Four oldest czech songs žFor sacred songs were permitted to be sung in the church by the prague synod in 1408: Hospodine, pomiluj ny; Buoh všemohúcí, Svatý Václave a Jezu Kriste, ščedrý kněže. ž C:\Users\Vlada\Pictures\VLÁĎOVO\Brno sv. Jakub\graduál\IMG_0671 - Kopie.JPG žHospodine, pomiluj ny (Lord, have mercy) The earliest major relic of musical culture in Czech lands, originated in the second half of the 10th century. As early as in the 11th century became carmen patrium (national and state anthem). Earliest notation dating 1397. žExample: bishop Vojtěch presents the song invented by himself to the duke of Bohemia (baroque engraving). ž ž C:\Users\Vlada\Documents\VÝUKA\codex\Adalbertus.jpg žBuoh všemohúcí (God almighty is risen from the dead awaited) žEaster song, originated in the 12th century (Christ ist erstanden), sung at the end of an Easter play, žThe melody is derived from easter sequence Victimae paschali laudes žIn the 14th century it was sung paralelly in latin, czech and german. žLater version (15th or 16th century) (scores) (with instruments) žSee renaissance motet with the melody in tenor line (cantus firmus) ž G:\VÝUKA\PŘEDMĚTY\HČD\václav\ChristusIstErstanden_1.jpg žSvatý Václave (Saint Wenceslas) ž„the oldest preserved piece of evidence documenting the use of the Czech language as a poetic vehicle, dates from the 1280s or rather earlier… The song eulogizes St. Wenceslas as the eternal sovereign leader of the Bohemians.“ G:\VÝUKA\PŘEDMĚTY\HČD\václav\Vera effigies-Rosa bohemica 1668.jpg žEarliest notated version (1473) 02-SvatyVaclave1473.jpg žLater and nowadays more vivid version (melody) of the hymn, first documented by the hymnal book from 1864. žThe church feast of St. Wenceslas the martyrer (28th of september) is also a state feast. ž G:\VÝUKA\PŘEDMĚTY\HČD\václav\08-SvatyVaclave1864a.jpg C:\Users\Vlada\Documents\VÝUKA\václav\09-SvatyVaclave1864b.jpg žVerse nr. 6 lists the saint patrons of Czech lands , among them also St. Vojtěch (Adalbertus), prague bishop, to whom the St. Wenceslas hymn was traditionally attributed(see the engraving above). žJosef Suk: Meditation on the St. Wenceslas hymn žA song – tributing St. Wenceslas, created in the late 80s of 20th century during the reign of communist party in Czech lands by Petr Skoumal (somehow similar to the music of Peter Gabriel) ž ž