparent attempt on the part of Germany to fish in troubled waters. Poland resented bitterly German sympathy with Czechoslovakia during the Tesin dispute. Benes was far from having, as rumors intimated, any understanding with Germany at Poland's expense. On the contrary, he believed that Germany desired Poland to obtain both a& Benes, op. cit., pp. 92-94- 26 Jeden Svooek, "Benes a Mala Dohoda ", Dr. Edvard Benes, pp. 234- 235; Mousset, op. cit., p. r8; Toynbee, A. J., Survey of InternP· 69-7I, IS~-I 53; HrusovskY, loc. cit., pp. IJG-IJI. 158 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 Karvin area, the entire strategic railway, and the suburbs of Tesin on the western bank of the Olsa River, whereas Poland received the eastern part of the Duchy together with most of the city of Tesin except for the railway line and station.28 In seeking parliamentary approval for his agreement with Paderewski, Benes encountered the most intense opposition that he had met thus far in his career. Both the National Democrats and Bohemian Germans denounced a decision which neither they nor the Poles would consider final.29 The Prager Tagblatt in particular" protested against so,ooo Germans being given to ' insatiable Poland ' " 80 • • • The N arodn£ Listy stated that " Czechoslovakia will never desert the minority lost in the decision"}1 The Cesk~ Slovo was almost alone " in being happy that a decision had been reached ".82 A crisis developed on August 4 when Benes addressed to the Foreign Affairs Committees of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies an expose in which he explained the necessity for dividing Tesin after the Conference of Ambassadors 88 had ignored Czechoslovakia's historic as For full details, cf. Benes, op. cit., pp. 7'1~81 ; Temperley, op. cit., vol. iv, pp. 361-363. On November 29, Ig20, at Brno, the two countries signed a treaty which provided for a " Mixed Commission" to protect the respective minorities, but the treaty was never ratified. Cf. FouquesDuparc, op. cit., pp. 318-319. Cf. also, Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, I920 (Washington, 1935), vol. i, pp. 36-7'3, for the correspondence of the Americari Government regarding Tesin. Apparently, President Wilson desired to have a voice in the final settlement, but had no intention of signing the agreement of July 28, 1920. as Pravo Li&u, July 3,1, 1920. 30 Prager Tagblatt, July 31, 1920. 31 Narocm£ List;y, July 31, 1920. 32 Ceske Slovo, July 31, 1920. 33 After the Supreme Council ceased to exist (January 21, 1920), a new agency, the •Conference of Ambassadors, composed of the Ambassadors of the United States, Great Britailll, Italy and Japan to Paris, and of a representative of France, assumed responsibility for the execution of the Peace Treaties. RECONSTRUCTION OF CENTRAL EUROPE 159 rights to the Duchy..Although his report was approved by the narrowest margin--eleven votes (Social Democrats, National Socialistsand Agrarians) to ten (Germans, National Democrats and Clericals)-the Committees as a whole commended his conduct of the negotiations. It appears that a favorable reception had been assured by Benes' driving home the points that he had considered a plebiscite cowardly because it evaded direct negotiations with Poland, and that, by the division of the Duchy, Czechoslovakia's gains had exceeded her losses. According to Bend' figures, Czechoslovakia had obtained 292,000 inhabitants, including 37,000 Poles, whereas Poland had received 143,000 inhabitants, only 2,000 of whom were Czechs.84 The approval of the Committees having been won, ratification followed almost as a matter of course on January 28, 1921.36 Oosely connected with the Tesin question were similar disputes in Orava and Spis, particularly over Javorina. Javorina, a small region on the northern slope of the Tatra Mountains in the district of Spis, contained a pass of great strategic value that was coveted by both countries. Czechoslovakia claimed Orava and Spis on economic and strategic grounds, whereas Poland's claims were historic and ethnic. On July 28, 1920, the Conference of Ambassadors defined the boundaries of Tesin, Orava and Spis and appointed a Delimitation Commission, composed of one representative of each of ·the Principal Allied Powers and of Poland and Czechoslovakia, to draw the actual frontiers on the ground.88 Although both BeneS and Paderewski signed the agreement, the latter, two days later, raised an objection because the principle of nationality had not been heeded in accordance B4Narodnl Politika, Augusts, 1920; Svornost, August u, 25-26, I92Q. aa zp,.avy (Poslanecki Snemovna), 49 meeting, January 28, 1921, PP. 1988 et seq., 2 session. ae Benes, 0 p. cit., pp. n7-119; Treaty Series, vol. ii, pp. 49-58. 160 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 with Point 13 of President Wilson's Fourteen Points, inasmuch as 25,000 Poles in Spis and Orava had been awarded to Poland and 45,000 to Czechoslovakia.81 Nevertheless, on August 10, Poland and Czechoslovakia concluded the Frontiers Treaty of Sevres 88 which confirmed the boundaries that had been established on July 28 except for some frontier modifications in Spis. · In general, the old frontier line between Galicia and Hungary was retained, but the treaty never became effective because it was not ratified. Meanwhile, the Delimitation Commission began its labors, and on April 23, 1921, adopted certain modifications of the line in Tesin and Orava which were approved by the Conference on May 25. On that occasion, the representative of Poland voted, as a conciliatory gesture, in favor of these changes in the hope that, in return, Poland might obtain Javorina.89 When the two disputants still failed to reach any agreement, the Commission, on July 5, was forced to report to the Conference that it was unable to make any satisfactory recommendation.40 It explained its failure to act by the fact that the modifications that had been proposed were beyond the scope- of its discretionary powers.41 The Conference temporized by referring the matter to the contestants, who on November 6, 1921, signed an agreement whereby, in mutual good will, they undertook to reach an agreement in six months. On December 22 the Conference suspended the execution of the aecision of July 28, 1920, to August 16, 1922. When no agreement was reached by that time, the Allied members of the Commission, on September 12, proposed, and on September 25 accepted, by a vote of ·a'l' Permanent Court of Internatioml Justice, series C, no. 4, PI>· IaS-140. 88 Treaty Series, vol. viii, ·I>· 39.89 Permanent Court of International Justice, series B, no. 8, p. 52. 4o Ibid., series B, no. 8, p. 44· 4'1 Ibid.; series B, no. 8, p. 45· RECONSTRUCTION OF CENTRAL EUROPE 161 five out of six, a new line somewhat more favorable to Poland, but which still retained for Czechoslovakia the crests of the Tatras."2 In spite of the fact that the repeated delays were increasing the unrest in Javorina, where the inhabitants appeared generally indifferent as to whether. they should become Poles or Czechoslovaks as long as thdr villages and grazing lands were not separated, the Conference of Ambassadors, on November 13, 1922, refused to approve the new solution without further investigation.'" At last, after four years of bickering, the Conference of Ambassadors, on July 27, 1923, confessed its own inability to agree and referred the dispute to the League Council, a move that was opposed by Poland as involving further delay."4 Such, however, was not the case. The Council referred the dispute to Senor Quinones de Leon, of Spain, and requested also an advisory opinion from the Permanent Court of International Justice regarding the delimitation of the frontier between Poland and Czechoslovakia."6 The Court met, on November 13, 1923, in extraordinary session,48 and held that the decision of July 28, 1920, was final,47 but withheld an opinion on the question whether the Delimitation Commission had exceeded its authority in its recommendau Ibid., series C, no. 4. pp. 245-247 ; Z pr6vy ( Poslanecka Snemovna), 161 meeting, October 26, 1922, pp. 194 et seq., 6 session. 48 Perm4ru?nt Court of International Justice, series C., no. 4. pp. t8J, 26o-263. H Cf. VochoC, V., "Javorina ", Zahranibl4 Polit-ika, vol. ii, pp. 793- 8o8; Krcmar, J., "Ceskoslovenskopolski hranice v llzemi s:pi5skem pfed Stalym Dvorem v Haagu a pfed Radou Spolecnosti Narodu ", Zahranicnl Politika, vol. iii, pp. 7-20, 102-'118, t86-Ig6, 6oo-6oJ. u Offidal Journal, November, 1923, pp. IJI6-IJI7, 1332-IJJJ. <18 Cf. Permaru?nt Court of International Justice, Fourth Session (Extraordinary, November 13-December 6, 1923), Documents relating to Advisory Opinion no. 8 (Jaworzina), series C. no. 4. p. 438. n IbiJ., series B, no. 8, p. JO. 162 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 tion of September 25, 1922.48 The Council, after accepting Czechoslovakia's contention that the Commission had exceeded its powers, requested this last to 'obtain fresh proposals in agreement with more recent deliberations.49 In conformity with these instructions, the Commission proposed a new frontier line on March 12, 1924. Two weeks later, the Conference approved the proposal, which was embodied in the protocols drawn up at Warsaw in May by a mixed Czechoslovak-Polish Commission.50 The signing of these protocols on May 6, 1924, terminated the dispute.51 In itself, the Javorina dispute had been a minor matter, but it had become extremely important in exacerbating the relations between the two countries.52 With its solution, Czechoslovakia not only completed the delimitation of her frontiers, but removed the main obstacle to a rapprochement with Poland that was to result in a relatively high degree of cooperation in the reconstruction of Central Europe. The Formation of the Little Entente Benes had not allowed the Czechoslovak-Polish quarrel to distract his attention from his main objective, the reconstruction of Central Europe. He believed that, in this area, his country would derive the greatest advantages from a continuation of the embryonic Little Entente policy that he had inaugurated even before Czechoslovakia had attained independence.53 As early as October and November, 1918, he had entered into tentative negotiations with Jonescu of 48 Ibid., series B, no. 8, pp. 39-40. 49 Official Journal, February, 1924. pp. 34S-J48, 357-364. 5 0 Monthly Summary, June, 1924. p. 828. &n Permanent Court of Internalional Justice, series E, no. I, p. 220. 5 2 Cf. Keller, op. cit., vol. i, pp. 346-347, for the details of several characteristic frontier "incidents". 53 Cj. Codresco, F., La Petite Entente (Paris, 1931), vol. ~ pp. 133l'SS, for a discussion of precedents for the Little Entente. RECONSTRUCTION OF CENTRAL EUROPE 163 Rumania, and with Pasic and Trumbic of Yugoslavia, with regard to cooperation among their respective countries.114 These attempts proved to be premature. Amid their mutual worries in obtaining satisfactory peace settlements, the three small Powers dropped the project temporarily.· Bend, who had welcomed the departure of the Emperor-King Charles into exile in Switzerland after the termination of the World War 55 and the separation of Austria and Hungary, began to be worried anew during 1919 by the symptoms of reactionary tendencies, particularly in Hungary. After the termination of the war over Slovakia and the resulting overthrow of the Soviet government of Bela Kun,116 Archduke Joseph came into power at Budapest. In the estimation of Benes, this move might foreshadow an attempted Habsburg restoration which would threaten anew the peace of Central Europe. He protested to the Supreme Council, which, by a note of August 21, 1919, made clear to Budapest that no Habsburg could have a place in any Hungarian government.'" ·As a result, Joseph's tenure was extremely brief,118 but the menace that he typified rendered almost inevitable the formation of some opposing combination of the small victor states. 1• Cf. Jonescu, T., "The Future of the Little Entente", The Litling Age, vol. cccxi, p. 699; Toynbee, op. cit., p. 287; Cosma, of/. cit., p. 17. aa Cf. Arbeiter Zeitung, November <12 and 14. 1918, for Emperor Charles' .proclamations of withdrawal from the affairs of Austria and Hungary respectively. Cf. also, ibid., November 17, 1918, for article "The Dynasty Must Go". 56 Cf. supra, p. 39· liT Documents diplomatiques c011ee~ les tentatives de restauratiors des Hapsbourg au trone de Hongrie (henceforth referred to as Documents, Hapsbourg), no. I. &8 Bela Kun was overthrown on August 1, 1919. and was succeeded by Peidl. Cf. The Times, August 9 or Le Temps, August 10, for Joseph's proclamation on assuming power. He resigned in less than three weeks (cf. The Times, August 26 for his proclamation on leaving power). 164 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 Czechoslovakia reopened negotiations with her two prospective partners when Benes offered alliances to Trumbic in Paris on December 30, 1919,59 and to ·vaida-Voevod at Bucharest on January 5, 1920.60 Since Yugoslavia welcomed the advance the more enthusiastically, direct negotiations between the two countries were inaugurated during February. The Kapp Putsch in March and the flirtation of France and Hungary during July made the need for haste apparent.61 The latter of these two threats aroused particular fear. After Czechoslovakia had refused to assist Poland against Russia during the summer of 1920, France considered the offer of Hungary to send four divisions to aid Poland, but refused primarily because Hungarian intervention would have taken place only at the cost of territorial compensations that would have necessitated a revision of the Peace Treaties to the detriment of Czechoslovakia, Rumania andYugoslavia. Realizing that Hungarian friendship at such a price would have been too costly, France herself helped Poland. However, before France made her choice, Paris and Budapest had exchanged many .communications, more or less secret in nature, that had been alarming to Hungary's neighbors. Benes was aware that such negotiations were taking place, $Documents diplomatiques relatives aur conventions d'alliance conclus par la Republique Tchkoslovaque awe le Royawme des Serbes, Croates et Slovenes et le Royaume de Roumanie (henceforth ;referred to as. Documents, alliance), no. I. so Documents, alliance, no. 2. 61 Ibid., nos. 6 and 19. On January 22, 1920, Jan Slavicek, a member of the Czechoslovak parliament, threatened Hungary with an alliance between Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia (cf. HrusovskY, loc. cit., p. x8o). During the course of the negotiations for the Treaty of Trianon, there was cooperation between Osusky of Czechoslovakia, Zolger of Yugoslavia, and Ghika of Rumania against Count Apponyi of Hungary, cf. Z/>ravy (Senat), 27 meeting, Decembe;r 21, I!)20, pp. 643 et seq., 2 session; 28 meeting, December 22, ·1920, pi). 678 et seq., z session. RECONSTRUCTION OF CENTRAL EUROPE , 165 but was almost alone in trying to dispell alarm, for he felt that France could be trusted to do nothing inimical to Czechoslovakia.u Nevertheless, Czechoslovakia continued to fear particularly that, should Hungarian troops cross Slovakia on their way to the east, they would do their be.st to increase irredentism. About 2,500,000 Magyars resided in the four neighboring states. These mirioritie~ were responsive to nationalist appeals from Budapest." During September, further alarms were spread by the Vienna Arbeiter Zeitung and the Praha Pravo Lidu, both of which published repeated " revelations " of Magyar machinations, allegedly directed from bases at Vienna and Szombathely against Austria; from Vienna, Miskolcz and Gyor against Czechoslovakia; and from Kaposvar, Pees and Szeged against Yugoslavia." Although such " revelations " were perhaps inspired as much by anti-Hungarian sentiment as by Magyar provocation, they were effective in hastening the cooperation of Hungary's neighbors. Bend appreciated the difficulties that confronted him: in view of the divergent interests of his prospective partners, he believed that it would be necessary to negotiate step by step, by a series of bilateral treaties. On August 14, 1920, at Belgrade, Benes. and Nincic signed a defensive treaty of alliance. Article I specified that each state was to aid the other against an unprovoked attack by Hungary. According to Article 2, the method of assistance would be determined by a later agreement between the competent technical authorities, i. e. by a military convention. Article 3 stated that neither country might conclude an alliance with a third Power without informing the partner in advance. Article 4 provided that the treaty was to endure for two years, and 112 Documents, allimtce, nos. 19, 28-30. 111 Cf. Crane, J. 0., The Little Effdente (New York, 1931), p. 176. 11' C/. Mousset, op. cit., pp. 13-14- 166 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 would be renewable. If denounced upon expiration, it was to remain effective for another six months. Article 5 required registration of the treaty with the League of Nations, and Article 6 arranged for an exchange of ratifications at Belgrade as soon as possible.65 Benes, always an opponent of secret diplomacy, desired publicity for the alliance, lest its objectives be misunderstood. At Belgrade, on August 15, he granted a lengthy interview to a correspondent of the Journal des debats, and, on September 1, presented a lengthy expose to the Czechoslovak parliament. Bend' first reason for the formation of what he himself styled " the so-called Little Entente " 66 was the unrest prevalent throughout Europe, as a result of which the small states in particular felt insecure as to their future as long as each remained isolated. His second reason was economic : he believed that political contacts would lead ultimately to economic cooperation. His third motive was the domestic stabilization of the states concerned so that each might work out without interference its own political and social reforms. He felt that the realization of these first three objectives would remove from the minds of some of his people any lingering regrets over the destruction of Austria-Hungary, whose main justification for existence, in recent times, had been the law and order which she had provided for the diverse peoples of Central Europe, a service which, in his estimation, could'be rendered equally well by the new organization. Fourthly, the concrete and immediate reason for the formation of the Little Entente was the attitude of Hungary, which sought to contest the verdict of the World War, retain her former aristocratic social order, and regain her lost territories. Benes' fifth and final reason . 65 Documents, alliance, no. 25; Treaty Series, vol. vi, pp. 2Q9-2IJ. 66 Cf. Machray, R., The Little Entente (London, 1929), pp. IOS-Io6, on how the Little Entente was named. RECONSTRUCTION OF CENTRAL EUROPE I67 was to be found in the general European situation : although continuing to profess faith in both the League and the Great Entente of Great Britain and France, he felt that the policies of both should be reinforced and rendered more effective by special " regional understandings .,.87 The second link in Benes' chain, an alliance with Rumania, required more careful preparation. · Except for Masaryk's visit late in I9I7 and for cooperation at Paris in Benes' embryonic Little Entente policy,68 the two peoples had had practically no contacts with one another. Predominantly Latin, Rumania had little sympathy with the Slavophil tendencies of her two prospective partners. Take Jonescu, who deserves to rank with Bend as a co-founder of the Little Entente, had, since I 9I 9, advocated closer ties among the late Allies. After becoming Minister of Foreign Affairs in June, I920, he had secured in the Rumanian parliament a. majority which favored his policies. When Benes, en route from Belgrade, reached Bucharest on August I7, Jonescu had already drafted a treaty analogous to that between Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia.69 The inclusion of Rumania would give territorial contiguity to the Little Entente, but would also present many new problems. On October 30, at Praha, Czechoslovakia and Rumania appointed two mixed commissions : one to delimit their frontier in Ruthenia, and the other to make recommendations upon economic questions.vo Italian objections to &T Benes, Problemy nove Ewopy, pp. 284-285; Five Years of Czechoslovak Foreigt1 Policy, pp. 12•14; The Foreigtt Policy of CzechoslOflakitJ, pp. 32-33; Prdvo Lidu, August 16, September I, 1920; cf. also, Machray, o/1. cit., pp. 126-134; Mousset, op. cit., pp. 2'3-26; Cosma. of'. cit., pp. 20- 22; Codresco, op. cit., vot. i, pp. 157•165, 183-186. 8& Cf. Roucek, ]. S., Ctmtemporar;v Rumania and Her Problems (Palo Alto, 1932), pp. 136-140. 611 Documetlts, alliance, nos. 26-27. To Ibid., no. 32. 168 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 the new alignment were removed by the defensive agree.' ·ment 71 of November 12, 1920, between Italy and Yugosla~1a, ·anq by an exchange of notes, of February 8, 1921, between Benes and Sforza regarding their common interests.72 Bend and Jonescu had different conceptions of the scope of the Little Entente. Jonescu feared not only Hungary, but Bulgaria and Russia, whereas ·Benes desired a treaty that would apply merely to the first. This essential weakness in the Little Entente-the divergent policies concerning Russia between Rumania on the one hand and Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia on the other-was appreciated by each state, and hence was kept carefully in the background. Jonescu desired particularly a guarantee of retaining Bessarabia, to which Benes would not agree. Jonescu envisaged a belt of small states from the Aegean to the Baltic, on the order of France's contemplated "cordon sanitaire ", which would cooperate on all international questions and have the force of a Great Power.. To this end, he desired to include Greece, and, particularly, Poland.18 On the other hand, Benes believed that Poland's geographic position and peculiar problems, particularly her hostility to Russia, which was shared by the other Baltic states, should exclude this whole group from anything more than cooperation with the Little Entente. Similarly, he was not concerned with Rumania's and Yugoslavia's relations with Bulgaria and Greece, whose inclusion he believed would give too Balkan a character to the organization. He maintained that an attempt to include too many questions would weaken any 'll]biJ., no. 34 (The Treaty of Rapatlo). u Ibid., nos. 39-40· In the negotiations of Italy, both with Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia, the first agreed to insist upon the enforcement of the Treaties of St. Germain and Trianon, and upon the exclusion of the Habsburgs. Ta Jonescu, loc. cit., vol. cccxi, pp. 699-703; cf. also, Mousset, op. cit., pp. 26-zg. RECONSTRUCTION OF CENTRAL EUROPE l~ bloc that might be created, and won his point. As a result, the Little Entente became more limited in scope, but decidedly more effective.a Before the Czechoslovak-Rumanian negotiations had been embodied in a treaty, the exiled ex-Emperor-King Charles of Austria-Hungary made his first attempt to regain the Hungarian throne. Perhaps in the erroneous- belief that the Great Powers would not interfere 15 and that Austria and Hungary might welcome some form of union under his rule, Charles attempted his first coup d'etat on March 27, 1921. After the withdrawal of the Rumanian army of occupation from Budapest on November 14, 1919, there had come into power the " White " government of Admiral Horthy, from whom Charles expected every assistance; however, in the hour of need, Horthy gave Charles no aid. The representatives of Great Britain, France, Italy, Rumania, Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia at once protested against the presence of Charles in Hungary.78 Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia in particular considered it a casus belli and proceeded to invoke the clauses of their treaty that provided for such an emergency.71 The Hungarian National Assembly met in special session and approved Horthy's attitude and remonstrances to Charles as strictly constitutionaL On March 3I it answered "Le Temps, August 26, 1920; Benes, Problemy tw'Vi Evropy, pp. 83- 87; Jonescu, T., " How the Little Entente Began "• .The Living Age, vol. cccxi, pp. 627-632; Cosma. op. cit., pp. 25-29. n For full details concerning Charles' first attempt cf. Werkmann. Baron K. von (Private Secretary to the Emperor), The Tragedy of Charles of Habsburg (London, 1924), pp. 127-144; or Ashmead-Bartlett. E., The Tragedy of Cemrol Europe (London, 1923), pp. 252-Z57 (account of A. Boroviczeny, Charles' aide-de-camp). Ashmead-BarUett maintains that Charles had absolute guarantees from Briand that France would not interfere. Cf. also, Cosma, op. cit., pp. 40-49; Mousset. op. cit., pp. 29-34. 78 Documents, Hapsbourg, nos. 8-12. "Zpr6v:; (Poslanecki Snemovna), 66 meeting, March 31, 1921, pp. 30 et seq., 3 session. 170 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 the Allied protests by promising to enforce the departure of the ex-King.78 Benes, who had deemed the Hungarian government suspiciously passive in the crisis,' still remained unconvinced of its good faith, and, on April 3, sent to Budapest an ultimatum in which he threatened to take immediate measures if Charles were still on Hungarian soil by six P. M. of April 7·79 The measures contemplated a declaration of blockade, which was to be followed, if necessary, by a military demonstration. Benes had planned to have friendly Powers cooperate, but believed that the need for haste justified his independent action. On April 4 the joint ultimatum that had apparently been planned became a fact when Yugoslavia suggested that Charles be granted three days of grace, a suggestion that both Czechoslovakia and Rumania accepted.110 On the same day, the Conference of Ambassadors presented its note to Hungary.81 In spite of the fact that Charles was already preparing his departure, Bend instructed the Czechoslovak Minister at Budapest to present the text of the ultimatum to the Hungarian government,82 an act which, technically, was independent, since the Ministers of Rumania and Yugoslavia, in the absence of instructions, failed to protest jointly.88 Charles' first attempt hastened the negotiations necessary to complete the Little Entente. On April23, 1921, Czechoslovakia and Rumania concluded their alliance on essentially the same terms as the Czechos1ovak-Yugoslav treaty, except for an additional Article (4) whereby the two states agreed that, " in order to coordinate their· efforts on behalf of peace, they would consult with one another upon all ques-rs DO'cuments, Hapsbourg, no. 13. '111 Ibid., nos. 16-18. 8o Ibid., nos. 19-21. 81. Ibid., no. 12. 82 lbid., no. 24. ss Ibid., no. 25. RECONSTRUCTION OF CENTRAL EUROPE 171 tions of foreign policy that concerned their relations with Hungary ".84 Side by side with her political negotiations, Czechoslovakia inaugurated with her prospective partners economic discussions which made relatively equal progress. After extensive preliminary negotiations, a commercial treaty was signed with Yugoslavia on October 18, 1920; whereby fixed amounts of goods were to be exchanged. This agreement was to endure until June 30, 1921, at which time new clauses might become effective or the old agreement might be renewed. The original agreement drew a distinction between annual contingents and special ·permits. It allowed free mutual exports of agricultural and industrial products only to the extent of the domestic requirements of both states. Yugoslavia guaranteed to deliver 100 truckloads of preserved meat, 300 of lard, 1,000 of bacon, 6,000 of wheat, 10,000 of iron ore, 100 of manganese ore, and lesser amounts of hoop-iron, lead, hemp, soda, pyrites, etc., whereas Czechoslovakia promised to furnish 300 truckloads of coal for river navigation, 1,200 of pit coal, 1,500 of railway coal, J,OOO of coke, 2,500 each of sugar, tin plate, crude iron, machine parts, and farm machinery, 500 of plate glass, 220 of paper, and 400 of other industrial products. In addition, trade was to be facilitated by the mutual granting of most-favorednation advantages, a reduction of customs formalities, freedom of transit, rapid transportation facilities, fixed import duties, and the permission for the nationals of each to establish branches of industrial concerns in the territories of the other.811 Nevertheless, in 1920, transportation difficulties s• Zprdvy (Poslanecka. Snemovna), 86 meeting, October 18, 192'1, pp. 25 et seq., 4 session (announcement of the governmental ~ogram by Benes, then Prime Minister also); Treaty Series, vol. vi, pp. 215-219; Documents, alliance, no. 65. 8a Treaty Series, vol. xvii, pp. 9-29; ZPrdV1 (Senat), 65 meeting, August 5, 1921, pp. 319 et seq., 3 session. 172 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 and currency fluctuations were so great that it was cheaper for Czechoslovakia to import flour and grain from the United States. In like vein, Czechoslovakia and Rumania signed, at Bucharest, on April 23, 1921, the day of their political treaty, a commercial agreement embodying reciprocity and mostfavored-nation treatment. Special clauses concerned postage, telephones, telegraphs, and other methods of communication and transportation both by railroad and via the Danube. In general, Czechoslovakia exchanged industrial products, particularly machinery and other metallic goods, for raw materials, especially for cereals, naphtha, and crude and refined oils.86 Both countries derived considerable economic advantages from this treaty. There still remained to be concluded the third connecting link, the treaty between Rumania and Yugoslavia. Direct negotiations were begun on June 7, 1921, and concluded ten days later. At the time of the negotiations, both states were harassed by bands of Macedonian comitadjis, whose raids Bulgaria was unable to prevent. Both were dissatisfied over the reluctance with which Sofia was carrying out the disarmament and reparations clauses of the Treaty of Neuilly. Consequently, the new treaty, which in other respects was a counterpart of its two predecessors, included clauses against Bulgaria as well as against Hungary.87 The three links in the Little'" Entente chain were supplemented by military conventions: Czechoslovakia-Rumania, July 2, 1921; Czechoslovakia-Yugoslavia, August I, 1921; and Rumania-Yugoslavia, January 23, 1922. These treaties defined the signatories' mutual obligations against unprovoked attacks from Hungary or Bulgaria, the military preparations that would be made in defense of their territorial in- 86 Treaty Series, vol. xv, pp. 235-257. S'l' Documents, alliance, no. 72. RECONSTRUCTION OF CENTRAL EUROPE '173 tegrity, and the mutual guarantee of the Treaties of Trianon and of Neuilly.88 The Problem of Austria Bend felt that, with the formation of the Little Entente, his work was merely begun. If the construCtive value of the new organization was to be enhanced, it would be necessary to attract within its orbit such other small states of Central Europe as would be willing to cooperate with its policies. Austria was the most promising of such prospective additions. In fact, if any of the new states needed assistance, it was Austria, whose survival as an independent -entity hung in the balance.89 In despair, the Austrians looked upon Anschluss as their sole hope of salvation,90 but it was not to be.91 . Austria was compelled to embark upon a desperate struggle for an independent existence. . Attempts either to unite with Germany or to recover her German minorities failed, and the new gov-ernment suppressed energetically incipient Bolshevik tend-encies. Impotent militarily and almost surrounded by hostile neighbors, Austria accepted her fate. The Peace Conference, aware of her desperate plight, sought to aid by allowing wide discretionary powers to the Reparations Commission, which was entrusted with supervising the -enforcement of the economic and financial clauses of the Treaty of St. Germain. On March I, 1919, Great Britain, France and Italy took equal shares in a loan to Austria of $3o,ooo,ooo, which was increased eventually to $48,ooo,ooo, in order that she might purchase foodstuffs for her starvsa Mousset, op. cit., pp. 22-23; Cosma, op. cit., 'PI>· 30-34; Codresco. ~JI. cit., vol. i, pp. 176-182; Machray, oJ!. cit., pp. 153-156. 1141 Cf. Toynbee, op. cit., pp. 314-316. 90 Cf. Graham, op. cit., pp. 154-156. 111 For full details as to how France and Czechoslovakia prevented Anschluss, cf. supra, pp. 47-49. 174 FOREIGN POUCY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 ing population.u This measure proved to be a mere palliative. In April, 1920, the Reparations Commission was aided by the newly created Internatiomi.l Relief Credits Committee, which, from Paris, attempted to take charge of Austrian relief. One of its first acts was to authorize Austria to issue bonds which were secured by specific national assets and monopolies and which became a sort of first mortgage upon all Austrian revenues.98 The Little Entente saw in the Austrian situation not only an opportunity for service, but a grave political and economic menace to its own security. In Czechoslovakia, which was the most concerned, public opinion still remained hostile to Austria because of the friction that had been engendered during the process of separation. Most Czechoslovaks failed to appreciate that assistance to Austria would be the best method of averting Anschluss and might also enable her to become their best customer among the small states of Central Europe. BeneS received considerable domestic criticism for expressing the opinion that Czechoslovakia, because of her peculiar position, was best able and should be most eager to extend economic, financial, and perhaps even political aid to Austria. Benes' further opinion that Austria would be enabled to stand on her own feet if immediate assistance were forthcoming caused much speculation as to what he might have promised her.94 Direct negotiations between Austria and Czechoslovakia were inaugurated during January, 1920, when the Austrian Chancellor, Dr. Renner, accompanied by several technical experts, visited Benes in Praha. The pourparlers concerned 92 Rapport sur les travaux de Ia commission des reparations, vol. i (I92Q-I922), p. 2:81~ sa Ibid., vol. i, p. 287. 9 4 Cf. HrusovskY, loc. cit., pp. 134-135· Bend adopted practically the same viewpoint in his speech of January 27, 1921, in the Chamber of Deputies, The Foreign Policy of Czechoslowkia, ·PP· 8-r6. RECONSTRUCTION OF CENTRAL EUROPE 175 two major questions:. economic relations and problems arising from the enforcement of the Peace Treaties. Benes' domestic opponents took advantage of the unfavorable condition of public opinion to stress the needs of Czechoslovakia herself, then in the midst of the process of domestic stabilization, and to point out what they considered ·the folly of attempting .to aid a rival when in so great need hersel£.115 On the other hand, the Great Entente, as well as Czechoslovakia's prospective partners in the as-yet-unformed Little Entente, favored Bend' policy out of fear lest Austria's desperate plight drive her into a union with Germany.118 Yet even Benes apparently lost patience when he stated, on February 13, that "Austria must help herself if she does not desire to prolong her own agony ".117 On June 17, 1920, the Treaty of Brno 118 provided for mutual protection for the respective minorities and for the clarification of the respective definitions of citizenship. Since several minor points still remained in doubt, the Treaty was amplified by a supplementary protocol 89 of August 3· The chief constructive virtue of these two treaties was perhaps the provision for a special Court of Arbitration which was to try all disputes that might arise either from the rights of citizenship or from questions concerning the educational facilities that were provided for minorities. Between November, 1920, and June, 1921, Great Britain, France and Italy toyed with several sporadic suggestions for aiding Austria,100 but few of them produced any results. Czechoslovakia preferred to do her own negotiating with 85 Prdtvo Litlu, January 22 and 24. 1920. 8& The Times, January 22, 1920. er Svo!"'Ost, February 14. 1920. es Zprtivy (Senat), n meeting, July IJ, 1920, pp. 497 el seq., 1 session; Treaty Series, vol. iii, pp. 183-229· eo Treaty Series, vol. iii, pp. 2JG-2J2. 100 Cf. Toynbee, op. cit., pp. 44-45, 320. 176 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 Austria.1 il 1 A new commercial treaty was signed at Praha on May 4, 1921. The first of the two major divisions contained general provisions based upon most-favored-nation clauses. It included also the additional items of facilitation of frontier traffic and cooperation in levying customs, in preventing infringement of customs regula~ions, in prosecuting violators, in inspecting cattle suspected of disease, and in the honoring of goods which had been tested properly prior to shipment. The second part of the treaty, which was to become effective on June I, 1921, involved modifications of the existing system of import and export licenses. Finally, both countries granted concessions upon many individual items.102 This treaty became the entering wedge for the mutual reduction of control over foreign trade. This new commercial treaty had been consummated largely as the result of a distinct change in Czechoslovak public opinion regarding Austria. Whereas in 1919 Benes had been subjected to severe criticism for pleading for the adoption of a generous Austrian policy, less than two years later his people had accepted his viewpoint. On May 25, 1921, in answer to an interpellation of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly, Benes announced that he had really intervened in order to preserve the Peace Treaties and to prevent a plebiscite whereby Austria might unite with Germany. He stated that he had made his views clear to both the Austrian minister at Praha and to the Czechoslovak representative at Vienna.103 The chariged sentiment had been a direct outgrowth of Czechoslovakia's industrial situation. As soon as it was realized that Austria could no 1.il1 Cf. Prager Tagblatt, March 18, April 5, June 4-5, 1921, for Czechoslovak sentiments concerning the various aborti~ Allied projects for the aid of Austria. · 1.oa Treaty Series, vol. xv, pp. 13-157. 1.03 N arodn£ Politika, May 26, 1921; Swrnost, June I, 1921. RECONSTRUCTION OF CENTRAL EUROPE 177 longer afford to purchase Czechoslovakia's coal or industrial products, aid became imperative if the two alternatives of Anschluss or anarchy were to be avoided. It was regrettable that Czechoslovakia as a whole had failed to appreciate the true condition of affairs before 1921, for many unpleasant incidents might have been avoided, but even that date was not too late for the adoption of a new policy.10 • Czechoslovakia's desire to aid Austria was shared by her two Little Entente partners. Before the War, about seventy per cent of Serbia's exports had been absorbed by Austria. The trend of this trade had been changed by the War. In consequence, on June 27, 1920, Austria and Yugoslavia concluded a provisional treaty of commerce which, after four different renewals, became a definitive treaty. By its terms, Austria agreed to purchase most of Yugoslavia's exports of wheat, meat, prunes, live-stock, etc. Rumania was also well disposed towards Austria, for, although economic contacts were on a lesser scale, the two countries had few interests that clashed.1011 In view of such generally amicable sentiments, it beeame relatively easy for Czechoslovakia partially to associate Austria with the policy of the Little Entente. President Masaryk, whose views on Austria coincided with those of Bend, negotiated with President Hainisch of Austria, at Hallstatt on August 10, 1921, a loan of soo,ooo,ooo Czechoslovak · crowns.106 The rapprochement was cemented at Praha on December 16, 1921, when the Presidents and Prime Ministers of the two states-Masaryk, Hainisch, Bend and 106 Cf. Hejn, E. T., "The Czechoslovak Viewpoint", TAt Amcrictm Review of Reviews, vol. lxv, pp. 490-491. t{)rs Cf. Mousset, op. cit., pp. 117-125: Codresco, op. cit., vol. ii, pp. 183- 203. 101 Cf. Papousek, J., "Zaklady Masar)•kovt koncepce r:abranicni politiky ", Zahramlni Politika, vol. i, pp. 349-350. 178 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 Schober-signed the treaty of Lany which provided for general cooperation and for the arbitration of any disputes.101 The Attempted Rapprochement with Poland Just as Benes had hoped to attract Austria within the orbit of the Little Entente, so had he hoped similarly to associate Poland with its policies. To this end, he had inaugurated with the latter a series of negotiations entirely separate from those relating to boundary disputes. The approach was economic. The first agreement of August 21~ 1919/ 08 sought to regulate temporarily the exchange of Czechoslovak coal and Polish naphtha, but was denounced by Poland, which deemed it disadvantageous. Similarly, the second agreement of March 12, 1920,109 was also of a. temporary character, but remained in force. Both treaties were inadequate in that they concerned merely limited aspects of mutual commercial questions. A new and mor~ general treaty was signed at Praha on September 24, 1920, in regard to problems of transportation and customs and passport procedure.110 Three days later another agreement specified that Czechoslovakia should export to Poland 37,000 tons of coal and. 15,000 tons of coke every month. In addition, provided that Poland made the necessary application, a further 10,000 tons of coal and a proportional tonnage of coke might be added to the monthly quotas. In return, Czechoslovakia was to receiv~ 7,o83 tons of raw naphtha and 1,250 tons of naphtha derivatives per month. Payments would have to be made in advance at the prices then current in the exporting states. This agreement did not change earlier agreements and was to be of temporary duration, until 1o1 Treaty Series, vol. ix, pp. 247-251; Documents, alliance, annex 2. 1os Narodni Listy, August 21, 1919. 1oo Prager Presse, March 12, 1920. no Ceske Slovo, September 24-25, 1920. RECONSTRUCTION OF CENTRAL EUROPE 179 the German-Polish dispute over Upper Silesia should be terminated.111 On October 20, 1921, the two states signed their first general commercial treaty.112 In the meantime, France, realizing that both Czechoslovakia and Poland were essential to her for possible future aid against Germany, bent her bes~ efforts to effect a rapprochement between them. The first step was the FrancoPolish political agreement, which was signed at Paris on February 19, 1921.ua It was followed rapidly by a similar agreement between Poland and Rumania which was signed at Bucharest on March 4, 1921,114 by Sapieha and Take Jonescu. The core of this latter agreement, which had been negotiated with the approval of the military leaders of both countries, provided for mutual assistance against an unprovoked attack from the East and for consultation prior to the drafting of any new alliances. After these preliminaries, the next step, a CzechoslovakPolish treaty, proved much more difficult. There was little diminution of friction until after Poland had accepted the decision of the Supreme Council in regard to Tesin. Poland was not especially interested in the primary objectives of the Little Entente ; to her the Russian and Baltic problems seemed much more important.m Only gradually was the mutual antipathy overcome.118 A change for the better took place during the summer of 1921 when Prince Sapieha was succeeded as Foreign Minister of Poland by Skirmunt. The new Foreign Minister desired to renew, with both Take 111 Ibid., September 27-:28, 1920. na Obchodm smlowvy mesi.rtatm, vol. i, pp. 264-294; Zfwt}vy (Senat), 123 meeting, June 30, 1922, pp. 441 el seq., 5 session. na Treaty Series, vol. xviii, pp. 12-13. 1u Ibid., vol. vii, pp. 77·'19· tu Mousset, op. cit., p. 39· ue Cf. Narodni Politika, Narodnf List;y and Cas, July 24. 1921; Gazeta fVars.sawska, August 23-24. 1921. -18o . FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 Jonescu and Benes, the policy of collaboration that had been inaugurated during the 1918 Congress of Oppressed Nationalities at Rome.117 As a result of Skirmunt's visit to Praha, he and Bend, on November 6, 1921, signed a defensive treaty which was intended to· seal the rapprochement between the two states and the collaboration of Poland with the Little Entente. The new agreement provided that the two Slav states respect one another's territorial integrity, maintain a benevolent neutrality in the event of an attack on either by a third state, permit the free passage of war materials, proclaim disinterestedness in Slovakia (Poland) and Galicia (Czechoslovakia), respectively, conclude a new commercial treaty, arbitrate points in dispute, communicate to one another treaties negotiated with a third state, recognize mutually treaties already concluded, suppress propaganda directed against one another, and conclude the present treaty for five years.118 However, Poland never ratified this treaty, much to the regret of Benes.119 Poland cooperated with the Little Entente to some extent, but her rapprochement with Czechoslovakia remained to be consummated at a later date.120 The objective of Benes' various Central European manoeuvres was not to recreate Austria-Hungary in any form: at this time he and his Little Entente partners were opposed to the formation of any Danubian Confederation, which they feared might be dominated by Vienna and Budapest.121 11'1 Cf. Benes, My War Memoirs, 316-318. 11.8 Ducuments, alliance, annex t. 110 Benes, Five Years of Czechoslovak Foreign Policy, pp. 18-19 (speech of February 6, 1924). 12o For full details, cf. infra, pp. 242 et seq. n1 Benes, The Foreign Policy of Czechoslovakia, p. 17; cf. also, Hodza, M., "Mala Dohoda, jej tradicie a jej dnesny ukol ", Zahraniln£ Politika, vol. i;pp. 610; Seton-Watson, R. W., "The Psychology of the Succession States", New Europe, vol. xvii, pp. 62-64- RECONSTRUCTION OF CENTRAL EUROPE 181 His policy of intra-Slav cooperation was intended to enable the Slavs to occupy in European affairs the place of influence to which he believed them entitled and which they had not hitherto enjoyed. This objective had been clearly brought out on January 24, 1921, in Bend' inaugural lecture as Professor of Sociology at Charles University in Praha.122 He hoped that his new policy would result in Praha, and Warsaw also, taking its " true " position in Central Europe, at the expense, perhaps, of Vienna and Budapest. Bend desired also to impress upon the minds of Allied statesmen the fact that his policy of intra-Slav cooperation was not militaristic. He replied cordially to a letter of the League Council of March 8, 1921, which requested his viewpoints regarding disarmament. By a note of August 28, 1921, Bend welcomed a limitation of military, naval and air expenditures during the two fiscal years following the next year, and stated that his government was" prepared to participate in negotiations regarding concrete proposals for limitation." 1211 When other states refused to cooperate in the project, the matter was dropped. Friction with Hungary In spite of the apparent hopelessness of any reconciliation with Hungary, Benes resolved to make the attempt, which he hoped might avert any attempted coup on the part of exKing Charles. After serving notice on his own people of his project,12 • Benes met Teleki, the Hungarian Premier, and Gratz, the Foreign Minister, on March 14, 1921, at Most nad Litava (Briick) where it was decided to appoint four commissions that were to apply gradually, to economic matters 'l:ll C/. Bene$, Problemy KOTJI EvrofJy, pp. 233, 24o-246 for his lecture, " The Idea of a Czechoslovak State". ua Official Jour-nal, November, 1921, p. ¢o. 'lN Bene$, The Foreig11 Policy of Csecltoslovakia (January 27, 1921), pp. 17-22. a82 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 common to both countries, the principles of the Treaty of Trianon.125 Nothing .could be accomplished until after the situation had quieted down as a result c>f the first attempted coup of Charles. In this crisis, Benes' vigorous action had been motivated in large measure by the suspicion that the Hungarian ejection of Charles had not been sincere. After Charles' first failure, Teleki was succeeded by Bethlen, and Gratz by Banffy. Benes, still optimistic, resumed negotiations with Hungary at Marianske Lazne (Marienbad) late in June, 126 but again nothing resulted beyond a· joint antiHabsburg agreement, because further negotiations were once more postponed by the Burgenland crisis. By the Peace Treaties, Burgenland had been transferred from Hungary to Austria without a plebiscite, a procedure which had been resented by the Hungarians, especially those in Odenburg ( Sopron) .. When the time for the cession arrived, August 29, 1921, the Hungarians, instead of evacuating the area, drove out the Austrians who had come to take possession. To Allied remonstrances, Hungary replied by requesting direct negotiations between Vienna and Budapest, but was informed by the Conference of Ambassadors that an immediate evacuation of the region would be a necessary prerequisite to any agreement with Austria.127 Benes, in response to a Hungarian request for mediation, asked the Conference of Ambassadors, on September 10, for a speedy solution of the cm{troversy,128 and, in interviews with Banffy and Schober, attempted to arrange a compromise whereby Austria would yield a portion of the disputed Ul> Cf. Machray, op. cit., p. I57· 126 Cf. The New York Times, June 26, 1921, or Machray, op. cit., pp. 157-158 for the elaborate agenda that had been planned for this conference. 1M Madhray, 0'/J. cit., p. I6o; Cosma, op. cit., pp. 5o-55; Codresco, op. cit., vol. i, pp. 201-2o8; Mousset, op. cit., pp. 50-53. us Mousset, op. cit., p. 53· RECONSTRUCTION OF CENTRAL EUROPE .183 area. . On September 26, at the Conference of Brno, he reopened negotiations with Hungary for the third tim~. 129 Although Czechoslovak mediation was welcome to Rumania, it was not to Yugoslavia, which feared lest Bene5' suggestion regarding Austria's cession of Odenburg lead to further attempts to modify the Treaty of Trianon.130 Similarly, Czechoslovakia's action aroused the jealousy of Italy, which arranged that Hungary should ask for her mediation in preference to that of Czechoslovakia. Italy's initiative produced results, for the Conference of Ambassadors, which followed its usual questionable policy of considering the small states as Powers with merely limited interests, and of yielding to her as to a Great Power, ratified the Protocol of Venice of October 13 which ordered a plebiscite for Odenburg.m The plebiscite of December 14-15 resulted in 15,334 votes for Hungary, and 8,227 for Austria, whereupon the latter yielded Odenburg.182 Bene5' objections to undue interference in Central Europe on the part of the Great Powers acquired still more force as the consequence of the manner in which the latter handled a similar dispute over Baranya, a region at the confluence of the Danube and Drave Rivers. When Serbia occupied it in 1918, she did.not proceed as in other areas of whose possession she was certain, but appointed merely the chief officials and left the details of local government to the natives. The Treaty of Trianon awarded her merely the southern part, two communes in the region of Darda. At the suggestion of Hungary, the Conference of Ambassadors linked together the two disputes and demanded that Yugoslavia evacuate Baranya before Hungary evacuate Burgenland. ne Cf. Machray, ofJ. cit., p. IS~t uo Mousset, ofJ. cit., pp. 53-SS; Von Werkmann, op. cit., pp. JOO-J06. 111 Official Jownal, August, 1922, annex 377, pp. 907-913. ua Toynbee, op. cit., pp. 304-307· 184 ~OREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1936 Since the note to this effect was addressed to Belgrade, the uproar over the apparent favoring of Hungary was not surprising. Despite public opinion, Yugoslavia obeyed the order.ua Any lack of harmony that might have existed within the Little Entente over the Burgenland and Baranya questions was instantly hushed as a result of the second attempted coup of Charles, who had spent the time since his first venture in Switzerland.134 On October 20, 1921, Charles arrived via aeroplane near Sopron. He attempted to justify his breach of faith to Switzerland, whose neutrality he had violated in spite of specific promises to the contrary, by maintaining that the obligations placed upon him by foreigners were inferior to those of his own country, which, .in its troubled condition, needed his guidance.135 This time the Little Entente was fully prepared for the emergency. On October 22, both Ententes, through their representatives at Budapest, demanded the departure of the ex-King.188 The course of events within Hungary had been too much for Bend, who stated that the return of Charles was a casus belli.187 Bend presented to Hungary five specific demands: (I) strict execution of the territorial and military clauses of the Treaty of Trianon, (2) disarmament, (3) definitive solution of the Habsburg question, (4) indemnity for the costs of Czechoslovak mobilization, and (S) annulment of the Austro-Hungarial'f agreement of Venice regarding Burgenland.ns On October 23 he warned the Great 188 Cf. Mousset, op. cit., pp. 56-.58; Machray, Qp. cit., pp. 159-161; Official Journal, August, 1922, annex 378, pp. 91'5-917. 184 Werkmann, op. cit., pp. 157-184. us Documents, Hapsbourg, no. 35. 136 Ibid., DOS. 3G-J2. 131 Zpr6vy (Poslanecki Snemovna), go meeting, October z6, 1921, pp. 217 et seq., 4 session; Documents, Hapsbourg, no. JZ. us Toynbee, op. cit., p. 293· RECONSTRUCTION OF CENTRAL EUROPE ,185 Powers that the Little Entente would intervene militarily, and alone if necessary.1811 Immediately both Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia issued orders for mobilization, which was begun by the former four days later. It proceeded smoothly, thus demonstrating that the defects in the Czechoslovak military system which had come to light two years earlier during the war with Hungary·over Slovakia had been corrected.uo Compelled to acquiesce in the situation, the Hungarian government captured Charles on the same day,u1 and, on October 26, opened with him negotiations for his renunciation of the throne, a step which he refused to take.uz The Little Entente appealed to the Conference of Ambassadors/" which responded with an ultimatum warning Hungary that she alone would have to bear the full responsibility for the results of any rejection of the demands of the Little Entente.u• This warning was reiterated to Count Banffy on October 26 by Bend, who pointed out that military intervention could be avoided only if Hungary agreed in writing to execute the Treaty of Trianon and deprive the Habsburgs of their rights to her throne.m At the same time Benes requested that the Powers grant the Little Entente representation on the special sub-committee of the Disarmament Commission for H;ungary and that the latter pay at least·a nominal indemnity to cover the costs of mobilization.u6 On 'lat Documents, Ho.psbourg, no. 31· '1.0 Benes, Problem;, nove Evropy, p. 144; The Net~~ York Times, October 29, 1921. Cf. also, The New York Times, November 9, 1921, or Lo. Gasette de Prague, November 12, 1921, for Ma5aryk's order for demobilization, to be completed by the end of the month. 1u Documents, Hapsbourg, nos. 33-34'lostotmich .stycich me3i Rakou.skem, Madarskem, !tali£, Rumunskem, Kralovstvfm Srbu, CharvatU'll 11 Slovincu 11 Ce.skosloveMkem, .sjednan12 and 205-215. '1TS Pasvolsky, o'fJ. cit., p. 276. 179 Ibid., p. 369. :tso Ibid., p. 533. 181 Cf. supra, pp. 79 et seq. 1s11 Toynbee, op. cit., p. 3211; Pasvolsky, op. cit., p. II4. RECONSTRUCTION OF CENTRAL EUROPE .193 adopted a double pQlicy--curtailment of expenditures and attainment of foreign aid. To this latter end, Seipel undertook, late in August, a pilgrimage to Praha. He asked the opinion of Bend upon three points: should Austria appeal to the League, would such an appeal produce results, and, if such an appeal should fail, what would be the attitude of Czechoslovakia regarding an Austrian appeal for the assistance of her immediate neighbors? Bend. replied that he would regard any regional grouping of states to aid Austria as dangerous to the peace of Europe, but that he believed that the League would help Austria effectively, and that, in any event, Czechoslovakia would use all her influence to help bring about such a possibility. Thereupon, Benes informed the other victorious Powers .of his pourparlers with Seipel and requested their aid to help avert an Austrian crisis.188 Benes' cautious reply to Seipel had been motivated in part by a fear of the reaction of Italy. As he had anticipated, Italy became threatening and, while Seipel was conferring in Praha and Berlin, sent a circular warning Germany, Austria and all three members of the Little Entente that a union between Austria and any neighbor would be regarded as a casus belli.1 u At once, Seipel hastened to meet Schanzer, the Italian Foreign Minister, at Verona, in order to disclaim any intention of uniting either with Germany or with the Little Entente, and, at the same time, to deny current rumors that Italy had desired, by means of an economic union, to rule Austria with the Duke of Aosta as viceroy.181 Austria appealed once more to the Powers during the London Conference, August 7-14, 1922, and, on the 15, was 1sa Benes, Problemy Mv~ Evropy, pp. 205-206; c/. also, pp. 205-215 for his expos~ of October 24, 1922, on the Austrian question. For further details c/. Bauer, op. cu., pp. 262-264. 1a. Ntirodm Politika, August 24, 1922. n11 Neue Freie Presse, August 25, 1922; Prager Presse, August 26, 1922. 194 ' FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 referred by the Supreme Council to the Financial Committee of the League. After an investigation, the latter reported that economic reconstruction, as well as financial reform~ would be necessary for a permanent solution of the Austrian problem.186 This report confirmed the contentions of Benes, who, speaking for the Little Entente and Poland, stressed the belief that the political aspects of the question were the most important factors in the reestablishment of general confidence in the future of an independent Austria. To that end, he advocated the formation of a special group of guarantors for Austria, but, to meet the objections of Italy, this group of interested states should operate under the auspices of the League. Benes believed also that such procedure would lessen the rivalry of Italy and the Little Entente in the affairs of Central Europe, and might prevent the recurrence of unfounded rumors on the order of .one then prevalent, namely, that Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia were on the verge of attacking Austria.18 'l" In all these manoeuvres, Benes sought to abate international friction and further international cooperation, for he was aware that his opponents, particularly the Magyars, were seeking to fix the responsibility for a large measure of the distress of Central Europe upon Czechoslovakia's series of international agreements; whereas the contrary was perhaps true: to cite just one instance, the commercial treaty that Czechoslovakia had granted to Austria on May 4, 1921,188 according to Bene8,189 had been far more liberal than the Conference of Portorose had demanded. All Czechoslovakia's economic agreements had been dictated by immediate necessity, but were only tern- 186 0/ficiallourna.l, November, 1922, pp. 1464-1479. 18'1 Bene_s, op. cit., pp. 207-209. 1ss Cf. S'ltpra, p. 176. 189 Benes, op. cit., p. 210. RECONSTRUCTION OF CENTRAL EUROPE 195 porary, and hence were open to revision whenever conditions should become stabilized.190 Benes pleaded that Austria should not be compelled to undertake any reforms that might be impracticable because of her internal situation.191 On October 4, 1922, there were signed at Geneva three protocols for the reconstruction of Austria. ·The first stated that the five signatories-Great Britain, France, Italy, Czechoslovakia and Austriawould respect the political independence and territorial integrity of Austria, would not compromise her sovereignty by requesting any unusual economic or financial privileges, and would submit all disputes to the Council and abide by its decisions; the second stipulated the terms of the loan, the securities that guaranteed it, the powers of the Committee of Control, and the obligations of the creditors; the third specified the obligations of Austria and the powers of the Commissioner-General. The sums that Czechoslovakia had advanced previously were deducted from her share.192 Bend seized the opportunity that presented itself during the joint negotiations over the Austrian protocols to try to clarify relations with Italy. In this connection he made a trip to Venice, where, on October 9, he held with Schanzer a conference at which the effects of the Austrian crisis upon the two countries were discussed. The two statesmen realized the necessity of ending rumors of their political rivalry with one another and with other Allied states, and both desired to maintain the status quo regarding Austria. The conference ended with ari understanding that the reconstrucne Ibid., pp. 209-ZII; Zprbvy (Senat), 120 meeting, June 27, I92Z. pp. 38o et seq., 5 session. 1n Benes, op. cit., pp. 211-212; Toynbee, op. cit., p. 323· n2 Treaty Seriu, vol. xii, pp. 385-411; Monthly Sumnzary, vol. ii, pp. 1-33, supplement, October, 1922; Agreemettt for Guaranteein-g tJ Locm to Austria. 196 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 tion of Austria would be hastened by a rapprochement be-' tween Italy and the Little Entente.n3 In the meantime, the League plans for. the reconstruction of Austria were progressing favorably. On November 14, 1922, the Austrian parliament established a new bank of issue, and, four days later put an end to inflation. On December 12, Dr. Zimmerman, the Burgomaster of Rotterdam, became Commissioner-General, a post he assumed on the 16. By January 23, 1923, Austria had floated successfully in Amsterdam, Brussels, London, Paris, Stockholm and in Switzerland a short-term loan of so,ooo,ooo gold crowns, which was secured by Austrian customs and a tobacco monopoly, and which was expected to cover merely the interim until a long-term loan could be floated. A new twenty-year loan of 65o,ooo,ooo gold crowns was authorized on April 16, 1923, was guaranteed by Great Britain, France, Italy, Belgium, Sweden, Denmark, Holland and Czechoslovakia/94 and was oversubscribed several fold, a financial triumph that indicated widespread faith in the measures that were being taken for the reconstruction of Austria.195 The three protocols ended Austria's four years of currency depreciation and improved her economic position.196 Czecho- 193 Zpravy (Poslanecka Snemovna), 159 meeting, October 24, 1922, pp. 14 et seq., 6 session. 194Great Britain,France and Czechoelovakia each guaranteed twenty-four and a half percent of the loan; Italy, twenty and a half .percent; Belgium and Sweden, two ·percent each; and Denmark and Holland, one percent each. Cf. Winkler, M., "The Investor and League Loans", Foreign Policy Association, vol. iv, supplement 2, p. 116. The writer prefers the figure of 65o,ooo,ooo gold Austrian crowns given in Treat:v Series, vol. xii, Protocol no. 2, rather than the figure of 630,000,000 gold crowns given by Winkler. 'ls5.Monthly Summary, vol. iii, pp. 1-35, supplement, March, 1923; Official Journol, March, 1923, pp. 307-343; April, 1923, pp. 435-466· 1116 Cf. Basch, A. and Dvoracek, J., Austria and Its Economic Eristence (Prague, 1925), pp. 39-40. RECONSTRUCTION OF CENTRAL EUROPE 197 slovakia ratified the loan guarantee on December 21, 1922.197 In his desire to appear entirely impartial, Benes deprecated the infusion of national antipathies into the question. He was particularly insistent that selfish national interests be eliminated. He denied vehemently that he had ever desired to dictate the sending of a comptroller to Vienna or any other interference with Austrian sovereignty, bu~ maintained that the League should have exclusive control over operations and should receive full credit for their success.198 Benes had a well-defined motive behind his apparent· impartiality. The best interests of Czechoslovakia demanded an independent Austria, a state sufficiently strong to maintain its identity apart from the orbit of any Great Power. When foreign assistance for Austria became imperative, the League represented, to Benes, the ideal agency by means of which Austrian reconstruction would be effected, and the fact that the protocol took the form that it did {i. e. an ironclad pledge of Austria's independence) was largely owing to Bene5' own efforts.19 " Early Little Entente Conferences The members of the Little Entente realized that the success enjoyed in 1921 had been the result of cooperation. -Therefore, for 1922, they resolved to make their constructive policy felt even beyond Central Europe; if possible, they hoped to create something more than a mere defensive organization. Not only Central Europe, but the whole Continent was then in the process of reconstruction. The main issues involved -the recognition of Russia, the economic reconstruction of Europe, and the relations between Great Britain and France 191 Monthly Summary, SUJ>plement, March, 1923, p. 36. '1118 BeneS, op. cit., p. 213: cf. also, The Fi~tancial Rec011Structiofl of Austria, Agreement approved by the League of Nations on September J6, 1924'1911 Cf. Kremar, loc. cit., p. 171. 198 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 -were vital to the Little Entente, whose members resolved to hold a series of preliminary conferences in order to arrive at a general understanding and present a united front at the Genoa Conference. Each of the three states viewed the Russian problem in a different light: Rumania, and. Poland as well, had serious disputes with her; whereas both Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia had the Slavophil idea of friendship, although the former would have preferred a Russian republic, and the latter a monarchy.2110 Then, too, the Little Entente hoped to avoid being faced with a choice between Great Britain and France, who showed a wide divergence of views regarding both Russia and Germany.201 The first of the preliminary conferences was held at Bucharest, February 2o-24, 1922, when Pa.Sic and Nincic, Bratiano and Duca, the Premiers and Foreign Ministers of Yugoslavia and Rumania, respectively, took advantage of the betrothal of King Alexander and Princess Marie of Rumania to bind the two states still more closely together. BeneS, who at the time was on a trip to Paris and London to ascertain the viewpoints of these Powers towards the Little Entente/112 was represented by Veverka, the Czechoslovak Minister to Rumania. The chief results of the conference were the solution of the dispute between Rumania and Yugo-. slavia over the boundary in the Banat of Temesvar and an agreement upon a common line of action for Genoa.208 Upon Benes' return from the West, he conferred, at Bratislava on March 2, with Nincic, and approved the results of the Conference of Bucharest. The two partners decided to amplify the program of the Little Entente for the coming 20<1 Codresco, op. cit., vol. ii, pp. I6I-I72. 201 Mousset, op. cit., pp. 76-78; Machray, op. cit., pp. I8g-Igo. 2oz Cf. supra, p. 141. 208 Le Temps, February 28, 1922; Cosma, op. cit., pp. 88-89; Mousset, op. cit., pp. 8o-8z; Codresco, op. cit., vol. i, pp. 239-244- RECONSTRUCTION OF CENTRAL EUROPE ;I99 Genoa Conference. - They were particularly interested in recommending the participation of the League of Nations in the ensuing deliberations, in opposing any discussion regarding the revision of the Peace Treaties, and in reopening commercial and economic relations with Russia, regardless of the question of Russian recognition.204 The final preliminary conference of experts was held at Belgrade, March 9-12. Yugoslavia submitted a memoir that was adopted as the basis for the work of the various Commissions, which, at Genoa, would seek to improve economic conditions by a general reestablishment of international communications and transportation, by financial stabilization and by balancing budgets. Another important point was the decision of the three partners to hold, in the future, regular periodic conferences at which to discuss such new problems as might arise.206 The Conference of Belgrade was of interest also because Poland, who had sent merely an observer to the Conference of Bucharest in February,208 now participated in the deliberations, despite the fact that her representative was stilt, technically, an observer. To avoid isolation, Poland· appeared willing to collaborate with the Little Entente upon questions of common interest, yet seemed to fear too intimate a connection. Poland had many interests foreign to those of the Little Entente. She had no fear of Hungary, but was afraid that both Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia might welcome a Russian hegemony in Central Europe. She was convinced that no solution of the Russian problem would be possible unless her own territory was used as a li04 Codresco, o-p. cit., vol. i, pp. 245-246; Machray, op. cit., pp. 1!)2- 193; Cosma, op. cit., pp. 90-91 ; Mousset. op. cit., pp. 82-83. zoa Mousset, op. cit., pp. 83-85; Cosma, op. cit., pp. 91-93; Machray, op. cit., p. 193; Codresco, op. cit., vol. i, pp. 247-251. zoe C/. Cosma, op. cit_, p. 88. 200 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1936 means of transit whereby Russian isolation would be terminated. In this connection, Poland dreaded lest Germany decide to help Russia as the result of a new " Drang nach Osten" of which she herself might be the first victim. In order to draw to her side the Baltic states, Poland, on March 17, 1922, called the Conference of Warsaw. Finland, Estonia and Latvia sent delegates. The Conference agreed to aid mutual commerce, and to recognize the peace treaties that ended the war with Russia, but all these resolutions proved futile when Poland disavowed her plenipotentiaries. Thereupon, the Baltic states held another Conference at Riga, where, on March 30, they agreed on a common line of action for Genoa.207 At the Genoa Conference, the recognition that the bloc of the Little Entente and Poland received 208 was owing again to their solidarity upon that occasion, a result which blinded many observers to the fact that such close collaboration was temporary. Benes was disappointed because Poland had sent merely an observer to the Conference of Belgrade which she refused to consider as a quadruple affair, for he deemed her relations with the Little Entente sufficiently intimate for a closer connection,:w9 whereas Nincic even spoke of a "Quadruple Entente ".210 However, Poland remained consistent in her attitude, and, from time to time, continued to send observers to some of the Little Entente Conferences, but remained aloof from any closer contacts. For Central Europe, the primary significance of both the Genoa Conference and of the series of preliminary conferences that had 207' Mousset, op. cit., pp. 87-88. 2os Cf. supra, p. 144. 209 Benes, op. cit., p. 290; Five Years of CzechoslO'Uak Foreign PolicJI, pp. 18-19. 210 Mousset, op. cit., pp. 132-133, 'I47-I49; Cosma, op. cit., pp. IS6-I8I (passim) ; The Times, August 23, 1923. RECONSTRUCTION OF CENTRAL EUROPE 201 preceded it was perhaps the fact that the little Powers admitted the possibility of renewing relations with Russia while still adheririg to the French thesis of the inviolability of treaties.211 Since Bucharest and Belgrade had been the sites of the preliminary conferences, it was logical that the first of the regular periodic meetings of the Little Entente be held at Praha. At this Conference, which met on August 25, 1922, there were present Benes, Duca, Pasic and Piltz, the Polish Minister to Praha. The negotiations centered on two topics: the attitude the four states should adopt at the Third League Assembly which was to open on September 4 and the renewal of the Czechoslovak-Yugoslav treaty of alliance. In the discussions of the 27 and 28, there were introduced also the questions of the reconstruction of Austria, the admission of Hungary to the League, the treatment of minorities, the delimitation of the Austro-Hungarian and Austro-Yugoslav frontiers, the danger of having to make a choice between Great Britain and France, and the rumors of a Bavarian Wittelsbach restoration in Germany. After due deliberation, the Conference agreed to endorse Benes' policies regarding Austria and the Western Powers, to proclaim against the Wittelsbach possibility as less favorable than the status quo, and to permit Hungary to enter the League provided that she accept definitely the situation that had been created by the Treaty of Trianon.11112 · On August 3 I, at Marianske Lizne to whose waters Pasic had again resorted for his annual cure, the CzechoslovakYugoslav treaty of alliance was renewed and amplified by a more exact definition of their respective obligations. The mt Mousset, op. cit., p. 88. ltlll Mousset, op. cit., pp. 149-156; Cosma, of>. cit., pp. 101-1o8; Codreseo. op. cit., vol. i, pp. 273-278; Machray, op. cit., pp• .:aoo-201. No published minutes of Little Entente conferences exist. 202 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1936 original treaty of August 14, 1920, was extended again, not for two, but for five years; all the other treaties that each state had negotiated (Czechoslovakia with Rumania, Austria and Poland; Yugoslavia with Rumania and Italy) were approved; a mutual basis was to be found for economic, financial and transportational ~ollaboration; mutual political and diplomatic assistance was to be given in international relations; and consultation was to take place upon all questions that might affect common interests.218 The Praha-Marianske Lazne Conference marked an important phase in the evolution of the Little Entente. It changed the new bloc into a Power that had to be considered in all European questions. Nevertheless, the Little Entente had marked defects : on only limited questions would its action become automatic, and the Czechoslovak-Yugoslav link was far stronger than the other portions of the chain. To Benes, the latter defect appeared less important than the fact that the interests of the three partners coincided; yet, even though he stressed the point that the manner of union was of secondary importance, he did admit that the existing system of fragmentary bilateral treaties could be improved, for instance, by further treaties upon the model of that of Marianske Uzne.214 At the Lausanne Conference, which opened on November 20, 1922, to attempt to settle the affairs of Southeastern Europe, the Little Entente was found in the background. Benes, who did not arrive to confer with his partners until the 28 because of the exigencies of domestic politics,211 ms Documents, alliance, annex 5; Treaty Series, vol. xiii, pp. 231-235. 2u Zpravy (Senat), 195 meeting, March 18, 1924. pp. 58 et seq., 9 sess-ion; 1!}6 meeting, March 19. 1924. pp. 65 et seq., 9 session. 215 On October 7, •1922, Benes resigned the Premiership which he had assumed on September 26, 1921, but retained his portfolio as Minister of Foreign Affairs. His decision was made, not because of any ministerial crisis, but because he could not do justice to both positions. RECONSTRUCTION OF CENTRAL EUROPE 203 was not interested in theGreco-Turk question, with regard to which he left his two colleagues a free hand; his sole interest lay in a rapprochement of Bulgaria and Greece with the Little Entente, perhaps on the order of the Balkan League of 1912. Nevertheless, BeneS remained true to his earlier policy. Out of deference to his colleagues he was willing to consider the inclusion of Greece and Bulgaria within the Little Entente even though he would have preferred merely collaboration with them. The inclusion of Greece within the Little Entente had been the dream of Take Jonescu to the day of his death, June 21, 1922, but could not be consummated in spite of the various dynastic ties among Greece, Rumania and Yugoslavia.218 The treaty of May 19, 1913, which was to last ten years, still bound Greece and Yugoslavia by a military and political alliance, a treaty which Greece desired to renew. Yugoslavia could not forget Greece's interpretation of the document during October, 1915, in Serbia's hour of greatest need. When General Dousmanis arrived in Belgrade in early February, 1922, to negotiate a renewal, he encountered a reserved reception, for, although a signer of the treaty, he had opposed aid to Serbia against the Central Powers. As a result, in spite of Greece's offer of special commercial rights to Yugoslavia via Salonika, the treaty of alliance failed of renewal. Rumania's request for reciprocal economic advantages from Greece, the granting of which might nullify the special advantages of trade via Salonika, was perhaps another factor that led Yugoslavia to reject the advances of Greece.2 n Similarly, a rapprochement with Bulgaria failed to materialize beyond an D18 Elizabeth of Rumania married King George of Greece; Marie of Rumania, King Alexander of Yugoslavia; and Helen of Greece, Carol of Rumania. 211 Yugoslavia denounced the old treaty definitively on November 15, 1924. Cf. The Times, November 20, 1924; Codresco, ofJ. cit., vol. ii, pp. 229-240. 204 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1936 amicable exchange of views, largely because bands of Macedonian comitadjis still continued their raids across both the Greek and Yugoslav frontiers.218 Thus; although the year 1922 had resulted in a strengthening of the Little Entente, the closing months left much uncertainty as to the future : for .even the treaties of October 23, 1922/'119 whereby Yugoslavia and Italy agreed to execute certain disputed details of the earlier Treaty of Rapallo, represented a rapprochement of questionable duration, inasmuch as a few days after their signature a new regime, in the person of Mussolini, seized power in Italy. The Czechoslovak-Rumanian treaty was renewed on May 7, 1923.220 Although this new treaty was to last three years, it had not been strengthened as had been the one between Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia. The second regular annual Conference took place on July 26 at Sinaia, the Rumanian royal summer palace. After an exchange of views, it was decided to do nothing about Russia for the time being, and to exclude both Greece and Bulgaria from active membership. The Conference agreed with Bend that Hungary remained the chief problem of Central Europe and, despite her intransigeance, should be reconstructed after the fashion of Austria. The greatest permanent result of Sinaia was perhaps the strengthening of the bilateral system of treaties on September 14, 1923, by a tripartite military convention which provided for mutual cooperatiOn in the event of a casus foederis, for which the three military staffs were to begin to work out solutions immediately.221 a1s Bulgaria was refused a port on the Aegean Sea, which she requested in accord with Article 48 of the TreatY' of Neuilly. Cf. Mousset, op. cit., .pp. 133-141, 159-162; Cosma, op. cit., pp. 1o8-no; Machray, op. cit., pp. 207-209; Codresco, qp. cit., vol. i, pp. 279-2&2; vol. ii, pp. 151-159· me Treaty Series, vol. xviii, pp. 387-5:23. 220 Ibid., vol xviii, pp. 81-83. 221. Benes, Problemy nove Evrofry, p. :263; Cosma, op. cit., pp. I,Io-ns; RECONSTRUCTION OF CENTRAL EUROPE The Reconstruction of Hungary Bend felt that assistance to Hungary would be the last step that would be required for the reconstruction of the small states of Central Europe. Although willing to rehabilitate Hungary after the fashion of Austria, he believed that additional safeguards would be required. While willing that Hungary's national revenues should be released from the terms of the Treaty of Trianon as collateral for a new loan, Bend desired to assure himself that the new funds would not be devoted to either military or propaganda purposes: to that end, he suggested that the Little Entente safeguard itself through a commission of control. · Since his own direct negotiations with Hungary during 1922 had produced only a commercial treaty of November 22,222 which neither country had ratified, he believed that the problem of Hungary should be submitted to the League which had functioned so well in the case of Austria.228 · Even though the condition of Hungary was by no means as desperate as that of Austria had been, her rapidly depreciating currency, unbalanced budgets, unemployment and general economic distress were sufficiently marked to render improbable any great improvement solely through her own unaided efforts. In fact, Himgary confessed her inability to save herself on April 22, 1923, on which date she requested that the Reparations Commission release, as security for a new loan, the national resources that had been impounded by Machray, op. cit., pp. 220-2211; Toynbee, op. cit., p. 302; Codresco, 0/1. crt., vol. i, pp. 291-294; Le Temps, July 27, 30, 31, August 2 and 12, 1923; The Cenlral European Obsen:er, July 28 and August 4. I!)ZJ. The treaty of May 7 renewed for three years both the Czechoslovak-Rumanian defensive alliance of April 3, 1921, and the military accord of July 2, 1921. Similarly, on July 7, 1923, the Rumanian-Yugoslav military convention of June 7, I!)ZI, was renewed fOI" three years. Ha Prager Presse, November 23, 1922. 22a Benes, Five Years of Czechoslovak Foreign Policy, pp. 16-17. 200 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1!!35 Article 180 of the Treaty of Trianon. The Little Entente, which held considerable Reparations Claims against Hungary, agreed not to oppose this measure, 'provided that none of the new fund was" misapplied", that it be granted" mostfavored-nation treatment " by Hungary in Reparations, that Hungary give guarantees of her good faith, that she disarm definitely and agree to a protocol on the Austrian model224 Before the question of Hungarian reconstruction had made much progress, Hungary and Czechoslovakia became involved in a boundary dispute over Salgo-Tarjan, a region valuable for its coal deposits and stone quarries. The two communes involved, Samosko and Samosujfalu, which contained 20.5 square miles and a predominantly Magyar population of about I ,900, were claimed by both states : by Hungary, for economic and ethnic reasons, and by Czechoslovakia upon a legal technicality, namely, because the Treaty of Trianon had authorized frontier rectifications only by unanimous consent of the members of the Delimitation Commission, which, in the instance of Salgo-Tarjan, had been deadlocked three 'to three until the chairman had voted in favor of Hungary. After both states had agreed to accept arbitration, the dispute was submitted to the League Council, which, on February 15, 1923, drew a new frontier. Hungary was awarded both communes proper, whereas Czechoslovakia received the coal mines, most of the stone quarries, and an unasked-for slice of northern Hungary. The compromise was regarded with mixed feelings by Hungary, which had gained a part of the disputed area only at the cost of other territory which had been hers indisputably.226 224 Offici'al Journal, February, 1924, pp. 413-414; J.fonthl:y Summary, May, 1923, suJ>plement, pp. 1-59. 2as Mont>hly Summary, January, 1923, p. 14; February, 1923, pp. 2'!-22; March, 1923, p. 6o; April, 1923, p. 88; Official Journtember 12; the French reply of August 24. The Times, T.he New York Times, August 27, Le Temps, August 28, L'Europe nouvelle, Sel)tember 12; the German reply of August 27, The Times, The New York Times, August 29, Le Temps, August 30, L'Europe nouvelle, September u; Briand-Chamberlain pourparlers, The New York Times, August 13; London meeting of experts, The Times, September I, 2, S and 7; French invitation to a conference, Le Temps, September 18; German acceptance, The Times, September 25; German note of September 26, Le Temps, September 30; British note of September 29, The Times, The New York Times, September 30, Le Temps, October x; the French note of September 29, Le Temps, October 1. 234 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1936 promise on Article 16 of the Covenant, were to be stipulated in the Rhine pact in a manner more agreeable to Germany.98 On October 16, 1925, the Locarno Protocolwas initialed: 114 (I) The Rhine Guaranty Pact, among Germany, France, Great Britain, Italy and Belgium; 96 (2) Four Arbitration Treaties between Germany and Belgium,96 France,97 Poland,98 and Czechoslovakia; 99 and (3) French treaties of guaranty with Poland 100 and Czechoslovakia.101 By the terms of the Germane-Czechoslovak Arbitration Treaty, for which negotiations had begun as early as Sep- 93 Disarmed Germany sought to safeguard herself from becoming a battle-field in the event of the League taking action against some other state. Similarly, she tried to avert the possibility of French troops using her territory as a means of transit to aid Poland in case of a war with the U.S.S.R. Cf. Langsam, W. C., The World since I9I4 (3 ed., New York, 1936), p. 482, note. M Documents signls ou pa.raphes a Locarno le I6 octobre, I925, prece&es de si~ pieces relatives au~ nigociations preliminaires (Republique Franc;aise, Minisb~re des Affaires 1i:trangeres) ; Monthly Sumtnar'Y, vol. v, ·pp. I-24. supplement, December, 1925; Final Protocol of the Locarna Conference (London, His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1925); Final Protocol of the Locarno Canference, I9Z5, and treaties between France and Poland and France and Czechoslovakia (New York, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace). 95 The signatories "collectively and severally " guaranteed the territorial and military status qzro in the Rhineland as determined by the Treaty of Versailles. They also agreed to settle all questions peaceably and not to resort to war against each other except in a few clearly-defined possibilities where such action would meet with th~ approval of the League of Nations. Cf. Trea.t',9 Series, vol. liv, pp. 289-301. 96 Ibid., vol. liv, pp. 303-313. 97 Ibid., vol. liv, pp. 315-325. 9B Ibid., vol. liv, pp. 327-339- 99 Ibid., vol. liv, pp. 341-351. 1.00 Ibid., vol. liv, pp. 353-357. 1.01 Ibid., vol. liv, pp. 359-363. THE SEARCH FOR SECURITY, 1924-1926 235 tember 2I, I925/02 the way was prepared for a policy of conciliation before recourse was to be had to judiciary procedure, should the two states so desire. Questions of the first category (juridical) were obliged to be submitted to an especially created Permanent Conciliation Commission of five members, of which each state would appoint one and consult regarding the other three, who were to be from three different states. If the two parties .could not agree upon this agency~ the question might be submitted to the Permanent Court of International Justice or to a special arbitral tribunal, under the Hague Convention. For questions of the second category (political), negotiations of conciliation were also obligatory. By Article I7, such questions devolved upon the Permanent Conciliation Commission. If not settled within one month after the completion of the work of this Commission, they would be presented for solution to the League Council according to Article IS of the Covenant. However, these two methods of conciliation and judgment were not applicable: (I) To questions provided for by other Agreements (i.e. minorities, etc., which were already provided for by ·the League). (2) To questions which originated from events which antedated the present Treaty and which were covered by the Covenant ( i. e. old disputes could not be revived). (3) To questions in which the subject of dispute, after internal ·legislation in one country, was released from the jurisdiction of its national tribunals, so that the competent juridical authority had not rendered a decision upon it. Article I9 of the Arbitration Treaties conferred upon the . agencies mentioned (Arbitral Tribunal, League Council and Commission of Conciliation) the right to take provisional 1oa The Times, September 22, 1925. 236 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 measures to. hinder any modification of the status quo. Much importance was attached to this point. Parties in a dispute were offered substitutes for hasty procedure which ordinarily made matters worse. The fact that old disputes alone were excluded from peaceful settlement gave some assurance that the disputants would not resort to. war. Nevertheless, as Benes has pointed out, it should be noted ~t, for one frontier, Germany had concluded a guaranty pact, and, for the others, merely arbitration treaties. This action .was due to the fact that, except for France, no Great Power was willing to assume the guarantee of any except the western frontier.103 Also, according to Benes' interpretation, by Article 21 of the Germano-Czechoslovak Arbitration Treaty, each state retained the rights and privileges of a Member of the League, a provision which supplemented Article 10 of the Covenant, whereby each had agreed to respect the political independence and territorial integrity of the other. In the event of war, Czechoslovakia would invoke against Germany Articles 15 (paragraph 7) and 16 of the Covenant.104 France's reciprocal guarantees with Poland and Czechoslovakia were motivated also by the desire to approach as closely as possible the Rhine Guaranty Pact in the matter of the German frontiers to the East. In the case of Czechoslovakia, the new treaty was designed to revise and supplement the Franco-Czechoslovak Treaty of Alliance and the new Arbitration Treaties. Benes ~sumed that if a dispute would come up between Czechoslovakia and Germany, in which Czechoslovakia accepted the arbitral decision but Germany did not and began hostilities, or if the League 1os BeneS, Les Accords de Locart110 (expose of October 30, 1925), pp. xs-x6. 104 Ibid., p. x6. These parts of the Covenant specified the sanctions that League members were to apply against any aggressor. THE SEARCH FOR SECURITY, 1921,-1928 237 Council could not decide unanimously a question submitted to it for settlement, war would be permissible. Bend felt that both possibilities were met by Article I of the Czechoslovak Guaranty Treaty with France, wherein each party became the sole judge of whether a casus foederis had arisen. Since by Article 2 of the Rhine Guaranty Pact, the passage of the Rhine was permitted in certain specially cited cases only (thereby rendering more difficult the extension of French aid-to Poland and Czechoslovakia) -and since those cases were the only ones, after the signing of the Treaty of Locarno, in which Czechoslovakia would be in any danger of war, his inference was that the Guaranty Treaty with France was intended only for such special cases.105 In the estimation of Benes, the acts of Locamo constituted an indivisible whole, materially as well as juridically; they were based on the same ideas and pursued the same ends. All entered into effect at the same time, and were to end simultaneously under the same conditions (Articles 8 and 10 of the Rhine Guaranty Pact, Article 22 of the GermanoCzechoslovak Arbitration Treaty and Article 4 of the Czechoslovak Guaranty Treaty with France). Becoming valid when Germany entered the League, they were not limited as to duration, but might be abrogated one year after the League Council, by a two-thirds vote, would decide that the League assured -the contracting parties sufficient guarantees. They could not be denounced by any one of the contracting parties.108 Of greater significance than the mere terms of the pact was the spirit evinced at Locarno--a cooperative feeling that all must unite to safeguard the peace of Western Europe. Its importance lay in the fact that the basic principles of the Geneva Protocol were applied successfully in the Rhineland lOS Ibid., pp. tS-20. 1oa Ibid., pp. zt-22. 238 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1936 area to allay .whatever future danger might develop from resentment in Germany over the Treaty of Versailles, which had deprived her of approximately twelve per cent of her European territory and which had left her with unsatisfactory frontiers. The victor states realized that German military impotence was temporary, and sought to ensure themselves against a renewal of German strength. To this end, Locarno seemed a favorable adjustment. To Germany it signified that, rather than continue to consider her a permanent outcast, tile Allies welcomed her again within the Concert of Europe; she would enter the League, and, as a token of recognition as a Great Power, would receive a permanent seat on the Council. France would attain her long-sought-for security, but in a manner which promised to promote a rapprochement with Germany rather than perpetuate a coalit tion against her. Locarno embodied the British principltof seeking to ensure Franco-German peace without assum..: ing dangerous commitments, such as an anti-German alliance or a guarantee of the frontiers of the small Allied states of Central and Eastern Europe, whereas it still afforded ade_: quate security for Poland and Czechoslovakia. Despite the obvious fact that such an agreement did not mean necessarily the end of war, it was indubitably a step of great moral significance. As such, it was one happy result of the long search for security, in that it greatly enhanced both the prestige and the power of the League by arranging for the future admission of Germany, and by providing for the extension of some of the League's major principles to one of the most dangerous threats to the peace and security of the whole Continent.101 lOT Cf. ibid., pp. 22-28; also, Fenwick, C. G., "The Legal Significance of the Locarno Agreements", The American Journal of International Law, vol. xx, pp. Io8-III, 1926; Krcmar, J., "Pfispevky k vjkladu o oceneni locarnskjch smluv ", Zahraniln£ Politika, vol. iv, pp. 1334-1355· THE SEARCH FOR SECURITY, 1924-1f}g(J 241 Security to the East Although the Locarno agreements and membership in the Little Entente provided apparently an adequate guarantee for the immediate safety of Czechoslovakia, Benes did not remain content, but attempted to maintain a parallel line of negotiations regarding security to the East. Ever an optimist with regard to the future of relations with Moscow, Bend welcomed the suggestion of the Soviet representative at Praha, in October, 1924, for a newer and more satisfactory Soviet-Czechoslovak commercial treaty. This initial sounding produced no immediate results, for the question of commercial relations between the two countries soon became subordinated to that of de jure recognition.116 Approximately two months later Benes, in the Congress of the Czechoslovak Social Democratic Party, stated his belief that the time had arrived for according the U.S.S.R. de jure recognition.m This announcement aroused immediate protests from army circles, from the Agrarian Party, and from Kramar, who staged with Benes a heated debate before the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Chamber of Deputies. Benes attempted to · defend his stand by stating his belief that the Soviet government was not supporting the propaganda of the Third International. He pointed out that the establishment of diplomatic " normalcy " would not only be opportune, but would prove to be no hindrance .in counteracting domestic co'mmunist propaganda.118 In spite of this plea, a majority still continued to oppose immediate recognition, a fact which went far in explaining Benes' later cautious Soviet policy.118 us Toynhee, op. cit., 1924. p. 259. 1.11 Prager Presse, December 16, 1924n&[bw., N arodm Listy and Narotln£ Politika, December 15-21, 1924'119 For full details of the political situation within Czechoslovakia and its influence upon foreign policy, cf. Chmelar, J., Political Parties in Csechoslovakia (Prague, 1926). For Kramar vs. communism, cf. Zpravy 242 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 Undeterred by his failure to arrive at a better understanding with the Soviet Union, Bend continued his search for security to the East by persevering in his hitherto unsuccessful attempts to effect a rapprochement with PoJand. As has already been narrated,120 the numerous interests that Czechoslovakia and Poland had in common had been overshadowed · by their disputes over boundaries and their divergent policies regarding the Soviet Union. As a result, in spite of the common tie of mutual treaties with France, the cooperation between Poland on the one hand, and Czechoslovakia and the Little Entente as a whole on the other, had been spasmodic and uncertain. It remained for the year 1924 to furnish renewed indications' of a bettering of relations.121 The last boundary dispute, that of Javorina, was finally decided on May 6 by a conference at Cracow, which also drew up a protocol permitting freedom of movement for the local population, for tourists and for foodstuffs.122 In October, at Geneva, the two Foreign Ministers, Benes and Skrzynski, prepared a comprehensive program for a general understanding upon all questions in dispute,123 as a result of which direct negotiations for a new commercial treaty were inaugurated in Warsaw during November.124 Prior to the German proposals of February 9, 1925, which resulted ultimately in the Locarno agreements, Poland had apparently underestimated the dangers to which she might be exposed at the hands of a revived Germany, which would, , (Poslanecka Snemovna), 5 meeting, December 19,. 1925, pp. t36-I42. I session.. 120 C/. supra, pp. 148 et seq. 121 C/. Gazeta W arszawska article o£ March 17, 1924, denouncing "those who desired to continue Czechoslovak-Polish friction". 1 32 Treaty Series, vol. xlviii, pp. 397-423. us Le Temps, October 17, 1924. 1JM Ibid., November 27, 1924· THE SEARCH FOR SECURITY, 1924-1926 243 in all probability, seek to abolish the Corridor and regain her lost areas in Upper Silesia and in Posen. Poland's unfortunate position between the two millstones, Germany and the Soviet Union, combined with her own land-hunger which had antagonized both, had placed her in a quandary. In view of her relatively greater feeling of hostility towards the U.S.S.R., she had hitherto stressed the differences rather than the similarities between her own foreign poljcy and that of Czechoslovakia. To Poland, both Moscow and Berlin represented menaces of the first magnitude, wh~reas to Czechoslovakia, Germany alone was a threat, but one which represented a danger that was much less imminent. On the other hand, Czechoslovakia's fears regarding Hungary were of no concern to Poland, which had been traditionally on good terms with the Magyars. Before 1925, Poland had felt secure in her French and Rumanian alliances, and had even attempted to play the Soviets and Germany against one another to her own advantage. However, the Locarno negotiations opened the eyes of Poland to a new possibility: what if the Soviets offered France an alliance? Might not France prefer the stronger ally and leave Poland isolated? Would not ordinary prudence dictate closer ties with both France and Czechoslovakia, and indicate an inclusion in the Locarno agreements of some further guarantee of Germany's eastern frontiers in order to counteract any changes in France's eastern treaty obligations which might develop from a \Vestern European Security Pact? 126 As a result, the Polish negotiations for a rapprochement with Czechoslovakia received a fresh impetus, and a special conference for railway problems was arranged.126 The satisfactory progress that was being made in the negotiations with Poland was announced to the Senate Foreign ns Cf. D'Abernon, op. cit., vol. iii, p. 45. U6 Le Temps, March 2, 1925· 244 FOREIra, pp. 91 et st'q. 250 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 pastoral letter which banned membership in anti-church organizations, a decree which was interprett;d to .include even the quintumvirate 25 which then maintained in power the Svehla government.26 Masaryk delivered on New Year's Day, 1925, an address in which he stated his belief that the proposed separation of Church and State was not an indication of anti-clerical tendencies, but would result in an intensified spiritual life.21 However, ardent Catholics remained unconvinced of the advisability of a separation. The actual severance of diplomatic relations between Czechoslovakia and the Vatican resulted from the events of July 6, 1925. July 6, the anniversary of Hus' martyrdom at Constance, had recently been selected by the Czechoslovak parliament, without any marked political opposition, as one of the new national holidays that were to replace several old religious ones. This particular date had long been popular, for most of the Czechoslovaks, regardless of religious denomination, revered the memory of John Hus as an early anti-German patriot, and as one of the creators of the national language. Benes was greatly surprised when the Papal Nuncio to Praha, Monsignor Marmaggi, informed him that the presence of the high officials of the Czechoslovak government at the festivities of July 6 would be interpreted as an intentional offense to the Holy See.28 In spite of this protest, July 6; 1925, was observed throughout the Republic with great enthusiasm. In Praha, where the Hussite flag was flown over the presidential palace, the government was represented officially by the President, the Prime Minister and other cabinet members. To Catholic protests, the government answered in a conciliatory 35 Cf. supra, p. 74· liS Narodn£ Politika, December 26, I924 27 Ibid., January 2, I925· 118 Ibid., Narodni Listy, July 3, 1925. EFFORTS TO MAINTAIN NEW STATUS QUO 251 manner that no offense had been intended, but that the whole affair had been a purely national demonstration. It was also pointed out that its intention to participate in 1928 in the celebration of the millennia! anniversary of St. Vaclav (Wenceslaus), the Catholic patron saint of Bohemia, should prove a sufficient indication of impartiality and of an absence Qf anti-Catholic tendencies.29 · Regardless of all explanations, Marmaggi informed BeneS .on July 6 that he was leaving Praha the next day in response to an order to that effect. Czechoslovakia felt compelled to recall its representative at the Vatican.S0 The break with Rome profoundly affected the political situation within Czechoslovakia. The religious radicals, with the Socialists in the van, held several meetings whose Qbject was to demand the abolition of the Legation at the Vatican and the immediate separation of Church and State. After the National Socialists staged a violent interpellation in parliament,81 even the quintumvirate, hitherto almost allpowerful politically, became concerned whether it could maintain its bloc. The government, on July 19, published an -official communique, which, while attempting to remain conciliatory, pointed out that any interference on the part of the Vatican with ·the internal affairs of Czechoslovakia would be inadmissible. The government denied all responsibility for the recent rupture of relations and announced that its future policy would be the maintenance of a " correct" attitude religiously. The differences between the Vatican and Czechoslovakia centered in five grievances: (I) Negotiations for a Concordat made no progress; (2) the new ad4 ministrative methods sought to destroy lo~l autonomy; (3) the policy of agrarian reform was breaking up Church proplli Narodnl Listy, July 6, 1925. ao Ibid., July 6, 1925; Prager Presse, July 6, 7 and 9, 1925. a1 Tisky (Senat), no. 22II, July 8, 1925, II session. 252 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 erties; (4) the law for national holidays disregarded wellestablished Catholic anniversaries; and ( 5) the, Nationalists and Socialists sought to control education.82 Even the Clerical cabinet ministers, who were personally opposed to the religious policy of the government, acquiesced, lest their withdrawal enable the radical Liberal, Soc-: ialist and Agrarian parties to enact their anti-Clerical program.33 To avert an immediate crisis, parliament adjourned until September. Fresh fuel was added to the flames when the government, on August 12, proclaimed formally that Marianske Lazne, famous as a spa, would henceforth be state property. The land in question had been owned by the Tepl Abbey, whose abbot, Dr. Helmer, was a prominent German nationalist; hence the action was conceived as a joint attack upon both German nationalists and supporters of the Papacy.34 Despite the contention of the Czechoslovak government that the whole religious controversy was strictly an internal affair of the Republic, the pope, on September 23, 1925, issued a communique stating that he could not concede to the government of a state whose population was two-thirds Catholic a reservation of the right to bffend the Holy See indefinitely.35 The dispute led to the calling of new elections, although, normally, the Chamber of Deputies would have continued into 1926, and the Senate for another two years and a hal£.88 Tile ensuing elections of November 15 and 22 were generally favorable to the quin- 32 Ibid., no. 2212, September 14, 1925, II session, points out that the text of the communique was issued to all Praha newspapers on July 19 and that these are to be regarded as official sources. The communique is also reprinted in Bernus, P., "Le Gouvernement tcheque et le Vatican", Le Journal des &ebats, vol. xxxii, pt. 2, pp. I3o-I3I. 88 Narodn£ Listy, July I9, I925· 34 Prager Presse, August I2, 1925. 35 Narodm Politika, September 24. 1925. B8 Cf. The New York Times, October IS, 1925. EFFORTS TO MAINTAIN NEW STATUS QUO 253 tumvirate, even though the latter's majority in the Chamber was decreased. The coalition included Agrarians, Social Democrats, National Socialists, National Democrats and Clericals. Before the elections, this bloc had mustered I 73 votes against 121 in the opposition; after the election, the totals were 159 and 141. Because of the scanty majority, Premier Svehla offered his resignation, which President Masaryk refused to accept.81 For a period of over two years after the rupture of relations, no rapprochement was reached despite gestures of friendship from both sides. In 1927, the government showed its goodwill by abstaining from any official participation in the festivities of July 6, an attitude greatly appreciated by the Church, which, in turn, returned the compliment by recognizing the celebration of Hus' anniversary as a national holiday, non-provocative in itself, and as an event at which the attendance of the ministry was understood.S8 The Clericals, particularly the followers of Father Hlinka, refused to believe that Benes, a religious liberal, really desired to reestablish friendly relations, and sought to place upon him the responsibility for the failure to reach any under- standing.811 In attempting to discredit such allegations, Bend informed the Parliamentary Committee for Foreign Affairs that the Czechoslovak Government iJS anxioU'.S to avoid useless social conflicts and desires a solution of the problem of relations with the Vatican that will be acceptable to all parties. There can be no complete separation of Church and State in Czechoslovakia, but neither can there be a permanent, indisputable Concordat. af N6.rodnt Politika, November 16 and 23, 1925· 88 Svomost, September 10, 1927. 811 For interpellation, c/. Tisky (Poslaneclai Snemovna), no. 776, v, December IS, 1926, 4 session. 254 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1936 A ·satisfactory outcome of the present negotiations is expected shortly.40 On December 20, 1927, Pope Pius met Dr. Krofta, the Czechoslovak plenipotentiary sent specially to the Vatican, in a private audience, and, later in the day, Dr. Krofta and Cardinal Gasparri, the Papal Secretary of State, agreed upon the exact terms of a compromise. While Dr. Krofta was on his return to Praha to present the new agreement for ratification, Monsignor Marmaggi began his preparations to resume his duties as Nuncio at Praha in January, 1928.41 in order to come to an agreement, the Vatican had decided to change its existing policy regarding Czechoslovakia-to abandon attempts for a Concordat and to establish instead a modus vivendi. The text, which was not made public unti] after an exchange of notes, was ratified by Czechoslovakia on January 20, 1928,42 and by the Pope on February 2, 1928.n A day earlier, before the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Senate, Benes made clear the seven points that formed the basis of the agreement: (I) No Czechoslovak diocese had any authority beyond its boundaries, and no foreign diocese was to have any influence in Czechoslovakia_ A mixed committee would draw anew the boundaries of each diocese. (2) State control of Church lands, inaugurated during the land reforms, was to end, and the Church authorities were to resume control over unexpropriated Church holdings. (3) Monasteries and orders having cloisters in Czechoslovakia could have no seats outside of Czechoslovakia. 4& Zpro:uy (Poslaneck:i. Snemovna), 102 meeting, October 25, 1927, p. 14. 5 session. 41 Prager Presse, Svonwst, December 21, 1927. o Prdvo Lidu, January 21, 1928; Svonwst, January 25, 1928. 43 Svonwst, February 3, 1928. EFFORTS TO MAINTAIN NEW STATUS QUO 255 (4) :Bishops had to be citizens of Czechoslovakia and could be installed only with the consent of the Czechoslovak government. The government could refuse to endorse any high Church official connected with irredentist or separatist movements against Czechoslovakia. (5) Church officials must take an.oath of allegiance to Czechoslovakia. (6) The Czechoslovak government guaranteed freedom of public worship to all religious creeds. (7) The Czechoslovak government would pay the salaries of the Catholic Clergy, just as it was paying the ministers of other religious denominations recognized by the state.44 Delicate indeed had been the problem of the appointment of bishops. Czechoslovakia had acquired large areas, formerly Hungarian, which were still under the religious control of bishops residing in Hungary. The government desired that the religious and political boundaries coincide, particularly since the major portions of several Hungarian dioceses were now within the boundaries of Slovakia. The strength of Magyar influence in Slovakia explained also Czechoslovakia's insistence on the fourth point in the modus vivendi.411 On the other hand, the Church desired primarily to regain control of the holdings lost by Czechoslovakia's policy of 44 Narodnt List:v, Prager Presse, February I, 1928; Svomost, February 2 and I7, 1928; L'Europe nouvelle, February 18, 1928; Anon., "Modus vivendi mezi Ceskoslovenskem a Vatikanem ", Zahranicm Politika, vol. vii, pp. 97-98 (Beneii to Gasparri, text of Czechoslovak note of January 29, I928); Benes, E., "Expose Ministra Dra. Edvarda Benese o modu vivendi mezi Ceskoslovenskem a Vatikanem ", Za.hraniCm Politika, vol. vii, pp. 2oo-203 (text of Benes' speech of February I, 1928). Tisky (Postanecka Snemovna), nos. 1465 and 1467, February 6, 1928, S session, point out that the text of the modus vivendi was given by the government on January JI, 1928, to all Praha newspapers, which are to be regarded as official sources. u Svornost, April 23, 1928; Narodni Listy, April 4, 1928. 256 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1995 land reform. Here was a substantial grievance, whereas the concessions granted to Czechoslovakia were all theoretical, involving prerogatives that had already been lost. This fact was seized upon by the religious radicals, who accused the Church of materialistic and mercenary motives, of having given up all the principles for which it had long stood in order to regain its lands. In spite of the cordiality with which the modus vivendi was received by the Czechoslovaks, the radical minority still persisted in its agitation against the Church."'6 The modus vivendi had been made possible only by the moderation and conciliatory attitude displayed by both parties. Czechoslovakia, although firmly determined to retain July 6 as a national holiday, still tried to eliminate such aspects of the ceremony as might be considered deliberately provocative by the Catholic Church. With such friendship evinced by both sides, there was no need for a definite stipulation in the modus vivendi on the question of national holidays. As another gesture of friendship towards Czechoslovakia, Monsignor Marmaggi was succeeded as Nuncio to Praha by Monsignor Ciriaci, who was persona gratissima to the Republic because of his long negotiations, from September to December, 1927, with Dr. Krofta."'1 The rapprochement between the Vatican and Czechoslqyakia was confirmed by the decoration of President Masaryk, on September 28, 1929, with the grand cross of the Papal order of the Holy Sepulcher, a distinction granted hitherto only to a few reignu As typical samples, c/. Pr{wo Lidu, January 9, 1929. and Svornost, January 26, 1929, for articles purporting to show the great disappointment of the Vatican at the fact that Czechoslovakia had attained independen<:e; or Prager Presse, January 26, 1930. and Svornost, March 13, 1929, and February 15, 1930, for charges of unwarrantable dabbling of the Church in the internal affairs of Czechoslovakia. 47 Svornost, February 20, 1928. EFFORTS TO MAINTAIN NEW STATUS QUO 257. ing sovereigns." It appeared as if Bend' explanation of the modus vivendi, as a victory for neither side but as a thoroughly satisfactory agreement which promised a permanent religious settlement, would be justified.49 Fascism As the middle 192o's wore on, Bolshevis~ became less of a menace, because of better relations with the U.S.S.R. and because of reviving domestic prosperity. By 1926, Fascism also raised its head. The leader of the Czechoslovak Fascisti was Radula Gajda, the hero of the Siberian campaign 110 and now Chief-of-Staff of the Czechoslovak army. Immediately before the opening of the great Sokol Congress at Praha, he received a compulsory leave of absence {September I, 1926)u owing to rumors that he was contemplating an imitation of Mussolini's "march on Rome" with the aid of the Sokol athletes:52 Well-informed men pointed out that the Sokols were a unit for the Republic and that Gajda could have no reasonable hope of success, but the government refused to assume any unnecessary risk. Gajda was punished ••Ibid., October 12 and 24, 1929; Berliner Tageblatt, Ndrodn£ Lirty, September 28, 1929; cf. also, Narodni Listy, May 18, 1929, or Swrnost, June 4. 1929, for President Masaryk's viewpoint on the celebration of the anniversary of St. Vaclav and on Catholicism in general. 441 Benes, Boj o m£r (speech of February 2, 1gz8), pp. 388-396. 50 Cf. supra, pi). I 18 et seq. 111 Republika Ceskoslovensk3., Ministerstvo Narodnl Obrany, Osobnl Vestnik, vol. ix, p. :233. n The famous Sokol (falcon) Gymnastic society, founded in 1862, had cleverly utilized the externals of physical drill as a cloak to cover a well-planned democratic and nationalistic program. Austria was slow to realize its menace, not trying to suppress it until during the winter of 1915, at which time the Sokols had 953 branches and I 10,000 members in Austria alone, as well as other units in all parts of the world where there existed large Czech settlements. Cf. Fisher, L. K.. "What the Sokols Stand for", The Bohemian Rrview, vol. i, pp. 1-4; Temperley, op. cit., vot. iii, p. 251; Mercier, op. cit., p. s8. 258; FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 by degradation in rank to that of a private in the reserves. He was allowed three-fourths of his pension because of physical disability and because the government' did not wish to make him a martyr. This sentence, passed by the Supreme Disciplinary Commission of the Ministry of National Defense, was approved by the Senate on October 26, 1926, after a spirited interpellation.53 Gajda's drastic punishment seemed to deprive the Fascisti of any strength they might have possessed. In general, Czechoslovak public opinion welcomed the verdict, which made the cause of the Fascists appear ridiculous. Both Masaryk and Benes considered the movement within Czechoslovakia a comic opera gesture}14 Minority Reconciliations The German minority within the Republic, which had hitherto refused to cooperate politically with the Czechoslovaks, became reconciled and apparently surrendered any immediate hopes for a union with Germany. On October 12, 1926, the two most prominent German parties, the German Agrarian and the Christian Social, entered the Svehla Cabinet. Their leaders, Spina and Mayr:-Harting, received, respectively, the portfolios of Public Works and of Justice.56 This event markedthe acceptance of the post-Locarno status quo by the German minority.68 Similarly, the consolidation of the state was again furthered on January 15;- 1927, when the Slovak Popular (Catholic) party, led by Father Hlinka, also joined the Svehla coalition by accepting two posts in the Cabinet : Tiso, the portfolio of Public Health; and Gazik, that of the r.szprtw:v (Senat), 46 meeting, October 26, 1!)26, pp. 252-262, 3 session. H The New York Times, February 12, 1928. It might be noted also that the two chief Fascist demands were an anti-Jewish governmental policy and a new constitution with a stronger executive. 55 Prager Presse, October 12, 1926. lie cj. Borovicka, op. cit., p. 123. EFFORTS TO MAINTAIN NEW STATUS QUO 259 Unification of Laws:,.., By this move, the Magyar irredentists were dealt a severe blow. These successive reconciliations of the Germans and discontented Slovaks with the Czechs presented one of the best guarantees for the permanence of the state.58 Better Relations with the Soviet .Union One of the chief disappointments that Benes was destined to encounter in his desire to safeguard the new status quo was the lack of fulfillment of his optimistic prediction 69 that an Eastern Locamo with the Soviet Union would follow the conclusion of the agreement with the Western Powers. In fact, Locarno and its sequel, the rapprochement between Czechoslovakia and the U.S.S.R's enemy, Poland, rendered more remote the possibility of a Czechoslovak-Soviet rapprochement. Regardless of the reaction of Moscow to such actions on the part of Czechoslovakia, Benes had never intended them as evidences of hostility to her, but merely as necessary moves in the solution of the problem of security. He went so far as to admit that his hands were tied, that his delay in recognizing the Soviets had been forced by repeated protests from high Czechoslovak military authorities." Despite such pressure, Bend again advocated publicly the recognition of the U.S.S.R. on May I, 1926.81 At Little liT lbitl;, pp. 124-125; Prager Presse, January IS, I!)27. M Cf. Mirkine-Guetzevich, B., and Tibal. A., La Tchecoslovaquie (Paris, 1929), pp. 49-50. One of the best pleas for a greater degree of cooperation between the Czechoslovaks and the German minority is contained in the book by E. Radl, Der Kampf zwischen, Tschechen tmd De.mchen (Reichenberg, 11)28). For Czech and Slovak reconciliation, c}. Seton-Watson, R. W., Slovakia, TheK an& Now (London, 1931). ~>9 Cf. supra, p. 239. "Cf. ZPr{wy (Senat), 8 meeting, February 23, 1926, pp. 155-156. 1 session, for the Senate's statement of political reasons for its refusal to recognize the U. S. S. R. de jure. &1 The NeuJ York Times, May I, 192(). 260 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 Entente Conferences, particularly at Jachymov (Joachimsthal), he risked antagonizing Rumania by his insistence that each member retain freedom of action concerning the Soviet Union, and by his repeated refusals to participate in any hostile gesture against her, a policy that was supported generally by Yugoslavia also.82 Yet, it is doubtful if even diplomatic consideration for the feelings of Rumania would have been sufficiently influential to have restrained Bend. Czechoslovakia, a Slav state with professed Slavophil sentiments, could have been expected normally to have lost no time in recognizing Russia after Great Britain and France had done so. Benes had sfated (March II, 1920)63 that Czechoslovakia would neither anticipate nor lag behind the Western Powers in the matter of Russian recognition. The fact that he did lag behind against his own volition was owing primarily to the composition of the Czechoslovak governmental coalition, which, because of its political antipathy to Communism, prevented de jure recognition of the Russian Soviet.8 • The provisional commercial treaty, signed by Russia and Czechoslovakia on June 5, 1922,85 had resulted in an improvement of business relations, yet had not been entirely satisfactory to either. From 1922 to 1925, the amount of intercourse continued to increase annually, but, after that date, there ensued a period of decline, caused perhaps by the fact that both countries, through' numerous commercial treaties, had found better markets elsewhere. By 1928, the decline of Soviet-Czechoslovak trade had become so marked as to attract the attention of statesmen in both countries. Soviet imports from Czechoslovakia fell from over 100,- 82 Ibid., May 14. 1927. 83 Cf. suPra, pp. IJ6-IJ7. &4 Cf. Narodni Politika, February 27, 1927; Svornost, March 17, 1927. 8 5 Cf. supra, pp. I45-I46. · EFFORTS TO MAINTAIN NEW STATUS QUO 261 000,000 crowns in 1925 to JI,ooo,ooo crowns in 1928, and Czechoslovak exporters began to complain that their products were being overlooked by the Bolsheviks.68 In order to restore lost contacts, Moscow took the initiative in the negotiations for a new Soviet-Czechoslovak commercial treaty. Early in 1928, Stein, the secretary of the Soviet delegation at the disarmament conference at Geneva, held preliminary discussions with Veverka, the Czechoslovak representative. On March 9, 1928, Stein and Dr. Niederle, councillor at the legation and acting commissioner for Litvinov, the leader of the Soviet delegation at Geneva, conferred with Bend. No great disagreement existed between the viewpoints of the two countries.67 The Soviet Union agreed to withdraw the demand formerly considered indispensable--de jure recognition, but sought to do so, if possible, without giving the matter any domestic publicity.68 Every assistance in loading goods, in consolidating rates, and in granting notable reductions for products in which both countries had a particular interest, was offered by the Soviet Union. The time and place of the final negotiations were to be settled by mutual agreement. Official Czechoslovak circles considered the chances for a successful conclusion of the negotiations favorable.611 Czechoslovakia requested the inclusion in any new treaty of the. following points: (I) a most-favored-nation clause for herself; (2) reciprocal facilitation of traffic; (3) a tariff agreement with mutually autonomous rates; (4) strict import and export quotas; ( 5) a consular convention; and (6) indefinite postponement of the question of de jure recognie8 Ceske Slovo, Arbeiter Zeitung, May 15, 1928; Svornost, May 16, 1928. 8'1 Svomost, March 24-25, 1928. ee The New York Times, April 2, 1928. eo Prager Presse, March 22, 1928. 262 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 tion of the U.S.S.R., which question was not to he raised during the negotiations.70 These proposals were submitted by BeneS to Litvinov, who forwarded them to Moscow. The first three points were conceded immediately, but the fourth encountered violent objections because the Soviet government hesitated to commit itself to the purchase of as large a quantity of Czechoslovak goods as Czechoslovakia did of Soviet products. On the other hand, Czechoslovakia objected to certain Soviet tariff regulations. Then, too, mutual difficulties were raised with regard to the details of powers of the consuls in residence and of a satisfactory visa arrangement.11 Although the negotiations were spun out for weeks, no definite agreement on the various points in dispute could he reached. However, the economic contacts between the two countries became more intimate. than ever before. Before the negotiations came to an end, nearly two hundred of the leading manufacturing and exporting concerns of Czechoslovakia had entered into business relations with the Soviet U nion.72 Great impetus had been given this trade by the establishment in Praha, late in 1927, of a foundation whose object was the creation of economic ties between the two countries, and under whose auspices there was opened on September 26, 1928, an exposition of Soviet goods.73 Statistics issued by Basil Sacharov, the Commissar of Foreign Trade, showed that Soviet importS from Czechoslovakia rose from 31,000,000 crowns for 1928 to 298,000,000 crowns for 1929.74 It was also hoped that, in the future, 10 Ibid., March 20, 1928. n Svornost, April 4, 1928. v:t Ceske Slovo, June 2, 1928; The New York Times, June 24, 1928. vs S'VOrnost, October 14, 1928. u Ibid., December 29, 1929. For further details, cf. ibid., November 3, 1928, and June 6, 1929. EFFORTS TO MAINTAIN NEW STATUS QUO 263 still better use would be made of the Danube River as the main artery of trade between the U.S.S.R. and Central Europe.75 Friendship with Poland Similarly, Czechoslovakia and Poland, states which had their " frontiers hardly solidified " 76 · and which had almost as much to gain from Locarno as had France and Germany, drew even closer together. The two Slavic friends sought to strengthen the new status quo by concluding a series of additional treaties which attempted to regulate ordinary international activities. Much was expected from the treaty of aerial navigation, which had been signed at Praha on April 15, 1926, in the midst of the enthusiasm engendered by the visit of Skrzynski.n Regular air mail service was to be provided between Brno and Lwow, where customs airdomes were to be erected. There was to be no duty on parts or tools needed for aircraft. Czechoslovakia agreed to grant to one Polish air navigation company, to be designated specifically by Poland, the right to fly Polish aircraft over Czechoslovakia at regular intervals from Cracow or Katowice to Vienna, but such aircraft must ·land en route at the customs airdome at Brno. Poland agreed to grant similarly to one Czechoslovak company the right to fly over Poland to Uzhorod, Moravska Ostrava, or Podwoloczyska. However, each country reserved the right to revoke without advance notice the special privileges given to the favored company and to grant them to others.vs n[bid., July 29. 1928, and April 10, I929f6 Cf. D'Abernon, op. cit., vol. iii, pp. I83-I4 n C/. su.pra, p. 246. "Treaty Series, vol. lxvii, pp. 305-331. 264 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1936 The high expectations raised by the treaty of aerial navi.o gation were never realized. The volume of business was much less than .had been anticipated, and there were many objections to the monopoly and customs features of the agreement. Many wild and unfavorable, even if false, rumors circulated regarding the menace to neighboring states that might be embodied in allegedly secret military clauses of the treaty. In view of the fact that objections to the treaty seemed to outweigh any possible advantages that might be derived from its continuation, it was denounced by mutual consent as of December 31, 1930.711 Four treaties of February 8, 1927, granted access to the authorities of each country to certain archives of the other and provided for the free exchange of documentary information. The first treaty dealt with the exchange of documents of the former Austrian, Hungarian, and Austro-Hungarian military authorities; 80 the second treaty regulated the disposal of documents still remaining with the Austrian military authorities and provided for independent requests on the part of both Poland and Czechoslovakia to Austria for records still in Austrian hands ; 81 the third treaty concerned the disposal of railway records and archives; 82 and the fourth treaty arranged for the mutual loan of documents, prior to those mentioned in Article 23 of the "liquidation . convention" of April 23, 1925.83 ~milar in scope was the · treaty of April 14, 1927, which provided for the exchange of judicial archives.84 A treaty of May 30, 1927, facilitated railway traffic across the frontiers,85 and one of February 79 Prager Presse, January I, 1931. 80 Treaty Series, vol. lxx, pp. ~61-273. 81 Ibid., vol. lxx, pp. ~75-287. 82 Ibid., vol. lxx, pp. 28g-297. 8S Ibid., vol. lxx, pp. 299-303. 85 Ibid., vol. xcviii, pp. 233-295. st Ibid., vol. lxxxii, pp. 157-169. E,FFORTS TO MAINTAIN NEW STATUS QUO 265 18, 1928, regulated fishing and the preservation of fish in frontier waters.86 The denunciation of the treaty of aerial navigation and protests in certain Polish circles about the alleged favors granted by Czechoslovakia to Ukrainian radicals hostile to Poland,87 were minor exceptions to the generally cordial tenor of relations between Poland and· Czechoslovakia. For the time being, their rapprochement appeared to guarantee friendship by the adoption of tolerant and far-sighted foreign policies whereby they gave one another consistent support in all negotiations concerning security, disarmament and world peace. They agreed to keep in the background the point of their greatest divergence--their respective policies regarding the Soviet Union. Franco-Italian Rivalry In the West, the spirit of Locarno had failed to mitigate the rivalry that existed between France and Italy. By 1926 this conflict of interests had become so obvious, particularly in Central Europe, that the small states of that area faced the possibility of having to forget their post-war division into victors and vanquished in favor of a new alignment under one or the other of the Latin rivals. Such an eventuality would threaten both Benes' hope for the maintenance of the new status quo and one main objective of the Little Entente, that of seeking to preserve its diplomatic independence from any one of the Great Powers. While contracting friendly ties with both France and Italy, the members of the Little Entente were determined not to become satellites of either.88 France's relatively greater measure of success in concluding treaties with the victor states was again clearly marked. ss Ibid., vol. cxix, pp. 385-401. Bf Gazeta Warszawska, May 22, 1929; Svonwst, May 23, 1929. sa Cf. Toynbee, op. cit., 1926, pp. 146-147. 266 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 On June 10, 1926, she signed two treaties with Rumania: a treaty of friendship 89 and a convention for the pacific settle~ent of disputes.90 On November II, 1927; France and Yugoslavia signed two similar treaties of friendship 91 and arbitration.92 Both treaties of friendship were to last five years. In each case the contracting parties agreed to examine jointly all questions that might endanger the status quo which had been established by the Peace Treaties. If either were attacked without provocation, both governments would agree without delay upon the action each should take within the terms of the League Covenant. However, the treaties were discreetly vague upon the subject of furnishing military aid in an emergency, and were drawn with care in order to contain no definite obligations with regard to such a possibility. The most that Italy could obtain from the Little Entente was a treaty of friendship with Rumania on September 16, 1926,98 a treaty which was unpopular within the latter.u A renewal of friction between Yugoslavia and Italy over Balkan and Adriatic questions caused Mussolini to seek support elsewhere. By 1927, Italy had established friendly contacts with Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Poland and Turkey.95 Mussolini could feel that he had made some progress in his efforts to counteract French preponderance s9 Treaty Series, vol. lviii, pp. 225-231. " 90 Ibid., vol. lviii, pp. 233-243. 91 Ibid., vol. lxviii, pp. 373-379. 92 Ibid., vol. lxviii, pp. 381-39I. 98 Ibid., vol. lxvii, pp. 393-397· "The New York Times, September 16, 21 and 26, 1!)26. 95 It is beyond the scope of this work to attempt to present in detail French or Italian foreign policy. For further information, cf. Toynbee, op. cit., ·rg28, pp. '14V-.I6I ; Machray, op. cit., pp. 303-3o8, 32'8--330, 332- 334, 34o-342; Codresco, op. cit., vol. ii, pp. U9-149; Currey, op. cit., pp. 211-233; Schuman, F. L., War oml Diplcmoc:y mthe French Republic (New York, 193'1), pp. 253-301 and 401-409; Cippico, Count A., Italy the Central Problem of the Mediterranean (New Haven, 1!)26), pp. 85-IOI. EFFORTS TO MAINTAIN NEW STATUS QUO 26'] in Central Europe. .However, these new friendships were destined to cause him gradually to emerge as the leader of the revisionist bloc. The uneasiness within the Little Entente was not dispelled by Mussolini's denial that this response to France was" cause and effect ".98 During the quest for foreign support, Franco-Italian relations remained tense; Early in 1928~ the arrival of a new French Ambassador to Italy, Count Maurice de Beaumarchais, was welcomed as the beginning of a rapprochement. The wild rumors then current of an Italian demand for the cession of Corsica and Tunis did not materialize, but there did result an abatement of friction and a restoration of better conditions when France agreed to Italian requests for a share in the international regime at Tangier, for a recognition of her dominant interests in the Adriatic, and for measures against anti-Fascist plotters within France.117 The situation was further clarified on June 5, 1928, when Mussolini broke a silence of nearly two years on general foreign affairs to deliver a lengthy restnne of his policy, " from China to Peru ".98 Despite Benes' statement that there existed no differences between Czechoslovakia and Italy and that both states desired friendly relations,99 ·public opinion within the former continued to view with alarm the tendency of the latter to draw closer to the vanquished states. Was this the beginning of an attempted revision of the Peace Treaties? A large number of irritating" incidents" served to arouse more strongly the latent hostility. The so-called " Rothermere affair " was the first to reawaken the antagonism to Italy that had been 98 Currey, op. cit., pp. 205-206. 9'1' The New York Tlmes, January 22, 1!)28. 98 Cf. Currey, op. cit., pp. 234-255; Corriere della Sera, June 5, 1!)28. 99 Corriere della Sera, June 20, 1926. 2 68 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1936 dormant for several years.100 Lord Rothermere, an influential British newspaper owner, expressed, on June 20, 1927, in his newspaper, the London Daily Mail, great concern for the minorities within the states of the Little Entente and pointed out the unfairness to Hungary of the Treaty of Trianon. Benes retorted that Rothermere was very poorly informed on Central European affairs.101 All the Czechoslovak newspapers, and even the German· Prager Tagblatt, supported Benes' stand. After an exchange of letters had failed to elicit any retraction from Rothermere, Benes felt it necessary to ask the British government to disclaim Rothermere.102 Premier Baldwin's statement of October 6, challenging Rothermere to prove his allegiance to the Con- servatives,103 was apparently accepted as. a disclaimer by Czechoslovak public opinion.104 The incident was explained at length to the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Czechoslovak National Assembly by Benes on October 25, 1927.106 Benes pointed out that the British government had nothing to do with the Rothermere campaign which was directly contrary to British foreign policy, that Sir Austen Chamberlain, the British Foreign Secretary, had specifically disclaimed Rothermere in a personal conference with Benes at Geneva, and that Rothermere's articles represented Hungarian revisionist propaganda masked as agrarian reform for Central Europe. The affair might have ended here, had not Rothermere been received with great eclat by Mussolini in March, 1928. At once public opinion in Czechoslovakia was again aflame. '100 Cf. Machray, op. cit., pp. 322-326. :101 The New York Times, August 7, 1927. '1°2 Cf. Toynbee, op. cit., 1927, p. 2o6. 1os The Times, October 6, 1927; The New York Times, October 7, 1927. 104 Cas, Narodni Listy, Narodni Politika, October 7-8, 1927. 105 Cf. BeneS, Boj o mir, pp. 374-377. EFFORTS TO MAlNTAIN NEW STATUS QUO 26g The Lidove N oviny -pointed out Mussolini's sympathy for Hungary, and stated that fairer boundaries than the present ones could not be drawn.108 The Prager Tagblatt claimed that all except Rothermere must realize the bad feeling that would exist when Mussolini asked strategic boundaries for Italy and ethnographic ones for Hungary.107 The Pravo Lidu accused Mussolini of preferring war i~ Central Europe to an agreement}08 The Narodni. Politika claimed that Hungary had refused a frontier rectification, but wanted her former boundaries intact.1011 All newspapers united in emphasizing the inviolability of the Treaty of Trianon. If possible, Czechoslovak feeling at the time was more bitter .against Italy than against Hungary, for such hostile expressions were taken for granted from the latter but were unexpected from the former.110 Bene5 had perhaps the last word regarding the incident in an expose of June 6, 1928, before the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly. Once again he pointed out that, on May 23, Chamberlain had stressed the fact that the British government "did not identify itself with the press campaign for the revision of the Treaty of Trianon." 111 Benes concluded with the observation that the new status quo would be maintained because the constructive forces of Europe were greater than the destructive ones.112 1os Lidqve NO'IJiny, March 29, 1928. 101 Praget' Tagblatt, March 29. 1928. 101 Pravo Lidu, March 29, 1928. 1011 Narodm Politika, March 29. 1!)28. no C/. Svornost, April I, 1!)28. '111 The Times, May 23, 1!)28. 112 Bend, E., La Sit'Uation inlernatio-.le et la politique elrtJngere rchecoslovaque. Cf. also, Tlsky (Poslaneck:i. Snimovna), no. 1587, xii, June 6, 1928, 6 session, Benes' answer to Chamber of Deputies' interpellation regarding Rothermere, for which cf. Tisky (Poslanecka Snemovna), no. 1337, xii, November 16, 1927, S session. 270 "-F.(J_RE1GN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 In contrast with Italy, France remained on excellent terms with Czechoslovakia. Economically, the ties between France and Czechoslovakia were drawn closer by the conclusion, on July 2, 1928, of a new commercial treaty providing for mostfavored-nation treatment and for reciprocal freedom of commerce and navigation.118 Similarly, the military ties linking Paris and Praha were strengthened by discussions between the respective military authorities at periodic conferences which had followed the visit of Marshal Foch to Czechoslovakia in 1923.114 Flattering to the military prestige of Czechoslovakia was the visit in 1929 of Marshal Petain, who promised, in the presence of delegates from the two other states of the Little Entente, that France would always be on the side of Czechoslovakia whenever the need should arise.111 ; After witnessing the manoeuvres in Moravia, Petain complimented the Czechoslovaks upon the efficiency of their army.118 After Locarno, the cooperation of Czechoslovakia and France became particularly intimate, and, despite a prediction that the former would revert to the Soviet orbit whenever Europe would become normal,117 continued to give every indication of permanence as long as the post-war status quo should endure.us In answer to wide-spread criticism that the Little Entente as a whole, and particularly Czechoslovakia, under the guidance of Benes, had become a tool in the hands of France, might not th~ reverse be maintained with equal justification? In view of the mutual interdeus Treaty Series, vol. xcix, pp. IOS-257· 114 Cf. supra, pp. 219-220. 115 The New York Times, August 27, 1929; Svornost, August 28 and September 3, 1929'116 Narodm Listy, September 4, 1929; Svornost, September 18, 1929. 1.11 Cf. D'Abernon, op. cit., vol. i, p. 237. '118 For Franco-Czechoslovak relations during the depression, cf. infra, pp. 312 et seq. EFFORTS TO MAlNTAIN NEW STATUS QUO 27i pendence, could it not. be said that" French policy was more the captive than the master of the Little Entente " 1111 and that France had no alternative for her precarious system of alliances? In the estimation of the writer, the tru$1ies somewhere between these two extreme statements, in a tolerant appreciation of the similarity in t}le major interests of both, particularly. as long as they remain guardians of the new status quo. · u Irreconcilable Hungary" Within Central Europe, apparently irreconcilable Hungary remained the chief obstacle to any post-Locarno adjustment just as she had been formerly to reconstruction.120 The successful reconstruction of Hungary, which had been completed by the end of June, 1926, when Mr. Jeremiah Smith, the Commissioner-General, left Budapest,121 contributed less to the stability of Central Europe than had been anticipated. As early as 1922 or 1923, certain Hungarians, out of "patriotic " motives, had begun to forge French bank notes. By 1925 the spurious bills had appeared in large quantities in various parts of Europe. As the result of information that had been obtained at the time of the arrest, in Amsterdam, of three Hungarians.who had attempted to pass forged 1,000 franc notes, the counterfeiters, led by Prince Ludwig Windischgratz, were arrested on January 4, 1926.122 ue Cf. Simonds, F. H., Can Europe Keep the Peace! (New York, 1931), p. 198. uo Cf. supra, pp. 205 et seq. · n1 For further details regarding the reconstruction of Hungary, ef. Officiallournal, February, 1926, p. 131; July, 1926, pp. 876-876; September, 1926, pp. 1176-n88; The Financial Reconstruction of Hungary, General survey and principle documents, Geneva, 1!)26; Termination of the Functions of the Commissioner-General, resolution of the Council of the League of Nations of June 10, 1926. 122 The Times, January 4-II, 1926. FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 , In view of the financial interests involved, French apathy in not following the matter energetically was surprising. The Bank of France did make "due investigations ",128 but, thereafter, France failed to make the anticipated protest to the Hungarian government.124 Briand stated merely that, at the proper time, in cooperation with Czechoslovakia, his government would "draw the necessary conclusions from this affair of incredible brigandage ".125 Briand never explained his apparent inertia. Was his obvious reluctance motivated by· fear that he could not prove the responsibility of the government of Bethlen? Or did he dread lest he throw Hungary automatically into the arms of Mussolini? Czechoslovak public opinion failed to relish the hesitation of France. The incident revived memories of Hungarian forgeries of Czechoslovak bank-notes to the amount of over JO,ooo,ooo crowns between 1919 and 1921,128 and was taken as fresh evidence of the impossibility of reconciliation between the two states.121 While extremists demanded joint action with the two Little Entente partners, which had also suffered in the past from Hungarian forgeries of their currencies, the Czechoslovak government adhered to the view of the moderates, who desired a judicial inquiry.128 On May 26, 1926, Prince Windischgratz and his accomplice, Nadosy, formerly Chief of Police of Hungary, were ,- 1U Ibid., January 27-28, xg26. 124 Ibid., February 2, 1926. n5 Ibid., March 4. xg26. 128 Macbray, op. cit., p. 273· 1ll'l CeskC SIO'VO, Prager Presse, Narodm Listy, Narodnl Politika, January S-7, Ig.26. · 128 For Benes' answers to violent interpel1ations in parliament on the question of the Hungarian forgeries and for debates on his speech, cf. Zprav:y (Poslaneck& Snemovna), 7 meeting, February 16, xg26, pp. 279- 290, I. session; 9 meeting, February IS, I926, pp. 304-341, I session; IO meeting, February 19, 1926, pp. 410-446, I session. Cf. also, Le Temps, March I, xg26, for the reply of Count Bethlen to Czechoslovak accusations. .EFFORTS TO MAINTAIN NEW STATUS QUO 273 sentenced to four years' imprisonment and fines of 10,ooo,ooo crowns, whereas lesser sentences were meted out to the minor conspirators. The Bank of France received damages of one franc as a vindication of its right to financial compensation, and the government of Hungary was absolved from all connection with the plot.129 When two appeals in August and· October, carried ultimately to the Royal Curia (the highest court in Hungary), failed to change materially the original judgment, public opinion in both France 1110 and Czechoslovakia 131 felt outraged over what it considered the inadequacy of the punishments. BeneS remained unconvinced of the innocence of the Hungarian government.1112 France, with the approval of Czechoslovakia, on June 5, 1926, presented officially the general question of international forgeries to the League of Nations.183 The matter was referred to the Mixed Committee of the Council, which, on October IJ, 1926, presented a report requesting closer cooperation among the authorities of all states. In order to prevent a repetition of the incident, it advised the establishment of a central international committee.18 ~ After due time had been allowed for a summary of the viewpoints of the various governments concerned (until December6, 1928), there was prepared a draft convention for the suppression of counterfeiting currency.135 In announcing her ratification, Czecho- 1211 The Times, May 27, 1926; for full details cf. also, Toynbee, op. cit., 1926, pp. Ii'&-190; Machray, ofJ. cit., pp. 272-274. 294-296; Gedye, G. E. R., Heirs to the Hapsburgs (Bristol, 1932), pp. 148-153. 1so Le Temps, August 18-21, October 15, 1!)26. n1 Prager Presse, May 27, August 18-20, October IS. 1926. us Cf. Official Jounwl, July, 1926, pp. 871-873, for BeneS' discussion. na Ibid., July, 1926, p. 950· 18~ !lJid., February, 1928, pp. 197-203. 186/bid., February, 1929, pp. 275-304; June, 1929. pp. 886-912; April, 1930, pp. 308-317. 274 FOREl.GN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918;1935 .slovakia stated that " the competent organs of the Republic have declared themselves to be in favor of the draft convention, which forms a first step towards the' effective prevention and the international suppression of counterfeiting currency ".136 Thus innocuously terminated the efforts of France and Czechoslovakia to hold Hungary responsible for the forgeries committed by some of her prominent citizens. Nevertheless, the incident was neither forgotten nor forgiven in either Czechoslovakia or Hungary, in both of which countries public opinion continued to attribute the most sinister motives to the actions of the other. Before the matter of the Hungarian forgeries was ended, another incident, perhaps even more serious, again strained the relations of Hungary and Czechoslovakia almost to the breaking point, and brought about a general international tangle of no mean proportions. On January 2, 1928, at the Austrian frontier railway station of St. Gotthard, Austrian railroad officials discovered five freight cars loaded with machine gun parts enough for five hundred guns which were being shipped from Italy across Austrian territory. The cars, shipped from Verona and declared to contain machinery, were consigned ostensibly to Czechoslovakia, but were believed, in reality, to have been intended for Hungary 137 contrary to Article 18o of the Treaty of Trianon, which had specified that " the importation of arms, munitions and war material of all kinds is strictly forbrdden ". This allegation, if true, would constitute a violation of the treaty by both Italy and Hungary. Austria was interested merely in the 1se Ibid., February, 1929, p. :276. 1s1 To Berkovics Brothers, at Slovensko-Nove-Mesto (Satoralja-Ujhely or Satorlajaygtely). It was shown subsequently that this firm, which denied all knowledge of the shipment, was actually located across the border in Hungary. The Treaty of Trianon had awarded the railway station to Czechoslovakia, but most of the town to Hungary. Cf. Official Journal, July, 1928, pp. 907, 910, 9II and 915. E.FFORTS TO MAINTAIN NEW STATUS QUO 275 violation of her regulations regarding arms and in the loss of revenue, since arms were charged higher rates than machinery. The discovery was an accident, the result of suspicions that had been aroused by the haste with which the cars were being connected to Hungarian engines. Since the cars were already in Hungarian hands, the Austrian officials did not attempt to stop them. The Austrian government was informed promptly of the incident, but it made no official protest, for it regarded the whole affair merely as a minor frontier question entirely within the competence of its Ministry of Railroads.138 The Little Entente was not willing to consider the St. Gotthard incident so lightly. Yugoslavia had been uneasy since April 5, 1927, the date of the signature of the HaloHungarian Treaty of Friendship, Conciliation and Arbitration,189 a treaty which had almost surrounded her with states within the orbit of Italian influence. To Yugoslavia, and to Czechoslovakia as well, Italian and Hungarian efforts to minimize the importance of the affair at St. Gotthard seemed clear indications of guilt. Benes announced that Czechoslovakia did not desire to make a great international issue of the affair, but that such an attempt must not be repeated~ He warned Hungary that, in such an event, the Little Entente could not remain inactive.140 On February I, 1928, all three members of the Little Entente brought the matter up before the League Council in order to fix the responsibility for the 188 The Times and The New Yo,.k Times, January 3, 1!)28; Toynbee, op. cit., 1928, pp. 161-162; Machray, op. cit., pp. 33o-331. 189 Treaty Series, vol. lxvii, pp. 399-409· '140 The Czechoslovak Chamber of Deputies, by a vote of 165 to 44, passed a proclamation considering the St. Gotthard incident as an attempt to detach Slovakia and to destroy the integrity of the Republic. Zprovy (Poslanecka Snemovna), 123 meeting, January 24. 1!)28, pp. 29-39. 5 session; 124 meeting, January 25, 1!)28, pp. 3 ef seq., S session. 276 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 incident,141 but Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia were apparently distressed by the disinterestedness of Rumania.u2 Before the League Council met, new developments took place. When no consignor appeared to claim the guns .by the middle of February, Hungary announced that they would be sold at auction, after having been rendered useless for military purposes. In spite of the request of the League Council that Hungary delay the sale until due investigations could be made, the auction was held, according to Hungarian reports, on February 24, but the parts continued to remain in the hands of Hungarian officials. The truth soon came to light, that, on February 20, Htuigary had destroyed the five carloads of arms that were to have been investigated. The Little Entente determined to probe the matter to the bottom. Italy's claim that the guns had been manufactured by a private firm which was also in charge of shipping them was shown to be false. A minute investigation proved that they were arms that Italy had captured during the War, and that, beyond all doubt, she still owned them. The Little Entente believed that, when Rome discovered that evasions were of no avail, she applied pressure upon Budapest to destroy the arms in defiance of the League, and the chief culprit, Italy, thus avoided responsibility and tried to make the League helpless by destroying the evidence.14 ~ On March 5, 1928, began the forty-ninth session of the League of Nations. The Council decided to send to investigate the incident a group of neutral experts, a Committee of Three, representing the Netherlands, Finland and Chile, 141 Cf. Official /ournol, April, 1928, pp. 387-397, for texts of notes of Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia, and pp. 545-549 for official communiques on the incident from Austria, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia. H 3 The New York Times, January 27-28, 1928. us Official Journal, July, tg28, pp. 906-9<>7. EFFORTS TO MAINTAIN NEW STATUS QUO 277 who were to make -a study of the pertinent documents. Their report, originally due March 10, was not presented, because all the documents were not yet available. After further delays, it was decided to send investigators to Basel to examine the original way-bills (April 15-19), but even they could not discover what Czechoslovakia regarded the most important point, the ultimate destination of the machine-gun parts.1 u The investigators finally made two reports on June 7, 1928. No satisfactory evidence had been unearthed. The ultimate destination of the weapons had not been ascertained, and consequently, Hungary, while censured severely for the illegal possession of war material and for its unduly precipitate destruction, was not held responsible for any intent to violate the Treaty of Trianon. Thus, the final judgment was inconclusive in that it neither acquitted nor convicted Hungary. The chief significance of the incident lay in the arousing of the suspicions of the Little Entente as to the motives of Italy and Hungary, and in the demonstration that the three partners gave of their relative solidarity.u5 In view of the bitterness that characterized the relations of Hungary and Czethoslovakia, especially during this period of "incidents", it might well be wondered whether any attempts to safeguard the new status quo would not be undertaken in vain and whether anything constructive could be accomplished. The commercial relations between the two countries, which through seven years of intermittent and apparently fruitless negotiations had been carried on practically without any treaty basis, were regulated by a treaty of May 31, 1927. For a long time both states had felt the need of a definitive commercial treaty, but the final impetus to the renewal of negotiations had been provided by the in- 1Hfbid., April, 1928, pp. 387-397. 1u Ibid., July, 1!)28, pp. 905-910. 278 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 creased duties that Czechoslovakia levied on agricultural products. According to the new treaty, Hungary was granted concessions on foodstuffs in return for similar concessions on Czechoslovak manufactured goods. Additional clauses clarified many other points ordinarily provocative of friction, such as the legal treatment of production and transportation quotas, railway traffic, mutual assistance in customs clearance, the prevention, prosecution and punishment of infringements of customs regulations, mutual legal assistance in criminal customs cases, and a veterinary convention toncerning traffic in animals and animal products. The treaty was to be of indefinite duration, but could be denounced on six months' notice.146 The treaty failed to produce all the beneficient results that had. been anticipated because the bitterness between the two states was too deepseated to be abated except in a limited degree even by the best of treaties. The Austrian Problem Again The other half of the former Dual Monarchy, Austria, felt less bitter towards the victor states, and, in the hope of assuring her own salvation, had even shown, periodically, a relatively high degree of cooperation with them. Her financial reconstruction was terminated successfully on June JO, 1926, at which time the Commissioner-General's office was abolished.u 7 ,. Reconstructed Austria was no longer self-sufficient economically. Her extensive internal pre-war trade had become u11 Treaty Series, vol.lxv, pp. 61-299; Zprav;; (Poslanecka Snemovna), 95 meeting, July 7, 1927, pp. 237o-2405, 4 session; 114 meeting, December 6, 1927, pp. 7-Ig, 5 session. 1 4'1' Cf. Monthly Summary, August, 1925, p. 189; Official Journal, March, 1926, pp. 447-450; July, 1926, p. 916; special supplement, October, 1926, pP. 393-396; The Financial Reconstruction of Austria, Termination of the Functions of the Commissioner-General; The Financial Reconstruction of Austria, General Survey and principal documents; supra, pp. 192 et req. EFFORTS TO MAINTAIN NEW STATUS QUO 279 international trade. lf she were to survive, she would have to increase the efficiency of her production and obtain favorable tariff rates from her neighbors. Henceforth, as in the cases of Belgium and Switzerland, foreign trade would be her life blood. In appreciation of this fact, Article 222 of the Treaty of St. Germain had granted Austri3. permission to conclude, for a five-year period, special accords with Hungary and Czechoslovakia, but, because of mutual hostility, no advantage had been taken of this concession. After the initial bitterness of the post-war period had somewhat subsided, Austria did follow the recommendation of the League Council that she conclude commercial treaties with her neighbors,148 and, during 1923-1925 concluded such treaties with Italy, April28, 1923; France, June 22, 1923; Germany, July 12, 1924; Czechoslovakia, November 27, 1924; and Spain, February 3, 1925. Treaties with almost all the other states of_ Europe followed.1411 The new tariff agreement with Czechoslovakia, signed at Vienna on November 27, 1924, supplemented the commercial treaty of May 4, 1921. Except for some minor exceptions for which special licenses were still required, Austrian exports to Czechoslovakia were no longer subject to governmental control. About one-third of the items mentioned in the Czechoslovak tariff--dothing, rubber, leather, paper, textiles, wooden goods, tools, hardware, iron, machinery, metal ware, electrical appliances, musical instruments, automobiles, and various chemicals-were conceded lower rates; in most instances, the reductions amounted to fifty per cent or more.160 us Official Jounw.l, March, 1923, pp. 215-216• . HB Ibid., March, 1923, pp. 211-221; Basch and Dvoracek, op. cit.. pp. 88-Sg. Cf. also, p. 89 for chart of Austria's exports, 1923-1924- 150 Treaty Series, vol. xlii, pp. 201-443. 280 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 The stimulation of Austrian exports to Czechoslovakia enabled Austria to remain also the latter's best customer among the small states of Central Europe.nt On the whole, Czechoslovakia: held a favorable balance of trade against ,Austria, but still had to make payments because of other items, such as interest on investments, transit trade, banking, insurance, profit on sales made on commission, tourist traffic and the export of articles of quality in the personal baggage of tourists.162 As both countries sought to eliminate the more obvious of the many unnecessary disadvantages that had resulted from their separation, there ensued a rapprochement which was confirmed by the treaty of arbitration and· conciliation, which was signed on March 5, 1926, at Vienna amid profuse expressions of mutual friendship.158 Arbitration was made practically obligatory in every instance. There was created a permanent board of arbitration, from which appeal might be made to the Permanent Court of Arbitration at the Hague. Similarly, disputes of a political nature which were not settled by regular diplomatic methods had to be submitted to this same Court, from which, however, a joint appeal might be made to the Permanent Court of International Justice. The treaty was to be effective for ten years, and might be renewed for another ten years.15 " This rapprochement was hardly consummated before it ·was ruptured temporarily by a tariff war, which was caused by Austria's denunciation, in November, 1926, of the political agreement of December 16, 1921, and the commercial 161 Cf. Publications, Economic and Financial, 1927 ii 68 ii, pp. 238-239, for statistics to 1927. .·~,,.,.._ · ua Basch and Dvoracek, op;··cit., pp. 90-91 (charts). '163 Cf. Arbeiter Zeitung, Nette Freie Presse and The New York Times. March 4-6, 1926. u.r. Treaty Series, vol. li, pp. 349-359. EFFORTS TO MAINTAIN NEW STATUS QUO 281 treaty of May 4, 1-921, together with its supplement.155 The tariff war would begin with the expiration of the treaty on April 15, 1927. Because of the long years of unfavorable trade balances, Austria regarded it necessary to increase her duties on certain Czechoslovak goods. Czechoslov~ia maintained that the Austrian adverse balance was superficial, not real, because Austria reexported many of the goods she obtained from Czechoslovakia. The tariff war caused severe losses to both states. In Austria, the worst sufferers were the manufacturers of machine tools, women's dresses, millinery and lingerie, whereas in Czechoslovakia, distress was most prevalent among the producers of cotton and linen goods, glassware and machinery.158 On July 21, 1927, there was signed a new treaty, favorable to the manufacturers of both states, in the form of a supplementary agreement to the treaty of May 4, 1921.u'f The superficial nature of Austro-Czechoslovak hostility was revealed by the negotiations that were taking place during this period of friction. At the time when the respective manufacturers were at daggers drawn, the statesmen were negotiating for the improvement of means of communication between the two capitals. Two treaties of February 15, 1927, provided for air navigation and for the establishment of regular air-ways.158 About a year later, as a part of her campaign against the visa nuisance, Czechoslovakia completed the negotiations for the mutual abolition of compulsory passport visas with both Austria and Germany.169 In spite of the efforts of Czechoslovakia to aid Austria economically, the position of the latter remained desperate. 1.1111 Ibid., vol. lxxviii, p. 437· 168 The New York Times, April 9, .29, 1927. ur Treaty Series, vol. hood, pp. 7-275. n•IbUl., vol. lxxiii, pp. 349-385. 1511 Ibid., vol. lxxiii, pp. 87-93. 282 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 The process of reconstruction under League auspices had been successful financially, but had failed to solve the major economic difficulties of Austria. Various interested neighboring states sought to advance solutions for the Austrian problem, such as the so-called -i'I:absburg solution which might involve a reunion with Hungary, a so-called Italian solution, a German solution or Anschluss, a Danubian Confederation and continued independence. Of these alternatives, Czechoslovakia preferred the last, which in spite of its obvious difficulties, she thought practicable with a fair degree of cooperation from neighboring states, and which involved the least danger to herself. One of the chief objectives of Benes' foreign policy was to prevent the consummation of one of the alternatives less favorable to his country, for, until some permanent solution was attained, stability could not be expected within Austria. As has already been narrated, Benes, with the aid of the Big and Little Ententes, had averted, for the time being at least, the Habsburg solution to the problem.160 Similarly, any so-called Italian solution had been prevented when the Little Entente had opposed successfully an undue extension of Italian influence over Austria.161 Of the proposed solutions, Anschluss was regarded as the most menacing by Czechoslovakia, as involving the greatest threat to her own existence. It was to be regretted that, at the time when Austro-Czechoslovak relations were 'becoming more friendly because of Czechoslovakia's active participation in the reconstruction of Austria, Germano-Czechoslovak relations were becoming more tense. Since 1924, there had been developing friction over the possibilities of an Austro-German union '160 Cf. Bend, E., The Problem of Central EuroPe and the Austrian Question (speech of March 211, 1934, before the Foreign Affairs Committees of parliament), pp. 49-54; supra, pp. 186-188. 1 61 Benes, op. cir., pp. 40-46; cf. also, supra, pp. 193 et seq. EFFORTS TO MAINTAIN NEW STATUS QUO 283 and over Germany's policy of economic penetration.182 Since the middle years of the decade of the 192o's, Czechoslovakia had considered Anschluss as her chief single problem, in perhaps greater need of immediate solution than any other, an opinion particularly prevalent since 1927.163 To quote J. 0. Crane, "The two main causes of the recent revival of Anschluss agitation in Austria were economic maladjustment and the lack of a will to survive ".164 Within Austria, there appeared to exist little national patriotism; some Clericals opposed the union and the Socialists advocated it, but both viewpoints might undergo rapid changes as the result of any one of several influences.185 Another alternative contemplated the possibility of replacing the Little Entente with a Danubian Confederation which would include also Austria and Hungary, and perhaps Poland as well. Such a grouping would subvert one of the .basic ideas of the Little Entente, namely, that it was impossible to include friends and enemies within the same organization. The political fears of Czechoslovakia, Rumania and Yugoslavia had been greater than their desires for any increased economic advantages that might have resulted from a larger bloc. In this respect the interests of Czechoslovakia and Austria clashed. The former sought to preserve equally both her political and economic independence, whereas the 1s2 Cf. Hudec, K., "Ceskoslovenslci. repuhlika a Nemecko ", Zahranitnt Polilika, vol. viii, pp. 425-433, 546-55'5, 68r-6g6, 8o3-813. 188 Benes, op. cit., pp. 27-40; Ounelar, J., "Ceskoslovenslci. zabraniCni politika v roce 1927 ", Zahranilm Politika, vol. vii, pp. 1-6; c/. also, Prager Presse, October 28, 1927 for speech of Masaryk. 186 Crane, op. cit., p. 133. 1u Ibid., pp. 134-135; Kteinwaechter, op. cit., pp. 34-35; Slosso~ P. W., '!'The Problem of Austro-German Union," International Conciliation, no. 250, pp. 221-254; Chmelaf, J., "RakouskY problem a stfedni Evropa ", Zahranicm Politika, vol. vii, pp, 11'47-II59; Bemus, P., "L'Autrkhe et I'Anschluss", Le Journal des dCbats, vol. xxxv, pt. ii, pp. 312-314; c/. also, The Times, February I and 28, 1927. 284 FOREIGN POUCY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 latter sought the advantages of a larger organization, regardless of the loss of independence that might be involved. Czechoslovakia desired an extension of the existing commercial treaties into a system of preferential tariffs for the entire Danubian area, as the most desirable solution that was possible of attainment. Her experiences at Portorose 166 and subsequently had convinced her that an economically unified Danubian Confederation was an impossibility, that, if nothing else, the post-war development of industrial activity within the hitherto purely agricultural states of this area alone would have precluded such a solution.167 Czechoslovakia's desire to draw Austria into the orbit of the Little Entente was consistent with her unwillingness to accept Austria as a member of the Entente or of any Danubian Union. To all appearances, Benes drew a delicate distinction : he desired amity and economic preferences with both Austria and Hungary, but not their inclusion in the Entente. The Little Entente was to remain an exclusive group of victors, ·with dominating power. During the autumn of 1924 there had been many rumors of the imminence of the formation of a Danubian Confederation.168 Benes, who had been the alleged author of the project, declared that it could never be realized because none of the Little Entente states desired it.169 France and Great Britain apparently favored such a combination.170 There began, during 1925, among the vafious Danubian states, a series of negotiations that envisaged the establishment of a system of preferential tariffs. Benes, who welcomed such 166 Cf. suPra, pp. 190 et seq. 181 Cf. Pasvolsky, Economic Natiooolism of the Donubian States, p. 282. us Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, September 28 and October 2, 1924; Le Temps, September 30, 1924; Carriere della Sera, October 1, 1924. '160 The Times, May 13, 1925· uo Ibid., June 8, 1925; cf. also, Bend, op. cit., pp. 47-49. EFFORTS TO MAINTAIN NEW STATUS QUO 285 soundings initially, withdrew his approval when Italy insisted upon being included in the bloc/71 and Austria, France and Great Britain experienced the same reaction.n2 , Austria, which still retained hopes of arriving at some satisfactory solution of her problem, called a Central European Economic Conference to meet at Vienna September 8-9, 1925. · However, such differences of.opinion resulted that little of a constructive nature could be accomplished After recommending the formation of a permanent commission to examine the possibilities of a Central European Economic Union, the Conference adjourned with the platitude that " The Central European Economic Conference considers as one of the principal evils of the Central European economic situation the continuing isolation of the economic systems of the small States ".118 After this failure, the project of a Danubian Confederation lagged for a period of over two years and appeared to be overshadowed by the more imminent Anschluss. Since Czechoslovakia dreaded both alternatives, the visit of Chancellor Seipel of Austria to Praha on February 13, 1928, aroused speculation as to his real objectives. Talk of both Anschluss and the Danubian Confederation was revived. Seipel appeared to be concerned primarily over the continued independence of Austria, to which end he sought Czechoslovak support for his own project to have the League's place of meeting transferred from Geneva to Vienna. He stated that he already had the support of many Balkan and n1 Prager Presse, The Times, July 27, 1!)25. Ull The Times, August JI, 1925, and February 9, 1926; Arbeiter Zeitung, August 31, 1!)26; Le Temps, February 9-10, 192(). The Great Powers' disapproval was motivated largely by a realization that their own foreign trade might suffer if an economically efficient Danubian Confederation were created. ua Pasvolsky, op. cit., pp. 90-91 ; cf. also, Arbeiter Zeitung, September 8-g, 1925· 286 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1936 East-European states, but that he was opposed by the Viennese Pan-Germans, who feared that such a transfer would prevent any future Anschluss. Czechoslovakia did not support his scheme. In Praha Seipel sounded the possibility of a Central European Locarno, of an alternative regional agreement among Austria, Hungary and Czechoslovakia, under the leadership of Czechoslovakia.174 Benes, who had undergone, meanwhile, a change of opiniort, was favorable to this last proposal, but apparently believed that a. still larger unit would be even more advantageous. Benes allegedly envisaged a Central European Locarno whereby the Little Entente was to be transformed into a Five- or Six-Power Entente by the addition of Austria and Hungary, and perhaps Poland as well. It appeared that he no longer feared the addition of Vienna and Budapest to the Little Entente, for he realized that the difference in strength between the vanquished and victor states was so great that the former could not hope to regain their pre-war hegemony over the latter. Purely economic considerations were becoming increasingly important. The fact that others were still unconverted to the new idea became evident from the hostile reception accorded to it.171 ' Rumors arose that the Little Entente was doomed. Much was made of the fact that the Jachymov Conference of 1927 had adjourned dismally after failing 1;D reach any economic agreement. Similar reports were aired when the Little Entente failed to call in 1928 the customary spring and fall conferences. Benes was alleged to have suggested the return to Hungary of two small frontier areas overwhelmingly 114 The New York Times, February 16, 1928; Narodnf List;v, Ceske Slovo, February 15, 1928; Svornost, February 16, 20, 25, 1928. 115 Narodm List:y, The New' York Times, February 23, 1928; Swrnost, February 23, March 9, 1928. EFFORTS TO MAINTAIN NEW STATUS QUO .287 Hungarian in order_ to induce Hungary to participate.176 Hungary reacted unfavorably to the projected Federation, for she did not want to commit herself to any permanent recognition of her existing boundaries. Similarly, both Rumania and Yugoslavia felt no enthusiasm for the project, whereas public opinion within Czechoslovakia was also generally hostile. Italy would be certain to make secret, if not open, opposition because of her fears of a revival of a Great Power in Central Europe, and Germany would regard it as the deathknell of Anschluss. Under the circumstances, many feared that the project would be more apt to cause friction rather than prevent it, hence nothing was done at this time.m· To Czechoslovakia, the inclusion of Germany, or any other Great Power, in any Central European Federation would be unthinkable: an Austro-German union alone might threaten her both politically and economically. An economic approach to the problem did not blind Czechoslovakia to the fact that a political union might result. Such a union would render still more precarious Czechoslovakia's competitive position for the trade of the Danubian region. Czechoslovakia realized also that, despite her efforts, she was still compelled to seek the assistance of Austro-German foreign financial contracts, a dependence which would become enhanced by a unification of Austria and Germany. Finally, her chief fear was political-that an Austro-German economic union would develop inevitably into an Anschluss that might threaten her existence.178 Therefore, out of the 11s The New York Times, March 8, 1928. Four days later the Czechoslovak Consul-General in New York City, Novak, denied categorically any suggestion by Benes to cede territory to Hungary. The New York Times, March 12, 1g:z8. 111 Ceske Slovo, March Io-n, 1928. 111 Cf. Pasvolsky, op. cit., pp. 284-286; Slosson, P., "Problem of Austro-German Union", ln.tenwtional C011Ciliation., no. 250, pp. 221-254; 288 FOREiGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1936 instinct for sheer self-preservation, Czechoslovakia felt compelled to insist upon the independence and territorial integrity of Austria.179 Little Entente ConferencesJ I925-I929 The three Little Entente partners agreed to hold at Sinaia, August 15-18, 1925, a Little Entente of the press for the purpose of coordinating the respective public opinions of their peoples. At this Conference, the official press bureaus of Czechoslovakia, Rumania and Yugoslavia created a central bureau, in which each country was represented by a committee and which was expected to meet regularly.180 Despite this new agency, the ties among the members of the Little Entente tended to become weaker rather than stronger. An indication of this new trend was furnished during February, 1926, at the Conference of Temesvar, a special meeting which had been called, ostensibly, for the purpose of arriving at a unified policy with regard to the Hungarian forgeries. During the discussion of February 10, the fact developed that Czechoslovakia alone was interested. Her two partners, apparently satisfied with the degree of security that had already been attained, determined to await the results of the regular judicial inquiry.181 As a result, in the attempt to bring the forgery scandal home to the Hungarian government, Czechoslovakia had to proceed without the support of her Little En;ente partners.182 Benes Friedman, J., "Soueasna obchodne-politicka situace ceskoslovenske republiky ", Zahranicm Politika, vol. viii, pp. 7-17. u11 Benes, op. cit., pp. ss-62. For the later renewal of Anschluss agitation, cf. infra, pp. 312 et seq. 180 Ceske Shrvo, August 17-18, 1925; Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, August 25, 1925; L'Europe nouvelle, October 24. 1925; cf. also, Cosma, op. cit., pp. 1,50-152; Codresco, op. cit., vol. ii, pp. 269-272. 181 Prager Presse, February u, 1926; The New York Times, February 12, x!)26. 1Bll The New York Times, October 12, 1926; Le Temps, October 14. xg26. E.FFORTS TO MAlNTAIN NEW STATUS QUO 289 indulged in no useless ·recriminations. He merely stated his belief that, ultimately, Hungary would have to be added to the Little Entente, but only after the former had explored first every other possibility.183 There were also current rumors that, at Temesvar, a Balkan pact to include Greece was also discussed, but, in any event, nothing came of it.18 ~ Regardless of the lack of cooperation in the affair of th~ Hungarian forgeries, the states of the Little Entente were willing to renew their treaties of alliance. On June 13, 1926, Czechoslovakia and Rumania, at Bucharest, agreed to another extensiol\ of the alliance of April 23, 1921, which had already been prolonged for three years on May 7, 1923.185 In a like manner, in a protocol of the same date, Rumania and Yugoslavia renewed again their alliance of June 7, 1921, which had already been renewed on July 7, 1923.188 The third link, the Czechoslovak-Yugoslav treaty, did not require prolongation at this time.18'' The regular Little Entente Conference for 1926 was held at Bled during June. Once more there became apparent the tendency for the three states to drift further apart when the discussions were terminated rather abruptly as the result of Rumania's announcement that she had concluded with· Poland, on March 26, 1926, a defensive treaty against th U.S.S.R.u8 Benes and Nincic, who desired Soviet friendship and complete freedom of action regarding the 188 The New York Times, February 13, 1926. 18• Toynbee, op. dt., 1926, pp. I46--I49; Cosma, op. cit., pp. 142-149; Machray, op. cit., pp. 274-277; Codresco, o'fJ. cit., vol. ii, pp. 7-u. 181 Treaty Series, vol. liv, pp. 253-255. 188/bid., vol. Iiv, pp. 257-265. 181 Le Temps, June 15, 1926; c/. also, Chmelar, J., "Ceskoslovenski zahranicni politika v roce 1926 ", Zahramcnl Politikt~o vol. vi, pp. 4-10, 188 Treaty Series, vol. he, pp. I6I-167. 290 FOREIGN POUCY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1936 Soviet Union, disapproved of this treaty, not as anti-Bolshevik, but as anti-Russian.189 ·During the following year, 1927, the divergence among the three partners became even more apparent. The three Foreign Ministers, Benes, Mitilineu and Marinkovic, held their regular Conference at Jachymov on May 13-14, 1927, to decide their future policies. After a discussion of five hours on the first day and another of three hours on the following day had demonstrated that solidarity still existed on few political issues, the three ministers decided to abandon, for the time being, all attempts to strengthen their alliance politically, and, instead, to turn their efforts towards a cultural, economic and commercial union. Some such conclusion was inevitable if the Little Entente was to be preserved as an efficient organization. Yugoslavia had failed to interest her partners, especially Rumania, in the dangers attending the Halo-Hungarian rapprochement. On the other hand, Rumania feared the Soviet Union. The interests and political alliances of Yugoslavia and Rumania clashed; it seemed as if the former would gravitate towards France and the latter towards Great Britain. Confronted with the conflicting objectives of her two partners, Czechoslovakia apparently preferred to evade the issue until the position of Germany should become clarified; what she considered at the time her chief problem, an Austro-German union, was of no particular concern to either Rumania or Yugoslavia.190 In this manner, the Foreign Ministers of the Little Entente determined to retain their union and to avoid any definite statements as to their respective foreign policies; but, by such 189 The Times, June 18-19. 1926; Machray, op. cit., pp. 286-291; Codresco, op. cit., vol. ii, pp. 19-23; cf. also, Macllray, R, " The Little Entente and its Policies", Fortn.ightl::v Review, vol. cxxv, pp. 764-77+ too The New York Times, May 14-15, 1927; Machray, The Little En.ten.te, pp. 3o8-313. Cf. also, Prager Ta.gbla.tt, May 18, 1927, for Bend' views on the future of the Little Entente. EFFORTS TO MAINTAIN NEW STATUS QUO 291 tactics, they let slip an opportunity to adopt a constructive policy that might have been followed by other Powers. All three Ministers sought to reduce friction with Hungary. Calling attention to the increased economic vitality of Austria, they agreed to unite with France in objecting to an Austro-German union. However, they refused to commit themselves on Poland's question whether German economic pressure upon Poland would not be a danger to all Europe, on the ground that this question was beyond their scope and a matter rather for the League. In concluding the Conference, the three members stated that the Little Entente was stronger than ever and necessary for the preservation of European peace.1111 Benes deplored current rumors regarding the imminent dissolution ·of the Little Entente and exerted himself to counteract them. To this end, on January 5, 1928, he granted a special interview to representatives of the Chicago Daily News, wherein he expressed his belief that it would be impossible for any great war to break out for the next ten years, by which time the older generation would have disappeared and the horror of war lessened. Benes considered that any union of the defeated states would make for war,. whereas a union of states led by France would tend to make for peace. The Little Entente was to be a vital part of any such union. In Benes' opinion, the recent Franco-Yugoslav alliance was a great deterrent to Italian militarists and the expansion of such treaties might lead to total disarmament. Individual treaties might solve also the Russian question, a process in which the Little Entente might become the connecting link between the U.S.S.R. and the Western Powers. Benes looked forward to a treaty uniting the 1111. The New York Times, May 16, 1927; cf. also, Codresco, op. cit.• vo!. ii, pp. 33-37; Seton-Watson, R. W., "The Little Entente", Co,._ temporary Review, vol. cxxxii, pp. 694-707. 292 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 Soviet Uniqn, Poland, and the Little Entente, a treaty heretofore impossible because of the bitterness between Warsaw and Moscow, and between Rumania and the 'U.S.S.R. over Bessarabia. The main point to be noted was that the Little Entente was not on the verge of dissolution and that it had not already fulfilled its mission, but that it still had an important role to play in the affairs of Europe.193 The activities of the Little Entente during 1928 were prima facie evidence of the continued vitality of the organization. The St. Gotthard incident 1981 did much to consolidate the bloc. In the spring the three states organized an air service to operate between their leading cities.194 Early in April, Duca, the Rumanian Minister of Foreign Affairs, invited Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia to a conference at Bucharest to consider the hostile attitude of Mussolini to the Little Entente, but the respective Foreign Ministers found it impossible to accept the invitation before June. The Conference of Bucharest, June 2o-21, 1928, greatly strengthened the loosening ties of the Little Entente. As usual, Poland, without being formally a member, was also present, being represented by an observer. BeneS proposed the holding of a Central European Economic Locarno, without any attempts being made to convert it into a Danubian Confederation and suggested Austria as the first accession. His proposal was received favorably, but no active steps were taken at the time to make it effective. It w;s decided also that each state should remain free to adopt an independent policy concerning Italy and· Italian anti-Slav agitation, a decision that did nothing to strengthen the bonds between Yugoslavia and 191 Benes, La Situation intenzationale et Ia politique etrangere tchlcoslovaque (expose aux Commission des affaires etrangeres du Senat et Chambre, le 6 juin, 1!)28). 198 Cj. supra, pp. 274 et seq. 194 Cf. Svornost, December 27, 1927, for plan. EFFORTS TO MAINTAIN NEW STATUS QUO 293 her two partners. The main pronouncement of the Conference. was to the effect that the Little Entente, although desirous of friendly relations with Hungary, had not changed its earlier attitude, and still stood as a unit in opposing any attempts to revise the Peace Treaties and thereby to threaten anew the peace of Europe.11111 Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia, during the autumn of 1928, negotiated a series of treaties that cemented even more firmly their long-standing friendship. Still unsettled was the question of mutual claims and debts contracted before and during the World War. A treaty of September 29, 1928, prohibited legal procedure for all claims and debts in former Austro-Hungarian crowns contracted before February 26, 1919, in which the currency was contestable,196 and relegated such questions to a later treaty, which was signed at Praha on November 7, 1928.197 On the same date, the two states also signed a consular convention.198 In the meantime, the negotiations for a new commercial treaty were threatened by a" pig war" between the two countries.199 The new treaty of commerce and navigation was signed at Praha on November 14, 1928. Yugoslavia won her point for reciprocal most-favored-nation treatment, but prohibitions might be imposed on trade for purposes of public health, safety, morality or finance. It was agreed that any restrictions on state 195 Prager Tagblatt, Prager Presse, June 20, 1928; Swrnost, June zr- 23, and Juiy 8, 1928; Machray, (}p. cit., pp. 342-346; Codresco, op. cit•• vol. ii, pp. 59-64. 196 Treaty Series, vol. xcvi, pp. 421-425. 111'1' Ibid., vol. XCV, pp. IOI-II'I. 198 Ibid., vol. xcviii, pp. 297-317. 199 The New York Times, December 2, 1928. Yugoslavia produced more hogs than all the other Balkan countries combined, and had been able to undersell all European competitors. The farmers of Czechoslovakia demanded protection against Serbian pigs, but Yugoslavia insisted upon most-favored-nation treatment in return for similar privileges that had been granted to Czechoslovak industrial products. 294 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 monopolies would be mutual. Citizens of either state would be exempt from military service in the other or from contributions in lieu thereof. Other clauses prov'ided for numerous exemptions from duties, for freedom of transit by rail, for equal railway rates, for seagoing vessels to have equal rights in both countries and for postal communications to be as speedy as possible.200 The acts that specifically strengthened the Little Entente were the renewals of the treaties of alliance and of the defensive .military conventions that supplemented them. The Czechoslovak-Yugoslav treaty of alliance was prolonged in September, 1928, 201 as a part of the series of treaties between the two states, and was ratified by Czechoslovakia on February 12, 1929. 202 The alliance was to remain effective until a year after notice of termination had been given. The regular Little Entente Conference for 1929 was held at Belgrade, May 20-21, at which time the prolongations of all the treaties of alliance were consummated. On May 21, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia changed the terms 203 of their recently prolonged alliance in order to make it the same as the similar treaties of the same date between Czechoslovakia and Rumania/04 and between Rumania and Yugoslavia.205 Each of the three treaties was prolonged for five years, with renewal automatic at the end of each such period unless the treaty should be denounced six m<;_nths earlier. During the course of the Conference of Belgrade there arose the conviction that the system of bilateral agreements, which had hitherto been employed and which Benes, perhaps ooo Treaty Series, vol. xcvii, pp. 9-59· oo1 Ibid., vol. lxxxvii, pp. 309-3II. 2oa Geske Slovo, February 12, 1929; Svornost, March s, 1929. 2os Treaty Series, vol. xciv, pp. 53-55. 004 Ibid., vot. xcvi, pp. 307-309. 2011 Ibid., vol. xcviii, pp. 221-223. EFFORTS TO MAlNTAIN NEW STATUS QUO 295 from a sense of making the best of a semi-favorable necessity, had always defended as an element of strength rather than of weakness, should be replaced by a tripartite alliance. From the viewpoint of Czechoslovakia, the obvious increase in the defensive strength and cohesion of the Little Entente might be to a large degree offset by an increase of obligations and by a decrease of freedom in the con,duct of foreign policy, particularly in questions that might concern the Balkans.208 She obtained a compromise on May 21, 1929, in the general treaty of conciliation, arbitration, and judicial settlement, an act which reflected the basic principles of both Locarno and of the Kellogg Peace Pact which the League was then sponsoring. By this new treaty, the three partners agreed that all disputes, of whatever nature, were to be either conciliated, arbitrated, or subjected to judicial dectston. There was to be no interference with already established judicial procedure. All disputes as to the respective rights of the three states were to be submitted to an arbitral tribunal or to the Permanent Court of International Justice. It was decided that all disputes might be submitted to conciliation before resorting to arbitration. After three months' notice, direct application by any party could be made to the Permanent Court of International Justice to settle any dispute. At the request of one state, a Permanent Conciliation Commission would be constituted within six months; This Commission was to be composed of five members, one from each disputant and the other three from three different countries. In conciliation procedure, the parties might agree to invite a third Power to intervene, if the third Power had an interest in the dispute.207 This general treaty had the advantage that it strengthened the ties of the Little Entente by providing for the peaceful solution of any dispute 206 Cf. Crane, op. cit., pp. 185-186. 2or Treaty Series, vol xcvi, pp. JII-JJI. 296 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1936 without increasing the obligations of its members. The Conference of Belgrade closed with a resolution for a closer economic alliance among the three states. It had been one of the most constructive of the Conferences of the Little Entente, one which was expected to become significant in the.safeguarding of the new status quo.208 On August 20, 1929, Czechoslovakia ratified the treaties which had been signed at the Conference of Belgrade.2011 On the same day, the Geske Slovo created a sensation with the statement that the treaties were supplemented by a secret military treaty among the three countries of the Little Entente,210 a statement that lost little force by spirited denials and by the retraction of such an assertion in the following issue.211 Since the Geske Slovo had always been considered Benes' mouthpiece, and since the editor of its foreign news columns, Dr. Jaroslav Kopecky, had accompanied Benes to the Conference of Belgrade, Czechoslovak public opinion refused to credit any denials of the existence of a secret military convention.212 Added point was given to this opinion by the fact that no German member of the Czechoslovak cabinet had been present at the meeting that had ratified the treaties. If any additional confirmation was necessary, Czechoslovak public opinion considered it offered by the manoeuvres in Moravia, late in August, 1929, when there were present as observers Marshal Petain of France, and the Chiefs of Staff of the armies of Rumania and Yugoslavia, with their assistants.215 zos The New York Times, May 21-23, 2-5, 1929; Svornosl, May 10, 22, 25, 26, 1929; Le Temps, May 24, 1929; Machray, op. cit., pp. 35~362; Codresco, op. cit., vol. ii, pp. 77-94 2011 Ceske Slovo, August 20, 1929; Svornost, August 26, 1929. 21 0 Ceske Slow, August 20, 1929. an.Jbid., August 21, 1929. 21 2 For the dose cooperation of the Little Entente during 1929, cf. also, Chmelar, J., " Ceskoslovenska zahranicni politika v roce 1929 ", ZahraniCns Politika, vol. ix, pp. x-8. :11s Narodnt Listy, September 4, 1929; Svornost, September 18, 1929· EFFORTS TO MAINTAIN NEW STATUS QUO 297 Germany and the League of Nations CzeChoslovakia held the highest hopes that the Locarno agreements would be followec:l by a period in which Europe as a whole, under the auspices of the League, would seek to establish upon a firm basis the new post-war status quo. To this end, one of the most important steps was to have been the entry of Germany into the League. However, this step, instead of promoting harmony, became rather the occasion for a fresh display of international rivalry. An extraordinary session of the League was called for March, 1926, to arrange for the admission of Germany, a matter that should have been relatively simple had it not been for other Powers. Spain, Brazil, Poland, China, Czechoslovakia and Persia requested permanent Council seats also, but all except the first two soon abandoned their demands. In order to save the situation by a compromise, Czechoslovakia offered to resign her non-permanent seat to Poland, and Sweden made a similar offer. After considerable international intrigue, marked particularly by foreign pressure upon Sweden, both states resigned, to be succeeded by Poland and Holland, but Germany's admission was still blocked by Brazil, which resisted all pressure.216 The March session proved to be entirely barren of results. When, largely because of German objections, Brazil and Spain were denied permanent seats, they submitted resignations from the League~ The way was thus cleared for the admission of Germany by a unanimous vote at the meeting of September 8, 1926. The number of permanent seats was increased from four to five, and, at the same time, the number of nonpermanent seats was increased from six to nine.2111 214. Toynbee, op. cit., 1926, pp. 1-g8; Cosma, ofJ. cit., pp. 248-251; Buell, op. cit., pp. III-uS; Bassett,]. S., The League of Nations (New York, Ig28), pp. JQ0-325· 2n Official Journal, October, 1926, p. 1241. 298 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 While the prolonged struggle for seats was an undignified exhibition of national selfishness, the transaction as a whole strengthened the League by the substitution of one Great Power for two lesser ones and also accentuated the influence of Europe within that body. Czechoslovakia felt that her sacrifice of a seat on the Council was worth while in order to ensure a satisfactory solution of the German problem; the fact that her friend and ally, Poland, had succeeded her on the Council augured well for the adequate.representation of her own interests within the League.216 Even this sacrifice proved needless, for the elections of 1926 for the Council resulted in Poland, Rumania and Chile being designated to sit for three years; China, the Netherlands and Colombia for two years; and Belgium, Czechoslovakia and San Salvador for one year.21'r Benes stated, I did not sl:l.are the optimism of those who believed that the entry of Gennany would solve everything, and I do not share the pessimism of those who think it wm be di The New Yo,.k Times, September 6, 1931. 312 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1936 special bilateral treaties. Benes issued a warning that the question was primarily political, regardless of the intention of the delegates to regard it as essentially economic. The formation of one European group would consolidate a rival group and produce economic war. In his estimation, the present exaggerated protectionism would have to be replaced gradually. The first step might well be tariff stabilization, followed by reductions later. Haste might ruin the entire program. He suggested a system o{ bilateral treaties which would preserve intact most-favored-nation clauses and which would restrict preferences to agricultural products. Czechoslovakia was willing to study all phases of the problem and would do her share to bring about a general improvement.25 On September 12, 1931, Bend praised the Commission of Inquiry as practical, justifiable and necessary. He emphasized the fact that Czechoslovakia had placed high hopes in it. The League Assembly, largely as the result of this plea, prolonged indefinitely the life of the Commission of Inquiry,26 and on September 26, at the fifth session of the Commission of Inquiry, Czechoslovakia was given a place on a special committee to examine a draft pact of economic nonaggression.27 It was not to be. Briand died on March 7, 1932/8 and the Commission, at its next meeting (September 30-0ctober I}, accomplished nothing.29 Thereupon the idea was abandoned. ,. The Proposed Austro-German Customs Union The long proposed Anschluss assumed a concrete form in the spring of 1931 in the project for an Austro-German 3 5 Publications, ~olitical, 1931 vii 7, pp. 46-50. 26 Official Journal, special supplement, no. 99, pp. II-12. l¥1 Publications, Political, 1932 vii 8, p. I. 2s The New York Times, March 8, 1932. M Publications, Political, 1932 vii 13, pp. 7-n. THE DEPRESSION Customs Union. The question was broached by Curtius, the Germa.Il Foreign Minister, early in March, 1931, during a visit to Vienna.80 A communique of March 22, 1931, announced officially that the economic unity of the two countries was contemplated by a Protocol on March 19.81 This announcement proved to be a test of the sincerity of France, Czechoslovakia, etc., in a United States of Europe. Although the Customs Union might be joined by others, it was construed by some of the victor states as an evasion of the Peace Treaties and as the first step towards a political union. On the following day the representatives of France, Italy and Czechoslovakia lodged at Vienna a protest that the proposed union constituted a breach of the Geneva Protocols of. October 4, 1922 82 (the reconstruction of Austria). The protest was unheeded by Austria; rather, she appeared to be furthering the project by announcing on March 25 that she would consider as denounced from July 1, 1931, her existing commercial treaties with Hungary, Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia.•• Her dissatisfaction with the treaty of July 21, 1927, with Czechoslovakia, had been caused by what she had considered its excessive rates. Despite her impending Customs Union with Germany, Austria, on July 22, 1931, signed at Vienna a new commercial treaty with Czechoslovakia, whereby tariff rates were readjusted, generally at lower figures, mutual most-favored-nation clauses of earlier treaties were retained, and neither country, except with the consent of the other, was to levy export duties under whatever name.•• so Arbeitef' Zeitun.g, The New York Times, March 4. 1931. 111 The New York Times, March 22, 1931; text, March 24, 1931. 811 Ibid., Arbeitet' Zeitung, March 23, 1931. as The New York Times, Svorn.ost, March 25, 1931. 86 Treaty Series, vol. cxxviii, pp. 59-305. 314 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 The projected union met with diverse responses. Great Britain decided not to oppose the move.8 ~> Italy studied the project with a view to acceding.36 The U.S.S.R. was sympathetic.87 France objected to the union, which was expected to kill prospects of a long-term loan by her to Germany.88 Curtius explained the whole matter to the Ambassadors of France, Great Britain and Italy,39 and requested that the still broader question of a European customs union be placed upon the League agenda.40 The tension was relieved somewhat when Briand obtained from Austria a promise not to resume negotiations until after the May meeting of the League.41 The Little Entente, after the most serious internal crisis in its history, also pronounced itself definitely opposed to the project.42 From the outset, Czechoslovakia was bitterly opposed to the union, and affected to disbelieve Austro-German denials of any political aspects of the proposal. Benes voiced repeatedly the viewpoint of his country,43 and called upon the German minority to prove itself loyal to Czechoslovakia in the crisis.44 To avert the union, Benes, on April 23, 1931, ss The New York Times, March 25, 193·1. ss Ibid., March 26, 1931. 3T Ibid., March 28, 1931. as Ibid., March 26 and 28, 1931. 811 Ibid., March 24,· 1931. 4 0 Ibid., April 16, 1931. u Ibid., April 18, 1931. 42 Ibid., May 6, 1931; for full details, cf. infra, pp. 323 et seq. 48 Bend, Boj o mif', pp. 551-553 (speech 10f March 26, 1931); pp. SS4- 6oo (speech of Apri123, 1931, summarizing the whole situation before the Foreign Affairs Committees of both houses of parliament); Official Journal, vol. xii, pp. 107'5-'1077· Through March, April and May, 1931, practically every issue of every Czechoslovak newspaper printed columns on the union, only with the coming of summer was there any marked decrease in public interest. C/. Benes, E. (Argus), The Economic Aspect of the Austro-German Customs Union (Prague, 1930), for a semi-official summary of Czechoslovakia's economic reasons for opposing the project; also, Bitterman, M., Austria and the Customs Union (Prague, 1931). « The New York Times, May 8, 1931 ; Ceske Sl01Jo, May 10, 1931 ; Svornost, May n, I9JI. THE DEPRESSION proposed a counterplan embracing all Europe, a customs union based upon most-favored-nation principles with agrarian preferences.45 Benes had had this plan in mind for some time, but had not announced it earlier out of deference to Briand'~ projected United States of Europe.46 If successful, Bene5' scheme would have been a practical compromise between the exigencies of the European economic situation and the demands of the Czechoslovak Agrarians, but, failing to attract sufficient support, it became but one of many suggestions that led to no practical results. The campaign against the Austro-German Customs Union acquired added momentum as the result of the denunciation of the project by France in a memorandum of May 18, 1931,47 which was reinforced by a report that the French bankers would be willing to aid Austria if the projected union was dropped.48 On September 3, 1931, in order to. save face by anticipating an adverse opinion of the World Court, the agency to which the project had been referred for an advisory opinion, both Austria and Germany stated that they had renounced it voluntarily.49 Many within Austria deemed this renunciation merely temporary, to be revoked at some more favorable occasion in the future.50 The only permanent factor in the situation was that the future relations of Austria and Czechoslovakia would depend largely upon the sincerity of the renunciation. The official death-knell of the AustroGerman Customs Union was sounded, apparently, on Sep- 45 The New York Times, April 24, 1931; Ceske Slwo, April 23, 1931; Svornost, April 24. 1931. u Cf. Benes, Boj o tnir, pp. 529-550 (speech of October 15, 1930). 47 Official Journal, vot. xii, pp. II68-t·I6g. 48 The New York Times, May t8, 1931• .e Arbeiter Zeitung, September 3, 1931. 50 Ibid., Neue Freie Presse, September 3, 1931; Swmost, September 4, 19JI. 316 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1936 tember 5, 1931, when the World Court by a vote of eight to seven pronounced it contrary to the international agreements already entered into by Austria.n Czechoslovakia's contacts with Germany, potentially her most dangerous enemy, remained " correct ", indeed almost cordial for many years, a condition of affairs that reflected creditably upon the statesmen of both countries~ The mutual cooperation between the two states, which had been engendered by close economic ties, reached perhaps a climax in two treaties which were signed at Praha on April29, 1931,6 :r regarding the establishment and operation of regular airways, both with and without landings in the territories of both countries. Despite these two treaties, relations between Czechoslovakia and Germany became strained as the result of the active part which had been taken by the former in aiding the frustration of the Austro-German Customs Union. Benes, in his desire to maintain relations with both Austria and Germany upon the former cordial plane,. stressed the point that Anschluss was not merely a problem for Czechoslovakia, but was continental in scope. He sought to substitute for the defunct Customs-Union a new project. On October 20, 1931, he proposed, specifically, a tentative customs union of Austria and Hungary with Czechoslovakia. To this bloc would be added eventually Yugoslavia, and perhaps Rumania also. In his esthnation, nothing of permanent value could be accomplished without the approval of France, Italy and Germany, but, on the other hand, no plan could be imposed successfully by the Great Powers upon the 51 Permanent Court of Internotional Justice, series A/B, no. 41; The World Court's Advisory OpinioPJ on the Austro-German Customs Union, the American Foundation, Foreign Relations Bulletin no. 9, September 5, 1931; Official Journal, vol. xii, pp. 2o6!}-207o; Monthly Summary, vol. xi, pp. II7-II8, 167-168, 190, 213 and 226. lUI Treaty Series, vol. cxxxiii, pp. 347-367. THE DEPRESSION small states of Central Europe without the consent of the latter. ·Above all, there must be no secret negotiations.68 Through a leakage which developed from Benes' informal conversations with the Austrian Minister at Praha, to whom he had outlined his project, Czechoslovak public opinion became aware of the plan before Benes delivered his expose. Much agitation resulted when the Czechosloyak government saw fit to censor the October 7 edition of the Prager Tagblatt because of an article wherein a Dr. B. Jelinek, in approving Benes' plan too forcibly, stated that, if the proposed Danubian Union was not consummated, Czechoslovakia would revert to the condition of Bohemia after the Thirty Years' War." In spite of a generally favorable reaction within Czechoslovakia, Bend' plan drew little support elsewhere: the other Little Entente states were cool, Germany, Austria, Hungary and Italy were hostile,55 and France alone approved 58 -in fact, disapproval was so general that BeneS felt it advisable to deny rumors that his project had been inspired by France}17 The lack of support encountered by Bend' plan could be accounted for in part by a German counter-project for relieving to some degree the economic distress of Central Europe. Germany sought to aid the agricultural states of Southeastern Europe by granting special preferential tariffs to their wheat. To this end, treaties were drawn up between Germany and Hungary, and between Germany and Rumania, despite the fact that such special privileges violated the most-favored- 113 Narodm Lirty, The New York Times, October 21, 1931; Swmost, October 14 and 23, 1931. u. Cf. The Central European Observer, October 9, 1931. &5 Berliner Tageblatt, Arbeiter Zeitung, Corriere della Sera, October 21, 1931 ; Swrnost, March 17 and April S. 1932; The Times, April 8, 1932. •e Le Temps, October 21-22, 1931. 111 The New York Times, December n, 1931; Svomost, December IS. 1931. 318 FOREiGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 nation clauses of treaties with many other countries. These two treaties, to become effective, required the approval of all the states with which Germany had negotiated commercial treaties that contained most-favored-nation clauses. Twenty countries, including the United States,58 failed to protest because of the diminution of their treaty rights, but three others, namely, Czechoslovakia, Argentina and Turkey, sent Germany vigorous protests immediately, and demanded privileges similar to those which Germany was offering to Hungary and Rumania. These protests caused the German project to be dropped, and strained also future relations between Germany and Czechoslovakia.59 Austria, disappointed in being excluded from some larger customs organization and apparently despairing of her future as an independent entity, seethed with rumors regarding the imminence of desperate action. Dr. F. Soukup, President of the Czechoslovak Senate and one of the leaders of the Social Democratic Party, returned to Praha from Austria, where he had attended a convention of Austrian Social Democrats, and brought with him an alarming report of the activities of the Austrian Fascists, who were charged with desiring the destruction of the Austrian Republic and the restoration of a monarchy. In Soukup's opinion, Czechoslovakia. could never tolerate such a change within Austria.60 Politics vs. Economics within,.the Little Entente One of the best examples of the interplay·of politics and economics was offered by the negotiations that Czechoslo- 58 The United States, the Soviet Union and Denmark reserved the right to suspend judgment until a later time. 511 Berliner Ta.geblatt, Narodnf Listy, November 17, 1931; Neue Freie Presse, Prager Presse, November 20, 1931; Svornost, November 18 and 2I, 1931. oo The New York Times, November 19, 1931; Svornost, November 21, 1931. THE DEPRESSION vakia conducted with her two Little Entente partners during 1930 arid 1931. The 1930 conference of the Little Entente was held on the plateau of Strba (Strbske Pleso), in the Tatra Mountains of Slovakia, June 25-28, 1930. There were present the three Foreign Ministers: Benes,. Marinkovic and Mironescu. The Conference centered its attention upon Hungary, where rumors were rife of a coup d'etat on the part of Otto on the model of Carol Il's in Rumania. Again the Little Entente deemed it necessary to warn Hungary against attempting the restoration of the Habsburgs and against attempting any revision of the Treaty of Trianon. Other questions concerned the application of the Pact of Paris and the decision of the recent Hague Conferences. Concern was felt that Poland sent no observer to the Conference, and the menace of Franco-Italian rivalry was also felt keenly. BeneS stated that he desired a renewal of Franco-German friendship. The high degree of economic nationalism still extant caused him to be sceptical of the success of an economic Little Entente.61 The Praha Veler of June 26, 1930, created a sensation at the Conference by publishing a statement of Dr. Viskovsky, the Czechoslovak Minister of National Defense, to the effect that Central Europe was in more·danger of war than it had been at any time in the past ten years because of Italian and Hungarian intrigues and because of the increase in armaments in Europe as a result of such threats. Nevertheless, the Conference closed on an optimistic note,62 caused primarily by the signing of a new Czechoslovak-Rumanian commercial treaty 68 in spite of domestic objections in both states/14. and by the 1n Ceski Slovo, June 29, 1930; Svornost, June 30, 1930. 63 Svornost, July 2, 1930; Prager Presse, July I, 1930. 11a Treaty Series, vol. cxix, pp. 73-159. 6• Cf. The New York Times, June 28, 1930. 320 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 evidences of solidarity of the major interests of the three members.65 On July 21, 1930, there opened at Bucharest a conference between Rumania, Yugoslavia and Hungary for the purpose of creating an agricultural bloc in Central Europe. Very early a limited degree of cooperation was attained on the questions of erecting grain elevators and of· financing harvests. For a time the Praha newspapers displayed a measure of resentment over the exclusion of Czechoslovakia.68 Nothing of note was accomplished, because no agreement could be reached upon the question of a unified monopoly of exports, to which neither Rumania nor Yugoslavia would assent, owing to fears that the agency might be controlled by Hungary.87 Of relatively greater importance were the Conferences of Sinaia and Warsaw. On July 22, 1930, representatives of Rumania and Yugoslavia met at Sinaia in order to attempt to render the Little Entente as efficient economically as it was politically. It was hoped also that Rumania and Yugoslavia could establish economic contacts with the U.S.S.R. on the order of those of Czechoslovakia. On August 1 the Conference recommended a more complete agreement between their agriculturalists and the Czechoslovak manufac- turers,68 but any such attempt would be certain to encounter the hostility of the powerful Agrarian Party within Czecho- slovakia.69 Although much could -be accomplished by longtermed bilateral commercial treaties, the .states concerned doubted whether the concessions that would be required 65 Narodnf Listy, Lidovi Noviny, June 26, 1930; Svornost, June 25July 2, 1930. ss Cf. Ceski SlO'UO, Narodni Politika, Narodnf Listy, July 21-22, 1930. 6T Cf. Crane, ~p. cit., p. 158. 68 Cj. ibid., p. ISS. 69 Cf. Svornost, August 2, 1930. THE DEPRESSION 321 might not be greater than the benefits that would be received.To The Conference of Warsaw, which met on August 28, 1930, was attended by representatives from Poland, Estonia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia, and by observers from Finland and from the League. There were signed a whole series of inte~ational agreements between the agricultural and industrial states, as well as agreements based upon ·collaboration between states economically similar.u The Conference decided to advocate the formation of an economic United States of Europe based upon mutual preferential tariffs on agricultural products. It recommended an immediate abolition of export bounties and of discriminations that tended towards indirect protection. However, the objections of overseas states, coupled with the unwillingness of the industrial states to grant concessions to the agricultural states, precluded the possibility of creating a successful economic combine that might have any pretensions of being continental in scope.72 Perhaps the chief problem of the Little Entente in 1930 was the fact that its members were at odds economically, although in accord politically. The conflict of economic interests had been demonstrated by the fact that, before 1930~ Czechoslovakia had had no tariff treaties with either of her diplomatic partners. To the inherent difficulty of creating an economic unit of industrial yet semi-agricultural Czechoslovakia and of predominantly agricultural yet industrially ambitious Rumania and Yugoslavia, must be added the fact that the exigencies of the geographical position of the states of the Little Entente would demand the inclusion of Austria and Hungary as well in any really efficient economic blocTO Crane, op. cit., p. 162; cf. also, Prager Presse, August 13, 1930. n For text, cf. L'Europe nouvelle, September 13, 1930. u Cf. Crane, op. cit., pp. 159-16o. 322 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1936 a combination apparently impossible for nationalistic and political reasons.73 The spring of 1931 witnessed fresh rumors of the imminent dissolution of the Little Entente. The visit of Prince Nicholas of Rumania to Budapest early in April gave rise to reports that he had been sent there by his brother, King Carol II, for the purpose of sounding Hungary on the possibility of a union of the crowns of Hungary and Rumania under Carol, in which event Nicholas would become Governor of Transylvania.74 The visit of Nicholas was merely the occasion for one of many rumors that Carol was considering the withdrawal of Rumania from the Little Entente and that he would carry his country from the French to the Italian camp.711 On the other hand, Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia cemented still more firmly their existing friendship by a new commercial treaty signed on March 30, 1931.76 Benes won his point to have the regular 1931 conference of the Little Entente held at Bucharest early in May, before the May meeting of the League Council, in order to ascertain the views of the three states regarding the proposed AustroGerman Customs Union.77 He was surprised to receive from Rumania an evasive answer as to her viewpoint on the question, for fear lest the discussions might give rise to economic questions delicate to the susceptibilities of the members of the Little Entente! The new Rumanian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ghika, went on to state that, in view of the recent cabinet crisis, Rumania had not been able to come to a definite viewpoint on the question.78 u Cf. Hanc, ]., "0 Stredoevropsk~ hospodarske dorozumeru ", ZahraniCn' Politika, 1932, pt. i, pp. Io8-n8. 74 Svornost, April 10, 1931. 75 Cf. ibid., June 9, 1930. 76 Trealy Series, vol. cxxv, pp. 273-335· 77 Cf. Svornost, May I, 1931. -ra Ceske Slovo, April 30, 1931. THE DEPRESSION 323 The Conference of Bucharest, which was held in the utmost ·secrecy behind closed doors, confronted the Little Entente with the greatest internal crisis it had ever faced. At the end of the first day's proceedings, May 3, 1931, it was announced that the object of the Conference was the winning over of Hungary to the Little Entente in an effort to prevent the accession of Hungary to the Austro-German Customs Union, an event which it was feared would have spelled complete German hegemony over Central Europe. To avert such a calamity, the Little Entente proposed to Hungary considerable reductions in tariff rates to permit the importation of Hungarian wheat into the states of the Little Entente, a cooperative pooling of Hungarian, Rumanian and Yugoslav wheat, and a uniform system of credits for farmers. Desperate as was deemed the situation of the Little Entente, further reports of the offering of full membership in the organization to Hungary were discredited-the Little Entente was fundamentally a defensive alliance against Hungary and would lose its raison d'etre by such a step. Baffiing indeed was the secrecy of the Conference and the refusai of admission to reporters.'le After the final session of May 6, 1931, definite statements were issued: there had been passed resolutions of hostility to the Austro-German Customs Union and others urging Czechoslovakia to forego the collection of duties on Rumanian and Yugoslav agricultural products in return for preferential duties on Czechoslovak manufactures.80 In spite of the secrecy surrounding the Conference, it may be assumed that a great clash of interests took place between Czechoslovakia on the one hand and her two partners on the other, a conflict from which the former emerged victorious, '18 Ceske Slovo, The New York Times, May 4. 1931; Svornost, May 5, I9JI. se The New York Times, May 6, 1931. 324 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1985 and in which political considerations triumphed over economic ones. The alignment of Yugoslavia and Rumania against Czechoslovakia was revealed by the meeting at Temesvar, of Kings Alexander and Carol, during the crisis of the Conference, a meeting which caused anxiety in both Czechoslovakia and France, which was supporting her against her two partners.81 · Czechoslovakia, predominantly industrial, had interests diametrically opposed to those of Rumania and Yugoslavia; for instance, she had a well-developed agricultural system as a result of which she could not consume more than a small part of the agricultural exports of her two partners.82 In the search of the latter for other markets, the large and hungry population of Germany appeared the most promising. The two agricultural members of the Little Entente felt the need of protecting themselves against becoming the dumping ground for Czechoslovak manufactured goods. The projected Austro-German Customs Union, the bugbear of Czechoslovakia and France, was no menace to Rumania and Yugoslavia; if anything, they welcomed it as a step in the abolition of tariff barriers against their agricultural products -with such a Union, trade would flow both ways and under conditions more advantageous to them than would trade with Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union, both of which had a relatively lesser need for agricultural products. Rumania and Yugoslavia had little fear of the results, even if the Austro-German Customs Union were the first step to Anschluss. Their strength and geographical position were such that they deemed that the economic advantages far outweighed any remote political dangers that might result. n Ceski Slovo, Le Temps, May 4, 1931; Svornost, May 5, 1931. 82 Cf. Svornost, January 24. 1932, for the influence of the Czechoslovak Agrarian Party upon Benes' negotiations. THE DEPRESSION It was a great tribute to the influence of Czechoslovakia and of Benes personally that Rumania and Yugoslavia were induced to continue the policy of preserving the status quo economically as well as politically. The important part played in Czechoslovakia's diplomatic triumph by unstinted French support could hardly be overestimated, and was appreciated accordingly by the recipient, in spite of the realization that France had an equally vital interest in the preservation of the Little Entente. The crisis served to show the interdependence of international politics and economics. Rumania and Yugoslavia were subjected to a cruel choice-- in the crisis they preferred to preserve the friendships and policies of the War, which were of unquestioned value even if they were not entirely an unmixed blessing, rather than adopt the untried road which might lead to possibly greater economic advantages with perhaps attending perils.8 ~ Czechoslovakia did her utmost to minimize the points of divergence with her partners, hence the policy of secrecy. At the close of the Conference of Bucharest, Ghika asserted anew the absolute solidarity of the Little Entente.84 It had weathered successfully the most severe crisis in its history; as long as the same enlightened policy of mutual tolerance and understanding would guide its statesmen, it promised to continue " sitting on the lid " and preventing any alteration of the status quo. However, nothing could last forever an~ amid the increasingly insistent attempts of discontented states to revise the Peace Treaties, it became more and more open to question how long such a p<)licy could be maintained. sa For a comprehensive account of both the domestic and the foreign problems of the Little Entente, cf. Malynski, E., Les Probtemes de fesf et la Petite Entetllte (Paris, 1931). s• Ceskl Slovo, May 5, 1931; Svornost, May 6, 1931. 326 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1936 Hunga:rian Revisionism Hungary continued to make renewed atte~pts to alter the status quo. Since Hungarian resentment might be considered practically permanent, there remained the question of the tactics that Czechoslovakia should use to counteract Hungarian agitation. For many years it had been rumored that Masaryk and Benes had held widely divergent viewpoints regarding the attitude Czechoslovakia should adopt towards attempts to revise the Treaty of Trianon. In the belief that Czechoslovakia could not continue to resist indefinitely hostile pressure from both Germany and Hungary, Masaryk allegedly had, in recent years, asserted repeatedly in public his willingness to negotiate with Hungary the question of a boundary revision, whereas Benes did not believe in yielding a square inch of soil to Hungary. The Czechoslovak Chamber of Deputies went on record as opposed to any revision.85 On October 8, 1929, it was rumored that President Masaryk was willing to negotiate with Hungary for all territory granted to Czechoslovakia by the Treaty of Trianon, and, except for Bratislava, to return all regions in which the Hungarian population totalled fifty per cent or more.86 Benes officially denied the authenticity of Masaryk's offer, but political opponents remained sceptical.87 For about a year nothing more was heard of th~ matter, but in the fall of 1930 the question was revived. The Vienna Neue Freie Presse stated that one of its reporters had been granted an interview by Masaryk wherein the President had stated his sG Zprlwy (Poslanecka Snemovna), 1g8 meeting, May 23, 1929, pp. 31-33, 8 session. sa The New York Times, Ceske Slovo, Prager Presse, October 8, 1929; Svornost, October 9. 1929. sr The New York Times, Ceske Slovo, November 17, 1929; Svornost, November 18, 1929. THE DEPRESSION willingness to negotiate modifications of the existing frontier with Hungary if the latter would abandon its traditionally hostile attitude towards Czechoslovakia.88 Again there came official denials to the effect that the President had not granted any such interview, that he realized that a problem of such magnitude could not be decided by Czechoslovakia alone without consulting both the_ Big and Little Ententes, and that he had no intention of arousing the question of an entire revision of the Peace Treaties.811 Great indeed was the agitation within Czechoslovakia and widespread the protest against any concession to the traditional foe. Pronouncements of Hungarian revisionists to the effect that a plebiscite in Slovakia would result in union with Hungary were given the lie by Father Andrew Hlinka, the political leader of the Slovaks and their spokesman in the Chamber of Deputies, when he stated that the Slovaks would never consent to any voluntary revision of the boundary, but would rise to the defense of their existing frontiers whenever the need might arise.110 Thus ended, for the time being at least, any talk of revising the frontiers of Slovakia. On September 28, 1930, the Czechoslovak government proclaimed its intention to begin the construction of a navy.111 The keel of the first patrol boat, the " Masaryk ", was laid at Komamo on October 15, 1930.82 Another question that disturbed the quiet of Czechoslovakia, as well as that of the other members of the Little Entente, was the constantly haunting menace of the restoration of a Habsburg to the throne of Hungary. After the exile and death of Emperor Charles in 1922, his eldest son, ss Neue Freie Presse, September 28, 1930. 811 Narodm Listy, October 1-2, 1930; Svornost, October 3 and 16, 1930. 110 Prager Presse, December 8, 1930; Svornost, December g, 1930. 111 Ceskl Slovo, September 28, 1930. es Ibid., October IS, 1930. 328 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 Otto, had been recognized as " King " by the Hungarian legitimists. Otto, a boy of ten: at the time, was brought up in exile by his mother, Zita, to regard himself as the true ruler of Hungary. Although forced by poverty to accept the hospitality of King Alfonso and of various noblemen in Spain and later in Belgium, he nevertheless continued to greet regularly delegations of Magyars and to indicate in every possible way his dissatisfaction with the existing condition of affairs. Since I922, ex-Empress Zita had left little undone that might hasten a Habsburg restoration, and had increased her activities as Otto grew older, to the increasing uneasiness of the states of the Little Entente. A sigh of relief went up in Czechoslovakia when November 20, I930, the date of Otto's eighteenth birthday and of his majority, passed without action.93 Nevertheless, the so-called "King Question " still remained unsolved and continued to be regarded by Hungary as an open wound. Zita and Otto continued their quest for foreign support. Benes stated that the position of Czechoslovakia remained unaltered, and that a restoration of the Habsburgs would mean war.94 The Czechoslovak-Hungarian commercial treaty of I927, which expired on December IS, I930, again had the effect of leaving the commercial relations between the two states without any treaty basis. The cause of the difficulty had been Czechoslovakia's dissatisfaction with certain of the tariff provisions of the treaty. As,.early as April 30, I9JO, she had requested Hungary to revise these·certain items 95 · and, when no satisfaction was forthcoming, on June IS, I930, she denounced the treaty,96 which was to expire six 98 Ibid., Narodn£ List;v, Prager Presse, Svornost, November 20, 1930. 94 Ceske Slovo, July 3, 1930; Svornost, July 4. 1930. 95 Narodni List;v, April 30, 1930. oa Sbirka zakonu a na.N.sem statu ceskoslovenskiho, roenik 1930, castka 83 ze dne 13 prosince, Cis. 177. THE DEPRESSION months later. At once a tariff war broke out; from the date of the expiration of the treaty, both countries proceeded to levy on the goods of the other duties far higher than those in effect during the validity of the recent treaty. Hungary suffered particularly from the Czechoslovak .boycott on wheat. Late in December, 1930, a delegation of Hungarian business men visited Praha in the hope of ~ving the situation by some compromise,97 but, owing primarily to the opposition of the Czechoslovak Agrarian Party, no agreement could be reached.118 Hungary replied to Czechoslovak restrictions on agricultural products by decreeing that henceforth, except by special permission, certain manufactured goods, including shoes, textiles and woolens, could not be imported from countries with which Hungary had no. trade agreements.99 Thus the tariff war raged on. Its immediate result was closer economic ties between Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia, whereas Hungary turned to Germany, Austria and Italy.1 G 0 Another evidence of the depth of hostility between Czechoslovakia and Hungary was the verbal clash between Benes and Premier Bethlen of Hungary. BeneS had granted ·an interview to a reporter of the Paris Midi in which he had made statements which Bethlen had deemed unwarranted interference in the internal affairs of Hungary.1 G 1 In selfdefense Bend replied that he asked nothing better than ecollf Prager Presse, December 17, 1930. eszprrwy (Poslanecka Snemovna), 96 meeting, December 16, 1930, p. 42, 3 session. 119 Narodni Listy, December 26, 1930. 100 C/. Svornost, January 31, 1931. Commercial relations between Czechoslovakia and Hungary had no treaty basis until June 4, 1934. but the agreement of that date was changed several times during 1934 and 1935. For full details, cf. Chmelar, J., "Ceskoslovenska zahranicni politika v roce 1935 ", Zahranilni Politika, vol. xv, p. 679. 101 Cf. The New York Times, February 15, 1931. 330 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 nomic and political cooperation with Hungary. He considered Bethlen's violent attack nothing more than propaganda against his, Benes', comparison of the treatinent of the respective minorities by Hungary and Czechoslovakia, a comparison unfavorable to the former.102 He ignored completely Bethlen's personal remarks. As usual, the Czechoslovak press took up the issue. From the protest of February 21, 1931, of Ghiczy, the Hungarian Minister to Praha,103 it appeared that the comments of the Pravo Lidu were the most irritating, but again, as in the case of earlier protests of Italy which will be considered shortly, Czechoslovakia refused to place any restrictions upon the freedom of the press.104 Czechoslovakia's relations with Hungary remained far more embittered than those with any other country. Italo-Czechoslovak Friction Since the so-called "Rothermere incident" of 1927-28,105 Czechoslovak public opinion continued to associate Italy with Hungarian attempts to revise the Peace Treaties. After this outburst, there ensued a period of two years of silent resentment of Italian foreign policy on the part of Czechoslovakia, until the year 1930 witnessed a series of new crises. Italian foreign policy appeared tortuous, opportunistic and hard to understand. Its apparent contradictions might be best explained perhaps by the fact,.that Italy desired to preserve the status quo in regard to her gains during the War, and yet sought to revise those portions of the post-war settlement which had failed to bring her the rewards to which she felt herself entitled. Unsatisfied colonially, and playing l.oa Ceske SlOflO, February 15, 1931 ; Svornost, March I, 1931. 1os Ceskl SlOflO, February 21, 1931. '104 Ibid., February 23, 1931; Svornost, February 24, 1931. 105 Cf. Le Temps, March 30, 1928, for Mussolini's speech on the necessity for a revision of the Peace Treaties; also supra, pp. 267-269. THE DEPRESSION 331 a losing game against-France and the Little Entente for preponderance in Central Europe, Italy, to avoid isolation, felt that any future improvement in her international status might well depend upon the success with which she could hold the balance of power between the victor and the vanquished states -of the World War. Thus, Italy sought tc revive the game that she had played so successfully before the War--of having one foot in each camp.108 The April visit of Premier Bethlen of Hungary to Rome aroused the apprehensions of all the members of the Little Entente, particularly when it was reported that Mussolini had promised to second Hungarian attempts to revise the Treaty of Trianon.107 In June it was rumored in Praha that Otto would ascend the Hungarian throne in the fall, primarily through the assistance of Italy, which would confront France and the Little Entente with the fait accompli.1118 September, 1930, witnessed a severe Italo-Czechoslovak cns1s. On June 6, 1930, there circulated throughout Yugoslavia reports of the summary execution of several Yugoslavs, charged with high treason, by a Fascist tribunal at Trieste. The report filtered through in spite of strict censorship.1011 Without exception, Czechoslovak newspapers condemned the bloody deed, calling attention to the possibility of a world-wide conflagration as the result. Czechoslovak public opinion was incited still further by Italian concern for defenseless Hungary, whose capital, Budapest, lay within range of Czechoslovak guns from across the frontier.110 100 Cf. Simonds, op. cil., pp. 212-213. "lOT Swmost, April 20-21, 1930; Narodnl Lisry, April 20, 1930. lOll Provo Lidu, June 22, 1930; Swmost, June 23, 1930. "lOG Svomost, June 8, 1930. uo Ibid., September 10, 1930; Narodn£ Listy, August 21, 1930. 332 FOREiGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 On September 10, 1930, Kramar, the leader of the National Democrats, openly called the executions at Trieste barbarous,111 a statement echoed throughotit the Czechoslovak press. The next day, Signor Pedrazzi, Italian Minister to Praha, protested to Dr. Krofta, acting for Benes while the latter was at Geneva, against the hostile tone of the Czechoslovak press, but received the ariswer that the Czechoslovak press was independent and enjoyed freedom of expression, hence the government regretted that it could do nothing about the matter.1121 Czechoslovak anger grew apace at the outrage to a Slav minority.118 The Pravo Lidu, as usual the most radical, led the way, followed by the Geske Slovo, in demanding in the name of Slavdom a cessation of Mussolini's interference in the internal affairs of other states -that it was high time he understood that his sovereignty did not extend to Czechoslovakia.114 On the same day a mass meeting at Praha ended in a march to the Italian Legation, the windows of which were broken by stones.1111 A committee was organized to boycott Italy and Italian goods as a further protest.116 Dr. K. Viskovsky, Czechoslovak Minister of National Defense, pledged Yugoslavia military assistance in the event of an emergency.117 The Czechoslovak Legion, composed of war veterans, pledged similarly their loyalty to Yugoslavia.118 Czechoslovak and Yugoslav Sokols, protesting in union against the Trieste executions, ,. 111 Narodni Listy, September IO, 1930; Svornost, September II, 1930. ua The New York Times, Narodnt Listy, September II, 1930; Svornost. September 12, I930. na Cf. The New York Times, September 12, 1930. 1u Pravo Lidu, Ceski Slovo, September 13, 1930; Swrnost, September 14, 1930. 1111 The New York Times, September 13, 1930. ns Ibid., September 17, 1930; Swrnost, September :zo, 1930. 11'1 Svornost, September 20, 1930; Ceski Slovo, September 19, 1930· 118 Ceskl Slovo, September 23, 1930; Svornost, September 24. 1930· THE DEPRESSION 333 drew in response heated Italian criticism of their interference.1111 Another Italian protest against the sentiments of the Czechoslovak press, this time by Signor Francesco Palmieri, Italian Consul at Bratislava, had an effect entirely opposite to what had been intended.120 . Mussolini aroused apprehensions throughout Europe by a provocative· speech of October 27, 1930, wherein he called attention to the future of Italy and of Fascism.121 Abroad, his utterances were considered more cynically brutal than any of Bismarck's; the chorus of disapproval resounded from London, Paris, Berlin and Praha.122 The statement that a general revision of the Peace Treaties would be to the interest of all Europe and would tend to prevent war was subjected to particular criticism.128 Early in 193I there took place the celebrated flight of the Italian air squadron to Brazil. After the official report of the flight had been published, it was discovered that, among the casualties, were some Hungarians, who had come to Italy to be trained in aviation. At once the Pravo Lidu called attention to the fact that Italy was conniving in Hungarian evasion of the Peace Treaties by training Hungarian officers in Italy.124 Signor Pedrazzi again protested to Bene5, who expressed his regret about the article in the Pravo Lidu, but no steps were taken to prevent the paper from publishing further anti-Italian articles.U11 :uo Corriere della Sera, September 24, 1930; Svornost, September 25, 1930. 120 Pravo Lidu, Lidove Noviny, Narodnl Listy, Ceske Slovo, September 10, 1930; Svornost, September 28, 1930. 121 Corriere della se,.a, October 27. I9JO. 1n The Times, Le Tem;s, Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, Narodn£ Listy, October 28, 1930; Svornost, October 29, 1930. u.a Cf. The New York Times, November 2, 1930. 124 Pr6vo Lidu, February 18, 1931. 1211 The New York Times, February 19. 1931; Svornost, February 20. 19Jl. 334 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1936 The U.S.S.R. and Poland Czechoslovakia's neighbors to the East sought to allay rather than to enhance the friction that existed within Central Europe. Hand in hand with closer economic contacts, there became marked also between the U.S.S.R. and Czechoslovakia a steady diminution of political friction. The former had long abandoned any hopes. of successful interference in the internal affairs of the latter. The once formidable Communist Party within Czechoslovakia, which had been founded in 1921 by Czechoslovak radicals, dwindled and was tom by internal dissensions,126 until on August 14, 1930, its members agreed to merge by September 1, 1930, with the Social Democratic Party.1 n Although revived later, it no longer represented a threat to the stability of the Republic. The question of de jure recognition of the Soviet Union received renewed impetus during the summer of 1931 through the active efforts of Czechoslovak manufacturers, who insisted that such recognition of Russia was a vital necessity to the recently improved business relations between the two states and more important to the welfare of the Republic than any purely political considerations. Within Czechoslovakia, the Socialists were favorably inclined, but the National Democrats, led by Kramcii·, were as always bitterly opposed to the move. On September 3, 1931, Jan Seba, former Czechoslovak Minister to Belgrade. and at the time a member of the Czechoslovak parliament and an intimate friend of Benes, admitted that he was conducting, at Moscow, negotiations for de jure recognition.128 Despite the infer- 126 Svornost, April 13, 19, 1929. 1a1 Ibid., August 15, 1930. Cf. also, Reimann, P., Dejiny komunistickl strany leskoslovenske (Praha, 193<1), for a detailed account of the history of the Czechoslovak Communist Party. 12a Narodnt Listy, Ceske Slovo, Svornost, September 3, 1931. THE DEPRESSION 335 ence of Fischer that_ Benes, since 1929, might be using Kramar's opposition as a mere excuse for withholding de jure recognition,129 no evidence had been produced that Bene5 had not been sincere on every occasion that he had advocated Soviet recognition. In 1931, the opposition within Czechoslovakia was still so strong that there existed little chance for a successful outcome of any Soviet negotiations that were not strictly economic in nature.1119 Nevertheless, the initialing of the treaty of friendship and nonaggression between France and the U.S.S.R.181 had a marked effect upon Czechoslovak public opinion, which hoped for similar agreements between the Soviet Union and Poland and the Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia. It created within the Republic a sentiment more favorable to recognition than ever before, a steadily growing conviction that de jure recognition of the Soviet government on the part of Czechoslovakia was merely a question of time and circumstances.1 u The outlook on Czechoslovakia's eastern horizon appeared still more favorable as a result of Poland's conciliatory attitude. Poland, which had already, on January 15, 1931, concluded with Rumania a five-year treaty of mutual guarantee,138 renewed again, for three more years, the secret treaty of military alliance with France which had been drawn up during June, 1922, for ten years.184 Still feeling insecure, 1219 C/. Fischer, o~. cit., vol. ii, p. 507. uo Cf. Chmelai', ]., "Ceskoslovenski zahranicni politika v roce 1931 ", Zah,.anilnl Politika, voL x~ pt. i, pp. 101-107. 181. The Times, The New Yo,.k Times, August 20, 1931. The treaty was signed November 29. 1932. Cf. Nouveau ,.ecueil, iii serie, vol. xxix, pp. 28 ef seq. 1a2 Narodm Politika, Ceske Slovo, August 20, 1931; Svornost, August 21, 1931; cf. also, Fierlinger, Z., Sovietske Rusko fiG nove d,.d:Je (Praha, 1932). 1aa T,.eat:p Series, vol. cxv, pp. 171-175. 1a•Le Tem~s, May 19, 1932; Svomost, May 20, 1932. 336 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 Poland, despite the almost frantic objections of Rumania, signed, on July 25, 1932, in Moscow, with the Soviet Union, a non-aggression pact with regard to which the two countries had been negotiating since January.185 The only satisfaction that Rumania could secure was a promise that Poland would withhold ratification of the treaty until Rumania would bring to a satisfactory termination her own dispute with Moscow over Bessarabia.136 During the summer and early fall of 1932 Poland sought to cultivate also warmer friendship with Czechoslovakia, a campaign which perhaps reached its climax early in October when Czechoslovak public opinion reacted favorably to a much publicized statement attributed to the Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Zaleski, that the preservation of peace and the maintenance of a balance of power in Central Europe were dependent upon the cooperation of Poland and Czechoslovakia.1M Revisionism vs. the Status Quo It appeared that Europe was again threatened with a division into two armed camps over the question of the Peace Treaties: into a revisionist bloc which included Germany, Italy, Austria, Hungary and Bulgaria, and into an antirevisionist bloc composed of France, Belgium, the Little Entente, Poland, and possibly Great Britain/88 an alignment which had been predicted several years in advance by Viscount D'Abernon, the British Ambassador to Germany.1311 France, which continued to uphold the principle of the inviolability of the Peace Treaties, met the challenge subtly 185 C/. Izvestia, Gazeta Warszowska, January 30, 1932; Svorno.st, January 31, 1932. nssvorno.st, July 25-26, 1932; Gazeta Warszawska, July 24-25, 1932. nT Narodnl Listy, October 1, 6, 1932; Svornost, October 13, 28, 1932· 1ss C/. De Balla, V., The New Balance of Power in EuroPe (Baltimore, I9J2). n11 D'Abernon, op. cit., vol. ii, p. to8. THE DEPRESSION 337 in 1931; by means of granting foreign loans judiciously and by exerting thereby political pressure upon the recipients of her favors, she not only strengthened greatly her own bloc, but hoped to disrupt, eventually, the opposing alignment. The first of these so-called political loans was made on March 10, 1931, $42,000,000 to Rumania. By means of two agreements of March 30 ~nd April 17, France loaned Poland $4o,ooo,ooo,_most of which was to be spent for the construction, by French engineers, of a railroad connecting the coal fields of Upper Silesia with Gdynia, Poland's only seaport. On April 23, the day of Bene5' denunciation of the Austro-German Customs Union, Czechoslovakia was granted a loan of $so,ooo,ooo to help liquidate frozen assets. On May 8, Yugoslavia was loaned $42,000,000 for public works and for the stabilization of her finances. After protracted negotiations, the last of this particular series of loans was made in August, $25,000,000 to Hungary,140 in return for control of Hungarian finances, a lease on Hungarian railroads, and a Hungarian promise to renounce revisionism, an act which may have had some influence in inducing the latter to adopt a reserved attitude towards the proposed Austro-German Customs Union.141 In spite of the loan from France, Czechoslovakia's finances remained in a strained situation. Her foreign trade greatly declined between 1930 and 1932.142 The depression was caused by several factors. The civil war in China and the uo Cf. The New York Times, September 13, 1931, for article by R. L. Buell, " The Weight of France's Gold on the Scales of Diplomacy"; Toynbee, op. cit., 1932, p. 36; Roueek, op. cit., p. 146; Langsam, op. cit.. p. 2o8. 1n Cf. The New York Times, April 17, I9JI. 'lU For the years 'I9JO, I9JII and 1932, respectively, Czechoslovakia's imports amounted to I5,7IS,OOO, u,Sox,ooo and 8.tss,ooo crowns, respectively; her exports, 17,474.000, 13,149.000 and 7,399.000 crowns, respectively. Cf. Publications, Economic and Financial, 1933. ii A 7, p. 165. 338 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1985 series of bankruptcies in various South American states had crippled Czechoslovakia's textile exports, the decline of the pound sterling had affected adversely the eiport of glassware, porcelain, gloves, and other small manufactured articles and, worst of all, about twenty-five per cent of Czechoslovakia's foreign trade had been conducted with her immediate neighbors, Germany, Austria, Poland and Hungary, states which were on the verge of bankruptcy. In these states, Czechoslovak merchants had granted extensive credits which had become frozen assets, owing to moratoria and other factors. During the several years in question, the Republic had also made considerable payments on its foreign debts.ua Hence, negotiations were opened for a second loan. When Dr. V. PospiSil, Governor of the Czechoslovak National Bank, sounded France in December, 1931, the terms were so severe that he declined even to consider them. They were not made puJ?lic, but were resented by Czechoslovakia, whose financial distress was but temporary and owing to a lack of liquidity rather than to excessive deficits.144 However, the negotiations were continued. On January 22, 1932, an agreement for a new French loan of one billion Czechoslovak crowns (about $3o,ooo,ooo) was approved by the Czechoslovak government,145 and signed by Osusky, the Czechoslovak Minister to Paris, and by Flandin, at the time the French Minister of Finance, but, again the specific terms were not made public.146 It might be safely inferred that the new loan, which was considered the culmination of the 148 Cf. Stdtni zaverelnj sUet republiky leskoslovenske za rok 1930, pp. 286-289; 1931, pp. 312-3•13; 1932, pp. 330-331; 1933, pp. 332-333· UA Svornost, January 22, 1932. u5 Zpravy (Poslanecka Snemovna), 165 meeting, January 22, 1932, pp. 3-6, 5 session. ue Narodni Listy, January 21, 25, 1932. THE DEPRESSION 339 French system of political loans, bound Czechoslovakia more closely to France than before.147 Another of these so-called political loans was granted by France to Austria, $14,000,000 on December 29, 1932. Voted in the French Chamber of Deputies 325. to 188, and in the French Senate 144 to 68, this loan to an enemy state two weeks after France defaulted ori $19,000,000 of war debts due to the United States was an act which even Flandin characterized as " monstrous , •148 Benes' project for an economic Danubian Confederation comprising, as a nucleus, Czechoslovakia, Austria and Hungary, a project which as late as January 6, 1932, was reported abandoned by France because of the opposition of Germany and Italy/411 was revived during March, and embodied in the so-called Tardieu plan for a Danubian Confederation of Austria, Hungary and the Little Entente. In general, Czechoslovak public opinion was favorable. The N arodnz Listy desired that the bloc be truly a new Confederation and not merely a resurrection of the Dual Monarchy/50 whereas the Ceske Slovo recommended that the plan be studied first by economic experts, then by the various Czechoslovak political parties, and finally by the May conference of the Little Entente.151 In an expose of March 25, 1932, Benes approved the project in the hope of improving Central Europe's economic status, but felt that the united support of the Great Powers would be essential for its success.152 On the same day France secured the approval of Great Britain for the 147 Cf. SvontJOst, January 26, 1932. 148 Le Temps, December 29, 1932. 1.ae The New York Times, January 6, 1932. 1~ Narodnf Listy, March I'I, 1932. 151 Ceske Slovo, March u, 1932. 152 Ibid., Narodnl Listy, March 25, 1932; Svornost, March 26, 1932. 340 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-19!15 plan.1118 On April 6 a four-Power conference of France, Great Britain, Germany and Italy met at London in an attempt to prevent the economic collapse of Central Europe. Britain and France recommended that the five states in the projected Confederation lower their tariffs against one another by ten per cent, that they abolish all other agencies that hindered trade, that other states renounce most-favorednation clauses in treaties with the states of the bloc, that $4o,ooo,ooo be loaned to the states in the bloc, and that the agricultural produce of these five states be given a unilateral preference by all other countries. Germany and Italy remained unalterably opposed to the plan, on the ground that their own exclusion would complicate unnecessarily their existing economic difficulties without affording sufficient relief to the five small beneficiaries.1 " As a result, the London Conference collapsed within two days, and with it went all hopes for the success of the Tardieu plan.1115 In vain did Hungary, Rumania and Yugoslavia accept the Tardieu plan in principle/58 and in vain did Hungary support the Little Entente against Germany, Italy and Austria.m The regular Conference of the Little Entente was held at Belgrade, May 13-15, 1932, with the Foreign Ministers of Poland (Zaleski) and of Greece (Michalakopoulos) present as observers. The chief significance of the meeting was a pronouncement against supernationalism as expressed in the tendency for each state to adopt' its own selfish economic policy: as the best antidote, the five-Power Danubian Confederation was again recommended temporarily, until a more t53 Le Temps, March 25, 1932; cf. also, Chmelar, J., "Tardieuuv plan stfedoevropske spoluprace ", Zahranicni Politika, vol. xi, pt. i, pp. t85-191. tM The Times, The New York Times, April 6-9. 1932. ns Narodnt List~. April t•t, I9J2. ue The New York Times, April 20, 1932. 15T Ibid., April :u, 1932· THE DEPRESSION 341 extensive agreement could be reached1118 This recommendation was denounced by Premier Bethlen of Hungary, who had apparently been converted to a viewpoint that the best interests of his country lay in the continuation of a policy of revisionism/59 and by both Italy and Germany.180 Reparations and Debts The problem of Central European reparations, which had been for a decade one of the bitterest of controversies, had arisen again in 1929. The Succession States had been complaining that the League had been so interested in the problem of German reparations that it had neglected to pay adequate attention to problems of a similar nature in Central Europe. The supposedly final settlement 181 of the question of German reparations renewed the desire of the Succession States for an equally definite solution of their corresponding problems, hence Bene5' activity in the interim. Benes became the spokesman for all the Succession States when he urged the Little Entente to adopt a unified attitude regarding the question. He went on to state his opinion that all the states of Central Europe would be wise if they associated their respective financial and political problems with the issue of German reparations and with the Young Plan.182 At the Little Entente Conference of Belgrade of May 20-21, 1929,168 the three partners came to an agreement, in which 158 Ibid., May 15-16, 1932. 1511 Ibid., May 23, 1932. 180 Ibid., June 12, 1932. 1111 The Young Plan for German reparations, after being threshed over by a committee of experts at Paris from February, 1929, to June 7, 1929. stated the definite amount that Germany would be compelled to pay. The plan was also referred, for final approval, to a conference of governments, to meet at the Hague on August 6. Cf. Til# Times, Le TemPs, June 6, 1929. 1ell Ceske Slow, May 15, 1929; Svomost, May 16, 1929. 188 Cf. supra, pp. 294-2¢. 342 FOREJGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 they were joined later by Poland and Greece, that they would withhold their approval of the Young Plan and of the reduction of German reparations until after their own reparations problems with Austria, Hungary and Bulgaria had also been solved. The five states formed a bloc that acted as a unit at the Hague Conference in August, 1929, and at the second session in January, 1930, until its essential demands had been conceded. The same stand was taken at the Paris Conference on non-German reparations during September-November, 1929.164 The agreements signed at the Hague Conference on January 20, 1930, represented one of the most important events in post-war Europe since the Peace Treaties. Austrian reparations to Poland and Czechoslovakia (Article 177 of the Treaty of .St. Germain) were abrogated. Czechoslovakia objected to being burdened by the Powers with a debt of approximately $15o,ooo,ooo for" Costs of Liberation" until Hungarian reparations were fixed at a figure which she approved. All in all, the " Costs of Liberation " for the Succession States totalled approximately $2,ooo,ooo,ooo. The thorny problem was not direct reparations, but the claims which arose for former crown properties of Austria-Hungary and for the estates which were being broken up as the result of the new policies of agrarian reform which the states of the Little Entente were enforcing. Italy cooperated with the Little Entente in the adoption of a compromise, the "Brocchi Plan", for Hungary, whereby there were created two separate funds: fund A, about $4s,ooo,ooo, for land claims, and fund B, about $2o,ooo,ooo, for the claims of the Habsburgs, of churches, of railroads, and of industrialists. The operating capital for these funds was to be raised, until 1943, partially through deposits from Hungarian payments '16t Cf. Le Temps, January 24, 1930. for the declaration of Mironescu regarding the intimate collaboration of the states of the Little Entente. THE DEPRESSION 343 made by Great Britain, France and Italy, but, from 1943 to 19<}6, entirely by deposits of the states of the Little Entente from Hungarian payments which :would accrue to their benefit. The Mixed Tribunals (Hungarian-Czechoslovak, Hungarian-Rumanian and Hungarian-Yugoslav) might exercise merely juridical functions, but could no longer be the vehicles for financial claims directed against these three states.165 The reparations that Czechoslovakia had been expected to contribute to the Allied fund for crown property, about 25,ooo,ooo,ooo Czechoslovak crowns, were cancelled. The "Costs of Liberation" were cut to about one-fourth and were to be represented by thirty-seven annual payments of Io,ooo,ooo Reichsmarks each (a little over 8o,ooo,ooo Czechoslovak crowns). Czechoslovakia was granted also a share of Bulgarian and Hungarian reparations, about 25,ooo,ooo Czechoslovak crowns.166 In addition to the sacrifices that Czechoslovakia had made for independence, she could point to the fact that her national pride could not permit others to bear the entire cost of the war that had freed her.167 The agreements reached at the second Conference were signed at Paris by the Commission for Eastern Reparations, composed of Bethlen, Benes, Marinkovic and Titulescu, on March 31,.1930, and by the representatives of the Great Powers on April 28, 1930.. They took the form of four conventions concerning (I) the reparations agreements between Hungary and the Creditor Powers, (2) the settlement of land reform, (3) the settlement of Mixed Arbitral Tribunal questions, and (4) the Powers of the Special Funds.168 · 185 C/. Crane, op. cit., pp. 163-169. us Cf. Agreements Concltufed al the Hague Conference, January, I9JO (London, 1930). tsr Cf. Krofta, K., "Haag a Pafiz ", Zahranicni Politika, vol. ix. pp. 497-soo; Chmelar, J., .. Ceskoslovenska zahranicni politika v roce 1930", ZahraniCnf Politika, 1931, pt. i, pp. 12-19- 168 Treaty Series. vol. c:xxvii, pp. 95-101. 344 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1936 The settlement represented for Czechoslovakia a total liquidation of the reparations question. She also took advantage of her cooperation with France and Italy during the reparations negotiations to settle her debts with them. For the equipment and maintenance of the Czechoslovak Legions during the war, France was to receive for fifty years an annual payment of 1o,ooo,ooo paper francs, and Italy, for a like period of time, an annuity of 2o,ooo,ooo Czechoslovak crowns.189 It remained for the sequel to demonstrate how illusory had been any hopes for a final settlement of the general question of reparations. The post-war loans, primarily of the United States and of Great Britain to Germany, added to the already immense burden of reparations,· created for· Germany in the summer of 1931 a very precarious financial situation. In the emergency came the proposal of President Hoover of July I, 1931, of a moratorium of one year in the payment of reparations and all inter-governmental loans.170 It was well received in most countries with the exception of France, which objected lest it be especially favorable to Germany, and lest it militate against the inviolability of the Peace Treaties and of the subsequent reparations settlement. Nevertheless, after a struggle, France fell in line with the other Powers to avoid isolation.171 Hoover's plan was welcomed by the Little Entente and espl!cially by Czechoslovakia, to which it would mean relief from the annual payment of 1 89 For Bend' two exposes of January 30 and May 20, 1930, cf. Benes, Boj o mir, ·pp. 438-490 and 491-528; also Benes, E., Les Probtemes des reparations et Ia liquidation de Ia guerre mondiale d Ia Haye and Vers Ia liquidation de Ia guerre: traites de Ia Haye et de Paris, Sources et documents tchecoslovaques, nos. 12 and 13. no The New York Times, June 19-30, 1931. 1 71 Ibid., Le Temps, June 19-30, 1931; cf. also, Armstrong, H. F., "France and the Hoover Plan", Foreign Affairs, vol. x, pp. 23-33. THE DEPRESSION 345 $3,000,000 in interest due on her debt to the United States/72 but the political situation, especially the fear of offending France, dictated a reserved acceptance of the proposal until France had accepted as wen.ua However, the moratorium failed to improve the situation. . The three states of the Little Entente desired to have discussed further before the League the que~tions of disarmament, war debts and German reparations.u• In this attempt, they seconded_ the initiative of Great Britain, which had attempted to call an economic conference at Lausanne, Switzerland, on January 18, 1932.u5 Throughout the year, BeneS worked on the question of world disarmament,178 but, without much success.. The negotiations on disarmament took him far afield in their almost labyrinthine details, not only into every European political conflict of importance, but even to a declaration against the activities of Japan in China. Benes was not concerned in the intricacies of the Manchurian situation on its own merits, but solely because Japan's headlong course in defying the opinion of the rest of the world had, in his estimation, contributed greatly towards reducing the prestige and influence of the League.17 ' By the middle of the summer of 1932, France had apparently begun to lose hope of obtaining extensive German repua Regard-ing Czechoslovakia's debt settlement of October 13, 1925, with the United States, cf. supra, pp. 248-249. '1'1'8 Ceskl Slow, June 2S, July 2, IS, 1931; Ndrodnl Listy, July IS, 1931; Benes, Boj o mif', pp. 6o1-619 (speech of October 20, 1931, before Foreign Affairs Committees of Senate and Chamber of Deputies). l'l'ft Swrnost, February 4. 1932. 1111 The Times, December 30. 1931. ne Cf. The New Yof'k Times, February 13, 28, March 2, July 19. 1932i Svornost, January I, 4. February 4. 13, 14. 26, 29. March 3, 5, 16, 19. April 24, June 15, 24. July 14. 20, 29, August '], I932· For full details, cf. Kraus, J., Svitove od:.b,.ojini (Praha, 1'933). Cf. also, inf,.a, pp. 3.52-354· nr Benes, Boi o mir, pp. 62o-652 (speech of March 22, 1932). 346 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 arations. At the Lausanne Conference, on July 9, 1932, there was signed an agreement whereby the Young Plan for German reparations, which had envisaged <1n amount of 34,000,000,000 gold marks, payable in annuities until 1988, was scrapped and replaced by a new obligation of merely 3,ooo,ooo,ooo gold marks (about $714,6oo,ooo). Other parts of the agreement concerned the extension of the moratorium on inter-Allied debts, financial assistance to the distressed states of the Danubian area, the appointment of a commission to examine the agricultural problems of the Danubian area, and the calling of a world economic conference under the auspices of the League of Nations.178 Clear-cut indeed was the inference that the United States was expected to reduce its debt claims against the former Allies in proportion to the reductions that they had accorded Germany.1 " \Vhen the regular war debt payments to the United States again became due on December IS, 1932, after the one year interval of the Hoover moratorium, the resumption of payments was irksome to the nations of Europe. As has already been mentioned, France took the lead in defaulting. Czechoslovakia, which with Poland asked the United States on November 22, 1932/80 for a revision of her debt agreement and for a suspension of the payment due on December IS, 1932, paid her instalment of $I,500,000 under protest, after the United States had decfmed her request. This action was explained by Dr. Kamil Krofta, Under-Secretary 1T8 Anon., The Lausanne Agreement, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, no. 282; Final Act of the Lausanne Conference; cf. also, Lippmann, W. and Scroggs, W. 0., The United States i11 World Affairs (New York, 1933), pp. 132-153; Moulton and Pasvolsky, JVar Debts and World Prosperity, pp. 344-366. "l'l9 C/. Langsam, op. cit., p. 193. regarding the "gentlemen's agree~ ment •• of Great Britain, France, Italy and Belgium. 1so N aroam Listy, November 22, 1932. THE DEPRESSION 347 of Foreign Affairs, as an evidence of Czechoslovakia's sincere desire to honor all her international obligations, regardless of the actions of other states.181 The Czechoslovak Minister to the United States, Dr. Ferdinand Veverka, while presenting the payment expressed the hope that the United States would participate in an international conference for the solution of the problem of war debtsr2 _and, on January 21, 1933, asked for a reconsideration of Czechoslovakia's war debt by the United States}88 Another part of the Lausanne agreement, the promise to convene a general economic conference, was fulfilled by the Conference of Stresa, which was attended by eighty delegates representing fifteen states. During the Conference, which met from September 5-21, 1932, a united front was presented by delegates from the Little Entente, supported by Austria, Hungary, Poland and Bulgaria. France proposed a plan to grant the five states of the rejected Danubian Confederation preferential tariffs on their agricultural exports for at least three years. This scheme was to be financed by a sum of 75,ooo,ooo Swiss francs which was to be raised by contributions from each state participating, in the proportion to which each adherent failed to grant preferences by a system of bilateral commercial treaties. The Conference struck a snag when Great Britain refused to contribute to the fund as an alternative to the granting of tariff preferences. In the last analysis, only Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia and Switzerland were willing to grant preferences; Italy preferred to contribute to the fund; whereas France was amenable to both alternatives. The 181/bid., Prager Presse, December IS, 193'2· us Swrnost, December 16, 1932. For details of the debt correspondence between Czechoslovakia and the United States, cf. Chmelar J., "Zahranieni politika v roce 1932 a Ceskoslovensko ", Zahranilm PolitiktJ, vol. xii, pp. 1-10. 1sa The New York Times, January 22, 1933. 348 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1936 final report of September 20 represented a compromise of the views of France, Italy, Germany and the bloc of small states, since Great Britain still continued to hold aloof. Embodied in nine general resolutions, the final agreement established an administrative committee of the adhering states, with headquarters at Basel and with supervisory powers over such matters as grain preferences, bilateral treaties and the special fund. The actual value of the new set-up was open to question. Considerable disappointment was expressed over the lack of agreement upon a second fund for the stabilization of currencies.184 In this manner were dashed the ambitious plans of the Lausanne Conference. Throughout 1932, the states of the Little Entente had been watching with concern the growth of revisionist sentiment, both among their own discontented minorities and in the members of the revisionist bloc. The success of the hastily called special Little Entente Conference of January 22-23, at Montreux, Switzerland/85 for the purpose of evolving a unified policy with regard to the questions of disarmament, reparations and reyisionism, convinced the three Foreign Ministers of the advisability of a second special Conference late in the year. Bend, Titulescu andYeftic met at Belgrade on December 18-20, 1932, to discuss primarily a common line of action regarding the threats of revisionists. Other questions concerned disarmament, reparation payments of Germany's former Allies, and an ec'Ori.omic reorganization of the Little Entente. The fact that the Lausanne agreement had altered the financial clauses of a Peace Treaty, that military clauses of all the Peace Treaties were being subjected to threats of revision, and that the territorial clauses alone seemed to retain any indications of permanence, caused alarm which was not allayed by the fact that the disarmament con- 184 C/. Publications, Political, 1932, vii ii. 185 The New York Times, February 2, 1932. THE DEPRESSION 349 ference of the Powers had been a failure thus far and had been adjourned until January 19, 1933. The Conference of Belgrade closed with an official communique that again revealed the solidarity of the Little Entente. It proclaimed the creation at Geneva of a permanent committee of the three Foreign Ministers and of a permanent secretariat, but no declaration· was issued against the propaga:nda of revisionist~, much to the disappointment of Yugoslavia, which desired some such declaration against Italy. On the othet" hand, the solidarity of ·Rumania was welcome to her two partners, who had feared that Italian influence might have had a weakening effect upon the organization.186 Shortly after the close of the Conference, BeneS summarized both the .future hopes and fears of his country when he warned the Great Powers that the Little Entente would continue to advocate disarmament and to oppose any revision of the Peace Treaties.187 The tendency to default the debts due to the United States found its echo also in the question of the so-called" Eastern reparations". Before the special Conference of the Little Entente met at Belgrade,· the three partners were informed by the Great Powers that the latter would no longer continue to advance the deposits that would be necessary to administer the special funds that had been created by the agreements of the Hague and Paris. By this decision, Hungary and Bulgaria, on the one hand, would receive no longer any money payments in compensation for the territories that they had lost by the Peace Treaties, but, on the other hand, would deem themselves absolved also from further reparation payments. Thereupon, the three states of the Little Entente, in paying their January instalments of $10,000 each, agreed 1&8Jbid., December 18-20, 1932; Swrnost, December 17, 1932. 18'1' Ceske Slwo, December 24. 1932; The Nefl! York Times, December 25, 1932. 350 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1936 that this payment would be their last, and that they also would consider themselves released from any further reparations obligations.188 In this manner was the general disrespect for treaty obligations enhanced and the chaotic condition of Europe aggravated, until, by the winter of 1932- 1933, the disintegration of any " Concert of Europe" appeared complete and pessimism seemed to be ·the order of the day.189 :1ss C/. Prager Tagblatt, January 6, 1933; also, Svornost, January 7, 1933· 1811 For a detailed discussion of the desperate financial plight of Central Europe, cf. Chappey, J., La Crise de la monnaie et Ia restauration des Pays Danubiens (Paris, 1933). CHAPTER VIII THE NAZI CRISIS THE -CAUSES AND IMPORTANCE OF HITLERISM DuRING the winter of 1932-1933 the world-wide depression still endured: although there was improvement in some respects, in others lower depths were reached. The ensuing pessimism, coupled with a high degree of nationalism, created for the whole world problems which represented a composite picture of almost every aspect of human activity. Of such problems Central Europe had perhaps more than its share: certainly among the states of the revisionist bloc at least there grew stronger the tendency to blame the Peace Treaties for the major portion of the evils that they had to endure. These states came to advocate, more and- more forcibly, revisions of the Peace Treaties that were considered too drastic by the states of the status-quo bloc. The dangers of the situation were appreciated by Benes, who, on November 7, I932, before_the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, delivered an address entitled " Will Europe decide for Peace or War? " In this expose, after a thorough review of the situation, he pointed out how recent events had created, particularly in Germany, a condition of affairs ominous to the future peace of Europe.1 The Reich was seething with discontent because of numerous frustrations of the national will Too weak to rebel directly against the terms of the Treaty of Versailles during the years immediately after the termination of the War, Germany had already tried twice in vain to evade indirectly 1 Bend, Boj o m!,., pp. 653-681. 35I 352 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 certain of its provisions.2 Many Germans had accepted the Locarno agreements reluctantly, and with misgivings.3 The final blow to the status quo was dealt by the' failure of the disarmament conference of I932. From February 3 to December I I the delegates from the German Republic pleaded almost frantically that, in order to avert a domestic upheaval, Germany be allowed to arm to a degree consistent with her own security, if the other Powers could not agree to disarm to the German level.4 The only concession that Germany could obtain was the agreement of December I I, I932, whereby, in principle, she was granted equality of rights in arms matters to prevent her from leaving the conference which adjourned on December I4, I932, to meet again on January I9, I933·11 Benes worked hard to try to save the 1932 disarmament conference. The viewpoint of Czechoslovakia was stated officially on February I2: the Czechoslovak government (I) ll For seeking a complete moratorium, the Cuno government had been punished by the French occupation of the Ruhr, which had lasted from January, 1923, to August, 1925, and which, by ruining the German middle classes, had paved the way for the later Nazi movement; whereas the second attempt, the proposed Austro-German Customs Union, had been frustrated through the use of the financial power of France, which, in 1931, had hastened financial crashes in both Austria and Germany, results that, in the eyes. of patriotic Teutons, justified fully the most drastic countermeasures. Cf. Simonds, F. H. and Emeny, B., The Great Powers ita World Politics (New York, 1935), pp.,. 1g6-197; Einzig, P., WorlcJ Finance, I9I4-I935 (New York, 1935), pp. 217-223. a Cf. Simonds and Emeny, op. cit., p. 197. • France and Germany blamed one another for the failure to reach an agreement : France accused Germany of " calculated encroachments " on the Treaty of Versailles, and Germany blamed France for the "calculated withholding" of rights that she, Germany, believed her just due morally according to the same Treaty. Cf. The Times, The New York Times, February 3, December n and 12, 1933; cf. also, Prochazka, R., " Nova tva.F problemu bezpecnosti ", Zahranicm Politika, vol. xiv, pp. &2-83; Toynbee, op. cit., 1933, p. 13(). 5 Publications, Disarmament, 1933, ix 10, p. 2o8. THE NAZI CRISIS 353 accepted the guiding -principles of the conference as a basis for: discussion; (2) expressed the opinion that the final convention should establish the principle of a definite and explicit limitation of armaments; (3) was prepared to adopt supervision of effectives, of armaments, and of arms.manufacture and trade in a more complete and effective manner than that in present operation or that proposed thus .far in the conference; (4) favored the establishment of a more complete system for the prohibition of chemical and bacteriological warfare, and was prepared to extend this prohibition to other means of offensive warfare, particularly to aerial bombardments of the civil population, of cities, and especially of the capitals of the belligerents; (5) was convinced that the above suggestion should be supplemented by a system of penalties; (6) intended to support the view of France; and (7) believed that the final convention should bring about genuine disarmament by a series of graduated stages. At the same time the Czechoslovak government reasserted its belief in the necessity of a progressive and scientifically organized policy of peace with a view to strengthening the authority and augmenting the powers of the League Council.8 Bend became rapporteur of the General Commission of the conference on February 24. In this capacity, on April 20 he explained the organization of the national civilian forces of his country. He pointed out particularly that civil aviation was controlled by the Ministry of Public Works and had received a subsidy of 38,6oo,ooo crowns in the budget of 1932.' The preliminary phase of the conference terminated in the meetings of July 20-22,8 whereupon the Technical • Ibid., 1932, ix zs, p. 52. 'Ibid., 1932, ix 31, pp. 66, IOJ-104a Cf. ibid., Records of the Conference for the Reduction and LimitatiorJ of Armoments, Series B, Minutes of the General Commission, vot i (February 9-]uly 23, 1932), pp. IS3-I8S, for details of Benes' work as rapporteur. 354 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1936 Committee of the National Defense Expenditure Commission of the conference sought to obtain from each member of the League all facts and figures pertinent to its national defense expenditures.9 After this information had been assembled, no agreement could be reached. In vain did Benes seek to set an example by pledging Czechoslovakia's continued adherence to a disarmament truce.10 Amid the conflicting opinions regarding security and disarmament, one fact stood out prominently, namely, that in refusing the demands of Germany, the other Powers became in a large measure responsible for the fall of Chancellor Briining and for the rise of Hitlerism.11 Germany's third revolt against the terms of the Treaty of Versailles was direct. The Austrian-hom Adolf Hitler, who had long been considered harmless and later merely a threat to the internal tranquillity of Germany, became Chancellor of the Reich on January 30, 1933.12 Taking his stand upon an unqualified condemnation of the Peace Settlement, Hitler arrogated to himself more and more power. The aging President of the Republic, Von Hindenburg, could not stem the tide, with the result that long before his death at the age of eighty-six years on August 2, 1934,18 he had II Cf. ibid., ·1933, ix 3, vol. ii, pp. I3I-I37, for facts and figures regarding Czechoslovakia. 10 A disarmament truce, i. e. a pledge not to increase armaments, which had been proposed by Italy and advocated by Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland, had been accepted by Czechoslovakia for one year as from November I, 1931. Upon its expiration, Benes renewed his country's pledge for another four months. Cf. Official lmtrnol, special supplement, no. g6, p. 46 (Bene5' statement of September 24, 1931); January, 1932, p. 148 (Benes' statement of October 27, 1931); Januacy, 1933, p. 128 (Benes' statement of September 14. 1932). 11 Cf. Wheeler-Bennett, J. W., The Pipe Dream of Peace (New York, 1935), pp. xiii-xv. 13 The New York Times, January 30-31, 1933. n Ibid., August 2, 1934- THE NAZI CRISIS 355' become a mere figur-e-head and Germany had been transformed from a republic to a dictatorship with Hitler in full control. Many of the German people, with whom any leader who would dare to condemn openly the Treaty of Versailles would become popular, acquiesced willingly in the change in government. In this manner there came to pass the reaction that Dr. Vlastimil Tusar, as Czechoslovak Minister to Germany, had predicted as early as March 21, 1922. 16 The ultimate result of the Nazi revolution can not be foreseen at this writing. It was unquestionably the most important single event of the year 1933, and certainly one of the most important events of the whole post-war era. It might be considered even as marking the end of the immediate post-war period 15 and as inaugurating an entirely new period, one in which Germany no longer accepted more or less supinely the dictates of the victor states of the World War, but began to reassert herself actively. Conscious of her own reviving strength, she sought to abolish all the existing distinctions between victor and vanquished states, and to regain a position of equality with the other Great Powers. Of the small states of Central Europe, Czechoslovakia was perhaps the most endangered by the rise of Hitlerism. She was aware of her peril, but, in the early days of the movement at least, regarded it as a menace that would necessitate vigilance on her part, but one that she need not necessarily fear.111 u Cj. D'Abernon, op. cit., vol. i, pp. 296-297. Tusar, whom Benes allegedly thought unduly pro-German (cf. ibid., vol. ii, p. 58), considered " insane " the French policy of pressing Germany too hard, and predicted that the ultimate result would be a revolution which would cause a general collapse and the rise of a labor party which would pay no reparations. n Cf. Toynbee, op. cit., 1933, p. III. 1e For this attitude of Czechoslovakia, cf. Bauer, F., Hitle,.ova treti iiSe a na1 stat (Praha, 1933). 356 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 Strengthening the Little Entente There arose again the question of the illegal shipment of arms to Hungary. On January 9, 1933, forty carloads of arms (40,000 to so,ooo rifles and 200 machine guns) were shipped from Italy to Hirtenberg in Austria, allegedly to be repaired there in order to furnish labor for unemployed machinists, since the weapons represented pre-war Austrian equipment. If the charges of the Arbeiter Zeitung were true, the weapons were not repaired at Hirtenberg, but, with the connivance of the Austrian government, were merely loaded into trucks and transshipped into Hungary.17 At once the Little Entente was aroused. Czechoslovak public opinion questioned whether this move did not represent a verification of rumors of a secret alliance between· Italy, Austria and Hungary.18 Benes seized the occasion to issue again a warning against any propaganda aimed at revising the Peace Treaties.19 On January 20, France decided to support the protest of the Little Entente against the shipment of arms from Italy to Hungary.20 Benes, as spokesman for the Little Entente, demanded action, either by the League of Nations or by a cooperative effort of Great Britain and France.21 He pointed out that the Hirtenberg affair was not an isolated incident, but that, in all, Italy had shipped to Hungary 18o,roo rifles, 200 machine guns, and unknown numbers of aeroplanes and trucks, the latter .of which could be transformed into tanks. He pleaded for a cessation of HaloMagyar intrigues,22 but again, as in the case of earlier incilT Arbeiter Zeitung, January 9, 1933; Svornost, January 10, 1933- 18 Narodnt List;v, January IS, I933· to The New York Times, January IS, 1933. 2o Ibid., ]anuary 20, 1933. 211 Ibid., January 27 and February 9, 1933. 22 Svornost, February 12 and March s. 1933. THE NAZI CRISIS 357 dents,28 in vain. Nothing effective was accomplished to check such activities, probably because Italy, a Great Power, was involved. Germany's new challenge to the status quo was answered promptly by the Little Entente. On February ;r6, 1933, the three Foreign Ministers-Bene§, Titulescu and Yefticsigned, at Geneva, a new treaty whereby their mutual ties were again strengthened. In order to ensure unity in the prosecution of a common foreign policy, there was created a Permanent Council of Foreign Ministers, which, by unanimous vote, would have to approve the negotiations of any new treaty or the adoption of any new unilateral policy of international significance on the part of any member. The Permanent Council would meet obligatorily three times a year. One of these meetings would rotate among the three states, another would be held at Geneva at the time of the meeting of the League Assembly, and the place of the third was not specified. The presiding officer would be the foreign minister of the state wherein the first obligatory conference was held. He would select the date, place and agenda, and would continue to preside until the first obligatory conference of the following year. All three states would enjoy equality upon all questions. The Permanent Council could decide whether any question should be entrusted to one delegate or to the delegation of one country. It would also have the right to establish other commissions on special questions. An economic council would be created. The Permanent Council would be aided by a secretariat, one section of which would work permanently at Geneva. The policy of the Permanent Council would be guided by the League Covenant and by the important post-war treaties. Treaties already negotiated with other states would be coordinated to the greatest degree possible. Eventually, full :zs Cf. supra, pp. 267-269, 274-277. 358 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1936 membership might be extended to other states "on conditions to be decided in each specific case ". The three existing bilateral treaties of alliance and the tripartite treaty of conciliation, arbitration and judicial settlement were renewed in perpetuity, an action which was intended to give the Little Entente the force and cohesion of a Great Power.24 In a lengthy expose of March I, 1933, before the Foreign Affairs Committees of the Czechoslovak Senate and of the Chamber of D~puties, Bend stated the reasons why the new pact had been negotiated. In his estimation, some stronger union had become inevitable for two reasons: because of the chaotic condition of Central Europe, particularly since each of the three Great Powers that were immediate neighbors of the states of the Little Entente were undergoing internal political revolutions, and because the Little Entente dreaded the outcome of the 1933 disarmament conference. He stressed particularly the fact that the reorganized Little Entente was not directed against Italy.25 The reorganized Little Entente was indeed a powerful entity, but not without weaknesses. Although the military provisions of the new agreement remained unpublished and unknown, the Little Entente was known to have, at the time, the third largest military establishment in Europe (after the U.S.S.R. and France). Its area, among Continental Powers, was second only to the U.S.S.R., ~hereas its population, approximately 48,soo,()()(( exceeded that of either France or Italy. On the other hand, there might be pointed out, as weaknesses, the following facts; approximately onefourth of the population consisted of minorities ; Czechoslovakia was the only industrial member; her Skoda works, the u Treaty Series, vol. cxxxix, pp. 233-239. 25 BeneS. E., Le Pacte cforganisation de la Petite Entente et Utat actuel de la politique internationale, Sources et documents tchecoslovaques, no. 20; Boj o mir, pp. 688-691; for the whole expose, cf. pp. 682-713. THE NAZI CRISIS 359 only arms manufacturing establishment, lay, in time of war, in an extremely exposed position; and finally, the armaments of the three partners, particularly those of Rumania, were fast becoming obsolete. In view of these facts, the actual efficiency of the Little Entente, in the event of a major war, remained problematic.28 · . The closer union of the Little Entente states met with diverse responses in the foreign press. It was approved most heartily by France,27 and also, but with less cordiality, by Great Britain.'18 Both Moscow 29 and. Warsaw 80 considered it a constructive step, one that would increase materially the prospectof preservingthe peace of Central Europe. Austria 81 and Germany 112 disapproved, whereas Italy and Hungary were violent in their objections. The Italian press denounced certain alleged secret clauses in the Little Entente treaty.11 Perhaps the most bitter denunciation of all was the Berlin speech of March 8 of ex-Premier Bethlen of Hungary, who, in the course of calling attention to the common interest of Germany, Italy and Hungary in trying to prevent too intimate a union between Northern and Southern Slavs, stigmatized the Peace Treaties as a " rotting status quo which could not be maintained"." The chorus of disapproval and of false allegations .mounted so high that it provoked, within Czechoslovakia, parliamentary interpellations and heated reHCf..The New York Times, March 5, 1933· :21 Le Temps, February 17, 1933. DS The Times, February 17-18, 1933· "Izvestia, February 18, 19J3. so Gazeta Warszawska, February 17, 1933· a1. Neue Freie Presse, February 17-20, 1933. a:~ Vossische Zeihmg, February 17-1!), 1933· aa C/. Corriere della Sera and The New York Times, February 26, 1933, for reprints of a series of earlier allegations by Giornale d'Ita.lia. u Vossische Zeitung, March 9, 1933. 36o FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1936 torts from high officials of the government. Benes denied the authenticity of a French allegation that, on August 7, 1932, Germany, Italy and Hungary had drawn up a secret military alliance, and branded as " idiotic ., current Hungarian-sponsored rumors that the new Little Entente treaty had called for a joint Czechoslovak-Yugoslav occupation of Hungary in the event of a Soviet-Rumanian war; 85 whereas Dr. Bradac, the Czechoslovak Minister of National Defense, responded to a parliamentary inquiry by stating that he had "full confidence in the army's power of resistance ".86 Italy and Poland By March, 1933, among the more interesting aspects of the Nazi crisis were the reorientations of foreign policy on the parts of Italy and Poland. In order to enhance the prestige of Italy, Mussolini sought to play the part of an arbiter, to hold the balance of power between the status quo and revisionist blocs, between France and Germany, whereas Poland determined to continue her support of the status quo bloc only in return for specific new advantages.87 Czechoslovakia believed that, in order to attain his objective, Mussolini desired to dominate Central Europe, and that, to this end, in the eyes of Italy, a strong Little Entente or an extension of either French or German influence into this area were equally undesirable.88 On March 22, Mussolini had made public the details of a Four Power Pact, whereby, through an agreement among Great Britain, France, Germany and Italy, necessary revisions would be made and the peace of Europe safeguarded for s5 Svornost, February n, 1933; The New York Times, March 4. 1933. se Narodnt Listy, March IS, 1933. 87 Cf. Toynbee, op. cit., 1933, pp. 184-186, 206-2o8; also, Krofta, K., Ceskoslovemko v mesinarodn' politice (Praha, 1934), p. IS. ss Cf. Krofta, op. cit., pp. 8-9. THE NAZI CRISIS the next decade.39 Great indeed was the indignation of the small victor states at being excluded from consultations so momentous to their future. Poland was particularly angry that her pretensions were ignored, and considered for a time the acceptance of full membership in the Little Entente/0 a sentiment that was echoed within that organization.41 However, time brought reflection, and Poland turned again to her policy of prestige which would be shattered by such a move. The Polish Dictator, Pilsudski, who had long opposed such a step as an abandonment of Polish pretensions to the status of a Great Power, came to the conclusion that intimate cooperation with the Little Entente would insure adequate security against the German menace.42 During April, 1933, the Polish Foreign Minister, Beck, made a series of visits to the capitals of the Little Entente states in order to sound their policies. As a result of this trip, there arose a rumor that France, Poland and the Little Entente had signed an agreement against Mussolini's Four Power Pact,48 a rumor that the Polish Foreign Office denied." Nevertheless, Mussolini's threat of reviving the Triple Alliance,411 intended to hasten French acceptance of his plan, had, perhaps, some influence in crystallizing public opinion in the status quo bloc. On March 25, 1933, after a lengthy discussion in its Permanent Council at Geneva, the Little Entente lost no time in taking a firm stand in denouncing Mussolini's plan and in warning against any attempted revision of the Peace a9 The New York Times, March 22, 1933. ~Ibid., March 24. 1933. 41. Ibid., March 26, 1933; Narodm List::v, March 28, 1933; Svornosl, March 30, 1933. u Gaseta Warssawska, April 25, 1933· •s The New York Times, April 25, 1933. "Gaseta Warssawska, April 25, 1933· 45 The New York Times, April 12, 1933. 362 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1936 Treaties.46 Confident that France would fully protect its interests during the four Power conferences, the Little Entente sent Titulescu as its representative to Paris, where he received assurance that France would continue to oppose unreservedly all revisions, particularly those territorial in nature.47 Czechoslovakia's attitude regarding the Four Power Pact was presented to a plenary session of parliament by Benes in another lengthy expose of April25, 1933. After a summary of the evolution of revisionism, Benes pointed out how Mussolini's project represented the culmination of a decade of efforts to dominate Central Europe and to reduce the small states of that region to the status of pawns of the Great Powers. · Should such a condition come to pass, it would be a backward step, a major tragedy for Europe as a whole. In his estimation, a strong Little Entente functioned as a balance-wheel that helped stabilize Europe : it was neither a purely anti-Hungarian concept, nor was it a mere satellite of France. Any territorial alterations at Czechoslovakia's expense would mean war. Revisions of the Peace Treaties were possible only under the terms of Article 19· of the League Covenant. Czechoslovakia might accept certain minor frontier rectifications, provided that there would be no threat .of foreign pressure, no reign of terror, but a mutual agreement arrived at peaceably after due negotiations, and that adequate compensation be given her in return. Otherwise, in sheer desperation, she might feel compelled to leave the League of Nations! Finally, Benes advocated the doctrine of the equality of states-the abolition of all distinctions between the Great Powers and other states, and between the victors and vanquished of the World '\Var; for, as long as these distinctions remained, no reconciliation was possible, 48 /bid., March 27, 1933. u Ibid., March 3G-JI, 1933. THE NAZI CRISIS nor could any European Directorate function satisfactorily without the consent or the participation of the small states.48 As the negotiations regarding the Four Power Pact continued, it came to be realized generally that the result would be a synthesis of the views of the Great Powers.49 On May 18, Hitler pledged his support to Mussolini's ptan to preserve peace and stated his belief that no war would improve existing conditions.50 Four days later, the four Powers agreed to the plan in principle,51 news that was received calmly by the Little Entente,52 which also gave its approval on May 30. The Little Entente communique accepted the Four Power Pact on the strength of French assurances that the original proposal had undergone drastic revision, particularly that unanimous consent by the League Council would continue to be required for any treaty revision. It stated further that the Little Entente could not tolerate any organization that would entitle any Great Power to make any decisions regarding the interests of other states. In reply to these objections, France promised that the Four Power Pact would concern only the signatory Powers, and that it would exert no pressure for frontier revisions upon the Little Entente.68 The final draft, a compromise of the views of France and Italy, was initialed .on June 7, and signed on July 15. Italy and Germany were denied colonial compensation by Great Britain and France. France insisted on several points: that the four Powers deal only with their own interests and aban<~B Benes, E., La Question du directoire euro;len et la revision des frontieres, Sources et documents tchc!coslovaques, no. 21; Boj o m!r, pp. 114-769· <~9 Cf. The New York Times, May 22, 1933; Fi8a, P., "Pakt ctyf velmoci ", Zalwanilm Politika, voL xii, pp. 305-312. 110 Volkischer Beobachter, May 18, 1933. n. The New York Times, May 22, 1933. 111 Ibid., :May 24, 1933. 68 Ibid., May JI, 1933. 364 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 don all pretensions to determine any territorial revisions, and that the prestige and authority of the League be permitted to remain intact. As a result, the final draft of the Pact retained vague provisions for revision of the Peace Treaties, and, in the event of the failure of the Disarmament Conference, for a gradual attainment of armament equality by Germany.54 On June 7, France sent almost identical notes to the Little Entente and to Poland, explaining her attitude and promising again that nothing in the Pact would affect their existing treaties with her. The notes called particular attention to the fact that Article 2 of the new Pact permitted revisions only under Article 19 of the Covenant.55 Nevertheless, France had not asked the other three Great Powers to accept her interpretation of the Pact, and she could not bind them by her own action.56 In this manner did France keep her faith with her small Allies. Of all the small victor states of Europe, Poland alone nursed a grievance--that France did not support adequately her claims to recognition as a Great Power.57 I933 Little Entente Conferences On June 2o-22, 1933, the three Foreign Ministers of the Little Entente met in London in order to ascertain the British viewpoint regarding the practicability of a Danubian Confederation as a means of weaning ·Austria and Hungary from the influence of Germany.58 ,. Despite the support of Great Britain, France and Italy,59 the plan failed. The 54 Nouveau recueil, iii serie, vol. xxviii, pp. 4 et seq. 55 Le Temps, June 7, 1933. sa Wheeler-Bennett, op. cit., p. 145. 51 Cf. Toynbee, op. cit., 1933, p. 218; Wheeler-Bennett, op. cit., pp. 127-146. 58 The New York Times, June 22, 1933. 59 Ibid., August 26, 1933. THE NAZI CRISIS German Vice-Chancellor, Von Papen, and the Reich Minister without Portfolio, GOring, preferred instead, and in fact had already predicted,60 a new Central Europe, dominated by a revisionist bloc under the joint leadership of Germany and Italy. Premier GombOs of Hungary considered unsatisfactory the proposed Danubian Confederation,61 or any other project that would perpetuate the status quo,62 and maintained that a drastic revision of the Peace Treaties alone could restore Central Europe to economic health.68 When Chancellor Dollfuss of Austria visited Mussolini on August 20,64 rumors arose of a plan for a new Danubian Confederation of only Austria; Hungary and Italy, to the exclusion of the Little Entente.65 These rumors of the rivalry of Italy and the Little Entente for predominance in Central Europe became so persistent that, on October 15, Benes felt compelled to issue a statement that he would oppose any. Danubian Confederation that would not include Czechoslovakia." Mussolini had probably intended to crown his Four Power Pact with another project, an economic and political union of the Little Entente, Austria, Hungary and Italy.67 ·The visits of Premier GOmbos of Hungary to Vienna on July g, and to Rome on July 2 5, were interpreted as steps preliminary to the formation of the new bloc. The fact that the states of the Little Entente had shown more interest in, than opposition to, the new project, seemed to indicate that France, although excluded from the contemplated new bloc, had given it her approval. Benes, to whom any territorial strengthen- 60 Ibid., April 14, 1933. 61 Ibid., September 17, 1933. 61 Ibid., July 2, 1933· AJbid., July 10, 1933. 64 Cf. ibid., August 21, 1933, for the official communique of the visit. 611 Ibid., August 23, 1933; cf. also, Pravo Lidu and Ceskl Slwo, August 22, 1933· 68 The New York Times, October 15, 1933· 61 Cf. Nowveau recueu, iii serie, vot. XXX, pp. 7 et seq., for the Italian memorandum of September 29, 1933. regarding Danubian affairs. 366 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 ing of Austria and Hungary or any union between them alone would be as distasteful as Anschluss, favored the new plan as a practical consummation of the Danubian Confederation that· he had long been advocating. In order to safeguard the economic future of Central Europe, he advocated the restoration of an economic equivalent of the former Austro-Hungarian Empire.68 The Permanent Council of the Little Entente met in Praha early in June, 1933· The chief purpose of the Conference was economic, to create an Economic Council of three sections, one for each country and each with five members and technical advisers. Its main duty was to create a preferential tariff system for the three states and to investigate how a quota system could be employed to increase the exchange of goods. The Economic Council would meet four times annually, alternately in the three capitals, and would concern itself with such questions as general commercial policies, agriculture, industry, credits, banking and finance, and transportation. It would create immediately a special committee to" normalize" all branches of commerce and of industrial life. Interesting was the statement that " this normalization process will naturally extend to all branches of military equipment ".69 The discussions also waxed political. . It was agreed that the dangers of revising the frontiers of Hungary had been overestimated. Many complaints were made that the official comnrtmique failed to mention the status of relations with Poland, whose relations with both France and the Little Entente were cooling as the result of the Powers having disregarded Poland's wishes regarding the negotiations of the Four Power Pact_T0 The activities of the Economic Council made such progress that, on Oc- 6&Prager Ta.gblatt, June 17, 1933; The New York Tinu>s, June t8, 1933- 89 The New York Times, June 2, 1933. To Narodnt List:~. Narodni Politika, June 4, I933· THE NAZI CRISIS tober 31, Benes pre~icted that the next few years would witness the transformation of the Little Entente into a compact economic unit. He stated that Czechoslovakia would have to prepare for new developments by controlling private capitalism under a nationally planned economy. She would have to specialize in products her Little Entente partners could not supply, and would have to make adjustments to import their cattle and grain. At the same time Benes desired close relations with both Austria and Hungary, but admitted that the attainment of any great degree of friendship with the latter would be difficult, particularly since Hungary's revisionist campaign was again revived.71 Another Little Entente Conference met at Sinaia for four days beginning September 24, 1933. All precedents were shattered by ·the presence not only of the three Foreign Ministers--Bend, Yeftic and Titulescu-but of Kings Alexander and Carol, since this was the first Conference ever attended by the titular heads of more than one state. On the agenda for discussion were the recent visits of GOmbos and Dollfuss to Rome, the prospects of a Danubian Confederation~ the general problem of increasing still further the solidarity of the Little Entente, and its relations with France and Poland. The result of the Conference was a declaration against the inclusion of Austria and Hungary in any bloc with the Little Entente. Benes was selected to represent the organization on a diplomatic mission to Rome, where, by means of a conference with Mussolini, it was hoped that better cooperation with Italy could be attained.72 No immediate agreement resulted. On October 19, Bend paid a visit to Vienna, where he pointed out to Dollfuss his conviction that a system of bilateral treaties would be Austria's best protection, both economically and politically, and warned him against adoptn The New York Times, November I, 1933. u Ibid., September Z'/, 1933. 368 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 ing any radical policy that might endanger relations with Czechoslovakia.n . . The Franco-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact The potential menace of Hitlerism created a FrancoSoviet non-aggression pact which was approved by Moscow on February 17,74 1933, and by the French parliamentary committee on foreign affairs on March 16; 711 in fact, the friendship between these two countries became so marked that, late in the year, Paris was rumored to have offered Moscow a defensive alliance.76 On July 4, at London, the U.S.S.R., Czechoslovakia, Rumania, Turkey and Yugoslavia signed a non-aggression pact, which clearly defined both an act of aggression and an aggressor.77 The Little Entente considered this pact an " Eastern Locarno "~ 78 a consolidation of Eastern Europe against Gerrilany.79 Czechovakia was overjoyed that the U.S.S.R. had apparently broken definitely with Germany and had come over to the status quo bloc: as for herself, she determined to follow the example of the United States in recognizing the U.S.S.R. de jure. The Czechoslovak Foreign Affairs Committee of the Senate, on October 24, 1933, approved a memorandum wherein it began to prepare the way for recognition by a restoration of normal relations whenever practicable.80 When the United n Ibid., Prager Tagblatt, Prager Presse, Svornost, October I!), 1933. .,.... The New York Times, February 17, [933. Til Ibid., March 16, 1933. '1'6 Ibid., December 17, 1933. '1"1 Treaty Serit:s, vol. cxlviii, pp. 2II-2I9. 78 The New York Times, July 9, 1933. "Ibid., July 16, 1933. Cf. Padelford, N. J., Peace in the Balkans (New York, 1935), pp. 96-98 and I07-Io8, for the sequel. The Balkan Entente (Greece, Rumania, Turkey and Yugoslavia) represented an attempt to extend to the Balkans the philosophy of the Little Entente. 8o TLsky (Senat), no. 1134, October 24. 1933, 9 session. THE NAZI CRISIS States recognized the-Soviet Union on November 17, it was merely a question of time before Czechoslovakia would do the same.81 The long delay, so strange for a state ostensibly as Slavophil as Czechoslovakia, had been caused, as related earlier,82 primarily by political antipathy to the principles of communism. Disarmament Negotiations · At the disa~mament conference at Geneva, Great Britain took the lead in vain efforts to reconcile the German demands for arms equality with the French thesis of security first.88 In this controversy, as might be expected, the sympathies of Czechoslovakia lay entirely with the latter. The nature of Hitler's foreign policy was clearly evinced when, following the example of Japan, Germany defied the public opinion of the world on October 14, 1933, by withdrawing from both the disarmament conference and the League of Nations." Almost as a unit, the Nazi press welcomed the move as " an escape from the trap which had been set for Germany at Geneva ".811 Nevertheless, Baron von Neurath, German Minister for Foreign Affairs, left open the possibility of further negotiations by stating that, if German demands for equality were met adequately, Germany might re-· consider her recent decision.88 . As a result of Neurath's hint, there ensued secret negotiations at Berlin between the French Ambassador, Fran~oisn Chmelar, ]., "Ceskoslovenski zahranieni politika v roce 1933 ", Zahranilni Politika, vol. xiii, pp. 85-93. For the Czechoslovak de jure recognition of the U.S. S. R. cf. infra, p. 387. 82 Cf. ,supra, pp. :259 el seq. 88 Publications, Disarmament, 1933, ix 1-2. a• Ibid., 1933, ix n, p. IS; Official/oumal, January, 1934. p. I6. u C/. Vossische Zeitung, Frankfurter Zeitung, Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, October IS, I93J. 88 Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitsmg, October IS, 1933. 370 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 Poncet, and Hitler. Apparently, the latter desired to negotiate a series of bilateral agreements with certain individual states, and was reported to have offered non:.aggression pacts to both France and Czechoslovakia.87 Hitler insisted that Germany be permitted 300,000 men, 200 aeroplanes, six-inch guns and tanks. If this were conceded, Hitler expressed his willingness to agree to internationalize comrilercial air transportation whenever all other states would destroy their bombardment and combat aviation.88 These negotiations were viewed with distrust by the French, who feared that they had much to lose and little to gain by a bilateral agreement. Largely because of this sentiment, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced, on November 28, 1933, that it would negotiate with Germany no bilateral agreement, but would insist upon conducting such negotiations either at Rome or at Geneva. Since France and Germany were but two of the states that had signed the Versailles Treaty, France maintained that, to abrogate any of its provisions, there would be required also the assent of the other signatories, particularly of Great Britain, Italy, Poland and the Little Entente.69 As a result of this insistence, little was accomplished. Czechoslovakia's official attitude towards the Nazi rearmament threat was voiced by Benes on October 31, 1933, in a speech before the Foreign Affairs Committee of both the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies. After summarizing the effect of the Nazi revolution upon the general European situation, he denied the imminence of any general catastrophe. He professed to find nothing particularly new in the Hitler variety of Pan-Germanism. The tenor of Czechoslovakia's foreign policy would remain unchanged: as for- 8'1 Le Temps, November 26, 1933; Svornost, November 27, 1933· 88 Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, November 28, 1933. Btl Le Temps, November 28, 1933· THE NAZI CRISIS 371 merly, it would be guided by a desire to maintain the status quo that had been established by the Peace Treaties, to further attempts at general disarmament, to strengthen the Little Entente, particularly by an economic union, to preserve "correct" relations with Germany, to remain. on intimate terms with France, to continue existing friendships with Poland and· Austria, to seek still closer relations with the Soviet Union, to attempt to reconcile Hungary, and to oppose every effort to destroy the principle of the equality of states · which the League was striving to uphold.90 Although the address of Bend met with general domestic approval, he felt urged to defend himself against sporadic accusations that he had placed too much faith in the League. On November 8, he stated, " While treaties are being made, Czechoslovakia will make treaties. If machines guns are fired, it will be ready to fire machine guns, and if cannon, it will be ready to fire cannon also ".91 Among Bend' enemies, much was made of the alleged chauvinism of this speech, but, as Benes' long record had indicated, this outburst must have been owing to extreme provocation, and its belligerent tone should be discounted. Within Czechoslovakia, the fifteen years of peace and internal consolidation had produced a general feeling of faith in the future of the Republic.92 The Economic Council of the Little Entente, under the presidency of Benes, at Praha on January 9, 1934, sought to devise ways and means whereby the three partners might retain at least one-half of their foreign trade among themeo Benes, E., La Revolutiots allemande et la nouvelle phase de la politique europeentse, Sources et documents tchecoslovaques, no. 23; Boj o tnlr, pp. 77o-802. 91 Narodnl Listy, November 8, 1933. u Ibid., November 20, 1933; Svornost, November 27, 1933, for summary by President Masaryk; cf. also, Ripka, H., Pat~W&t let leskoslovenskl demokrac~ (Praha, 1933). 372 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 selves.113 The regular Conference, which had been called originally for January 8, did not assemble until January 20, because of the assassination of Duca, the Rumanian Prime Minister. At Zagreb, January 20-24, the Conference came to a general agreement with regard to the future. United opposition was expressed against Mussolini: both as to his supposed project to replace the League with a "Concert of Europe ", and as to his suggestion for a Danubian Confederation based upon an economic alliance of Austria and Hungary. A firm stand was taken against Hungarian revisionist propaganda. Despite the wishes of France, the Little Entente states refused de jure recognition to the Soviet Union immediately, but insisted first upon further negotiations as to the terms she would offer in return. The sole discordant note was the desire of Yugoslavia for a rapprochement with Hitler. To Yugoslavia, Hitlerism represented no direct menace, whereas, in an emergency against Italy, the support of Germany might, conceivably, be of more value than that of France. There was also suggested a five-year Balkan non-aggression pact which was to be attempted immediately after the Conference.114 A Balkan Pact was initialed at Belgrade on February 4 and signed on February 9 by the Foreign Ministers of Greece, Turkey, Yugoslavia and Rumania. It was but partially s.uccessful, because Bulgari' refused, quite naturally, to agree to a perpetuation of her own dismemberment and Albania, presumably because of Italian pressure, also refused to join. The new agreement, in Articles 1-3 respectively, guaranteed the security of existing Balkan frontiers for five years, provided for mutual consultation of the member states upon all questions of common interest, and left open future 113 Cf. P..OOo Lidu, January 10, I934at The New York Times, January 24, 1934. THE NAZI CRISIS 373 membership to the other Balkan states.115 Czechoslovakia welcomed the new organization as an additional guarantee of the stability of th~ Balkans and of Southeastern Europe.'"' The Germano-Polish Rapprochement Other aspects of Hitler's policy--opposition· to Catholicism, Judaism and Communism-troubled still further the diplomatic waters of Europe. At first, the threat of a resurrection of German military power had produced in Poland a feeling of dismay that had caused her to desire closer relations with the victor states and even with Moscow.'" Rumors of a secret military alliance between Germany and Lithuania 98 aroused Pilsudski to the point where he opened negotiations with the U.S.S.R. and Rumania for a united antiGerman eastern bloc.911 However, he soon realized that Hitler's opposition to Communism had destroyed Poland's greatest fear of the past--of a Germane-Soviet combination against her-and that, correspondingly, she had, for the time being at least, lesser need of French support. The long months of tortuous negotiations between Germany and Poland resulted in the signing, at Berlin, of a ten year non-aggression pact on January 26, 1934, and in its. ratification on February 24. This treaty, regarded by Poland as a diplomatic triumph of the first magnitude for her Foreign Minister, Beck/90 was modelled on the BriandKellogg .Peace Pact. By its terms, .both countries agreed not to resort to war as a means of settling disputes, regardless of circumstances. Each state promised to prohibit, IIG Treaty Series, vol. cliii, pp. 1SJ-I5!). 11s Narodnf Listy, February s. I934- 9'1' Gazeta W arszawska, May I I, 1933; Svornost, May 12, 1933. 118 Svornost, May 27, 1933; Gazeta Warszawska, May .26,.1933· " Gazeta W arszawska, September 7, 1933; Svornost, September 8, I933· 100 Gazeta Warszawska, January .27-28, 1934- 374 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 within its territory, propaganda unfavorable to the other. The pact was to endure for ten years, and indefinitely thereafter unless denounced by a notice of six months. Purely domestic questions and earlier treaties with other Powers were to remain unaffected by this new agreement.101 Beyond the mere text of the pact there remained many implications. The pact represented a private agreement between Hitler and Pilsudski, some of which was perhaps secret. The fact that the League had been omitted seemed to indicate the permanence of Germany's withdrawal from that organization; and the failure to mention a new frontier, the absence of further German territorial designs upon Poland for the next decade. A new protocol of March 7 terminated a tariff war of eight years' duration. Both states abandoned, against one another, their maximum tariff rates and adopted fixed quotas instead. Nevertheless, much still remained to be clarified : did the new pact have secret military and commercial claus~s; was not Poland playing too dangerous a game; did the new agreement represent Poland's adherence to the revisionist bloc; and, if so, did it not spell a temporary, rather than a permanent, settlement for the Corridor, Posen and Upper Silesia? 102 European reactions to the new pact were varied. Great Britain could see no harm in it.103 The French Foreign Minister, Paul-Boncour, "rejoiced" over the treaty, at least for publication.104 Germany aeemed the Allied cordon around her broken.105 Italy thought it a great blow at the 101 Nouveau recueil, iii serie, vol. xxviii, pp. 643 el seq. 102 Cf. Duranty, W., Europe: War or Peace! (New York, 1935), pp. 27-28. 1oa The Times, January z;, I9J4. 104J Le Temps, January 27, 1934- 1011 Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, Frankfurter, Zeitung, January 28, 1934- THE NAZI CRISIS 375 French system of allia_nces.106 The U.S.S.R. approved it as a supplement to her own non-aggression pact with Poland/01 which was reported prematurely as extended for another ten years also.108 Czechoslovakia greeted the new agreement without cordiality; to her it indicated another Polish desertion of the principles of intra-Slav cooperation.109 Rumors that Germany contemplated extending. to her also an amity pact 110 failed to alter her opinion. During March, 1934, Czechoslovak-Polish relations became tense as the result of several irritating frontier incidents, particularly in Tesin.111 With considerable success, France, arid Benes also, exerted themselves to minimize friction and restore friendly relations prior to the visits of the new French Minister of Foreign Affairs, Barthou, to Warsaw and Praha.112 The French government desired particularly to strengthen the loosening ties with Poland and Czechoslovakia. Barthou's trip to the two Slavic capitals, begun on April 21, was a success. It confirmed the Franco-Polish alliance and the desire of all three countries to collaborate loyally in attempting to preserve the peace of Europe. Poland was flattered because Barthou promised that France would treat her as an equal and insist upon her participation in all future conferences of the Great Powers. Finally, the influence of Barthou brought to fruition the Soviet-Polish non-aggresion pact and eased Polish friction with Lithuania.113 10s Corriere della Sera, January 28, I934- 10f lftlestia, January 30, 1934-· 1~ Gazeta Warssawska, February u, 1934- 109 Narodnl Listy, Narodnt Politika, Ceskl Slow, Cas, January 27-30, 1934- 110 The New York Times, February 21, 1934"111 Ibid., Narodnl Listy, Swrnost, March 18, 22, 26 and 27, 1934'lU Swmost, March 31, 1934'118 Ibid., April 25, 1934; Gazeta W arssawska, April 24, 1934- The Soviet-Polish non-aggression pact was signed at Moscow on May S and 376 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1936 On April 26, 1934, Barthou arrived in Praha, where he was greeted with much· more cordiality than he had been at Warsaw.114 Negotiations with Benes. began at once. The two statesmen soon agreed that the maintenance of peace in .Central Europe depended upon the preservation of the independence of Austria. They agreed further upon a united front against Germany's demands at the disarmament conference, for they felt that they could never approve a policy which, in the name of arms equality, tended to encourage general rearmament. In all probability, Barthou might have pointed out also to Benes the advisability of a speedy recognition of the Soviet Union.116 Debt Default Czechoslovakia was compelled to turn her attention also to the problem of international finance. What should be her policy regarding her debt to the United States? Should ·she default like France, offer a token payment like Great Britain, or pay in full like Finland? The depression had caused serious doubts as to her ability to continue payments, yet considerations of honor and of gratitude rendered default distasteful. Ultimately, Czechoslovakia decided to follow the example of Great Britain: therefore, on June 15, 1933, she offered also a token payment ($180,000 instead of $r,sooooo),116 and, a half year later, when the United States ratified at Warsaw on June 15. By thir.agreement the earlier treaty of July 25, 1932, was extended to January I, 1946, thereupon to be renewed automatically every two years unless denounced by six months' advance notice. '114 Benes met Barthou immediately upon his arrival in Praha, and upon his departure, escorted him to the frontier. In contrast, when Barthou had arrived in Warsaw, no representative of the Polish foreign office had been on hand to greet him. n5 Cf. Narodm Listy, Narodnt Politika, April 26-30, 1934; The New York Times, April 30, 1934; Wheeler-Bennett, op. cit., pp. 224-229. . ue Publications, Economic and Financial, 1933, ii a 16, p. 261. THE NAZI CRISIS 377 decided that token payments were defaults, she again followed the example of England in ceasing payments and in asking for a new debt arrangement.111 No new agreement was reached.118 When the devaluation of the dollar threatened to curtail exports to the United States, Czechoslovakia, on February IO, 1934, decided to desert the French gold bloc of which she had been a member and devaluate her crown also, by 16.6 per cent, or from a· nominal value of $.0501 (exchange value $.0485), American post-devaluation, to $.041783 (exchange value $.040449}, post-devaluation,118 yet, even so, her crown remained far above its. earlier nominal value of $.0296375, American pre-devalu- ation.120 The Revival of Hungarian Revisionism Czechoslovakia had to face also a revival of a movement for the autonomy of Slovakia, to which the Magyars sought to give the appearance of spontaneity. At the same time, Hungary continued her outspoken condemnation of the Treaty of Trianon.121 The direct attacks of the Magyars '11'1 The New York Times, December 16, l9J3. us According to the Washington correspondent of Le Temps, Czechoslovakia sought to pay her debt to the United States with her savings in cotton. On the average, she purchased annually from the United States about $18,ooo,ooo worth of cotton, through German middlemen,. whose annual profits on the transaction averaged about $6oo,ooo. If this amount could be saved by purchasing directly through its own government buyers, it, plus manufactured exports, might, with the consent of the United States, pay Czechoslovakia's debt. However, nothing further was heard of the project. Cf. Le Temps, Svornost, January s. 1934. 118 Svornost, February 13, 1934; The New York Times, February· II, 1934. uo Cf. supra, p. 76. '121 Cf. NefUI Freie Presse, January 17, '1933, for speech of GOmbi>s. Revisionist agitation within Hungary was revived largely by Julius GOmbOs, who became premier on October 1, 1932. Cf. also, Bethlen, 1., The Treaty of Trianon and European Peace (New York, 1934), for four lectures delivered by the author in London during November, 1933. 378 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 were relatively easy to answer, and drew responses in kind. On April 25, 1933, Benes proclaimed before the Czechoslovak parliament that whoever might desire to wrest from Czechoslovakia any of her territory would have to come for it with an army,123 and, on December 11, 1933, the Rumanian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Titulescu, in a speech at Kosice while visiting Czechoslovakia, announced that, after a conference with Benes, both had agreed that any revision of the Peace Treaties would mean war.128 The reiteration of the Magyar thesis that Slovakia and Subcarpathian Ruthenia did not desire to be component parts of the Czechoslovak Republic required refutation. Czechoslovakia set out to prove that most Slovaks and Ruthenes were satisfied with union with the Czechs and that the real dangers to the peace of Europe were neither intra-Slav cooperation nor the imminence of French hegemony, but rather a revision of the Peace Treaties and a restoration of pre-war Hungary.1 u The Ceske Slovo maintained that the renewal of Hungarian agitation represented a desperate effort to prevent a domestic revolution by the exaction of some revision of the Treaty of Trianon.u5 Benes' speech of April 25, 1933, was followed by two days of parliamentary interpellation in the course of which Senator Vaclav Klofac on behalf of the Czechs, and Deputy Igor Hrusovsky on behalf of the Slovaks, enthusiastically approved Benes' viewpoint against revision.126 ,. 121 Zpravy (Poslanecka Snemovna), 263 meeting, April 25, 1933, pp. 3-25, 8 session; ibid. (Senit), 2II meeting, April 25, 1933, pp. 9-34. 8 session. us SfXW'fWsf, December 12, I93J. '1st C/. monograph of K. Krofta, The SubslofiCe of Hrmgarior~ RevisiDJ~ism (Prague. 1934). us Ceske SIO'UO, October 12-13, 1933tM ZJ)ravy (Senat), 212-213 meetings, April 26-27, 1933. pp. 2-40 and J-23 respectively, 8 session; ibid. (Poslaneclci Snemovna), 266 meeting, April 27, 1933. pp. 77-So. 8 session. THE NAZI CRISIS 379 Many Ruthenes dreaded a return to the yoke of Hungary.12'T Bene5 made a trip to Slovakia in December, 1933,128 and to Ruthenia in May, 1934.1211 Upon both occasions he was greeted with enthusiasm when he summarized the domestic policy of the Republic as one of " progress, consolidation and unity ".180 A cruel blow was dealt to Magyar hopes on April 12, 1934, when Father Andrew Hlinka, in a letter to the editor of the Ceske Slovo, pledged unqualifiedly the support of the Slovak Peoples' Party, of which he was chairman, to the maintenance of the Czechoslovak Republic.181 In vain did Father JehliCka 132 presume to represent truly the wishes of the Slovaks when he advocated a return of Slovakia to Hungary.183 Equally ineffective were the pleas of another Magyarized Slovak, Unger, to divide Slovakia between Hungary and Poland.184 This particular phase of Magyar revisionism came to an inglorious end in Slovakia itself during August, 1934,185 but an echo of it persisted among certain dissatisfied individuals in the United States early in 1935.186 '127 Cf. Svomost, September 14. 1933. '128 Ibid., December 24. 1933. 129 Ibid., May 17, 1934'180 Ibid., May 20, 1934; cf. also, Benes, E., Rec o trobllmu podka.r~Gtoruskem (Praha, 1934). '181 Ceske Slovo, April 14, 1934; reprinted also in Svornost, April 29, 1934:1S2 Cf.. supra, p. 95· 'las Narodnl Listy, August 7, 1934; Svornost, August 22, 1934- Cf. Sf!Omost, September n, 1933, and May 14, 1934. for refutations of Jehlicka by Dr. Osuskt. An excellent monograph exposing Hungarian propaganda is that by R. W. Seton-Watson, Treaty Revision and lhe Hungarian Frontiers (London, 1934), particularly, pp. 72-74- Cf. Slovensk' poslonci 11 revisitJ mierO'Vjch smltw for the repudiation of JehliCka by the various Slovak political parties on December 20, 1933. :184 Cf. Svornost, July 18, 1934'1811 Cf. ibid., October 2, 1934. for reprint of article found in various Praha newspapers of August 18, 1934. 1as Cf. "Autonomist", SlowkitJ's PletJ for A"tonomy. This anonymous 38o FOREIGN POUCY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 Austria The situation of Austria again attracted the attention of the whole world. Several years of interference on the part of German Nazis had produced a critical situation. The Fascist government of Chancellor Dollfuss felt compelled to resist pressure from both Nazis and Socialists. During February, 1934, in Vienna, there broke out, between the Fascist authorities and Socialists, an armed conflict in which several hundred lives were lost.nT Since certain members of the Czech minority in Vienna had become implicated in the movement, the Czechoslovak Minister to Austria, Dr. Zdenek Fierlinger, deemed it necessary to intervene in an attempt to obtain for them less drastic sentences.138 Bene5 journeyed to Paris to confer with the French Premier, Doumergue, and the French Minister of Foreign Affairs, Barthou, regarding Austria.138 It was decided that, in all probability, Dollfuss would not need armed support, but that warning to Germany not to interfere in the internal affairs of Austria would prove sufficient. On February 17, 1934, Great Britain, France and Italy issued a joint declaration in favor of the continued independence and integrity of Austria.14 ° France and Italy were wondering whether a restoration of the Habsburgs might not be an excellent check monograph attempts to point out how the Czechs have failed to carry out the terms of the Pittsburgh Agreement. ,Ostensibly, it is a plea for the safeguarding of the rights of the Slovaks by a grant of full autonomy, rather than a plea for separation from the Republic. The existence of a certain amount of Slovak dissatisfaction with the existing rule cannot be denied, yet its extent bas often been exaggerated. U1' Arbeiter Zeittmg, New Freie Presse, The New York Times. February 12-16, 1934- C/. Langsam, op. cit., pp. 526-535, for a summary of events in Austria. '1HNew Freie Presse, February 16, 1934; S1JQmost. February 17, I~ ue The Nett~ York Times. February 16, 1934uo Nowr:eau recueil, iii serie. vol. XXX. pp. 3 et seq. THE NAZI CRISIS against Anschluss, but again BeneS made clear the fact that such an event would mean war.141 The official attitude of Czechoslovakia was presented by Benes on March 21, 1934, before the Parliamentary Foreign AffaiJ,"s Committee. In this expose, after analyzing at length the rival schemes of interested Powers, BeneS stressed the belief that the only solution that would guarantee permanent 5a:tisfaction would be a policy that "Austria must remain Austrian ".142 Nazi activities within Austria caused much concern also to Mussolini, who sought to revive his earlier project of a triple pact among Italy, Austria and Hungary. The visits of Dollfuss (February 7)us and of Fulvia Suvich, Italian Under-Secretary of Foreign Affairs (February 20)/44 to Budapest to confer with Premier GOmbOs of Hungary were interpreted as soundings. On March 3, there followed an official announcement that, on the 14, Dollfuss and GOmbos would confer with Mussolini in Rome.145 The new bloc was actually formed on March 17, when the three Premiers signed three protocols : in the first, they agreed to negotiate, by May 15, a series of bilateral treaties to aid exports, to bolster the price of Hungarian wheat, to increase the amount of commerce passing through the various Adriatic ports, and to establish, on the model of the Little Entente, a permanent economic commission of experts; in the second, Italy and Austria agreed to inaugurate, by April 5, negotiations for a new commercial treaty; and, in the third, the three states agreed, in future, to consult mutually upon problems common to all.148 On May 14, a trade agreement was signed '141 Svomost, March 10, 1934; Narodnl Listy, March 9. I9J4. 142 Bend, E., The Problem of CenJral Europe and the Austrian Question, p. ,56. '1~ Neue Freie Presse, February 8, 1934 '1<14 Ibid., February 21, 1934· '1411 Carriere dellCJ Sera, March 3, '1934 ue Treaty Series, vol. cliv, pp. 281-303. 382 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1936 whereby Austria agreed to import 2,200,000 quintals of Hungarian wheat, and Italy, 2,ooo,ooo quintals-an arrangement that was intended to preserve the economic status quo.147 On March 23, 1934, in an expose before the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Czechoslovak Senate, Benes pledged his support to Mussolini's plan to stabilize economic conditions in the Danubian area. He did not wish to render more difficult any understanding regarding the problems of Central Europe. Italy, the Dollfuss regime in Austria, Hungary and Czechoslovakia were, in his estimation, united in their opposition to any Austro-German union. Benes admitted the necessity of supplementing a political understanding with an economic agreement. On the same day, in another address before the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Czechoslovak Chamber of Deputies, Benes stated that a solution of the Austrian question would automatically solve most of the other problems of Central Europe. He was convinced that the recent resurrection of a feeling of nationalism within Austria was a positive factor in European politics, and that Austrian independence would have to be maintained. Apparently, Benes, in these two addresses, had expressed the general opposition of Czechoslovakia to revisionism, for, in the parliamentary discussion that followed, even some German delegates shared his views.148 The preservation of the status quo became increasingly difficult after the Nazi revolution, for it soon became evident that relations with Germany could not be maintained upon the basis that had prevailed prior to the advent of Hitler to power. Czechoslovakia was confronted with the self-imposed problem of saving not only Austria from the clutches 14'1' Nouveau recueil, iii serie, vol. xxx, pp. 10 et seq. A quintal equals 3.67 bushels. 148 Cf. Prager Presse, Ceske Slovo, The New York Times, March 24. 1934· THE NAZI CRISIS of Germany, but of _assuring her own preservation as an independent entity. To the former threat of becoming almost an enclave whenever Germany might extend their common frontier by approximately three hundred miles by the annexation of Austria, was now added the even greater menace of direct German designs upon the ·integrity of Czechoslovakia herself, from which Hitler desired to detach the borderlands inhabited by over three million Germans. Nor was the Nazi threat merely territorial in nature: the approach was far more subtle. Since Czechoslovakia remained almost alone as a democracy in Central Europe and was virtually surrounded by dictatorships, her leaders faced ·the necessity of combating German-inspired rumors of the imminent rise of Fascism from within. Masaryk and Benes discounted the immediate dangers of both foreign war and Fascism. They regarded such rumors as primarily propaganda intended for home consumption within the revisionist states themselves.149 Friction with Germany Czechoslovak relations with Germany were also becoming more tense. As early as January 14, 1933, just prior to the Nazi revolution, Benes warned his people that a war between Germany and Czechoslovakia over their own differences was improbable, hut that both states might easily become involved _in a general conflict.150 When it became evident that Hitler's tenure of power threatened to become more or less permanent, the reaction against Nazism became more pronounced. In the estimation of the Czechoslovaks, Hitler had done the world a service in tearing the mask from the face of German militarism, but, in so doing, had nullified in Htl For Masaryk on war, cf. Svornost, April 13, 1934; on Fascism. ibid., April I and December II, 1933; for Bene5 on war and democracy, ibid., February 21-22, 1934; on Fascism, ibid., May 29, 1934uo Ceske Slovo, January IS, 1933· 384 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 three months fourteen years of patient effort on the part of German Socialists.151 On May 8, Czechoslovakia listed 334 foreign newspapers, most of them Hitlerite· in nature, whose circulation was henceforth forbidden within her borders.uz Czechoslovakia extended assistance to such German exiles as sought her hospitality.158 Her representative on the League Council, Osuskj, on May 30, favored speedy League action on behalf of the Jewish minority in German Upper Silesia.154 On October 11, the League Assembly provided an international basis for the care of Jewish refugees.u5 In the interim, President Masaryk had come to the conclusion that the situation of the Jews in Germany was an international problem.158 After he had assured a delegation of Czechoslovak Jews that anti-Semitism would not be tolerated by the Republic,u., a \Vorld Congress of Zionists met in Praha during August. The delegates, 332 in number, included many of the leaders of the Jewish world. The Congress planned to aid the emigration of 250,000 Jews from Germany. Before adjourning, the delegates put themselves on record as opposing revisionism.158 Czechoslovakia's deep-seated opposition to the Nazi movement was again revealed on October 4, 1933, when the government suspended the activity of the German National 151 /bid., May 6, 1933. UliJQid., May 8, 1933. ,. . us C/. Svornost, May 23-24. 1933. for estimates that 6,000 members of the German intelligentsia bad sought refuge in Czechoslovakia from the persecution of Hitler. n• O/ficiallD14rnal, July, 1933, pp. 842-843. 1S5Jl;id., December, 1933. pp. 16I6-1618. 15e SvONJOst, August 25. 1933. 151' Ibid., July 20, 1933- Cf. also ibid., October 15, 1933, for Masaryk's further views. us Cf. Ceske Slovo, Atlg\lst 21-24. 1933; Svomost, August 22, 23, 28, 1933- THE NAZI CRISIS Socialists and the German Nationalists.159 This move was precautionary and was intended to put an end to Fascism as an element in internal politics. The order was well timed, and coincided with a new series of " incidents ". The antiGerman feeling that had been provided with a fresh impetus in September by the discovery of a new Pan-German map which included, among other regions, a third of Czechoslovakia in the projected new "Third Reich ",160 culminated, on the last day of the month, in an attack by a Praha mob on Baron von Bibra, the First Secretary of the German Legation, who was parading the swastika on the most crowded streets of the city.161 The German Minister to Praha could obtain no satisfaction for the incident; 162 rather, the Czechoslovak police staged raids in order to arrest wellknown Nazis.168 Czechoslovakia was amazed by Germany's "blood bath" of June 30, 1934, wherein, according to Nazi reports, seventy-seven persons lost their lives in a " purge ".164 Hardly had this surprise passed, before there occurred on July 25, 1934, the assassination of Premier Dollfuss of Austria by one member of a band of 144 Austrian Nazis.165 1 1111 C/. Ttsk:v (Poslanecki Snemovna), no. 2358, October 19, 1933, 9 session, for law suspending activity of political parties dangerous to the state. The three largest German parties (Social Democrat, Agrarian and Christian Socialist) gradually abandoned their hostile attitude towards the Czechoslovaks. Two smaller parties (National Socialist and Nationalist) retained Pan-Germanic and anti-Semitic programs. The former closely imitated Hitlerism, whereas the latter, dating from the origin of Czechoslovakia, was composed of dissatisfied German radicals. Cf. Hoch, op. cit., pp. 40-41. uo Cf. Svomost, September 19, 1933. 181Ibid., The New York Times, October I, 1933. U'IIThe New York Times, October 4,1933. 168 Svomost, October 9, 1933. u' Volkischer Beobachter, July 1-3, 1934. u15 The New York Times, Svomost, July 26, 1934- 386 FOREIGN POUCY OF CZECHOSLOVAKJA, 1918-1935 Amid such bloody scenes, Czechoslovakia reaped the reward for her years of tolerant rule, when even part of her German minority expressed its gratitude for being·spared participation in such civil strife.1611 The bloody course of Nazism was accepted by Czechoslovakia as evidence of the difficulty of the establishment of cordial relations between Hitler and herself, another potential victim. In her estimation, the only recourse was the creation of an overwhelming coalition that would isolate Germany and impress upon her the utter hopelessness of any new conflict.187 This viewpoint was similar to that of France, perhaps an echo of Barthou's statement that his country would " continue to tighten the screws of diplomacy until Hitler would be compelled to capi- tulate.".168 Attempts to Isolate Germany In Benes' opinion, the situation called for a new orientation of the Powers. Since the fall of 1931, when the Soviet Union had come to realize the danger of a war on two fronts -in Central Europe and the Far East-she had begun to face about in her foreign policy, from a revisionist to a status-quo viewpoint. By March of 1934, Moscow had proceeded so far in the new direction that she began to take soundings in London and Paris regarding the possibility of her entry into the League.169 The question was discussed further at Geneva by Barthou 411d Litvinov on May 18,uo and, ten days later, the Soviet government announced that it had been invited to join the League.m To Benes, these ue Cf. Prager Presse, August 20, 1934UT Cf. Svonwst, August 17, October 22, 1934ueu Temps, May 26, 1934; Svomost, May 27, 19J4. 169 Svomost, March 18, 23. 1934uo Cf. u Temps, May 19, I9J4. U1fBVestia. May 18, 1934- C/. also, u Temps, May 30. 1934. for Litvinov's Geneva speech. THE NAZI CRISIS motives indicated the advisability of the formation of a new bloc of France, the U.S.S.R., the Little Entente and the Balkan Entente, from which Czechoslovakia could not afford to be excluded.U2 He believed that the time had arrived, according to the agreement which had been made at the Little Entente Conference of Zagreb on January 22, 1934. to recognize the Soviet government.us On June g, Czechoslovakia and Rumania, apparently with the approval of Yugoslavia, recognized the Soviet Union: the fact that Yugoslavia did not act similarly was explained by Benes as merely an indication that she did not find that particular time convenient.174 The enthusiasm with which Czechoslovakia received the announcement indicated what a great change in sentiment had transpired as a result of the events of the Nazi crisis.1111 The Little Entente followed the recognition of Moscow with the Conference of Bucharest, June 13-20, 1934, at which meeting it was decided to continue mutual cooperation with a view towards the economic recovery of Central Europe, and to continue opposition to Hungarian revisionism and to any restoration of the Habsburgs.176 Hardly had the Conference terminated, when Barthou arrived from Paris. That evening, June. 20, he delivered an address in which he stressed the common interests of France and Rumania in opposing revisionism.117 After tarrying in Belgrade June 1'12 Bene8, E., Une Nouvelle phase de la lutte pour fequilibre europletS (speech of July 2, 1934), p. 32. 1u Cf. supra, p. 372. 174 Bend, op. cit., pp. 32-33. 1111 Cf. Narodm Politika, Narodn' Listy, Ceske SlO'VO, July 9-10, 1934; The Central European Obseroer, July 13, 1934; cf. also, Chmelar, J., "Ceskoslovenski zahranicni politika v roce 1934 ", Zahranilm Politika, vol. xiv, p. 95. ne The NeUJ York Times, June 20, 1934- 17f Le Temps, June 21, 1934- 388 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 23-26/78 Barthou departed homeward, via Vienna.179 His trip was highly significant. France was worried over the future solidarity of the Little Entente, particularly over the attitude of Yugoslavia. The failure of the Geneva disarmament conference, and the threatened Italo-German rapprochement, apparently foreshadowed by Hitler's conference with Mussolini in Venice on June I4-I5/80 had increased French uneasiness as to the future.181 Apparently, King Alexander of Yugoslavia had also decided to fish in troubled waters. Just as Poland had resented the fact that a · Soviet rapprochement with France would reduce her own value to the latter, Alexander, who in view of Nazi interference within Austria discounted the possibility of a lasting ItaloGerman rapprochement, felt that an Italo-French rapprochement, which he believed inevitable if Anschluss was to be averted, might involve an abandonment of his own country by France. Yugoslavia had nothing to fear either from Moscow or from Anschluss, but did fear a Habsburg restoration and the extension of Italian influence in Central Europe and the Balkans. Might not a recognition of the U.S.S.R. antagonize Germany needlessly without any corresponding gain for herself? · Should not Yugoslavia keep open, against a possible Habsburg restoration and future war with Italy, the chance of obtaining German support, which, conceivably, might be more powerful and more willingly extended than that of Fram:e? Obviously, Alexander must have been motivated by some such reflections, when, according to reports, he declined to take any further action regarding the Soviet Union and promised merely to pay a visit to France in autumn.182 '118/bid., June 26, 1934- 1111 Ibid., June 27, 1934- 180 C/. Volkische,. Beobach.te,., June 15-16, 1934. 181 Cf. The Cent,.al European Observe,., July 13, 1934. for Barthou's own comment on his trip. usC/. Duranty, op. cit., p. 23; Simonds and Erneny, op. cit., p. 316. THE NAZI CRISIS Moscow continued -her peaceful policy by offering to Germany an amity pact to include also Po14nd and Czechoslovakia, but her overtures were rejected by Hitler.183 Undeterred by this rebuff, Litvinov suggested, as an alternative, an Eastern Locamo Mutual Assistance Pa~t embracing Germany, Poland, the U.S.S.R., Czechoslovakia and the Baltic states.184 His project enlisted the support of Italy and Great Britain,1811 and, later, of France as welP88 Both Germany and Poland professed to see no benefits for themselves in the new agreement.187 The Soviet Union offered a compromise--she would adhere to the Western Locarno Pact if Germany would do the same for the East; 188 she demanded some Eastern agreement prior to her entry into the League.189 Nevertheless, Poland continued to oppose the plan as too indefinite,U0 and Germany suggested instead a series of bilateral treaties.191 At last France lost patience and demanded from Poland a clear-cut answer as to her stand, hinting broadly that a negative reply might create a Franco-Soviet alliance.192 The exact contents of the Polish reply were not published.1118 On September 18, 1934, the Soviet Union became a member of the League.194 · J.8B Volkischer Beobachter, June 18, I9J4. 184The New York Times, June 24. 1934- 1811 Ibid., July 14, 1934- 188 Ibitl, July 16, 1934. 18'1' Ibid., July x6-17, 1934. us Ibid., July 24, 1934; cf. also, ibid., July 22, 1934, for a summarY of the negotiations. 1so Ibid., September 2, 1934uo Ibid., July 29, September 9, 1934. 1111 Ibid., September u, 1934llll! Ibid., September 2, 1934- 1118 Ibid., September 28, 1934· 111• Official Journal, November, 1934, pp. 1392-IJ¢, and special supplement, no. 123, p. 18. 390 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1936 Czechoslovakia supported whole-heartedly the entry of the U.S.S.R. into the League, whose prestige would be enhanced by such an accession, and her attitude was supported by her Little Entente partners.195 Even Poland withdrew its opposition to a permanent Council seat for the Soviet Union.196 On September 13, the Little Entente announced its approval of the proposed Eastern Locarno Pact.197 On the 26, Litvinov and Barthou agreed upon a Mutual Assistance Pact that would include not only their own countries, but the Little Entente, Turkey, Italy, Greece and Spain.198 So idealistic a project could not be realized. The summer of 1934 witnessed further steps in the isolation of Germany, when both Great Britain and Italy, which had formerly looked askance at a Franco-Soviet rapprochement, came to welcome it, and even .considered joining it, in order to curb the Nazi menace. Within Great Britain there had been developing, even before the Nazi " blood bath ", sentiment against repeating the mistake of 1914, when a clear-cut stand might have averted the World War; and, after the "purge", the ties with France became closer.199 Similarly, Italy was aroused to action when a year and a half of Nazi interference within Austria culminated in the assassination of Dollfuss on July 25, 1934. For Germany, this event represented a setback in that it alienated the only Great Power in Europe that might have,.been friendly, Italy, which was thereby almost compelled to seek the friendship of France.200 195 The New York Times, September I, 1934- 196 The Times, August 30, 1934- 19'1 Ceske Slovo, September 14, I934us The New York Times, September 26, 1934. 198 Cf. Duranty, op. cit., pp. 29-30. 2oo Ibid., p. 19; Simonds and Emeny, op. cit., p. 274- THE NAZI CRISIS 391 At once, Mussolini ordered an army to the Austrian frontier to prevent Anschluss.201 Italy's speedy action in tum alarmed Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia, both of which took prompt military measures also, for, to them, the extension of Italian control over Austria would be intolerable. The situation became critical and complex. Whereas Yugoslavia sought particularly to prevent. Austria's falling into the hands of Italy, Czechoslovakia sought ·to save Austria from both Italy and Germany.202 Apparently, Prince Starhemberg, Austria's Acting Chancellor after the murder of Dollfuss, preferred to cooperate with·the Little Entente and Italy, rather than join Germany.203 Barthou frankly declared his opposition to any solution of the Austrian question which would make Italy preponderant in Central Europe.206 It appeared that Yugoslavia, of the small states, held the key to the situation. Should she desert France for Germany, she might be followed by Rumania, and even by Hungary. Thus, not only would the Little Entente and the French system of alliances be threatened with disruption, but Italy would lose her friend, Hungary. Such an eventuality was not impossible, for neither Yugoslavia, Rumania, nor Hungary was threatened directly by German ambitions in Central Europe, but on the contrary, found her a better market for their agricultural products than either France or Italy. In this emergency, Barthou sought to clarify the situation by inviting King Alexander to visit France.205 Instead of clarifying the situation, Alexander's visit to France made matters worse when, on October 9, 1934, both Alexander and Barthou were assassinated in Marseilles by 201 Coniere della SerrJ, July 26, I934- 20ll Ceske Slovo, July 3o-August 2, 1934. zoa The New York Times, September 16, 1934. 206 Ibid., September 26, 1934- 205 Cf. Simonds and Emecy, ol. cit., p. 275. 392 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 a Croatian terrorist. Barthou's death apparently was an accident, the result of his attempt to protect the King, whom certain dissatisfied subjects had sought to slay as part of a plot to disrupt the unity of Yugoslavia.2011 On October 14 the Foreign Ministers of the Little Entente met at Belgrade to confer regarding their stand against lsC:t.~C;;.;.i· t!"rrorists,207 and, on the 19, united in a protest in which they accuseri· Hungary of abetting the assassins.20 s Large detachments of the Yi.tgoslav army were concentrated on the Hungarian frontier, and it was decided to request the League to investigate the charges against Hungary. The general situation was explained to both houses of parliament by Benes in an expose of November 6, 1934.209 Assured of the support of her Little Entente partners, of Greece, Turkey and France,210 Yugoslavia threatened to take matters into her own hands if no satisfaction was forthcoming from Geneva. Hungary demanded the withdrawal of Benes as President of the League Council when the case would be tried.211 Despite French requests for further delay in order that some agreement might be reached with Italy, Yugoslavia actually submitted her protest to the League on November 22.:112 Two days later a fresh crisis was reached when Hungary demanded immediate action regarding the charges, which she characterized as a threat to the peace of Europe.213 Matters were embittered still further when 1': 2oe Cf. Le Temps, The Times, The New York Times, October IO, 1934. 207 The Netu York Times, October 14, 1934 2oSibid., October 19, 1934· 200 Benes, E., Vers un regroupement des forces en Europe!, Sources et documents tchecoslovaques, no. 26. 2IO Cf. Padelford, op. cit., pp. 114-115 and 124-125. 211 Official Journal, December, 1934, p. 1769. 212Ibld., pp. 1765-1766. 2l8 Ibid., p. I768. THE NAZI CRISIS 393 Yugoslav troops dro~e across the frontier into Hungary several thousand Magyars who had resided in Yugoslavia since the War and who had not been naturalized.2 u. The League, which considered the dispute December 7-10, 1934, finally evolved a satisfactory compromise. In the course of the deliberations, the Little Entente again demonstrated its solidarity. Bene5, speaking for Czechoslovakia, threatened her resignation from the League· Council unless that organization demonstrated sufficient courage and efficiency to prevent an armed conflict between Hungary and Yugoslavia. However, Benes took care to explain that such a step would not mean that his country would withdraw from the League.2111 After denouncing the principles of revisionism, Titulescu, speaking for the Little Entente, pointed out that Hungary's national honor was in no way questioned, whereupon both Hungary and Yugoslavia accepted the draft treaty sponsored by France, whereby there was created a permanent international investigating committee of five members for the suppression of terrorism.218 At the same time all further frontier deportations ceased. Upon his return to Praha, Benes explained his strong stand by pointing out that the object of revisionism was to destroy the status quo in Central Europe, and that revisionism could never accomplish its ends in a peaceable manner.21 '~ The outcome of the assassination crisis helped further the isolation of Germany. A sensation was created on Novem- · her 23 when Leon Archimbaud, Reporter of the Budget, announced, in the course of a debate in the French Chamber of Deputies, that the Soviet Union had offered her army to 216 Ibid., p. 1755· li'15Ibid., pp. 1723-1728 and 1745-1748; Benes, E., Le Sens politiqw de Ia tragedie de !.!arseille, Sources et documents tcbecoslovaques, no. 27. 218 Official Journal, December, 1934, p. 176o. 2'17 Ndrodni Politika, December 16, 1934- 394 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1936 France in the event of a war with Germany.218 This statement of an alliance was in all appearances premature, yet, subsequent denials by the Quai D'Orsay failed to remove the impression that an alliance was imminent.219 The signature, on December 5, by France and the U.S.S.R. of a protocol which called for joint negotiations regarding the completion of an Eastern Locarno agreement seemed to confirm the new trend of events.22 ° Czechoslovakia adhered to this protocol on December 12.221 France and Italy, after protracted negotiations, also reached a rapprochement on January 7, 1935. Signed by the F.rench Foreign Minister who succeeded Barthou, Laval, and by Mussolini, the new Rome accord specified: ( 1) a pact of consultation whereby the two countries agreed to consult with one another upon all European questions, particularly in the event that Austrian independence should be jeopardized; (2) a pact of non-intervention, to be signed by the Little Entente, Austria, Hungary and possibly ~rmany; (3) other powers might accede to the consultative provisions of the pact and (4) colonial concessions by France to Italy in Africa. Although both negotiators disclaimed that the new accord was aimed at any particular country, the specific guarantee of Austrian independence left no doubt that it was intended against Germany.222 In this manner was a new ring of nations created around Germany. Except for distant Japan, whose willingness and ability to engage in a war in Central Europe were alike inconceivable, and for Poland, whose military value and sin- 21s Anmues de Ia Chambre des Deputes, IS legislature, session extraordinaire de 1934. I partie, I seance le 23 novembre, 1934. p. 2572. · 219 Le Temps, November 24, I9J4. 220 Nouveau recueil, iii serie, vol. xxx, pp. 643-644. 221 The New York Times, December 12, 1934- 222 N o'U'Veau recueil, iii serie, vol. xxx, pp. 644 ef seq. THE NAZI CRISIS 395 cerity were alike open to question, Nazified Germany appeared deserted by all whose weight was of great value. Nevertheless, Hitler continued to reiterate his demands for absolute German equality with the other Great Powers, on land, on sea, in the air, and colonially. Czechoslovakia welcomed enthusiastically the FrancoSoviet and the F ranco-ltalian rapprochements as ensuring the peace of Europe and her own safety.223 Both rapprochements were viewed with almost equal cordiality by her Little Entente partners. On January I I, 1935, at Ljubljana, the three Little Entente Foreign Ministers-Bene5; Yeftic and Titulescu-met to discuss the new situation that had been created by the recent Franco-Italian accord and to formulate a unified policy regarding it.22 " The decision of the conference was made public by Titulescu, who stated that the Little Entente would enter negotiations regarding a Danubian Pact only as a unit.225 He was reported to have demanded also four specific conditions upon which alone the Little Entente would consider accession : (I and 2) the restoration of the Habsburgs and the minorities question, respectively, would not be considered as solely internal affairs of any signatory Power; (3) all revisionist propaganda regarding the territories of signatories would be dropped and (4) the exceptional privileges enjoyed by some citizens of certain signatory states within the territories of another state (i. e. the special economic privileges of Italians in Dalmatia) would terminate with the signature of the new pact.220 Although the effect of Titulescu's reported demands upon France and Italy is not known, the fact re~~~ Cf. Ceske Slovo, Cas, Narodnl Politika, Narodnl Listy, January 8-g, 1935· 112• Svonwst, January 12, 1935· 11211 The New Yol'k Times, January 12, 1935. 220 Ibid., January 29. 1935· 396 FG_REIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1936 mained that the Little Entente did not accede to the Rome accord of January 7, 1935. Nazi success in the Saar plebiscite of January 15, 1935, increased Czechoslovak apprehensions regarding Hitler's ultimate objectives. Rumors spread that Hitler might attempt a series of other plebiscites unauthorized by the Treaty of Versailles, particularly in Memel, Danzig, the Belgian communes of Eupen and Malmedy, Austria, and the German regions of Bohemia.227 Fears of German surprise air attacks and growing convictions that Anglo-French negotiations with Germany regarding an air pact of non-aggression would produce no concrete results induced the Czechoslovak government in February, 1935, to approve a comprehensive plan of aerial defense. The new enactment required the owners of all large domiciles to provide bomb and gas proof concrete basements for the inmates. Employers were to provide similar shelters for their employees. All citizens were required to purchase gas masks. The larger cities were to provide warning sirens and first-aid stations. Severe penalties were to be meted out for sabotaging any air defense equipment. The government could force the sale of any property needed for defense purposes. Such elaborate precautions might not be necessary, but, in view of the fact that the Republic was almost surrounded by more or less hostile neighbors, it was deemed best to take no chances.228 ' On March 16, 1935, Hitler proclaimed compulsory military service throughout Germany. By this decree the standing army was increased to thirty-six divisions (soo,ooo- 6oo,ooo men). Although Hitler pleaded the necessity for self defense,229 particularly against the Soviet Union which 2 2'1 Cf. Svornost, January 21, 22, February 16, 1935. 22a Ti.rky (Senat), no. 1436, February 22, 1935, 2 session. 220 Viilkischer Beobachter, Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, March 16, 1935. THE NAZI CRISIS 397 maintained a standing army of 940,000 men/30 his move aroused general apprehensions. On March 18 Great Britain sent a note of protest against Germany's unilateral abrogation of the Treaty of Versailles.231 Three days later France and Italy sent similar protests,232 all of which were unheeded by Germany. After this repudiation of the Treaty of Versailles, Czechoslovakia felt compelled to rearm also.233 Within a week she was reported to have begun new fortifications on the German frontier.234 The Austrian government feared Hitler also.235 Chancellor Schuschnigg and Foreign Minister Berger-Waldenegg visited Paris (February 21-23) and London (February 24-26) in an effort to obtain further assistance against German threats. They were received politely but without enthusiasm in both western capitals. The British and French governments agreed to help maintain Austrian independence, but refused Austria any further loans and renewed their bans against a Habsburg restoration.236 The question of Austria's future became also the subject of discussions between the Little Entente and Italy. On March 25, Titulescu, who was spokesman for both the Balkan and the Little Ententes, conferred with Yeftic at Belgrade in the course of a tour through the states of the Little Entente. An unofficial report from Belgrade indicated that a difference of opinion had developed between Italy and the Little Entente. The former was apparently willing to approve the reintroduction of compulsory military service 230 PublicatioM, Disarmament, 1935, ix S, p. 839. :a1 The Times, March 19, 1935. n1 Le Temps, March 22, 1935. ua The NeuJ York Times, March 17, 1935. u• Ibid., March 24. 1935· 2311 Cf. Neue Freie Presse, January 16, 1935. sse The Times, Le Temps, Svornost, February 22-27, 1935. 398 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1936 within Austria as essential to prevent ultimate annexation by Germany, whereas the latter opposed such a move as establishing a precedent for the rearming of both Hungary and Bulgaria. The rearming of Austria might not represent a threat to the Little Entente, but the rearming of either Hungary or Bulgaria would be met "in the most resolute manner ,., (i. e. mobilization) by the three partners.2117 Two days later Titulescu met Benes at Bratislava enroute to Paris. Apparently, the two statesmen were in complete accord, for, on departing, Titulescu stated that " no power could separate Czechoslovakia and Rumania ".238 The Western Powers also decided to hold a Conference in order to try to agree upon acommon line of action regarding Germany. To this end, Eden, British Lord Privy Seal, Laval, French Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Suvich, Italian Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, met at Paris on March 23 and decided to call a three-Power Conference at Stresa for April 11.289 Thereupon, Eden, together with Simon, the British Secretary for Foreign Affairs, departed for Berlin to hold a series of "exploratory conversations ". On March 25-26 they conferred with Hitler and the German Minister of Foreign Affairs, Von Neurath.240 Upon his return to London on March 27, Simon gave the press a summary of the results. According to Simon, Germany refused to join any "Eastern Locarno ", Pact of Rome, or other guarantee of existing Danubi:ln boundaries. Allegedly, Hitler demanded also a navy of 400,000 tons, an air force equal to that of the Soviet Union, a reopening of the question of the Austro-German Customs Union together with an Austrian plebiscite upon the issue and the cession by Czecho- 23T Svornost, March 26, 1935. 238 The New York Times, March 28, 1935. 2S9 Ibid., March 24, 1935. 240 Ibid., March 25-26, 1935. THE NAZI CRISIS 399 slovakia of territory said to contain 3,soo,ooo Germans.241 However, it still remained a question whether Hitler had merely hinted or had expressed openly such views. While Berlin newspapers printed columns regarding Hitler's "moderation,. and denied any desire to dominate Europe or to seize territories beyond Germany's existing frontiers,242 great indeed was the pessimis~ in London,243 and the anger in Praha."4 At Paris, Titulescu delivered to Laval what was virtually an ultimatum of the Little Entente. Unless France would take immediate measures to create an effective " ring of steel " around Germany, the Little Entente would be compelled to open negotiations with Germany itself. As a result of his conversations at Belgrade and Bratislava, Titulescu pointed out that the Little Entente expected unstinted French support, failing which it would seek a rapprochement with Germany. To avert a collapse in the existing system of alliances, Titulescu suggested that France attempt to draw Poland again within her orbit and that France negotiate as soon as possible a military alliance with the U.S.S.R. By the creation of an overwhelming coalition alone could Germany, in his estimation, be made to disarm:215 Eden embarked on another series of visits in an effort to isolate Germany. On March 29 he arrived in Moscow to confer with Stalin, who promised to do all in his power to cooperate with the Western Powers in attempting to preserve the peace of Europe.248 On April 1, Eden came to Warsaw, u1 The Times, March 27-28, 1935. us Vorwaerts, Vossische Zeitung, Volkischer Beobachter, March 27-29. 1935· ua Cf. The Times, March 29-30, 1935. liH Cas, Nlwodnl Politika, Pravo LUlu, S'l}(Jntost, March 27-30, '19JS. 245 S'l}(Jrnost, Le Temps, March 30, 1935; cf. also, The New York Times, March 30-31, 1935. u•Jsrvestia, Svomost, March 30, 1935; cf. The New York Times, April r, 1935, for joint statement of Eden and Litvinov. 400 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1936 where he was received coolly by Pilsudski and Beck. Poland remained firm in objecting to an "Eastern Locarno ", par. ticularly since such an agreement might make her the battleground between Germany and the Soviet Union and, under certain conditions, might even obligate her to defend Soviet territory.247 At Praha, on Apri14, Eden received the warmest welcome. The similarity between the foreign policies of the two countries was brought out forcibly by Bend' state~ ment, "we pursue the same policies and objectives as Great Britain ", and by Eden's response, " we stand or fall together ".248 Upon returning to London, Eden pointed out that his tour had convinced him of the impossibility of including Germany either in an " Eastern Locarno " or in any pact with Great Britain, France and Italy.249 Mussolini also regarded the situation as being critical. He warned Great Britain and France that the Stresa Conference must bring Germany's aggressive policy to a halt. To that end he made the following suggestions: (I) it is useless to make peaceful gestures towards Germany, (2) the three Great Powers-Great Britain, France and Italy-must clarify the fact that Germany cannot continue to break treaties without suffering the consequences, (3) Germany must be punished for violating the Treaty of Versailles, (4) new steps must be taken to guarantee the integrity of Austria, and (5) the rearming of Austria, Hungary and Bulgaria must be permitted under some compromise that remained to be negotiated.250 · Benes regarded the general situation more optimistically. In his estimation, the best basis for peace would be unity 247 The New York Times, Svornost, Gazeta Warssawska, April 2-3, 1935· 2u Svornost, The New York Times, April S, 1935. lid The New York Times, The Times, April6, 1935. 250 The Times, April 4, 1935; Svornost, April 5, 1935. THE NAZI CRISIS 401 among the three Great Powers of Western Europe.261 The encirclement of Germany appeared more imminent when the Balkan and Little Ententes stated that they not only approved a Franco-Soviet alliance, but would join it eventually.252 On the other hand, according to a rumor emanating from Vienna, Austria was on the verge of an alliance with Germany. It was alleged that Austria would send to Stresa an envoy who would demand a cancellation of the military clauses of the Treaty of St. Germain in order that Austria might have an army of 65,000 men, 30,000 of whom would be " selected conscripts ".258 The Stresa Conference of April II-14, 1935, established a united front of Great Britain, France and Italy and represented a joint effort in defense of peace. Again Great Britain refused to accept any definite continental commitments beyond those of Locarno. The Conference decided that Austrian independence could best be preserved by a Danubian Pact which would include all the neighbors of Austria. In order that such a Pact might be consummated, Mussolini invited all interested Powers to a Conference at Rome, tentatively for May 20. With regard to an Eastern Pact, the three Great Powers concluded merely to continue discussions for "the· consolidation of security in Eastern Europe". France had already decided to enter into such a pact with the Soviet Union, and even Germanyhad agreed to accede to it, at least to some limited degree. With regard to the question of the rearming of Austria, Hungary and Bulgaria, Italy and France expressed the conflicting views of the three former enemy states and of the Little Entente :a51 The New Yo,.k Times, AprilS, 1935. 15•Ibid., April n, I935· Cf. also, Padelford, op. cit., pp. 127-129. for the cooperation of the Balkan and Little Ententes, both of whom were represented by Titulescu. ll5a New Freie Presse, April 4. 1935. 402 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 respectively. Since the Stresa Conference had decided to bring before the League the question of Germany's violation of the Treaty of Versailles by rearming, the Little Entente did not intend to permit the approval of similar violations of the Peace Treaties by the smaller former enemy states. As the result of Laval's forceful pleading of the Little Entente's views, the Stresa Conference decided that any rearming of the small former enemy states would have to await a truly effective peace and security agreement negotiated under the contemplated Danubian Pact.254 The condemnation of Germany as a violator of the Treaty of Versailles by the League Council on April 17 inferred that similar condemnation might follow any further violations of the Peace Treaties by other states.255 Czechoslovakia received the results of the Stresa Conference enthusiastically. Her people looked forward to the approaching Conference of Rome and to the imminent Franco-Soviet pact of mutual assistance, which would be followed by a similar pact between the U.S.S.R and Czechoslovakia.256 On May 2, at Paris, Laval and the Russian Ambassador to France, Potemkin, signed a Franco-Russian pact of mutual assistance. Negotiated entirely within the framework of the League, the new pact contemplated : (I) consultation in . the event of any danger of aggression, (2) immediate aid in the event of "unprovoked aggression", (3) "aid and assistance " in the event of unprovoked aggression by a nation which violated the League Covenant by such action, (4) this pact would not be interpreted in a manner which might restrict the duties or obligations of members of the League and ( 5) this pact would endure for five years, and would continue indefinitely unless denounced one year before 254 The Times, The New York Times, April 12-15, 1935. 2511 Official Journal, May, 1935. pp. 556-571. 256 The Central European Observer, April19, May J, 1935. THE NAZI CRISIS the end of the five year period.257 The protocol of signature which accompanied the pact showed the true significance of the rapprochement. One clause specified that " undertakings in this treaty refer only to cases of aggression against either of the contracting parties' own territory ". Although the Locarno agreements were not mentioned specifically, they were amply protected by the statement tha~ the new pact " shall not be carried out in any way which, being inconsistent with treaty obligations undertaken by the contracting parties, might expose the latter to sanctions of an international character". German accession to the pact might ensue " although circumstances have not hitherto permitted the conclusion of these agreements, which the two parties still look upon as desirable, the fact remains that the understandings set forth in the Franco-Soviet treaty of assistance are to be understood to come into play only within the limits contemplated in the tripartite agreement (i. e. among the U.S.S.R., France and Germany) previously projected". In contrast with the pre-war alliance between France .and Russia, the new agreement was much more limited in scope. An outgrowth of the desire for an Eastern Locarno, it was aimed only at Germany (i. e. France would not be required . to aid the U.S.S.R. against Japan).258 The signature of the Franco-Soviet treaty of mutual assistance was followed by a report that France would help finance the construction of strategic roads and railroads along the western frontiers of the Soviet Union.2611 On May 13 Laval visited Moscow.1180 Two days later he and Litvinov issued a joint invitation that nations which objected to an l!5T Nouveau recueil, iii serie, vol. xxxi, pp. 645 et seq. Ratifications were exchanged at Paris, March 27, I936· 258 Cf. The New York Times, February 28, 1936, for article comparing the two alliances. 2511 Ibid., May 4. 1935. 260 Le Temps, May 14. 1935. 404 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKJA, 1918-1936 " Eastern Locarno " should join a non-aggression pact which would have no military obligations,261 Czechoslovakia hastened to associate herself with France and the U.S.S.R. As a matter of fact, her relations with Moscow had become increasingly cordial since-her recognition of the Soviet regime, and she had been waiting merely for France to take the initiative. Ali alliance between the Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia had been rumored early in January, 1935, when a delegation of Czechoslovak journalists was received in Moscow with acclaim so unusually cordial 262 as to draw the ire of both Germany 268 and Poland.264 A further gesture of friendship was the signing, on March 25, of two· new Soviet-Czechoslovak treaties. One was a simple patent agreement, whereas the other, a trade credit treaty, was of relatively greater importance. Czechoslovakia had organized recently an Export Institute to investigate foreign trade and had opened commercial negotiations with the U.S.S.R., Austria and Hungary. Upon the recommendation of the Export Institute, the new commercial treaty with the Soviet Union included mutual most-favored-nation clauses, equitable import quotas and foreign exchange regulations, and an extension of the state guarantee of export credits. When ratified, this treaty would extend to the U.S.S.R. a credit of 25o,ooo,ooo Czechoslovak crowns.265 The treaty of mutual assistance between Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union, similar to that between France and the Soviet Union, was actually signed in Praha on May 16 by Benes and by the Soviet Minister to Czechoslovakia, Alex- 261/bid., May 16, 1935. 26:1 Cf. Svornost, January IS, 21, February 10, I935· 268 Vossische Zeitung, January 8, 1935. 264 Gazeta Warszawska, January 8, 1935. 2611 Prager Presse, Cas, March 26, 1935. THE NAZI CRISIS androvskj. The pact was to become effective whenever one of the signatories became the object of an unprovoked attack on the part of a European state, in which case the other would assist immediately. It was to be noted, however, that, as in the case of the Franco-Soviet treaty, aid .to Moscow would not be forthcoming against a .Japanese attack. The protocol of signature specified also that " both governments understood that the obligation of mutual assistance becomes effective only when it shall meet the foreseen conditions of the pact and when the victim of aggression shall receive also theafd of France". Czechoslovakia would not be obligated to assist the U.S.S.R. if France should refuse to do so. Still another variation from the Franco-Soviet pact was represented by a so-called " neutrality clause ", whereby, in the event of an attack upon one of the signatories " by one or two states, under circumstances that could not be foreseen, the other signatory must not aid, directly or indirectly, the aggressor, and both signatories offer one another assurances that there exists no secret treaty which would invalidate the fulfillment of these understandings ''.266 At the same time the two states negotiated an air convention whereby service between Moscow and Praha was to be begun in August. The direct route would have been via Warsaw, but when Poland refused permission to fly across her territory, the route was projected via Kiev and Uihorod.267 . The Soviet-Czechoslovak treaty of mutual assistance, which was negotiated with the approval of Rumania and Yugoslavia,268 was followed by a visit of Benes to Moscow, whither he had received repeated invitations. Enroute, at 260 Nouveau recueil, iii serie, vol. xxxi, pp. 327 ef seq. 267 The Central European Observer, May 31, 1935; cf. also, The Nev~ York Times, April 18, 1935. 268 The New York Times, May 17, 1935. 4o6 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1936 Warsaw, he received a cool reception.269 At Moscow, Benes and Litvinov exchanged ratifications of the mutual assistance pact, of the air treaty, of the patent agreement and of the trade credit treaty. They agreed that the only way to preserve European peace was by an extension of the mutual assistance pact to other states. Their three day conference terminated with a joint communique stating that Czechoslovakia's geographic position had been a dominant factor in the rapprochement with the U.S.S.R.270 The communique was followed almost immediately by a report that the Soviet Union and Rumania were also negotiating a pact of mutual assistance.1 !71. The various states of Central Europe were looking forward also to the contemplated Danubian Pact. At the Conference of Venice, which terminated on May 6, Austria, Hungary and Italy were reported to have reached a tacit understanding favorable to Hungarian rearming. Italy was alleged to have promised her moral support to a " rectification" of Hungarian frontiers in return for a Hungarian guarantee of Austrian independence.212 An interesting sidelight to the Conference of Venice was the report that Suvich had induced Beck, the Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs, who was then visiting Italy, to participate in the Danubian negotiations and help counterbalance the influence of France and the Little Entente.278 The Foreign Ministers of tli.e three Little Entente states and of Greece met at Bucharest May ro-n. They viewed the situation realistically. Since eventual Hungarian and Bulgarian rearming was perhaps inevitable, would it not be 269 Ibid., June g, 1935. 210 Ibid., June II, 1935. 211 Ibid., June 14, 1935. an The Times, Le Temps, May '1, 1935· ara The Central European Obseroer, May 24, 1935· THE NAZI CRISIS 4<>7 advisable to please th~ Western Powers by approving the recommendation of the Conference of Stresa? What price might be exacted from Hungary and Bulgaria for such consent? In view of these considerations, the Little Entente and Greece agreed that these states accede to a six-Power pact of non-aggression and of mutual assistance.274 The Little Entente was willing to abandon its long opposition to the rearming of the former enemy states on· condition that they guarantee the status quo and agree to terminate revisionist propaganda.275 Both the Little Entente and the Balkan Entente were haunted by two fears: (I) Hungary and Bulgaria would probably refuse to perpetuate their own dismemberment in return for a right they assumed already theirs and (2) the whole conception of a Danubian Pact was jeopardized seriously by Mussolini's African policy.:m The Henlein Movement In the midst of the Soviet and Danubian negotiations, Czechoslovakia held, on May I9, the fourth general elections to both houses of parliament. The elections were orderly and resulted in but few changes in the governmental coalition, in which seven parties divided 166 of the 300 seats in the Chamber of Deputies, and 82 of the ISO seats in the Senate. However, most striking was the rise of the Sudetendeutsche Partei of Konrad Henldn,277 which polled over a million votes as against four million for the governmental coalition. Absorbing the German National Socialists and the German Nationalists, it obtained 67 seats in parliament. Never before had two-thirds of the German votes been conlilT~ The New York Times, May n-12, 1935. zn The Central European Observer, May 24. 1935. liTe The New York Times, May 24. 1935. For the Italo-Ethiopian war, c/. infra, pp. 420 et seq. nr Prior to his entry into potltics, Henlein was an obscure gymnastics instructor. 4o8 FOREIGN POUCY OF CZECHOSLOVA.KIA., 1918-1935 centrated in one party. The fact that the governmental coalition had been weakened could not be disguised. Significant also was the fact that the new party was not given representation in the Malypetr cabinet.218 Despite the pledge of loyalty Henlein made to Czechoslovakia and to the ideals of democratic government, he was distrusted by the Czechoslovaks, particularly after he had objected to the secondary position to which his party had been relegated politically.218 The Geske Slovo took the lead in denouncing him as " Czechoslovakia's Hitler •• and in alleging that he represented Pan-Germanism financed by the Reich. It pointed out in particular that, in the estimation of Germany, the rise of the new party justified calling Czechoslovakia "the appendix whose removal was necessary before Europe could be restored to political health ".280 Despite the new fears that were aroused as a result of the consolidation of the Germanic opposition, the fact that a composite state like Czechoslovakia, with fourteen political parties, could enjoy five and one-half years of political peace without the necessity of new elections was definite proof of her political stability.281 Since 1926, when Czechoslovakia's German minority had decided to cooperate politically with the various Czech and Slovak parties,232 its leader, Dr. Spina, had advocated a cultural union with Germany to which no 278 Cf. The Central EswopeaK Observer, May 24, 31, June 14, 1935. 2111 The New York Times, June 21, '1935. 28o Cf. CeskJ Slovo, May 23-25, 1935· 2s1 Two other minor threats to the Czechoslovak Republic were deemed to be Hlinka's Slovak People's Party, which won twenty-two seats, and Gajda's Fascists, who won six seats. The smallest of Czechoslovak parties, the Fascist National Community was represented in parliament for the first time after the 1935 election. Cf. Hoch, op. cit., PP. 35-36. Gajda had resumed political activity after the 1933 amnesty for all political offenses. For the law, cf. Tisky {Poslanecka Snemovna), no. 2388, October 12, 1933, 9 session. 282 Cj. supra, p. 258. THE NAZI CRISIS liberal Czechoslovak had objected. However, Henlein's new conception," Volksgemeinschaft ",indicated more than mere cultural affinity, although the exact nature of this " more " has·not been specified. Coupled with an avowed intention to influence the foreign policy of Czechoslovakia to the abandonment of its present world-wide orientation in favor of a narrow orientation as a satellite of. Germany, it was cal~ culated to arouse grave concern among patriotic Czechs and Slovaks.288 Czechoslovak mistrust mounted with the discovery that followers of Henlein were prominent in three different espionage" affairs" that had come to light during the year.28 ~ Benes sought to extend the olive branch to Germany on June 19 when he pointed out, to a delegation of Berlin newspaper representatives visiting Praha, that the chief goal of his foreign policy was the attainmentof a friendly understanding with Germany which would not contravene Czechoslovakia's existing obligations to France. In his estimation, a rapprochement with Germany would go far towards solving the problem of Czechoslovakia's German minority,285 but no rapprochement with Germany resulted. A new sensation was created by Henlein on September 2 I when he sued the Prager Presse for libel for having stated that his movement had been financed by 50,000 marks from the German Minister of Propaganda, GObbels.286 The disclosures caused two 2ss Cf. The Central European Observer, December 13, 1935, for article entitled "Konrad Henlein in a Vicious Circle"; Hoch, op. cit., pp. 41-44For contrasting accounts of what the Henlein movement means for Germans and Czechs, respectively, cf. A German Bohemian Deputy, "The German Minority in Czechoslovakia", The Slavonic Gnd East Europeatt Review, vol. xiv, pp. 295-300, January, 1936; Sobota, E., "Czechs and Germans: a Czech view", ibid., pp. 301-320. 286 Cf. Svornost, April 17, August 15, November 4, S, 21, 1935. 2n Ibid., June 19, 1935. 2ss Cf. Prager Presse, September 21-22, 1935· 410 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1936 of his followers in the Chamber of Deputies, Hans Krebs and Rudolf Jung, to flee into voluntary exile in Germany, an act which convinced Czechoslovaks of the their guilt and led to demands that the Henlein party be disbanded by governmental decree as a threat against the integrity of the Republic.287 The Czechoslovak authorities were at a loss whether to oppose Henlein or to compromise with him,288 for both alternatives were distasteful. Early in December Czechoslovak public opinion was somewhat mollified when Dr. Spina, .in a public address in Most (Briix), subjected Henlein's policies to severe criticism on the grounds that they aroused needlessly the antipathies and fears of the Czechs, whereas in reality, according to Spina, there was little probability that Germany would attempt to annex Czechoslovakia's Germanic borderlands.2811 The fact that the foreign policy of Czechoslovakia would remain unchanged after the elections was made clear by several official pronouncements. In two press interviews, Benes pointed out his belief that collective security compacts could best preserve peace, which might become threatened seriously in the critical years 1936-1937,290 and that the creation of international friendships would be the chief goal of his foreign policy.:m On June 18, the first full day's session of the new National Assembly, the Prime Minister, Malypetr, explained at length both his domestic and foreign policies. Domestically, he w,arned recalcitrant Germans, Slovaks and Fascists against attempting to weaken national JST Cf. Svomost, Se!)tember 26, 1935. 2sa Cf. Hanighen, F. C., "Troubled Days in Czechoslovakia ••, Current History, vol. xliii, p. 583. :~nsvomost, December 8, 1935; The New York Times, December 4. 1935· uo The New York Times, June 14. 1935. ll111Jbid., Svornost, June 19, 1935. THE NAZI CRISIS 411 unity. In foreign aff~irs, Czechoslovakia would pursue the ideals of the League, under which, he stated, all her treaties of alliance had been negotiated. For the immediate future, Czechoslovakia, together with France, the Soviet Union, Great Britain, Italy and her Little Entente partners, would strive for the successful conclusion of both Eastern and Central European Pacts.2112 Goring's Balkan Tour Hitler decided to take advantage o£ successive postponements of the Conference of Rome, which had been scheduled originally for May 20, by sending his lieutenant, General GOring, on a Balkan tour to restore Germanic influence in that area. On May 27, Goring was in Sofia to return a recent visit that a Bulgarian delegation had made secretly to Berlin. The trip took him also to Rumania, Yugoslavia and Hungary. He made a particularly strenuous effort to attract Yugoslavia within the German orbit, and thereby to create a Germanic 'bloc across Central Europe. Although GOring's tour was termed in Czechoslovakia and elsewhere a diplomatic failure,298 its sequel was a political crisis within Yugoslavia, whereby Yeftic was succeeded as Premier by the allegedly Germanophil Stoyadinovic.m As a result of the internal difficulties of Yugoslavia, the Little Entente Conference of Bled was postponed, and Rumania hastened to draw closer to both Czechoslovakia and the U.S.S.R.21111 tu Cf. The Central European Observer, June 28, 1935, for detailed summary of Malypetr's speech. 298 Ibid., June 28, 1935, for full details of GOring's trip; also, The New York Times, June 2, 8, 12, 1935. Hitler considered the trip a decided success. Cf. Volkischer Beobachter, May 25-June 8, 1935. 29i The New York Times, Svornost, June 21, 1935· 2011 Svornost, June 26, 1935. 412 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1986 Amplification of the Modus Vivendi The month of June, 1935, witnessed also an amplification of the modus vivendi of 1928 298 between·Czechoslovakia and the Vatican by the definitive settlement of the question of the boundaries of dioceses. Czechoslovakia had long maintained that a diocese should lie entirely within one state. The Austrian Bishop of St. Hypolite held jurisdiction over the Czechoslovak parishes of .Vitorazko and Valcicko, and the German Archbishop of Breslau over much of Czechoslovak Silesia. On the other hand, the Archbishop of Praha had authority over the Prussian County of Glatz. Of the six Slovak dioceses, only two (Nitra and Banska Bystrica) lay wholly within Czechoslovakia. A part of the Bishopric of Spis was in Poland. The other three (Roinava, Kosice and Ostrihom) were divided with Hungary. Particularly acute was the question of OstHhom, whose Archbishop was Primate of Hungary. By the new agreement, the political and religious boundaries were made to coincide. The Archbishop of Praha surrendered Glatz. Similarly, the Archbishop of Breslau turned over his parishes in Silesia to the Archbishop of Olomouc. On the Austrian, Hungarian and Polish frontiers the new dioceses lay entirely within Czechoslovakia. The loss of territory to Ostrihom was particularly regretted by the Hungarians who had regarded ecclesiastical control as a symbol upon which to base hopes of revisionism. It might also be pointed out that the Holy See, in consenting to change boundaries which had existed since the Seven Year's War (1756-63), granted to the new Czechoslovak Republic a concession which it had refused to permit to the Austrian Monarchy. The agreement embraced also two other points : two commissions, a state and an ecclesiastical, were to determine the property divisions that the revision of diocesan boundaries would necessitate; and bishops would 298 Cf. supra, pp. 254 el seq. THE NAZI CRISIS 413 be appointed by the Holy See, but the state could make confidential objections to any candidature.297 Solidarity of the Status-Quo Bloc There arose again the question of a Habsburg restoration in Austria. Within Czechoslovakia, the Prager Presse took the lead in calling attention to the ~mminence of a restoration.298 Some of its assertions received apparent confirmation when the Austrian Federal Chamber approved a law restoring to the Habsburgs their former property within Austria.299 The Little Entente took immediate action. The Yugoslav Regent, Prince Paul, hastened to Sinaia to confer with King Carol II.1100 Their decision was announced by Titulescu, who stated that, on the day of an Austrian coup d'etat, the three Little Entente states would recall their dip-:lomatic representatives, inaugurate an economic blockade, terminate the transportation of goods and passengers, mobilize their three armies, and take immediate military measures. The action of the Little Entente would not be motivated by mere sentiment, said Titulescu, but by a desire to avert the confusion that a change in the Austrian status quo would produce m Central Europe.801 Cooperation among the three partners was further confirmed when Bend stated that his oft-repeated earlier views regarding a restoration remained unchanged.1102 The Prager Presse objected to the return of Otto or Zita to either Austria or Hungary even as private citizens.11011 21Jr The Central European Observer, July 12, 1935; Svomost, June 18, 29. 1!)35· 11118 Prager Presse, July 9-10, 1935. 11119 The New York Times, July n, 1935. 800 Ibid., July 12, 1935. ao1 Ibid., July 14. 1935; The Central Et~ropean Obseroer, July 26, 1935· eoa The New York Times, July 21, 1935· 1108 Prager Presse, July 16, 1935· 414 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1936 The relative solidarity of the Little Entente, together with its close cooperation with the Balkan Entente, was again evinced at the Little Entente Conferen~e of Bled, August 30-31, which was followed immediately by a Conference of the Balkan Entente. The Little Entente's fifteenth anniversary was commemorated by Benes, who characterized the organization as a " fruitful alliance . . . which had fully justified its existence ". Benes also raised the question of the recognition of Moscow by the Little Entente as a unit, but no action was taken because of the opposition of Yugoslavia. At the termination of the Confenence, an official communique expressed solidarity regarding all political questions. The Little Entente would strive to help preserve general peace and remain faithful to the League. It remained unalterably opposed to a Habsburg restoration in either Austria or Hungary. In its estimation, existing difficulties would be greatly lessened by the successful conclusion of Eastern and Danubian Pacts. The latter, negotiated perhaps under French and Italian auspices, should include a guarantee of Austrian independence, mutual pledges of nonaggression and non-intervention, and a general agreement for consultation rather than mutual assistance in the event of a threat against either the political or the territorial status q~o. The communique closed rather pessimistically with the statement that, since the question of the revision of the Peace Treaties was not to be raised; Hungary alone would probably destroy all hopes for a general agreement.804 The successive French, Czechoslovak and Soviet army manoeuvres during the late summer and early fall of 1935 produced fresh indications of friendship among the three countries. Significant also was the choice of location for 304 The New York Times, Svornost, August 29-31, 1935; The Central European Observer, September 6, 1935. THE NAZI CRISIS each: the French in the Champagne in July,1105 the Czechoslovaks on the German Irontier in August,806 and the Soviets in the Ukraine in September.307 The three states sent military missions to one another's manoeuvres. The Czechoslovak manoeuvres, which were witnessed also by Rumanian and Yugoslav military missions, developed more than a tinge of reality when the hosti.le German minority showed its sentiments by cutting wires and committing other acts of petty sabotage.1108 The round of military manoeuvres closed early in October with those of Rumania, to which observers from her Little Entente partners and from France were invited.309 Both friends and foes realized that, in the event of war with Germany, Czechoslovakia's strategic position would be critical. The value of Soviet military aid might be merely psychological. Germany might be aided by Austria and Hungary, and perhaps even by Poland. The corridor whereby Soviet troops could reach Czechoslovakia (i. e. · assuming Rumanian consent for Soviet troops to cross her territory) would be, in all probability, cut off and Czechoslovakia isolated before any Great Power could render effective aid.810 Late in Sept~ber, 1935, the Little Entente denied a report that a Soviet-Rumanian pact permitting passage to Soviet troops across Rumania to aid Czechoslovakia in the event of. war had been negotiated.311 Nevertheless, the ao:; Le Temps, July 20, 1935. - The New Y oYk Times, August 18, 20, 1935; Svornost, August 22, 1935· ao'l Na,.odm Listy, September 18, 1935. aos C/. The New YoYk Times, September 12, 1935, for statement of the Czechoslovak Minister of War, Machnik. 808 Ibid., October 6, 1935; Svornost, October 7, 1935. 8to Buell, L R., The DangeYoUS YeaY (New York, 1936), P. 14. 811 The New YoYk Times, September 27, 1935· Cf. ibid., July 17, 1936, 416 ·FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1985 report produced, among Germany, Hungary and Poland, counter-negotiations alarming to Czechoslovakia.812 Soviet leaders felt convinced that the new bloc .aimed at the isolation and eventual partition of Czechoslovakia as a prelude to a war of aggression against the U.S.S.R.818 The Czechoslovak government planned more elaborate fortifications, particularly along the German frontier.814 ' The general situation was summarized by Benes in a lengthy expose, which he delivered on November 5 before the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies. Benes again pointed out that Czechoslovakia stood for peace and international cooperation. She threatened no one and would never become a party to an aggressive war. In a general crisis, the League could not refuse its aid. In addition to this moral support, he stressed the increase in Czechoslovakia's own strength because of the military progress that had been made. Czechoslovakia's system of alliances and friendships promised her the maximum security then attainable. After admitting that Czechoslovakia's geographical position was dangerous, he added, bu.t it is so because that geographical position is so important and far-reaching for the whole of Europe. It means tha.t our State is the key to the whole post-War structure of Central Europe. H it is touched either intermlly or internationally, the whole fabric of Central Europe is menaced, and the peace of Europe seriously infringea.· It would not be long ere all Europe would be grievously conscious of the fact. It ils for that reason that today and for all future our international position for the report that Rumania permitted the U. S. S. R. the use of a strategic railway to be constructed and financed by Czechoslovakia. Such a railway would materially improve Czechoslovakia's military prospects and enhance the value of the U. S. S. R. alliance. 813 Swrnost, September 26-27, •I935· 8i8 Cf. The New York Times, October u, November 10, 1935. tn4ofbid., October 17, 1935. THE NAZI CRISIS and our internal stability are a matter of great interest equally to France and the Soviet Uriion, equally to England and Italy, ·and to the Little Entente aJS they ought to be to Germany and Poland. Thus, whenever we 'Should be in danger the vitaL interest of all the cOll'.Structive forces of Europe would be on the side of our integrity and our prosperity.8 111 Benes' able .expose, which might be regarded as the keynote of almost two decades of foreign policy, was approved enthusiastiCally by both houses of parliament. It attracted several Opposition groups and drew favorable comment from almost every shade of political opinion.. The Social Democratic Pravo Lidu praised his consistent and peaceful policy as exemplified by adherence to the League.316 The Czech Socialist Ceske Slovo approved the Anglo-French and League policies.311 The Independent Lidove Noviny of Brno lauded Bene§' candor.818 The Independent N arodni Politika labeled his League policy " a dictate of reason".81 e The Liberal Opposition Narodni Listy also praised his League and his Polish policies.820 Even the Independent German Prager Tagblatt found praise for Bend' collective security endeavors.821 Abroad, Benes' speech was also received with general approval. The Neue Freie Presse was pleased with Benes' cordial words regarding Austria.822 The Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung. reproduced Bene§' remarks regarding Germany in their entirety.823 The Times deemed 8'11 Bend, E., The Struggle for Collective SecuritY in EuroPe and the ltal()-Ab:yssinian War, Czechoslovak Sources and Documents, no. 8, p. sS. 816 Pr6vo Lidu, November 6, 1935· au Ceskl SlO'Uo, November 6, 1935· a11 Lidove NO'Vin:y, November 6, 1935. 819 Narodnt Politika, November 6, 1935. 82o N6rodm Listy, November 6, 1935· 821 Pragef' Tagblatt, November 6, 1935. 8UNeue Freie Presse, November 6, 1935. 821 Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, November 6, 1935. 418 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1936 Benes' words the best foreign tribute that British foreign policy had received during 1935,82 ~ and French 8211 and Soviet 826 comment was almost equally flattering. Renewed Friction with Poland In the speech of November 5, Benes also voiced regret over his inability to draw Poland into the Soviet-Czechoslovak rapprochement. Tension between Poland and Czechoslovakia had been mounting steadily since January, 1934, when the former had adopted the "new policy " of a rapprochement with Germany.827 The death of the Polish dictator, Pilsudski, on May 12, 1935, at the age of sixtyseven, did not change materially the trend of Polish foreign policy.328 Under the guidance of the Germanophil Minister of Foreign Affairs, Beck, Poland rejected a Slavophil policy. Over a period of several months, many sections of the Polish press waged a violent anti-Czech campaign on behalf of the Polish minority in Tesin, which, allegedly, was being mistreated and subjected to a process of denation- alization.829 These allegations could not be substantiated by facts. The Polish minority enjoyed all the privileges of citizenship. It had representation in the Moravian-Silesian Diet, and sent two representatives to the Chamber of Deputies at Praha. Most of its children attended schools in which Polish was the language of instruction. Czechoslovakia was equally tolerant r$ligiously. Eleven of the twentyeight Catholic parish priests in Tesin were Polish. During the depression Czechoslovakia did adopt the policy common 826 The Times, November 6, 1935. 825 Le Temps, November 6, 1935· 828 Izvestia, November 6, 1935. 8 27 Cf. supra, pp. 373 et seq. 828 Gazeta Warszawska, May 13, 1935. sa Cf. reprints in Svornost, February 4. 23, May 14, August II, 13, 1935. THE NAZI CRISIS to all European states--~hat of discharging foreign workmen -but the Poles affected were citizens of Poland and thus had rio special cause for complaint.1180 Irredentism among the Poles in Tesin was aroused not only by irresponsible agitators, but by Polish officials. In the Polish Sejm itself there was brought out the fact that Malhome, the Polish consul in Tesin, had openly organized opposition to Czechoslovakia. After his recalfat the request of Czechoslovakia, his successor, Klotz, was equally provo- cative.831 Poland retaliated by asking for the recall of Meisner and Doleial, the Czechoslovak· consuls at Cracow and Posen respectively.8112 Within Tesin itself hostility between Poles and Czechs became so marked that since early September gendarmes and military detachments guarded the public schools.338 A large section of Czech public opinion feared lest Poland attempt to seize Tesin by a coup similar to that in Vilna in 1920. 88 • In the speech of November 5, Benes warned Poland that Czechoslovakia could not permit illegal activities within her territories. He offered to submit the question to a Czechoslovak-Polish arbitration commission, to the League, to the world Court or to the conciliation and arbitration procedure provided by the still valid Czechoslovak-Polish convention of 1925.385 On the same day, the Czechoslovak government declared a" state of emergency" in Tesin. Three days later came the Polish refusal to arbitrate. The official statement made much of the alleged discrepancy between Benes' words 330 C/. The Central European Observer, October 18, 1935. 3 31 Ibid., October 18, 1935. saa Svornost, October 211, 1935· 3aa Ibid., September 8, 1935· sa• The Central European Observer, October 18, 1935. an Ibid., November 15, 1935; Svomost, November 6, 1935· For the agreement of 1925, cf. supra, pp. 244-245. 420 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZBCHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 and Czechoslovakia's actions.836 On November 19, when Beck conferred with Smutny, the Czechoslovak charge d'affaires at Warsaw, hopes of a settlement of the dispute were raised temporarily, only to be dashed again when nothing further resulted.331 The fact that Polish Germanophils regarded Czechoslovakia as a "seasonal State" that would be absorbed eventually by her neighbors hindered the realization of a Slavophil Polish foreign policy. Italy vs. Ethiopia Another major question of Czechoslovak foreign policy concerned the attitude that should be adopted with regard to Mussolini's African adventure.838 The necessity for a clearcut attitude on the part of Czechoslovakia became evident when Benes was elected President of the League Assembly early in September, at the time when the League was faced with the Italo-Ethiopian question. In his first speech as President of the Assembly, Benes urged that the crisis be considered with the proper reserve.889 The small states of Central Europe, Austria in particular, were concerned lest the new crisis preoccupy the Western Powers to the extent that Germany be left a free hand in Danubian affairs. Amid the pessimism prevalent generally at Geneva, Benes continued · to urge patience despite his conviction that Mussolini would not pause short of a deci~ive military triumph. With the outbreak of actual hostilities in Africa on October 3, Benes announced that his government would remain strictly neutral, but also faithful to the general principles of the League.840 sse Cf. Gaseta Warssawska, November 8, I935· ssT Cf. Svornost, December 9. 1935. 888 Cf. infra, p. 423· as9 Official Journal, special supplement, no. 138, pp. 35-36. 8~ Ibid., p. 97· THE NAZI CRISIS 421 The Ethiopian crisis not only broke the so-called " Stresa front" of the three "Western Powers" against Germany, but demonstrated again the inability of the League to halt the headlong course of a Great Power. Following the example of Japan in Manchuria, Mussolini planned the conquest of a part of Ethiopia, another member of the League, while, throughout the spring and summer of 1935, that organization had done little to halt such procedure. It· was only after the termination of the rainy season had permitted the actual outbreak of hostilities that the League, at the behest of Great Britain, took up the. question seriously. Although the reasons for the gradually stiffening attitude of Great Britain lie outside the scope of this work, the fact remained that Mussolini had miscalculated when he thought he would have a free hand in Africa after his agreement of January 7, 1935, with France. In requesting that the League declare Italy an aggressor, Great Britain, in the person of her Foreign Secretary, Hoare, sought to avoid the implication of acting solely to preserve her own African interests.an The League Council on October 7 by a unanimous vote proclaimed Italy an aggressor for having violated Article 12 of the Covenant.842 Two days later the Assembly took up the question in plenary session and on October 10 ratified the action of the Councit.B•a Austria,au Hungary 845 and Albania 846 alone supported Italy. The Assembly set up at once a coordinating committee of seventeen (of which Czechoslovakia was a member) to prepare sanctions against 841 Ibid., pp. 43-46. an Ibid., November, 1935, pp. 1217-1226. a•a Ibid., special supplement, no. 138, pp. IIJ-114au Ibid., p. IOI. ua Ibid., pp. 101-102. 8 • 6 Ibid., p. 114- 422 FOR!J.IGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 Italy. From the comprehensive list that was submitted, petroleum, cotton and iron were omitted on the ground that Italy could obtain these articles in unlimited quantities from either Germany or the United States. With these exceptions, sanctions were approved, to go into effect on November 18.341 Upon that date there became effective against Italy an arms embargo on the part of fifty states, a prohibition of financial transactions on the part of forty-seven, a refusal to purchase Italian products on the part of forty-three, and an embargo on certain raw materials on the part of forty- five.s4s The firm stand of the League in declaring for the first time in its history that one of its members was an aggressor raised the question what would be the attitude of the various members if the application of sanctions should impel Italy to declare war on Great Britain. The small victor states of Central Europe stood squarely behind Great Britain and the League. In their estimation, the African crisis was a mere prelude to a much greater one in the future involving Germany.8 '4 9 If the League could be strengthened sufficiently to cope efficiently with an aggressive Great Power, a precedent might be established whereby the small states might £nd in the League a safe refuge against future threats to their own integrity. While France hesitated long before leaning in the direction of Great Britain, for she needed both Britain and Italy against Germany in the future, certain members in •both the Little and die Balkan Ententes (Yugoslavia, Greece and Turkey) pledged armed support to Great Britain against Italy should war ensue.850 After the annual 841 Ibid., pp. II3-II4S4-8 Cf. Buell, op. cit.. p. 37. 848 Cf. Stolfer, G., "European Kaleidoscope", Foreign Affairs, vol. xiv, pp. :n6-226. sso The Times, December 22, 1935 ; Svornost, December 23, 1935· THE NAZI CRISIS 423 military conference of the Little Entente at Belgrade,u1 Rumania and Czechoslovakia had agreed tentatively to follow the lead of their more aggressive partner, Yugoslavia, although the final decision to approve Yugoslavia's pledge of armed support to Great Britain was not made until January 22, 1936.853 Czechoslovakia had no direct quarrel with Italy; in fact, the government permitted the shipment of coal, shoes and other products to ItaJy until sanctions became operative.S58 However, the Czechoslovak government did not falter in its support of League principles, for it regarded the question as vital to the future of the Republic: if Czechoslovakia should refuse to support the League against Italy, what right would she have to invoke League assistance against German aggression in some future crisis? Thus motivated, Czechoslovakia informed the League of her willingness to impose upon Italy an oil, coal and steel embargo, should the League so decree.85 • Rarely had any policy of Bend commanded such general support, even from the Opposition.m Masaryk's Resignation President Masaryk attained the age of eighty-fiveon March 7, 1935. An illness during the summer caused him to decide to yield his office. whenever he felt he would be no longer able to perform all its duties. Having made no secret of this decision, Masaryk, early in November, began to make quiet preparations.858 The actual resignation was postponed to December 14, until after the termination of the debates a111 The New York Times, November 25. 1935· ar>aJbid., January 23, 1936. aMJbid., November 6, 1935. 8116 Svornost, December :z, 1935. 8511 Cf. The Central Ewo;ea,. Obsen~er, November 2!), 1935. asefbid., December 27, 1935. 424 FOREIGN POLICY OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1918-1935 regarding the 1936 budget.3117 It had been Masaryk's dearest wish that his successor would be Benes; in fact, Masaryk was reported to have stated that he would not yield the office to any other.3118 In the address of resignation, he stressed the fact that he had been motivated largely by a desire to avoid the error of Hindenburg-of remaining in office too long-and recommended Benes as the successor who would carry on most ably the policies upon which the future of the Republic depended.31111 Benes was elected President on December 18. Of the 442 ballots, he obtained 340; his only opponent, Dr. Bohumil Nemec, received 24, and the rest were blank. Nemec, a professor of botany, received the votes of the parties led by Benes' personal foes, Kramar and Stribrny. Blank ballots were returned by the followers of Henlein, by the Fascists and by the feeble National Unity Party. Significant was the fact that Benes was supported by most of the large parties, by Right and Left, by Communists, Socialists and non-Socialists, by Catholics and Protestants, by Czechs, Slovaks, Magyars and non-Henlein Germans.860 He was the logical successor to Masaryk, and his overwhelming triumph a guarantee that the foreign policy of the Republic would remain unchanged. This impression received fresh confirmation on March I, 1936, when Benes was succeeded as Minister of Foreign Affairs by Dr. Kamil Krofta, his assistant since 1927.861 Dr. Milan Hodia, a Slovak and Minister of Agriculture, who h~d succeeded Malypetr as asr Svornost, November 30, I9JS. na The Netu York Times, December 13, 1935. 8511 Cf. ibid., December IS, 1935, for text of address. 8 60 Ibid., Svornost, December 19. 1935; cf. also, The Central EtWopeaH Observer, December 27, 1935. 861 C/. The Cemral EtWopeaH Observer, March 6, 1936, for short biography of Krofta; Svornost, March 2, 1936. THE NAZI CRISIS Premier on October JO, 1935/'62 retained his Premiership after the election of BeneS. Czechoslovakia's tolerant and constructive policies, both domestic and foreign, have gained for her the respect and admiration of the rest of the world and have gone far to reconcile her own minorities: her stability has been demonstrated beyond any doubt. In the realm of foreign affairs, she was ·singularly fortunate to have enjoyed the services of Dr. Edward BeneS. In foresight, patience, energy, integrity and ability, his foreign policy was outstanding. Athome and abroad, particularly among the allies and friends of Czechoslovakia, there existed great pleasure·over the fact that two of the co-founders of the Republic had succeeded one another in the Presidency! 68 B62 Svornost, October 31, 1935. a6a Cf. The Times, Le Temps, Izvestia, December 19-20, 193'5. BIBLIOGRAPHY DOCUMENTS CZECHOSLOVAKIA Documents diplomatiques relatives au.r cowventitmS d'allimsce conclsu tar la Repuhlique Tchlcoslovaque avec le Royaume des Serbes, Croat~s et Slovenes ef le Royaume de Roumanie, Prague, Republique Tchecoslovaque, Minisb~re des Affaires :ti:trangeres, Recueil des Documents Diplomatiques no. 2, 1923, 198 p. Documents diplomaliques concenKJtl.t les tentatives de restauration des Hapsbourg sur le trone de Hongrie, Prague, Republique Tchecoslovaque, Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres, 1922, 169 p. MesieiN piehled aahranicniho obchodu (Monthly survey of foreign trade) Praha, The Czechoslovak Government Statistical Office, Monthly. Narodnl Shromtiidinl Ceskoslovenske v Prv~a.im roce Repuhlik;y (The Czechoslovak National Assembly during the first year of the Republic), Praha, Pfedsednictvo Narodni Shromazderu, 1919. 377 p. Obchodn$ smlouvy me.ristatm (International Commercial Treaties), Praha, Orbis Pub. Co., 1923-1925, 19~ (J. Dvoracek and Z. 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Zahranicn4 Politika (Foreign Policy) (Sbornik pro studium mezinarodnich otazek politickYch, pravnich, hospodarstcych a socialnich), Ufedni Vestnik Ministerstva Zahranicnich Veci, Praha, Orbis Pub. Co., monthly. 428 BIBLIOGRAPHY FRANCE Annale..r de Ia Chambre des Dejmte..r. Conference economique internationole de Gines 9 tl'IJ1'il-I9 tfllli, I922, Paris, Imprimerie Nationale, 1922 (Ministere des Affaires fitrangeres, Documents diplomatiques), 186 p. · Document..r diplomatique..r relatives aux negociation..r concernant les gara,.._ tie..r de securite cantre une aggression de f Allemagne (10 janvier, 1919-7 decembre, 1923), Paris, lmprimerie Nationale, 1924. 271 p. Document..r signe..r 011 paraphes d Locarno le z6 octobre, _I925, precedes de sis pieces relatives aus negocWtions preliminaires (20 juillet-16 octobre, 1925), Paris, R.epublique Fran~se, Ministere des Affaires fitrangeres, Pacte de Securite ii, Imprimerie des Journaux Officiels, 1925. 39 p. 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Reply of the German Government lo the Note handed fo Herr StresemanPJ by the French Ambassador at Berlin on June z6, I925, respecting the Proposals for a Pact of Security, London, His Majesty's Stationery Office (Misc. no. 9, 1925), 9 p. Resolutions adopted by the Supreme Council at Cannes, January, I922, fJS the Basis of the Genoa Conference, London, 1922, His Majesty's Stationery Office (Part. Pap., 1922, Cmd. 16~1), 7 p. LEAGUE OF NATIONS Arbitration, Security and Reduetion of Armaments, Geneva, 1924. League of Nations, 378 p. Arbitratitm and Security, Geneva, 1926, League of Nations Secretariat, 200 p. Rapport sur les tr~ de la commi.fsion de reparations, Paris, Librairie F. Alcao, 1923. vol. i (192o-1922). The Financial Reconstruction of Austria, Agreement approved by the League of Nations on September 16, 1924. Geneva, 1924. 16 p. The Financial Reconstruction of Austria, General Survey and principal documents, Geneva, xg26, 312 p. Financial Reconstruction of Austria, Termination of the Functions of the Commissioner-General (League of Nations, 1926, ii, 22), 8 p. The Financial ReconstructioPJ of Hungary, General survey and principal documents, Geneva, 1!)26, :.a-48 p. Tenmnahon of the Functions of the Commissioner-General (Hungary), Resolution adopted by the Council of the League of Nations on June 10, 1926 (League of Nations, 1!)26, ii, 23), 8 p. League of Nations Official l ournal. League of Nations Monthly Summary. League of Nations Treaty Series, supplemented by Nouveau recueil general de trait:is et autres actes relo.tifs tJIU" rapports de droit international {continuation du grand recueil de G. F. Martens par H. Triepel), Leipzig, Librairie H. Buske, iii serie. Permanent Court of International Justice, series A, B, C and E. Publications of the League of Nations, ii, Economic and Financial vii, Political ix. Disarmament. The World Courts Advisory Opiniors oK tlu Austro-Gernwn Customs Union, The American Foundation, Foreign Relations Bulletin no. 9, SeptemberS, 1931, 8 p. 430 BIBLIOGRAPHY THE NETHERLANDS Conference at the Hague, June 26-July 20, I9ZZ, Minutes and Documents, Department of Foreign Affairs, Government Printing Office, the Hague, 1922, 235 p. THE SOVIET UNION Memorandum of the Russian Delegation to the Genoa Conference, Genoa, 1922. Les Reclamations de Ia Russie aus iitats responsable de fintervennon e1 du blocus, Materiaux et documents sur !'intervention, le blocus et les dommages causes par eWt ala Russie, vol. iv, Edition de Ia Delegation de Russie aIa Conference economique internationale de Genes, Ig22. Reply of the Russian Delegation to the Memorandum of May 21 I922, Genoa, 1922. Soviet Russia (official organ of the Russian Soviet Government Bureau in New York). UNITED STATES Final Protocol of the Locarno Conference, I925, and treaties between France and Poland and France and Czechoslovakia, New York, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Division of Intercourse and Education, 1926, 93 p. Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, I9I7-I9I8, I920, Washington, D. C., United States Government Printing Office, I9I7, Supplement 2, 2 vols., 1932; I9I8, Supplement I, 2 vols., 1933; I9I8, Supplement 2, 1933; I9I8 (Russia), 3 vols., 1931-1932; I920, 3 vols., 1935. " Reply of President Wilson to a Senate Resolution concerning the American Troops in Siberia, June 26, 1919 ", State Department, Russian Series, no. 4. p. 5. Russian-American Relations, March, I9I7-March, I920, New York, Harcourt, Brace and Howe (League of Free Nations Association), 1920. 375 p. ~ United States Congress, Senate, 65 Congress, 1919, "Hearings on Bolshevik Propaganda before a Sub-committee of the Judiciary", p. 24NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS Allgemeine Zeitung, weekly, Litomerice. Arbeiter Zeitung, daily, Vienna. Berliner TageblaU (Wochenausgabe fiir Ausland und Uebersee), weekly. The Bohemian RevieUJ (later The Czechoslovak RevieUJ), Official organ of the Bohemian National Alliance of America, monthly, Chicago. Cas, twice daily, Praha. BIBliOGRAPHY The Central European Observer, fortnightly, Prague. Ceske SlO'IJO, twice daily, Praha. 431 Ceskoslownski Kores"pondence, Paris, published irregularly during the Peace Conference. Ceskoslownsk6 Samoslotnost, Paris, published on behalf of Czechoslovak independence. Corriere della Sera, daily, Milan. Current History, monthly, New York. Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, twice daily, Berlin. Deutscher Reichsanzeiger und Preussischet Staatsanzeiger, daily, Berlin. L'EuroPe nouvelle, weekly, Paris. · Frankfurter Zeitsmg, daily. Gazeta Warszawska, daily. LtJ Gazette de Prague, semi-weekly. International Conciliation, monthly, except July and August, Worcester. Massachusetts (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace). Isrvestia, daily, Moscow. Lidovi Noviny, twice daily, Brno. Manchester Guardian, daily. Le Matin, daily, Paris. Le M orule slav, monthly, Paris. N twodni Li.sty, twice daily, Praha. Ntwodm Politika, twiCe daily, Praha. La Nation tcheque, bimonthly, Paris. Neue Freie Presse, twice daily, Vienna. The New York Times, daily. Prager Abendblatt, dai:ly. Prager Presse, daily. Prager Tagblatt, twice daily. Pr6vo Lidu, twice daily, Praha. RO'lJif()st, daily, Brno; StsmOstatnost, weekly, Olomouc. Swrncst, daily, Chicago. Le Temps, daily, Paris. The Times, daily, London. Volkischer Beobachter, daily, Berlin. Vorwaerts, daily, Berlin. Vossische Zeitung, daily, Berlin. BOOKS AND p AVPBLETS D'Abernon, E. V., The Diary of an Ambassador, New York, Doubleday, Doran & Co., 3 vols.; Versailles to Rapallo, I920-I922, 1929, 335 p.; Rapallo to Dawes, I922-I924, 1930, 350 p.; Dawes to Locanw, Z924I926, 1931, 317 p. 432 BIBLIOGRAPHY Anon., Deset let ceskoslovenske zahranilm polinky (Ten Years of Czechoslovak Foreign Policy), Praha, Ministerstvi ZahraniCnich Veci, 1!)28, 213 p. --, Dr. Edvard Benes, sPoluzakladatel nove S'Vobody a tviirce zahranicm politik:y ceskoslovenske (Dr. Edward Benes, Co-founder of the New Freedom and Creator of the Czechoslovak Foreign Policy), Sbornik Stati, Praha, Cin Pub. 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M., .AM.Sfria tl1ld tl&e Castmns t•11io11, Prague, Orbis Pnh. ~ 1931. uS p. Borovieka, J.. Tea Years of CseciUJslq;;u]e Politics, Prague, Orbis Pub.. Co., 1929, IJ1 p. Brei, A, Tl&e Rise of tl&e Czecltosltn'IJR Rt:f'tlblic, London, Twentieth Centmy Press. 1919. 3I p. --, Tl&e First Year of tl&e Czecl&o.skTtult Re/'lfblic, Londoo. Twentieth Century Press. 1920, 8o p. --, Three Years of tl&e CzeclwslO"C''ll Re/'lfblic, Prague; Orbis Pub.. Co., 1921,40 p. Buell, R. L, E11r0pe: o Hist~ of Tea Years, New York, J.[acmjllan 1929,428 p. --.The DmtgerOli.S Year, New York, Foreign Policy Ass'n.. 19,16. 8o p. Butter, 0. and Ruml. B., La Ril'lfbliqw tchicoslfX'Uqlle. Prague, Orbis Pub. Co.. 1921, 101 p. Caldwell. R. J.. TM Ecorwmic Sitwati~ ia CsecloslotYJiio ia I92'0. \Yashington. Go•emment Printing Office. 1921,48 p. Capek, T., Jr., Origms of the Czeclroslq;;u]e Stak, New York, The Revcll Press, 192(i. 104 p. Chalcuped-j, Y., Zatas o Sl(]'['CJISko (The Struggle for Slovakia). Pr..ha, Cin Pub.~ 1930.251 p. 6. no p. Cisar, J. and PokornY F. (comps.). Tile C.uchoslur:ull Rep,JJlic, Lond.:>n. Adelphia Terrace, 1922. 218 p. BIBLIOGRAPHY 435 Cizmar, J., Ruske 11 naJe vojsko v revoluce (The Russian Troops and Ours in the Revolu~on), Brno, Moravske Legionare, 1926, 240 p. Codresco, F., La Petite Entente, Paris, P. Bossuet, 1931, 2 vols. Cosma, A., Jr., La Petite Entente, Paris, Jouve et Cie., 1!)26, 295 p. Crabites, P., Benes: Statesman of Central EuroPe, London, G. Routledge & Sons, 1935, 293 p. Crane, J. 0., The Little Entente, New York, Macmillan, 1931, 222 p. Currey, M.,ltalian Foreign Policy, London, I. Nicholson & Watson, 1932. 330 p. Danubius, La Petite Entente et fOrient, un cri d'alarme, Paris, 1922. 34 p. Dedeeek, V., La Tchecos/()'IJ(lquie el les Tchecosl()'IJ(lqUes, Paris, Bossard_ 1919, 19() p. Dennis, A. L. P., The Foreign Policies of Stwiet Russia, New York,. E. P. Dutton Co., 1924. 499 p. Dillon, E. ]., The Inside Story of the Peace Conference, New York, Harper & Brothers, 1920, 513 p. Dominian, L., The Frontiers of Language and Nationality in Europe., New York, Henry Holt & Co., 1917, 375 p. Drummond, Sir E., Ten Years of World Cooperation, Geneva, Secretariat of the League of Nations, 1930, 467 p. Duranty, W., Europe: War w Peacef, New York, Foreign Policy Ass'n.• 1935, 47 p. Einzig, P., World Finance, I9I4-I93S, New York, Macmillan, 1935, 382 p. Eisenmann, L., La Tchecoslovaquie, Paris, F. Rieder et Cie., 1921, I~ p. Fierlinger, Z., Stwietskl Rusko 110 nove draze (Soviet Russia on a New Road), Praha, Ustfedni Delniclre, 1932, 195 p. Fischer, L., The Soviets in World Affairs, New York, Cape and Smith, 1930, 2 vols. Fouques-Duparc, J., La. Protection des minorites de race, de langue, et de religion, Paris, these, 1922, J69 p. Gedye, G. E. R, Heirs to the Hapsburgs, Bristol, Arrowsmith, 1932., 290 p. Giannini~ A., Les Docume11ts de Ia Conference de Genes, Rome, G. Bardi.. 1922,273 p. Gibbons, H. A., Europe since I9I8, New York, The Century Co., 1923~ 62.2 p. Glaise-Horstenau, E. von, The Collapse of the Austro-Hun.gariaH Empire, London, J. M. Dent & Sons, 1930, 347 p. Graham, M. W., New Governments of Central Europe, New York, Henry Holt & Co., 1924. 683 p. Graves, W. S., America's Siberian Adventure, New York, Cape and Smith,. 1931, 363 p. BIBLIOGRAPHY ,<:iruber, J.- (ed.), Czechoslovakia: A Survey of Economic and Social Conditions, New York, Macmillan, 1924. 256 p. HiiS, 43, 1s9-162, 244 Tesin, 43, 149-1S9. 244. 418-42o and Germany, 1SS-157, 200, 242- 243. 373-376, 394. 395 and League of Nations, 1o6-II3, 309 and Little Entente, '144, 168, 179- 18o, 189, 194. 199-201, 222, 242, 246, zSg, 291, 292, 319, 342. 366-367 and Russia, 130, IJI4, 135, 139, 154-IS6, 222, 243, 336 see also, France Politis, 228 Portorose Conference, 190-192, 194 Pospisil, 338 Potemkin, 402 Ra8in, so, 63-6g, 70, 71, 74, 7S- 76, 79 Renner, 174 . Requin, 209 Rothermere, 267-269, 330 Rumania, war against Hungacy, 34. 36-39 see also, Carol II, Little Entente Russia (U.S.S.R., Soviet Union) and Czechoslovakia, II4. 133, 138~ 139. 1'44-146, z6o..263. 334- 336, 368, 386-387. ~389, 39S. 402, 404-405, 415-4I8 and France, roo, I r8, 125, 136, 139, 22'1D., 243, 335, 368- 36<}, 390. 393-394. 402-404 and Germany, II5-II6, 120, 142- 143, 368. 386 and Great Britain, 100, n8, 125, 140, 221n. New Economic Policy of, 140 see also, Little Entente, Poland Ruthenia, 17, IS, 42, 378, 379 Sacharov, 262 Salgo-Tarjan, 36, 41, 206, 2o8 Sapieha, I79 Satoralja-Ujhely, 41, 274n. Schanzer, 104, 193, I95 Schober, r]8, 182, 192, 3II Schuschnigg, 397 Seba, 334 Seipel, 192-193, 285-286 Serbian Orthodox Church, 94 Simon, 398 Sirovj, 128 Skirmunt, 179-180 Skoda munition works, 36, 358-359 Skrzynski, 232, 242, 246, 263 Slavicek, 164n. Slovakia, 16, 17, 61, 95-96, 163, r6s, 2SS. '577-379 . ).>rovincial government inaugurated, 19 war over, 34-42, 77 see also, Hlinka, Hungary, re- visionism . Stl'lith, 207, 271 Smutny, 420 . Smuts, 41 Sokols, 257, 332 Soukup, 318 Soviet Union, see Russia Spain, 161, 248, 297, 390 Spina, 258, 4o8, 410 Stalin, 399 Starhemberg, 391 Stefanik, ISn., 16, 4Jn., 101, I26-I27 Stodola, 307 Stoyadinovic, 41 r ll!DEX 451 Stresemann, 230 Stribrny, 424 Succession States, economic and financial relations of, 63, 65, 67n., 68-69. 71, 85,8;, I89-IQ2 and the peace settlement, 44-45, 46, so-54 and reparations, 341-350 see also, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Rumania, Yugoslavia Supreme Council, .26-27, see also, Council of Four Suvich, 381, ,398, 4o6 Svehla, 253, 2,58 Tardieu, 339-340 Teleki, 181-182 The Hague, conferences of, 143 Tiso, 258 Tittoni, 109, IIG-III, II3 Titulescu, 343. 348, 357. 362, 367, 378, 393. 395. 397-398. 399. 413 Tokaj, 33, 41 Trotsky, II7 TrumbiC, 163 Tureanskj- Sv. Martin, 17n. Turkey, 203, 248, 266, 318, 368, 390, 392, see also, Balkan Entente Tusar, 70, 355 Ukraine, 139. 146, 265 Unger, 379 United States, and Czechoslovakia, 101, 105, 122, 248-249. 344-345. 346-347. 368-369. 376-377. 379 and Germany, 318 at Peace Conference, 24. 3o- 31, 41 and war debts, 248-249, 339, 344- 34'5, 346 U. S. S. R., see Russia Vaida-Voevod, 164 Veverka, xg8, 261, 347 Vienna, 32, 36, 48n., 6o-6x, 165, 176, 197,27~ 285,286,313, 38o ViskovskY, 319, 332 Vladivostok, II5, II7, U9, 127, 1z8, 129 " Western orientation ", 82, 85, 86, g8, 105, 1!3, 129, 137 Weygand, 154 Wilso~ 30, 44, 101, I2o-I2I, 122, 123, 130, 158n., 16o Windischgrii.tz, 271-273 Wiseman, 121 World Economic Conference, 300- 307 Yeftic, 348, 357. 367, 395, 397, 411 Yugoslavia, and Austria, 177 friction with Italy, 100, 103, 168, 391 see also, Alexander I~ Little Entente Zaleski, 336, 340 Zimmerman, 196 Zita, ex-Empress, see Habsburgs Zolger, 16411- 48 Scale 1; 3,000.000 En ~!l lh Moltl :10 30 40 Kilomelltl . 0 10 :10 30 •O $0 60 70 80 90 100 """''_..,.,...,.*Stateboundary O lnh..,blted by more lholn 100.000 ___ Provlncl.:tl bound;,l)l Inhabited from 20 to 100 000 13° • Inhabited from 10 to 20 000 o Inhabited by less than IO.OOU 14° 15' AHajdub:s~ormeny Oebrecene 17' 18' 21° VITA· THE writer wa born in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, on September J, 1901. He wa raduated from Washington High School of that city in ne, 1919, and in September received a scholarship from e College. At that institution he was a Reader in Ameri an History for Professor S. G. Pattison. After two and a ha' f years at Coe College, he transferred in January, 1922, to the State University of Iowa, where he obtained his A.B. in 1923 and his A.M. in 1924. At Iowa he was Undergraduate and, later, Graduate Assistant to Professor Louis Pelzer in the freshman classes in American History. In Septembe~, 1924, he went to Columbia University, New York City, for graduate work and research for the Ph.D. degree. Here, he had three seminars under Professor Carlton J. H. Hayes. Since September, 1928, he has been at the. University of North Dakota as Assistant and Associate Professor of American History. 453