(1) Student’s name: Ondrej I am sending you my abstract from congress on Morphology Human embryonic stem cells CCTL14 line - comparison of low and high number passage Ráček Ondřej(1), Sedláčková Miroslava(1), Dvořák Petr(2), Hampl Aleš(2) (1) Department of Histology and Embryology, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic (2) Department of Biology, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic Introduction: Human embryonic stem cells (hESC) are well known for their ability to give rise to all types of tissues and are considered as pluripotent cells. They can be cultivated for a long time [SB1] in [INS: an :INS] undifferentiated state,[SB2] some cells exhibit morphologic signs of spontaneous differentiation. We are trying[SB3] to describe various morphologic changes which can occur during[INS: the :INS] cultivation of a cell line with low and high [SB4] number of passages. Our in vitro study [DEL: is :DEL] concern[INS: s :INS] [DEL: ing of :DEL] human embryonic stem cell line CCTL14 passage no.23 and no.234 [INS: by :INS] comparison. The aim of the study is the alignment of morphologic co[INS: r :INS] rel[DEL: l :DEL] ates of cultivation of hESC with low number and high number of passages[DEL: , :DEL] [INS: which :INS] focus[DEL: ed :DEL] on ultramicroscopic changes. Materials and [DEL: m :DEL] [INS: M :INS] ethods: The hESC CCTL14 lines (passage [DEL: N :DEL] [INS: n :INS] o.23 and [INS: n :INS] [DEL: N :DEL] o.234) were cultivated in medium [SB5] with mice embryonic fibroblasts as a feeder layer and [INS: were :INS] conventionally processed for transmission [INS: […] :INS] electron microscopy after 3[SB6] or 5 days of cultivation. Results: Stem cell line CCTL14 (passage No.23 and passage No.234), were cultivated for 3 and 5 days.[SB7] Cells are growing [SB8] in multilayered colonies, which contain undifferentiated cells in their centres and cells usually transformed into epithelial phenotype on the perifery. This phenotype involves surface modifications such as microvilli and desmosomes.[INS: :INS] After [INS: the :INS] third day of cultivation, cells of both passages were characterized by [INS: a :INS] high nucleus/cytoplasm ratio, one or three prominent nucleoli, excessive cumulation of glycogen in the cytoplasm, many ribosomes, elongated mitochondria and numerous tiny Golgi apparatuses. In hESC with passage no.234, [DEL: there :DEL] [INS: it was :INS] [DEL: is :DEL] possible to find moreover [SB9] rare profiles of rough endoplasmic reticulum compared with hESC passage no.23. After five days of cultivation a morphology of the cells of both passages was nearly the same,[SB10] [DEL: but :DEL] [INS: with the exception of :INS] [DEL: in :DEL] [INS: an :INS] [DEL: addition with :DEL] occurence of lipid inclusions, secondary lysosomes and apoptotic bodies. These signs [DEL: are :DEL] [INS: offered :INS] infallible evidence[DEL: s :DEL] of[INS: a :INS] [DEL: :DEL] remodelling of the cells [DEL: themselves :DEL] and [INS: a :INS] breakdown of some cells undergoing apoptosis. The number of apoptotic bodies and signs of apoptosis were frequent in CCTL14 passage no.234. Conclusions : According to our observations [INS: it :INS] is clear[DEL: ly visible :DEL] that only part of[INS: the :INS] [DEL: :DEL] hESC maintained [DEL: i :DEL] [INS: a :INS] n undifferentiated state[INS: , :INS] [DEL: . :DEL] [DEL: In hESC with :DEL] [INS: as :INS] [DEL: :DEL] [INS: there were :INS] high [DEL: number :DEL] [INS: occurences :INS] [INS: of the :INS] passage acceleration of cell cycle[INS: s :INS] [INS: . Additionally, :INS] [INS: swift :INS] [DEL: and :DEL] [DEL: faster progr :DEL] [DEL: ess of :DEL] differentiation w[INS: as :INS] [DEL: ere as :DEL] [INS: :INS] [DEL: certai :DEL] n[INS: otic :INS] ed. The study was supported by [DEL: the :DEL] Project No MSM 0021622430.[INS: [Overall: well written :INS] [INS: and clear to follow. S :INS] [INS: ome :INS] [INS: mixed register with the use of :INS] [INS: informal/semi-formal :INS] [INS: expressions. :INS] [INS: ] :INS] (2) Student’s name: Ludek Money in the American colonies Th[DEL: e :DEL] [INS: is :INS] article deals with the monetary policy of the United States of America during the period of the money supply inadequacy[SB11] . The paper [SB12] is based on the monetary policy analysis especially on the usage of the foreign specie coins, state money, loan money, bills and debts money through the 17th century. [INS: [< :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: It presents an analysis of the monetary policy of the 17^th century, with specific :INS] [INS: reference to the US’ usage of state money, loan money, bills…] :INS] The proceeding [SB13] discuses the way the representative [SB14] money [DEL: flew :DEL] [INS: came :INS] into [DEL: the :DEL] circulation and what [DEL: was :DEL] [INS: its :INS] [DEL: their :DEL] impact [INS: was :INS] on[DEL: to :DEL] the price level. The dividend policy The article [SB15] researches factors that are crucial for the dividend policy. The paper deals with the impact of the dividend policy on the company‘s [SB16] value. The proceeding explains the reason [INS: for the [existence/expanision/creation] :INS] of corporate investor wealth. It is concerned with the problem [INS: of :INS] whether [DEL: the :DEL] financial management decision[INS: s :INS] contribute[DEL: s :DEL] to the company surplus value. It points out the relation[INS: ship :INS] between the dividend payments and the capita yield. [INS: [It concludes that] :INS] The postponed dividend payment is [SB17] considered to be a negative signal for [DEL: the :DEL] investors. [INS: :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: [Overall, easy to read; some clauses appear misplaced; in other parts, repetition could be avoided] :INS] [INS: :INS] (3) Student’s name: Katerina A Study of Scheelite Mineralisation: the Skarn Deposits in Žulová Batholith and Třebíč Batholith Abstract: The [SB18] two skarn localities with scheelite mineralisation, placed in different geological units, have been studied, including WDX-analysis and cathode luminiscence[SB19] . The Žulová Batholith is represented by accessoric scheelite in two mineral associations: garnet skarn and greisenized chlorite-quartz layer with relicts of pyroxene. Primary scheelite contains higher Mo amount than washed scheelite. Some grains are zonal in the cathode luminiscence. Nevertheless[INS: , :INS] scheelite associations in Třebíč Batholith are generally similar: pyroxenic skarn and garnet skarn. [SB20] However, [INS: the :INS] conditions of the scheelite crystalisation in the skarn bodies were slightly different according to the different accessory minerals in every association. Primary scheelite of the Žulová Batholith is enriched by Mo rather than primary scheelite from the Třebíč Batholith. [INS: The :INS] [DEL: M :DEL] [INS: m :INS] ajority of studied garnets w[DEL: as :DEL] [INS: ere :INS] classified as grossular and most of [INS: the :INS] pyroxenes appertained to hedenbergite. In both the batholits scheelite occurs in reduced tungsten skarns associated with the ilmenite-series of granitoids. [SB21] Differences in the composition of the scheelite, garnets and pyroxenes were caused by various composition[INS: s :INS] in fluids protoliths and oxygen fugacity conditions. Keywords: garnet, mineral chemistry, Moldanubicum, pyroxene, scheelite, Silesicum, tungsten skarn, Třebíč Batholith, Žulová Batholith[INS: :INS] [INS: [Overall: fine; cohesive devices would help to create greater flow in the text] :INS] (4) Student’s name: Petr Summary (of a dissertation) Hasala P. : The frequency of complications after laparoscopical cholecystectomy according to the coagulation technique – a comparative study Introduction: [INS: The :INS] [INS: :INS] [DEL: A :DEL] [INS: a :INS] uthor is trying to analyze [SB22] the impact of coagulation[INS: :INS] [DEL: :DEL] instrument devices used during gallbladder removal[INS: surgery :INS] . Standard electrocautery is compared to the use of harmonic scapel. Aim: [INS: To determine whether :INS] [DEL: Is :DEL] [INS: the :INS] different principle[INS: s :INS] of these methods [SB23] [INS: are :INS] the key to the frequency and severity of complications [DEL: of :DEL] [INS: during :INS] [DEL: the :DEL] [INS: laparoscopies. :INS] [DEL: procedure ? :DEL] The aim of this study is to find the answer to this question.[SB24] Methods: [INS: Data :INS] [DEL: C :DEL] [INS: c :INS] ollected [DEL: data :DEL] from statistically significant number of patients were evaluated and the experiment on porcine liver tissue was [DEL: also :DEL] done [SB25] to illustrate the histopathological changes in tissue[INS: s :INS] after use of electrocautery and harmonic scalpel. Results and conclusion: The presented data and experiment on animal liver tissue shows that the use of harmonic scalpel during gallbladder removal is[INS: a :INS] safer technique with much lower risk of complications than the use of ordinary electrocautery. [INS: [good] :INS] Keywords: laparoscopy, coagulation, harmonic scalpel, cholecystectomy [INS: [Overall: :INS] [INS: clear :INS] [INS: ; some typical expressions are given above as preferred alternatives to those given :INS] [INS: for each section :INS] [INS: ] :INS] (5) Student’s name: Helena Abstract of my conference contribution (this length is required): The aim of this contribution [SB26] is to outline [DEL: an :DEL] [INS: the :INS] influence of dif ferent concepts of [DEL: the :DEL] environment[INS: al :INS] protection in [INS: the :INS] usage of energy from renewable sources [SB27] as well as [SB28] specific development[INS: s :INS] of re levant legal regulations [SB29] on decision making in case[INS: s :INS] [DEL: of :DEL] [INS: wher e :INS] a conflict of public interests[INS: has taken place :INS] . These considerations were sti mulated by statements of representatives [DEL: of :DEL] [INS: from :INS] institutions promoting th e use of energy from renewable sources. [INS: Th :INS] [INS: is is followed by an analysis of the : INS] [INS: :INS] [DEL: C :DEL] [INS: c :INS] hanges [DEL: of :DEL] [INS: to :INS] leg[INS: islat ion :INS] [DEL: al regulations on :DEL] [INS: involving :INS] invasive alien plants and [DEL: t he :DEL] expression[INS: s :INS] of [DEL: the :DEL] public interest in the energetic act, in con nection with Directive 2009/28/EC, [DEL: are analysed. :DEL] [INS: The :INS] [DEL: C :DEL] [INS: c :INS] onclusions express the need [DEL: o :DEL] f[INS: or :INS] ongoing discussion[INS: s :INS] .[INS: :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: [Overall: as it stands, this short excerpt :INS] [INS: i :INS] [INS: s in fine in that it : INS] [INS: can :INS] [INS: be easily understood. However, :INS] [INS: it could be improved furth er by formulating succinct expressions that are more reflective of academic register]. :INS] ________________________________ [SB1]for extensive periods [SB2]comma is misplaced; sentence is incoherent [SB3]This study aims to describe/Through this study, we aim to... [SB4]high and low (fixed lexical pattern, like ‚salt and pepper‘; ‚ladies and gentlemen‘ – rather than the other way round) [SB5]is this a biological term? [SB6]use word, not numerals [SB7]repetition [SB8]The cells were grown in... [SB9]used as an addition, therefore inappropriate here [SB10]remained almost unchanged [SB11]is this a term in American Studies? Might it be better to be specific about the period covered...? [SB12]tautological; use It focuses on (or a similar expression) [SB13]following [SB14]? [SB15]Avoid use of repetitive structures [SB16]Which company? [SB17]was (?) [SB18]consider use of definite/indefinite article [SB19]are these the two you refer to? [SB20]Consider how cohesion and coherence can be maximised; these sentences seem a little stinted.... [SB21]unclear [SB22]This study/research analyses... [SB23]what is meant here [SB24]not necessary [SB25]conducted [SB26]unusual choice of word [SB27]through the use of renewable energy sources [SB28]colloquial; use: in addition to the [SB29]legislation