Mgr. Jana Skerlova žHabsburgs orriginaly came from Switzerland žDuring 13th century – the domains in Austria žSince 14th century – the growth of their power ž ž1526 – 1918 ruled over Bohamian lands žThe Habsburg rule brought the re-introduction of the Roman Catholic faith, centralization and the construction of a multi-national empire ž The Habsburgs included the Crownlands of Bohemia into their monarchy, the Habsburg domination over Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia lasted till 1918 ž ž ž žFerdinand I (1526–1564) žHe became the Holy Roman Emperor in 1558 (after his brother Charles V had died) žking of Bohemia and Hungary since 1526 (elected by Bohemian and Hungarian Diet – i.e. nobles, clergy and representatives of the royal tows – because he was a husband of Anne Jagiellonica – sister of Bohemian and Hungarian king Luis II who had died at the battle of Mohács in 1526) žking of Croatia, Dalmatia, Slavonia, and formally king of Serbia, Galicia (in Eastern Europe) and Lodomeria, etc. → large and powerful empire ž žFerdinand I žAnne of Hungary and Bohemia 303px-Hans_Bocksberger_der_Aeltere_001.jpg 220px-Hans_Maler_-_Queen_Anne_of_Hungary_and_Bohemia_-_WGA13895.jpg žThe key events during his reign were: vthe contest with the Ottoman Empire oTheir great advance into Central Europe began in the 1520s o1529 – they unsuccessfuly assaulted Vienna, the capital of Habsburg Monarchy oThe Siege of Vienna took 150 days othe aim of the campain was securing control over all of Hungary and weakening of the Habsburgs’ power ounusually bad weather conditions saved Vienna, the heavy rain and snowfall made the Turks to leave othey returned in 1533, but their army wasn’t so strong o1533 – a peace treaty with the Ottoman Empire was concluded – split Hungary into a Habsburg sector in the west and a vassal state of the Ottoman Empire in the east o o o o o o o o ž ž vthe contest with the protestant Reformation, which resulted in several wars of religion •1519 – The ninety-five thesis of Wittenberg - was written by Martin Luther in 1517 and is widely regarded as the primary catalyst for the Protestant Reformation •The disputation protests against clerical abuses, especially the sale of indulgences o1546–1547 – the Smalkaldic war – the Smalkaldic Union of protestant towns and princes united against ruling catholic Habsburg dynasty oFerdinad and his brother Charles V, the Emperor, formed a strong army othey also asked the Bohemian estates (nobility, clergy and towns)) to form an army and send it to fight against Smalkaldic Union othe Bohemians refused to do it because they didn’t want to fight against protestants and also because the Bohemian national army could be called only to defend the country not to conquere foreign lands or to fight abroad oso the Bohemian estates were protesting and they rose up against Habsburgs obut the rebellion was easily supressed and the represions followed othe represions against nobility weren’t so strict (usually the noblemen lost their property) but the towns, which were also participating on the uprising, were excluded from the political life and the town goverment was put under the control of the royal clerks oalso the hussite church was persecuted in Bohemian Lands o o o o ž 800px-Growth_of_Habsburg_territories.jpg žHe faced the rising power of new Protestant movements in Bohemia – so called Bohemian Brethern and Lutherans žhe ratified the religious programe of Bohemian non-catholic estates - so called The Bohemian Confession žbut he ratified it only orally so it didn’t bring the religious liberty as the Bohemian estates wished o ž žEccentric person žIncompetent and weak ruler, not very interested in politics žleft Vienna for Prague, Bohemian capital grew into an important center of European culture ž1593–1606 – „The Long War“ – with Osman Turks ž1609 – The Czech Estates forced Rudolph II to issue a decree - so called "Maiestatus" or the Letter of Majesty - Rudolph was compelled to grant far-reaching consessions to the nobility and to proclaim freedom of religious confession in Bohemian Lands ž1604 –1606 – uprising in Hungary žsince 1608 – he ruled only over Bohemia, Silesia and Lusitania, his brother Mathiass became a ruler in Moravia, Austria and Hungary ž ž ž žRudoplh supported culture, arts, sciences etc. ždue to the presence of many artist and scientist and the development of culture and natural sciences his capital city was called „the Golden Prague“ žRudolph also supported natural philosofers such as the astronomers Tycho Brahe and Johannes Kepler, also Giordanno Bruno spent some time in Prague when he was on the run from the inquisition žRudolph kept a menagerie of exotic animals, botanical gardens, and Europe’s most extensive "cabinet of curiosities"(Kunstkammer) žRudolph also patronated occult sciences, many alchymists stayed in Prague during his reign such as Edward Kelley and John Dee žhe had his private alchemy laboratory where he arranged his own experiments žHis lifelong wish was to find the Philosopher's Stone and become immortal žapart from the Philosopher´s Stone the alchymsits also wanted to construct an artificial human being – homunkulus ž ž žRudolph loved collecting paintings and was also a patron of many contemporary artists – e. g. Giuseppe Arcimboldo, Bartolomeus Spranger, Hans von Aachen, Adrian de Vries and many others ž žInteresting web site: ž 488px-Arcimboldovertemnus.jpeg ždominating artificial style in 16th and 17th century in Bohemia and in the Central Europe žThe obvious distinguishing features of Classical Roman architecture were adopted by Renaissance architects žthe Prague Castle was rebuilt in this style žA villa for Queen Anna – Belveder near the Prague Castle žmany Italian architects came to Bohemia žOld castles are rebiult into the modern chateaus – e. g. Chateau Litomyšl (UNESCO), Castle Český Krumlov – UNESCO žProsperity of the towns – town halls, squares, houses ž palaces of the nobility built in the towns žTown of Telč – houses with picturesque facades and arcades - UNESCO žTown of Slavonice žnear to the Brno – Bučovice castle – unique - newly built castle ž žThe Town of Telč žChateau of Litomyšl telc3.jpg slide0001_image002.jpg žBelveder (Prague) žČeský Krumlov Belveder.jpg krumlov.jpg žThe house at the Old Town Square in Prague žThe Town Hall in Pilsen staromák.jpg town hall pilsen.jpg žChateau of Opočno žChateau of Bučovice opocno07.jpg bucovice.jpg žMatthias (1611–1619) – disregarded the Letter of Majesty in an issue involving Protestant churches žThe Bohemian noblemen revolted ž1618 – The so-called Defenestration of Prague – the unpopular king’s representatives in Bohemia (the governors, high offcials) were thrown out of a window of the Prague Castle žThe provisional government of 30 directors was established ž the Bohemian nobility declared that Matthias’ son Ferdinand II was deposed, in his place Frederick V (1619–1920) was elected – called „Winter King“ ž Defenestration-prague-1618.jpg žThe decisive clash between the two opposing camps took place in 1620 in Battle of the White Mountain žFrederick, Bohemian Estates and their army were defeated and the Kingdom of Bohemia lost its independence for the following almost 300 years žthe Catholic faith was declared to be the only permitted creed in the country žthe Bohemian revolt was an episode of the religious Thirty Years’ War that swetp over Europe between 1618 and 1648 žthe period of the Thirty Years’ War brought political disorder and economic devastation to Bohemia and to the Central Europe in general which had far-reaching consequences on the future development of the country ž ž žin 1621 a greant trial with politicians who had been active in rebellion took place in Prague, their properties were confiscated and divided among the Catholic nobility from Bohemia, Austria and Hungary žon June 21 1621 – twenty-seven Estates oppositions leaders were executed in the old Town Square in Prague žThe throne of Bohemia became hereditary in the Habsburg dynasty and the most important offices were transferred permanently to Vienna žThe property of the Protestant leaders were confiscated žGerman soon became the first language of the country ž ž ž 200px-Kaiser_Ferdinand_II._1614.jpg žUnsuccesful siege of Brno by Swedish army in 1645 783px-Veduta_z_obléhání_Brna_Švédy_v_roce_1645.jpg vPolitical: žthe defeat of Czech Estates and the liquidation of the Czech Lands confederation enabled the Habsburgs to introduce a model based on a powerful´s monarch´s rule, traditionally called royal (Baroque) absolutism žthe Habsburg decided to eliminate the Estates opposition completely, to establish a strong ruling position and to incorporate the Lands of the Bohemian Crown into the Habsburg monarchy much more firmly than ever before ž1627 – Ferdinand II formaly declared Bohemia a Habsburg crown land žThe Bohemian Diet lost its legislative autonomy and was reduced to a consultative ž ž vEconomical and social: ž žthe country was destroyed, many people died in the consequence of diseases, famine, black death epidemies etc. žnot enough labour power – that caused tightening of serfdom žAbout 36 000 Czech families had been compelled to emigrate from Bohemia – replaced by foreigners žamong the emigrés were many outstanding scholars and intellectuals, such as Jan Amos Komenský (Comenius) a prominent thinker, teacher and scholar of European renown ž žEconomical and social: ž žafter the Battle of White Mountain unprecedented property and financial speculations ždevaluation, literally cutting the coins žthe peasants were not allowed to marry, move house, study or learn a trade without their landlord’s consent žThey had to work on landlord’s fields several days in a week žRuthless taxation of Bohemian people – the peasants also had to pay heavy governmental taxation žLarge number of German colonists žGermanization, national humulitation žEconomic misery ž ž vReligious consequences: v žafter two hundred years, the Catholic clergy was elevated to become the first and the most important Estate in the Czech lands žthe dominance of the Roman Catholic Church was secured – the re-Catholicization started žFerdinand II issued an edict, which ordered all non-Catholic noblemen to convert or to emigrate – so the large wave of emmigration succeeded žProtestant preachers were expelled žThe jesuits assumed a dominant role as close counselors of the ruler, school administrators and censors of the books žReligious consequences: ž žthe Catholic faith the only permitted creed in the country žthe hussite or protestant inhabitansts were often violently forced to convert žforced conversion along with the tightening of serfdom and aggravating the social situation, resulted in unrest in the rural parts of the coutry and led to several peasant rebellions ž žone of the most destructive conflicts in European history žthe war was fought largely as a religious conflict between Protestants and Catholics in the Holy Roman Empire žlater the war became more a continuation of the Bourbon (French)–Habsburg (Austrian and German) rivalry for European political pre-eminence, and in turn led to further warfare between France and the Habsburg powers žall European states participated on the Thirty Years´ War – directly or indirectly žthe Peace of Westphalia finished The Thirty Years´War – series of peace treaties signed between May and October of 1648 ž ž ž vThe main tenets of the Peace of Westphalia (1648): žAll parties would recognize the Peace of Augsburg of 1555 (each Prince in Holy Roman Empire could choose the religion of his own state – or Catholicism, or Lutheranism or Calvinism) – cuius regio, eius religio žChristians living in principalities where their denomination was not the established church were guaranteed the right to practice their faith in public during allotted hours and in private at their will žGeneral recognition of the exclusive sovereignty of each party over its lands, people, and agents abroad. žReadings: •Grafton, Anthony(2001): Thirty Years War. New York Review of Books. •Duchhardt, Heinz : Münster/Osnabrück as a Short-Lived Peace System. In: Goudoever, Albert P. van (ed.) (1993): Great Peace Congresses in History 1648–1990. Utrecht. Pp 13–19. ž žThe wars with Ottoman Empire – OE was ruling over the whole Balkan Peninsula and a part of Hungary ž1683 – Vienna besieged by the Ottomans žPolish king Jan (John) III Sobieski (1674–1696) helped Vienna and the Ottomans were defeated ž1697 – The Ottomans were defeated at the Battle of Zenta ž1699 - Peace Treaty of Karlowitz (Sremski Karlovci) – Hungary,Croatia and Slavonia incorporated into the Habsburg Monarchy again ž1701–1714 – the Wars of Spanish Succession – Habsburgs x Bourbons (French ruling dynasty) žBourbons won and got Spanish throne žHabsburgs got territories in Italy (Naples, Sardinia, Milan) and Spanish Netherlands as compensation žHabsburg Monarchy became a great power at the beginning of 18th century and a leading power in Central Europe ž žAround 1600 in Italy, in the Central Europe during 17th and 18th century žThe last universal artifical style in Europe žEncouraged and supported by the Catholic Church – in response to the Protestant Movement – should support the influence of Catholic church žthe arts should communicate religious themes in direct and emotional involvement žPaintings – Karel Škréta, Václav Vavřinec Reiner žSculptures – Matyas Bernard Braun (Charles Bridge – sculptures, Kuks), Ferdinad Maxmilian Brokoff (Charles Bridge) žMusic – Johann Sebastian Bach, Georg Friedrich Händel žCzech composers:Adam Václav Michna z Otradovic, Jan Dismas Zelenka žLiterature žArchitecture ž ž ž Karel Škréta – Self Portrait žKarel Škréta - Paris and Helen skreta_autoportret.JPG 483px-Karel_Škréta_-_Paris_a_Helena.jpg ž žPilgrimage Church of St John of Nepomuk on Zelena hora Hill ž-Jan Blažej Santini-Aichel ž ž žPrague – St. Nicholas Church – Christof and Kilian Ignac Dienzenhofer zelenahora11_b.jpg 6.jpg žKuks (western Bohemia) – Matyas Bernard Braun žCharles Bridge (Prague) – St. Adalbert – F. M. Brokoff 1 (50)-Kuks-Matthias Bernard Braun´s statues-Virtues and Vices.JPG Charles_Bridge_St_Adalbert.jpg žChateau Vranov nad Dyjí (southern Moravia) – Jan Bernard Fischer von Erlach ž žChateau Milotice (southeastern Moravia) - Josef Emanuel Fischer von Erlach ž ž vranov.jpg milotice.jpg žGreen Market - The Parnas Fountain - Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach žSt. Johns’ Church, Minoritská street, Brno 450px-Kašna_Parnas_(Brno)_(6033).jpg 800px-Brno,_kostel_(10).jpg žSt. Thomas’ Church – Moravské Square žThe Plague Column žSquare Svobody Brno_-_Kostel_sv._Tomáše,_místodžitelský_palác_a_alegorická_postava_spravedlnosti.jpg Morový_sloup_na_brněnském_náměstí_Svobody_od_východu.jpg