Student’s name: Zlata Title and introduction of an article (I´ve skiiped an abstract, becouse I havn´t got my resulst yet to include them in to abstract) Sleep Duration and BMI Among Czech Adult[INS: s :INS] The prevalence of obesity has increased dramatically[INS: , :INS] both in developing and developed countries[INS: , :INS] over the [INS: recent :INS] [DEL: last several :DEL] decades[jm1] . In [INS: obesity :INS] research [INS: it :INS] [DEL: of the obesity :DEL] has been suggested[DEL: , :DEL] that short sleep duration could predict [DEL: the :DEL] obesity in children and adults (Patel 2008). The association between sleep loss and higher BMI was firstly described in [INS: the :INS] USA, where the decrease in average sleep duration has occurred over the same time period as the increase in the prevalence of obesity (Knutson 2007). [INS: :INS] For adult[INS: s :INS] 7-8 hours per night have been recommended as the optimal duration of sleep (Chaput 2009). However it was found, that an average American sleep[INS: s :INS] 6,7 [jm2] hours/day (National Sleep Foundation 2009). Sleep restriction may contribute to weight gain [INS: via :INS] [DEL: by :DEL] at least three pathway[INS: s :INS] : 1. alterations in glucose metabolism; 2. upregulation of appetit[INS: e :INS] (leptin and ghrelin dysbalance); 3. decreased energy expenditure. Article will continue by giving an evidence of these 3 pathways resulting from inadequate sleep length and which lead to obesity. [INS: :INS] Student’s name: Lenka Abstract to the article in an academic journal The ability of traditional social policies to protect against poverty and social exclusion is criti cally discussed in theories about the New[jm3] social risks. These social risks of the postindustr ial society are strongly related [INS: to :INS] [DEL: with :DEL] the massive entry of women into the labor[jm4] market. [INS: The g :INS] [DEL: G :DEL] rowth of [DEL: the :DEL] female employment [INS: has :INS] caused changes not only [INS: i :INS] [DEL: o :DEL] n the labor market[INS: , but :INS] [DEL: and :DEL] also in the nature of partner cohabitation and parenthood. Especially the questions who and how [jm5] should care became important when women, the traditional caregivers, a re engaged [INS: i :INS] [DEL: o :DEL] n the labor market. The appropriate policy measures can prev ent parenting of young children [INS: from :INS] [DEL: to :DEL] becom[INS: ing :INS] [DEL: e :DEL] one of the greatest risks of falling into poverty. We[jm6] discuss [INS: the :INS] [DEL: to wha t :DEL] extent [INS: to which :INS] [DEL: the :DEL] prevailing ideals of care[INS: , :INS] defi ned by Monique Kremer[INS: (year), :INS] influence the policies targeting parenting as a source o f social risks. In the context of the theory we argue[DEL: , :DEL] that Czech social policies focu s more on reproducing the traditional ideal of full-time mother care than on preventing poverty and social exclusion of families with young children [INS: of :INS] [DEL: in :DEL] preschool age. [INS: :INS] Student’s name: Ivana Thank you for comments on my abstract. The size and structure were prescribed. The paper focuses on the important construct that is [INS: currently being discussed :INS] [DEL: i n concern :DEL] by [DEL: the :DEL] academics and [DEL: also :DEL] practitioners. It centres on [ DEL: the :DEL] employee turnover and tries to examine its relationship to (1) [DEL: the :DEL] cor porate productivity and (2) some of the facets of job satisfaction. [INS: :INS] Purpose:[jm7] [INS: :INS] Using data from a questionnaire survey carried out within the Research Centre of Competitiveness of the Czech Economy, the paper explores the relationship between employee turnover and corporate financial performance, size, remuneration, provided employee benefits and employee t raining extension[jm8] . [INS: :INS] Furthermore it seeks the main possible causes of turnover in the sample. The sample comprises 247 c ompanies from various industries. Respondents [INS: to the :INS] [DEL: of :DEL] questionnaire were owners or top managers. The data was analyzed using bivariate analyses to identify variables relat ed significantly to employee turnover. [INS: :INS] Results: [INS: :INS] The results revealed that [DEL: there exists :DEL] a relationship [INS: exists :INS] between empl oyee turnover and company[DEL: ’s :DEL] size[INS: , :INS] or more precisely[INS: , :INS] number of employees, but there is no relationship between employee turnover and corporate financial perfor mance, nor [DEL: it :DEL] is [INS: there :INS] between employee turnover and money spent on emplo yee training. A relationship was found [INS: however :INS] between the employee turnover and the p roportion of performance-related pay, [INS: but :INS] [DEL: however :DEL] only in some groups of employees. Also the relationship between employee turnover and employee benefits was proved only fo r some of the benefits and the interaction between the variables was [DEL: in the :DEL] opposite [ INS: to the :INS] [DEL: direction than :DEL] hypothesized[INS: direction :INS] .[INS: :INS] Regarding possible causes of turnover, results revealed that the most frequent reasons of employee turnover are “personal reasons” and “low wage” in the sample. “Low wage” and “poor opportunities fo r career growth” are also statistically significant factors of corporate financial performance. [INS: :INS] Conclusions: [INS: :INS] This paper discusses relationships between employee turnover and selected variables and further res earch is suggested. The most important limit of this research is the absence of the employees´ atti tudes as the respondents were the top managers or owners of the company. This study also did not fu lly explore the relationship between employee turnover and all job satisfaction facets such as rela tionships between employees and superiors or among employees themselves, the working conditions, co mmunication within the organization[INS: and :INS] [DEL: , :DEL] leadership[INS: , :INS] [INS: a mong other factors :INS] [DEL: etc :DEL] . [INS: :INS] Student’s name: Zamir [INS: :INS] This is title of my PhD thesis: "[INS: E :INS] [DEL: An e :DEL] cological conditions and fertility of soils of a vertical zone in [DEL: gorge :DEL] Besh-Tash [INS: Gorge :INS] in [INS: the V :INS] [DEL: v :DEL] alley of Talas". And this is title and part of article, "Growth and uptake of Cd and Zn under field conditions as affected by NaCl salinity".[INS: :INS] Heavy metal accumulation in agricultural soils is increasing rapidly in developing countries[INS: , :INS] where the use of saline waters for irrigation is a common practice, even[INS: :INS] thoug h salinity-heavy metal interactions are not fully understood. [INS: :INS] An example for this development is the Bangar area of Egypt where the Cd and Zn concentrations in t opsoils have increased [INS: over :INS] [DEL: in :DEL] the last 30 years from 0.08 to 0.76 kg-1 respectively. This work aimed at× kg-1 and from 17 to 73 mg ×mg[INS: , :INS] evaluating the uptake of Cd and Zn by Leucaena leucocephala, a leguminous tree cropped for fodder and green manure, as a ffected by the addition of 8 mM NaCl to irrigation water. During a 6 month field experiment, salini zed and control plots were compared with respect to root development and soil solution composition[ INS: , :INS] as well as the uptake of Cd and Zn and their translocation to the leaves. NaCl treatm ent raised the concentration of organic carbon, total Cd and Zn in soil solution and enhanced the u ptake of Cd and Zn significantly. Salinized plants showed shorter roots, reduced retention of Cd an d Zn in roots and stems and considerable translocation of both elements to the leaves. [INS: :INS] Current trends in political consulting in the Czech Republic Barbora Petrova Abstract of the conference paper Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic Key words: political communication, political consulting, Czech Republic, political parties This paper [DEL: is :DEL] report[INS: s :INS] [DEL: ing :DEL] on lessons learnt from [DEL: the :DEL] political consulting in the Czech Republic. The authors[jm9] aim to provide inside information on the emerging business field of political consulting in the Czech Republic. The major characteristics and trends, as featured during the Czech general elections campaign in 2009/2010, will be described and identified. However, the crucial part of the text lies in the detailed case study of the newly established conservative party TOP09, which registered a rocket-start[INS: , :INS] [jm10] expecting to gain some 10 p[INS: ercent :INS] [DEL: ct :DEL] of the total votes. The paper [DEL: is :DEL] draw[INS: s :INS] [DEL: ing :DEL] on the practical experience in training for political parties as well as from [DEL: the :DEL] comparative field research. Political consultants in the Czech Republic are [INS: better :INS] [DEL: being more :DEL] recognized and are seen [INS: as :INS] more important for [DEL: the :DEL] education and training of [DEL: the :DEL] party members [INS: than :INS] [DEL: as :DEL] in the past. On the other hand, their position still stays outside the party structure with almost no decisive role. [INS: :INS] Abstract Martin Bures It is the purpose of this thesis to investigate the stability and energy spectra of the non-relativistic hydrogen atom in four-dimensional spaces. The additional spatial dimension is considered to be either infinite or curled-up in a circle of radius R. After a short historical introduction, we[jm11] study the case of spaces with an infinite extra dimension.[INS: :INS] [DEL: :DEL] We[jm12] solve the Schroedinger equation of the hydrogen atom and analyze the results. Considerable attention is devoted to discussion of the three qualitatively distinct solutions that appear. We argue that there is no stable hydrogen atom in this case. The second part of this work deals with four-dimensional spaces, where one of the space-like dimensions is compactified, i.e. it has the topology of a circle at a very small radius. We solve the Schroedinger equation and explore the main task, namely, how an additional curled-up dimension affects the spectrum of hydrogen atoms. Finally, we argue that if the potential is sufficiently strong, the hydrogen atom is no longer stable. ________________________________ [jm1]It may be useful to be specific with dates [jm2]Is this 6.7 or 6 to 7? We don’t use commas as decimal markers in English even though it is common in other European languages [jm3]Should this be capitalised? Would it benefit from breif citation to identify specific authors/theories? [jm4]Where is the journal based? This US spelling. [jm5]Italicised to exemplify as the sentence is not grammatical otherwise [jm6]Is this team research or a reference to yourself? To avoid I and we, unless expected, you could use a passive construction. [jm7]Are sub-headings a requirement for your abstract? [jm8]I’ve inserted an extra line break after this as sometimes a pargraph can’t be seen when the final line is very long [jm9]Is this a co-authored paper as this is a plural that states that it is. [jm10]Very idiomatic. Perhaps a more neutral expression could be used [jm11]Is this a co-authored paper? If not you could say „the case of spaces is studied“ [jm12]Same as previous comment. With process, passive is preferred. EG The Schr. eq. Of the atom is solved and the results analyzed. The next sentence does work in the passive and this would flow better. The final moves back to SVO pattern, so it would be good to establish better grammatical parallelism