Sharpen Your Presentations and Communication Skills

Plagiarism and AI


·       We expect you, as Masaryk University students, to know what plagiarism is and avoid it.

·       Professional academic writers use a variety of techniques (not just citations) to avoid being accused of passing off another's work as their own. We expect you to already know a few of these techniques, but will show you a few more. It is your responsibility to use them, and make sure there is NO question in your audience’s mind about what ideas and words are yours, and what ideas and words are taken from others.

·        If you need a reminder of what activities can be considered plagiarism, here is a good overview provided by Bowdoin: 

Using AI

·       Our goal in this class is to help you become better writers and presenters of your ideas in English, and we teach these skills in a way that is designed to also help you become better thinkers and researchers.

·       That means that if you use AI in a way that makes you a better writer, thinker, or researcher, then it is acceptable. On the other hand, if you use it as a shortcut – purposely avoiding experiences that will make you a better communicator, thinker, and researcher – it is UNACCEPTABLE.

·       You may, for example, use AI to suggest some synonyms for you, or some useful resources. Examples of UNACCEPTABLE use of AI would be to use a computer program to write whole sentences or larger parts of your texts for you. Such use of AI is considered to be plagiarism. 


 Please maintain your academic integrity and enjoy the course.