你好 张原斌 Yuan-Pin Chang, week 1 自我介绍  Who are you?  Why do you want to learn Chinese? Chinese for Absolute Beginners I Beginners?  pinyin  Four Tones  你好 课本 https://pse.is/77e4g2 Learning Materials 你好 你好 你好 More normal 您好 您好 More formal Types of Characters and Phonetic Symbols Character Simplified Chinese Traditional Chinese phonetic Pinyin Zhuyin 请问 請問 qǐng wèn Character Simplified Chinese Traditional Chinese phonetic Pinyin Zhuyin 请问 請問 qǐng wèn Simplified Chinese, for use in China Traditional Chinese, for use in Hong Kong, Taiwan Character Simplified Chinese Traditional Chinese phonetic Pinyin Zhuyin 四声 Chinese tones 您好 您好 四声 四声 The four tones Mother Cannabis Horse Curse (question particle) 您好您好 Only Character pin yin zhu yin 四声 四声 The four tones 一󠇢 声 二 声 三 声 四 声 1 2 3 4 人 好 是 我 他 Pinyin list https://chinese.yabla.com/chinese-pinyin-chart.php Pinyin Practice https://pinyinpractice.com/ Děkuju? Děkuju? X 德 X X moral character of a person 你、我、他 你、我、他 Sentence Sentence Subject (主语, zhǔyǔ) Predicate (谓语, wèiyǔ) • The topic of the sentence; who or what the sentence is about. • Usually a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase. • Appears at the beginning of the sentence. • Describes the subject’s action or state. • Usually a verb phrase or an adjective phrase. • Follows the subject. Sentence Subject (主语, zhǔyǔ) Predicate (谓语, wèiyǔ) • The topic of the sentence; who or what the sentence is about. • Usually a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase. • Describes the subject’s action or state. • Usually a verb phrase or an adjective phrase. Subject (S.) 你(nǐ)/我(wǒ)/他(tā) Verb (V.) 是(shì) am / is / are S-V-O S V O 你 我 他 这󠇡 那 是 … … THE END THANKS