{ ASL  1:     Week  Two,  Part  Two Tommy  Korn Rebecca  Lovitch Ñ  A-­‐‑Z   Ó  Fist  LeBers:  A,  E,  I,  S,  T,  M,  N Ñ  1-­‐‑15 Ñ  Gender Ñ  Clothing Ñ  Colors Review Ñ Chuck  Baird Deaf  History Chuck  Baird’s  Art Ñ  Name Ñ  Deaf/Hearing Ñ  Language  background Ñ  What  s/he  is  doing  now Ñ  Likes/dislikes Ñ  Favorite  color Autobiography Ñ  Raise  brows Ñ  Lean  head  forward Ñ  Hold  the  last  sign  until  answered Ñ  Affirm  (nod  head  and  say  yes) Ñ  Negate  (shake  head  and  say  no) Ñ  Acknowledge  Information Yes-­‐‑No  Questions Ñ  Dominant  Hand Ñ  Non-­‐‑Dominant  Hand Which  hand  do  I  use? One-­‐‑handed  signs Two-­‐‑handed  symmetrical  signs Two-­‐‑handed  non-­‐‑symmetrical  signs Ñ  Begin  with  the  “A”  handshape Ñ  Twist  your  hand  to  make  the  second  number:   6,  7,  8,  9 Cardinal  Numbers:  16-­‐‑19 B    C    D    F    K    L    R    U    V    W    X Up  LeBers Up  LeBer:  X At  the  beginning   of  a  name  or  word In  the  middle  or  at   the  end  of  a  name   or  word Ñ  Write  down  the  Up  LeBer  (s) Ñ  Write  down  the  fist  and  up  leBer  names Activity Cardinal  Numbers:  20-­‐‑29 Ñ  Double  leBer  is  repeated  twice  with  a    bounce Ó  Bobby Ó  Nikki Ó  Willie Ó  Carrie Double  LeBer  Names “bb”,  “kk”,  “ll”,  and  “rr” Ñ  Double  leBer  is  repeated  twice  without  a  bounce Ó  Tessa Ó  Danny Ó  KiBy Ó  Taffy Ó  Maddy Ó  Tommy Double  LeBer  Names “ss”,  “nn”,  “B”,  “ff”,  “dd”,  and  “mm” Ñ  Double  leBer  moves  sideways  and  is  not  repeated Ó  Lee Ó  Yoon Double  LeBer  Names “aa”,  “ee”,  and  “oo” Ask  what  is  the  sign Conversation  Strategy   Point  to  Object Conversation  Strategy   Signer  A:  (points  to  object)  Asks  for  sign Signer  B:  Gives  sign Draw  Object Conversation  Strategy   Signer  A:  (draws  object)  Asks  for  sign Signer  B:  Tells  Signer  A  s/he  forgot  the  sign Signer  C:  Gives  the  sign List  Items  in  a  Category Conversation  Strategy   Signer  A:  (lists  items  in  a  category)  Asks  for  a  sign Signer  B:  Tells  s/he  doesn’t  know  the  sign Signer  C:  Gives  the  sign Use  Opposites Conversation  Strategy   Signer  A:  (uses  opposites)  Ask  for  a  sign Signer  B:  Tells  they  think  you  know  the  sign Signer  C:  Confirms  Signer  B’s  answer Describe/Act  out Conversation  Strategy   Signer  A:  (describes/acts  out)  Ask  for  a  sign Signer  B:  Ask  for  clarification Signer  A:  (describes/acts  out  again) Signer  B:  Understands  and  gives  correct  sign CZECH SIGN   LANGUAGE Ñ  Smith,  C.,  Mikos,  K.  and  Lenk,  E.  2008.  Signing   naturally.  San  Diego,  CA:  DawnSignPress. Ñ  hBp://www.chuckbairdart.com/index.html References