Theories of democratization Richard Q. Turcsanyi Democracy: defining features •Rule of majority •Elections and accountable government •Protection of minorities •Rule of law •Division of power •Civic and political liberties •Market economy •Free media • •--> Liberal democracy • How to assess/measure democracy? •Freedom in the World Index (, •Political rights: Electoral Process, Political Pluralism and Participation, and Functioning of Government •Civil rights: Freedom of Expression and Belief, Associational and Organizational Rights, Rule of Law, and Personal Autonomy and Individual Rights •Bertelsmann Transformation Index (, •Political transformation (free elections, civil rights, stateness, rule of law, etc) •Economic transformation (private property, economic performance, market economy, etc) •Other indices • Case studies •( • •Czech Republic: Free (1-1) •South Korea: Free (2-2) •Hungary: Free (3-2) •Indonesia: Partly Free (2-4) •Thailand: Unfree (6-5) Moller-Skaaning: hierarchical „ladder“ theory •Political liberties: free speech, opinion, right to protest •Rule of law: equal treatment under the law, minority rights and protections Additional factor: Social rights Additional factors •Stateness •Wealth •Market economy •Vibrant civil society •Role of religion •Ethnic fragmentation •Natural resources •Others Sequence of democratization •UK/USA: rule of law à political liberties à election rights à social rights • •PL/HU: rule of law à election rights/political liberties à social rights • •Taiwan/South Korea: rule of law* à social rights/political liberties à election rights • •China: rule of law* à social rights/political liberties? à election rights? • • •