Best Practices in Scientific Publishing Michal Petr & Monika Sieberová Masaryk University, Research Office Centre for Scientometric Support March 9, 2018 PREFEKT MUNI Outline Best practices in scientific publishing – Michal Petr Predatory publishers and journals – Monika Sieberová Self-marketing – Monika Sieberová PREFEKT | MUNI PREFEKT | MUNI A few thoughts as an Introduction Scholarly publication – a phenomenon Research integrity – individual and institutional Ethical conduct – a requirement Reasons for unethical/pragmatic behaviour - “Publish or perish” game - Research evaluation – unwanted researchers intentions - Promotion and career boost - Scientific glory (?) PREFEKT | MUNI Examples of scientific misconduct in publications Falsification of data. Piracy and plagiarism. Authorship issues (gifting authorship, omitting authors, …). Pragmatic publishing strategies primarily not used to spread scientific knowledge but to artificially reinforce personal interests. Citation manipulation. Accepting poor quality peer review procedures (reduces the credibility of the scientific publishing system). PREFEKT | MUNI PREFEKT | MUNI Best Practices in Scientific Publishing PREFEKT | MUNI Resources Academic and Professional Employee Code of Ethics Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). How to handle authorship disputes: a guide for new researchers. 2003. Available at: - 12000 members International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Defining the Role of Authors and Contributors. Available at: Scott-Lichter, D and the Editorial Policy Committee, Council of Science Editors. CSE’s White Paper on Promoting Integrity in Scientific Journal Publications, 2012 Update. 3rd Revised Edition. Wheat Ridge, CO: 2012. Available at: International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals: Ethical Considerations in the Conduct and Reporting of Research: Authorship and Contributorship. Available at: PREFEKT | MUNI Best practices in publishing – basic principles Issued in guidelines by all high-quality publishers. Authors should - publish research results in a clear and honest manner, avoid data manipulation or falsification; - avoid plagiarism; - be responsible for the published text; - ensure that authorship of all authors reflects the extent of an individual's contribution to the published work. Maximum transparency in scientific publishing - internal review process or consulted with external experts (e.g. via ResearchGate) PREFEKT | MUNI Authorship PREFEKT | MUNI Authorship criteria – Who is an author? ICMJE (medicine): Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND Final approval of the version to be published; AND Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved. NIH: significant contribution to the conceptualization, design, execution, and/or interpretation of the research study, as well as on the drafting or substantively reviewing or revising the research article, and a willingness to assure responsibility for the study. COPE PREFEKT | MUNI Authorship – Who is not an author? Those who do not meet all four criteria  Persons who have not contributed significantly to the scientific content of a work should be acknowledged, i.e. not included in the list of authors. People who secure - funding, routine technical assistance (not requiring highly specialized expertise, data processing using routine software), administration; - data collection not requiring scientific expertise; - routine work tasks or minor assistance which does not have a significant impact on the scientific content of the publication (i.e. contributorship). PREFEKT | MUNI Authorship concepts – Acknowledgments Do not exclude persons who contributed to the study, but who weren´t qualified for authorship people providing advice, research space (lab), obtaining financial support, technical works, administrative support, professional writers, proofreading… Put their names in Acknowledgment section and specify their contribution („Clinical Investigators“, „scientific advisors“, „collected data“, …) PREFEKT | MUNI Group authorship OR PREFEKT | MUNI Group authorship Contributors don´t lose the authors credit, but it is impossible to search them via database search. PREFEKT | MUNI Authorship concepts – claiming contributions Authors are expected to designate their role within the group (e.g., principal investigator, coinvestigator, statistician, contributing author) PREFEKT | MUNI Authorship abuses Guest, gift or honorary authorship (leads to artificially increased publication performance) - based on an expectation that a particular name will improve the chances the study will be published; - abuse of position of authority (senior scientist, department head, supervisor, etc.); - reciprocally gifted in exchange. Ghost authorship, omitted authors - participate in the research, writing of a manuscript but are not named or listed; - employees of pharmaceutical companies, industrial partners, professional copywriters; - students. PREFEKT | MUNI Authorship abuses – a case of Emily Welkins Fictitious researcher, false affiliation A good joke of Wadim Strielkowski? Maybe… But also Money obtained from the state budget Individual financial rewards Authorship abuse PREFEKT | MUNI PREFEKT | MUNI Authorship – Order of authors Reflects local customs and habits typical for particular field. Should be a joint decision of the co-authors. Ideally, make these decisions prior to write up the manuscript. Common expectations and frequent practices in most fields: - The order of authors should reflect the general extent of their contribution to the text of the publication. - The author who contributed most to achieving the published results should be listed first (rarely last). - The corresponding author is usually listed either first or last. - Senior team member who contributed expertise and guidance is usually listed last. PREFEKT | MUNI Authorship – Affiliations Provides consistent linkage of the author(s) and the institution Affiliations must reflect the actual contributions of institutions to achieved research results Always provide a full affiliation (unit, faculty, institution, address): YES Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Kotlarska 2, Brno. NO Department of Pathological Physiology, Brno, Czech Republic. (how to identify the Faculty of Medicine?) Use correct and standardized unit names and addresses (full and truncated): Department of Archaeology and Museology, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Arna Nováka 1, Brno. Dept Archaeol & Museol, Fac Arts, Masaryk Univ, Brno. PREFEKT | MUNI Authorship – Affiliations Shared affiliations must be listed as separate addresses YES John Smith1, 2 1institution 1 2institution 2 NO John Smith1 1Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and Faculty of Science of Masaryk University, Brno PREFEKT | MUNI Unethical or undesirable publication strategies Increasing the number of publications - Overproduction of relatively brief texts of relatively low quality (easy publishing) - „salami slicing“ – purposeful division of a single article into several articles Increasing the number of responses (citation manipulation) - self-citations; - citations demanded by superiors to their works; - citation circles (both on the side of the journal and author) - in a peer review proces: citations requested by reviewers or editors to their articles - editors write editorials in which articles from their own journal are cited. - … PREFEKT | MUNI Publication strategies – wanted and unwanted Performance-Based Research Funding System in the CR until 2016 Boost in # publications WoS coverage Pragmatic strategies Easy publishing incl. local and predatory journals Indicator-based thinking Changes in publication patterns PREFEKT | MUNI Change of collective behaviour Australian researchers presumably changed their publication behaviour in the early 1990s in response to a new national funding model, partly based on productivity measures undifferentiated by any measure of ‘quality’. … publication output increased considerably, with the highest relative increases in lower-impact journals. For a consecutive number of years, this behaviour seemingly led to a general drop in overall citation impact. …The experience from Australia has been perceived as a warning of what would likely happen if funding were linked to publication activity. Jesper W. Schneider, Kaare Aagaard, Carter W. Bloch; What happens when national research funding is linked to differentiated publication counts? A comparison of the Australian and Norwegian publication-based funding models, Research Evaluation, 2016, 25(3), 244–256, PREFEKT | MUNI 'We are transforming our university into a place where talent once again feels valued and nurtured’ Ghent University is deliberately choosing to step out of the rat race between individuals, departments and universities. We no longer wish to participate in the ranking of people. PREFEKT | MUNI Best Practices Who is an „author“? Make a prior decision. Affiliate your institution correctly. Responsible and comprehensive information about publications. NO! plagiarism! NO! artificially increase the number of responses to yourselve's work NO! predatory journals and conferences! Best Practices in Scientific Publishing (Muni recommendation) PREFEKT | MUNI Predatory journals PREFEKT | MUNI PREFEKT | MUNI Predatory journals What is a „predatory journal“ How to recognize them Predatory conferences / monographs’ publishers Recommendation for authors Useful links PREFEKT | MUNI What is a „predatory journal“ „Online journals which actively solicit manuscripts and charge publications fees without providing robust peer review and editorial services with the main goal of making a profit.“ Jeffrey Beall (librarian, University of Colorado) • the list of predatory journals / publishers / hijacked journals PREFEKT | MUNI How to recognize them – salient features of potential predatory journals (1) • E-mail spam – invitations to publish in a journal, to participate at various questionable conferences, invitations to questionable or fictitious boards of editors. • The journal's scope of interest includes unrelated subjects alongside legitimate topics. • The journal doesn’t have an editorial board or the individual members cannot be verified on their home institution. Bringing well-known scientist into editorial board without their awareness. • Website contains spelling and grammar errors. • Hijacking journals / conferences. PREFEKT | MUNI How to recognize them - salient features of potential predatory journals (2) • Advertising a Journal Impact Factor / ISSN but doesn’t have one. • Misleading metrics - The Index Copernicus, Global Impact Factor, General Impact Factor, Eurasian Scientific Journal Index • False identifiers of scientific papers (SOI, UOI) • Non-existing or merely fictitious peer review process; insufficiently described peer review process; Rapid publication is promoted, and promised (2 day or a week). • There is no article retraction policy. • The APC (article processing charge) is very low (e.g., <$150) • Contact email address is non-professional and non-journal/publisher affiliated (e.g.,, or, no official post address (usually only P.O.BOX). PREFEKT | MUNI How they find you • Trawl conference proceedings • Monitor thesis submissions in institutional repositories • Monitor other open access publications • Often target research students and early career researcher PREFEKT | MUNI Predatory conferences / monographs • Not only journals but also conferences and monographs’ publishers can be predatory • Similar signs as journals (editorial boards, non-transparent information, spam, etc.) • Predatory conferences – e.g. WASET / World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology), or „seaside“ conferences • Predatory monographs publisher (e.g. Lambert Academic Publishing) PREFEKT | MUNI PREFEKT | MUNI PREDATORY JOURNAL PREFEKT | MUNI Experimental & Clinical Cardiology (sold in 2013) ̶ a once well-respected journal, now is publishing anything that comes with a payment of $1,200 Oncotarget (on JCR 2016 with assigned IF) ̶ Questionable journal ̶ Removed from MEDLINE ̶ Publishing retracted articles, high percentage of self-citations ̶ Even listed as "Rising Star from Essential Science Indicators“ by Clarivate Analytics in 2016 Tumor Biology (retracted from JCR in 2017) - Low quality peer review - High percentage of self-citations PREFEKT | MUNI Corrupted journals PREFEKT | MUNI Recommendation for authors • Use your common sense and when selecting your publication media, benefit from the experience of your colleagues, scholarly communities, and – if something seems suspicious, be most cautious (RED FLAGS) • Read carefully the information about the peer review procedure • Use open channels, optimally journals indexed in WoS and SCOPUS or registered in ERIHplus, check DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals). • Do not respond to any unsolicited e-mails inviting you to publish (in particular review-type articles) in their journal (of which you have not heard and know nothing about). • If you have any doubts about a certain publisher/journal, always try to search (for example on the Internet) whether the journal does not display any of the signs of predatory publishers/journals, as listed above. • If possible, avoid publishing in journals (publisher’s houses) included in the Beall’s list as predatory journals. There is definitely always an alternative… • In case of any queries, contact your librarian or Research Support Office. PREFEKT | MUNI Useful links - Journal Evaluation Tool Cabell (paid service) – the journal white & black list PREFEKT | MUNI Researcher visibility PREFEKT | MUNI Researchers visibility To make your research and teaching activities known To increase the chance of publications getting cited To increase the chance of funding To increase the chance of new contacts for research cooperation To correct attribution, names and affiliations To make sure that a much as possible is counted in research assessment To serve society better PREFEKT | MUNI Identifiers • Reseacher ID • ORCID • SCOPUS ID Social networks • ResearchGate • • Other such as Mendeley • etc… PREFEKT | MUNI Names are messy PREFEKT | MUNI PREFEKT | MUNI Problem … PREFEKT | MUNI ̶ Affiliation changes and errors, missing affiliation ̶ Common mistakes Challenge for database providers – they know about this issues. Source: W. Glänzel, 2015 Identifiers used specifically by the database • SCOPUS ID Personal identifiers ResearcherID, ORCID • Author´s responsibility … and the solution Common goal: be identified in a simple, unambiguous and persistent way PREFEKT | MUNI Possibilities of scientific (self)presentation Author’s identifiers– ORCID, ResearcherID Social networks PREFEKT | MUNI Persistent digital identifiers of the author Easy access to (complete) results of your work Linking the scientist with his/her work across the databases and employment conditions Unique identification in the jungle of the same names Easily track basic bibliometric metrics Universal identifier (so far) does not exist - the attempt to link existing ones PREFEKT | MUNI ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) Profile with persistent digital identifier (includes employer, grants, publications, etc.) Connection between databases, publications and other identifiers by your ORCID (ResearcherID, Scopus ID, ANDS, CrossRef, Metadata Search, Europe PubMed Central) Integration in manuscript and grant submission, supports automated linkages between you and your professional activities ensuring that your work is recognized It is required by some publishers and grant providers (Wellcome Trust), newly by GACR PREFEKT | MUNI PREFEKT | MUNI Persistent digital identifiers of the author • profile developed by Clarivate (Thomson Reuters) • feedback to Web of Science for grouping author name variants or corrections to affiliations • basic bibliometric functions PREFEKT | MUNI PREFEKT | MUNI PREFEKT | MUNI Possibilities of scientific (self)presentation Author’s identifiers– ORCID, ResearcherID Social networks PREFEKT | MUNI Research Gate and and ̶ Researcher community organized around selected topics ̶ Sharing full texts (indexed by Google Scholar), open access principles ̶ Social functions (following researchers, comments to paper drafts, questions around topics) ̶ Job offers ̶ Source for alternative metrics (# downloads, # views, …) ̶ You see the content without logging in ̶ Google Scholar, LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Skype, ... PREFEKT | MUNI PREFEKT | MUNI Google Scholar Bibliographical tool for scholarly publications. Specific search heuristics for scholarly publications Problem: metadata control Advantage: Besides papers, it includes books, reports and other. By creating an account you specify, which publications in Google search are yours. Basic citation metrics Useful tool: Publish or Perish v.6 PREFEKT | MUNI PREFEKT | MUNI PREFEKT | MUNI Your personal self-marketing Do you have ORCID? Do you have a profile on Google Scholar Citations? Do you use reference management software as Mendeley, End-Note, Zotero, Citavi, etc.? Do you use professional social networks as ResearchGate, Cite U Like,, etc.? Edit your publications on-line. Use the repositories to save drafts and full texts. Write "press releases" about your new research, article, grant. Ad a link to your recent article in the email signature. Share information about your research online: : Twitter, Mendeley, Facebook, LinkedIn, blogs, websites, etc. PREFEKT | MUNI PREFEKT | MUNI Thank you for your attention! Michal Petr Monika Sieberová Research Office Masarykova univerzita Žerotínovo náměstí 9, 601 77 Brno