Roosevelt and the Munich Crisis: Insights from Prospect Theory Author(s): Barbara Farnham Source: Political Psychology, Vol. 13, No. 2, Special Issue: Prospect Theory and Political Psychology (Jun., 1992), pp. 205-235 Published by: International Society of Political Psychology Stable URL: Accessed: 18-04-2019 14:35 UTC JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at International Society of Political Psychology is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Political Psychology This content downloaded from on Thu, 18 Apr 2019 14:35:43 UTC All use subject to Political Psychology, Vol. 13, No. 2, 1992 Roosevelt and the Munich Crisis: Insights from Prospect Theory Barbara Farnham' The use of prospect theory to explain political decision-making challenge claim of rational choice theory to provide a more convincing account of behavior. Because President Roosevelt's decision-making during the M crisis manifests a number of phenomena associated with prospect theory, i ing a change in the decision frame and corresponding preference revers acceptance to avoid loss, and the operation of certainty effects, it affor opportunity to view these competing claims in the light of an actual his case. An analysis of Roosevelt's decision-making behavior during the shows that prospect theory does in fact explain it more satisfactorily tha the theory of rational choice. In addition, the analysis suggests that affec sometimes play a role in causing decision frames to change and raises qu about Janis and Mann's account of the impact of stress on decision-maki KEY WORDS: decision-making; prospect theory; rational choice; decisional conflict Munich crisis; Roosevelt. INTRODUCTION Recently, there have been a number of attempts to use prospect explain political decision-making behavior (e.g., Quattrone & Tversky 1988). Because such efforts challenge the claim of theories of rationa provide a more convincing account of similar phenomena (e.g., Buen quita, 1981), an attempt to examine these competing models in the l historical case should have considerable theoretical interest. President Franklin D. Roosevelt's decision-making behavior during the Munich crisis in September 1938 provides a suitable vehicle for such an explora'Institute of War and Peace Studies, Columbia University, New York, 10027. 205 0162-895X/92/0600-0205$06.50/1 ? 1992 International Society of Political Psychology This content downloaded from on Thu, 18 Apr 2019 14:35:43 UTC All use subject to 206 Farnham tion because i pect theory, sponding pre certainty eff conviction th not only desi at least two r be ineffectiv have unfortu What is mos seems to hav crisis to hims implications pean crisis, ev the United St did pose such objective situ come of war a take action to avoid it. This behavior is puzzling from a rational choice perspective because a preference reversal based on a different representation of the same decision problem clearly violates the expectations of utility theory (Tversky & Kahneman 1986, p. S523). Prospect theory, on the other hand, by providing "an alternative account of choice under risk" which holds that people are frequently less analytical in making their decisions than expected-utility theory would predict (Kahne man & Tversky, 1979, p. 263), offers the possibility of explaining such behavior In addition to illuminating an important episode in American foreign policy, however, the application of prospect theory to the Munich case offers at least three theoretical benefits. For one thing, while several of the predictions of prospect theory have received experimental support, there has been relatively little work demonstrating their applicability to political decision-making. Direct evidence of the ability of prospect theory to explain behavior in an actual politica decision-making situation, therefore, could increase confidence in its ecologica validity and extend its range (For experimental evidence in general, in addition to the work of Tversky and Kahneman cited below, see Davis & Bobko, 1986, pp. 125-126; Bazerman, 1983, p. 214; Levin et al., 1985, p. 372; and Shapira, 1981, pp. 334, 344-348, 250. For attempts to use prospect theory to illuminate 2According to Tversky and Kahneman a decision frame includes the decision-maker's conception of "the acts or options among which [he or she] must choose, the possible outcomes or consequences of these acts, and the contingencies or conditional probabilities associated with a particular choice." Taken together, these elements serve to define the decision problem (Tversky & Kahneman, 1981, p. 453). This content downloaded from on Thu, 18 Apr 2019 14:35:43 UTC All use subject to Roosevelt and the Munich Crisis 207 political judgment, see Quattr relate psychological theories to see Tetlock, 1985; and Farnham A second benefit of using pros in suggesting a possible cause of an elaboration of the theory its little on this subject. Stating onl controlled partly by the formul habits, and personal characterist neither the issue of how a decisio question of what factors might (Tversky & Kahneman, 1981, p. intriguing possibility that at least Apparently, that is, President R of direct concern to the United become emotionally compeling Finally, because the Munich c for Roosevelt, it offers an oppo (1977) decisional conflict model many of the conditions under w do so raises a question about t making behavior in political set In the discussion which follow during the Munich crisis, an att derived from both prospect theo tions of this analysis for prosp general, will then be explored. THE COURSE OF THE MUNICH CRISIS The Munich crisis began in mid-September 1938 as Great B France sought to cope with German pressure on Czechoslovakia wh war and preserving at least the appearance of honoring their commit latter. The crisis was resolved, however temporarily, with the sign Munich agreement on September 30. The proximate cause of the crisis was the escalation of German Adolf Hitler's claims on Czechoslovakia from autonomy for the Su mans, to which the Czechs had already agreed, to outright ces Sudetenland to Germany. Rather than give in to such pressure, Cz turned to France and Britain for help. As a consequence of this ap Chamberlain, the British prime minister, offered to conduct direct This content downloaded from on Thu, 18 Apr 2019 14:35:43 UTC All use subject to 208 Farnham with Hitler (b pp. 7-11; Of 20-21). On Septemb demand for t undertook to ultimatum. H esberg on Sep the cession of transfers be and French p Chamberlain surrender co At this poin the states in Hitler alone p include all in issued invita September 2 The outcome of appeaseme territory in Sudeten area of Septembe demand for way to give H for it, the cr ROOSEVELT'S RESPONSE TO THE MUNICH CRISIS From the perspective of Roosevelt's decision-making behavior, the Munic crisis can be divided into two stages, with the Godesberg meeting serving as line of demarcation. The first stage, which was characterized by his marked disinclination to intervene in the crisis, extended from September 13 to Sep tember 22, coming to a climax with his conversation with British Ambassad Sir Ronald Lindsay on September 19. The second stage began on September 2 when the initial reports of the Godesberg ultimatum reached the president, a ended with the signing of the Munich Agreement on September 30. From a American perspective, the high point of this stage was Roosevelt's dramatic change of policy about intervention in the crisis culminating in his two appe on September 25 and 27. This content downloaded from on Thu, 18 Apr 2019 14:35:43 UTC All use subject to Roosevelt and the Munich Crisis 209 Stage I: September 13-Sep During the first phase of the cri of general war fluctuated with the mination not to intervene, howeve At the outset, both the presiden preferences mirrored those of the climate in Central Europe in the concern about the possibility of wa the major players owing to contrad views of members of his administr resolve of the British and French a United States.3 The mixture of uncertainty and diagnosis of the Czech situation in t determination not to involve the U racies, and frustrated by his inabil them, Roosevelt refused to join ope threat, notwithstanding the determi like Ambassador Bullitt, to persua The onset of the crisis itself bro policy preferences. While his assess stage of the crisis varied according avoid intervening did not. Initially, Roosevelt believed that French and British would not resis he advised Secretary of the Interio 3For a sample of reports from abroad du Schewe, 1979, #1180; "Kennedy to Hull, Foreign Relations of the United States, ( Bullitt, Ambassador to France, to Rooseve to Cordell Hull, Secretary of State, Augu sador to Italy, to Roosevelt, September 1 1938," FRUS, 1938, vol. I, p. 589; and "Ke 584-585. The views of various members of from Adolf Berle to the President, Septe 1965, pp. 452, 457; Ickes, 1954, pp. 381-3 the British were trying to manipulate th 1938, vol. 138, pp. 33-55. 4See, for example, Bullitt's letter of May Roosevelt's reluctance to support the dem September 9, 1938, 5:30 P.M.," Schewe, 1 518; Langer and Gleason, 1952, pp. 32-33; of Roosevelt's attitudes and policy preferen pp. 385-398. This content downloaded from on Thu, 18 Apr 2019 14:35:43 UTC All use subject to 210 Farnham Chamberlain sure from E move in. . . . Czechoslovak mean a swif prostrate. . Judas Iscario Given the that there he agreed president c democracie to transpor pp. 69, 115 September tion betwe 599]. As As was reaffi Between S Berchtesga morning o demands w tary Morge Secretary I prepondera (Ickes, 195 Berchtesga 17 account on a world mans [Kenn Other repo Kennedy t to Hull, Se 18, 1938, I munication acceded to Convinced that a defensive war based on a blockade offered Britain and France their best chance of vanquishing the Germans, Roosevelt discussed with Morgenthau how best to get this idea across to them. Because of his reservations about the ability of Ambassadors Kennedy and Bullitt to convey his meaning effectively, the president decided to do the job himself, making an appointment with the British ambassador for that evening (Morgenthau Diary, 1938, vol. 141, p. 115. Also in Blum, 1965, pp. 519-520). This content downloaded from on Thu, 18 Apr 2019 14:35:43 UTC All use subject to Roosevelt and the Munich Crisis 211 According to Ambassador Lindsay declared that while he would like to b no illusions as the effect of his previo make any pronouncements about the p Today he would not dare to express approval o slovak Government. He would [also] be afraid sion lest it might encourage Czechoslovakia to anything and thought at his press conference would confine himself to refusing to make an What the president really wanted t proper strategy for conducting the w soon be forced to fight. Declaring t beaten if they tried to wage war on c mended that they should conduct the w manner." He also indicated that, within would give the democracies as much h Clearly then, while the news from B velt to take some sort of action, what is chose. Roosevelt's heightened expectati it, nor to alter his policy of noninter responded to the deteriorating situatio courage of the democracies in the pres struggle. (That this was Roosevelt's Dallek's view [1979, pp. 164-165].) After the president's meeting with several days of waiting. Ultimately, th their position, "accepted flatly and un posal," acceding to virtually all of Hit tion of war had been based on the b development reduced his estimate of it Prime Minister Chamberlain and Hitle matter of arranging the details (Bu 1938, vol. I, pp. 630-631. According to 5"Sir R. Lindsay (Washington) to Viscount Ha and Woodward, 1951, pp. 627-629. On the m Taylor, 1979, pp. 846-848; Lash, 1976, pp. 2 Other evidence of Roosevelt's disinclination Berchtesgaden is found in a memorandum of September 18 or 19 in which he "pointed out initiative from him. Such an initiative, if not ac was" ("Memorandum by J. Pierrepont Moffat, C State, September 20, 1938," Schewe, 1979, #1 Hooker, 1956, pp. 206-207). This content downloaded from on Thu, 18 Apr 2019 14:35:43 UTC All use subject to 212 Farnham the Czech deci the German a However dram may appear, th he had been f his assessment vene openly in Stage II: Se For President earnest on Sep and Chamber increased dram detailed accou 819). Ickes has described Roosevelt's initial reaction to the news from Godesberg in his account of a cabinet meeting on the afternoon of September 23 at which the European situation was "canvassed very fully" (Ickes, 1954, pp. 473-474). Opening the meeting with a worst-case analysis of the possible consequences of the latest developments, Secretary Hull declared that there were "undoubtedly" defensive alliances between Italy, Germany, and Japan, and Japan would support Germany and Italy in their bid to dominate Europe while itself trying to gain complete control over Asia. Consequently, in Ickes' words, ... France may soon find itself to be a helpless country lying between an enlarged and strengthened Germany and Italy. England might even be reduced to the status of a third- or fourth-rate power with many of her colonies gone. If this should happen, there might follow attempts on the part of Germany, Italy, and Japan to penetrate South America. This would mean that the United States would have to go to the defense of South America, in which event we would be called upon to defend both the Atlantic and the Pacific seaboards from powerful enemies. (Ickes, 1954, p. 473-474) Roosevelt, on the other hand, in line with his previously expressed views, was considerably less pessimistic about the democracies' chances, repeating that they should fight a strictly defensive war, and declaring that the British and French would control both the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean and would thus be able to bottle up the Germans and the Italians. For the first time, however, he did express some concern about German preponderance in the air, labeling it "the worst thing about the situation." The meeting closed with the president reading from an analysis of the situation from Ambassador Bullitt just handed to him, which predicted "that Germany might be crossing the [Czech] frontier this morning and that Poland might go across even before morning" This content downloaded from on Thu, 18 Apr 2019 14:35:43 UTC All use subject to Roosevelt and the Munich Crisis 213 (Ickes, 1954, p. 473-474; "Memo Schewe, #1294). Clearly, then, the news of Hitler's unreasonable demands at Godesberg produced an immediate upward revision in Roosevelt's estimate of the likelihood of war in Europe. It did not, however, lead to a change in policy. Although war now seemed imminent, the president still had no thought of intervening to prevent it. According to Ickes' account, as late as the afternoon of September 23, there was "no doubt of the President's desire to avoid any embroilment in European quarrels."6 That he had decided to intervene in the crisis by at least the afternoon of September 25 is thus a puzzle which must be solved. The First Intervention Throughout the day on September 24, bad news poured into the White House. Despite the six-day respite Hitler had generously granted the Czechs, the situation remained menacing.' As Ickes reported in his diary, much of Europe was gearing up for war (Ickes, 1954, p. 473. See also Czechoslovak Legation to the Department of State, September 24, 1938, FRUS, vol. I, pp. 645-646; Haight, 1960, p. 352). Moreover, the diplomatic traffic, in emphasizing Hitler's total unreasonableness, left no doubt that responsibility for war would rest solely with him. For example, Kennedy cabled that the British have just received Hitler's answers and they are . . . preposterous. Hitler not only wants what everybody was willing to give him but it looks as if he wants a great deal more. ... Cadogan feels that . . . they have taken every possible opportunity to demonstrate they believed there was some sanity in Hitler and to save the world from the horrible results of war. . . . Hitler's answers prove there is no sanity left in the man. (Kennedy to Hull, Sep- 6In fact, the message from Bullitt, which Roosevelt read to the Cabinet, had suggested that he should now act directly with respect to the crisis and referred obliquely to the Ambassador's previous idea of calling an international conference. Roosevelt, however, apparently made no mention of this proposal to his Cabinet. That immediate action was not at the forefront of his thinking on September 23 is also shown by his negative reply to Nicholas Murray Butler's suggestion that he make an appeal to the parties ("Memorandum to Roosevelt, September 23, 1938," "Roosevelt to Nicholas Murray Butler, President, Columbia University, September 23, 1938," Schewe, 1979, #1294, 1295; Ickes, 1954, pp. 473-474.). 70n September 24 Ickes reported that, while "the situation still looks threatening," it was "not as critical as the message read by the President yesterday indicated," because "Hitler has given six days for acceptance of his terms by Czechoslovakia." (Ickes, 1954, p. 473). Roosevelt himself had this news by the afternoon of September 23, though not at the time of the Cabinet meeting where he was nevertheless still clearly disinclined to intervene. Moreover, since the clock continued to run and all the news from Europe was bad, it is doubtful that Hitler's gesture greatly reduced the pressure ("Memorandum by Henry M. Kannee, Assistant to Marvin H. Mc Intyre, September 23, 1938," and "Memorandum to Roosevelt, September 23, 1938," Schewe, 1979, #1293, #1294. Note that Schewe reverses the order of these two memoranda. However, it is clear that # 1294 was received in time to be read to the Cabinet which met at 2 p.m., whereas # 1293 bears the time 4.50 P.). This content downloaded from on Thu, 18 Apr 2019 14:35:43 UTC All use subject to 214 Farnham tember 24, 1 Carr to Hull Meanwhile desire "som be a failure Hague. Bull such a conf (Bullitt to Hull, 1948 Despite suc 24. Apparen some kind o the impuls Hooker, 19 p. 9). By September 25 war clearly seemed imminent, as throughout the day Roosevelt continued to receive reports about both the draconian terms Hitler sought to impose and their complete unacceptability to any of the other parties, which made war a virtual certainty. There was, for example, a "flood" of telegrams from Ambassador Bullitt detailing Hitler's demands and emphasizing their extraordinary harshness. According to Bullitt, the German note to Chamberlain was "totally unacceptable. The terms asked by Hitler are virtually those imposed on a defeated German Army for evacuation of northern France" (Haight, 1960, p. 352; Bullitt to Hull, September 25, 1938, FRUS, 1938, vol. I, pp. 648-649, received 11:35 a.m. See also Bullitt to Hull, September 25, 1938, Ibid., pp. 646-648, received 9:15 a.m.; and Bullitt to Hull, September 25, 1938, Ibid., pp. 650-652, received 12:25 p.m.).8 While these alarming reports poured in, the planning for an American response initiated in the State Department continued. Berle and Moffat had volunteered to produce the draft of a presidential statement and, after considering and ruling out Bullitt's conference plan, settled on a message which would be, as Berle desired, "not merely an appeal but a definite suggestion that we would use our good offices in a draft leading to the revision of the Versailles Treaty." Hull, while disapproving of the idea of treaty revision as "too dangerous," took the draft 8Bullitt's reports were supplemented by a cable from Ambassador Carr transmitting the Czech president's plea to prevent "the assassination of the state" by urging the British and the French not to desert Czechoslovakia. Moreover, the American ambassador to Germany, Horace Wilson, telegraphed later in the day to convey the opinion of the British Ambassador to Germany that unless the British and French managed to pressure the Czechs into accepting the German troops, there would almost certainly be war (Carr to Hull, September 25, 1938, Ibid., pp. 649-650, received at 10:20 a.m.; and Wilson to Hull, September 25, 1938, Ibid., pp. 654-56, received 7 p.m.. See also, Hull, 1948, pp. 590-591). This content downloaded from on Thu, 18 Apr 2019 14:35:43 UTC All use subject to Roosevelt and the Munich Crisis 215 statement to the president at si 211-212; Offner, 1969, pp. 262-2 Moffat diary]; Haight, 1960, p. Clearly by this point Roosevelt w influence the manner in which a totally supplanted by a determina focused on the imminence of war and the need to end the crisis before it could occur (Hull informed Moffat on the night of the 25th that Roosevelt had gotten such bad telephone reports from both Bullitt and Kennedy that he could no longer keep silent [Hooker, 1956, pp. 212-213; Hull, 1948, pp. 591-592]. On Roosevelt's anxiety to stop the war by this time, see also Morgenthau Diary, vol. 142, p. 342). Thus, the drafting of the appeal went forward. Bullitt had suggested that it should include an offer by the president to arbitrate. Hull disliked this idea. (In fact he opposed sending any appeal whatever.) Along with Normal Davis, he was also against the somewhat less extreme step of a tender of good offices (according to Hull, he kept urging the president to go slow, while Welles egged him on [Hull, 1948, pp. 591-592. Hooker, 1956, pp. 212-213; Berle, 1973, pp. 186-187]). In the end, Roosevelt acceded to these objections, and any hint of mediation was removed from the appeal. According to Moffat, this was done both because of his fear of "untoward domestic effects," and because he believed the notion of good offices to be implicit in the appeal in any case (Berle, 1973, p. 187; Hull, 1948, p. 592; Hooker, 1956, pp. 212-213; Offner, 1969, p. 263). The president finished revising the final draft by midnight, and it was sent to Hitler, Chamberlain, Daladier, and Czechoslovakian President Edvard Benes at I a.m. on September 26. In the message, Roosevelt declared that the "fabric of peace . . . is in immediate danger," and stressed that, while the United States eschewed "political entanglements," it could not escape the consequences of a general war. He, therefore, reminded the parties of their obligation to settle their differences peacefully, and called on them not to break off negotiations (Alsop and Kintner, 1940, p. 10; Offner, 1969, p. 263; Roosevelt to Hitler, September 26, 1938, FRUS, 1938, vol. I, pp. 657-658. The responses to Roosevelt's appeal may be found in Ibid., pp. 661-673). Exactly what did Roosevelt hope to accomplish with this message? Hull, who had serious reservations about the efficacy of such an appeal, has stated that Roosevelt was motivated by the feeling that nothing could be worse than inaction: "The President . . . believed with Bullitt that something should be done, even if it were not successful. He said to me: 'It can't do any harm. It's safe to urge peace until the last moment.' " Welles, on the other hand, told the French ambassador that the message reflected Roosevelt's attempt to balance his desire to affect the course of the crisis with his concern about possible domestic repercussions. In Haight's words, Welles This content downloaded from on Thu, 18 Apr 2019 14:35:43 UTC All use subject to 216 Farnham gave Ambas aimed at br and at the p. 591; Hai cautious ab Chamberlai (memorand 26, 1938, 1 593). In any case, the day following the president's appeal was marked by considerable anxiety. According to Hull, they "waited almost breathlessly" for the replies, especially Hitler's. Unfortunately, no word from the Fuehrer was immediately forthcoming. However, Roosevelt received ample evidence of the democracies' continued resolve, as well as numerous expressions of their gratitude for his message and assurances about its positive influence which he found particularly gratifying (Hull, 1948, p. 592. Memorandum of a phone conversation between Welles and Kennedy, September 26, 1938, 1:30 p.m., Ibid., pp. 660-661. For accounts of Allied determination, see Kennedy to Hull, September 26, 1938, FRUS, 1938, vol. I, p. 659; Bullitt to Hull, September 26, 1938, Ibid., p. 668. For expressions of appreciation see Kennedy to Hull, September 26, 1938, Ibid., p. 659, received 8:30 a.m.; Bullitt to Hull, September 26, 1938, Ibid., pp. 659-660, received 2 p.m.). Hitler's answer to the president's message, when it finally arrived, was not nearly so pleasing. In a speech heard in the United States on the afternoon of September 26, the Fuehrer was far from conciliatory, declaring at one point "that if the Czechs did not give the Sudeten Germans immediate freedom, 'we will go and fetch this freedom for ourselves.' " As Ickes described it, Hitler "ranted and raved for over an hour. At times he seemed to be almost incoherent. He shrieked his defiance to the whole world, bragging of the prowess of Germany. . . . War seemed to be inevitable, with every tick of the clock bringing it closer" (Offner, 1969, pp. 263-264; Ickes, 1954, p. 477). For an account of Hitler's intransigence during this period see Taylor, 1979, pp. 870-875). Moreover, Hitler's formal reply to Roosevelt's message offered no more solace than his speech. Disclaiming all responsibility should further developments lead to war, he recited at length German grievances against the Czechs and ended with the ominous declaration that "the possibilities of arriving at a just settlement by agreement, are . . . exhausted with the proposals of the German memorandum. It does not rest with the German Government, but with the Czechoslovakian Government alone, to decide, whether it wants peace or war." As the president reported to his cabinet on the following day, the tone of Hitler's reply was "truculant and unyielding" (Hitler to Roosevelt, September 26, 1938, FRUS, 1938, vol. This content downloaded from on Thu, 18 Apr 2019 14:35:43 UTC All use subject to Roosevelt and the Munich Crisis 217 I, pp. 669-672, received 9:14 form in the White House unti State George Messersmith phon of the 26th ["Adolf Hitler, Cha 1938," Schewe, 1979, #1302, The Second Intervention On the morning of the 27th, a group of State Department officials met to consider an appropriate response to the latest developments. Berle and Welles were deputized to draft a second message to Hitler, which they did, opting for the path of "boldness" by including in it a call for a conference at The Hague. Just before lunch, Hull and Welles took this draft statement to the President (Berle, 1973, p. 187). By this time, still more evidence of Hitler's refusal to cooperate had arrived. For example, both Kennedy and Bullitt cabled that the Fuehrer's reception of Chamberlain's latest notes had been "completely and definitely unsatisfactory." In Bullitt's words, Hitler's reply "was the most violent outburst possible; ... nothing could have been more unhelpful." By way of contrast, moreover, this demonstration of Hitler's intransigence was accompanied by a number of reports of continued expressions of gratitude for the president's message from Great Britain and France (Kennedy to Hull, September 27, 1938, FRUS, 1938, vol. I, p. 673, received 7:05 a.m.; Bullitt to Hull, September 27, 1938, Ibid., pp. 673-674, received 9:15 a.m., and pp. 674-675, received 11:10 a.m.. A cable from Ambassador Carr also underlined the unreasonableness of Hitler's demands from the point of view of Czech military security Carr to Hull, September 27, 1938, Ibid p. 679, received 1:20 p.m.). The news of Hitler's obduracy and aggressive posturing had two implications for Roosevelt's diagnosis of the crisis. First of all, it underlined th Fuehrer's sole responsibility for the continued slide toward war. Secondly, it increased expectations that war would actually occur unless something happened to prevent it.9 Apparently the confluence of these two perceptions shaped Roos velt's decision, at some point during the course of the morning of September 27 to take further action. 9Supporting the first point is Welles's statement to Bullitt that any action by the president would be directed solely at Hitler (Memorandum of telephone call between Welles and Bullitt, September 27, 1938, 2:40 p.m., FRUS, 1938, vol. I, pp. 675-676). The second point is corroborated by Welles's later statement that on September 27 " 'Information of unquestioned authenticity' had come through that at 2:00 p.m. on the next day, September 28, Hitler would march his armies into Czechoslovakia unless the Godesberg terms were met" (Haight, 1960, p. 355). This account was confirmed by Roosevelt himself when he told Arthur Murray on October 14, 1938, that he had received news on the 27th that Hitler would take action the next day (Murray, 1946, p. 95). This content downloaded from on Thu, 18 Apr 2019 14:35:43 UTC All use subject to 218 Farnham At the presid discussed earli support the A Mussolini) wer Roosevelt shou "depressed" b opposed it. In Ultimately, Daladier's and approved, the neutral Europe be omitted (B While Welles message from session. He had and, as he told When it was fini four Members of Monday, and so h the shouting and 'Krieg, krieg,' an p. 95. According Murray himself. Berle noticed lat berlain's speech For the rest clusive subject reply to his f He then led a Chamberlain's alternatives. T democracies w mop up the It Franco in Spai England, Fra other anti-Ger vol. II, p. 481 confident that Sometime dur was held, Roos possible. As h I had intended to Chamberlain's ra This content downloaded from on Thu, 18 Apr 2019 14:35:43 UTC All use subject to Roosevelt and the Munich Crisis 219 action at two o'clock on Wednesday aft the draft of my message, and Hull cam nine o'clock we had hammered out th (Murray, 1946, p. 95. Apparently, Roos Chamberlain and Daladier. In fact, by Chamberlain's opinion, Welles was able t message tonight without fail." [Mem Kennedy and Welles, September 27, Following his conversation wit draft of the message to Hitler w already approved. After dinner, t work on this draft. There follow ly depicted by Alsop and Kintne smoking incessantly and shooting near him, Berle fidgeting, Hull s once almost out of countenance." A moment of considerable tension occurred when "a report came in that the Germans might march in the night, forcing a war to no purpose. For a moment the President showed real anger." However, as the report was not confirmed, the drafting continued. By 9 p.m. the draft was well enough in hand to allow the secretary of state to go home to bed, and at 9:30 it was signed by the president (Alsop and Kintner, 1940, pp. 10-11. See also Berle, 1973, p. 188, and Murray, 1946, p. 95). Roosevelt's second message to Hitler was sent at 10:18 p.m. Recalling his earlier emphasis on the peaceful settlement of disputes and the complete lack of justification for any threat of force which might result in general warfare, the president pointed out to the German chancellor that these considerations were even more relevant now that agreement in principle had been reached between Germany and Czechoslovakia. He therefore urged continuation of the negotiations, raising the possibility of widening them to include "all the nations directly interested in the present controversy." While reiterating that the United States had "no political involvements in Europe," Roosevelt nevertheless closed by stating that "the conscience and the impelling desire of the people of my country demand that the voice of their government be raised again and yet again to avert and to avoid war" (Roosevelt to Hitler, September 27, 1938, FRUS, 1938, vol. I, pp. 684-685. Farnham [1991, pp. 431-435] analyzes several opposing views of Roosevelt's intentions in sending the second appeal to Hitler and concludes that it was a genuine attempt to prevent war by pressuring Hitler into peaceful settlement of the dispute along the lines which had already been agreed upon.). The period of anxious waiting for Hitler's reply following the dispatch of this message ended on the morning of the 28th. As Berle dramatically recorded in his diary, Hitler had invited Britain, France, and Italy to discuss the Czech crisis ("The 'break'! Thank God."). Roosevelt was also relieved by the news and This content downloaded from on Thu, 18 Apr 2019 14:35:43 UTC All use subject to 220 Farnham at 1 p.m. s "Good Man FRUS, 1938 debated, m uance of ne One who d lieves that, Daladier as tiate at Mu p. 34; Off 1970, p. 2 Thus, altho until Septe announcem the settlem mained abo ing over a p war as the widespread over which would give EXPLAINING ROOSEVELT'S BEHAVIOR During the first stage of the Munich crisis, Roosevelt's a focused primarily on the general political and military problem they related to American concerns and he seemed only minimally the crisis per se, contemplating even an outcome of war with som Moreover, although he was beginning to develop some notio possible consequences for the United States, he still had no sense t be directly involved in its resolution, viewing overt interventio which involved considerable risk. Nor did Roosevelt alter hi respect even after the news from Berchtesgaden had caused him war was virtually inevitable. After Godesberg Roosevelt's attitude changed, but not at on although reports of that meeting on September 23 led him to belie imminent, he still had no thought of intervening. Sometime dur 24, and almost certainly by the morning of the 25th, however, underwent a dramatic change, and he decided to act directly. A reported to his aides early on the morning of the 26th, the presiden This content downloaded from on Thu, 18 Apr 2019 14:35:43 UTC All use subject to Roosevelt and the Munich Crisis 221 become "very anxious to get in a September 26, 1938, vol. 142, Within less than two days, ther from the general long-run impli States and toward the crisis itse panied by a change in policy fro attendant risks notwithstanding. was to advise the democracies abo such considerations were overwhe that had become the central prob action on his part. Such a dramat nation. The Rational Choice Explanation One interpretation of the president's preference reversal might be that it was simply a rational response to new information which altered the subjective expected utility of intervention. However, while one or more changes in the environment-in the value of the outcome of war, for example, or its probability, or the risks of intervention-could conceivably have triggered such a shift, there were in fact no changes in any of these factors sufficient to justify Roosevelt's reversal of preferences. If, for example, Roosevelt's post-Godesberg belief that an outcome of war would now be a loss had been based on new information about the costs of war to the United States, it would have been rational for him to decide to intervene to prevent war, even if doing so involved some risk. However, the crisis did not provide any new information about the value of the war. No matter how certain or imminent general war in Europe had become after Godesberg, it was in reality no more of a threat to the United States than it had been when it was merely probable. No one imagined for a moment that the United States would be directly threatened by war, certainly not Roosevelt who firmly believed that Britain and France would win. Yet despite his unaltered belief that the democracies would emerge victorious, the president behaved as though the prospect of war had become a direct threat to the United States. What is embarrassing to the theory of rational choice is that after Godesberg Roosevelt redefined what was essentially the same objective situation as a loss (The reports Roosevelt received emphasizing the dreadful consequences of war for European civilization might possibly be viewed as new information which changed his valuation of the outcome of war. Such arguments were not new to Roosevelt, however, and he had ignored them when they were made earlier [see, for example, Bullitt's letter of May 20, Bullitt, 1972, pp. 261-262].). This content downloaded from on Thu, 18 Apr 2019 14:35:43 UTC All use subject to 222 Farnham Not only w have explain perception culations bo utility in t evaluated in intervening matters wo French trad tunate dom With respe opinion dur crisis, he ac steps to det can people u August 31, what Amba Pointe de G concern abo Hull told Bu far as our Roosevelt's early Septem intention Schewe, 19 and Gleaso Both befor believed tha such interv frequently activity wh he was exce public invol sentiment i activist cou velt's habitu sion of his Brussels in analysis of opinion bef At the outs This content downloaded from on Thu, 18 Apr 2019 14:35:43 UTC All use subject to Roosevelt and the Munich Crisis 223 might lead to failure, entail dom ample support for the idea that made the decision to intervene. With respect to the risk of failure, nothing had occurred at Godesberg which entitled Roosevelt to infer that he could now act more effectively than he might have done earlier. On the one hand, while new evidence that Britain and France were at last willing to resist Hitler might have made American action more palatable to Roosevelt because he no longer needed to feel that the democracies were trying to get the United States to do their dirty work for them, Hitler's response to their firmness provided little reason to hope that United States intervention could now succeed in preventing war. On the other hand, although Roosevelt now thought that Czech agreement to the substance of Hitler's demands had removed any rational basis for waging war, since Godesberg he had had nothing but evidence that the Fuehrer was unreasonable in the extreme. Thus, there was less justification than ever for believing that his appeal could be effective. Nor had anything changed on the American side of the equation to allow the president to think that he had the means to act more effectively. Certainly, he had no more ammunition than he had possessed before the Godesberg meeting. Nothing that transpired there in any way altered the fact that the United States would not, under any circumstances, actually intervene militarily in the Czech crisis, or even threaten to do so. Moreover, Roosevelt himself, despite his decision to intervene, seems to have believed that it was still a risky choice in terms of effectiveness. The amount of effort he put into learning whether his second intervention had been successful, as well as the considerable anxiety this issue seemed to cause him, indicates his awareness that the move could well have failed (Farnham, 1991, pp. 435-436). Clearly, the president seems to have been seeking reassurance that the risk he had taken had succeeded. (This calls into question Secretary Hull's assertion that Roosevelt decided to make his first intervention not because he thought it would be successful but because he wanted to do something and sending a message would at least do no harm. Of course, once war appeared virtually certain, there is a sense in which nothing the president did could make things worse. However, the evidence suggests that Roosevelt, while continuing to fear that he risked failure, hoped for more.) Not only did Roosevelt still worry about the risk of failure, however, he also remained concerned about the domestic risks involved in intervening. That he was worried on this score is demonstrated by his acquiescence to Hull's and Davies's reservations during the drafting of his first appeal and supported by the testimony of Moffat and Welles cited earlier. Moreover, during the planning for his second intervention, Roosevelt displayed sensitivity to the possible risks of This content downloaded from on Thu, 18 Apr 2019 14:35:43 UTC All use subject to 224 Farnham intervenin ticipation i he also sho Finally, no to justify R the probab president's tedly accur not support Rather, th expectation intervention After Ber quite relaxe attempting the post-Go him to act. democracie neither a se need to intervene in the crisis. Thus, although Roosevelt had clearly assimilated the information that war was imminent, he apparently did not believe that this news indicated the kind of change in the environment which would have warranted an alteration in his policy of nonintervention. o1 An explanation for his behavior must, therefore, be sought elsewhere. One possibility is that, in accordance with the predictions of prospect theory, Roosevelt's reversal of preferences about intervening in the crisis resulted from a change in his framing of the decision problem. The Prospect Theory Explanation According to Tversky and Kahneman, the way a decision is framed in part determines how people see the consequences of choice. It is entirely possible for an individual to frame the same decision problem in different ways, and prefer- 10The slight increase in the probability of war between the afternoon of the 23rd and the morning of the 25th is insufficient to account for the dramatic reversal in Roosevelt's policy preferences which occurred that day. That small change in probability had a much greater impact on the president's decision-making than rational choice theory would predict. (I am indebted to Eldar Shafir for pointing this out.) Moreover, neither Roosevelt's perception of an increased likelihood of war nor its imminence afforded adequate justification either for the feeling that the United States had become directly threatened or the belief that American action might now be effective in ending the crisis. This content downloaded from on Thu, 18 Apr 2019 14:35:43 UTC All use subject to Roosevelt and the Munich Crisis 225 ences between options have been despite the fact that rational choice not do so. In other words, the way impact on the treatment of values 1981, pp. 453, 457; Kahneman an Furthermore, according to prospe comes against a neutral reference p above the reference point are view seen as losses. The importance of th framing an outcome as a loss rathe to it, even to the point of causing th equivalent options. In particular, t matter of achieving a gain, but ris Quattrone and Tversky express it, reference point induced by the fr effects on people's risk preferen 1986, p. S258; Quattrone and Tve Roosevelt's behavior during the M of prospect theory in a number of r the meeting at Godesberg, there w the problem of whether or not to led to his preference shift: after G impending war in Europe as a loss Not that he had previously seen demonstrated repeatedly, neither d tember 25, however, he unquestio phe. 1 Nevertheless, as has just bee there is not the slightest evidence that such a war would threaten Am are to some extent dangerous). Rat loss without having changed his m Moreover, Roosevelt's increased consequence of perceiving war a another change in his decision fram have called the certainty effect. Th to over-weight outcomes which are merely probable (Kahneman & Tv "In terms of prospect theory, Roosevelt's r did not threaten the United States and he b not constitute such a threat, i.e., it lay a having reframed the outcome of war in Eu upward, and he now viewed war as a depa This content downloaded from on Thu, 18 Apr 2019 14:35:43 UTC All use subject to 226 Farnham 1986, pp. S velt viewed war seem c growing con it as a loss. Moreover, the certainty effect may have combined with the so-called pseudo-certainty effect to reinforce Roosevelt's sense that war would be a disas ter. That is, people tend to treat extremely likely but uncertain outcomes as though they were certain. Thus, as the probability of war rose after Godesberg Roosevelt may first have converted it into a certainty in line with the pseudocertainty effect and then overweighted it because of the certainty effect (Tversky & Kahneman, 1986, p. S268). The impact of Roosevelt's frame change, reinforced by the certainty effect was to transform what had been merely a potential problem for American foreig policy into a serious loss which was certain to occur. Furthermore, because this reframing caused Roosevelt to view the crisis from a different point of reference, it could also have been responsible for the reversal of preferences which led hi to favor intervention in the crisis over inaction, despite the fact that the threat to the United States had not actually increased. As Jervis points out, "losses which are quite certain will be avoided even if they are relatively slight" (Jervis, 1989 p. 6). As has been noted, framing effects on decision-making behavior occur when the same alternatives are evaluated in relationship to different points of reference. One way in which this may operate is that "the framing of an action sometimes affects the actual experience of its outcomes" (Tversky & Kahneman, 1981, p. 458). Accordingly, framing the decision problem posed by the European crisis so that the outcome of war seemed like the United States' loss, rather than merely that of others, could have changed the way in which Roosevelt experienced the consequences of nonintervention, which in turn altered his evaluation of the alternatives for dealing with the crisis. Thus the president came to prefer acting to halt the crisis before it ended in war to the passive stance he had adopted when he regarded war as the loss of others. In a way, now that he viewed the impending war as in some sense a loss for the United States, Roosevelt was no longer evaluating the alternatives as merely an observer, but as a sort of participant.12 By reframing the war as a loss for the United States, he had also reframed the crisis as an American crisis. 12This interpretation is supported by the fact that, from this point forward, Roosevelt's behavio exhibited all the characteristics which, according to Raymond Cohen (1979, pp. 4, 24), identify a decision-maker who has perceived a threat. The consequent change in the president's behavior al accords with Hermann's (1972, p. 208) finding during a crisis simulation of differences in perce tion and behavior between participants and observers. This content downloaded from on Thu, 18 Apr 2019 14:35:43 UTC All use subject to Roosevelt and the Munich Crisis 227 Moreover, as prospect theory pr which he now viewed as a loss, R showed a willingness to incur the t that his intervention might be ine crisis, and the danger that such effects." Finally, a prospect theory expla by his apparently complete lack o differently. At no time did the pre to a change in his feelings about t noticed that they had changed, let not thought a European war suc prevent it. This lack of recognitio vation that "decision-makers are n different decision frames on thei line with their perception that, u maker may not be able to antici experience [Tversky & Kahnema Tversky, 1984, pp. 349-350].) Accounting for the Frame Ch If Roosevelt did not initially con the United States, why did he com caused him to change his referenc loss? Unfortunately, prospect theory itself does not offer many clues about what causes decision frames to change. Nor do the various laboratory experiments on framing shed much light on this question. The experimenter alone manipulates the frame, providing subjects with both its initial and its altered version, the differences between the two being purely cognitive. The Munich case, however, suggests that in the real world something more than cognition may at times be involved. It would appear, that is, that the frame change Roosevelt underwent in the midst of the crisis was triggered by the strong emotions he experienced in the aftermath of the Godesberg meeting. In other words, he seems to have reframed the crisis as a matter of direct concern to the United States only after the idea of impending war had become emotionally compelling to him. This hypothesis is supported by several considerations. First of all, from a purely cognitive perspective, Roosevelt's reframing of the problem posed by the This content downloaded from on Thu, 18 Apr 2019 14:35:43 UTC All use subject to 228 Farnham crisis is pu tually certa of threat or Second, th a time of g war. Writi The war scare exclusion of e Germany, Cz and boxing up transport to concentrating solini rattling II, pp. 476Finally, an initial repo numerous a who, emoti the crisis. Before God dwell on t Rather, as general wa unappeasab in focus m Bullitt and curiously d emotional r This sense despite the afternoon o stopping th 26th (and w Thus, the p process of 13An indicatio that it seems rary radio dr anything of t affected nati laboratory de thunderclou This content downloaded from on Thu, 18 Apr 2019 14:35:43 UTC All use subject to Roosevelt and the Munich Crisis 229 in mood most probably induced by was receiving from Europe. In fact, from 23rd to the 25th of increasingly dramatic messages wh which would spell the end of Europe and intransigence, graphically de conveyed the heart-rending pleas of Bullitt in particular, urged in the s avoid the tragedy. Not only must t tional impact of their own, but also highly stressful atmosphere produc It appears that these communicati attention on the dreadful consequen emotionally real to him. Thus, by Se that war was bound to occur unless begun to feel that it would be so ter Strong emotion, then, was appare from a detached observer of someon language of prospect theory: as the p emotional impact of the news from of war as a loss. This in turn led him t intervene in a fundamentally diffe prevent the war rather than merely This process continued as on the 2 velt underwent another day of grea in his decision to intervene. Even psychological pressure continued anxious waiting for Hitler's respons disappointment at his violent spe feelings had by this time become ver own account of his emotional react tember 27 cabinet meeting and by r drafting session for his second app news that Hitler might be preparing Hitler's behavior and great sympath already considerable anxiety about It may also be that Roosevelt's aw his emotional distress in several way ening event may generate greater em the Munich crisis, the war which ha Godesberg appeared imminent as we cause Roosevelt to reverse prefer This content downloaded from on Thu, 18 Apr 2019 14:35:43 UTC All use subject to 230 Farnham Table I. Roo Atti Time Reference Point Frame of Choice Problem to Risk Preference Pre-crisis No threat to U.S. Crisis (including outcome of Averse Do not inWar not expected from Europe war) = within status quo tervene 9/16 Berchtesgaden War expected Allies -* win 9/23 Godesberg War = certain War = imminent Allies -- win FRAME CHANGE 9/24-25 " War = loss Acceptant Intervene Affect-laden reports #1 War = certain War = imminent Allies -+ win 9/27 " " " Intervene Hitler rebuff #2 War = certain War = imminent Allies -* win exacerbated the effect of the emotions which did. That is, imminence increa the salience of war by making clear that the war which seemed certain to oc would do so now rather than later. Not only might this awareness have heigh ened the painful emotions that Roosevelt was already feeling, it could also ha intensified his stress by adding the pressure of time (Janis and Mann, 1977, 54, 59; I am indebted to Alexander George for pointing out that imminence m have a different impact on a decision-maker's assessment of threat than do certainty). In any event, there is considerable empirical evidence pointing to the experience of strong emotion as the crucial element in Roosevelt's post-Godesberg change of frame and subsequent reversal of preferences. Moreover, the idea that such emotion can mediate cognitive change has received ample theoretical support in the literature dealing with the relationship between cognition and affect. As Hoffman has pointed out, "cognitive psychologists often view affect as providing the motivating force for initiating cognitive processes" (Hoffman, 1986, p. 260; for Hoffman's view of the ways in which affect may influence information processing, see pp. 245-246). Any account of what Roosevelt experienced after Godesberg, however, is incomplete without an awareness that the reverse process can occur as well. That This content downloaded from on Thu, 18 Apr 2019 14:35:43 UTC All use subject to Roosevelt and the Munich Crisis 231 is, a change of frame can affect Tversky and Kahneman themsel sponse as the outcome of frame Kahneman, 1981, p. 458; Kahn Clearly, this process could also framing the crisis as in some se emotional involvement which ca turn, could have had the effect of of war was seen as a loss (It is a personal experience of a crisis g gan, for example, defines a natio tant values which, for the decisi sity. .. ." Morgan, 1977, p. 16 George, 1975). Again, the literature on the rela solid backing for the idea that affect. Indeed, as Hoffman obser been one "in which feelings a (Hoffman, 1986, p. 24). Moreover, evidence that the ca runs in both directions has recen appears to have been the case mutually reinforcing. Thus, wit cognitive and affective/motivat tions," Sorrentino and Higgins a motivation and cognition are, in fact leads to motivation and motivation lea of the other. They are synergistic in effects. (Sorrentino and Higgins, 1986, affect is, of course, the subject of a lon no consensus. For opposing views on Thus, the news from Godesbe interaction between affect and c Roosevelt from a somewhat detac pant. He had come to feel that w the United States as well, and, i emotional terms, from being so own. As a consequence of this preferences and chose to interve A final question about the rol behavior during the Munich cris decisional conflict model of dec This content downloaded from on Thu, 18 Apr 2019 14:35:43 UTC All use subject to 232 Farnham a number of such as sign experienced pact on his change his What may that not onl Roosevelt d Contrary to the need to emotion an avoidance (J is no eviden biased infor conflict mo not appear t rational man Janis and M while Roosev ing," it was pp. 50-52). N question abo degree of str motivates h the general stress is act question is a individual d for stress m criticisms Morgan, 19 CONCLUSION This study has sought to evaluate the competing claims of prospec and rational choice theory to explain political decision-making in the l actual historical case. In applying the predictions of both theories to F Roosevelt's decision-making during the Munich crisis, the study mak that prospect theory provides a more satisfactory explanation of his b that time than does the theory of rational choice. In particular, the evidence uncovered by a detailed analysis of Ro This content downloaded from on Thu, 18 Apr 2019 14:35:43 UTC All use subject to Roosevelt and the Munich Crisis 233 decision-making behavior shows th ability of American intervention i of the expected utility of interven the midst of the crisis, despite th changed materially from an Ame framed the outcome of war as a lo point of incurring risks he had p cannot be accommodated within th With respect to the theoretical least they support the demand legitimate alternative for explain context. They also show that in so which is puzzling for theories of Moreover, analyzing Roosevelt's the predictions of prospect theory would benefit from elaboration change of frame was apparently tr further research into the causes of role of affect. Finally, while supporting the id decision-making in a number of a decision-making problem and the study raises a question about Janis Roosevelt experienced a level of s decision problem and reverse his decision-making behavior not also under conditions of high stress pr model is to be of use in explainin requires clarification in this area. The attempt to apply prospect theoretical benefits in several are tion for advancing the theory itse tions about alternative explanatio ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank Alexander George, Robert Jervis, Jack L McDermott, Eldar Shafir, and Janice Stein for their comments on th earlier version was presented at the Thirteenth Annual Scientific M International Society of Political Psychology, Washington, D.C., Ju 1990. This content downloaded from on Thu, 18 Apr 2019 14:35:43 UTC All use subject to 234 Farnham REFERENCES Alsop, J., & Kintner, R. (1940). American white paper. New York: Simon and Sch Bazerman, M. H. (1983). Negotiator judgment. American Behavioral Scientist, 27, Berle, B. (Ed.), (1973). Navigating the rapids, 1918-1971: From the papers of Ad New York: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich. Bueno de Mesquita, B. (1981). The war trap. New Haven: Yale University Press. Blum, J. M. (Ed.). (1965). From the Morgenthau Diaries (Vol. 1). Boston: Houghton Bullitt, O. H. (Ed.). (1972). 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