8A The True False Show 0 Write opposites: tall - ________, safe - ________, good - ________, cold - ________, young - ________, happy - ________, expensive - ________, clean - ________, slow - ________, poor - ________ Key short, dangerous, bad, hot, old, sad, cheap, dirty, fast, rich 1 Speaking and Listening c) 1T, 2F, 3 T, 4F, 5T, 6F, 7F, 8F 2 Grammar a) 1 -er (for example short-shorter), 2 hot-hotter (když má přídavné jméno jen jednu slabiku a krátkou samohlásku, která je následovaná jen jednou souhláskou, tato souhláska se zdvojuje; také big-bigger) 3 the y changes to i before the -er, 4 more 5 than (= než) Grammar bank on page 136/137 8A a) shorter, more difficult, more beautiful, noisier, thinner, nearer, easier, richer 8A b) Canada is bigger than Brazil. Tessa is prettier than Deborah. Driving is more dangerous than flying. My English is worse than yours. /your English. This chair is more comfortable than that one/chair. Her husband is younger than her. Buses are cheaper than trains. French wine is better than English wine. For grammar explanation see: http://www.helpforenglish.cz/article/2006080103-stupnovani- pridavnych-jmen-v-anglictine For more exercises see: http://www.agendaweb.org/exercises/grammar/comparison/comparison- write-2 http://www.agendaweb.org/exercises/grammar/comparison/comparison-write-3 3 Pronunciation a) healthier, hotter, better, shorter, safer (Přízvuk není nikdy na -er. -er se vyslovuje jako ǝ) c) Page 110 a) 1 faster, 2 more expensive, 3 nearer, 4 bigger, 5 more common, 6 worse, 7 more dangerous, 8 richer Page 113 a) 1 better, 2 safer, 3 older, 4 more intelligent, 5 smaller, 6 shorter, 7 more popular, 8 longer 4 Vocabulary 2 careful, 3 serious, 4 quiet, 5 generous, 6 stylish, 7 aggressive 5 Listening b 1 yellow-friendly, 2 white-careful, 3 red-aggressive, 4 blue-quiet, 5 green-generous, 6 blackserious, 7 silver-stylish 8B The highest city in the world 1 Reading b) the hottest country in the world, the highest capital city in the world, the coldest place in the world c) 2 La Paz, 3 Mali, 4 Yakutia, 5 Yakutia, 6 La Paz Complete the highlighted words from the reading 1. ________ - a place where you keep frozen food 2. ________ - a material, typical for e.g. T-shirts 3. ________ - take in air 4. ________ - strike with your hand or tool 5. ________ - soft frozen water, it falls to the ground 6. ________ - the top part of a house 7. ________ - how high the sea is 8. ________ - how high something is above sea level 9. ________ - the part of your face that you use to breathe Key: freezer, cotton, breathe, hit, snow, roof, sea level, altitude, nose 2 Grammar a) the highest, the hottest, the most dangerous, the best, the worst Superlativ či třetí stupeň přídavných jmen (nejlepší, nejhorší, apod.) tvoříme u jednoslabičných a některých dvouslabičných slov přidáním koncovky -est (e.g. the highest). U delších přídavných jmen používáme slovo most před přídavným jménem (e.g. the most dangerous). Superlativ se většinou používá s určitým členem. Jedná-li se o jednoslabičné slovo s krátkou samohláskou následovanou jednou souhláskou, souhláska se zdvojuje big - the biggest. Je-li na konci -y, mění se na -i - pretty - the prettiest b) Grammar bank on page 136/137 8B a) the smallest, 2 the highest, 3 the most expensive, 4 the oldest, 5 the most difficult, 6 the driest, 7 the nicest (the most beautiful, the prettiest), 8 the poorest 8B b) 1 the tallest, 2 the oldest, 3 the best, 4 the hottest, 5 the most famous, 6 the worst, 7 the most difficult, 8 the prettiest 3 Pronunciation c) 1 nosiest, 2 biggest, 3 driest, 4 most expensive, 5 safest, 6 most crowded 4 Vocabulary a) 1D, 2A, 3E, 4C, 5 B b) Write what the weather is like today: e.g. Today is cloudy and it is going to rain soon. The sun is not shining at all. It is also quite cold, it is only 5 degrees of Celsius. 5 Speaking Write the questions and answer them with your partner: e.g. A: What’s the wettest place in the Czech Republic? B:I think the wettest place is Šumava. Song Key: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7udlSG8JEs 1. need, 2 everything, 3 bring, 4 means, 5 wrong, 6 anyone, 7 say, 8 dead, 9 heart, 10 night, 11 here, 12 start, 13 can 8C Would you like to drive a Ferrari? 1 Reading and speaking b) 1F, 2c, 3e, 4B, 5D, 6A c) The cheapest is E. The most expensive is A 2 Grammar I would like to drive a Ferrari. X I like to drive. Ráda bych řídila Ferrari. X Ráda řídím. a) 1 would like to+infinitive; 2 b; 3 I like dancing= I like dancing in general (ráda tancuju); I’d (=would) like to dance = I want to dance now or in the future (Chtěla bych si zatancovat). Grammar bank on page 137 8C a) I would (I’d) like to be a millionaire. 2 Would you like to be famous? 3 I would not (I wouldn’t) like to go up in a balloon. 4 He would (He’d) like to learn to cook. 5 She would not (wouldn’t) like to be on TV. 6 Would they like to have children? 7 I would not (wouldn’t) like to live in a foreign country. 8 We would (we’d) like to buy a bigger flat. 8C b) 1 to have, 2 to go, flying, 3 to be, 4 seeing, to go, 5 to get, 6 to open, cooking, 7 to live, 8 to learn 3 Listening b) 1d, 2c, 3a, 4e, 5b d) 2 He went up in a plane, 3 He waited to jump. 4 He felt frightened. 5 He jumped. 6 He fell very fast. 7 His parachute opened. 8 He landed. 9 He felt fantastic 8D They dress well but drive badly 1 Reading and speaking c) Nuria lives in Los Angeles. Mónica lives in Tokyo. Kevin lives in Milan. 2 Grammar a) Když chceme vytvořit z přídavného jména (pomalý) příslovce (pomalu), přidáme k přídavnému jménu koncovku -ly, tedy slow-slowly. Některá příslovce jsou nepravidelná goodwell, fast-fast a hard-hard b) work very hard, walk safely, drive carefully, speak very quietly, change completely, sang very loudly and badly, dresses well, drive very fast c) Grammar bank on page 137 8Da 1slowly, perfect, quickly, good, carefully, safely, well, terrible 8Db 1badly, 2slowly, 3quietly, 4easily, 5hard, 6carefully, 7healthily, 8beautifully 3 Pronunciation a) aggressive, stylish, dangerous, polite, beautiful, quiet, careful, complete aggressively, stylishly, dangerously, politely, beautifully, quietly, carefully, completely 8 Going home Vocabulary a) 1check out, 2 ask, 3 pay, 4 sign, 5 need, 6 call Checking out a) Mark asks for a bill. He doesn’t need a taxi or help with his luggage. b) 1 is, 2 Did, 3 would, 4 Can, 5 Would, 6 Do Social English a) 1terrible, 2 train, 3 airport, 4 forty, 5 can Making a reservation b) residence Tunisia c) 2 reservation, 3 room, 4 nights, 5 view, 6 information, 7 Please, 8 Yours d) Dear Sir or Madam, please confirm the reservation, Yours, first name and surname What do you remember Grammar 1 b, 2 a, 3 b, 4 a, 5 a, 6 b, 7 a, 8 a, 9 b, 10 b Vocabulary a) 2 slowly, 3 dangerous, 4 badly, 5 quiet, 6 the worst b) 1 tall, 2 dangerous, 3 leader (not an adjective), 4 friendly (not an adverb), 5 safe (not a negative about a city) c) 1 in, 2 of, 3 for, 4 up, 5 than Pronunciation a) car, slowly, boring, serious, big b) aggressive, ambitious, adventure, politely, dangerously Can you understand this text b) 1a, 2b, 3b, 4c Can you hear the difference b) 1a, 2a, 3b, 4a, 5b