5. Contemporary migratory flows in Europe, European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex), Forced Returns into the countries of origin, Tuesday 14.11.2017, 16:00-19:00
During this part the students will get a thorough overview of the current migratory flows throughout the whole EU. The objective is to compare the different approaches and challenges that are now present in the respective Member States. The students will apply the knowledge gained in the previous parts when discussing diverse migration statuses. One of which is also the status of a failed asylum seeker and a person with irregular stay. The students will be introduced to EU return policy. The session will shed light on the functioning of the current European return system with regard to the new Frontex regulation and the agency´s new mandates– work of specialists in hotspots, types of return operations, complaint mechanism, activities of the Fundamental Rights Officer and the European Ombudsman. The emphasis is given on the protection of rights of irregular migrants during forced returns. The students will get acquainted with the basic principles of use of force and coercive measures during return operations. The session will focus on current challenges of preparing the flights to the respective countries of origin. The objective of this part of the course is for students to comprehend the diverse factors and challenges of EU return policy, as there are several variables to consider when planning the returns of irregular migrants.
Suggested reading:Keller, S; Lunacek, U; Lochbihierm, B; Flautre, H.:Frontex agency: Which Guarantees for Human Rights? Migreurop, 2011. available at: http://www.migreurop.org/IMG/pdf/Frontex-PE-Mig-ENG.pdf