Let's Learn Mandarin Mfc Textbook Let's Learn Mandarin Textbook- Foreword The Huayu (Mandarin) fever is an emerging phenomenon in current international society. The demand for learning and the number of learners are increasing all the time all over the world. Overseas compatriot schools have long been involved in Mandarin teaching and, abreast of the burgeoning demand for learning Mandarin, have begun to develop in the direction of aligning with the mainstream. To promote overseas Mandarin learning and respond to changes in global Mandarin teaching trends and changes in the Mandarin learning environment, the Overseas Community Affairs Council (OCAC) assembled a professional writing team and developed language teaching materials suitable for adults in all walks of life, following the foreign language teaching concept developed by integrated Mandarin teaching professionals of the National Academy for Education Research. It is hoped that through the learning of natural dialogue and vocabulary needed in daily life, their foundation of Mandarin will be consolidated to prepare for advanced study of Mandarin in future. The OCAC has tirelessly promoted overseas compatriot education and Mandarin learning for many years. It is hoped that this textbook will not only raise the level and depth of Mandarin teaching but also expand the market and showcase the excellent, diverse, and rich characteristics of Taiwan's traditional characters. Overseas Community Affairs Council (OCAC) in Editor's Note 3. aaftf^ft^l'JtW r4;^£SfXffcÄ&ß- (TBCL) j PinjSLU 1. : + # « 1-1 ^Mr 223 if»1t ■ 34 f$t£ * - 1-2 : ##t£^ ' Uij8?^i - #fl&£.-S-#ät&J**#-fr » 1-3 its] : m^mzty-f > «&Jl&*J»# ■ ÄS&fö (TBCL) *fl#Ä ' 1-5 ^ÄttilÄiM*» ' 4-5 1- 7 x^tg : W*#3.ää*lr4aM60#a^h - ^-^to^l rM*4 2. : + ■ 2- 1 3^ ' in : - feiBtft*] > SiM^&jtf ■ 2-2 ^tßatf Jl^^©^^^^^ > tt^SlE^f > t££j3£i§?MW ■ 2-3 £*Ä#*#*¥SÄÄ«»*MU** » 3. * *ffcf * > ******** - I. Overview 1. Let's Learn Mandarin is designed for the general population to learn Chinese as a foreign language. The topics and settings aim to help adult beginners develop then conununicative competence. 2. The texts provide the language curriculum about the basic daily lives of adults with the focus on the practical and functional aspects. The goal is to enable learners to attain the skills to apply and operate the language. 3. The classification for words and syntaxes from "The Taiwan Benchmarks for the Chinese Language (TBCL)" developed by National Academy for Educational Research is the basis for the content of Let's Learn Mandarin. 4. A manageable quantity and sequential order of vocabulary, grammars, and dialogues are based on the learning environment and the ability of adult learners. 5. Four language skills including listening, speaking, reading, and writing are developed with a balance. The task-based activities help enhance learner's listening and speaking abilities. 6. The workbook is full of various practice opportunities. Moreover, a focus on listening exercises help the absence of language environment for practicing listening and speaking overseas. 7. The section of "Culture Notes" is engaged with the topics to give the learner a deeper look at Chinese culture through language learning. II. Series of Let's Learn Mandarin 1. Textbooks: Volume 1 includes 10 lessons. 1.1 Volume 1 contains 223 new words and 34 grammars. 1.2 Text: displays dialogue in traditional character version with phonetic symbols. English texts and the texts in simplified characters are in the appendix. 1.3 Vocabulary: includes phonetic symbols, the categories, and English translation. On the basis of classification of TBCL, Volume 1 covers 200 words of level 1 and a small part of level 2; Volume 2 covers words of level 2 and a small part of level 3. 1.4 Grammar: On the basis of classification of TBCL, the two volumes cover the grammar of levell and level 2. Each lesson contains 3 to 4 grammars. 1.5 Classroom activities: Each lesson includes four to five items such as characters, words, recognizing, writing, and task-based activities. 1.6 Each lesson in Volume 1 includes pronunciation exercises to help learners familiarize with phonetic symbols and accurate pronunciation. 1.7 Culture Notes: Volume 1 contains three Chinese culture notes related to the language. The first one is "Kinship Titles" placed after Lesson 3. The second one is "How Do People Greet Each Other in Taiwan" placed after Lesson 6. The third one is "Six Etymological Principles of Chinese Character" placed after Lesson 10. 1.8 Classroom Expressions are in the front. The Vocabulary Index and the Comparative Table of Mandarin Phonetic Symbols and Hanyu Pinyin are in the appendix. 2. Workbooks: Volume 1 includes 10 lessons. 2-1 Each lesson includes three parts of listening exercises, such as differentiating tones, recognizing the characters/words, and sentences. 2-2 Reading comprehension includes text comprehension, word rearrangement and sentence comprehension. 2-3 Writing exercises include character writing and translating. III. Supplemental 1. Teacher's Manual: includes teaching guide, answer key for textbook exercises and workbook, scripts for listening tasks, quizzes, and resources links. 2. The audio recordings include each lesson's dialogue, vocabulary of textbook, and listening exercise of workbook. V I Contents z—""-..................... ^ IT I Foreword..........................................................................................II I Editor's Note...................................................................................IV A^^MS I Introduction to Characters............................................................VIII ??: JÍT JÍ) I Classroom Expressions...................................................................IX i*\M.*&%L I Abbreviations of Grammatical Terms..............................................X ...............................-; t!Kl Lesson 1 Hello!.....................................................................................................1 Lesson 2 ^ I Have Two Younger Brothers.............................................................13 Lesson 3 j She Is Not a Student............................................................................25 |3t4b*7t(-) Mtt* I Culture Notes Kinship Titles......................................................................38 UlSEl Lesson 4 My Father Works at a Computer Company.........................................41 Lesson 5 J Welcome!.............................................................................................57 Lesson 6 What Do You Usually Like to Do?.....................................................73 vi | Culture Notes How Do People Greet Each Other in Taiwan.....................88 Lesson 7 J May I Ask Who This Is?......................................................................89 Lesson 8 Happy Birthday to You!....................................................................105 Lesson 9 y Are You Free on Friday?...................................................................121 Lesson 10^ Is It Hard to Learn Mandarin?..........................................................139 I Culture Notes Six Etymological Principles of Chinese Characters.........154 I5f!l Appendix & 3L s£3L Text in English............................................................................................157 f|j ft ^ ig 2. Text in Simplified Characters................................................................160 £. m t 3 I Vocabulary Index........................................................................................162 IS -I- & & £ Phonetic System.....................................................................................172 VII ! Introduction to Characters Wang Mingwen Taiwanese Mingwen is a graduate student in the United States. He is a kind and friendly young man. He helps Gloria practice her Mandarin. Gloria Lee American Gloria works at Beidian Company in the United States. She has been learning Mandarin for a couple of months. She is outgoing and likes making new friends. Wang Jiawen Taiwanese Jiawen is a high school student in Taiwan. He is visiting the United States on his summer break. He is a lively and cheerful boy. Lisa American Lisa is Gloria's coworker. She is sweet and warmhearted. VIII ( i%1t mm Classroom Expressions / W/fo 1. Ni hao! How do you do? Hello! 2. Dajia hao! Hello, everyone. 3. Nimen hao! Hello, everyone. 4. Laoshlhao! Hello, Teacher. 5. Kaishi shang ke. Let's begin the class. 6. Qing gen wo nian. Please repeat after me. 7. Qing ni nian. Please read aloud. 8 Qing ni shuo. Please say it. 9. Qing kan di ye. til i Please see page 10. Dajia yiqi shuo. Everybody says it together. 11. Wo bu dong. I don't understand. 12. You wenti ma? Any questions? 13. Wo you wenti. I have a question / questions. 14. Qing jii shou. Please raise your hands. 15. Xia ke. Class is dismissed. 16. Xiexie! mm Thanks. Thank you. 17. Bu keqi. You are welcome. No problem. 18. Zhe shi shenme? What is this? 19. Qing zai shuo yi bian. Please say it again. 20. Zaijian! Good-bye! See you. ix Abbreviations of Grammatical Terms Symbols Parts of speech Examples Adv Adverb mm Conj Conjunction Det Determiner M Measure N Noun %m Num Numeral an — Pron Pronoun Mm - it Ptc Particle Prep Preposition irm QPr Question Pronoun V Verb mm •1 Vs State Verb ft Vaux Auxiliary Verb is mm Hello! Learning Objectives Topic: Greetings At the end of this lesson, you will be able to use Mandarin to 1. Greet others 2. Tell others your name and nationality and inquire the same of others Lesson 01 Nin hao. Nin hao. Wo xiiig Wang, qiiig wen nin gui xing? ^^i-Lee ■ «|i Gloria ■ ft^^C-ASJgz-^* ? W6 xing Lee, jiao Gloria. Nin jiao shenme mingzi? W6 jiao Mingwen. Qing wen nin shi na guo ren? W6 shi Meiguo ren. Nin ne? Hi A!-? OS X ? .... * 1 B W6 shi Taiwan ren. 002 i HiM Vocabulary 1 2. 4. m 5. ii- 6. ^ 8. io. A?- um hao wo xing Wang jiao shenme mingzi shi ren N Vs N V N V QPr N V N you (polite and respectful to elders) good, fine I, me to be surnamed an example of a surname to be called what name to be (am, is, are) people, person IS Phrases n. 12. mm? B. fM^A?- ? 14. 15. ^5^,2 ? 16. tt^iM qmg wen gui xing na guo ren Meiguo ren ninne Taiwan ren May I ask you..., Excuse me, ... Polite way to ask someone's surname an interrogative phrase used to ask what someone's nationality American How about you? And you? Taiwanese 003 Ol fi^JiJ Proper Nouns 17. Wäng Mingwen an example of a name 19. Meiguö Taiwan America (abbreviated version of United States of America) Taiwan ftlÄ^iS11! Supplementary Vocabulary 20. -f& tä 21. ffe Zhang N N he. Mm an example of a surname nufcfi Grammar xing / PJ-J jiäo to be surnamed / to be named -fct to be surnamed " ■& " is a verb to be followed by a surname. Example: S + Ä + surname Lee ° I am surnamed Lee. (1) ° WÖ xing Wang. I am surnamed Wang. (2) Lee ° Wo xing Lee. I am surnamed Lee. (3) ° Wo xing Zhang. I am surnamed Zhang. 004 "H to be called " ot| " is a verb to be followed by a given name / first name or a full name. Example: S + pl| + given name / first name or full name ol| Gloria Lee 0 I am called Gloria Lee. (1) Ji^WX • Wo jiao Mingwen. I am called Mingwen. / My given name is Mingwen. (2) $,PH Gloria 0 W6 jiao Gloria. I am called Gloria. / My given name is Gloria. W6 jiao Wang Mingwen. I am called Wang, Mingwen. / My full name is Wang, Mingwen. (4) Lee ' ^ Gloria 0 W6 xing Lee, jiao Gloria. I am surnamed Lee and I am called Gloria. o___° 005 ©GW ©& ®3LWX © ©4£ © Lee ©a ® Gloria ^ shi to be " A. "is a verb which is used to link two units that are in some way equivalent. In this chapter, " A. " is followed by a given name / first name, a full name or nationality. Example: S + ?!t + given name / first name, full name, nationality Ml. A Gloria ° She is Gloria. J (1) 0 W6 shi Miugwen. I am Miugwen. (2) Gloria Lee 0 W6 shi Gloria Lee. I am Gloria Lee. Wo slii Taiwan ren. I am Taiwanese. (4) Gloria Lee^^lA Gloria Lee shi Meiguo ren. Gloria Lee is American. 006 r Exercise 1 Please put the words in the correct order. ©®£ ©a ®^*L @® @® o ST/5 Gloria ©^ ©a ©A ®* o® Mi Gloria Lee ©J^l ®A /H~jf!' shenme a Question Pronoun " ft" /fL " is a question pronoun in Mandarin. In a question with a question pronoun, the word order is exactly the same as that in a declarative sentence, hi this chapter, " ^ " is used to ask about someone's given name / first name or Ml name. Example: MifMS^ ? What is his name? Qing wen nin jiao shenme mingzi? May I ask what your name is? (2) fM-ft/t^ ? Ta jiao shenme mhigzi? What is Ms name? 007 01 (3) A : WX*ktf# ? Mingwen xing shenme? Wliat is Mingwen sumamed? B : mX&Z- 0 Mingwen xing Wang. Mingwen is sumamed Wang. (4) A : Gloria & ifc Gloria ° Ni hao, Gloria. Míngwén, ni yöu xiongdi jieměi ma? -ť &l ^ ^ Wo yöu yí ge jiéjie, häng ge didi. Ní ne? -ť &l -te Wo yě yöu yi ge jiéjie. Ni yöu gěge ma? Wo méi yöu gěge, ye méi yöu didi. Wo zhí ^ yöuyigejiejie. 014 i HiM Vocabulary 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1% you liang ge didi nl / iii ma 7. ■--/---' /---1 yi / yi / yi 8. WiWi / tol&i Jiejie 9. ^l; 10. *{-8H 11. 12. X** ye gege mei zhi V N M N N Ptc Nuni N Adv N Adv Adv to have, there is / are two (to express for quantity) generic measure word younger brother you (male or generic) / you (female only) question particle one older sister also older brother not only fella Phrases 13. ytl^-Wr xiongdijiemei siblings ftl^ld4:S»l Supplementary Vocabulary 14. meunei N younger sister 015 I niuiE Grammar ift you / >JL m(H y6u to have, there is, there are / to not have, there is not, there are not The adverb " i& " is placed in front of the verb " M " to negate it. " i& " is one of two main negative adverbs in Mandarin. Example: S + a (Negative Adverb) + # (V) + O (N) • I do not have any younger brothers. Wo you gege. I have an older brother / older brothers. (2) 0 W6 you meimei. I have a younger sister / younger sisters. (3) ft a*** 0 W6 mei you gege. I do not have older brothers. (4) Gloria &#^HF- ' 0 Gloria mei you gege, ye mei you didi. Gloria has neither older brothers nor younger brothers. (5) Gloria K % — fa 0 Gloria zhr you yi ge jiejie. Gloria only has one older sister. 016 ^ Exercise J Please put the words in the correct order B:®& ®^ ®# O___0 B=®# ®& ®** O___0 B= ®# ©4*4* ®-ti9 ®& • f%49$$ • O____' ° O A= Gloria ^"^^^ ? B= Gloria ©^ ®^ O Gloria_____0 © A= JMfX.#*MMI ? B=®K (D-^fla ®* ©i£<£ o_____° 017 ma Sentence Final Particle Indicating a Question " % " is an interrogative particle. Adding it to the end of a declarative statement turns it into a question. Example: statement + ^ ? S + V + O + % &*tiH|? frft***? Are you sumamed Wang? Do you have a younger brother / younger brothers? (1) tl^I^I ? Ni shi Meiguo ren ma? Are you American? M jiao Mingwen ma? Is your given name Mingwen? (3)4Mr*-*h*? Ni you gege ma? Do you have an older brother / older brothers? Ni you jiejie ma? Do you have an older sister / older sisters? (5)ifc#X,#^*MI? Ni you xiongdi jiemei ma? Do you have siblings? c Exercise 1 Please put the words in the correct order. O A= ®»5 (2M£ ®*t ®i ? 018 © A: ©^ ©s^ X ®te ®*H ? O A: ©^ ©* ®WH ? ©A:©^ ©Jr^fA ®* ? U ge Generic Measure Word " " is the most common measure word. To indicate quantity iu Mandarin, a measure word is added between the number and the noun. Example: Numeral + Measure Word + N one younger brother (1) yi ge gege one older brother (2) rfHm^^ häng ge gege two older brothers (3) -m^-^ yi ge memiei one younger sister (4) f^^c häng ge meiinei two younger sisters 019 02 (5) 4B*H# 0 (6)° W6 you yi ge jiejie. Wo you liang ge didi. I have one older sister. I have two younger brothers. [ Exercise J Please put the characters in the correct order. ©®« ®** © ®rfH® ©& ®# ®^ O®* ©^ ®4» ®- 1^^M*0 O_____' 0 also, too The adverb " " indicates a similar sitaation is being brought up. In Mandarin, adverbs are placed after subjects and in front of verbs. Example: S + Adverb + V + O A • I am also Taiwanese. 020 (1) fe&i ' 0 Tä xhig Wang, wo ye xhig Wang. He is sumamed Wang. I am also sumamed Wang. (2) i&^-im^ ' M*k$> ° Tä yön yi ge jiejie. Wo ye you yi ge jiejie. He has one older sister. I also have one older sister. (3) mX^^^P ' Gloria ° Mingwen you jiejie, Gloria ye you jiejie. Mingwen has an older sister. Gloria also has an older sister. (4) Mff A ' fekJL4>f A * Wo slii Taiwan ren, tä ye shi Taiwan ren. I am Taiwanese. He is also Taiwanese. (5) Gloria i^lA ' Mary Gloria shi Meiguö ren, Mary ye shi. Gloria is American. Mary is too. r Exercise 1 Please put the words in the correct order. O *fcfeti ' ©*t ©i ©a ®4l @ i&%-mm% - ©a ®% ©-& ■ o '_____° © mX^W ' ©# ©Gloria ®&W ®& • o *nx%$p$p'____° ©a^*^A'®^ ©^ ®4ifA ®£° 021 I f^&fiiift Classroom Activities C 1. Read aloud Gloria Gloria Gloria 2-WX Gloria mx - it># ° it^tf ' Gloria 0 c 2. Fill in the Blanks Or Fill in the blanks with characters or pinyin appropriate for the sentence. A : WX ' B : A : a B : it>#^Hh*i ? A : a. 4| ? 022 Oj--vO You may use the questions below for your interview. (1) 4Mrx.#*MMi ? (2) /^/**MI ? (3) ft^-^-feMtfc/f^ > >_r Write the information provided by your classmates in the grid below. 4H$ 1 2 3 4 023 I mm Pinyin - Phonetic System ■ ■, 1 Initials: d t n 1 Finals:^ 1 ao ei Q 1. Tones: The four tones'^ (1) Read the following syllables di di di di tu tu tu tu (nu) nu nu nu (lu) hi la lu dao dao dao dao lei fei fei fei Notes: 1. When adding a tone mark above The final "i", do not dot the "i". Simply add the tone mark, e.g., di ( younger brother) 2. Tone marks are placed above the main vowel. The sequence of main vowel is as follows: a o e i u ii. For example, in "ei" the main vowel is "e", in "ia" the mam vowel is "a", e.g., mei ( ^ younger sister), liang ( #j two) (2) Please mark the tone you hear. di mi hao fei dao bao tao (3) Recognizing tones: Please circle the syllable you hear. mi-mi tu-tu lti-lu da-da lao-lao nei-nei tao-tao ^2. Recognizing sounds^ (1) Recognizing initial sounds: Please circle the syllable you hear. li-ni nu-lti da-ta mu-pu ba-pa ti-di mi-ni (2) Recognizing final sounds: Please circle the syllable you hear. la-lao nei-ne ma-mao bei-bao nu-ni li-lu mei-mao 024 4 Learning Objectives Topic: Occupations (I) At the end of this lesson, you will be able to use Mandarin to 1. Ask others if they are students 2. Ask others common occupations and work places 3. Describe marital status and family members 03 i Gloria ' *^.#JJt^5,iji? ? Gloria, nijiejie shi xuesheng ma? Ta bü shi xuesheng, ta däxue biye le. m fe^m^M^i ? Tä zäi näli göngzuö? Wo jiejie zäi yinhäng gongzuö, ta xiansheng zäi diännäo &l er] a JL* göngsl göngzuö. Ni jiejie jiehün le, tarnen yöu häizi ma? Tarnen yöu häng ge häizi, yi ge erzi, yi ge nü'er. Liäng ge xiäohäi dou zäi xiäoxue niän shu. 026 i Vocabulary 1. 2. T^l-j 7^1- 3. 4. 5. -^.s- ta bu / bu xuesheng daxue zai 6. <5pM£i (^&'L ) nah(nar) 7- 8. & 9. 10. t|sja|j- 11. ^2 3* 12. ^[^ + 13. fc*-^-* 14. ,if u'^,"-' 15. >blMr« 16. #R 17- 'K#£ gongzuo yinhang xiansheng diannao gongsl haizi era nii'er xiaohai dou xiaoxue N Adv N N Prep QPi V/N N N N N N N N N Adv N she, her / he, him no, not student university, college in, on, at where to work, work bank husband, Mr. computer company child son daughter child both, all elementary school 027 03 feig Phrases i9. mm T 20. ffc? W /*fe T1 -4^- biye le jiehün le tarnen niän shü graduated married they (plural of 'lie / she") to study ftl^ld4:S»l Supplementary Vocabulary 22. 23. %ar* / %urt< Fäguö hän / he N Con] France and imiK Grammar yf^ bü/bü no,not S + ^ bü / bü (Negative Adverb) + V The negative adverb " >P " is placed in front of verb to form negative sentences. Examples: I am not American. $,^Dt| Mary 0 My given name is not Maiy. Wo bü shi xuesheng. I am not a student. 028 (2) ft^Wx^ - ft-P^^i^ 0 Wo jiejie gongzud. Wo gege bu gongzuo. My older sister works. My older brother does not work. (3) ' ^mx • W6 biijiao Xuewen, wo jiao Mingwen. My given name is not Xuewen. My given name is Mingwen. (4) ^MIA - M^IA • W6 bii shi Meiguo ren, wo shi Faguo ren. I am not American. I am French. r Exercise 1 Please put the words in the correct order. B=©ft B=®Lee ©ft ®^*£ © A= m^^x^ ? B:©#* ©ft ®*H O A= li/'ilA^i ? B = ®&1A ©ft ©^ ® £ 029 03 B=®^ ©*;f A ®a O____' M^IA = zai at, in, on Word order: V S (N) + £ zai (Preposition) + Place Word (location) + V (O) (1) i# 0 Wo zai diamiao gongs! gongzuo. I work at a computer company. (3) $>M^J1# 0 Wo zai xiaoxue gongzuo. I work at an elementary school. (2) *MtJlUtJi# ° Ta zai yinhang gongzuo. He works at a bank. (4) fo&wm. (^&) ^ ? Ni zai nah (nar) gongzuo? Where do you work? c Exercise 1 Please put the words in the correct order. O A: it-£#Fl£i# ? B:©& ®i# ®£ ®*«^s) © A: *Mt#Fl£Jl# ? 030 B=(D&** ®£ ®«'>*I ©A=®X^ (D-flPfe ®£ B: ^5FX>ft ^[5 dou both; all 3-1 (N plural) + *p dou + V + (O) The adverb " # " is always placed in front of a verb and it refers to people or tilings that have already been mentioned in the sentence. Example: John Maiy £f&^± ° John and Maiy are both students. (1) *Mfl*P&*± 0 Tameu dou shi xuesheng. They are both / all students. (2) Gloria fa Mary £pii Lee 0 Gloria han / he Mary dou xing Lee. Gloria and Mary are both sumamed Lee. 031 03 (3) *MW£4?f A - Tarnen döu shi Taiwan ren. They are both / all Taiwanese. (4) &$L!kfc&l%P&&ftl-ft 0 Wo xiänsheng hän wo döu zäi yinhang göngzuö. My husband and I both work at a bank. c Exercise 1 Please put the words in the correct order. ©®*MH ®# ®* ®#£ © ®*MH ®Ä ®# ®i © ®# ®*Mr1 ®£IMf ®i# ©0# ®J-# ®*> ®& 3-2 S (N plural) + *p döu + * bü / bü + V + (O) (1) fctfl 0 Tarnen döu bü shi xuesheng. Neither / none of them is a student. (They are all not students.) 032 (2) ftMW^F&i 0 Tamen dou bu xiiig Wang. Neither / none of them is sumamed Wang. (3) aB^'J4#^MiA • Mingwen han Xiaosheng don bii shi Meiguo ren. Bodi Mingwen and Xiaosheng are not American. (4) i&irW^&i&tfJ-ft ° Tamen dou bii zai yinhang gongzuo. Neither / none of them works at a bank. Exercise Please put the words in the correct order. ©©^ ®4fc41 ®# ®*± o____• © ®i ®**t ®*MH ®# O____° 0®^^: ®*Mri ®# ®^|A O____• 033 03 ifMSIft Classroom Activities C 1. Read aloud 3 IBM Gloria Gloria Gloria Gloria • 4MsW&^±*J| ? c 2. Fill in the Blanks Oy Fill in the blanks with appropriate characters or pinyin for the sentence. A : mf ! #*M** % ? B : -feb 7 A : ji# ? B : A : 7 ' S| ? -flu —^ 034 3. Interview four classmates. Ask them the following questions and write the information provided by them in the grid below. ?-^ You may use the questions below for your interview. (1) w^/^^/^/ (2) fotyty/^^/^f (3) ifc**/**/*^/ %%$wm.x.ft ? Write the information provided by your classmates in the grid below. ? iH Gloria 1 2 3 4 035 Q 4. Look at the two business cards, then answer the questions below. ^ 8II IPS TEL: 02-711 19999 #1234 Email : xuewen@samil.com ^1 IS : 04-5559876 W 888 tfitlt : »*fl5SJtK 1 00 Ü 1 A (1) Where does Mr. Wang work? Please circle the company's name. (2) What is the surname of the person who works at the bank? Please underline her / his surname. nam Pinyin - Phonetic System Initials:^ 1 g k h Finals: at -uo ang Tones: The four tones 3 (1) Read the following syllables ge ge ge ge kä (kä) kä kä hü hü hü hü guö guö guö guö käi (käi) käi käi häng häng (häng) häng wö (wö) wo wö Note: When there is no initial in front of the -uo, it is written as "wo", e.g., wö ( ' I, me) 036 i ^ Third Tone Change: When Two syllables with third tones occur one after the other, the first one changes to a second tone when speaking, but the third tone mark remains over the syllable in the written foim, e.g., fc&f ni hao, wo you. (2) Please mark the tone you hear. ke he ge hai hang wo guo (3) Recognizing tones: Please circle the syllable you hear. mai-mai huo-huo fang-fang duo-duo hang-hang gai-gai pai-pai ku-ku 2. Recognizing sounds ^ (1) Recognizing initial sounds: Please circ le the syllable you hear. he- ke ge-ke hu-gu gud-tuo hang-tang dud-guo kang-gang ka-da (2) Recognizing final sounds: Please circle the syllable you hear. gai-guo tai-tuo wo-huo mai-mei hao-ha le-lai hu-huo ku-kud Notes ^ffc^Ti; (—) Culture Notes Kinship Titles 0 Gloria ' cousin 0 il^^i^i0^ Huh? £ßJL COUsin ? jk-fa (biäomei) ? (tangmei) ? 038 Why does Wang, Mingwen refer to Wang, Mingmei as his " # (tangmei)" but Zhang, Anan as Ms " £ (biaomei)" even though they are both his cousins? hi traditional society, eveiyone had large families with many relatives, and most of these large families lived together. There are very specific kinship titles for family members and relatives because people value relationships between people and respect seniority within the family. People outside of the family can distinguish the exact relationship between two people by their respective kinship titles. It is necessaiy for people to address their relatives by the correct titles. The terms to address each relative of the extended family are all different. Beginning on the father's side: " ^^(yeye)" is paternal grandfather. (nainai)" is paternal grandmother. " ft ft (hobo)" is father's older brother. "fafa(shiishu)" is father's younger brother, "-hi-hi (gfigu)" is father's sister. On the mother's side: " ^^(waigong)" is maternal grandfather. "^h^(waipo)" is maternal grandmother. " % % (jiiijiu)" is mother's brother. " f^-kfe. (ayi)" is mother's sister. The children of my " ft ft (hobo)" and " fafa (shiishu)" are my " £ (tang) ". The children of my " % % Giujiu)"and" W# (ayi)" are my " & (biao) X. yeye (grandfather) 039 040 Learning Objectives Topic: Occupations (II) At the end of this lesson, you will be able to use Mandarin to 1. Discuss about your life 2. Identify more specific occupations and work places 04 042 ■■Willi 1 Vocabulary 1. 2. Y Y 3. ^-ftp* 4. hX (2H QMfc ®% B= WAX 0A:©l:fA ®M ®% ®& 048 1 B: $#-Hi4« • ©A:©^«f ©a ®^# ®% @fo B: ^^Jl# 0 3-1 The panicle " ^ " is used to indicate possession. It is placed between the possessor and the possessed. Example: my computer liis work / his job (1) Gloria Gloria de diamiao Gloria's computer (2) WXttl^fy Mingwen de laoshl Mingwen's teacher (3)&f&;£^ wo de mingzi my name (4) A**fcAfi(NMfc • W6 xihuan wo de gongzuo. I like my job. c Exercise 1 Please put the words in the correct order. O te* ©#> ©s<3* ®£*F 0 049 O ___0 3-2 The panicle " 6-j " can be omitted when a personal pronoun is followed by a term indicating a family or close relationship. Otherwise, it is usually required. Example: my mother Mingwen's mother my father Jiawen's father (1) wo meiniei my younger sister (2) fc$L* ta erzi his son (3) AX&l Dawen de jiejie Da wen's older sister (4) AX&dttt^X ° Dawen de jiejie jiao Fawen. Dawen's older sister teaches French. r Exercise 1 Please put the words in the correct order. O (2H ®a ®** © ®m$> 3(« 050 ftfSjfft Classroom Activities C 1. Read aloud Gloria Gloria Gloria Gloria ? C 2. Fill in the Blanks O; 3 Fill in the blanks with the appropriate characters or pinyin for the sentence. A:*n' x# ? B : a. B : te#jx# A : ? B : a. A : ftJMX^X ? B : Äää. 051 04 C 3. Interview and Fill in the Grid 3 Ask three classmates if their family members work. Where do they work? What does each one of their family do? Are they busy? Are their works tiring? You may use the dialogues below to ask / answer. (1) Q : #****F*Li# ? A : ******* 0 (2) Q : #**M^ ? A : ft***** 0 (3) Q : ? A : 0 Write the information provided by your classmates in the grid below. Your classmate Family member Occupation * * % ? Example: ^mx 1. %% « 2. MM 3. 052 1. 1. 2. 3. 2. 1. 2. 3. 3. 1. 2. 3. List of Occupations 1. gongchengshl engineer 2. /!? 6p chuslri chef 3. fuwuyuan server, waiter, waitress 4. »± ylsheng doctor 5. mi hiishi nurse 6. liishi lawyer 7. junren soldier 8. shangren businessman 9. IA nongren farmer 10. tuixiu le retired If the occupation is not listed above, please ask your teacher. 053 c 4. Look and Answer (1) Zhang's family £^ Q ^9 (2) Li's family fa I I ft ft ? □# da* #1 4a 054 1 I mm Pinyin - Phonetic System Initials: \ Z c s Finals^ 1 ou -ua -ong c 1. Tones: The four tones (1) Read the following syllables ZI (zi) zi zi cT ci Cl ci sä (sä) sä sä (zuö) zuö zuÖ zuö söng (söng) söng söng wä wä wä wä Note: When there is no initial in front of -ua, it is written as "wa", e.g., wä ( tt ■to dig) " ^ " Tone Changes: The tone of" ^ " changes based on the tone of the syllable that follows it. If it precedes syllable with a first, second, or third tone, " >P " is pronouned and marked a fourth tone, e.g.,"bu inang" ( ^ft, "not busy"), "bu gongzuo" ( ^, "not work"), "bu hao" ( ^ if. "not good"). If it precedes a syllable with a forth tone, " ^ " is pronounced and marked with a second tone, e.g., "bu slii" ( Jfc & , "is not", ht. "not be"). (2) Please mark the tone you hear. ze sa ci sou cong hua hong (3) Recognizing tones: Please circle the syllable you hear. zi-zi sä-sä hua-hua zuö-zuö töng-töng wä-wä long-long söng-söng 055 (1) Recognizing initial sounds: Please circle the syllable you hear. cl-zi ca-sa su-cu sl-cl za-ca cii-su gu-su (2) Recognizing final sounds: Please circle the syllable you hear. tang-tong tou-tuo gai-gud wo-wa hong-hang lou-luo dong-dang song-sai 056 Welcome! Learning Objectives Topic: Getting Acquainted At the end of this lesson, you will be able to use Mandarin to 1. Introduce others 2. Express hospitality 3. Talk about plans for vacation ff) Gloria ' #tA.J-^2'Jt^ 0 Gloria, häojiii büjiän. Ni häo, häojiü büjiän. Ä Zhe shi wo didi, Wang Jiäwen. Jiäwen, zhe shi wo J3B2-Ä.i- ' Gloria ° peiigyöu, Gloria. Ni häo, Jiäwen, renshi ni hen gäoxing. TN ik *fe Gloria » ÄS"fci-A5'AJlli*;*Ä''^-' ° Gloria, wö ye hen gäoxing renshi ni. Jiäwen, ni ye zäi Meiguö niän shu ma? Bü shi, wö pingchäng zhü zäi Taiwan. Xiänzäi xuexiäo fängjiä, wö läi Meiguö wän. 058 1. zhe Det this 2. pengyou N fiiend 3. renshi V to know, meet, recognize 4. gaoxing Vs happy, glad 5. pingchang Adv usually, normally 6. zhu zai V to live in / at 7. xianzai N now 8. xuexiao N school 9. fangjia V to be on school break, to be on vacation 10. lai V to come 11. wan V to have fun, to play 12. huanying V to welcome 13. *@ i AS *• xiang Vaux would like, to want, to have a desire to 14. qu V to go 15. at*; guojia N nation, country 16. ^1-' gongyuan N park V_J 059 05 feline Phrases i7. häojiübujiän long time no see fi^M Proper Nouns 18. i**-dr?^l'ÜIMI^ Dishinileyuan Disneyland J 4 fil;ft}3:Jp| Supplementary Vocabulary 19. &PdbZ< Täibei N Taipei 20. Jiäzhöu N California 21. f&U- shei QPr who, whom 22. fümü N parents in a formal way I imiK Grammar sjifc zhe shi + Personal Relationship • % ^ nhngzi (name) The pattern " 3$. ^ + personal relationsliip " is a colloquial way to inttoduce others when they are meeting for the first time. The name of the person who is being inttoduced can follow the pattern. Example: This is my younger brother. This is my younger brother, Wang, Jiawen. 060 (1) mx : ätJt*## ' 0 Zhe shi wo didi, Wang Jiäwen. Tins is niy younger brother. Wang. Jiawen. Gloria : ' f^3L 0 NI häo, Jiäwen. How do you do? Jiawen. (2) mX : Gloria ' it^:^^^ ' i-t^X 0 Gloria, zhe shi wo didi, Wang Jiäwen. Gloria, this is my younger brother, Wang, Jiawen. Gloria t%M!M&ftJl 0 Jiäwen, ni häo, renshi ni hen gäoxing. Jiawen, how do you do? It is nice to meet you. (3) Robert : • Mark ° Mark ' it&&JDi& • 'Mir 0 Zhe shi wo didi, Mark. Mark, zhe shi wo pengyöu, Xiäomei. This is niy younger brother, Mark. Mark, this is my friend, Xiaomei. : W ' Mark • t^tt% 0 Ni häo, Mark, hen gäoxing renshi ni. How do you do? Mark. It is nice to meet you. Mark : » &<&&ft Jtt&äM$ 0 Xiäomei, wo ye hen gäoxhig renshi ni. Xiaomei, it is nice to meet you too. 061 Oj Gina : W X ^-fcMt^. Jenny 0 Jenny .AflJIit • WX mX : Jenny • Mí^fc&m 0 Jenny : WX > áMrlf^tt- 0 S + ií-fe. zhü zái (live in, at) + Place Word This pattern is used to express "someone lives in somewhere." Example: S + 'fi + place word He lives in Taiwan. J (1) A : Mary ( ) ? Maty zhii zai nali (nar)? Where does Maty live? B : Mary 4Mt£l 0 Maty zhii zai Meiguo. Maty lives in U.S. (2)A : i^St) ? Ní bába zhů zái nálí (nár)? Where does your father live? B : • W6 bába zhů zái Taiwan. My father lives in Taiwan. TAIWAN 9 062 (3) A B Ni gege zhii zai nail (nar)? Where does your older brother live? W6 gege zhii zai Taibei. My older brother lives in Taipei. 0 a 76 (4) A : Mary M6&±>Ml'8|M£ ( ) ? Mary han ta xiansheng zhii zai nali (nar)? Where do Mary and her husband live? B : Mary fafaft0 Mary han ta xiansheng zhii zai Meiguo Jiazhou. Mary and her husband live hi the state of California hi the U.S. 41 B I* fan California c Exercise 1 Please put the words in the correct order. ©(EM*. ©Mary ®£l ®£ ©©£ ®&^« ®&® O____0 © ©^ ©^ ®m% o____? O ©^ ©*Jb ®fr ®^!k O_____° © Linda ® £ B © *i ^ ®>f£ & £ ©£ O Linda fa a 063 05 Question Pronouns 4\f& shenme what, "^1 ( ) näli (nar) where, s£ shei who / whom When using the question pronouns " " (what), " ( flp St )" (where), and " i% " (who) to form questions, simply replace the part that you would like to ask in a declarative sentence with the appropriate question pronoun. Example: Question: jt^ifM ? (What is his name?) Answer: feHt| JLd'31 ° (His name is Wang Xiaowen) (1) A : **iip*tfl-* ? Li laoshl jiao shenme? What does Teacher Li teach? B : $i£&fi%L>kX 0 Li laoshl jiao Fawen. Teacher Li teaches French. (2) A : i/hA*«PA (*F&) ? Wang Xiäomei zäi näh (när) niän shü? Where does Wang Xiaomei go to school? B : *Mt*» 0 Tä zäi Taiwan niän shü. She goes to school in Taiwan. (3) A : 4fc£-*HMt,«IM£ (*F&) ? Ni fümü zhii zäi näli (när)? Where do your parents live? B : Ast-SHMt** ° Wo ftimü zhü zäi Taiwan. My parents live in Taiwan. (4) A : tfe&-£a&^Il£t ? Shei xiäng qü guöjiä göngyuän wän? Who would like to visit a national park? B : • Wang Jiäwen xiäng qü. Wang, Jiawen would like to go. 064 r Exercise J Please fill in the blanks with the appropriate question pronoun. © © _ ^ ? S + (Vaux) + -k qu + Place Word + V (action) " " occurs before a place word of the location and an action verb occurs after the place word to specify the intention of something at that location. Example: S + (Vaux) + -k + place word + V ftft**i*t• I would like to go to France to study. V_ (l)Mark&-£*jf i# 0 Mark xiäng qü Taiwan göngzuö. Mark would like to go to Taiwan to work. (2) jg-k&mzt ° Wo jiejie xiäng qü Faguö wän. My older sister would like to visit France. 065 05 (3) &fl8iL^**B3fc&IISt 0 Wo pengyou jintian qu guojia gongyuan wan. My friend visited a national park today. (4) BSfc 0 W6 nii'er xiang qu Dishini leyiian wan. My daughter would like to go to Disneyland. Exercise } Please put the words in the correct order. ©©Lisa ©^ IJ ©^*l O Gloria #J ffl &_____° ©®» ©^ ®£g 066 fSfMSjfft Classroom Activities Q 1. Read aloud ^) IBM : Gloria • 0 Gloria : • JL 0 IBM : st*&##i jt* 0 ' iixL#Lffl& ' Gloria 0 Gloria : W > %LX> t&MM&A Jt 0 : Gloria • Jli&#M: 0 Gloria : ' 4fc£ S & *-fll ? Gloria : Ifci^^^^l 0 #&-£*|M&£t? ( 2. Fill in the Blanks ) ^——-:-:-~~- Fill in the blanks with the appropriate characters or pinyin for the sentence Z-*nX ' Gloria - *fA?F il 0 Gloria : '____0 Z-^X :__&%%3-%LX • %X ' stfeA __' Gloria 0 Gloria : • %LX • tBftA^H__• i*X : Gloria • ft-fcHftH__# 0 Gloria : f^>C • 067 O; Gloria : ífci£4fc J/t ^3. Role play ^ Find a partner and introduce him / her to your Mandarin teacher as your sibling or friend. Role play the conversation to your Mandarin teacher. 068 You may use the dialogues below for your conversation. Or Gloria * %H : Gloria ' Jl 0 Gloria : V 4. Interview four classmates. Ask them where they live and which country they want to visit for vacation. O f You may use the dialogues below to ask / answer. Q : itv ( JjL£ ) ? A : Q : i^Ufi^^m^ ? A : 069 05 *# 1 2 3 4 List of Countries 1. Faguo France 2. &m Deguo Germany 3. & a Ylngguo United Kingdom 4. a ^ Riben Japan 5. Hanguo South Korea 6. ta Zhongguo China 7. Jianada Canada 8. •I a f- Moxlge Mexico 9. BaxI Brazil 10. Taiguo Thailand 070 I Ut § Pinyin - Phonetic System Initials: Finals- J q * -iu(iou) -iao -eng C 1. Tones: The four tones (1) Read the following syllables ji ji ji ji ju qi qi y qi qi qü qü qu qü XI xi w XI xi xü xü XU xü jiü m JIU jiü yöu yöu yöu yöu qiäo qiäo qiäo qiäo xiäo xiäo xiäo xiäo yäo yäo yäo yäo peng peng peng peng Notes: 1. When -ii is preceded by the initial j, q, or x, it is written as u, e.g., qu (, to go) 2. Refer to Note 2 in Lesson 2. Tone marts are placed over the main vowel in the following sequence: a o e i u ii, except when the final combination is -iu. In this case, the tone mark is placed over the u, as such -iu, e.g., jiu ( , long, as in a period of time) 3. When -iu is not preceded by an initial, it is written as you, e.g., you ( % , to have) 4. When -iao is not preceded by an initial, it is written as yao, e.g., yao ( # , to want) 071 05 (2) Please mark the tone you hear. miao ceng liao leng piao diu (3) Recognizing tones: Please circle the syllable you hear. jl-ji xi-xi qi-qi xiao-xiao qiu-qiu jiu-jiu peng-peng qiao-qiao ^2. Recognizing sounds ^ (1) Recognizing initial sounds: Please circle the syllable you hear. JU-XU qu-ju xi-qi jiao-xiao qiu-jiu xia-jia qi-sl xiao-qiao (2) Recognizing final sounds: Please circle the syllable you hear. peng-pang xiii-xiao qiao-qiu fang-feng neng-nang leng-lang liao-lao jiu-jiao Learning Objectives Topic: Leisure At the end of this lesson, you will be able to use Mandarin to 1. List common hobbies 2. Inquire the interests of others 3. Discuss likes/dislikes 4. Describe your daily activities p fit Jiawén, ní xihuan bú xihuan yundông? Wo xihuan yirndông, wo píngcháng xíhuän päo bú. Ni gěge píngcháng xíliuän zuô shénnie? Ta píngcháng xílman päo bii, zhoumô xihuan qú dä wängqiú. Ní ne? Wo bu xihuan yundông. Wo xihuan cháng ge, ting yinyuě bán tiáo wú. Wo gěge hán wo ye xíhuän cháng gě, keshi women -L- dou bú xihuan tiáo wú 074 i£ £. $L W6 hai xihuan kan dianshi, wo wanshang changchang zai jia kan dianshi. W6 zai Taiwan, wanshang xihuan qu gongyuan pao bu. I HiM Vocabulary 1. yundong V to exercise 2. m zuo V to do 3. zhoumo N weekend 4. da V to play (ball) 5. wangqiu N tennis 6. m ting V to listen 7. -ft-- jMu yniyue N music 8. if*;. / ;fp£ ban / he Conj and 9. keshi Conj but, however 10. St hai Adv also, in addition, as well 11. kan V to see, look, watch, read 12. dianshi N television 13. wanshang N night, at night 14. rp *' rf| st' changchang Adv often 15. N house, home, family 075 06 feig Phrases 16. 17. 18. StMt- päo bü chäng ge tiao wu to run, to jog to sing to dance ftl^ld4:S»l Supplementary Vocabulary 19. i.;-^. 20. &%-&\ shängwü taitai N N later morning wife, Mrs. irniK Grammar no 3^ hai also, in addition The adverb " i|| " connects the two actions performed by the same person and implies a surprise element for the action after " i|| ". The auxiliary if any in the mentioned statement has to be repeated for the statement using " i£ ". Example: S + Vaux + VI + Ol, it + Vaux + V2 + 02 I like to sing. In addition, I like to dance. W6 xihuan chang ge, ting ythyue, hai xihuan tiao wii. I like to sing, listen to music. In addition, I like to dance. (2) * 00. Ta xihuan pao bii, hai xihuan da wangqiu. He likes to run. In addition, he likes to play tennis. 076 (3) ±wx£&M£mm& ' &%-M&mffijL ° Wang Mingwen you liang ge Meiguo pengyou, hai you yi ge Faguo pengyou. Wang Mingwen has two American friends. In addition, he has a French friend. (4) Gloria S-Utk^É"^* ****** ■ Gloria xíhuan zái jia kán diánslň, hái xíhuan zái jia ting ymyuě. Gloria likes to watch TV at home. In addition, she likes to listen to music at home. (5) A : ^érit-h^m^t ' ? Wó xiáng qů Díshiní lěyuán wán. Ní ne? I would like to go to Disneyland. How about you? Wo ye xiáng qů, wo hái xiáng qú guójiá góngyuán. I would like to as well. In addition, I want to go to national parks. r Exercise 1 Please place " i|| " into the correct place within the sentence .1 © a. M&X © Lisa_ © 077 06 S + Time Word + £ zái (in, at) + Place Word + V (O) Wo wáusháng chángcháng zái jia kán diánshi. I often watch TV at home at night. (2) A : i^MJi^^iMf ? Wáng Míngwén shángwů zái góngyuán zuó shénme? What did Wang Mingwen do in the park this morning? Wáng Míngwén shángwů zái góngyuán dá wángqiú. Wang Mingwen played tennis in the park this morning. (3) A : Gloria ? Gloria zhomnó chángcháng zuó shémne? What does Gloria often do on weekends? B : Gloria ii^f f ° Gloria zhomnó chángcháng zái péngyóu jia tiáo wů. Gloria often dances at her friend's house on weekends. (4) A : if^^jL^^U ("flFfc) ? Ni iněmiei shángwů zái nálí (oár) páo bú? Where did your younger sister run this morning? W6 měimei shángwů zái xuéxiáo páo bů. My younger sister ran at school this morning. [ Exercise ) Please put the characters in the correct order. 078 ©©&# ®$$ ®£ ®^m ©ji^ ©®tt ®&%% ®m^m ®«^^ ©©£ ®^x ®±^ ®trn$L ®^u Word Order for the Adverbs ^ ye / ^[5 dou The adverbs always occur in front of a verb in Mandarin. However, used simultaneously in a sentence to modify the verb, " & " is placed before " # ". Example: S + adv ( ^ / ip ) + (Neg) + V (O) ° None of us has any younger brothers. Statement * S + adv ( + £f ) + (Neg) + V(O) I have younger brothers and they all have younger brothers too. V___ (1) i^i^i^^^^^'K: • Wang xiansheng han Wang taitai meitian dou hen mang. Both Mr. and Mrs. Wang are very busy every day. Tamen xihuan tiao wit, women ye dou xihuan tiao wu. They like to dance and we all like to dance too. (3) fetf1&#fHr ' &in&%P&M^^ o Tamen mei you gege, women ye dou mei you gege. They do not have any older brothers. None of us has any older brothers. (4) &£.3.£.ft-£fl$£'l| ' ^Jk.WSUfr> Gloria• Jiawen zhounio xiang qii guojia gongyuan, keshi Mingwen ban Gloria dou bii xiang qu. Jiawen wants to go to a national park on the weekend, but neither Mingwen nor Gloria want to go. Exercise Please complete the sentence with the given words. B : &m (#) B : itn B : (4fe»fc) O A : Gloria • Lisa &$L*4-$L ? B : Lisa ) © A : Gloria *p&* -f -f - ? B : 080 * Ftfittt Classroom Activities C 1. Read aloud Gloria Gloria %X Gloria %X Gloria %X Fill in the Blanks J 9^ vO Fill in the blanks with appropriate characters or pinyin for the sentence. Gloria : %X • __? Gloria : 4MHfr+* ? Gloria : ^-S-tUt^/ 0 081 Oj An Gloria : 3. Interview four classmates. Ask them what they like to do and what they do not like to do. O You can ask / answer by using the dialogues below. Q : t4tOTf ? A : _ 082 (1) Write the information provided by your classmates in the grid below. Your classmate iH : IBM > frm$L - "If: 1. 2. 3. 4. List of Activities ** kan shu to read *** kan dianying to watch movies da lanqhi to play basket ball ti ziiqiu to play soccer (2) Use the following sentence structures to summarize the information of the above grid. Then report your findings to your class. a._-g-lfc_' sS-^tfc_ ' b.___0 c.__U¥);|p*&*fc_0 083 06 (3) Based on the information in the above grid, find out what activity most people like and what activity most people do not like. _(anduo) o _ -^^jttf&A^ (ziliduo) o 4. Look at the weekly schedule of Gloria and Mingwen, then complete sentences. A Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday JP JP JP JP > A - &; A Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday % % Q > 084 Oj (1) Gloria HJUi# f (2) itfl*._t + * f ir_ (3) Gloria 2t^HÜ4lfc^. (4) iBMia^lfcX_ ;0 Im § Pinyin - Phonetic System Initials:^ ■ zh ch sh r Finals^ 1 -ing an -iong c 1. Tones: The four tones 3 (1) Read the following syllables zh! zhi zhi chöng chöng chöng chöng shöu shöu shöu shöu (rü) rü ru rü xing xing xing xing man man man man xiöng xiöng (xiöng) xiöng ying ying ying ying yöng yöng yöng yöng Notes: 1. When -ing is not preceded by an initial, it is written as ying, e.g., ying ( M± , should) 2. When -iong is not preceded by an initial, it is written as yong, e.g., yong ( ffl , to use) 06 (2) Please mark the tone you hear. zhou chan shan zhong ran zhan rong (3) Recognizing tones: Please circle the syllable you hear. chong-chong zhan-zhan jing-jing xiong-xiong ban-ban xing-xing yong-yong shou-shou ^2. Recognizing sounds ^ (1) Recognizing initial sounds: Please circle the syllable you hear. shan-san zhou-zou chou-zh5u shan-zhan ran-lan cii-chu shang-chang lu-ru (2) Recognizing final sounds: Please circle the syllable you hear. nan-nang hao-han sheng-shan cong-can bing-ban dang-dan xiong-xlng yong-yrng ^3. Practicing two-syllable words^ (1) gongzuo (2) zhoumo (3) gongsi (4) yundong (5) keshi (6) meimei (7) gege (8) tamen (9) xiexie (10) nin ne -Explanation- ^Neutral tone: In addition to the four tones, spoken Mandarin also has a neutral tone. It is relatively light and short and has no tone mark, e.g., gege (-§f--§f-, older brother), meimei {WW, younger sister), xiexie ( sfttSf, thank you), shenrne ( ft JffL , what), nin ne ( fS-1^ , and you) 086 087 w Culture Notes ^ffc^TC (n) Culture Notes } How Do People Greet Each Other in Taiwan Do you find it interesting that yotu neighbors ask you " Ji ^ ? Qu shang ban a? Going to work?" or " £ -ir^i ? Chu qu a? Are you going out?" upon seeing you go out work in the mornings? Sometimes, your friends ask you "Done with your lunch?" upon seeing you around two or three o'clock in the afternoon. Why would they ask you questions with such obvious answers? The answer is that these questions are common and cordial ways for people in Taiwan to greet one another. You may recall that you learned " ■f&def' " on the first day of your Mandarin class, so why isn't " -ffc^f- " used by people in Taiwan on a daily basis? It is actually normal in our culture in Taiwan to greet family and acquaintances with these "stating the obvious" type of questions. hi addition to saying " i£ £f~", there are some other conmion expressions such as " *t>$L*fa ? (Chi bao la? Are you full?)" " ^t^H ? (Chi fan a? Going to eat?)" " i-jifltfj ? (Qu shang ke Going to school?)" " ! (Hui lai la? Just came back?) " ■f&dff " is more commonly used when meeting someone for the first time or upon formal occasions. The speaker does not expect an elaborate answer and you can simply respond " ! (Shi a! Yes!)" " SJ-'H ! (Dui a! Yes)" In the future, do not be smprised if you encounter people who greet you with these "stating the obvious" type questions. They are simply saying hello and communicating concern/ care. 088 Learning Objectives Topic: Formal Phone Etiquette At the end of this lesson, you will be able to use Mandarin to 1. Converse on the phone formally 2. Identify yourself and your intention 3. Ask cell phone numbers 4. Leave a message 07, (Ms. Li is a staff member of Taiyi Bank.) Wéi, Táiyl Yínháng, nín häo! -ft f*i pa Wéi, nín häo! Qíng wěn Lín Meiměi xiaojiě zái ma? 3£ -if P*| Lín xiaojiě xiánzái bú zái bángongshi, qíng wěn nín shi ^ ? něi wěi? ÄS'Jt^b?'«?^? SJ* Gloria ° ^.^5*^^- Wo shi Běidián Gongsi de Gloria. Qíng wěn Lín xiaojiě shénme shíhôu huílái? Gloria > *^;.JO.i.Tí^*'®^*S- 0 Gloria, Lín xiaojiě xiáwví huílái. & "if £ ^ Tfc ■Ä Máfán nín, qíng tä huílái yfliöu gěi wo da diánhuá. 090 -if ft & TL -f- Qmg wen nin de shöujl shi ji häo? *L f Wo de shöujl häomä shi (wii yl ql) sän liu ling si erwiijiü. ' Gloria - Häode, Gloria. Xiexie nin! Bii keqi, zäijiän. I 4:^1 Vocabulary 1. slii bái Nimi Nimi 10, ten 100, hundred itiiíí; Grammar Numbers (0-100) 0-10 'o/ * — _ m +^ ling yí ér san si WU Liu ql ba shí I 0 i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J 11-100 (+- +- +^ +i +^ i+1 shiyi shi'er shisan shisi shiwu shíliů shiql shiba sbij iu ershi 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 —+E9 -+i -+-fc ^ + ěrshíyl ěrshťěr ěrshísan ěrsliísi ěrshíwú ěrshíliú ěrshíqí ěrshíba ěrshíjiu sanshi 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 — — --- — — — — — jiůshíyi jiůshíjiů yibai I 91 99 100 j 093 Write the following numbers using Chinese characters. fl — 23 41 73 5 29 45 85 17 30 52 91 18 32 64 100 j The usage of" — " and " $ " Both " — " and " #j " mean "two". " — " is used when counting without a measure word, e.g., " — , — , S., E9......". " i% " is used to express for quantity with the pattern of" i% + measure word + N", e.g., t3=/ IS] 4a 4a . (see vocabulary #2 in Lesson 2) Example: — , — ,-=-, B9 , 5....... one, two, three, four, five, ■ ■ ■ two students, two friends r Exercise 1 Please fill in the blanks with " — "or " i% ". o © Mm a (2) (i2) .+iJ:f A (20) .T-^^IA (22) (200) 094 i& gei (Preposition) + Someone + l£ t£ da dianhua to call someone / to give someone a call " " is a preposition. In Mandarin, prepositions are generally followed by nouns or pronouns to form prepositional phrases which are placed in front of the verb phrases. However, for some specific verb phrases, prepositional phrases can be placed after the verbs, e.g., " tbfe&.ij ^ Example: S + &+N/Pro+ fr^it Gloria&WXIt"f t£ 0 Gloria gave Mingwen a caU. (1) A : #.£iM£tMT**£ ? Lin Meimei gei shei da dianhua? Who did Lin, Meimei call? Lin Meimei gei ta fuinu da dianhua. Lin, Meimei called her parents. (2) A : SMMfctfr^lS ? Shei gei ni da dianhua? Who called you? Li xiaojie gei wo da dianhua. Miss Li called me. (3) A : fcfcJHF-*MMr«1£? Jiawen shangwu gei shei da dianhua? Wlio did Jiawen call this morning? B : f.XX^te Gloria #T«*£ 0 Jiawen shangwu gei Gloria da dianhua. Jiawen called Gloria this morning. (4) A : m^^m^Tt^? Zhang taitai jmtian gei shei da dianhua? Who did Mrs. Zhang call today? Zhang taitai jmtian gei ta nii'er da dianhua. Mrs. Zhang called her daughter today. 095 Please complete the dialogues with the given words. B : B : ©A: $^^_h^m#^Tft^? B : () B : B : J-X ^ yihou after. " rX 1^. " is used to connect two sequential events. It appeals at the end of the first clause of event 1 to express the meaning "After event 1, ..." Example: event 1 + rX fjl + event 2 ' • After listening to music, Miss Li often goes on a run. 096 (1) ' wx*»*xft*st# 0 TTng yínyuě yílióu, Míiigwén lián Jiáwén xiáng qú tiáo wíi. After listening to music, Mingwen and Jiawen want to go dancing. (2) ' ffrtif 0 Ta pingcháng páo bii yihóu, chángcháng qú péngyou jia. Usually after running, he often goes to his friend's house. (3) **jL#T*S#tt#. ' ft#«* 0 Li táitai dá wángqiú yftióu, xiáng kán diánshi. After planying tennis, Mrs. Li wants to watch TV. (4) te5t-#flfejL#**tt&. ' ***** 0 Ta fiímů wánsháng kán diánshi yíhóu, chángcháng qú páo bú. After watching TV at night, her parents often go on a ran. r Exercise 1 Please complete the dialogues with the given words. B : &tri*P&_ B : © A : #**Ť*#**tt4**#fl-* ? B : 4& O A : it**iHXii^ir>W ? B : _ B : ftfiSWl Classroom Activities C l. Read aloud 3 Gloria Gloria Gloria Gloria Gloria °I ' £-IMf ' ft*f ! ' ft£f ! *H***/hÄ*'ai ? tt^ÄJSA^-fej^S ' #Hft? &*.:fcf;^ö]tfj Gloria • #ra#*Äfl-£HJH£ig Gloria - #-'hiaT^EJ$- ° *raft#***«ft? £f #J ' Gloria 0 ? c 2. Fill in the Blanks 3 O; Fill in the blanks with appropriate characters or pinyin for the sentence. A : • £-^ff ' ftif ! vO B : n®i$& ^ ? A : A : «R > tfrr^ ? B : ffc^t ° If $-T 0 A : « ° ^ 5. Please write out the phone number with characters. ^ 31^ ft B IS : 04-5559876 W 123 tfitlt : S^rBSJtK 100 si 1 A \ Im S Pinyin - Phonetic System 1 Finals: -ie er -ian -iang -un(uen) -uang 7 c 1. Tones: The four tones (1) Read the following syllables jie Jie Jie Jie qie qie qie qie xie xie xie xie ye ye ye ye er er er er 101 07, bian (bian) bian bian yan yan yan yan jiang (jiang) jiang jiang yang yang yang yang him hun hun hun kun (kun) kun kun wen wen wen wen huang huang huang huang wang wang wang wang Notes: 1. When -ie is not preceded by an initial, it is written as ye, e.g., ye ( , also) 2. When -ian is not preceded by an initial, it is written as yan, e.g., yan ( "f , word) 3. When -iang is not preceded by an initial, it is written as yang. e.g., yang ( , sheep) 4. When -un (-uen) is not preceded by an initial, it is written as wen, e.g., wen ( X , writing, language, cultare) 5. When -uang is not preceded by an initial, it is written as wang, e.g., wang ( i , king) (2) Please mark the tone you hear. wang shuang er qian ye (3) Recognizing tones: Please circle the syllable you hear. gun qie kun-kun bie-bie chuang-chuang er-er ye-ye wen-wen yang-yang xie-xie Q 2. Recognizing sounds (1) Recognizing initial sounds: Please circle the syllable you hear. zhong-zong la-na qi-xi dian-tian cai-zai quan-xuan jie-xie niang-liang 102 (2) Recognizing final sounds: Please circle the syllable you hear. yang-yan lun-lang nian-nan xie-xiao gun-guang dian-dan qian-qiang kun-ken ^3. Recognizing two-syllable words: Please circle the word you hearj (1) diannao / dianhua (2) xuexiao / xiansheng (3) tumu / jiemei (4) wanshang / wangqiu (5) fangjia / wojia (6) shangwu / xiawu (7) jiehun / xiewen (8) huanying / huangylng (9) renshi / shihou (10) nu'er / erzi (11) xihuang / xiaojie (12) mafan / mama 103 104 4 Happy Birthday to You! Learning Objectives Topic: Birthday and Dates At the end of this lesson, you will be able to use Mandarin to 1. Identify dates 2. Say birthdays and ages 3. Make a request 08 9 V (5) Dage, mingtian shijiyue ji hao? Mingtian shi bayue shiyi hao. Ou! mingtian shi ni de shengri. Shi a! mingtian shi wo shiql sui de shengri. Jiawen, zhu ni shengri kuaile. Ni yao shenme shengri W-Ak^ ? liwu? m$ri—> ? W6 yao yi shuang yirndong xie, keyi ma? Hao, women jintian wanshang qu mai. Ni hai yao shenme? 106 NI qing wo qu chl dacan, hao bit hao? I*] « Hao, mei wenti. Xiexie dage. r 3in»l Vocabulary 1. zliu V to wish 2. a shengri N birthday kuaile Vs happy 4. dage N oldest brother mingtian N tomorrow 6. yue N month 7. ftt hao N days of the month 8. °j| «' 6u Ptc Oh 9- At sui N year of age 10. ^ yao V to want, to need 11- ttMfe*' llwii N gift, present 12- shuang M measure word for a pair 14. 4^*5 15. is. i a -rit < 16. 5fz- 17. nfc* 18. Ar^l yůndong xié jlntiän mai qíng chĺ dacän N N V V N sports shoes, sneakers today to buy to treat, please (polite form of request) to eat a fancy meal I [IS Phrases 19. tc^Í^ shi a! That's right. 20. «Ti^x-'^? kěyí ma? Could I? Is it okay? 2i. hao bil häo? Is it okay? How does that sound? 22. méi wěntí No problem. ftl^ld4:S»l Supplementary Vocabulary 23. I mm an N this year 24. ZŽI song to give a gift to someone 25. a °- N days of the month (in written) 108 nuiiz Grammar Dates (1) ft yue Months of the Year f -n -J3 Wft 5-ft yiyue eryue sanyue siyue wuyue liuyue January February March April May June -tft ^ft Jtft ■Y-ft qiyue bayue jiuyue shiyue shiyfyue shi'eryue ^ July August September October November December^ (2) $L hao / a ri Days of the Month To express a date, place the month's number a year before " ft " and the day's number before " ft " or " B ". " ft, " is more colloquial while " B " tends to be more written. Example: -ft +ft/ a January 10th — ft JL&l a Febmary 9th AJi+-tft/ a August 17th + -J!^+ft/ a November 20 r Exercise 1 Please say the dates below and then fill in the blanks with characters. 5 J .ft M i a 109 «iSt jíyuějihao/ $ what is the date / how old usui How do you ask what the date is? Just replace the word " ^ " with the number indicating the month and the day. Example: : ^fc&M Mr. Li: What is the date today? Ms. Zhang: It is February 7th. (1)A : ftft? Jihtián shi jí yuě ji háo? What is the date today? Jihtián shi sanyuě liú háo. It is March 6th (2) A : WX#}£ft&$k% ftft? Mingwen de shengri shi ji yue ji hao? What is tlie date of Mingwen's birthday? B:IXWiB*A^+-ft. Mingwen de shengri shi bayue shiyi hao. Mingwen's birthday is August 11th. (3) A: $&±#±a&ftjf&&? Li xiansheng de shengri shi ji yueji hao? What is the date of Mr. Li's birthday? B : -r/i+afe • Shiyue shi hao. October 10th. (4) A: **tt£B Meirnei de shengri shi jiuyue ji hao? What day in September is Meimei's birthday? B : — + ix$L 0 Jiuyue ershiliii hao. September 26th. 08 How do you ask someone's age? To find out someone's age, you can say" StJt ? ". To give one's age, you can say " + -t ° " It is correct and commonly used without the linking verb " ". In addition, the word " H " can be dropped for ages over 10. Example: W - **• Pingping: Jiawen, how old are you? tX : ^ + -tA • ifr'JL? Jiawen: I am seventeen years old. How about you? -f-f : ^ + i • Pingping: I am fifteen. V___ (1) A : **4^Mft*? Xiaomeijinnian ji sui? How old is Xiaomei this year? B : *£4^F-+>Vft 0 Xiaomei jmnian shiba sui. Xiaomei is eighteen years old this year. (2) A : • Wo ershi sui. Ni ne? I am twenty years old. How about you? B : —+ ° Ershisan sui. Twenty-three years old. (3) A : ^M^lia • Juitian shi wo de shengri. It is my birthday today. Zhii ni shengri kuaile! Ni jlnnianji sui? Happy Birthday to you! How old are you this year? (4) A:HMWia 0 Juitian shi wo meimei de shengri. It is my younger sister's birthday today. B : ? it^^t^^0#^ ? Ta ji sui? Ni song ta shenme shengri liwii? How old is she? What birthday gift are you going to give her? 112 r Exercise 1 Please match the questions below with the appropriate answers 3. it^^a ftJ3 ft a ? 4. #*&^*ft-*? b. A.-t---^raiA, 0 d. &+A Tag Questions >F háo bů háo / ~sy £1 % kěyl ma A tag question is a short question attached to the end of a complete declarative statement. It is used to make a suggestion, to ask for pennission or to confirm the previous statement. " £f ^ if? ", " ? " are the examples for suggestion. " ^TWS| ? ", " T W ^ ^ W ? "arethe examples for asking pennission. Example: a st > *r&% ? I want to go to Disneyland, could I? Please give me a birthday gift, okay? (1) A : atjH£ir»£A# ' ? W6 qing ni qii chi dacan, hao bii hao? Let me take you out for a fancy meal, okay? (I will treat you to go for a fancy meal, okay?) b : # • nm ! Hao. Xiexie! Okay, thank you. 113 (2) a : 4Ml*#r«36ft ' *f*#? Women qii da wangqiu, hao bii hao? Let's go play tennis, okay? Hao. Women shenme shihou qu? Okay, when are we gohig? (3) a : m% - a**^h% • *r*m ? Mama, wo xiang qii gongyuan wan, keyi ma? Mom, I want to go to the park, can I? B : - ? Keyi, ni xianzai qii ma? Yes, are you going now? (4) a : HHfcT+#MtfT*te • *f ? Qing ni xiawu gei wo da dianlma, hao bii hao? Please call me hi the afternoon, okay? B : £f- ° }§LftM « Hao. Mei wenti. Okay no problem. Exercise Please use the appropriate tag questions to complete the dialogues below. O a : >_? B : *f - 4WlBfl*-£- ° © a : it^&^t A# •_? B : - MM 0 #ft*fc*r* ? © a : ' ftT-^**-#r«l* '_? B : *T£* 0 114 B : £f ° ftfiSIft Classroom Activities C 1. Read aloud 3 B^ X %x wx %x wx %x wx t^x t^x ' *t#£ a 4fe* ° Mft#ia *fc4fe ? c 2. Fill in the Blanks J O, Fill in the blanks with appropriate characters or pinyin for the sentence. %X : A^f" - a o, vO ■fll ? A^1 C 3. Interview and Fill in the Grid 3 Ask three classmates for their birthdays, ages and what birthday gifts they would like to get. Oj You may use the questions below for your interview. (1) foibika ftJiftSfe? (2) it^#-ft* ? 116 First write your own birthday age and what birthday gift you like to get. Then write the information provided by your classmates in the grid below. 1. 2. 3. ^ 4. Who does this birthday card go to? ^ Ans: 117 118 not* Pinyin - Phonetic System 1 Finals: -ia -uan -üan w c 1. Tones: The four tones (1) Read the following syllables xiä xiä xiä xiä qiä qiä qiä qiä yä yä ya yä huän huän huän huän zhuän (zhuän) zhuän zhuän wän wän wän wän xuän xuän xuän xuän quän quän quän quän yuän yuän yuän yuän Notes: 1. When -ia is not preceded by an initial, it is written as ya, e.g., ya ( ^ , tooth) 2. When -uan is not preceded by an initial, it is mitten as wan, e.g., wan (a& , late) 3. -uan can only be preceded by the initial j, q, and x, in which case, it is written as -uan, e.g.. xuan (sit , to choose), quan ( 3i , dog), juan ( # , to roll up) 4. When -uan is not preceded by an initial, it is written as yuan, e.g., yuan ( Jt , member, person engaged in some field of activity) (2) Please mark the tone you hear, jia ya huan wan xuan quan yuan 08 (3) Recognizing tones: Please circle the syllable you hear. ya-ya jia-jia zhuan-zhuan wan-wan yuan-yuan quan-quan xia-xia zuan-zuan Q 2. Recognizing sounds ^ (1) Recognizing initial sounds: Please circle the syllable you hear. qia-jia xia-qia juan-xuan xuan-quan zhuan-zuan chuan-cuan huan-wan cuan-chuan (2) Recognizing final sounds: Please circle the syllable you hear. yuan-yan jie-jia huang-hang jiang-jia xian-xuan wan-wang zhang-zhuan xuan-xian Q 3. Recognizing two-syllable words: Please circle the word you hear^ (1) erzi / nu'er (2) huanying / gongyuan (3) meiguo / meimei (4) dianshi / dianhua (5)jmtian/ mingtian (6) gaoxing / renshi (7) shoujT / zhoumo (8) zaijian / xianzai (9) xiaojie / xiaoxue (10) haoma / wangqiu (11) changge / tiaowu (12) yundong / paobu 4 Learning Objectives Topic: Making Social Plans At the end of this lesson, you will be able to use Mandarin to 1. Invite others out to eat 2. Say complete dates and tell time 3. Accept or decline invitations based on availability 4. Confirm the date / time and location of invitations 09 'O- n Gloria » #S^J.*3'JtJ< 0 Gloria, háojiů bújián. a Ni háo. Míngwén, zhěi wěi shi wó tóngshi Lisa. ik Lisa * flLC-iíSWí^Mfc^i' 0 Lisa, hen gaoxing íěnshi ní. Wó yě hěn gaoxing rěnshi ni. in ft Míngwén, xingqíliú wánsháng women yáo qú Meiwěi Canting chí fán, ní yáo bii yáo gen women yiqí qú? Xmgqíliú bú xíng, xingqíwů zěmneyáng? Kim^^^fi °Lisa -^ií*ii'i*'#^'WiÍ? ? Xingqíwů yě xíng. Lisa ní xingqíwů you shíjian ma? Méi wěntí. 122 Jl A ifc Tai Mo le! Mingwen, nl ji dian xiake? A -i£ a Wo wu dian xiake. Women xingqiwii wanshang liiidianban zai canting jian, JA # zenmeyang? Tai hao le! Na jia canting de niuroumian zui haochi. in £ Women xingqiwii jian. Vocabulary 1. Iz^^i^ xingqiwii N Friday 2. i*^h; shijian N time 3. I*]*^ tongshi N coworker, colleague 4. ^ yao Vaux to want to cantmg N restaurant 6. $U gen Prep with 7.--^i- yiqi Adv together xingqiliu N Saturday xing V okay, all right io. t?^2- xiake V to finish class ii. JKkl dian N o'clock 12. Jf* ban N half 13. Má 14. ^ is. m 16. i?- ipi> 18. #í'»fc« jian na Zlil haochi Det M niÚTOumián N Adv Vs to see, to meet that measure word for restaurant, shop beef noodle soup most (for a superlative degree) delicious feljjn Phrases 19. 20. 7^1 ftl 21. 22. ja%m<7 cln fan bii xing zěmneyáng tái häo le to eat, to have a meal not good. It is not okay. How about it? How does that sound? What do you think? Excellent! Great! J Wííií Proper Nouns 23. Meiwěi Canting Tasty Café Supplementary Vocabulary 24. 25. (fe>fo man wan fan N N year dinner 124 nuiiz Grammar Days of the Week JL#JJ xmgqi + number The expression " J_ ^ " is used to ask for the day of a week. To answer the question, replace the question word " ^ " with the appropriate number. Monday is the first day of the week for Chinese so the character of" — " is used for Monday as " J_#Jj — ", the second day of the week is Tuesday " J_#Jj — ", etc. Although Sunday is the seventh and last day of the week, it is " J_#Jj ^. " in Mandarin, instead of saying " J.$-fc ". Example: mx: ? Gloria : 4>X.£ft-=- ^ Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 3.m- xrngqiyi libaiyi xnigqi'er xingqisan xingqisi xingqiwii libai'er libaisan libaisi libaiwu xingqiliu libailiii (IWB) xrngqitian (a ) libaitian " J.#J] " and " Itff " mean the same thing and are both commonly used. Regarding the usage of" S "and V'£*5*/W*"aremore colloquial than" £$5 9 / B ".In addition, " J!J " is usually used in written Chinese. Monday is " JJJ — ", Tuesday is " 33.— ", etc. Weekend is " " (Vocabulaiy #3 in Lesson6). Sunday is " M. B ". You will never say (1) A : 4**.0§& ? Jrhtian xmgqi jl? What day of the week is today? B : ^*U§.=. 0 Jrhtian xingqisan. Today is Wednesday. 125 09 (2) A : iflXWiaJtl**? Mingwen de shengri shi xingqi ji? What day of the week is Mingwen's birthday? b : MiBti.** 0 Ta de shengri shi xlngqitian. His birthday is this Sunday. (3) A : 5-n *rft*U§ft ? Wuyue liu hao shi xingqi ji? What day of the week is May 6th? b : i/i Wuyue liu hao shi xingqi'er. May 6th is on a Tuesday. (4) A : #+1fIJ§ft*#T*S#? Ni pingchang xnigqi ji qii da wangqhi? What day of the week do you usually go play tennis? W6 pingchang xtngqiwu qii da wangqiii. I usually go play tennis on Fridays. ^ Exercise 1 J Please say the day of the week below and then fill in the blanks with characters. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Km Km — Friday Saturday Sunday V Km J 126 Please find a partner to ask / answer the questions below using the given words. @— J! 3?t ft? (II81Z9) © *MUtlJ§ft**&#*? (1*1) Word Order for Dates The word order for dates in Mandarin is horn large to small units. Please observe the word order of the example below. Example: Saturday evening on September 18th, 2021 ^ Note: Years in Mandarin are presented as a series of single digits followed by " #- ". r Exercise 1 1 Please put the words in the correct order. 09/- o____° o____• ©®_h^ @-r^a ®£#i ®^ O____• O_____• ^ Exercise 2 J Please say the circled dates in the calendar below and then write them out with characters. 2021 5 % D 3.m- 3-M a A •TTTSv............... ................c 1 tt^>«............... 2 p ( 1) 5 B 6 ^T^x,............. 7 c *) 9 ! 110 11 12 ( 14 15 16 | i IT ^ttn.............. 18 19 20 21 22 E 23 ! /frr^\.............. 25 26 27 28 29 ( & | 131 128 © —o —--5-5..3 wit © © © © Do you know how to ask and tell the time in Mandarin? Check out the conversation between EB X and % X below. SHX : ? Xianzai ji dian? What time is it now? %X:• Xianzai slii dian ershi fen. It is 10:20. íšíNote: " It dián/ I£Í4 diánzhong" (o'clock), 5> fen (minute), ^ bán (half) are the expressions to tell time. (Indián o'clock -ft (If) yi dián (zhong) + tt (If) shí dián (zhóng) 1:00 10:00 (If ) 2:00 liáng dián (zhóng) +— ft (If) 12:00 shi'er dián (zhong) Note: " 14 zhong" is usually omitted from " .It 14 diánzhong" 129 (2) fen (minutes) Häng diän slii fen 2:10 3. 5:30 wii diän säusln (fen) Wjfe—+ (^) 4:20 si diän ershi (fen) ql diän wii fen 7:05 Note: " 5> fen" can be omitted from the end of the expressions if the number for the minutes appear in two syllables. (3) + ban (half as thirty minutes) 1:30 yi diän ban häng diän ban 2:30 c Exercise 1 Please tell time orally and then write them down with characters. 130 $1 gen (Preposition) + Someone + — yiqi +V(0) " 25. + someone" appeals before the main verb to express joint participant in some situation. The adverb L' — " is usually associated with " 2& ". Example: I have dinner with my parents on weekends. (1) ft0 Wo changchang gen wo didi yiqi yiindong. I often exercise with my younger brother. (2) 0 Zhang xiansheng meitian gen ta taitai yiqi chi wan fan. Mr. Zhang has dinner with Ms wife every day. (3) w-xmnx-^i^mk • Jiawen gen Mingwen yiqi qii mai yiindong xie. Jiawen went to buy sports shoes with Mingwen. 131 (4) a^a^^-^*ntA# 0 Wo gen wo pengyou yiqi qii cbi dacan. I wreut to have a fancy meal with my friend (5) Gloria J&fttfl—7te**# 0 Gloria gen women yiqi qii pao bu. Gloria went to run with us. ^^^^xercise^^^ Please find a partner to ask / answer the questions below. A: (to ask) B: (to answer) O A : ftt-*#mft-*&-£-°fc!6. ? B : _ B:ft**#t_ © A : #&&JWiL~*£#ti-* ? B : _ O A : f ? B:atf_ © A : ? B : ft-frtt_ B : ptfiSlft Classroom Activities C 1. Read aloud Gloria Lisa Gloria WX Gloria Lisa Gloria mx Gloria mX Gloria ' Jl 0 if*£f ° WX > it^i^ftftLisa ° Lisa ' fö&H$&äfcifc 0 J.*|3?t^# ' Uli***? J.*|i^# 0 Lisa ' ücJ-Dü^Bj-Wai ? c 2. Fill in the Blanks J O, Fill in the blanks with appropriate characters or pinyin for the sentence. WX : Gloria • #^ Ü Gloria : 0 ' ü-fÄ^ft. Lisa 0^* : Lisa - feftJli&äMi: 133 Or--,0 Lisa : Gloria : WX ' fJ^*Ji&tf] Gloria :___-*fe»^t 0 Lisa - __% ? Lisa : ° Gloria : \ mX > fa__T1£ ? Gloria : ^UMi^Ji___^#4JL ? IB* :___! (3. Role play") Find a partner and practice the conversation for making invitations. Invite your partner to do some activities. Use the following two situations to make arrangements with your partner. 134 Situation 1 Situation 2 A & (MX) tE$fB]»|? A & («ix) ■ B t ■ A B : B *f ■ ÄiH»* ? CAftx) ■ *r^*f ? A : ,$£ - ^TW^ ? A fr 0 B B : am« ? A B : 4. Look at the weekly schedule of Wang Mingwen and then answer the following questions. pa 1W£ Ma -t 10:00-12:00 £t T 2:00-5:00 HI *t Jl 6:00- 8:00- 135 09 (1) *fc#^#4l*'tf|?_ (2) *M^f i!fcji«tfl-*aift ?_ (3) ^b^iT^^^lE ?_ (4) %} & (Malasoog. Marathon) tt # C"^ race) £ ft ^ ft fj£ ? (2) li^lU.S,-^^ (Malasong, Marathon) fct # (bisai,race) ^ J_jj$ ft ? (3) it^lU.S,^^ (Malasong. Marathon) tt # (bisai,race) ^ftgfc ? 136 not* Pinyin - Phonetic System 1 Finals: -uai -ui(uei) -üe -en -in w c 1. Tones: The four tones (1) Read the following syllables kuäi (kuäi) kuäi kuäi (huäi) huäi (huai) huäi wäi (wäi) wäi wäi dui (dui) (dui) dui hui hui hui hui gui (gui) gui gui sui sui sui sui wei wei wei wei xue xue xue xue yue (yue) (yue) yue men men men men Jin Jin jin yin yin yin yin Notes: 1. When -uai is not precededby an initial, it is written as wai, e.g., wai ( £h , outside) 2. When -ui is not preceded by an initial, it is written as wei, e.g., wei (, hello) 3. -tie can only be preceded by the initial j q and x, in which case, it is written as -ue, e.g., xue ( # , to study), que ( ifc , to lack), jue ( % , to feel) 4. When -ue is not preceded by an initial, it is written as yue, e.g., yue ( H , month, moon) 5. When -in is not preceded by an initial, it is written as yin, e.g., yin ( IR. , silver) 09 (2) Please mark the tone you hear. xie kuai zui chi sheng fen yue (3) Recognizing tones: Please circle the syllable you hear. zheng-zheng ben-ben yin-yin lai-lai xue-xue sui-suT yuan-yuan jin-jin ^2. Recognizing sounds^ (1) Recognizing initial sounds: Please circle the syllable you hear. xin-qin chai-cai bai-pai que-jue chuT-suT bin-pin men-fen tui-dui (2) Recognizing final sounds: Please circle the syllable you hear. fen-feng huai-hui ju-jue ylng-ym gai-gui neng-ning ren-rong xin-xing ^3. Recognizing two-syllable words: Please circle the word you hear ^ (1) didi / gege (2) paobu / changge (3) pengyou / meiyou (4) pingchang / changchang (5) yhhou / yishuang (6) shengri / xuesheng (7) kuaile / keyi (8) liwu / tiaowu (9) mingtian / meitian (10) liuyue / jiuyue (11) tongshi / tongxue (12) bu shi / bu xing 138 Learning Objectives Topic: Studying At the end of this lesson, you will be able to use Mandarin to 1. Describe one's experience studying a language 2. Talk about one's skill through learning 3. Comment on one's language ability 4. Ask others' performance in some task Gloria ' 4-—'T? 0 ^HflS*^*:?'*' Gloria, xitixi yixia. Women qu he bei kafei ba! Hao, wo jintian hen mang, xianzai yao xiuxi yixia. ( "fai Me -' %p" xiuxi shi, in the lounge ) Ni xianzai xue Zhongwen, xue de zenmeyang? W6 juede ziji xue de bucuo. Xue Zhongwen nan bii nan? W6 juede shuo hua bii nan, keshi xie zi you vidian nan. Nl hui xie duoshao zi? i LiKJ Chabuduo sanshi ge zi, wo hai hui xie wo de T o Zhongwen mingzi. Ni pingchang gen shei yiqi lianxi shuo hua? Wo changchang gen Mingwen liao tian, lianxi wo de Zhongwen. I 3i§n| Vocabulary 1. xue V to learn, to study 2. Zhongwen N Mandarin (Chinese) 3. nan Vs hard, difficult 4. #>; xiuxi V to take a break 5. —'T? yixia N used after a verb to indicate a quick action, for a short period of time 6. ■»£ he V to drink 7. ft? bei M measure word for drinks (cup / glass) 8. kafei N coffee 9. ba Ptc sentence-final particle for suggestion 10. de Ptc complement marker 11. juede V to think, to feel 12. ziji N self 141 10 13. 14 4t*^ is. Pl'Jri* 16. £?^£3 17. ^ 18. l' biicuö hui duoshäo chabüduo zi liänxi Vs Vaux QPr Adv N V not bad, pretty good can, know how to how much, how many approximately Chinese character to practice [IS Phrases 19. PC* f£*^ 20. Ml^r 21. %r--\t£ 22. yfalM shuö huä xie zi yöu yidiän liäo tiän to talk to write characters a little, somewhat to chat ftl^ld4:S»l Supplementary Vocabulary 23. fltHfc* 24. >M zuo fan kuäi Vs to cook fast, quick 25. ft*. gui Vs expensive 142 liftiK Grammar ^ij- de + Descriptive Complements In a sentence, the structural particle # (de) follows the verb. The word after ^ (de) is an state verb used as a descriptive complement to describe the maimer or the degree of the action denoted by the verb. The descriptive complement is usually formed by an adverb and state verb together. Example: S+V + O • V# + (Adv) + Vs • ffctg,+x ' tt'fim?' He speaks Mandarin (veiy) well. (1) A : Gloria * t X ' ? Gloria xue Zhongwen, xue de zenmeyang? How well is Gloria learning Mandarin? B : ^^X ' • Ta xue Zhongwen, xue de biicuo. She is doing quite well. (2) A : *M**H«Mt ' ? Liii xiaojie chang ge, chang de hao bu hao? Does Miss Lin sing well? B : • Ta chang de bii hao. She does not sing well. (3) A : ^4MjM&# ' »b#&#* ? Ni meimei tiao wu, tiao de zenmeyang? How well does your younger sister dance? B : SMMUfr • Tiao de hen hao. She dances well. (4) A : ' XffflMfe'*! ? Li laoshl xie zi, xie de hen kuai ma? Does Teacher Li write characters fast? B : **&FX4MMfe 0 ? Li laoshl xie de hen kuai. Ni ne? Teacher Li writes characters fast. How about you? 143 c Exercise 1 Please complete the sentences below and then ask / answer with your partner. O A : mt t X ■ it .A**? B : at#. © A : ft'I ffc ■ >i_*f ? B : f?-_ © A : it^# B : O A : it4T»& ' *T. ? B : 9 B : ftlBtff-. ^ '— %h y°u yidian a little, somewhat The phrase " # — ,f£ " is used to modify the state verb implying a dissatisfaction or negation. " — " is often omitted. The state verb used for this pattern must have a negative meaning. For example, you cannot say" 4rfa4&%—»£, - " as "*f°£ " has a positive meaning. Example: + State Verb SttX# ( - ) • Speaking Mandarin is a little hard. (1) A : ? Fawen nan bu nan? Is French hard? W6 juede Fawen you yidian nan. I think French is a little hard. (2) A : it^J^ft'fc^'fc ? Ni de gongzuo mang bu mang? Is your work busy? B : ^^Ji^^-f^'K: 0 Wo de gongzuo you yidian mang. My work is a little busy. 144 (3) A : Ni jlntian zenmeyang? How are you doing today? B : ^Fla ' ^&#IfejR • Biicuo, keshi you dian lei. Not bad, but a little tired. (4) A : Stft3l*#A**? Zhe shuang yundong xie zenmeyang? What do you think about this pair of sports shoes? Zhe shuang yundong xie biicuo, keshi you dian gui. This pair of shoes is very good but it is a little expensive ^^^^xercise^^^J Please complete the sentences below and then ask / answer with your partner. B:&*#*t*3£_• (t) © A : it^iMH^? B : a*#_0 ( X ) © A : i^x.^'\tz^'\iz ? B : ftttx^_- (-Kt) 145 10 B : *f »fc - ^£ (t) hui et can, know how to " " is an auxiliary to indicate some skill acquired through learning. It can mean the ability to perform a skill or knowledge of such skill. Like all other auxiliaries, it is placed before the main verb in Mandarin. Add " ^ " to negate it. Example: S+-t+V(0) S + *-fr+V(0) I can speak Mandarin. I do not know how to play tennis. /1 cannot play tennis. (1) A : Lisa t^tit^X ? Lisa hui bii hui shuö Zhöngwen? Can Lisa speak Mandarin? B : Lisa ^^ilfX 0 Lisa bii hui shuö Zhöngwen. Lisa cannot speak Mandarin. (2) A: ^'hiMM^AfeU ? Li xiäojie hui bii hui tiäo wü? Can Miss Li dance? Li xiäojie hui tiäo wir, tä hen xihuän tiäowü. Miss Li can dance and she likes dancing very much. (3) A : i$tn&X ? Shei hui shuo Fawen? Who can speak French? B : fk$t£fcfk±&%Pt$L&X 0 Zhang xiansheng han Zhang taitai dou hui shuo Fawen. Mr. and Mrs. Zhang both can speak French. 146 Please complete the sentences below and then ask / answer with your partner. O A : fat^t^X? B : ft_0 Q A : fa_ftm&% ? B : ft_#£r$i3& 0 © A : ft-frtfc&X ' fa% ? B : ft_0 O A : ^♦*^6&tX^*'S| ? B : ft_Xftf&t*^ @ A : it^^iH&& ? B : ft_ftfc • ^J? duoshao / ^ ji how much / how many 'J? and H (how much / how many) are both used in asking about quantity. 4-1 S + V + £ ^ + (Measure Word) + N ? $> is used to ask about any quantity and the measure word after can be omitted. Example: S + V + > '}? + (MW) + N ? Q: MM* How many students are there in that school? There are three hundred sUidents in that school. 147 10 (1) a : Ni hui xie duoshao zi? How many characters can you write? B:M.*p-S1®3F0 Chabuduo yi bai ge zi. Approximately one hundred characters. (2) a : ? Li laoshl you duoshao xuesheng? How many students does Teacher Li have? B : 5.4®^ >L ° Li laoshl you sanslhwu ge xuesheng. Teacher Li has thirty five students. (3) a : mm^&%^6?%^ ? Na ge xuexiao you duoshao laoshl? How many teachers are in that school? B : spte^ife*—+At*ftp 0 Na ge xuexiao you ershi wei laoshl. There are twenty teachers in that school. (4) a : 4Mf £^flliL? Ni you duoshao pengyou? How many friends do you have? B : &%=-1-Mffl& 0 W6 you sanshi ge pengyou. I have thirty friends. 4-2 S + V + & + Measure Word - N ? H is used for the quantity less than ten and a measure word is needed between H and the noun. Example: S + V +l+MW+N? Q : ftjj&mmj- ? How many children do you have? A : • I have three children. 148 (1) A : WXJt^M%% ? Mingwen you ji ge didi? How many younger brothers does Mingwen have? B : ik>M$ni®%>%> 0 Ta you Hang ge didi. He has two younger brothers. Jiaweu you ji shuang yiindoug xie? How many pahs of sports shoes does Jiawen have? Jia wen you wit shuang yiindoug xie. Jiaweu has five pairs of sports shoes. (3) A : Lisa ? Lisa yao he ji bei kafei? How many cups of coffee does Lisa want? B : Lisa K Jf-0fi 0 Lisa zhl yao he yi bei kafei. Lisa just wants one cup of coffee. ^#a|.^**ft^8*4fe ? Ni yao song ui meimei ji ge liwu? How many gifts do you want to give to your younger sister? W6 zlu yao song ta yi ge liwu. I just want to give her one gift. Exercise Please complete the sentences below and then ask / answer with your partner. O A : _? B : =-^4Hf ° @ A : %M_B : ft0 © A : 5148 _? B : 0 (2) A: B : (4) A: B : 149 © A : fMl*I. $7 ? ? Read aloud Lisa : Gloria ' — T 0 ^Hir^f^ ° Gloria : # ' • -T ° C #- ,1: £ xhvxi shi) Lisa &**? Gloria Lisa Gloria Lisa Gloria Lisa §Xj 5^ ? Gloria ^2. Fill in the Blanks ) ^-^ Fill in the blanks with appropriate characters or pinyin for the sentence. Lisa : Gloria ' — T 0 Aill* 0 Gloria : *f ' $4^11 Lisa : r 150 vO Gloria : ft*# £ £». Lisa : ^ t >C_ Gloria : ft. IMS** > -ztJkM^. Lisa : Gloria .^"H®^ • ft*. ft^jt^^ Lisa : Gloria : & ff$kWX_ ^3. Interview four classmates. Ask what they can do and how well they do it.^ Write the information provided by your classmates in the grid below. 151 You may use the dialogues below to ask / answer. Q : #♦*J ? ? A : &t_• Q : if V ( m / ft I #T / St / ft ) ? A : ft V #_0 K_r 1. 2. 3. 4. List of Activities X (shuo Ynigwen, to speak English) f$t,S3$EIf (shuo Xlbanya wen, to speak Spanish) 152 i Q 4. Look at the calligraphy and check off r jfc. ^ jfc j with r S j . 4 If I lm S Pinyin - Phonetic System ^Tone Change for " -~ " (yi)^ 1. When " — " is used in names, dates, and ordinal numbers, its tone and tone mark are both first, e.g., TaiyI gongs! ( £ — §] 3 Taiyi Company), ylyue yl hao ( — ^ — fife , January 1), di yl ke ( % — , lesson 1). 2. When " — " (yl) is used for amounts or with other characters to form a word or phrase, it follows the same tone changing rules of " ^ ". Tone of - 2nd / 4th Tone of the following syllable yi 1st, 2nd, 3rd qian -f~ (one thousand) mao 4> (ten cents) yi 4tk, neutral kuai (one dollar) ge Notes Six Etymological Principles of Chinese Characters JCitWlt (B) Culture Notes Chinese chai'acters are traditionally classified into six categories ( 5^ If iiushu) as follow; 1. ft-ff^^ (xiangxing zi): pictographs characters Pictographic characters originated from pictures of objects. They are the most ancient characters for people to understand. It is believed that Chinese chai'acters evolved from pictures. However, less than 5% of characters are pictographic. 154 Examples: 9 (ri) sim #-0-8-3 * (yue) moon ?- (ma) horse 2. -ta^^ (zhishi zi): self-explanatory characters Self-explanatory characters indicate abstract meanings such as ideas or concepts that are shown with metaphorical or symbolic pictorgraphs. Examples: JlI (shang) above above ^ ^ (xia) below below | * j i i * ! 3. itit^ (huiyi zi): compound ideograph One compound ideograph character takes two pictographs or ideographs to create a new character. For example, the compound ideograph character " #. rest" is made up of " A. person" and " >k> tree" , i.e., a person is leaning on the tree. ! 155 Notes Examples: rest (a person is leaning on the tree, indicating resting") Gin) grove (if there are two trees, there is a grove) 1$ 4. -ff^af ^ (xingsheng zi): phonetic-semantic compounds The phonetic-semantic compounds follow a standard principle, i.e., one element suggests the meaning of the character and the other element suggests the pronunciation of the character. For example, the phonetic-semantic compound character " &| ma" consists of " women" as the semantic element and " ,% ma" as the phonetic element. The phonetic element indicates its original pronunciation. The majority of Chinese characters falls into the phonetic-semantic compounds category. Examples: Í|7 (mä) mother -k (nii) meaning, women + S°im^ (käo) to bake III X (huó) meaning, fire + sound, # (kao) A 7| 5. -H-ii^ (zhuánzhú zi): mutually explanatory characters Two separate characters that share the same radical, or have a similar ancient Chinese pronunciation and etymology, can explain the meaning of each other. For example, 4£ (láo, old) % (káo, long life) share the same radical" ". 6. íří^^- (jiajiě zi): phonetic loan characters The characters of this category were "loaned" from other characters. For example, " _ih zhi". 156 Wang Mingwen: How do you do? / Hello! Gloria: How do you do? / Hello! Wang Mingwen: I am surnamed Wang. May I ask your surname? Gloria: I am surnamed Lee. My given name is Gloria. What is your given name? Wang Mingwen: My given name is Mingwen. May I ask what your nationality is? Gloria: I am American. And you? Wang Mingwen: I am Taiwanese. I Have Two Younger Brothers Gloria: Mingwen, how are you? Wang Mingwen: How are you? Gloria. Gloria: Mingwen, do you have siblings? Wang Mingwen: I have one older sister and two younger brothers. What about you? Gloria: I also have one older sister. Wang Mingwen: Do you have older brothers? Gloria: I have neither older brothers nor yoimger brothers. I only have one older sister. She Is Not a Student Wang Mingwen: Gloria, is your older sister a shrdent? Gloria: She is not a student. She graduated from college. Wang Mingwen: Where does she work? Gloria: My older sister works at a bank. Her husband works at a computer company. Wang Mingwen: Your older sister is married. Do they have children? Gloria: They have two children, one son, one daughter. Both of them are elementary school students. My Father Works at a Computer Company Gloria: Mingwen, May I ask where yom father and mother work? Mingwen: My father works at a computer company. My mother is an elementary school teacher. Gloria: Is your father's work busy? Mingwen: His work is busy. He is tired every day. Gloria: How about your mother? Mingwen: She likes children. She says teaching is not thing. Gloria: My father is a teacher too. He teaches French at a college. 157 Welcome! Mingwen: Gloria, long time no see. Gloria: Hello, long time no see. Mingwen: This is my younger brother, Wang, Jiawen. Jiawen, this is my friend, Gloria. Gloria: How do you do? Jiawen, it is nice to meet you. Jiawen: Gloria, it is nice to meet you too. Gloria: Do you go to school in America? Jiawen: No, I usually live in Taiwan. It is school break now. I am visiting America for fun. Gloria: Welcome to America. Where would you like to visit? Jiawen: I would like to go to Disneyland and national parks. I What Do You Usually Like to Do; Gloria: Jiawen, do you like to exercise? Jiawen: I like to exercise. I usually like to run. Gloria: What does your older brother usually like to do? Jiawen: He usually likes to nm. He likes to go play tennis on weekends. How about you? Gloria: I do not like to exercise. I like to sing, listen to music and dance. Jiawen: My older brother and I like to sing as well but neither of us like to dance. Gloria: In addition, I like to watch TV. I often watch TV at home at night. Jiawen: I like to go to the park and nm at night in Taiwan. I May I Ask Who This Is' (Ms. Li is a staff member of Taiyi Bank.) Ms. Li: Hello. Taiyi Bank. Gloria: Hello. May I ask if Ms. Lin Meimei is there? Ms. Li: Ms. Lin is not in the office right now. May I ask who this is? Gloria: This is Gloria of Beidian Company. May I ask when Ms. Lin will be back? Ms. Li: Ms. Lin will be back in the afternoon. Gloria: Allow me to trouble you to ask her to call me after she gets back. Ms. Li: May I ask what your cell phone number is? Gloria: My cell phone is (517) 360-4859. Ms. Li: Okay. Gloria. Gloria: Thank you! Ms. Li: You are welcome. Goodbye. 158 Happy Birthday to You! Jiawen: Dage (Oldest brother), what is the date tomorrow? Mingwen: Tomorrow is August 11th. Oh! It is your birthday tomorrow. Jiawen: Right! It is my seventeenth birthday tomorrow. Mingwen: Jiawen, happy birthday to you! What birthday gift do you want? Jiawen: I want a pair of sports shoes, is that okay? Mingwen: Okay, let's go buy them this evening. What else do you want? Jiawen: Treat me to a fancy meal, okay? Mingwen: Okay, no problem. Jiawen: Thank you, Dage. WM Are You Free on Friday? Mingwen: Gloria, long time no see. Gloria: Hello, Mingwen, this is my coworker Lisa. Mingwen: Lisa, it is nice to meet you. Lisa: It is nice to meet you too. Gloria: Mingwen, we are going to have dinner at Tasty café this Saturday evening. Would you like to go with us? Mingwen: Saturday is not good. How about Friday? Gloria: Friday is good too. Lisa, are you free on Friday? Lisa: No problem. Gloria: That is great. Mingwen, what time will your class end? Mingwen: My class will end at five o'clock. Gloria: Let us meet at the restaurant at six thirty on Friday evening. How is that? Mingwen: Great! Then beef noodle soup is super delicious. See you on Friday. Is It Hard to Learn Mandarin? Lisa: Gloria, take a break. Let's go get a cup of coffee. Gloria: Alright. I am busy today. I need to take a break now. (in the lounge) Lisa: How is learning Mandarin going? Gloria: I think I am doing well. Lisa: Is it hard to learn Mandarin? Gloria: I think speaking is not hard but writing Chinese characters is a little hard. Lisa: How many characters can you write? Gloria: Approximately thirty characters. I can also write the characters of my Chinese name. Lisa: Who do you usually practice speaking Mandarin with? Gloria: I often chat with Mingwen to practice my Mandarin. 159 Text in Simplified Characters ft# Gloria ft*f ° Gloria ft*f ° Gloria 4fc£J$* ? Gloria Lee ' DH Gloria ° f& Dtl -ft & Gloria « £WX Gloria &£&@A - ft* ? A - Gloria ' *fA.*JL <• Gloria Gloria WX ' ° ' Gloria ■ i^^tf ' Gloria ° Gloria Gloria mX ' *&%JL%*mm ? Gloria ' &&&ftftiMR4& 0 £WX ^aua »^*? Gloria ' im^^s^^ ? Gloria £WX £WX ? Gloria Gloria £WX &&ast ° fgfl Gloria - ^ftlUfl^? 1 Gloria Gloria ? t-X Gloria Gloria - t-X £WX Nsfc•? Gloria Gloria t-X ' 131 Gloria mx ' TOft## - #^«1. Gloria x# ? t-X 160 Gloria : * ! ifM#M**fi.>&03 ? Gloria : ^^Jtt^S) 64 Gloria • tfrffi^ : Gloria' #./MtT+®* 0 Gloria : Mf& « it*fe®&a£&:fttT 3li£ ° : ifMf^fia^ ? Gloria :&64f- *L^-«I* (i~t) ^ O E9 ^-£^ ° $ 'Hi : if 64 ' Gloria • Gloria : ! #644 a « ^ : ^fT! « A^^ + -t^ 644 a ° = to ' a ft$ • % to : ' ? ? to : ' *f**f ? to : **A-^ « mX '■ Gloria « ifA^JSL 0 Gloria WX > Lisa ° m X '■ Lisa ' ft S * iAiK $ • Lisa : $-&^S£HAiMt- ° Gloria : tyX » £#l*:*JiAtf]**£ ? Gloria : ^#3£-tMt ° Lisa ' ^#3£^ affair? Lisa : « Gloria : A#T ! ' it-/lAT*? mx Gloria mx HE Lisa : Gloria • T ° &tfl-±"$*f ! Gloria : # - ^^Af'ft - Jl —T - Lisa : + X ' Gloria : *5fc4l-S &*4l-^#-Lisa : ^ t ? Gloria : A5fc4?-*t#*J* ' ° Lisa : Gloria =.+ 4^ ' Lisa : jfc^f SB.*—? Gloria : &tfy&WX#?*L ' &3 3£ 64 t & ° Vocabulary Index Piiiyiii Traditional Characters Simplified Characters English Lesson Number ty ba "E. «e, sentence-final particle for suggestion 10-9 bä A. 8, eight 7-24 bäba father, dad 4-1 bäi 100, hundred 7-35 ban + half 9-12 bängöngshi office 7-6 bei measure word for drinks (cup / glass) 10-7 Beidiän GöngsT il ife ag Beidian Company 7-33 biye le MT graduated 3-18 bü/ bü * no, not 3-2 bü keqi You are welcome. 7-30 bü xing not good, It is not okay. 9-20 bücuö not bad, pretty good 10-13 tSk _q cänöng #0 restaurant 9-5 chäbiiduö approximately 10-16 chäng ge to sing 6-17 chängchäng ft ff often 6-14 chl to eat 8-17 chl fän to eat, to have a meal 9-19 W da *i to play (ball) 6-4 da diänhuä to make a phone call 7-27 Piuyiii Traditional Characters Simplified Characters English Lesson Number dácan A# a fancy meal 8-18 dágě A^ oldest brother 8-4 dáxué university, college 3-4 de # complement marker 10-10 diáii .li o'clock 9-11 diánhuá ti* telephone 7-12 diánnáo computer 3-10 diánshi ** television 6-12 didi younger brother 2-4 Dísliiní lěyuán ffl Disneyland 5-18 dou IP both, all 3-16 duósháo how much, how many 10-15 A ěr -- — 2, two 7-18 érzi son 3-13 A Fáguó France 3-22 fángjiá to be on school break, to be on vacation 5-9 Fáwén French language 4-12 fíímů parents in a formal way 5-22 /Sk gáoxing happy, glad 5-4 ge generic measure word 2-3 gěge older brother 2-10 163 Piiiyiii Traditional Characters Simplified Characters English Lesson Number gei to 7-11 gen It with 9-6 gongsl company 3-11 gongyuan park 5-16 gongzud i# to work, work 3-7 gni t $ expensive 10-25 gnixing ft? Polite way to ask someone's surname 1-12 guojia nation, counUy 5-15 iy hai also, in addition, as well 6-10 haizi child 3-12 han / he and 3-23, 6-8 hao days of the month 8-7 hao & good, fine 1-2 hao bii hao? Is it okay? How does that sound? 8-21 haochT *f»fc delicious 9-18 haode yes, okay 7-29 haojiubujian long time no see 5-17 haoma %m number 7-14 he °k to drink 10-6 hen ft ft veiy 4-5 hiianying to welcome 5-12 hni t can, know how to 10-14 huilai to return, get back 7-7 A V ji hao What is the phone number? 7-28 < >< >< >< Á >< i Compound finals Y Z •J j u u U •J *7 172 ;Ht£#-g-#E^ Hanyu Pinyin Chart of Initials Unaspirated Aspirated Nasal Fricative Voiced 1. Labial b P m f 2. Alveolar d t n 1 3. Velar g k h 4. Palatal J q x 5. Retroflex zh ch sh r 6. Dental sibilant z c s Simple finals / Compound finals / Nasal finals Simples o i u ü finals Or C ai ei ao ou -ia/ya -iao/yao -ie/ye -iu(iou)/you Compound finals -ua/wa -üe/yue er -uo/wo -uai/wai -ui(uei)/wei an en ang -eng -ong Nasal finals -ian/yan -in/yin -iang/yang -ing/ymg -iong -uan/wan -un(uen)/wen -uang/wang -ueng/weng -üan/yuan -ün(üen)/yun Mandarin Phonetic Symbols and Hanyu Pinyin Comparison Table Ini-Finals *7 b ft P n in C f 57 d a 5 11 ft « k y a 1 y ba 5? y pa n y ma C y fa 5? y da A y ta 3 y na ft y la « y ga 5 y ka Z 0 ;7 Z bo ft r po n Z mo n t me c z fo t e 5? "i de A t te 5 4 ne 9) t Ie « t ge "7 i ke e ai i m bai ft » pai n % mai 57 * dai A 5? tai nai ft ¥} lai « ?J gai "7 * kai ei 1 \. bei ft x pei ri \ mei c \ fei 5? X dei nei ft \. lei « x gei ao 1 £ bao ft £ pao n & mao 5? £ dao A 2 tao nao ft £ lao « £ gao kao 3? ou ft Z pou n % mou c % fou 57 X dou A2 tou nou 9] X lou « 2 gou kon ail '7 3 ban ft 9 pan ri °? man C *J fan 57 9 dan A *J tan nan ft -J lan « "5 gan kan en *7h ben ft ^ pen n h men C h fen "5 ^ nen « h gen "7 h ken ang 1 ± bang ft * pang n * mang C 3t fang 57 * dang A tang 5 * nang ft * lang « * gang kang L-eng 1 u beng ft peng ri L meng feng 57Z-deng A Z-teng ?} 1-neng 9) L leng « £-geng keng >L er yi/-i lV -bi ft -Pi n -mi *7-di A — ti ni 9) -li - y ya/-ia 9] - y lia yo -M ye/-ie bie ft-* pie n —-tt mie 57 --tt die A — -tt tie nie ft —-tt lie yai 174 r h j < q T Üi 4 f x zh ch sh Q r "P A z c s r y ha £ y zha 4 y cha r y slia "T7 y za * y ca A y sa r t he 4 t zhe 4 t che f t she 0 t re 7 £ ze ce A -£ se r % hai zhai chai f 9} sliai zai cai A ?J sai r x hei zhei f V shei l7 x zei r & hao 4L £ zhao chao f Z shao □ rao V £ zao * £ cao A £ sao r % liou 4L % zhou chou f % shou 0 ^ l'OU zou 1r * cou A 5? sou r ^ hau 4L 3 zhan chan f °> shan 0 *J ran V °> zan can A *J san r h hen 4L h zhen chen f h shen 0 h ren V h h Lh zen cen sen r ± hang 4L £ zhang chang r ± shang 13 * rang V £ L-t zang cang sang r z-heng 4L L zheng 4 Z-cheng PL sheng 0A reng VL zeng ceng AA seng ji < -qi t — xi m — y < — y qia t-y xia m --tt < --tt qie t —-tt xie Ini-Fiiials *7 í? n c 57 £ b p in f d t 3 n ft (( 1 g 5 k - & yao/-iao biao í? — á; piao n - ž miao ft - í, diao ŕ - Ž tiao niao ft — ž liao you/-iou n -5í miu ft-5í diu 3 - Ä niu ft - 5Í liu yaii/-ian 1- *> bian í? n -pian mian ft-1? dian tian 3 - 9 nian ft-1? lian — h yiii/-in bin pin n-h min nin lin -± yang/-iang 3-i niang ft - ± liang - L ying/-ing bing í? ping n — Z. ming ft-Z-ding * -Z. ting 3 -Z-ning ft-Z-ling ku W11/-U Ll X bu Ä X pu n X mu c X m ft X du i X m 3 X nu ft X lu « X gu X Y wa/-ua « X Y gua 5 X Y kua x r WO/-UO 97 ÁZ duo Ä x z tuo 3 X Z nuo ft X Z luo « X Z guo kuo "5 X » kuai 5 X V kui 5 X *í kuan X 9> wai/-uai « X S guai X X weiZ-ui ft X v dui i X x mi « X x gui X t waii/-uan ŕ? X *) duan Ä x man 3 X *í nuan ft X *) luan « X *í guan X h wen/-un ft X ^ dun i X t, Um ft X ^ hm « X t, gun ^ Á h kun 5 X ± kuang X ± wang/-uang guang X L weng/-oiig ft X Z. dong -ä Á L tong 3 X Z-nong ft X Z. long « X Z. gong 5 X Z-kong U yu/-ü 3 U nü ft U lü U -ti yue/-iie 3 U -ti nüe ft U -tŕ lue U 9 yuan/-uan U I7 yun/-On ft u ^ liian U i. yong/-iong 176 ä=5 YouTubeüil ii » /I Overseas Compatriot Card (OCC) (SUP seas Compatriot Card Application Online Bragg ~~ ffltlt : Students.Taiwan-World.Net > QRcode ff ífflT^QRcodeEPRT^PIl^^Äifl. - Ulili HKJfcäH m %.m # # fU Äffi é* a (en*) t # ífU##ít. # — #, = Let's learn Mandarin textbook. l/4»»#, f#i,i,m m^íg, 110.11 ISBN 978-986-5467-38-8CŤ ft) 802.85 110015813 PP WW m tit: Ä^m^fliKE§E+A» ■ IS : (02)2327-2600 II tit : http://www.ocac.gov.tw Ě ffl : (mmnmmmm) ttetjt = íůtpmtpmmw, MÍZ ■■ 04-2226-0330 lltit : www.wunanbooks.com.tw MM ■■ 02-2518-0207 lltlt : www.govbooks.com.tw ^mwmmmmm^mmummmmíämm ■ mmmm - pc Home * - er ' I?https://Textbook.Taiwan-World.Net $»*Ťfíg$SlÍWŤgŤU»B$^^¥^ll(www.huayuworld.org) GPN : 1011001408 ISBN •■ 978-986-5467-38-8 Overseas Community Affairs Council, R.O.C.fTaiwan)