ABSTRACTS 1. Vratislav Havlík The thesis[INS: , :INS] [DEL: „ :DEL] [INS: " :INS] Journalist Jan Hloužek before the National Court[INS: " :INS] [DEL: “ :DEL] aim[INS: s :INS] [DEL: ed :DEL] to analyse the case of the [DEL: czech :DEL] [INS: C :INS] [INS: [HS1] :INS] [INS: zech :INS] journalist[INS: , :INS] Jan Hloužek[INS: , :INS] who was on trial [DEL: by :DEL] [INS: at :INS] the National Court in Brno between 9 and 23 April 1947. The Court focused on Hloužek´s activities during the period of the [DEL: Protectorate :DEL] Bohemia and Moravia[INS: Protectorate :INS] , wh[INS: en :INS] [DEL: ile :DEL] he was working as editor[DEL: :DEL] in[INS: - :INS] [DEL: :DEL] chief [DEL: in :DEL] [INS: of :INS] the[DEL: newspaper :DEL] Ostravská [DEL: národní :DEL] [INS: Národní :INS] [DEL: práce :DEL] [INS: Práce :INS] [INS: newspaper :INS] . [INS: :INS] The research [DEL: was :DEL] [INS: is :INS] [INS: primarily :INS] based [DEL: above all i :DEL] [INS: o :INS] n desripting[HS2] and analysing the court file from 1947, which is deposited in the National [DEL: a :DEL] [INS: A :INS] [INS: [HS3] :INS] rchives in Prague. Articles of postwar press [DEL: were :DEL] [INS: are :INS] also included.[INS: :INS] Hloužek was found guilty by the Court for his journalistic collaboration and sentenced to 18 months in prison. When he was found guilty, Hloužek[INS: had :INS] already served two years in jail[INS: ; :INS] [DEL: and :DEL] therefore[INS: , :INS] he was released after the verdict. During the Word War II, Hloužek wrote articles [INS: in support of :INS] [DEL: supporting :DEL] Germany, but his ideas were inclined [INS: more :INS] to[INS: wards :INS] [INS: the :INS] Czech people. He declared himself to be a victim, because he consciously accepted the responsibility [DEL: by :DEL] [INS: of :INS] writing the articles.[INS: :INS] The results confirmed that Hloužek was not an activist but a conformist. 2. Drahomíra Knitlová Kinetics of Changes in Mitochondrial Morphology and ATP Production in Bovine Oocytes with Different Meiotic Competence During In-Vitro Maturation Th[INS: is :INS] [DEL: e :DEL] study was designed to characterize the differences in chronological changes in [INS: the :INS] morphology of mitochondria and production of ATP in bovine oocytes derived from small and medium follicles with different atresia level[INS: s :INS] . Oocytes recovered from medium follicles (MF, 5-9 mm) by aspiration and from small follicles (SF, <5 mm) by total dissection of ovaries were categorized according to morphological qualities of their cytoplasm in groups of healthy and light atretic ones. Respiring mitochondria were stained immediately after isolation (in[INS: the :INS] Germinal Vesicle stage) and then after 3, 7, 16 and 24 hours (in [INS: the :INS] Metaphase II stage) of in[INS: - :INS] [DEL: :DEL] vitro maturation. Mitochondrial morphology was then assesed with the help of laser scanning confocal microscopy and [INS: a :INS] proportion of oocytes with clust[INS: e :INS] red mitochondria was counted for each category. At the same time intervals, the production of ATP was measured using luminometry in samples containing single oocytes. Both parametres were examined in 40 oocytes in each group. The highest frequency of clustered mitochondria was found in both healthy and light atretic MF oocytes between 3 and 7 hours of maturation. In SF oocytes[INS: , :INS] clustered mitochondria appeared in [INS: a :INS] significantly lower proportion after 16 hours of maturation in [INS: the :INS] healthy group and after 24 hours of maturation in [INS: the :INS] light atretic group. The production of ATP continuously increased with time of maturation in all groups[INS: ; :INS] [DEL: , :DEL] however[INS: , :INS] in SF oocytes the levels were still significantly lower than in MF oocytes without regard to their atresia level. The increase was accelerated in all groups after 16 hours of maturation.[INS: :INS] [DEL: :DEL] The results confirm that the proces[INS: s :INS] of cytoplasmic maturation is quicker in MF than in SF oocytes and i[INS: s :INS] [DEL: n :DEL] health[INS: ier :INS] [DEL: y :DEL] [HS4] than in light atretic groups. Different results of experiments with mitochondrial morphology and ATP production suggest that there is no relation between [INS: the :INS] formation of mitochondrial clusters and content of ATP in oocytes. [HS5] 3. Michal Kumstát Purpose: The study aim[INS: s :INS] [DEL: ed :DEL] to evaluate the differences in diet-induced thermogenesis (DIT) between two liquid meal-replacement shakes of different macronutrient composition[INS: s :INS] : high protein (HP) and high carbohydrate (HC) meal[INS: s :INS] .[INS: :INS] Methods: Four male subjects (26±3,7 y, body mass index 24,6±1,7 kg.m-2) completed [INS: the :INS] crossover, single-blind, quasi-experiment designed study. During two separate occasions (non-consecutive days)[INS: :INS] indirect calorimetry measurement was taken. Production of CO2, consumption of O2 and respiratory exchange ratio [DEL: was :DEL] [INS: were :INS] monitored before and after ingestion of two isocaloric liquid meals with energy content of 7 kcal/kg per fat free weight. [INS: The p :INS] [DEL: P :DEL] ostprandial period measurement lasted 180 min. [INS: :INS] Results: [DEL: The testing meals caused a :DEL] [INS: A :INS] n immediate and persistent thermic effect[INS: was caused by the test meals :INS] . The total DIT calculated in HP and HC meals was: 51,8±17,2 kcal/180 min and 32,13±13,4 kcal/180 min, respectively ([INS: where :INS] p = 0,14). No statistically significant difference in postprandial energy expenditure between HP (0,29±0,10 kcal.min-1) and HC (0,18±0,07 kcal.min-1) meals was observed ([INS: where :INS] p = 0,14). Elevated values of energy expenditure did not return[DEL: ed :DEL] to [INS: the :INS] baseline after 3 hours. The DIT, expressed as percentage of energy consumed, averaged 8,7±2,9 % [INS: for the :INS] [DEL: ( :DEL] HP meal[INS: , :INS] [DEL: ) :DEL] [DEL: :DEL] [INS: :INS] compared to 5,4±2,3 %[INS: for the :INS] [DEL: ( :DEL] HC meal[DEL: ) :DEL] ([INS: where :INS] p = 0,14). [INS: :INS] Conclusions: Results indicate that [INS: the :INS] macronutrient composition plays [INS: a :INS] significant role in metabolic responses. [INS: It was :INS] [DEL: We :DEL] [HS6] conclude[INS: d :INS] that [INS: an :INS] increment in [INS: the :INS] energy expenditure above [INS: the :INS] baseline after ingestion of either protein-like or maltodextrin-like test meals is comparable. Due to a limited number of subjects involved[INS: in the experiment :INS] , further research is needed to validate [INS: the :INS] [DEL: our :DEL] results[INS: obtained :INS] . 4. Naďa Satková Jiří Svoboda´s [INS: D :INS] [DEL: d :DEL] irectorial [INS: M :INS] [DEL: m :DEL] ethods The study discusse[INS: s :INS] [DEL: d :DEL] Jiří Svoboda´s way of directi[INS: o :INS] n[DEL: g :DEL] [INS: and :INS] [DEL: , :DEL] summari[INS: sation :INS] [DEL: zing :DEL] [INS: of :INS] [HS7] the characteristic principles of his directorial methods. Based on [DEL: a :DEL] [INS: the :INS] production[INS: , :INS] End of the Carnival[INS: , :INS] the study present[INS: s :INS] [DEL: ed :DEL] [DEL: their :DEL] [INS: a :INS] detailed description and analysis.[INS: :INS] Sources deposited [HS8] in both private and public archives were explored. They included a script transcribed from a preserved audio recording accompanied by photographs and reviews in period[INS: ocals and :INS] newspapers[HS9] . A scenic form of the production End of the Carnival staged at the Oldřich Stibor´s Theatre Olomouc in 1963 was reconstructed on the basis of these sources and consequently[INS: , :INS] the analysis was accomplished in terms of five basic elements of stage productions. [INS: :INS] [DEL: Jiří :DEL] Svoboda´s productions were influenced by politics and ideology, because he was working from the 1950s to the 1980s[INS: when... :INS] [INS: [HS10] :INS] [INS: ; :INS] [DEL: , :DEL] however[INS: , :INS] the analysis proved he managed to press [HS11] his suggestions to his productions. The study compared Svoboda´s productions with [INS: the :INS] works of his contemporaries and demonstrated that [INS: the :INS] main differences among them were based on principles of a stage design and work with props and their metaphorical changes[HS12] . [INS: :INS] The results confirmed that [DEL: Jiří :DEL] Svoboda succeeded in[INS: his :INS] fight[DEL: ing :DEL] [HS13] against the political system and made his own independent directorial style different from [INS: that of :INS] his contemporaries. 5. Daniel Továrňák High-Performance Event Pattern Detection Event [DEL: p :DEL] [INS: P :INS] attern [DEL: d :DEL] [INS: D :INS] etection [INS: (EPD) :INS] is used in a broad spectrum of applications[INS: , :INS] including algorithmic stock-trading, intelligent traffic systems [DEL: or :DEL] [INS: and :INS] network monitoring as [DEL: a :DEL] part of [INS: E :INS] [DEL: e :DEL] very [INS: E :INS] [DEL: e :DEL] vent [INS: P :INS] [DEL: p :DEL] rocessing [INS: S :INS] [DEL: s :DEL] ystem[INS: (EEPS) :INS] . However, the performance[INS: , for example :INS] [INS: : :INS] [DEL: (e.g. :DEL] throughput[DEL: , :DEL] [INS: and :INS] latency[DEL: ) :DEL] [INS: , :INS] requirements for such systems are [INS: experiencing :INS] stead[DEL: il :DEL] y grow[INS: th :INS] [DEL: ing :DEL] [HS14] as the complexity and amount of events that need to be processed is[INS: on the :INS] increas[INS: e :INS] [DEL: ing :DEL] .[INS: :INS] In our work we are exploring high performance pattern detection over event streams. [HS15] Rather than focus[DEL: ing :DEL] on [INS: the :INS] optimization of known algorithms running on sequential hardware[INS: , :INS] [DEL: we are :DEL] [DEL: concentrating on :DEL] [INS: the :INS] utilization of highly parallel commercial-off-the-shelf Graphical Processing Units (GPUs) using NVidia CUDA[INS: is concentrated upon :INS] . [DEL: There are s :DEL] [INS: S :INS] everal parallel algorithms for pattern matching of strings known at the time[INS: are present :INS] . However[INS: , :INS] [DEL: we show that there are :DEL] significant differences between these two problems[INS: are demonstrated :INS] . [INS: :INS] [DEL: We propose h :DEL] [INS: H :INS] ighly parallel pattern detection algorithm[INS: s are proposed :INS] [INS: , :INS] [DEL: and :DEL] [INS: a :INS] discuss[INS: ion about :INS] its design and used structures as well as pitfalls of such solution[INS: is conducted :INS] . [DEL: Also we discuss i :DEL] [INS: Further, i :INS] mplementation-specific details and optimizations with regard to the NVidia CUDA architecture possibilities and limitations[INS: are explained :INS] . In particular[INS: , :INS] the reduction of CPU to GPU (and vice versa) memory transfers is debated.[HS16] [INS: :INS] [INS: For the :INS] [DEL: To :DEL] evaluat[INS: ion of the :INS] [DEL: e our :DEL] solution [INS: suggested, :INS] [DEL: we performed :DEL] several detailed throughput and latency benchmarks [INS: are performed :INS] with [INS: consider :INS] [INS: a :INS] [INS: tion given to a :INS] [INS: :INS] variety of factors[INS: , for example, :INS] [DEL: taken into account :DEL] [DEL: [DEL: [HS17] :DEL] :DEL] [DEL: (e.g. :DEL] pattern selectivity, pattern complexity[INS: and :INS] [DEL: , :DEL] number of patterns[DEL: ) :DEL] . Based on the results[INS: , it is :INS] [DEL: we :DEL] conclude[INS: d :INS] that [INS: the :INS] usage of highly parallel GPU-based pattern detection [DEL: can :DEL] [HS18] [INS: may :INS] introduce extensive performance improvements to the event processing systems. 6. (You might have this one from Alena´s group already) Jiri Hiess[INS: :INS] Atkis/Zabaged Improvements [DEL: A :DEL] [INS: a :INS] nd Next European Spatial Data Infrastructures Needs The latest achievements in Saxonian[DEL: – :DEL] [INS: - :INS] [DEL: :DEL] Czech cooperation led to better harmonisation of basic geodatasets maintained in accord[INS: ance :INS] to particular national legal systems and technical standards. The geodatasets[INS: , :INS] ATKIS and ZABAGED[INS: , :INS] originally related to the scale 1 : 10[INS: , :INS] [DEL: :DEL] 000[INS: , :INS] are useful both for scientific and practical purposes.[INS: :INS] [DEL: We have to :DEL] [INS: The :INS] develop[INS: ment of :INS] [HS19] the expiring concept of INSPIRE [INS: is paramount, :INS] a[INS: s is a :INS] [DEL: nd :DEL] discuss[INS: ion on :INS] the future needs and requests of advanced European Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI). The advanced concept [DEL: „ :DEL] [INS: " :INS] [DEL: I :DEL] NSPIRE+[INS: " :INS] [DEL: “ :DEL] reflects the [DEL: existing :DEL] national and subnational SDIs [INS: already in existance, :INS] and add[INS: s :INS] new ideas[INS: and :INS] [DEL: , :DEL] relations, [INS: and :INS] highlight[INS: s :INS] new upcoming and underestimated tasks both for Geo-information science and technologies, and applied research. The long-time objectives are to develop European excellence, to improve the info-society infrastructural environment, to support the related services and business, and to intesify the international and cross-border cooperation.[INS: :INS] [DEL: :DEL] The paper concludes [DEL: in :DEL] [INS: with :INS] open questions and particular project and research outupts[INS: in order :INS] to contribute to the ongoing expert discussion. ________________________________ [HS1]Capitalise the first letter of proper nouns. [HS2]Do you mean "describing"? If so, this is how you should write that part of the phrase through nominalisations: ... on the description and analysis of the court file ... [HS3]See Comment HS1. [HS4]in... ? [HS5]Excellent. :) Basically, your only slight weakness seems to be in the use of articles. [HS6]In academic writing, try to write in the impersonal/passive style as much as possible. [HS7]Use nominalisation. [HS8]How about simply stating: Sources from both private and public archives were explored. [HS9]Please confirm the correction of this. (What would be a period newspaper?) [HS10]I think unless you state what was happening then, simply a mention of a time period does not always and automatically convey the affect it has/had [on a person, artist etc]. In other words, much happened during 1950-1980; what specifically are you trying to relate as having affected him? [HS11]Do you think the following would read better? ... he managed to promulgate his suggestions through his productions ... [HS12]What do you actually intend to convey through this word? [HS13]See Comment HS8 re "-ing" words. [HS14]Use nominalisation. [HS15]In academic writing, try to write in the impersonal/passive style as much as possible. Try writing like this: In this study, an attempt has been made to explore the high performance pattern detection over event streams [of..?]. [HS16]Excellent! Write in the passive just like this. [HS17]Avoid the use of phrasal verbs. Note: Phrasal verbs are a very common feature of spoken English. [HS18]In academic writing, use hedging language. [HS19]1. In academic writing, try to write in the impersonal/passive style as much as possible. 2. Use nominalisation.