6A A house with a history 1 Vocabulary a) kitchen, bedroom, bathroom b) for example: bath, toilet, cooker, fridge, bed, cupboard c) Vocabulary bank on page 151: 1) the dining room 5, the garage 10, the garden 9, the hall 7, the living room 6, the study 2, the toilet 4 2) 1 shelves (a shelf), 2 a light, 3 a bed, 4 carpet, 5 a wall, 6 a shower, 7 a mirror, 8 a bath, 9 a clock, 10 a fridge, 11 a cooker, 12 a cupboard, 13 floor, 14 stairs, 15 a lamp, 16 a desk, 17 an armchair, 19 a fireplace, 20 a picture, 21 a sofa, 22 a plant 2 Listening b) the hall, the living room, the kitchen c) 1 dining room, 2 study, 3 bathroom, 4 upstairs, 5 showers, 6 television, 7 piano, 8 fridge, 9 glasses, 10 cupboard 3 Grammar a) There are some glasses; There isn’t a fridge; Is there a TV?; Are there any glasses? b) some=we don’t know how many glasses are there exactly c) Grammar bank on page 132 There is se používá s jednotným číslem, there are s množným. Otázku tvoříme přehozením slovesa být a there, tedy Is there…? Are there…? Do češtiny se there ne vždy překládá: There is a sofa in the living room. (Tam) v obyvacím pokoji je pohovka. – používá se pro vyjádření, že někde něco je. Pokud chceme říct bylo tam několik věcí a nevíme přesně kolik, použijeme v kladné větě some a v záporné větě či v otázce any: There are some cups. There aren’t any cups. Are there any cups? Podrobné vysvětlení (detailed explanation): http://www.helpforenglish.cz/article/2008050102- vazba-there-is-are More exercises at: http://www.agendaweb.org/grammar/there_is_are-exercises.html 6A a) 2 There are, 3 There is (there’s), 4 There is (there’s), 5 There are, 6 There is (there’s) 6A b) 1 There is a table in the kitchen; 2 Is there a fireplace in the living room? ; 3 There aren’t any plants in the living room; 4 Are there any cupboards in the kitchen?; 5 There isn’t any shower in the bathroom; 6 Are there shelves in the study? 5 Speaking a) 1 are there, 2 are there, 3 Is there, 4 Is there, 5 Is there, 6 Is there, 7 Is there, 8 Are there, 9 Are there, 10 Is there, 11 are there, 12 Is there Make dialogues with your friend (yourself), for example: A: How many bedrooms are there in your flat/house? B: There are 2 bedrooms in my house. And how many bedrooms are in your flat? A: There are not bedrooms in my flat. My flat is very small, so I sleep in the living room. 6 Listening 1. They drank Champagne, because they wanted to celebrate their new house. 2. The barman told them, that a man (Mr Travers) was murdered there in 1938. 3. They left the pub. Luise wanted to find a hotel. She didn’t want to sleep in the house. 6B A night in a haunted hotel 1 Vocabulary a) in 2, in front of 5, on 9, under 3, behind 1, between 7, opposite 8, next to 6, over 4 2 Reading a) 1 The hotel is in Cumbria, in the north of England; 2 Stephen is a journalist, he works for Sunday Times; 3 People say there is a ghost there; 4 Stephen spent a night in room 11; 5 He couldn’t phone or speak to anybody; 6 He felt nervous; 7 No, he doesn’t c) 1 cemetery, 2 remote control, 3 horror film d) 2 There were two other guests; 3 He talked to the manager; 4 Room 11 is on the top floor; 5 The room was big; 6 There was a film on TV, but it wasn’t a horror film. 7 He went to sleep with the TV and the lights on. 3 Listening a) he did not see the ghost, but he felt something in the room b) 1 yes; 2 2.00 a.m.; 3 yes; 4 TV, 5 light, 6 no; 7 yes; 8 very; 9 yes; 10 I want to see the ghost 4 Grammar a) 1 weren’t, 2 were, 3was, 4 wasn’t b) Grammar bank on page 132/3 6B a) 1 There were some double rooms; 2 There was a swimming pool; 3 There was a restaurant; 4 There wasn’t (was not) a car park; 5 There weren’t (were not) any shops. 6B b) 1There were, 2 There was, 3 There were, 4 Was there, 5 there wasn’t (was not), 6 there was, 7 was there, 8 There was, 9 Were there, 10 there weren’t, 11 There was 5 Speaking Look at the picture for one minute, then prepare questions and ask your partner, for example: Was there a TV? Were there two beds? Was there any cooker? And answer them Yes, there was a TV in the room. No, there weren’t two beds, there was only one bed. No, there wasn’t any cooker. 6. Pronunciation Ghost, half, could, know, building, listen, friend, write, hour 6C Neighbours from hell 1 Vocabulary and speaking They talk loudly. Their babies cry. They have noisy parties. Their dogs bark. They watch TV. They move furniture. They play a musical instrument. They argue with their partner. 2 Grammar a) 1. She is playing the violin. 2. They are arguing. 3. The dog is barking. 4. He is watching football. 5. The baby is crying. 6. They are moving furniture. 7. They are having a party. 8. He is listening to music. b) He is watching football. The baby is crying. They are having a party. She is playing the violin. The dog is barking. They are arguing. They are moving furniture. He is listening to music. c) The baby isn’t (is not) crying. She isn’t (is not) playing the violin. They aren’t (are not) having a party. Is the baby crying? Is she playing the violin? Are they having a party? e) Vocabulary bank on page 132 Present continuous – přítomný průběhový čas Používá se, když chceme vyjádřit, že právě teď něco probíhá. Např. Dítě (právě teď) pláče. – The child is crying. Přítomný prostý čas (present simple) se používá, když se něco děje např. opakovaně, je to vždy pravda či je to zvyk/obvyklá činnost. Např. Dítě obvykle večer pláče. – The child usually cries in the evening. Stavová slovesa –slovesa, která vyjadřují stav (např. like, understand, want, have, need, know), netvoří průběhový čas. Naopak slovesa, která vyjadřují děj (run, study, read,…) průběhový čas tvoří. I want a cup of tea right now. X I am reading a book right now. For detailed explanation see (Podrobnější vysvětlení viz): http://www.helpforenglish.cz/article/2006120405-pritomny-cas-prubehovy 6C a) 1 He’s (He is) showering; 2 What are they doing? They are (They’re) dancing; 3 What is she doing? She is (She’s) listening to music. 6C b) 1 it is (it’s) raining, 2 is talking, 3 are you doing, 4 aren’t you doing, 5 are studying, 6 is waiting, 7 They are having, 8 is she wearing For more practice: http://www.language-worksheets.com/present-continuous-elementary.html https://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/tests/present-progressive-1 3 Pronunciation a) Car – dancing, asking Train – playing, raining Horse – calling, talking Bike – crying, driving Boot – doing, moving Phone – smoking going b) What are you doing?; I’m going to London; Who are you talking to?; I’m having a coffee; Is the baby crying; My train’s arriving 6D When a man is tired of London… 1 Grammar a) Talk to your partner, for example: A: Which two attractions in London would you like to visit? B: I would like to visit the London’s Eye, because you can see the whole London from there. And you? A: I don’t know. I would probably like to visit the Buckingham palace, maybe I will be lucky and see the Queen. b) is opening, is going, opens, is flying, doesn’t live, stays, is looking, don’t have, closes, are going up, it is raining, says c) Grammar bank on pages 132/3 6D a) 1 correct, 2 correct, 3 false: He is having a good time (užívá si právě teď, když je na dovolené), 4 correct, 5 false: I normally go to the gym (je to můj zvyk, nejdu do posilovny právě teď), 6 correct, 7 false: correct is - What are you doing? I am reading. nebo What do you do? I am a teacher. 6D b) 1 Are you doing, I am waiting; 2 Does your mother do, works; 3 They are having, have; 4 I am going, Do you want 2 Reading a) 1. It is 135m high. 2. 40 km, 3. 32, 4. 25, 5. 30 minutes, 6. 15 metres a minute, 7. 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.; 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., 8 yes, 9 in County Hall, next to the Eye, 10 Waterloo b) 1 in advance, 2 are available, 3 daily, 4 queue, 5 room, 6 passengers 3. Vocabulary b) Vocabulary bank on page 152: 1 a police station, 2 a bus station, 3 a river, 4 a shopping centre, 5 a department store, 6 a bridge, 7 a hospital, 8 a bank, 9 an art gallery, 10 a church, 11 a museum, 12 a cinema, 13 a sports centre, 14 castle, 15 a road, 16 a railway station, 17 a supermarket, 18 a theatre, 19 a street, 20 a school, 21 a travel agent’s, 22 a chemist’s/pharmacy, 23 a market, 24 a town hall, 25 a park, 26 a mosque, 27 a post office, 28 a square Song Complete sentences 1-9 with adjectives from the list. afraid / bright / busy / chilly / dirty / dizzy / fine / lazy / safe 1. The opposite of dangerous is _. 2. When you feel _, everything is going round in circles. 3. How are you? I’m _, thanks. 4. Some people never travel by plane because they are _ of flying. 5. Somebody who doesn’t like working is _. 6. The opposite of clean is _. 7. The lights in a TV studio are always very _. 8. When you have a lot of things you need to do, you are very _. 9. Another way of saying quite cold is _. Key: safe, 2 dizzy, 3 fine, 4 afraid, 5 lazy, 6 dirty, 7 bright, 8 busy, 9 chilly Listen to the song 6.15. Complete the gaps with an adjective. Some adjectives are used more than once. _ old river, must you keep rolling Flowing into the night People so _, makes me feel _ Taxi light shines so _ But I don’t need no friends As long as I gaze on Waterloo sunset I am in paradise Every day I look at the world from my window But _, _ is the evening time Waterloo sunset’s _ Terry meets Julie, Waterloo station Every Friday night But I am so _, don’t want to wander I stay at home at night But I don’t feel _ As long as I gaze on Waterloo sunset I am in paradise Every day, etc. Millions of people swarming like flies round Waterloo underground But Terry and Julie cross over the river Where they feel _ and sound And the don’t need no friends As long as they gaze on Waterloo sunset They are in paradise Waterloo sunset’s fine Key: dirty, busy, dizzy, bright, chilly, chilly, fine, lazy, afraid, safe 6 In the streets Vocabulary a) on the corner 2, at the traffic lights 4, a roundabout 1, opposite 3, turn left 7, turn right 6, go straight on 5, go past (the station) 8 Asking for directions a) 1 don’t, 2 near, where, 3 straight, left, second Social English a) 1 first, 2 tourist, 3 park, 4 space, 5 can’t 6 A postcard a) It is postcard number 1 b) are having, arrived, are staying, went, visited, are sitting, is, are, go, have 6 What do you remember? Grammar a) 1b, 2a, 3b, 4a, 5b, 6b, 7a, 8b, 9b, 10a Vocabulary a) make a noise, play a musical instrument, have a party, book theatre tickets, take photos b) 1 shelf (not a room), 2 cooker (not in the living room), 3 there (not a preposition), 4 town hall (a building), 5 square (not a building c) 1 with, 2 on, 3 on, 4 of, 5 to Pronunciation a) near, know, floor, church, theatre b) opposite, between, behind, cupboard, museum Can you understand this text? a) 1b, 2f, 3e, 4a, 5d, 6g, 7c b) 1 t, 2f, 3f Can you hear the difference? a) 1b, 2a, 3b, 4b, 5a b) 1b, 2a, 3b, 4b, 5b How many TVs are there in your house? What was there on TV last night? Is there a computer in your bedroom? What time do the banks open in your country? What are you wearing today?