Středoevropský technologický institut BRNO I ČESKÁ REPUBLIKA PREFEKT & CEITEC PhD school Preparing International Grant Applications I. Ladislav Čoček, Anida Krajina, Jakub Zeman, Zdenka Žampachová Content ■ Project Management - Introduction ■ Proposal structure and evaluation criteria 1. Excellence 2. Impact 3. Implementation ■ Running the Project on Day-to-Day Basis 2 ^CEITEC Institutional brand GACR Standard OPVW H2020 collaborations ERC Advanced grants Excellent research & leadership skills Long-term projects Installation grants - EMBO • ERC Starting grant, GACR Junior Flexible and preparing independent career Fluctuation supports internationalization Individual grants - MSCA/ SoMoPro/ OP VVV H2020team member/ GACR Junior Absorbing experience and knowledge Short-time projects Incoming/outgoing mobility: MSCA / SoMoPro / OP WV H2020/GA£Rteam member International recruitment Prevention of inbreeding H2020/GAÖRteam member Project management - Introduction What is a Project? 5 £^2><^EEITEE<^ Project is... ■ ...a set of tasks executed within pre-defined time and certain costs with purpose to create a unique product, service or result. ■ Temporary = it has a defined beginning and end in time, and therefore defined scope and resources. ■ Unique = a planned piece of work that has a specific purpose (such as to find information or to make something new) ■ Project vs. routinne operations 6 ^CEITEC Project Management is... ■ ... the application of knowledge, skills and techniques to execute projects effectively and efficiently. ■ Projects must be expertly managed to deliver on-time, on-budget results Project Manager is ... the person assigned by the performing organization to lead the team that is responsible for achieving project objectives ■ Knowledge ■ Performance ■ Personal approach 8 ^CEITEC Reasons to start a project ■ Market demand ■ Strategic opportunity /business need ■ Social need ■ Environmental considerations ■ Customer request ■ Technological advantage ■ Legal requirement ■ ... What about in academia and R&D? 9 <^ee|-teecz Triple constraint COST (budget) Priorities? 1. Add time 2. Limit scope 3. Put more money 10 ^CEITEC Project constraints ■ Budget ■ Scope ■ Schedule ■ Quality ■ Resources ■ Risk ■ Customer Satisfaction - no two person's expectations are same 11 ^CEITEC Time management ■ Ability to organize and plan the time spent on activities in a day effectively ■ Develop scheduling skills ■ Learn how to use several basic project planning tools: structure) ■ Resource allocation ■ Gantt charts ■ WBS (Work breakdown 12 £^pb CEITEC Time management principles „Time is terrible resource to waste. And it is the most valuable resource in a project." Projects have finite duration. Managing a project requires awareness of 2 time frames: 1. The amount of effort a task will take (in time), e.g., 3 hours to write a report or 2 days to finish the analysis 2. The time span over which the activity will occur, e.g., the report will be done within a week, measurements will be accomplished by 6 o'clock Project team Shared common goal Distinct responsibilities Project team Time limited engagement Communication Skills Stakeholders Project team: Project sponsor Project manager User or customer representatives Subcontractors and suppliers Partners Project management team Project Manager 14 ^CEITEC Project Stakeholders ... are people/organizations influenced or involved in the project. Key points ■ Who they are? ■ What interests they have? ■ How shall we deal with this? Latente Keep satisfied Promoters Manage closely Monitor Apothetics Keep informed Defenders Interest Stakeholders Sponsor role ■ ... is customer (= grant provider) or member of senior management ■ Provides financial resources for the project ■ Appoints Project Manager ■ Gathers support for the project, protects project ■ Determines priorities ■ Approves changes ■ Accepts deliverables 16 <£^& CEITEC Project Manager role ■ Leads the team and is responsible for achieving project objectives ■ Helps write the project / the grant proposal ■ Influences project team and atmosphere ■ Manages interactions with key stakeholders ■ Leads planning the project ■ Manages project team ■ Monitors project work and proposes changes ■ Performs closing activities ■ Is proactive, has authority and accountability £^2><^eeitee<^ Project team role ■ Project team completes the work of the project ■ Helps identify requirements, constraints and assumptions ■ Participates in activity planning and provides estimates ■ Does the work according to plan ■ Participates in meetings ■ Raises change request 18 <£^& CEITEC Proposal Structure and Evaluation Criteria Horizon 2020 not eligible: exclusion If below threshold: CR Commission [esr decision i Evaluation process Eligibility check J, eligible 2. Consensus meet _ _ . i If above Consensus Report j j threShOlCl 3. Panel meetings Consensus Report 2 1 Evaluation Summary Report Priority list 1_ Proposal submission • 1 ■ 1 vl * * 1 1 ■ * ■ vi w' C I evaluation IER I Ethical review (if necessary^/^ Commission: final ranking list and decision Rejection 1 I <-------- Reserve list ------► Report Negotiation 20 <^eeitee(= Eligibility check Different eligibility between grant shcemes To be considered admissible, a proposal must be: ■ submitted via Participant Portal before the deadline given by the call; ■ readable, accessible and printable. ■ Complete (make sure no administrative data, parts of proposal or any supporting documents specified in the call are missing) Evaluation - Process Forms of evaluation — remote or in-situ (in Brussels). In situ usually takes a week without the opportunity to contact the applicants, this usually covers both individual evaluation and consensus meeting; remote evaluation is usually individual, with consensus meeting later on in Brussels; sometimes, a hearing/interview is part of the evaluation (typically ERC) Evaluation prOCGSS — starts with a briefing from EC (call objectives, work programme, call text, interpretation of evaluation criteria; calibrating" evaluators to minimize the risk of inconsistent evaluation) Individual part — at least3 evaluator individually reviewing the same project, completing Individual Assessment Report (IAR), verbal and numerical scoring for each criterion ConSGnSUS mGGting — all the 3 evaluators meet together and discuss the project jointly (ca. 0,5-1 h); the goal is to find consensus on verbal and numerical scoring of the project (not average, but consensus); in the end, one of the evaluators writes common position-Evaluation Summary Report (ESR) ModGratOr = EC rGprGSGntatiVG - takes care of administration (appointing projects, gathering I AR), moderation of consensus meeting, control of evaluation quality (correlation between numerical scores and verbal comments), aims for consistency of ..calibration" of the three evaluators 22 ^CEITEC Evaluation - Criteria Impact (30%) The extent to which the outputs of the project should contribute at the European and/or International level to: Clarity and pertinence of the objectives; Credibility of the proposed approach; Soundness of the concept, including trans-disciplinary considerations, where relevant; Extent that proposed work is ambitious, has innovation potential, and is beyond the state of the art (e.g. groundbreaking objectives, novel concepts and approaches). The expected impacts listed in the work programme under the relevant topic; Enhancing innovation capacity and integration of new knowledge; Strengthening the competitiveness and growth of companies by developing innovations meeting the needs of European and global markets; and, where relevant, by delivering such innovations to the markets; Any other environmental and socially important impacts (not already covered above); Quality and efficiency of the implementation (20%) The following aspects will be taken into account: Coherence and effectiveness of the work plan, including appropriateness of the allocation of tasks and resources; Complementarity of the participants within the consortium (when relevant); Appropriateness of the management structures and procedures, including risk and innovation management. Effectiveness of the proposed measures to exploit and disseminate the project results (including management of IPR), to communicate the project, and to manage research data where relevant. 23 <£^2> CEITEC Evaluation - Criteria Criteria are general, interpretation may vary according to call (it is, however, possible, to deduce the interpretation from the call text - e.g. what impact is desirable) There are usually thresholds for the criteria (proposals not passing the threshold may not be financed) - usually 3 out of 5 for individual criteria and 10 out of 15 for the sum of scores; the criteria often have differing weights (excellence or impact the highest, according to focus on innovation) Marie Sktodowska-Curie Actions and ERC have slightly different evaluation procedure For each criterion, your proposal will be given scores of 0 to 5 (half marks are possible), as follows: 0 The proposal fails to address the criterion or cannot be assessed due to missing or incomplete information (unless the result of an 'obvious clerical error') 1 — Poor The criterion is inadequately addressed or there are serious inherent weaknesses — Fair The proposal addresses the criterion well but with a number of shortcomings 3 — Good The proposal addresses the criterion well but with a number of shortcomings 4 — Very good The proposal addresses the criterion very well but with a small number of shortcomings 5 — Excellent The proposal successfully addresses all relevant aspects of the criterion; any shortcomings are minor Evaluation - interpretation of criteria Proper interpretation of evaluation criteria is the key to success! ■ Excellence Originality of the idea, progress in state-of-the-art, ambition of the defined goals, work plan and its quality (logic behind the work packages) ■ Impact Dissemination of results, use of results (expected impact is always specified in the text of call/work programme), impact beyond the project participants (involvement of industry/users, extension towards other countries, ...) ■ Implementation Management - governing structure of the project, quality of project participants and team as a whole (complementary expertise), budget (reasonably - no need to be over-modest, the key is reasoning, explanation) 25 <£^2> CEITEC Proposal Structure ■ PART A ■ General information ■ Administrative data on receiving institution ■ Budget ■ Ethics PART B (Scientific part) Excellence ■ Scientific quality and credibility of the proposal ■ Quality and appropriateness of the training and transfer of knowledge ■ Capacity of the researcher to reach or re-enforce a position of professional maturity Impact Implementation ■ Work plan ■ Project management ■ Budget .^c^eei-teec^ Proposal Structure ■ (Mostly) scientists: It is the research idea that will catch their eye! ■ But: they will look for flaws in other aspects (especially if they do not like the science) ■ Get to know them: (ERC panels, GACR etc.) ■ Become an evaluator: register in Participant Portal; even early postdocs are sometimes selected! ■ You may end up with specialist(s), generalist(s) or a combination of them; people from industry are often selected 27 £^2><^eeitee<^ 1 - Excellence (Scientific Part) ^CEITEC Scientific Part - General Tips ■ Make it short and simple = transmitting your message to others. ■ Elaborate on each and every point of the evaluation criteria. ■ Perfect flawless proposal is possible! ■ Reserve 2 months for preparation. ■ Consult it and get feedback from colleagues. ■ Address the expectation of granting agency, read well the call conditions. The golden rule is KISS - keep it simple,stupid ©! 29 ^CEITEC Quality and credibility of the project ■ Introduction — justify why this topic/research problem ■ StatG-Of—the-art - how does your project fit into the existing knowledge base? ■ ProJGCt aims — specific, concrete, measurable and realistic ■ Methodology and approach - any novel concepts or methods ? ■ Originality and innovative aspects - is it original, innovative? Do you expect any advancements within the project field? ■ The intediSCiplinary aspects - inter- and multidisciplinarity are part and parcel of "excellence" and must be addressed 30 First 1-2 pages must attract evaluator s interest! Grant agency expectations/Funding scheme design Ex. Preliminary data: ■ No critical need in MSCA-IF ■ Just a profile showing skills in ERC-StG ■ Feasibility in ERC-CoG ■ Have the whole project done in GACR Ex. MSCA-IF: ■ Not just a research project: Training through research ■ Resulting things to be addressed: Training goals and activities, Career development, Impact on career ■ Still, strong research idea is vital! Quality and appropriateness of the training and two way knowledge transfer ■ Describe training you gain and the receiving institution ■ What new knowledge you gain from the new supervisor, new colleagues, new institution and country? ■ How does the host institution benefit from your experiences, what do you offer? Key point where your experience and credibility should be shown. 32 ^<^eei-tMc: Example of general project design IBS, University of East Anglia Universität wien Recognition and self assembly Chemical and biological synthesis í Twiijning Ř action Integrating structural biology methods Biological chemistry and synthetic biology New generation therapeutics Impact at CEITEC 35 Example of general project design WPl Coordination & Management : WP2 Assessment Benchmarking WP3 Strategy Policy WP4 Training Embedding Science Communication WP5 Outreach & Spill-over Workflow: Ml M6 M12 M18 M24 How to write an abstract ■ Summary that identifies the purpose, problem, methods, results, and conclusion of your work. > present your motivation - why do we care? > explain the problem you are trying to solve. > which approach/method do you use to solve it? > what are the expected results? > what implications will your results bring? ■ Pay attention to key words, highlight them. 37 Emphasise the take home message and motivate the reader to be keen on reading further! Graphical abstract 3D scaffold Improve 3D models Biomaterial microenvironment for therapeutic response Patient Nature Reviews I Cancer Microbiota diurnal rhythmicity Energy metabolism Intact host circadian clock Detoxification and feeding habits Motility Metabolic homeostasis Environmental sensing Loss of diurnal rhythmicity Impaired host circadian clock and feeding habits (jet lag / shift work) Dysbiosis Obesity glucose intolerance 38 Background study on existing projects Cordis webpages, web databases, e.g. j Aktuální projektové výzvy Q European Commission : CORDIS : FP7... Q European Commission : CORDIS : FP7... : CONVERIS Research database: i g l-^-l * c- e © v.v.\-.healthcompete^^ Startpage» Project Search % ** Project Search Here you can search the list of health related projects. Please-use the filter below to limit this list and find the project of /our interest. Filter Settings Organisations B Persons B Thematic areasB Key words » Countries » Instrument » Ongoing in yeah » Projects 3822 Elements. Sort by-: Date | Alphabet ABCDEFGH I J KLM NOPQRSTUVWX Y Z All SPTPCDR2 - Spatio-temporal Control of Cell Division in Fission Yeast » Scientific coordinator: Anne Paoletti () Period: 2011-10-01 - 2013-09-30 Cytokinesis, is a critical and irreversible step of cell cycle, which eventually separates daughter cells. This event is consequently subject to strict spatial and temporal regulations. Spatial integration of the DNA distribution and the global geometry of the cell are necessary to determine the ... LEARNING AND MEMORY - The zebrafish as a new vertebrate model for molecular and cellular mechanisms of learning and memory, including synaptic dysfunction in Alzheimer's disease » Scientific coordinator: Henrik Zetterberg () Period: 2011-0S-01 - 2013-07-31 A majority of our most common neurological diseases, such as Alzheimer?s disease, ParkinsonT's disease, age-related dementia and multiple sclerosis, are manifested by memory loss and a reduced potential for learning. Additionally, a substantial portion of our population suffers from various forms of ... GENSTAGE - Genome Stability Mechanisms in Aging » Scientific coordinator: Christian Klar () Period: 2011-07-01 - 2016-06-30 Genome Instability has been recognized as causal factor of cancer and recently also as a major contributing factor of aging. A number of progeroid (premature aging-like) syndromes are linked to defects in nucleotide excision repair (NER). NER thus provides a highly relevant experimental system to ... THC-ASKID - T Helper cell lineages and their Cytokines in Autoimmune SKin Disease » Scientific coordinator: Alexander Enk () Period: 2011-06-01 - 2014-05-3L Autoimmune skin diseases like psoriasis and atopic dermatitis are in part CD4- T cell mediated. After stimulation, CD4 T cells differentiate into different T helper cell lineages with distinct cytokine profiles. While in atopic dermatitis for example skin infiltrating T cells mainly show a ... El" Consultation with the grant provider ■ Is your topic the right one? ■ What is expected from the grant provider? ■ Does your proposal correspond to the call description? ■ Do you understand the call correctly? ■ Information days and seminars, e-mail, phone calls, meeting in Brussels, ... Consultation with the grant provider idealy before call official opening => smaller competition! 40 ££2><=EE|-Te3<= Grant writing ■ Key for securing your funding ■ Different style/skill from academic writing ■ Active language ■ Write in short, hard-hitting sentences ■ Convincing and with confidence ■ Get help and consult the proposal 41 <$£2>CZE=|-r^(= Academic vs. Grant Writing Academic writing: Researcher-centered: Scholarly passion Past oriented: Work you have done Expository: Explaining to reader Impersonal: Objective, dispassionate Individualistic: Usually solo activity Verbosity rewarded: Few length constraints: Specialized terminology: "Insider jargon" Grant writing: Sponsor-centered: Service attitude Future oriented: Work you wish to do Persuasive: "Sell" the reader Personal: Convey excitement Team-oriented: Feedback needed Brevity rewarded: Strict length constraints Accessible language: Broad audience *Porter R. (2007): Why Academics have a hard time writing good grant proposals, Journal of Research Administration, 38(2), 161-167 42 2- Impact Impact - what is it? - Generally, the impact of your project is the positive change it will induce ■ Thus, there can be many varied kinds and levels of impact The key is answering the following questions: ■ What will be the results of the project? ■ What / Who are the results for - target group? ■ What differences they can bring about/why are the results needed? ■ In other words, what the scientific/societal impacts of the results will be 44 £^2><^EEITEE<^ Foundations of impact throughout the project proposal Knowing and understanding the state-of-the-art J Seeing the gaps of knowledge Generating knowledge, i.e. closing the gap Scientific knowledge, methodology, infrastructure, etc... Achieving IMPACT (through re-definition of the 45 ^CEITEC Impact in H2020 - evaluation ■ IMPACT is one of 3 evaluation criteria ■ The role of IMPACT has increased in H2020, and will be even more important in FP9 ■ Preparing ot the text on impact must be more specific, and credible than before ■ The weight of the criteria in the collaborative H2020 projects: ■ SCIENCE (50%, 3/5) ■ IMPACT(30%, 3/5) ■ IMPLEMENTATION (20%, 3/5) 46 £^2><^EEITEE<^ Impact in example of H2020 call SC1-PM-04-2016: Networking and optimising the use of population and patient cohorts at EU level Specific Challenge: Population cohorts are invaluable resources to obtain detailed description of individual biological variations in connection with a variety of environmental, pathogenic, occupational, societal, and lifestyle determinants that influence the onset and evolution of diseases. Europe currently has some of the most valuable population and patient cohorts, including well annotated clinical trial cohorts. However, the lack of integration of these cohorts hampers the optimal exploitation of these resources, essential to underpin and facilitate the development of stratified and personalised medicine9. Scope: Proposals should aim at maximizing the exploitation of cohorts by bringing together national and/or European cohorts with common scientific interests (e.g. across diseases, children, mothers, elderly, birth, gender, etc.), and by taking advantage of new technologies (e.g. ICT, social platforms, etc.) and new type of data (e.g. geographical, genetic, eHealth records, etc.). Based on those cohorts using a comprehensive integration strategy to facilitate hypothesis-driven research, data sharing, harmonisation and analysis, proposals should provide expanded resources and knowledge on health and disease determinants, onset and course of diseases (including aspects of co-morbidity and/or co-infections), clinical, public health and socio-economic research. Synergies with relevant existing European infrastructures and additional collaborations with relevant international initiatives are encouraged. Proposals should also engage with relevant international/national/regional authorities to ensure that findings are implemented and translated into health policy. The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of between EUR 8 and 10 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts. Expected Impact: Expected impacts include one of or a combination of the following point(s): Make major conceptual, methodological and analytical contributions towards integrative cohorts and their efficient exploitation. Contribute to providing novel information on health maintenance, onset and course of diseases, or population stratification, with a view to tailor diagnosis or to optimise prevention and treatment. Provide the evidence base for the development of policy strategies for prevention, early diagnosis, therapies, health economics as well as addressing health inequalities. Wherever relevant, evidence for economic evaluation of interventions should also be included. Optimise the use of population cohorts in defining/improving clinical practice and public health policy. 47 £^2><^EEITEE<^ Impact in H2020 - how to approach it ■ Consider Impact from the very beginning ■ Make sure you understand what the funder requires - can you find a match? ■ The idea makes the impact, however, knowing broder context is important... ■ ... hence, consults relevant EU and H2020 policies and documents (i.e. bascially contex tof the „funder's reuirements")- Work Programmes, Europe2020... 48 ^CEITEC Basic dimensions of IMPACT ■ Stakeholders ■ (your) scientific community (all levels of it) ■ Society you (might) live in and its institutions ■ Your funder, i.e. the aims of the grant scheme/programme ■ Time - immediate or short-term or long-term impact ■ Control / Influence ■ impact on your career is a specific impact of MSCA-IF 49 £^2><^EEITEE<^ Example of impact in MSCA-IF • 2.1 Enhancing the potential and future career prospects of the researcher Explain the expected impact of the planned research and training on the career prospects of the experienced researcher after the fellowship. Which new competences will be acquired? • Specific and clear objectives of your research training • Identify crucial benefits (skills and knowledge) of your training (= project) and put them in the contexts of what is required for excellence in your field • Impacts of the project on your career development • Any cross-sectoral mobility (academic - non-academic) 50 £^2><^EEITEE<^ Example of impact in MSCA-IF • European aspects, i.e. impacts on the Hl/yourself integration/participation in European networks, projects, initiatives (such as contribution to EuroBiolmaging, ELIXIR, and other ESFRI projects; H2020 projects; etc.) • Impact of the Hi's participation and commitment • Transferable ski I Is • Specific outreach activities (public engagement) • Identify your career perspectives - opportunities arising thanks to the MSCA-IF, employment ..landscape" 51 <£^2> CEITEC IMPACT - exploitation, dissemination • EXPLOITATION = USE, i.e. direct or indirect utilisation of knowledge in research activities or developing products/service etc... Your task is to describe how you will promote your research results to the „Lead users" This may, and often will, include the scientific communities, or research labs bringing your results to a higher TRL* (e.g. proving your concepts), or even SMEs preparing products to be marketed (e.g. diagnostic kits) • DISSEMINATION = (CREATING) AWARENESS • To achieve effective exploitation you need to properly disseminate your results • Obvious means of results dissemination include papers, conferences, workshops, brokerages, business negotiations... -again, depending on the TRL of your projects 52 *TRL - Technology Readiness Level ^CEITEC IMPACT • 2.2 Quality of the proposed measures to exploit and disseminate the action results • This section covers mainly communication within the scientific community • Still this community needs to be stratified in line with character of your results • Identify different audiences that can be addressed with your results • At first think generously - the results can be not only the direct outputs of your research, but the acquired knowledge and skills (that can be spread throughout the community) • Think about engagement of a broader team • Identify events and activities that present good opportunities to disseminate the results 53 £^2><^EEITEE<^ IMPACT • 2.3. Quality of the proposed measures to communicate the action activities to different target audiences Please make also reference to the guidelines Communicating EU research and innovation guidance for project participants as well as to the "communication" section of the H2020 Online Manual . Concrete planning for section 2.3 must be included in the Gantt Chart (see point 3.1). The following section of the European Charter for Researchers refers specifically to public engagement: Public engagement Researchers should ensure that their research activities are made known to society at large in such a way that they can be understood by non-specialists, thereby improving the public's understanding of science. Direct engagement with the public will help researchers to better understand public interest in priorities for science and technology and also the public's concerns. © Communicating EU research and innovation guidance for project participants - sent as an attachment together with this presentation. Make sure to read it! 54 ^CEITEC IMPACT - public outreach • The awareness of your research needs to be raised also BEYOND the research community • A mandatory part of all H2020 projects is communication towards the general public... • ... as the public should be aware of research being funded by the EC • ... and interest in science should be increased in youth • Dissemination at this level usually includes Open Days, lectures for public, popularization of your topic through appropriate media (e.g. interviews for papers/radio/TV, website, facebook site...) For all dissemination activity find communication channels, often specific for your research field, that are most efficient in delivering information to the right persons (Lead —users, End users, general public, etc.) <£^3> ( I— I I I— ( IMPACT - Open Access ■ Papers in Open Access mode - mandatory for papers in H2020 anyway, but worth to mention it, telling that the papers will be available in specific open sources, such as: - institutional repositories ■ ZENODO repository - supported by the EU, own webspace, both paper (including „grey" literature" and connected data ( ■ Obviously your website or other on-line resources (e.g. ResearchGate) ■ Open Data Pilot - your can make your project data accessible, defining specific polls of data (i.e. not necessarily ALL of your data, excluding sensitive data, of course...) 56 £^2><^EEITEE<^ Example: Dissemination - communication target groups Target Groups Description and content Expected impact SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS Scientific and clinical community 3 manuscripts of a scientific publication submitted to high-impacted journals, see List of deliverables, pgs. 26-27) Number of publication in high-mipacted journals, usual ones in the References (B5) Scientific and clinical community Conferences: OHMR AD-PD: IPMDS, IAPRD, NMDPD. AAIC1, 3^ pailicipants/year, 13 active participations in total (posters; invited lectures) Hundreds of researchers m the relevant scientific and clinical communities (see footnote) INTERNALLY ORGANISED DISSEMINATION ACTIVITIES (WORKSHOPS, TRAININGS) Scientific and clinical community AfSCA RISE International workshop on behavioural neurology MI": Universal and languages-specific neural networks for reading, spelling, speech production and writing; duration 1 day; USZ: neural networks for visual processing; duration 1 day Expected number of attendees al MU 60 event in USZ 30 person). 90 attendees in total; proceedings from the workshops Clinicians, students of neurology <& neuro science MU:fMRI course and workshop innovative methods of fMRI (April each year). 4 (lyear). duration 1.5 days; I'SZ: Neuroimaging Workshop on innovative methods (March 20IS), duration 1.5 days Expected number of attendees MU: 50.7-200 in total USZ: 50 participants 57 ^CEITEC Example: Dissemination - communication target groups Target Groups Description and content Expected impact Pt'BLIC ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITIES Academic, students & public MSCA Open Days Introduction of the MSCA RISE scheme and project results Every year at the MU. 40 attendees. 160 attendees in total Academic, students & public An article in university magazines; content: Information about the project, its activities, progress and results 1 article / partner, the print run of the monthly MU magazine 6,000 pes; on-line version more than 10.000 impressions Patient groups (primarily) An article in journal Parkinson Distributed to members of the Czech Parkinson Society (patients, physicians, hospitals, etc.), print run 1,300 pes. 3 times/year Academic, students & public Website of the project presenting project activities, progress and results Maintained and run by the PR Department of CEITEC MU; promoted through established channels of the partners Academic, students & public BEER Night: lectures and discussion with public in casual settings of a cafe Expected number of visitors: 40/event in total 80 Academic, European Researcher's night Expected number of visitors: 100. event; 200 in total ample of impact scheme pub Ii can ml: C anfenence: (external) LJitULQJi':-. (int ana.) Summer cchso'j: Website NewLlettE: Piess release (media ■ Researcher;" Open Days Policy boards sud; üimiLne^: Figure I6r DisseN\n\ittJon una CGn\mumcaticn ofprojecl adiieT-ettienls — measures and target groups 2.2.1 Dissewinafto-ii and e.vpf&?rari&w of res\ih* Examples - Impact Scientific: • Innovative research beyond state of the art * identify ncRNA expression patterns ■ identifcyncRNA druggable targets * Standardization of procedures • Database PAINBASE For health care providers ♦ patients: * Standardisation of clinical SOPs * Clinical training Consortium: ■ Accelerate scientific progress by complementary expertise ■ Data sharing ■ Support scientific leadership of consortium partners ' Attract and employ best qualified scientific staff Economic * Expand innovative potential and market leadership for European SME in ncRNA molecular biology Europe: ■ Increase profile of European Pain research • Improve the progress of European RTD Scientific * New ncRNA based druggable targets * new nc RNA based biomarkers for pain ■ ncRNAsin nociception • endog. analgesia * Emotional ♦ cognitive components of pain Translational impact: ■ ncRNA based pain treatment * ncRNA based clinically applicable test kits * Patient stratification ♦ risk assessment For health care providers* patients: * Improved patient stratification and mechanism-based treatment selection ■ individual risk assessment ♦ prevention measures Consortium: * Expand scientific leadership of consortium * Innovation by data mining • sharing * Efficient collaboration t new ice ;i Economic * Support European SME in ncRNA drug discovery ■ Expand SME profile into clinically applicable products_ Europe: * Increase profile of European Pain research • Improve the progress of European RTD Scientific: * Understand the biological role of ncRNAsin pain syndromes and other neurological diseases * Validate ncRNA compounds in clinics * Leadership in genetic studies in pain For hearth care providers »patients: * Guidelines for patient stratification and mechanism-based treatment selection * Individual risk assessment ♦ prevention measures * Cure patients with ncRNA based drugs Consortium: * Support junior scientists * Develop innovative Horizon2020 initiative * Promote and support global competitiveness and leadership Economic • Commercialization of kits and novel ncRNA drugs _ Europe and all over the world: * Alleviate the burden of public health by curing chronic pain * Improve quality of life Enhanced social awareness DISSEMINATION: Scientific knowledge New clinical applications and ncRNA compounds 60 ^CEITEC I 3 - Implementation 61 <£^& CEITEC Project Planning Techniques and Tools £^2><^EEITEE<^ I Work Plan 63 £^2><^EEITEE<^ Project Charter Assumptions and restrictions ; ——————— Background and motivation Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) ■ WBS is a hierarchical decomposition of the total work scope on the project ■ Developed in planning stage (based on logical framework) ■ No pre-defined number of levels (usually 3-4) ■ Responsibility for each box can be allocated to a single person ■ The lowest level - Work Package ■ Work Package is an output, not an activity 65 £^2><^EEITEE<^ Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) 66 £^2><^EEITEE<^ Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) 67 £^2><^EEITEE<^ Work packages Work package is a set of activities required to produce a major project output (i.e. a tangible result, deliverable). It is characterized by effort and time and may cover a single task or several related tasks. Work package No Work package title Type of activity WP1 Setting and activating the scene SUPP Lead participant No 1 Lead participant short name JIC effort time WP2 State-of-Play directory and SUPP analysis WP3 Mentoring and mutual learning SUPP WP4 Joint Action Plan towards SUPP integration WP5 Dissemination & Information SUPP management WP6 Project coordination and MGT assessment 5 4 2 4 1 CBM AREA MU AREA JIC 36.50 39.75 40.00 22.25 13.50 1 6 21 1 1 12 24 36 36 36 TOTAL 161.50 68 ^CEITEC Work package collaborative H2020 project Workpackage number 1 Start date or starting event Month Workpackage title Participant number Short name of participant Person/months per participant Start month End month Objectives 1. Description of work Task 1.1: Task 1.2 Deliverables: Dl.l D1.2 Milestones: Ml.l M1.2 69 £^2><^EEITEE<^ Work packages - Example Chemical and biological synthesis ^cognition jsembly, uotech ill development platform: l (~~ P2: Training activities WP3: Academic stays and secondments WP5: Joint scientific events WP6: Communication and dissemination r SMART project delivery: B WP7: Project management WP4: Research management and support 70 ^JCEITEC Work package - Example v. Research training WP1 RNA dynamics WP2 Protein-RNA interactions WP3 Novel tools Network-wide activities WP4 Training events WP5 Dissemination & Exploitation WP6 Management 71 PERT chart ■ Pert chart is a network diagrame which represents interdependencies between and among work packages WP4 - Joint Action Plan towards integration t---s QJ O ■4—' I I E re QJ £ Q TT WP3 - Mentoring and mutual learning XT A WP2 - State-of-PI ay directory and analysis WP1 - Setting and activating the scene t/J QJ t/J (T3 £Z 0 -1—1 (T3 O O U -1—1 o QJ 0_ CO 72 £^2><^EEITEE<^ Another example of a PERT chart WPl: Project Coordination & Innovation Management Phase I 'Ideas collections & Generation Phase II Ideas realisation CD CD (_> CO CD CUD CD CO CD CD to _Q O Phase III Ideas Implementation, -J WP3: Enhance Innovation and Capacity in Materials and Systems _ WP4: Mentoringand Mutua > Learning in Smart Analytics, Modelling Practices & Statistical Tools . WP5: Strengthening Integration *bf Biosensing Strategies & Technology Innovation Phase IV Ideas Diffusion & Exploitation WP7: Dissemination, Exploitation & Communicat ion | 73 Deliverable ■ Deliverable is a tangible or intangible result of the project to be delivered and accepted by the customer / grant provider ■ Deliverable differs from milestone: milestone is a measurement of progress towards an output whereas the deliverable is the result of the process ■ Examples: report, document, server upgrade, functional design, prototype, web portal, knowledge base, publication, business plan, kick-off meeting minutes... 74 £^2><^EEITEE<^ Example: List of Deliverables Deliverable (number) Deliverable name Work p ackage number Short name of lead p articip ant Type Dissemination level Delivery date Dl.l Mid-term report on expert visits 1 CEITEC R PU M18 D1.2 Final report on expert visits 1 CEITEC R PU M36 D2.1 Training plan 2 UJF R PU M6 D2.2 Career development plans of jointly supervised PhD students 2 UJF R CO M9 D2.3 Mid-term training report 2 UJF R PU M18 D2.4 Final training report 2 UJF R PU M36 D3.1 Secondment plan 3 UEA R PU M6 D3.2 Mid-term secondment report 3 UEA R PU M18 D3.3 Final secondment report 3 UEA R PU M36 D4.1 Management knowledge transfer report 4 CEITEC R PU M21 D5.1 Annual report on strategic events Year 1 5 CEITEC R PU M12 D5.2 Annual report on strategic events Year 2 5 CEITEC R PU M24 D5.3 Annual report on strategic events Year 3 5 CEITEC R PU M36 D6.1 Communication, dissemination, andexploitationplan 6 UNI VIE R PU M6 D6.2 Mid-term communication, dissemination, and exploitation report 6 UNI VIE R PU M18 D6.3 Final communication, dissemination, and exploitation report 6 UNI VIE R PU M36 D7.1 List of CEITEC MU publications for the last 3 years 7 CEITEC R PU M3 D7.2 Periodic report 7 CEITEC R PU M18 D7.3 Final report 7 CEITEC R PU M36 W R: Document, report; DEC: Websites, patents filing, market studies, press & media actions, videos, etc.; OTHER: Software, technical diagram, etc. PU = Public, fully open, e.g. web; CO = Confidential, restricted under conditions set out in Model Grant Agreement; CI = Classified, information as referred to in Commission Decision 2001/844/EC 75 £^2><^EEITEE<^ Milestone ■ Milestone is a measurement of progress towards an output. It is a decision point and control gate within the work plan ■ Milestones are decisions influencing further progress of the project List of Milestones Milestone Milestone name Related work Estimated Means of verification number package(s) date Ml.l Project started WP1 Ml Kick-off Meeting M1.2 Project running on schedule WP1 M18 Mid-Review Meeting KPI Mid-Review M2.1 TWINFUSYON Website operational WP2 M3 Website running M2.2 Collaborative platform and open network scheme establishment WP2 M18 Database of organisations, industry, stakeholders with 500 inputs M3.1 Schools/Workshops scheme on materials innovation running WP3 M18 Event executed/ Statistic on participation available M3.2 YOUNG research group running WP3 M24 Group of at least 3 people with 2 submitted papers running M4.1 Access to CEITEC core facilities enabled WP4 M18 At least 3 applications activated through consortium M4.2 Evaluation/Revision and implementation of best practices on analytics & modelling WP4 24 Number of trainings executed and papers published/submitted on related subject M5.1 Efficiency of secondments plan WP5 M24 2/3 of secondments executed M5.2 Decision on Materials/Technology Priorities and Strategies for Technology Implementation WP5 M29 Good practices in optronic biosensing recommendations towards exploitation formulated M6.1 Schools action plan running WP6 13 lst/2nd Schools executed/ Statistic on participation available M6.2 Mobility program running smoothly WP6 18 A number of mobility actions executed and statistic on participation available M6.3 Educational instruments working WP6 15 e-Library and e-Lab running 500 access executed M6.4 Schools program towards effective completition WP6 M30 3rd-4m School executed/ Statistic on participation available M7.1 Evaluation/Analysis of the stakeholder initiatives/groups networking with TWINFUSYON WP7 12 50-100 stakeholder contacts and data included in database ofWP2 M7.2 Evaluation/revision of dissemination/communication plan WP7 18 Planned dissemination/communication events executed according to quantification criteria at pgs XXX 77 £^2>CZEEITEECZ Template and example: List of Milestones Table 3,2a: List of milestones Milestone number Milestone unine Related work package^) Estimated date1 Means of verification2 1 Measured La exqil&s. from the project Etartdate- (month 1] * Snow how you wil confina thai tbe rnileEtone has been attained. Refer to indicators- if appropriate. For example: a laboratory prototype (tat is 'np and runnLnE;\ software released and validated by a user group' field survey complete and data qualify validated. B l.J 7 list of milestones and phnninF of rtxiem List iiud schedule of miles tone > □0. MO^toue Dame WP5 EC- .. Lud beuJkurr Drfii ery d.irt from_4jua*i 11 Ml.l SvnBIOsis collaborative regional executive platform and open network scheme established WP1 JIC 4 M2.1 Analytical framework drafted WP2 JIC 5 M2.2 RID directory created WP2 CBM M2.3 SWOT including needs and complementarities identified, analyzed, compared and verified wfi CBM 11 M3.1 Personal links between academia and industry established WP3 MU 15 M3.2 Exchange of personnel and study visits between acadenria and industry perfbnned WP3 CBM 20 M3.3 Good practice reconmiendations towards integration on a trans-regional level formulated and verified WP3 AREA 24 Month in wMdi tbe milestone will be achieved. Mündt 1 ™rinng tbe start dale of tbe project, and all delivery dales being relative to tins start date. 78 Milestones - example Milestone Milestone name WP Means of verification number month MS1.1 Research groups identified 1 M3 List of research groups and lacking expertise authorized by the Steering Committee MS 1.2 Research group leaders identified 1 M9 Ranking list authorized by the Steering Committee MS2.1 Jointly supervised/co-supervised PhD positions advertised 2 M9 PhD themes published on partner websites MS3.1 Key application partners identified 3 M6 Three proposed strategic partners per research theme listed, list authorized by the Steering Committee MS3.2 Phase 2 incorporated in regional S3 action plan 3 M12 Steering Committee informed by RIS JMK Research Working Group 79 ^CEITEC GANTT Chart - tasks and milestones ■ Gantt chart is a graphical presentation of Project schedule. It describes timing of tasks and milestones. Months |1 |2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9 |10 |l 1 |12 |13 |14 |15 |16 |17 |18 |19 |20 |21 |22 |23 |24 |25 |26 |27 |28 |29 |30 |31 |32 |33 |34 |35 |36 |37 |38 |39 |40 J41 |42 |43 |44 |45 |46 |47 |48 T1.1 D T1.3 V_y D T2.1 D T2.2. D T2.3 D T2.4 D T3.1 ^-^ D T3.2 D T3.3 D WP4 T4.1 ^ D T4.2 T4.3 ( M4J D T4.4 ^-^ D T4.5 D WP5 ■■■■ T5.1 D T5.2 T6.1 D T6.2 T6.3 S W D D W S T7.1 D T7.2 C C C D D C C C C C 80 £^2><^EEITEE<^ Gantt chart WP #quarters months WP1 Task 1 1 18 Task 1 2 12 Task 1 3 18 WP2 Task 2 1 18 Task 2 2 18 Task 2 3 24 Task 2 4 15 WP3 Task 3 1 12 Task 3 2 24 Task 3 3 24 Task 3 4 15 WP4 Task 4 1 24 Task 4 2 24 Task 4 3 15 WP5 Task 5 1 1 Task 5 2 6 Task 5 3 6 Task 5 4 12 Project: miRNAIn Cli year 1 year 2 year 3 4 5 6 7 on i 10 11 12 1 5 7 3 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 7 s 9 10 11 12 specific aim 1 miR-iSG functi riBCR specific aim 2 screening of miRNAs (OCR and ad lesion) specific aim 3 i-i k ];.:;: 1-, prognosis prognostic sigr . Iii anci j of mill manuscript writing 1 1 GANTT Chart - examples 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 RESEARCH ACTIVITY Task 1.1: SRL Taks 1.2: G-NDA Taksl.3: B-DNA Taks 1.4: Kink-turn Task 2.1: xopt development Task 2.1 restraint optimizations Task 3.1 benchmark small Task 3.2 benchmark large Task 4.1: carrer development Task 5.1: website Task 5.2: outreach YEAR 12 3 Aim 1. Structure dt-termination uf LRV RdRp Large scale LRV RdRP production Determination of RdRP crystallization conditions RdRP X-ray data collection and structure determination Determination of the structure of RdRP in complex with inhibitors Aim 2. Structural analysis of Lclshmania cells under phagosome conditions Preparation of LRV+ and LRV- Leislimania cells Optimization ofFIMB protocols for preparation of thin cells of Leislimania cells Cryo-EM of LRV virions in phagosome conditions Calculation of LRV virion particle reconstruction Cryo-ET of LRV-1 in phagosome conditions Aim 3. Structural insights into the dsRNArelease from the I.RV Large scale LRV-1 production Optimization of protocols for vitrification of LRV on Cryo-EM grids Cryo-EM data acquisition and 3D particle reconstruction and analysis Cryo-ET data acquisition and 3D particle reconstruction and analysis I calculations ■ writing ■ programming Bother 82 c^CEITEC Gantt Chart Example Months 123455730 101112131415161713^2021 22232*2=2*272829303132333+3536 WP1 Visiting experts ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■HHPIIIIHHHUHIIIHHIH^ T1.1 Invited speakers and lecturer "^If T1.2 Invited rrembers of PhD committees WP2 Training activities _A_ D T2.' I"te-disciplinary and scrt skill cevelcorrem plat-orm T2.2 Ja-ht supervision of PhD students WP3 Academic stays and secondments T3.1 Short-term secondments T3.2 Mid-term secondments WP4 Research management and support T4.' Pre ect nranageTientl'grant office staff exchange T4.2 Good practice in research management workshop ■ ■■■■ T5.1 Workshops and con'e'ences H n w C 1 T5.2 Summer schools s WP6 Communication and dissemination ■ ■■■ T6.1 BISON website > T6.2 Newsletter ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ T6.3 Attendance to scientific conferences T6.4 Communication towards the wider public T7.1 Project governance nreetings K E T E T = T7.2 Progress reporting it i T7.3 Monitoring the improvement brought by Twinning D-deliverable: W-weekshop; C -LQnämce: 5-Emmie idiooLK-to±<>fiu}&ruj£-. E-E^ecutaeBeard caestEs: T- friwirfc "iieer-LZ 2oaLniijnefi ce«tiE£ ■^Jf" - crilesiöDe 83 Project management Time management principles How we think projects evolves... Whatthe reality demonstrates 85 ^CEITEC Scheduling What do you manage? ■ You DO NOT manage time ■ You DO manage your commitments How to manage your commitments? ■ Have list of tasks / activities ■ Have list of deliverables ■ Have list of milestones ■ Have risks analysed ■ Sequence activities considering logical relationships among them ■ Estimate activities duration and add risk . reserves Planning - HR Management Plan Roles and responsibilities ■ Role ■ Authority ■ Responsibility ■ Competency Human Resource Plan ■ Project organization chart ■ RACI matrix PM WP Leader I WP Leader Task Leader Work package Brno team Prague team Vienna team Sample preparation Sample analyses A R c Conference organization 1 1 A,R ^| R - responsible A - accountable C - consulted I - informed Example EL rOpHrt C*rYWnliil«V fl*wi rch Extents Agency I hie-mai ional Advlwry <—> Cwwdlnrter Vladimir SkleniC 1MU) Network AdniiniiirofiMi I I Trnlnlnilt**nn£ <^EEITEE<^ Budget 91 <£^2> CEITEC Preliminary issues to be considered ELIGIBILITY - Are you eligible? Make sure your research can be funded by the funder in the extent you expect ■ Funder can be supporting only: ■ Certain kinds of research (basic, applied, ...) ■ ... or fields of sciences ■ ... or defined target groups (experienced researchers, woman, (new) EU-member countries researchers,...) ■ Specified types of organizations (SMEs, NGOs,...) APPROPRIATENESS ■ Is your research in line with funder's intention? ■ Are the expected impacts of your research of any interest to the funder? 92 ^CZEI-TEECZ Practical issues to be considered RESEARCH COSTS (RC) - the costs you need to implement your project ■ Are your estimated research costs (RC) within what the funder can provide? ■ What is the structure of your RC? ■ Are all of the RC categories eligible fundable/eligible for funding? ■ Do you need to budget indirect costs (overheads) and if so, are these eligible costs? ■ Are there any other limitations regarding eligibility of the RC? 93 £^2>CZEEITEECZ Planning the budget Direct x Indirect costs - Direct costs are specific costs directly linked to the performance of the project and which can therefore be directly booked to it (= accountancy) • Any cost declared by a beneficiary as a direct cost of the action must be justified by supporting evidence (showing the link to the action) CONFUSED? Just remember the direct costs are the money you need to budget to cover your research activities. 94 £^2>czeiteecz Planning the budget ■ Indirect costs are costs not identifiable as specific costs directly linked to the performance of the project ■ In practice, they are costs whose attribution to the specific project / action cannot be or has not been measured directly, but only by means of cost drivers or a proxy, which apportion the total indirect costs (overheads) among the different activities (~~) CONFUSED? Just remember the indirect costs are the costs related to ..utility bills" of your institution are a percentage of the direct cost 95 £^2>CZEEITEECZ Planning the budget COMMON BUDGET CATEGORIES ■ Personnel COStS - often a major part of the budget - Non-personnel cost ■ Equipment, facilities ■ Services ■ Travelling costs ■ Other direct cost ■ Materials, consumables ■ Special categories such as inflation allowance or contingency reserve 96 Planning the budget PERSONNEL COSTS ■ Personnel costs = costs of the work on the projects ■ You must figure out WHO you need to achieve your research objectives - composition of your team ■ You must make a good estimate of how much effort you need to complete research activities (and defined tasks and work packages) ■ You should calculate the effort as FTEs (full-time equivalents) or person-months 97 ^CZEI-TEECZ Planning the budget PERSONNEL COSTS AN EXAMPLE: ■ Working on a project ALL the time means working full-time = 1 FTE = 12 PMs/year ■ Then you need to match the effort with the team positions 98 ££2><^EEITEE(= Planning the budget PERSONNEL COSTS ■ Different pay rates for different positions ■ The ranges of pay rates usually defined and there is a salary cap ■ Multiply the number of PMs for individual positions with the pay rates for the positions and make a sum of it = personnel budget fCONFUSED? Consults your CEITEC dedicated project manager and Personal Deparment 99 £^2>CZEITEECZ Budget - tips ■ Make it realistic (this helps your credibility) ■ Justify the personnel and their time incl. experts and subcontracting to be paid (services) ■ Justify your time, justify everything. Be not too modest, count with reserves (EUR/CZ exchange rates... ■ Consider risks, such as changes in prices in time ■ Don't be afraid of giving details - the budget is indicative. It cannot be increased, but costs can be shifted during negotiation. Big budget is nothing wrong if properly justified. Budget - another example A Slovakian researcher from Masaryk university applies for a collaborative project with US laboratory for 2 years. His project team consists of himself (FTE 0.2) and 2 PhD students (FTE 0.5 each). One student will visit US laboratory during 1 st year and the other one in 2nd year, each for 3 weeks. They plan to use MRI Core Facility for 150hours of imaging (1 h/74EUR). They do not need major investments into equipment, apart from two computers (2 x 1481 EUR) and one SW licence (2222 EUR). Costs of US partner are eligible and both institutions will sign an grant agreement with provider. They will disseminate results in 2 joint publications and on 2 international conferences and a one-day workshop at the MU (attendance expected: 50 persons). Project allows 20% indirect costs. 101 £^2><^EEITEE<^ . Running the Project on Day-to-Day I Basis - Monitoring, reporting and I control, Project closing 102 £^2>CZEEITEECZ Day-to-day project management ■ Implementing ■ Monitoring and controlling the progress ■ Reporting ■ Change management ■ Communication © 103 ^ŽCEITEC Implementing ■ During project implementation refer to ■ Scope - Work plan ■ Time schedule - Gantt chart ■ Resources ■ Budget ■ Intermediate outcomes - Deliverables, Milestones ■ Risks ■ Team (roles and responsibilities) Monitoring ■ Regular collection and analyses of relevant information about the project implementation ■ Comparison actual vs. planned performance ■ Well structured projects are easier to monitor Key questions for monitoring: 1. Do I have enough and appropriate c=p , • Start and end dates for each activity • Dates when milestones are reached 3. Scope - quality of achieved progress resources? 2. Am I running in time on schedule? 105 Reporting ■ Effective analysis of the project (Progress Report or Final Report) which usually includes: o Financial and scientific part o Objectives that have been achieved, work completed during the period, evaluation of progress, changes requested and approved o Future plan, key steps and dates ■ Include illustrations, charts and tables ■ Hand your report on time Timesheets Record of the amount of a researcher's time spent on the project Tiuieslieet Employee (full name): Marie Koblizkova Position: PhD Empoyer: Masaryk University Full title of tie project: Next Generation Sequencing for platform for targeted Personalized Therapy of Leukemia (NGS-PTL) Project contract number: 306242 Supervisor: prof. RNDr. Jan Slany, Ph.D. Month/years: Type of activity: Hours/month: Description of work: \VP3 - Creation of a biological bio bank 120 Collection of samples of periferal blood and bone marrow, preparation of list of inclusion criteria Total hours: 120 Information related to time spent on the project {hours): Hours worked: 120 Holidays: 16 Illness: Bank holiday: U Paid rime off: 0 Total: 144 Date and signature of person carrying out work: 23.3.2015 Date and signature of supervisor: 24.4.2015 Change management CHANGE Change is possible if: 1) you justify the reasons - outline benefits 2) it is well communicated - good communication is important in overcoming resistance to change 3) you ask for it in time - do not imply the change until the funder approves it. Plan ahead, change approval may take even weeks. ■ Minor change - e.g. duration of one activity, minor financial changes ■ Major change - e.g. project aim, duration of project, big shifts in cost categories etc. Communication ■ Good communication is essential to wellbeing of any project ■ Personal communication ■ E-mails ■ Publications ■ Website ■ Presentations ■ Project meetings ■ Communication plan - clearly assign key roles, responsibilities, their importance and preferred way of communication Communication - common failings ■ Unwillingness to communicate bad news ■ Not asking for help when it's needed ■ Poor communication channels ■ Lack of honest communication 110 Closing a project ■ A process of finalizing all activities across the project and to formally complete the project or phase. ■ Review all information (especially deliverables) to make sure that work is completed and objectives have been met ■ Actions to transfer project outcomes to next phase ■ Collect records, audit of success or failures, gather lessons learned and archive project information ■ Give recognition and reward to the team 111 £^2><^EEITEE<^ Sources of information - Jan Doležal, Pavel Máchal, Branislav Lacko a kol. - Projektový management podle IPMA, 2. aktualizované a doplněné vydání - Roland Gareis: Happy Projects - Orr Alan: Advanced project management, ■ Rita Mulcahy, PMP, et al. - PMP® Exam Preparation, 8th edition - Patzak G&Rattay G (2004): Projektmanagement - 4. Auflage Linde Verlag Wien - Verzuh Eric (1999): The fast forward MBA in project management - John Wiley&Sons Inc. - Young Trevor (2004): The handbook of project management - Terri Morrison, Wayne Barker Stephen, Cole Rob (2009): Projektový management pro praxi; Co nejlepší projektoví manažeři vědí, říkají a dělají 112 ^CEITEC Středoevropský technologický institut BRNO I ČESKÁ REPUBLIKA Thank you for your attention ^^^^^ A EVROPSKÁ UNIE EVROPSKÝ FOND PRO REGIONÁLNÍ ROZVOJ INVESTICE DO VAŠÍ BUDOUCNOSTI OP Výzkum a vývoj pro inovace