žSince 2nd half 1950s new relation btw 2 blocks - out of the question - political rapprochement, but emergency of objective need of crises management on international scale – fear of nuclear weapons žNeed of coexistence: both blocks in fact needed each other – economical interests: Soviet Block – technical and technologically backwardness x USA: possibility of new market - Eastern Europe ž1962: after Caribbean Crisis – beginning of beginning of the negotiations on the control of nuclear danger ž ž ž žBUT basic objectives of both superpower remained incompatible žUSA: balance bwt 2 blocks x Soviet Union: aim to spread the power ž alternating periods of negotiations, conflict, tension and loosening (end 1989) ž1st phases lasted until end of 1960s : quite successful solution: Indo-China and Austria x lasting issue – Germany – 2nd Berlin Crises 1961 and August 1968 in Czechoslovakia žOne of the most sensitive question – Germany - conflicts of interest žHallstein doctrine žEconomical miracle žControl of west Berlin – N. S. Khrushchev – neutral or part of GDR – pressure Paris conference 1960 – not successful žJ.F. Kennedy žhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjHcNhcahv4 žAugust 1961 – Berlin Wall ž ž žhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vXsdaUmG8s ž1960 – new constitution and new name Czechoslovak socialistic republic and new state symbol žPresident A. Zapotocky – ex fist secretary of KP, 1957 žDrastically decline of Czechoslovak Economy žNeed of Economical reform – the most – radical one in Soviet Block – showed that democratization and liberalization of the economy is not possible without changes in policy žLiberalization: 1st phases of liberalization of the political regime ž ž žFirst time criticism of dogmatism and the aim go back to “Young or authentically Marx” žNot only democratization but also democracy: main tension between culture and political power ž žArtists - requirement of creative freedom žCzechoslovak film: Miloš Forman, Ivan Passer, Jan Němec, Vojtěch Jasný, Jiří Menzel, Věra Chytilová... žhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WM3lrSc0Tp4 žWriters: Milan Kundera, Ivan Klíma, Ludvík Vaculík,Josef Škvorecký, Bohumil Hrabal, Arnošt Lustig,... ž4th congress of writers 1967 – open criticism of political conditions - cruel punishment – cancel: Literární noviny and movement against liberalism žrequirements: demission of the President, economical reform and liberalization of life BUT all changes should be done under the control of CP žHead of CP Alexander Dubček ž= beginning of the democratization of the Czechoslovak society žEnd of censorship žlaw to the Federation žPrague Spring žagainst: bureaucratic-totalitarian model of socialism žRequirement: more democratic, more economical and more social regime žIdea of political pluralism žCatholic Church žAction program – April 1968 - principles of market economy, facilitate political freedoms and citizens' rights, did not guarantee political pluralism and creation of democratic regime of standard mode ž žEffort to restore the Czechoslovak Social Democratic Party žSince May 1968 – growing tension – reform in deep crises žJune 27th 1968 - Manifesto “2000 words”, http://www.radio.cz/en/section/curraffrs/the-two-thousand-words-that-started-the-prague-spring žConservative part of CP supported by Soviet Union - preparation of the coup d etat žAugust 18, 1968 Moscow - adopted a resolution on military intervention žAt night August 20, 1968 – Soviet troops, Hungarian, GDR s, Polish and Bulgarian crossed the boards žCzechoslovak government adopted resolution – occupation is against the will of Czechoslovak citizens, international law ž ž21st August 1968 – troops of 5 states entered žAgainst occupiers - citizens unarmed resistance žMoscow Protocol – was signed – Soviet troops can stay in Czechoslovakia ž žMoscow Protocol - Moscow Protocol demanded normalization = no reformators in CP žNormalization = also period from August 1968 – November 1989 žImportant function – People loyal to the Soviet Union žSlovakia – leader of CP Gustav Husák guarantees at least of some reforms žSoviet leading – back to period before Prague Spring žPeople connected with Prague Spring – out of public life žJan Palach burned himself to protest against the regime in January 1969 žMarch 1969 – Ice Hokey World Championship – Czechoslovakia beat Soviet Union – DEMONSTARTION x Soviet protest žApril 1969 – A . Dubček was replaced by Gustav Husák = strict censorship, no protest; ž„ review“ in CP žAll society = apathy žEmigration žEconomy = since 1968 back to Central planning ž1975 G. Husák – president žConferences in Helsinki – Soviet Block agreed on Respect for Human Rights ž žEx CP members, intelectuals, artists, church - fellowship, which was to monitor respect for human rights „Charta 77“ – Jan Patočka, Václav Havel and Jiří Hájek – memberesr were persecuted ž1978 - Committee for the Defense of the Unjustly Persecuted žDissidents repeatedly jailed žRelease after 1985 – M. S. Gorbachev – As de facto ruler of the USSR, he tried to reform the stagnating Party and the state economy by introducing glasnost ("openness"), perestroika ("restructuring"), demokratizatsiya ("democratizatio n"), and uskoreniye("acceleration" of economic development), which were launched at the 27th Congress of the CPSU in February 1986 žfirst manifestations of discontent – January –anniversary of Jan Palach´s death žNovember 17th 1989 - police suppressed a student demonstration beginning of the of the fall of communism žhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vh3r8tULhlA ž1978 – Karol Wojtyla – pope ž1980 – strikes - control - movements Solidarity: Polish trade union federation that emerged on 31 August 1980 at the Gdańsk Shipyard under the leadership of Lech Wałęsa žRequirements: economical, Democratic civil rights žOpossition ž Soviet Union - supported the military coup ž1981 - Military Council declared state of emergency, 1983, Solidarity cancelled ž žMilitary regime pushed to open the dialog with opposition ž1989 – election – winner anticommunist opposition – leader catholic politician Tadeusz Mazowiecki žJanos Kadar was deposed from the position in 1988 žOctober 1989 New Hungarian Republic was declared ž1990 election – winner - Hungarian Democratic Forum ž žOctober 1989 Leipzig – manifestation žNovember 1989 Fall of Berlin Wall – symbol of Cold War žCurrent issues of the reunification of Germany žhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snsdDb7KDkg ž žeconomic depression žDeep economic, political, social and moral crisis ž1975 Conference in Helsinki – Final Act -signed the declaration in an attempt to improve relations between the Communist bloc and the West žSovereign equality, respect for the rights inherent in sovereignty žRefraining from the threat or use of force žInviolability of frontiers žTerritorial integrity of States žPeaceful settlement of disputes žNon-intervention in internal affairs žRespect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, including the freedom of thought, conscience, religion or belief žEqual rights and self-determination of peoples žCo-operation among States žFulfillment in good faith of obligations under international law ž žThe document was seen both as a significant step toward reducing Cold War tensions and as a major diplomatic boost for the Soviet Union at the time, due to its clauses on the inviolability of national frontiers and respect for territorial integrity, which were seen to consolidate the USSR's territorial gains in Eastern Europe following the Second World War ž1976 Soviet Block signed pact of UN – human rights žReflection of Helsinki – “Charta 77”,… ž1988 -89:Vienna meeting – „Human dimension“ – better human rights protection