Approach to Migration in Europe & V4 countries

7. Final Assessment - Tuesday 12.12.2017, 16:00-19:00

  1. Migration as a phenomenon (re)shaping the communities 
  2. Roles of discourses in perception of migration 
  3. Problematic aspects of framing migration in security terms
  4. Discussing different forms of migrant incorporation
  5. Portrayal of foreigners in the media
  6. Migration of unaccompanied children. You can choose from a number of topics related: how to treat such children (e. g. whether to detain them), how to assess whether a person is a child (age-assessment), whether such children can go to schools or have access to health care, whether such children are registered and are provided sufficient care (or how it happens that children go missing – see 
  7. Protection of refugees fleeing for environmental reasons (e. g. case of drowning islands: or you can choose a different case of migrants fleeing due to climate change and whether international law protects them)
  8. Migrants in the Mediterranean Sea and their human rights: activities of Frontex in the area (you can also cover, if you find it interesting Italian national projects on rescue of human lives in the Mediterranean, e. g. Mare Nostrum and EU follow-up Triton).
  9. Stateless people – you can choose an example from the world where people lose citizenship for various reasons and describe what impact it has on their everyday lives
  10. Systems for processing visa applications. In the Czech Republic the systém (Visapoint) has in the long-term been criticized and was suspect to increase corruption and migration-related crime. Describe other functioning systems for processing visa applications that seem to be more transparent. ,
  11. Work migration: situation of migrants working in households (migrant domestic workers), risks and possible solutions. Describe case of such migrants in a chosen country and how they can become undocumented migrants or be susceptible to abuse.
  12. Dublin system: how it works, what are plans for revising it and how you view it
  13. Family reunion: asking migrants to pass integration exams before entry into the country of destination has been discussed on EU level and some countries (e. g. the Netherlands) have adopted stringent rules for family members of migrants settled in the EU. Please describe a case like that and write your opinion on such rules.
  14. Offshore detention centres for asylum-seekers (e. g. case of Nauru and Australia, or plans by many EU countries to establish such centres to detain and process applications for asylum outside the EU)
  15. Situation of undocumented migrants in your country
  16. Post-arrival reintegration in the country of origin (i. e. how people are assisted to reintegrate in their home country after many years of life in a country of destination). Is there any responsibility on the part of EU for that?